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Feb 4, 2023

China Horoscope: Mars-Pluto in spotlight

Audacity and Daring Deflated!

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday we discussed the Chinese spy balloon being navigated in recent days over the US along with President Biden's SOTU 2023 Address to Congress scheduled for the evening of Tuesday February 7, 2023 (DC Horoscope shown). Personally, I'd prefer that SOTU 2023 be 'zoomed' in to the chamber due to the AR-15 pins now being sported in place of US flag pins on the lapels of far-right House members, a clear visual signal of "don't shoot me, I'm one of you" in case violence breaks out, one supposes.

And it's unimaginable that any US president would be placed in such a perilous situation now that Republicans have had metal detectors removed from the Capitol Building, another sinister signal. It's disturbing enough that congressional Democrats have to hang out with maga insurrectionists, even sitting next to the blighters and passing them in the halls of power. Yet certainly President Biden travels with his own security detail and one imagines that safety precautions for SOTU 2023 will be in place.

Anyhow, below is the October 1, 1949 Horoscope of China (Campion chart #061; also thanks to Jamie Partridge of Astrology King fame). In the chart we see that tomorrow's Full Moon @16Leo40 conjunct China's 7th house Mars-Pluto conjunction (14Leo53 and 17Leo 39) so that the Leo Moon will illuminate the conjunction (like a reflective spy balloon that favors Earth's moon!) with the planetary pair's forceful, even warlike, energies. Now as you know, the Sun is in the sign of Aquarius which is associated with Communism, and full moons may behave in a similar Uranian fashion as lunar eclipses do - uncovering inconvenient truths and secrets which may be leaked, thereby providing fuller awareness to earthly events. Is this a description of the balloon's data collecting mission? Well, its arrival definitely caught the public's attention and has taken over the news cycle as any purposeful distraction would.

Then as it turns out this Saturday afternoon, China's balloon was shot down over Surfside Beach, South Carolina so basically, debris fell safely into the Atlantic Ocean as Mars-Pluto action was taken by the US. Watch the video which shows the spunky balloon's fall of deflation!

Accordingly, a few midpoint pictures form from tomorrow's Sun-Moon opposition with the country's Mars-Pluto midpoint which contains multiple potentials such as provocation, conducting clandestine operations (but this one was high-in-the-sky), chaos, mayhem, brutality, and/or atomic power (which relates to questions about surveillance by the balloon of US military venues and involves realms of the Pentagon).

Astrologically today's military action by the US falls into the "violent measures; injury; shock through the intervention of a higher power" categories as decribed by Reinhold Ebertin (The Combination of Stellar Influences #ad) who adds, "audacity and daring" to the cosmic picture. What no one with common sense wants is an escalation into a US-China war which would necessarily be of global proportions.

Then there was another major transit which occurred for China on January 12 2020 when the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto @22Cap46 landed directly upon China's 1949 Jupiter (22Cap35) in the behind-the-scenes/governmental 12th house. Saturn-Pluto = Jupiter potentials include "difficulties caused through illness" (Covid-19 in 2020 which has now spiked in China) but also "social and religious fanaticism" (R.E.)

So apparently due to the shoot down, today's Mars-Pluto action means that whatever data China's balloon may have collected is now lost under the sea, but if any of it can be retrieved via technology or otherwise, the American public will most likely never know of it, nor will the good people of China.

May the spinning for political purproses begin!

Feb 3, 2023

Feb 2023: SOTU 2023 and a Spy Balloon

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you remember President Biden's pseudo-SOTU Address to a pared-down Congress on April 28, 2021 with a transiting North Node-Mida$ conjunction in force. At the time, I had labeled Biden's 2021 address as pseudo because it was delivered prior to the end of his first year in office. However, the address was delivered at the invitation of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as per tradition.

An annual event, there was a need to hear from our Commander-in-Chief at that time due to all the trauma and drama in society, economic and medical concerns, plus, turmoil that we're still attempting to navigate in 2023 - with the albatross of anti-democracy Republicans tied to our collective neck - and the specter of violence being perpetrated across the land and creating the unsafe environment in Congress as Democrats attempt to serve next to neo-fascist far-right Republicans toting guns and wearing AR-15 pins on their lapels in place of the usual US flag pins. Symbolic much?

So below is an unmarked Horoscope of 2023 SOTU February 7, 2023 9:00 pm est Washington DC. Note that the 2023 SOTU address' Air-Earth Sun AQ-Moon Virgo blend of conscious and unconscious energies is shared natally by Gertrude Stein, SCOTUS, and our 9th President William H. Harrison (my 14th cousin 5x removed, says geni dot com) who served for only 32 days.

Topics which may be mentioned during SOTU 2023 include healthcare and mental health, democracy, Supreme Court decisions, economics and budgets, ethics and principles, immigration policy, plus, other societal issues - spotlighted in a speech by a humanitarian president with a utilitarian world view based on common sense and truth seeking.

Of note, President Biden's first natal planet to rise at 9:00 pm is his compassionate Neptune @1Lib30 along with America's July 4, 1776 Midheaven 00Lib47:

Then below is a bi-wheel of America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope with Moon @27Aquarius (inner) showing SOTU's 2023 Saturn conjunct Luna for a measure of depression, oppression, moodiness, and serious topics brought to the public discourse. Other planetary contacts may be seen as well (ex: Mercury-Pluto = surveillance and secrets). Astro-notes are penned upon the bi-wheel which may be enlarged and/or printed for easier viewing (see center of the bi-wheel for a prominent midpoint picture with karmic Saturn as apex planet):

As for current threats from aspiring deadbeat Republicans to crash the US and world economies by refusing to raise the debt ceiling in order to pay America's already-incurred bills, a rereading of the Two Santa Claus Theory of politics may be helpful at this point, just for context.

Major Planetary Cycles Operative Since 2020

So all the while, knocking at America's door are societal shifts and perils within - timed in part by the January 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @23Capricorn and the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction @00AQ29 conjunct US Inaugural Sun.

Such societal shifts are also described astrologically by two heavyweight transits: the primal cause US Pluto Return and transit Neptune in shady Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo. The first transit: transformation via Pluto's destructuring function down to bare bones then rebuilding, while the second is a generational clash of ideologies (Virgo-Pisces) with persecutions and prejudices coming to the Neptunian surface to be dealt with, hopefully more honestly than ever before - with racism and misygyny topping the national menu of strong-armed paternalism vs a caring democracy. Here we find the vicious 'slave patrol' mindset embedded within various police departments (though thankfully not all).

So it must be obvious that America's foreign and domestic enemies have long studied which wedge issues will divide We the People most disruptively for their undermining purposes intended to topple the US government from global leadership, taking democracy down with it.

And so We the People remain within the throes of sustained assaults from enemies within and without, not the least of which is an insurrectionist-infested Republican House of Representatives now in control of the government they're desperate to overthrow in favor of fascist-style authoritarianism. And as Julia Ioffe stated in her informative Frontline interview 2 or 3 days ago, to Putin, Trump looks like a "wrecking ball." Yep, the orange marauder is the Kremlin's wrecking ball, a fact that many Americans have realized all along.

Speaking of threats, a Chinese spy balloon has been flying over Montana for the last few days - or is it only a weather balloon? Either way, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to visit China soon. Hmm. Well, we do have IBMs stored in Montana but so far no word on a direct threat, just surveillance it seems, and the Biden administration has told the Chinese government to cut it out if they're spying. Of interest astrologically is that, among other activities and concepts, both Neptune and Pluto are associated with spying and surveillance, infiltration, theft, and criminal activities such as organized crime.

Okay, I'll quit fussing now. Because it is Friday after all.

A Related Post: Horoscope of the 118th Congress.

Jan 30, 2023

Oct 2023 Eclipse hits Trump's Progressed Moon

A 2023 Cosmic Spotcheck on Trump via an Eclipsed Moon

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick posting tonight of two horoscopes: the October 14, 2023 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Lib07 (themes are penned on, upper left) and the Secondary Progressed Lunar Crescent horoscope ('SP') of Donald Trump which perfects on May 24, 2023 @21Lib33. So a new life phase or passage begins in May, then in October along comes the 7 South Eclipse (October 14, 2023) to conjunct or 'eclipse' his symbolic SP Moon with the 7 South's forceful Mars-Pluto energies so the question is: will he be able to use these cosmic energies or will they blight his course soon after he enters a Crescent phase of life?

Note: The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for "22 Libra" = "A Child Giving Birds a Drink at a Fountain = Keyword: SOLICITUDE; positive expression: creative concern for others by which an individual comes to experience his own immortality; negative" (unconscious/shadow side - jc) "expression: superficial effort for transient popularity" (M. E. Jones). The negative expression sounds exactly like the superficial Gemini to me as he desperately attempts to regain power by hook or crook. Besides, I suspect that the orange oldster doesn't believe he'll ever pass away! Well, isn't that going to be quite a surprise?

Now of course, everyone knows that Trump is determined to 'rise from difficult circumstances with tenacity' (see SP Saturn-Pluto = SP Midheaven) and he has seemed to be gifted with much endurance along with his severe, one-sided outlook. But will the old "Trump magic" manage to keep his mojo on course for the duration, despite all those who wish he'd simply shut his gob and fade away? Well, small actions can have tremendous consequences during a 'crisis in action' crescent phase of the Moon, the lunar phase that comes next after his Progressed New Moon of September 18, 2019 (@3Virgo) when he was still crouching in the White House, robbing us blind, and betraying our country to the highest bidders.

Yet admittedly, Trump's life must have been tres boring since Joe Biden took the reins of power and Trump, craving excitement, is itching to get back in position to fulfill his agent orange duties against America and the American people (his Leonine Mars opposes US Moon in Aquarius for those who use such a July 4, 1776 horoscope: we're targets).

So besides all this, let's get to the point of publishing the two horoscopes shown, above: so you can see how Uranus, planet of anarchy, zealotry, and fanaticism, affects the October 2023 7 South Eclipse, and how his SP Uranus relates or effects Trump's Crescent Moon at the same degree but in quite a different way. One is by trine, the other by inconjunct.

For him, SP Uranus @21Gemini conjuncts his SP North Node (indicating radical politics and unorthodox associations) and his SP Uranus trines his SP Crescent Moon (providing help and support from colleagues and groups - see the center of his SP chart).

However, in the real time 7 South Eclipse chart, Uranus Rx @22Tau13 forms an inconjunct (150 degrees) to the Libra Solar Eclipse, and this shows descriptive implications (see upper right corner) of fanaticism and points toward people who hold spiritually incorrect social attitudes such as anarchists who revolt in order to destroy. As we've seen, destruction of American Democracy is their - and their masters' - goal. So these are the barbarians that America is dealing with now, just as Germany and the US did in 1933 when a 7 South Eclipse occurred @28Leo.

Now I may not have explained my meaning very well, but to me these cosmic circumstances and time links from 2023 to 1933 suggest a foreshadowing of the birth of Herr Trump with his natal Mars @27Leo rising with Regulus, a royal star of worldly success as long as taking revenge is avoided, for if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. And no one deserves such a fate more than you-know-who.

Jan 23, 2023

The Republican Revolution marches on

Dixiecrat Republicans Prance Through History

by Jude Cowell

With current congressional Republicans finagling their budgetary demands to virtually guarantee that yet another government shutdown will occur, harm Democrats, bring financial stress to US workers, and potentially cause a global economic crash, information concerning the Republican Party's Federal Government Shutdowns of 1995 and 1996, instigated by Newt Gingrich whose "Contract with (on) America" was a political power play against Democratic President Bill Clinton, may be a useful consideration of the strategic dynamics used in 1994/95/96 because a version of them may soon be repeated against President Papa Joe Biden.

Add to this the fact that history rhymes even if it doesn't precisely repeat, and with Astrology we have cyclical signals and timings that tell a recurring tale for anyone who deigns to listen and take heed.

Naturally, the most obvious cosmic signals that reoccur approximately every 18.6 years are Solar Eclipses which are capable of disrupting life on Earth, can reveal inconvenient facts or secrets thereby leading to scandal, can change the direction of events and/or plans, and qualify as Universal wild cards and cosmic blinks from Above. Of course, Lunar Eclipses are in the mix as well with their ability to leak and/or bring awareness to issues, favorably or unfavorably.

Was the April 2023 Eclipse Foreshadowed on 1/6/21?

So a prominent Solar Eclipse from the fascist era of 1933 (@5Pisces) fell within the difficult 7 North Saros Series as the aptly labeled "Fascism Rising" Eclipse, and a 7 North eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 (@29Ari50 conjunct MAGA coup Mars) with 7 North's 'sudden events; deeply passionate (blood) lust' themes again running in the background of society. These barbaric energies are already being taken advantage of by fascist saboteurs assaulting America to whatever extent they possibly can - and hoping that results turn out better for their sorry selves this time around.

Obviously, strong pushback is necessary to protect our society against radical 'warriors' and zealots of anarchy such as those active (Mars) on Jan 6th so realistically we must note that Eclipse-Mars contacts suggest rash actions and violent tendencies which can intensify support for 7 North's lustful themes.

Now if you dare, take a look at the upcoming 7 North Eclipse Horoscope set for Washington DC as the symbolic representative for America, and tell me what you see via an on-topic comment:

Sometimes this Capricorn gets a little fussy: don't you?

Of course, revolutions also tend to change the course of events, or at least are fomented with the objective of doing so. Significantly within this particular fuss, the November 8, 1994 Midterm Elections may be referred to as the Republican Revolution of 1994, and I don't have to mention to you, dear reader, that Trump's coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is part of the Republican Revolution instigated by the ruling class, as evidenced by the support of GOP congress members, and using 'MAGA' followers and militia groups as thuggish foot soldiers fighting for Herr Trump while some delusional insurrectionists believed themselves to be patriots fighting for their country.

So as they demonstrated this time around, strong-armed Republicans used violence to further their paternalistic aims. We saw another example of their overbearing paternalism, a form of sadism, when SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, and American women lost much of their access to healthcare - and their privacy rights with it.

Now to conclude this fussy post, my theory is that Republicans' government take-over efforts in 1994, 2021, and the 2022 Midterms are parts of an ongoing process - a longterm campaign with objectives of grasping total control of the US government, and completing the anti-societal dream and vision of their malajusted idol, the barbaric Herr Adolf, a freakish man some folks call the Austrian psychopath.

Therefore, with America's current crop of far-reich House Republicans tooling up their obsessions, promoting wacky conspiracy theories, and hoping to establish radical reforms to further hobble our country for the sake of their foreign and domestic paymasters, America is infested with psychopaths heiling their favorite historical psychopath - with or without the psychotic Herr Trump running in 2024.

A Related Post: How Nixon's Southern Strategy Led to Trump - Thom Hartmann: this is the infamous 'Dixiecrat' switcheroo of party identities. Don't be confused! Also see Saturn 2024 Conjuncts Fascism Rising Eclipse, suggesting karmic conditions that can be mitigated with preparation.

Jan 19, 2023

US Solar Return 2023 Horoscope with Mars Rising

We the People in 2023 Are Not Helpless!

by Jude Cowell

With violence signified by various expressions around the horoscope, below is the not-so-splendid Solar Return 2023 Horoscope for America which this year arrives on July 5, 2023. This particular version of a US Solar Return 2023 issues from America's July 4, 1776 Horoscope set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA - cuss'ed of me, I know, but I continue to appreciate the 1776 chart's MC-IC axis at Cardinal World Points of 00Aries-Libra - plus, problematic Neptune now approaches the significant Aries Point by transit, initially at the end of March 2025 into late January 2026 but Neptune's sign change to Aries will be felt earlier than 2025 by sensitive folk:

Obviously, with SR Sun in 11th house, Groups and Associations will be prominent focuses of leadership in 2023, and as you can see, there's a crisis-laden, crossroads-reaching YOD pattern in the chart with its base formed by the transiting Neptune-Pluto sextile (the Organized Crime/Global Underworld Criminal Networks of energies which include drugs and other forms of illegal trafficking, plus, the occult, mysticism, and in some cases, religion, possibly of a bizarre nature.

Considering the trio as a midpoint picture - and noting that the inconjuncts to Mars from Neptune and Pluto suggest health concerns, fanciful notions, and/or workaholism as well, we have SR Mars at apex which is made additionally significant by the fact that this position echoes Trump's natal Mars rising (26Leo46). Herr T's 2023 Mars Return perfects on July 4, 2023 at 11:59:45 pm est, and the Neptune-to-Mars inconjunct shows in his Mars Return 2023 as does an off-and-on square from radical Uranus in Taurus to his Mars, with the unstable, even perilous conditions such as this square implies.

Midpoint picture penned on the above chart: Neptune-Pluto = Mars: use of violence to achieve one's dreams; (M. Munkasey); used as a tool for other people's interests (R. Ebertin); rejection of actions due to misunderstandings (N. Tyl).

And so in America's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope, multiple nuggets of information are penned on and around the chart for the curious reader, yet unfortunately, I'm compelled to note that the Return's prior Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series (deep passion; "blood" lust) is a repetition of the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' of February 1933 @5Pis28 conjoined in 2023 by this Saturn Rx @6Pis57 = 'those with responsibility to carry out the thematic imperatives of 7 North. As you see, the Eclipse conjuncts the 8th cusp when US Solar Return 2023 is set for Washington DC, and, as noted in previous posts, qualifies as Adolf's Birthday Eclipse of April 20, 2023.

Astraea (Justice) at Midheaven: a Worthy Objective

Check out the Midheaven ('MC'; the goal) in the horoscope, above, for it holds midpoints: Mars-Saturn (bereavement; death - R. Ebertin) and the T-Square of Saturn-ASC = MC: a slow start with many restrictions; personal guarantees are kept and fulfilled (Munkasey). Are these Squeaker of the House Kevin McCarthy's promises to the far-reich whose votes he needed? Well, Kevin is one of the more visible tools active in the GOP's totalitarian to-do list to collapse and conquer our country. Additionally, the Sun-Chiron midpoint nestles at MC, too, which suggests a quest that reaches for social transformation.

Fascism's Favorite Political Tool: Violence

So! For a bit of historical context, a previous event timed by the 7 North 'Fascism Rising' Eclipse of 1933 is the Nazi Book Burning of May 10, 1933 (horoscope shown) with transit Mars in Virgo opposing the 7 North Eclipse ('tug-of-war'; physical intensity); also opposing the 1933 Eclipse is transit Neptune Rx @7Virgo suggesting deceit, lack of objectivity, and self-delusion (R. Lineman). Will Republicans reach the burning books stage after banning them? See Rawstory's report, DeSantis-backed book-banning panel is becoming a slow-moving 'trainswreck'.

So here we are again, folks.

For as you know, America's current gaggle of fascist and nazi enthusiasts are repeating certain behaviors and activities of Adolf's era such as book banning if not burning which mimick rituals similar to Civil War reenactments intended to keep the 'spirit' alive by keeping the public stirred up on behalf of violence and insurrection (as if these are "normal" behaviors - but they're not, they're psychotic). Those of us who refuse to join the Republicans' smash-and-grab movement against the US government should be fearful, so the GOP thinks.

However, there is another alternative: challenge all their tactics with the help of congressional Democrats and the Biden White House because congressional Republicans are deadbeats who intend to stiff the American people but continue paying Chinese banks, and this extortionary blackmail must be figured out by June 5th, last I heard. In fact, we hit the debt ceiling this very day, as reported by CNN. Hopefully, Democrats in the Senate along with the White House can stop the GOP recklessness with the economy, domestic and foreign. And if we look back at the 2011 downgrade of America's credit rating caused by the Republican Party in order to force their agenda upon us, we find another YOD of crisis in the GOP's Secondary Progressed Chart of July 29, 2011 which points toward the party's SP Ascendant @28Gemini, the degree of Bankruptcy. At the base of the YOD are Mercury-Jupiter, a pair that can indicate fraud. Plus, everyone knows that a lot of theft is made possible during chaotic times such as those of 2011 and 2023.

Yet We're Not Helpless in This Fight!

Because meanwhile, it is abundantly clear that a large majority of the American people reject the establishment of fascist or nazi government in America because for one thing, America is Not Germany, Russia, or Hungary! So if there truly is safety in numbers, it helps to remember that A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before and will do so again despite the increase of violent tactics by the far-right and other mentally unstable, delusional,gaslit folk intended to cow the American people, make Herr T proud, and seed a sense of inevitability concerning the far-right's thuggish, underhanded, deceitful machinations for the sake of grabbing power, control - and the mega-bucks that come with them.

And so I beseech you, dear reader, whatever you and yours can do to promote democracy in America, the time is now!

For more on such topics, you may wish to check out a previously published post from 2020: Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 Repeats in 2023.

Jan 14, 2023

Social Security, Saturn, and the 118th Congress

by Jude Cowell

With the US House of Representatives now controlled by far-righters in the Republican Party, it's beyond time to consider the Astrology of the social safety net that millions of Americans depend upon (inner chart; SS 1935) surrounded by the January 3, 2023 Horoscope of the 118th Congress - specifically the House members who act as saboteurs of our safety and peace of mind.

As you can see, attacks and interference issue from a variety of sources and actors (planets) - there's even a generational clash between Pluto opposing Pluto, an ongoing condition that has been in force for some time - and more significant due to America's first-ever Pluto Return. And of course, the 'clash of ideologies' and 'persecutions' of Neptune in shady, contagious Pisces opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo, the victim-savior axis, has brought its own difficulties and disasters.

So through wealthy hoarder Pluto ('the assassin') we find that the opposition describes circumstances as a Cancer (ruler Moon: the people's needs, security) affair challenged by Capricorn (ruler Saturn: business, investment, government, law), and we see this starkly playing out (penned in the center of the bi-wheel) against the American public with 2023 Saturn @22AQ41 conjunct 1935 Moon with all the suffering, worry, and loss this transit can bring to the struggling have-nots and the working class in particular. In fact, Saturn-opposing-Moon is a shorthand way to symbolically identify conditions in our society if the fabric of the US social safety net programs - inadequate as they may be - breaks down and is turned into a massive heist perpetrated by the monied classes of Wall Street and their handmaidens in Washington DC. And besides those vulture capitalists, Put*n may be waiting for his pay-off along with other foreign governments.

Yet for years the American people have known such conditions have been threatened because Republicans have promoted cuts and worse for decades with Social Security benefits and Medicare under their knives of austerity on behalf of wealthy donors such as Wall Street gentry and corporatists who are desperate to steal more billions from the American people.

The Love of Money Is the Root of All Evil

Obviously, selfishness, greed, and causing loss and harm to others are their motivations. And this is part of a depopulation agenda, in case you've yet to notice, as a high-stakes tug-of-war for ultimate control and power (Pluto) plays out over our heads (through a Cancer vs Capricorn lens). That Pluto rules the Criminal Underworld is a major factor and we can expect to see even more destructive criminal activity once transit Uranus reaches the Neptune-Pluto Conjunction (@7-9 Gemini in 1891/92 = robber barons) in 2027.

Now as you see above, planetary contacts from 2023 planets to those of 1935 such as 2023 Uranus (disruptive anarchists, zealots, and fanatics) opposes Social Security's money planet Jupiter @15Sco06 in 1935. This suggests that changes (which may come suddenly with erratic Uranus - or not at all if President Biden and congressional Democrats manage to stop the onslaught!) can have unpredictable and/or unexpected results or consequences. Not that devil-take-the-hindmost political saboteurs of America care about details.

One thing I must wonder about is this: if Republicans and their enablers have their way against FDR's very popular New Deal programs that benefit the American people, who do corporatists expect will have money enough to buy their products and services if seniors and others are reduced to penury? Well, maybe it's about the culling of the herd, no matter what. You know, the old 'success at any cost' as long as it's someone else's loss.

So please enlarge or print the image for easier reading if you wish.

Because there are several other contacts worth considering for a fuller picture of the trouble we're in, and do note that Social Security's Saturn, karmic planet of old age, responsibility, and accountability but also of loss, restriction, debt, and deprivation, will return to natal position (8Pis03) on February 14, 2024, the year of the next US Presidential Election and just prior to the upcoming Great American Eclipse in the 8 North Saros Series when dreams and visions will be prominent, and the 8 North eclipse's path of totality will cut a swath from Southwest to Northeast.

Another factor worthy of concern is that dry Saturn @8Pisces conjuncts US 1776 Ceres (grains, food supplies, democracy) and the 1776 Pluto-Chiron midpoint, so if there are any doubts about who's behind the dearth and austerity - it's American Plutocrats in league with Global Plutocrats who want it all.

But what they don't want is democracy.

Related: Midterms 2022 Planets to US Congress Horoscope.

Jan 12, 2023

Joe Biden's Mars Return of Troubles

In 2021 we discussed the Horoscope of President Biden's Mars Return (12Sco35) of November 17, 2021 which remains operative until the end of October 2023 when Mars returns to 12Sco35 once again. For as you know, it takes planet Mars approximately 2 years or so to complete an orbit so Mars Return Horoscopes are "good for" about 2 years and provide clues concerning new two-year cycles of initiative, individualism, and important new endeavors.

Yes, health concerns may also turn up in a Mars Return Horoscope, often with Leo rising, ruled by the Sun and thus related to heart and spine, especially if the chart ruler is afflicted by planets such as Saturn or Pluto. In this horoscope, chart ruler Mercury squares Jupiter indicating misunderstandings and erroneous conclusions, a good description of current events.

Then if restrictive Saturn falls within the first house of a Mars Return, depleted energy may be the case, if Pluto is in first, then toxins or a need for surgery are possibilities. Of course, if serious illness shows, it must be backed up by progressed planets and additional indications, otherwise, health conditions may be only temporary when shown by a Mars Return Horoscope (duration 2 years or less). Yet as we know with Astrology, forewarned is forearmed, and the next Mars Return may indicate improvement.

However, so far, it seems that First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has been the one having health issues such as surgery. A look at her natal chart, transits, and progressions would be instructive.

Spiteful Politics Can Muck Up Everything

So in consideration of President Biden's current troubles, stress, obstacles, and difficulties with opponents - and you know who they are - a look at the President's current Mars Return Horoscope can be instructive with his Mars in Scorpio, strong its own sign. Follow the link above and you'll see what I mean.

For example, in his November 17, 2021 Return chart, 00Virgo rises along with his natal North Node of fate and destiny, so with Mercury as chart ruler, as noted above, documents and rhetoric are prominent along with fixed star Regulus (keywords: success if revenge is avoided: perhaps we can agree that Joe Biden is not a vindictive man, but we know who is).

Planetary contacts, in force for the 2 years of his 2021 Return, include Saturn in Aquarius square his Scorpio Mars (thwarted actions; delays; frustrations; anger; resentment; fatigue), and reciprocally, today's Mars station turning Direct @8Gemini conjuncts Joe Biden's natal Saturn Rx (@9Gem57) indicates rules being imposed (Special Prosecutor to look into his document situation - some stored away from 10 years ago, his VP days!), plus, a need to become more organized and careful in order to keep the President from running afoul of others. Troubles are often self-created as this transit agrees!

Now there are a variety of other planetary contacts in Mr. Biden's current Mars Return Horoscope, and more will form from now until the end of October. I'm certain you'll spot them but I won't invite your on-topic comments or insights because few leave them nowadays. But they would be much appreciated if you do!