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Dec 4, 2017

All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America - Thom Hartmann

Author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann expounds for those who care:

More from Thom: Are There Fascists in America? Yes and They're Not Who You Think They Are.

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism a la Benito Mussolini (born under Sun Leo-Moon Gemini, the personality blend of the 'rebellious child') who lost most of his popularity once he aligned with Hitler.

Then there's this: The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump (our learless feader).

Dec 2, 2017

In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington

Have you ever visited the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia? Its basic design or shape is 'obelisk' and it is intended to evoke the famous Lighthouse at Alexandria Egypt, a factoid that ties right in with the Freemasonry so revered by General Washington, Master of Alexandria Lodge #22. As you know, the Lighthouse at Alexandria is one of The Seven Wonders of the World. Such symbols hint of the possible involvement of other secret societies though those of today may be newly invented or are offshoots of older organizations. As we all have noticed, whatever virtuous character these networks think they possess they may not and most Americans realize this when considering how America's Ship of State has been helmed through the years--in misguided, perverted directions, no longer under the inspiration of America's original founding principles.

And as Thomas Jefferson said of George Washington, "The moderation and virtue of a single character probably prevented this revolution from being closed, as most others have been, by a subversion of the liberty it was intended to establish."

Admirable! And yet the power-grabbing egomaniacs in the White House and frequenting its environs today have no intention of following the George Washington model of leadership, or of heeding his warning for the future. With perverted consciences, they pursue ravenously all they desire while the sabotage of our country goes flagrantly on, our freedoms unjustly looted away. Thinking the American People divided beyond repair, their brazenness increases and yet a reckoning is coming. How long will biological and philosophical descendants of the American Revolution allow the dismantling of our nation before stopping in its tracks the sabotage by the infiltrators?

Here's George Washington in Masonic apron now leading the Masonic ceremony that laid the Capitol Building cornerstone (or, possibly the first foundation stone instead because he's standing in a trench) on September 18, 1793 with transit Saturn conjunct Washington's natal Ascendant (18Tau28 = '19Taurus': "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean") and Washington's natal Uranus @10Sag03 rising ('11Sag': "In the Left Section Of An Archaic Temple, A Lamp Burns in A Container Shaped Like a Human Body") a few minutes 'after mid-day':

For more astro-notes on George Washington and his era check out these related posts:

June 1, 2015: George Washington's Progressed New Moon!;

Horoscope: General George Washington Resigns His Commission;

The Presidencies of Washington and Trump = Uranus!;

Personality Blends of Franklin, Washington, Paine, and Jefferson;

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism;

History of Freemasonry and the Skull & Bones (video);

4 Weird Things About the Washington Monument (video);

The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777;

Sacred Geometry Explained (video);

The Stars Over Washington DC.

*Timing of this ceremony from The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason.

12/02/17 Senate Passes Tax Cut Bill as Jupiter Smiles

US Capitol Building: By Noclip (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Predatory Capitalism Supports the GOP's Corporate Tax Cut Bill

Dec 2, 2017: this morning "shortly before 2 am ET" (Reuters News), Republicans passed their version of the Tax Cut Bill (51--49) with only Republican Senator Bob Corker voting Nay. No Democrat voted for this historic monstrosity weighted on the side of the billionaire/corporate classes. Of course, the Senate version must be reconciled with the House version before Mr. Trump can sign the bill into law, he hopes before or by Christmas.

The horoscope for December 2, 2017 shortly before 2 am ET presents an interesting picture. The chart I'm looking at is set for 1:48 am ET because it places US natal Jupiter (5Can56) at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart (which, without an exact time, is a symbolic chart of the event). Now as you know, our national Jupiter @6Cancer = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" which fits Congress perfectly then as now, don't you agree?

Adriano Carelli gives '6Cancer' a symbol of: "Alcibiades, walking through Athens with his famous dog, whose 'most beautiful red tail' he has cut" and says it's a degree of "a spendthrift, devoid of practical sense." Carelli adds that having luck, "he will reach what he has set his heart upon and go on throwing money out the window with the utmost composure, certain that he will somehow manage to earn more," and that "His recklessness might go so far as to bring about his own ruin." (Note that Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac has the name Alcidiades--correct spelling is Alcibiades.)

Rising at 1:48 am is 5Lib05 which makes money-and-values planet Venus the chart-ruler (and vote-ruler) yet Venus @1Sag07 in 2nd house of Money and Values makes no major applying aspects to other planets. But there is a minor semi-square from Venus to powerful wealth-hoarding saboteur, Pluto and The Creepy One is inconjunct and in karmic Nodal Degree with the North Node (17Cap50 to 17Leo28). The Venus-Pluto contact hints at wastefulness which supports the protective Water Grand Trine between Jupiter, Neptune, and US natal Jupiter at MC (1:48 am ET). A Water Grand Trine appreciates emotional enrichment and material prosperity (Tierney). No doubt on the emotional plane, Senate Republicans are cats with the cream this morning! Ef the national debt and deficit!

So as you know, year 2009 was imprinted with the current Jupiter-Neptune cycle beginning with three conjunctions between Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel pair of bubbly finances, unrealistic dreams, and fortune-hunters. All three conjunctions landed on America's natal Aquarian Moon (We The People) and denoted potentials for losing oneself in plans; a desire to dream; little sense of reality; becoming involved in speculation; instability; wastefulness (Ebertin). Note that the Jupiter-Neptune cycle lasts approximately 13 years so we're stuck with its affect on We The People's Moon until the planets meet again--once--on April 12, 2022 @23Pis59 (during a US Neptune opposition!)

Yet even without US natal Jupiter and this chart's MC forming a Grand Trine, transit Jupiter and Neptune do trine one another in the chart, an aspect suggesting efforts that stimulate social programs and benefit the needy--the very opposite of what the GOP Tax Cut Bill intends! However, karma will supply the GOP's 'reaping what was sown' results--if not now, then in future years--perhaps in 2018 and 2020 elections, and/or when the alleged tax breaks for the middle class expire and all chaos breaks loose financially and in the realms of healthcare.

Mercury, ruling 9th and 12th houses in this chart and planet of votes, bills, and negotiations, is @29Sag12 ('30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful"). Is the Vatican involved?? As you know, a 29th degree is unstable and very eager to move into the next sign--here, into Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business.

A Sun-Neptune Square and Pluto-Chiron Exploitation

Squared by fraudster Neptune (11Pis29), karmic planet of the media and the masses, the (POTUS-related) Sun @10Sag16 is in 3rd house of Communications and its Sabian Symbol for '11Sag' is curious: "The Lamp of Physical Enlightenment at the Left Temple"...keyword: RECONCILIATION which what this senate bill is headed for. And as anyone can see, the US Capitol Building is nothing if not a Masonic temple. Plus, '11Sag' is the conjunction degree of the last meet-up of Pluto and Chiron (conjunct US natal Ascendant), one of the major Plutocracy pairs; their last conjunction occurred December 30, 1999 and thus helped usher in the New Millennium via the pair's tendencies toward oppression, predatory exploitation, primal violence, racism and other -isms (exs: predatory Capitalism, Socialism). And of course, the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series (the series we're under now with The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 @29Leo) 'let go the winds of war' as the Book of Revelation predicted. Also note that under the vibes of a 1 North solar eclipse, "information is distorted and possibly false" and events "put pressure on relationships" (Brady) as we see with Robert Mueller's Russia investigation into the shady foreign affairs of Donald Trump and his crew.

Mars Opposite Uranus Fading But Still Influential

We should also mention that rising in 1st house is brash Mars @25Lib32, fresh from his exact opposition to anarchist-zealot Uranus @24Ari58 Rx in the 7th house of Partnerships. This opposition of danger and conflict was discussed in a recent related post, Mars oppo Uranus as GOP forces Tax Cut Bill. Perhaps Mars in the 1:48 am chart represents Republican Senator Bob Corker who did not vote for the GOP bill that will disrupt (Uranus) many areas of our society and raise our nation's debt and deficit to unprecedented levels, thereby sabotaging America.

Money-Bags Jupiter in Big Business Scorpio, Sign of Betrayal

Transit Jupiter, planet of bankers, donors, financiers, politicians, military generals, and preachers is in 2nd house of Money and Values @11Sco19 and approaches the upcoming Jupiter Return of Ronald Reagan under whose watch the last major overhaul of US taxes took place. The first of three conjunctions of transit Jupiter to Reagan's natal Jupiter position occurs December 14, 2017 with its 'tax cuts for corporations stimulates job growth' fallacy now being re-used by Capitol Hill Republicans in spite of the fact that corporate tax cuts do not inspire corporations to re-invest in US workers and the economy. Having been burned before, this time a majority of Americans are not buying into the tiresome GOP-touted job-creation fallacy that Reagan lifted from Hoover times of the 1920s. And here we go crashing again.


In keeping with America's downward spiral under the current 'Game Bird' Republican 'leadership' you may also wish to view a horoscope for December 8, 2017: Government Shutdown? and weep with yours truly over what national and local politicians have perpetrated upon our nation.

Dec 1, 2017

Dec 1, 2017: Michael Flynn has been charged

December 1, 2017: Read the court filing against foreign agent Michael Flynn at CNN if you wish. The filed charges may actually be something of a (sour) birthday gift for former General Flynn who was born in December 1958, exact date unknown, and if you check out his Wikipedia page you'll spy a photo from December 2015 of Flynn and Jill Stein at a fancy dinner and sitting at Vladimir Putin's table.

Additional Blog Note: now that voting in SO'W's Trump sidebar poll has closed, the clear winner to the question: Can Donald Trump change his behavior? is...Not in this lifetime. Thanks for voting! jc

Nov 30, 2017

12/01/17 Mars oppo Uranus as GOP forces tax cut bill

Update Dec 1, 2017: in the following post I neglected to mention that voting planet Mercury's position @29Sag, a critical-crisis degree and will soon turn retrograde. Its critical condition (and just having left a conjunction with responsible Saturn--remember the old GOP mantra "fiscal responsibility"?) is apparently enough to stall Republican efforts to pass this bill though GOP leadership continues to shove in spite of the outline-of-a-bill massively increasing the national debt and the deficit.

Original post begins here:

Ho Ho Ho and Merry Christmas from the GOP! (suckers)

by Jude Cowell

Nov 30, 2017: If congressional Republicans have their (and ALEC's) way their bogus tax cut legislation to benefit the wealthy class and corporate interests will be voted on on Capitol Hill this evening or in the early hours of Friday December 1, 2017, last I heard. Looking for an astrological signature for this abomination against the American people, I stumbled upon a major opposition which will perfect on Friday December 1, 2017 at 5:05 am est--testy Mars opposing zealous Uranus.

Demands and arrogance tend to abound under this opposition along with the authoritarianism of those who are cantankerous, anti-traditional, argumentative, dangerous, and risk-taking--who like to 'throw caution to the wind' which is one of the ways the US Government of trust-breachers now treat our nation and which is currently shown most obviously by this corporate give-away legislation that Mr. Trump has called a Christmas gift to the American people.

Curiously, We the People's Moon in the Mars-Uranus opposition chart is @8Tau07 and, rounding up, we find an appropriate Sabian Symbol, "A Christmas Tree Decorated." M. E. Jones gives the negative side of this symbol as: "a desire to place people under obligation and to enjoy life's riches without payment in kind." That sounds about right--like the enslavement debt system we already suffer under and it will only get worse if this secretive bill passes and is signed into law by the bankrupt-in-chief. It may be yet another example of voting on a bill without knowing what's in it or it's even being completely written (the dupes and shills!) But their big political donations must keep piling in, right?

Now the Sabian Symbols for December 1's Mars and Uranus may enlighten us concerning under-the-surface conditions so let's list them with their negative potentials (since we're talking Politics and our saboteur-infiltrated Capitol Hill--maybe not so hidden after all):

Mars '25Libra': "Information in the Symbol of An Autumn Leaf...TACT: negative expression: fascination with the trivial and delight in unbridled fantasy" (this sounds like Trump to me though of course you may disagree!)

Uranus '25Aries': "A Double Promise" ('Reveals Its Inner and Outer Meanings')..."SENSIBILITY: negative expression: a lean to chicanery in all human relationships." Well, that part is self-explanatory, isn't it? Plus, it reminds me of the way Republicans keep using the 'we promised' pretext as if the public is awaiting this dicey bill with baited breath and would be so-o-o disappointed if it fails to pass when really it's the GOP's promise to wealthy donors that they are bound to the tightest for the sake of their careers.

Since the two planets are precisely opposite one another, each is at the Illumination Point degree of the other. Unbridled fantasy and chicanery are what we now expect from Trump, the GOP, and the corporate Democrats as they perform their Political Theater roles and further sell out the American people.

Also of interest is that Mars is the nose of a KITE pattern of high-flying success with maverick Uranus acting as the tail. Jupiter @11Sco09 rises in the chart denoting the bankers, financiers, political donors, and politicians who have large expectations from this lucrative bill--lucrative for them, that is.

Now perhaps mention of the MC of this chart, the Point of Goals and Aspirations--is in order for it is 22Leo20, the 'worst foot forward' or 'foot in mouth' degree (A. Louis). Also, this Mars-Uranus opposition chart when set for Capitol Hill uplifts the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse (22Leo28) and in 10th house is The Great American Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 which conjoined the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. Currently we are all under the influence of this eclipse which is in The Mother of All Eclipses Saros Series of 1 North with themes of 'unexpected events put pressure on relationships' and 'info is distorted and possibly false' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

See February 2017 (Lunar Eclipse) events here where, among other things, Rex Tillerson and the now-departed Tom Price were confirmed for Trump's cabinet.

Other Chart Factors of Note

Tellingly, the Sun @9Sag24 conjoins royal Antares, a war star, with '10Sag' revealing "A Stage Symbolization of the Goddess of Opportunity"! Venus is oriental (last to rise before the Sun) @00Sag02 with '1Sag' the "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" degree so full of meaning for America. Oriental Venus denotes those who deal with valuable things (ex: the lives and fortunes of the American people). At the chart's IC, the Foundation/Basis Point, is the midpoint of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair of oppression, exploitation, and primal violence. That violence has been threatened concerning this bill's successful passage would be no surprise to me if so.

Oh and did I mention that Pluto @17Cap48 is unaspected and thus representing the powerful foreign and other puppet masters in charge of Washington DC? You may recognize this degree as that of 1993's New World Order Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune and the midpoint picture transit Pluto forms @18Cap: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

So perhaps you agree that, considering the lowering, degrading events since Donald Trump entered the Oval Office, America is being eclipsed across the globe and is being sabotaged from within. My fret today (which will be moot for now if the bill fails to pass) is that this ALEC/Koch-driven legislation will help make certain that our nation can never stand tall again.

Related posts include: Republican Tax Cuts to Harm the American People; February 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses (DC horoscopes shown).

Now, in case you missed it, here's a very brief video of the Capitol Hill Christmas Tree arriving on Monday November 27, 2017.

By Elcobbola (Own work) [Public domain or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Nov 28, 2017

Horoscope Dec 8, 2017: Government Shutdown?

Here is a horoscope set for 11:59:59 pm est at the Capitol Building which may go into effect at midnight on December 8, 2017 when the US Government in Washington DC allows itself to 'run out of money'. As you see, Mercury, planet of deals, negotiations, votes and tricks, is retrograde (4th house) after its recent conjunction with the karmic planet of systems,structures, and lawmaking, Saturn. Both Mercury and Saturn conjoin significant fixed stars and there are other stars active in the chart including Denebola rising (with US natal Neptune in Virgo in tow) and royal Rigel at Midheaven with Donald Trump's natal Uranus, his quirky guiding planet (because Uranus is oriental in his natal chart and whimsically leads the rest of his planets).

Of course, the Midheaven (MC) is the Point of Aspirations and Goals and is the WHY? Point of any chart. And you remember that in May Trump tweeted that the US Government "needs a good shutdown" in September 2017 when Congress was supposed to be debating the budget. Instead it's happening this week though 'debate' may be too strong a word for these jokers.

Testosterone-driven Mars is at a critical-crisis 29th degree of balancing Libra in the 2nd house of the National Treasury along with banker Jupiter in Big Business Scorpio. Opposite in the corporate 8th house of Debt, Credit, and Other People's Money is disruptive Uranus @24Ari49 conjoined with ethics asteroid Pallas, both Rx.

This December 8, 2017 chart is set for 11:59:59 pm est and it's a serious Saturn Hour. The retrograde chart-ruler Mercury applies once--to a trine with disruptive Uranus (1A19) indicating 'how things will proceed'...'dealing with larger social issues' and 'international finance favored' (as listed on the chart, lower left). Yes, Washington DC put the US under the influence and control of international bankers giving Huge Loans to Government decades ago--and karma will not be denied--what was sown will be reaped. Perhaps this is where Trump's Uranus at MC comes in with its Sabian Symbol:

"Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd."

Plus, who can forget that, in his own words, Donald Trump Is Really Really Proud to Be 'the King of Debt'!

Well, I've never liked spending very much time blogging about a horoscope of an event that may not even happen so if you wish more astro-notes on the topic, set up the chart or enlarge the above image to read some basic chart factors which include the current 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, the 'Great American Eclipse' with its themes listed, upper right, for as you know, there is a huge amount of 'distortion' being carried on and purposefully used as a political ploy against the American People.

Related: Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return.

Nov 23, 2017

Astrological Atlantis and the Abuse of Power

Image: Plato by Raphael [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; he who first mentioned the fabled Atlantis

In 2008, expert astrologer Eric Francis wrote quite extensively on asteroid and archetype Atlantis which is used in Astrology to signify abuse or misuse of power, and where we feel doomed. This relates to our collective anxiety over the fall of civilization, says Francis. The degradation of society continues apace, as we see each day in 'the news' with its 24/7 cycle which actually promotes the lowering of moral standards, and in the entertainment industry that profits from our degradation.

So in light of the implications of Atlantis, it's of interest to me (if not to you!) to discover the zodiacal positions of Atlantis in the natal charts of Men in the News because of their personal abuses and misuses of the power they hold, men such as Donald Trump and Alabama's Roy Moore. However, the list of miscreants grows longer each day especially since expansive Jupiter entered Mars-Pluto ruled Scorpio (October 2017), sign of sex, obsession, and control, so today's list includes a few other names for your consideration.

Now these serial abusers of girls and/or women cannot help when they were born and the position of asteroid Atlantis in their natal charts but they can help their attitudes and how they behave toward other people including girls and women, 'the weaker sex'. My advice to them all would be to 'throw away your bathrobes and keep your pants zipped' and this would be a major improvement for girls and women everywhere (and would result in fewer abortions as well). Of course, a peek at natal Atlantis is only a small if revealing part of any picture of abuse fior other chart factors are involved as well.

Now in the interest of non-partisanship (and because there are multiple abusers in both political parties and industries--almost exclusively men) let's include here Atlantis positions for Bill and Hillary Clinton, former broadcaster Charlie Rose (whose very surname conjures Venusian images), Senator Al Franken, and Texas Rep. Joe Barton.

Natal Atlantis of The Powerful: Hubris and Greed Doomed the Mythical 'Atlanteans'

Donald Trump: 5Leo30 in wide conjunction with natal Pluto (10:02), planet of power, manipulation, sex and rape; Atlantis in Leo, the sign of 'romance'; Trump's natal Atlantis conjoins US natal North Node of public contacts and describes our nation's continued path to power abuse under his quirky Uranian 'tutelege'.

Roy Moore: 12Lib17 Rx Atlantis sextile natal Pluto (opportunities to abuse power via his powerful position as District Attorney and Alabama Chief Justice?); today's position of asteroid Atlantis is 6Lib17 so Moore will 'enjoy' an Atlantis Return on December 15, 2017--three days after Alabama's Special Election (Dec 12th) for the Sessions-vacated seat in the US Senate. Come on, Alabama voters!

Charlie Rose: 25Pis34--secretive, romantic Pisces; Mr. Rose was born under an obsessive-compulsive romance-addled Venus-Pluto quindecile aspect indicating one who is 'driven by powerful sexual needs' (R. Reeves); "Crusty Paw" the ladies called him for his unsolicited neck rubs. So gross.

Bill Clinton: 28Leo58--as you see, his Atlantis was precisely 'eclipsed' by the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @28Leo52 which also 'eclipsed' with a cosmic blink at Trump's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself); eclipses tend to uncover secrets and scandals so it's no wonder Bill Clinton's name keeps popping up within the public discourse for his sexual escapades in the White House and beyond; during the August 21, 2017 Eclipse, transit Atlantis was @4Virgo, sign of The Virgin.

Hillary Clinton: 12Sco39 conjunct her natal Chiron, the Wounded Healer. There's a lot here to 'unpack', as they like to say in DC, but Hillary's troubles are beyond the scope of this Atlantean post. Plus, she isn't male and isn't in power at the moment (that we know of).

Al Franken: 13Sag54 Rx: no aspects to Atlantis pop out but a powerful 10th house Pluto @17Leo31 closely conjoins natal Midheaven (16Leo01) which may indicate that sex and power issues may be at the center of a plutonic 'fall from grace' in his career as I believe it has although Senator Franken continues to state that he will not resign from the US Senate. We'll see. It was a 'joke' photo after all though I totally agree that The Kiss was super gross.

Republican Texan Rep. Joe Barton deserves a mention as well for sharing with women his racy photos while in office, action which suggests the possibility of revenge porn. Barton was born September 15, 1949 when Atlantis was @22Leo, the 'worst foot forward' degree. Now I don't know enough about him or his natal planets to say much more other than that Leo is the sign of romance of one sort or another.

To each his own, right?

And considering the current attempted rise of neo-nazism in America (well-supported by a Trump White House), how weird is it that the legend of a mythical Atlantis actually links to the myth of The Aryans?

Nov 22, 2017

2017--2018 Planetary Returns to the DOJ natal chart

November 22, 2017: today I've been messing about with the Department of Justice (DOJ) natal chart which is displayed in a previous post of 2016 titled, Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice. DOJ Jupiter, the planet associated with justice, is @3Sco10 (closely conjoining US SP Saturn Rx, our nation's progressed Saturn position these days since 1996--US Saturn no longer in balancing Libra, now in Big Business Scorpio) and since transit Jupiter has now entered Scorpio, I peeked to see when another Jupiter Return would occur for the DOJ (the last was on November 9, 2005 with a Jupiter-Uranus trine 3A41). The current Jupiter Return occurred on October 25, 2017--synchronicity! since October 25th is the DOJ's 'birthday' (1934, with FDR presiding in Masonic ceremony--follow link, above to view its natal or or founding chart). Now the DOJ's Solar Return 2017 occurred the evening before--October 24th, to be precise, as Solar Returns will sometimes do.

In the DOJ Jupiter Return chart, justice-seeker Jupiter is sandwiched between the Sun @1Sco57 (as in the natal chart) and Mercury @12Sco30 with the planetary trio in Return 4th house. With 6Leo55 rising, Sun is chart-ruler and applies once--to a conjunction with Jupiter so the whole shebang is a very Sun-Jupiter affair. So from late 2017 and for approximately the next 12 years the DOJ will express its Sun-Jupiter tendencies for good or worse. Potentials indicated by Sun-Jupiter are long distance travel, cultural and social events, intellectual pursuits, courageous actions, self-confidence (maybe too much!), and generally, busy activities within the judicial system. However, Mercury in Scorpio is apex of a midpoint picture (Mars-Saturn) denoting bad news, as in bereavement.

Another stand-out feature of the DOJ Jupiter Return 2017 chart is disruptive rebel Uranus @26Ari18 Rx conjunct Return Midheaven (MC), a marker for potentials such as dramatic reforms and adjustments in career and/or public status (the US is trending down already), sudden reforms that affect every department, geographic relocation for someone, and/or change of profession. These events we have already seen via firings and resignations, a familiar theme of the Trump and GOP agenda as they 'slim down' government until it starves (or can be drowned in a bath tub a la Grover Norquist).

Then in May 2018, a series of three Uranus Returns begin to manifest for the DOJ, a time when the past no longer holds sway and there's no telling what the current crop of Uranian Utopian anarchists (Uranus in Aries) have in mind for our judicial system--apparently a new direction or an unorthodox goal. (Nothing good to my way of thinking.) Because once a country's court system is corrupted to the core, it's down hill from then on, I'm very sad to say. Not that the US Judicial System was ever perfect, of course, but we'll know what we really had once it's completely gone--undermined and perverted by infiltrators of the betraying kind.

Now here are the three dates of the DOJ Uranus Return/s to natal position of 29Ari21, a critical, impatient 29th degree which points toward May 15, 2018 when transit Uranus bursts into Taurus (horoscope shown):

1. May 3, 2018

2. November 24, 2018

3. February 18, 2019

Above image: the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building; {public domain; Wikimedia Commons}; Constitution Avenue.