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Oct 2, 2020

Horoscopes: Trump natal with Trump Covid Tweet

October 2, 2020: Just a quick posting of the horoscope of Trump's 'tested Covid positive' tweet this morning (timestamped for 12:54 am edt) in the center of this bi-wheel with his natal horoscope around the outside. Significant cosmic contacts are circled (exs: Pollux rising ('poison and/or disgrace'), venal Venus conjunct natal Ascendant and Regulus, North Node conjunct natal Sun) although of course you may find additional factors of note. As you know, Trump's contraction of the virus, if true, deepens America's ongoing national security crisis as personified by Mr. Trump:

Dear Readers and Patreon Subscribers: As always, your on-topic comments and insights concerning these horoscopes are invited and will be published - as long as you don't comment as 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown'. After all, if you don't know who you are, I certainly don't. jc

Sep 30, 2020

But Is It Better Than a Dictator Trump?

"Shove America toward fascism and the American people will turn and run toward whatever 'new order' the corporate global syndicate has in store."

-Jude Cowell

September 30, 2020 10:45 am edt

In Astrology (as used here on SO'W):

Cupido = Corporatism; The Family; The Syndicate.

Neptune-Pluto = Organized Crime; The Underworld; criminal enterprises; the supernatural; illusory tricks; plans for mutual destruction; mass medical or social care.

Uranus-Neptune: the 'new world order' duo; Utopian zealotry; subversive political movements; changes in political and social structures; groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources; contacts with foreign countries; peculiar psychic states; strange inclinations; elimination of the waking consciousness; mysticism; inner illumination and enlightenment; idealism; wrong ideas.

After some years of build up, with Trump in 2017 came transit Pluto activating the 1993 Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune @18Capricorn and completing a midpoint picture that describes figurehead Trump's and his fellow saboteurs' imperative to collapse America:

1993 Uranus-Neptune = 2017 Pluto: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl).

And when you owe millions of dollars to foreign countries and dictators as does serial bankrupt asset Donald Trump, your choice to follow treasonous orders against America is really no choice at all.

'18 Capricorn' in Sabian Symbols:

"The Union Jack Flies From a British Warship: Keynote: The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers" (Rudhyar).

"The Union Jack: SUPERVISION; positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches; negative expression (unconscious; shadow side--jc): smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones).

Hmmm. Looks as if America's 'Mother Country' might know more than she's telling about our current predicament. Or should we say The City of London, the financial district founded by the Romans?

Related and in store: Davos 'Re-Set Agenda' Forum Moves to Summer 2021.

Above image: the Rothschild coat-of-arms

Sep 25, 2020

Trump Regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017

September 25, 2020: From the first Solar Eclipse of the Trump "administration" which occurred at 8Pisces12 on February 26, 2017 in the 19 South Saros Series, Trump and his comrades have identified and been identified with the violent, explosive, reactionary energies of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfected @22Aries00 on that very day. The Solar Eclipse manifested at 9:58:19 am est on February 26, 2017, as you see in the eclipse horoscope shown below, and the Mars-Uranus Conjunction became exact at 7:19:20 pm that evening with 25Gem15 at Midheaven (the Goal Point) which is the degree of Trump's 2015 "Prez Bid" New Moon. Now you know that many political pundits have said that Trump was 'surprised' he won in 2016. Me? I'm no pundit but I'm not so certain considering all the help his nibs received from foreign saboteurs (see 9th house Pluto @18Capricorn and the wealthy manipulator's conjunction with 1993's Uranus-Neptune Conjunction degree = "the big picture must be followed--," lower left.)

The timing so soon after Inauguration 2017 imprints 19 South eclipse energies upon the "presidency" of Donald Trump through 19 South's primary theme of "a lucky win" or "break", plus, "a joyous event" (Brady). And along with these cosmic factors comes the Mars-Uranus Conjunction in Mars-ruled Aries. This post is inspired by the fact that another Mars-Uranus Conjunction occurs on Inauguration Day January 20, 2021 and it rises into the 12th house of Politics and Karma at noon, the hour that Trump's first term officially ends, as you know.

So perhaps we can agree that it would be suitable that freeloader Trump's White House residency began with Mars-Uranus in Aries and could end with Mars-Uranus in Taurus!

As for planetary conjunctions, you know that they begin a new cycle of the planetary energies involved and share 'new moon' status in the form of the seeding of new plans. Here, the reactionary plans for action and turmoil of Trump and comrades are identified since the early days of his regime and we may expect that an increase or peak of such violent energies will occur at or around the time of the Mars-Uranus Conjunction of January 20, 2021. Synchronistically, the 2021 conjunction perfects near the public's Inaugural Moon (00Tau55) which happens to be the position of the natal Moon of Joe Biden (00Tau59). Can this trio portend Mars-Uranus style violence toward (or by!) Mr. Biden? On some level, perhaps, and yet Mars-Uranus = Moon also shows high ambition and a 'desire to achieve something very big' (Ebertin).

Sounds good to me! Because the fighting spirit of the US military (Mars-Uranus) may join Mr. Biden and a majority of the American people by ejecting certain miscreants and saboteurs from the White House - whether the saboteurs like it or not.

So see what you think of the Trump regime's first Solar Eclipse in shady Pisces with deceptive Neptune nearby. As always, your on-topic comments and insights are welcome and appreciated but please note my new rule for SO'W: like unsolicited advertisements, No Comments by "Anonymous" readers will ever again be published.

And yes, I agree that too many study notes are squished upon the chart but I hope that those who wish to can and will read them!

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse February 26, 2017 @8Pis12 in the 19 South Saros Series:

Two Related Posts: Historical Horoscope of the Confederate Constitution of 1861, created as a reaction to the 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln; post contains a link to the relic's text as provided by the Avalon Project, and The First Lunation of 2021: a Capricorn New Moon.

Sep 24, 2020

The September 29, 2020 Biden-Trump Debate

A Brief Astro-Peek at the 2020 Biden-Trump Debate with Taurus Rising
by Jude Cowell
Today is September 23, 2020 and as it stands so far, the 2020 Debate Schedule is more or less set but may be subject to change due to any number of factors. Meanwhile, the first Biden-Trump Debate of 2020 will apparently occur; the following horoscope and details concern the cosmic weather of the evening, the hour, in that particular location:
Horoscope: Biden vs Trump Tuesday September 29, 2020 9:00 pm edt Cleveland, Ohio; note that the natal Midheaven ('MC') of Trump rises at exactly 9:07:16 pm edt followed by his natal 10th house Uranus @17Gemini; meanwhile, Biden's first planet to rise is his natal 7th house Uranus Rx @2Gemini; Trump, whose natal Apollo is @29Leo conjunct his natal Ascendant and royal Regulus, is in process of enjoying an Apollo Return. Will he shine?

Likely debate topics are available via NBC News.

Now besides the first natal planets to rise let's consider chart-ruler Venus, ruler of the Taurus Ascendant. Since Venus @26Leo43 conjuncts the debate's 5th cusp of Creativity and Risk-Taking and is on the verge of entering 4th house of Domestic Scene, her lack of applying aspects emphasizes sign and house position. However, a waning Venus-Mars trine suggests that cooperative work in partnerships has recently occurred (perhaps debate prep). But perhaps more importantly, this Venus conjuncts the natal Mars (rising) of Donald Trump which describes his extreme motivation for remaining in the White House where hand cuffs can't reach his wrists.
For Mr. Biden, this Venus traverses his natal 9th house and squares his natal Sun in Scorpio, plus, transit Venus will soon square Biden's natal Venus indicating discord or disagreement over principles and judgment; then comes the possibility of bad timing and/or delayed schedules with Venus square Venus.
Obviously, the US presidency is the goal of both candidates with US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) conjunct debate Midheaven (00AQ+; 9:00 pm) for all to see. And by debate's end (10:30 pm as advertized) Mercury becomes chart ruler with 18Gem05 rising along with Trump's natal Gemini trio of Uranus, North Node, and Sun. Meanwhile, Mercury makes only one applying aspect at 10:30 pm, an ongoing opposition to erratic Uranus (@9Tau53 in the 12th house of Politics and Karma) so the willful expression of views, conflicts, quarrels, and turmoil will likely describe this debate's aura and its afterglow. Yet the opposition also suggests that the public's attention - especially that of young people - is distracted and many may not watch the entire proceedings. In that case, catching up by watching highlight videos of the debate may be their best or preferred bet.

Sep 21, 2020

Will Donald Trump Destroy America? (w/ Sarah Kendzior) - Thom Hartmann

With deep regret as a Child of the Revolution, I must admit that the orange saboteur and his comrades are in process of destroying America as I type:
My best advice: Resist Nazism and its evils in America and #VoteBlue2020
And please keep in mind that the Nazi Rise to Power Solar Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio in the 6 South Saros series with themes that include: "being forcful and taking power" and "huge effort in some group activity" (Brady). May the huge effort be ours.
My thanks to Thom Hartmann for his years of excellent work.

Sep 20, 2020

DC Horoscope: America's Chiron Return April 2024

September 20, 2020:

In 2024 US Chiron Returns to @21Aries: "A Pugilist Entering the Ring"

by Jude Cowell

DC Horoscope: US Chiron Return (20Ari08) April 20, 2024 11:27:57 pm edt; Hour of Mars; Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces; ASC 16Sag06; chart-ruler Jupiter makes no applying aspects but April 20, 2020 happens to be the very day of the next Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction (highlighted in lavender) so a variety of breakthroughs are possible in the realms of science, politics, finances, religion, and/or societal concerns. Plus, a general sense of optimism may be on the menu!

You'll notice that the Moon @00lib09, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation, conjuncts not just the 2024 Return Midheaven ('MC' @5Lib04) ) but even more closely conjuncts US natal MC of July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, the founding chart this Chiron Return is based on. Plus, the Moon is handle of a Sling shape of planets which is similar to a Bundle or Bucket with this Moon (people) promoting a mission or advocating for a cause. Aries-Libra issues are at stake: perhaps war and peace are involved as they so often are.

So will 'a pugilist' enter the ring?

Now if you're curious, all my study notes are penned upon the chart including the Return's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') in the visionary 8 North Saros Series. See the center of the chart for 8 North themes (highlighted in red). Also listed are the next two Chiron Returns (in this three-fer series) on November 8, 2024 (Rx), and February 18, 2025.

And please note that this horoscope is posted here for future reference as 2024 draws nearer since in September 2020 we have more than enough on our social, financial, political, and religious plates to keep us busy into 2021 and beyond.

Autumn Equinox 2020: Our Degraded Justice System

America at the Crossroads 2020: Fighting for a Restored US Justice System

by Jude Cowell

September 20, 2020: Yes, we've discussed the Autumn Equinox 2020 Horoscope previously but today I'm posting the horoscope again (follow the link for more details) just to emphasize the YOD of crisis in the chart between the speculating, risk-taking, bubbly pair of Jupiter-Neptune (fraudsters!) at its base pointing accusingly at *Venus in Leo. Of course, a YOD pattern also relates to a special task and a crossroads so with the US Legal System under siege as it is by a corrupt "president" and his henchman "Attorney General," a "special task" must be engaged here, at the point in time, at what can only be described as America at the Crossroads, for our nation's very existence is at stake.

(Note that for obvious reasons, the YOD's timing of health crisis is also part of our current picture as Autumn 2020 begins but the topic is beyond the scope of this post and has been previously discussed in various posts.)

As you see, with 00Scorpio rising, Mars rules the chart and applies twice: a square to Saturn (1A36), then a square to Pluto (4A27) - the wealthy manipulator, the 'hidden hand', is co-ruler of the chart and the season. The Saturn-Pluto-Mars trio suggests the "necessity to fight for one's existence" (Ebertin). For more details, follow the link, above.

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox Tuesday September 22, 2020 9:31 am edt:

*Note that Venus @18Leo07 at apex of the YOD conjuncts the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse (18Leo41) which I have reluctantly called The Tower Eclipse and my Tarot friends know very well what #16 The Tower signifies, as might you, dear reader. My dearest hope for 2020 into 2021 is that the corrupt criminal enterprise, the global syndicate now gripping Washington DC, its institutions, departments, and the White House is the system that will collapse into dust as the integrity of the US Justice System is upheld with the aid of folks like former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner whose motto, as you know, is, Justice Matters.

Related: September-November 2020: Mars in Aries to and fro (trolling the path of Mars, the arsonist, shooter, activist, officer, malcontent, criminal).

Sep 18, 2020

Trump's October Surprise Could Be Explosive! (w/ Dr. Trita Patel) - Thom Hartmann

September 18, 2020: On this day of saddening news of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg comes a disturbing heads-up concerning Iran and provocateur Mike Pompeo stirring up the US-Iran situation to possible create an 'October Surpise' as an attempt to help Trump stay in the White House.

For as we've discussed before, these miscreants will do anything to hang on to their ill-gained power:

Get more news and views from Thom Hartmann.


And while we're at it, here are a few astrological details concerning Secretary of State Mike Pompeo whose Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeated in August 2017 as The Great American Eclipse, the effects of which we continue to suffer.

Sep 16, 2020

Bamboozlers-in-Chief: 1981 and 2017--2020

Must We Still Be Bamboozled by Reaganism?

by Jude Cowell

Back in the olden days of November 2019, I published the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in a post titled, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America. Now naturally there have been various turning points through the years but for pure cussedness on an epic scale, the "Reagan Revolution" takes the cake on several levels, not the least of which are financial and political (The Gipper's cutesy "government is the problem" for example). And while it's true that shrinking the size of the US government wasn't such a bad idea in 1981, we now see the steroids upon which Trump and his enablers have us which makes the current pandemic vastly more difficult to deal with. Some folks even say that Covid-19 has uncovered just how weakened and inefficient our systems and institutions have become and with this I must agree. How could it not?

Besides, it's almost as if the fabled glow around Reagan's saintly noggin has suddenly faded thanks to Covid and revealed the selfish, greedy monster underneath an ill-deserved halo! Not for every Republican, of course, but for the rest of us for we more clearly see the monster who bedeviled, hypnotized, charmed, and stole from the American people through the years - as his policies continue to do.

So now, since 2017, we have another bamboozler-in-chief of the 'Republic Party' persuasion who had lots of experience cheating 'suckers' even before he and his network of comrades moved into the Oval Office. And with a large backing of pro-nazi corporate enablers surrounding him, propping him up, instructing him, and manipulating certain strings (exs: Election 2020; corporate media who are 'in on the scam'), our entire society is being threatened with collapse - is, in fact, collapsing under the enormous weight and vile undertones of Herr Spanky and The Saboteurs.

Of course, this collapse is supported, aggravated by several general factors such as 'All empires must fall", and America's Pluto Return/s in 2022, and I suspect that those who understand these cosmic conditions are taking advantage of them to promote a major power grab. Yes, fascists have learned a lot since their efforts in 1933. Now that would have been a turning point unsuitable for lovers of democracy, and a change of course for sure. As we see in 2020, bad actors continue to work for what I would call an unrecognizable America so we must be even more determined to stop them.

Meanwhile, we face a December 21, 2020 shift brought to us by the Great Conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn from Earth to Air, plus, we're in the midst of the three conjunctions (all through 2020) of a favorite planetary pair of plutocrats everywhere, Jupiter and Pluto. Yes, someone's plans are 'coming together' as 2020 morphs into 2021 and 2022 as old orders collapse and new orders rush in. The upcoming paradigm shifts are scheduled for us by the Universe but their results can be more on the positive side or the negative. In such weighty matters, motive is everything.

So again, here's the Reaganomics Eclipse Horoscope (chart details linked, above); note that its 8th house Neptune will be 'eclipsed' by the financially difficult December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 which also affects Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition and his (karmic) Nodal Axis:

Now to me it seems significant that cosmic time links exist between 1981 and 2020. For one thing, the 1 North Solar Eclipse of 1981 (Reagan) repeated as The Great American Eclipse of 2017 (Trump). Plus, in 1981, planets Jupiter and Saturn blended their energies in early Libra: their third of three conjunctions occurred on July 24, 1981 (@4Libra56--conjunct Trump's natal 2nd hou$e Neptune--he was a 35-yo playboy and soon-to-be serial bankrupt) and they will again meet on December 21, 2020 @00AQ29 (conjunct US POTUS Sun: Trump). Then, as in 1981 (once @24Lib53), money planets Jupiter and Pluto, which have been tangoing all through 2020, will make their final pas de deux on November 12, 2020 @22Cap52 which karmically conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51.

And so, dear reader, we have a case of American history rhyming with similar vibes in 1981 and 2020 - or, 2021 if you prefer to compare US Inaugurations of two arch bamboozlers.