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Apr 19, 2012

GOP finally finds a voter fraud perp! (Thom Hartmann video 4.18.12)

Will this justify the GOP attempt to disenfranchise elderly, poor, and urban voters in November 2012 with 'voter ID laws' in order to skew elections toward Republicans? Uh oh! Turns out the vote fraudster found is one of their own...

Watch live streaming video from thomhartmann at

In his April 18, 2012 broadcast, Thom leads with the astounding GOP-voter-fraud revelation then continues reporting on this week's news.

~:~ Visit Protecting the Vote if you wish to participate in protecting the vote. Of, by, for, people!

History Today on the Origins of Islam

Exploring the Origins of Islam

As you know, on 9/11/01, transiting Neptune was at its Origin of Islam degree (6AQ+, a Neptune Return) and conjoined America's natal South Node, a karmic synchronicity with a Saturnian undertone of loss, separation, and Neptunian intrigue and showing a basic disharmony in the spiritual realm between Eastern and Western cultures.

Remember after the attacks of 9/11 how spiritual many Americans became? TV ads became more...sensitive. How sad that the improvements haven't lasted better than they have as our old materialism has again asserted itself as Wall Street's greed and a morally corrupt system remind us each day. Actually, America's natal horoscope (Sibly: 5:10 pm LMT) shows Saturn (10th H) and Neptune (9th H) flanking Midheaven (The Goal) = wavering between materialism and idealism. (Ebertin.)

So here's an article from the excellent History Today which explores whether the roots of ancient Islam may be explored and better understood in much the way Christianity has always been and I hope you'll check it out!

Apr 18, 2012

Senator Sanders and Dems v SCOTUS' Citizens United (video)

April 18, 2012: Senator Bernie Sanders and other Democrats speak out on the disastrous 'Citizens United' decision. What indeed has happened to America?

Perhaps the action next week on Capitol Hill concerning the CISPA Draft (that) allows Internet companies to share customer data and communications with the NSA shows rather clearly in the horoscope set for Capitol Hill of the New Moon of April 21, 2012 @ 1Tau35 in 3rd house of Communications.

Not only does the problematic transit of Mars opposite secretive Neptune continue and point toward the North Node (NN), a point of encounter with the public and showing the future path that humanity is embarked upon, but the opposition stimulates America's natal Mars/Neptune square which has so often led the US government into misguided and misdirected actions.

To nose into your Aunt Granny Fanny's emails of photos of her grandchildren and spy on what little Johnny wants for his birthday next year is unconscionable and a massive overreach of US taxpayers' resources as the NSA, Congress, and other agencies and entities use our own money to basically 'strip search' our communications! The waste of such a wide-casting net is difficult to describe much less to fathom its true intent.

Now you know that Mars turned Direct recently at 3Vir40/41 and is in process of trining spymaster Pluto 9Cap32 Rx in 11th H of the April 21 New Moon chart--Mars 3Vir59 is posited in 7th H. So from 7th, 11th, and 3rd houses we have a New Moon (start of a new cycle of activity, as most congressmembers hope) in intolerant, often greedy and possessive Taurus (possessive of our emails and private business!) ruled by an out-of-bounds Venus 14Gem29 ('15Gem' = "Two Dutch Children Talking to Each Other, Exchanging Their Knowledge"--will US citizens' collected data end up in Brussels' Super Computer? Colorado's? Of course this symbol can refer to those of Dutch descent as well.)

So the April 21, 2012 New Moon, Mars, and Pluto are in Grand Trine, a closed circuit of energies which shuts out the public, no doubt. Thing is, the combination of Mars and Pluto indicate potentials for:

conducting clandestine operations, security forces allied with the military, using police and military against criminal elements (like your Aunt Granny Fanny? bosh!), attacks using powerful forces and weaponry, a police state with rigid military controls, use of suppression and torture to enforce policy, wars, mayhem, rape, chaos, and/or exporting upheaval and political theory to others as an objective. (Munkasey.)

One grave suspicion is that censoring our exportation of political theory is one objective of CISPA bwo the public's emails, newsletters, blogs, articles, websites, etc. Then they can propagandize us even more.

And though Mars/Pluto also links to deviant behavior and to giving in to it, I shall not mention the current Secret Service scandals or other scandals in the news, none of which involve the emails of my Aunt or yours, or indicate that our private communications and photos have anything to do with the lowering of standards at the highest levels of the US government.


April 21, 2012 New Moon 1Tau35 @ 3:18 am edt Capitol Hill; ASC 16AQ37 with veiling, fraudulent Neptune 2Pis37 and Chiron 8Pis31 rising and opposing militant Mars; MC (The Goal) 4Sag18 has NN 5:21 in 10th H showing these new conditions and CISPA legislation on display for all the world to see and for decent people to lament; Venus OOBs of the Earthly plane--doing her own thing--in 4th H of the Foundation of the Matter (4th H = the Germanic sounding "Homeland") with IC 4Gem18...'5Gem' = "A Radical Magazine."

New Moon '2Tau' = "An Electrical Storm"--THE VISITATION. Keynote: the cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence." (Rudhyar.)

Yes, wealthy plutocratic, monarchistic, and popish Pluto in controlling Capricorn relishes being able to transform our natural existence--as he continues working to destroy the US Constitution and our right to privacy with it.


Apr 15, 2012

May 2012 Eclipse to NWO natal horoscope

May 20, 2012 Transits to the New World Order Natal Chart

by Jude Cowell

In a previous post, the horoscope of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse at 00Gem21 conjunct Fixed Star Alcyone was on display (click image to enlarge the chart which is set for Washington D.C.)

And you may wish to read the bit I wrote in 2007 about the NWO natal horoscope, plus, here's a re-publish of the chart as it was posted in 2007--click image or magnify your browser for closer viewing:

Note the NWO's Mars-Mercury-Pluto line-up in secretive Mars/Pluto-ruled Scorpio, sign of spies, agents, and Big Businesses such as Banking and Weaponry--and that NWO Pluto conjoins the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse horoscope's Ascendant set for D.C.--and vice versa. This feature that stands out clearly between the two charts (May 20, 2012 v October 24, 1993, #3 of the *Uranus/Neptune Great Conjunctions) for it shows a double Pluto/Ascendant synchronicity of which you may want to be aware since the themes of the May 2012 Eclipse affect the rest of 2012, at least or until the next Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @ '22Scorpio'--which falls amongst the natal Mars-Mercury-Pluto trio in the NWO natal chart.

Mars/Pluto = Mercury: the desire to realize plans fanatically; presence of mind; noisy battles; abusive language brings attention; descriptions of powerful weapons; seeing is achieving; tenacious pursuit of plans; publicity; effective salesmanship (Ebertin; Munkasey; Tyl.)

The November 2012 Solar Eclipse is from the 15 North Saros Series with a "joy through commitment" theme (Brady's Predictive Astrology) which doesn't sound too awful, does it? Unless bossy Uranus/Neptune types make it so. Yet as you know, any eclipse in the sign of Scorpio has a fated undertone to it.

So let's consider what Michael Munkasey has to say about the combination of (powerful, subversive, wealthy) Pluto and Ascendant, the WHAT? Point of any horoscope. We may assume that plutocrats, both American and --other-- will be active on certain levels which may be described by the following in the realms of Politics and Business:

Thesis: focusing consciousness on elements meant to do harm to others; space colonization (ISS? jc); inspection of waste disposal procedures; ID and reversal of potentially destructive ideas or attitudes;

Antithesis: introducing immoral or profiteering ways into practice (they've done that already but there must be more--jc); natural disasters that strike without warning; psychotic or self-destructive reactions; pollution or poisons; global trends for the environment.

What a nice bunch of evil one-world-government psychotics.


Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, M. Munkasey.

*The NWO's Uranus and Neptune, The Enlightenment duo, met three times in 1993 at or near '18 Capricorn' = POLITICAL POWER (Rudhyar); negative/shadow side expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones) on:

1. February 2, 1993 @ 19Cap34;
2. August 20, 1993 @ 18Cap48;
3. October 24, 1993 @ 18Cap33.

Their cycle is approximately 171 years' duration and they last met in the 1650s in mid-Sagittarius (near US natal Ascendant in our national Sibly chart though America was only a glint in Francis Bacon's eyes) and during their time of Great Conjunction there was a telling New Moon @ 12Cap21 on January 2, 1650--'13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper" (WILL TO TRANSCENDANCE--Rudhyar) which may relate to the 'Illuminati flame' over gravesites of certain martyrs such as JFK, MLK Jr, and Princess Diana, and to the 'Eternal Flame' of the Olympic Games.

For further reading on such topics try Crystalinks and note the reputed and ancient connection to Gnosticism.

Apr 14, 2012

History of Friday the 13th (Michael Rivero video)

The topic of Friday the 13th and the Knights Templar is presented in this video by Michael Rivero and I shall let you decide what you think of it. As always, one lone blogger cannot vouch for video or article content supplied by others and topics are presented here on Stars Over Washington merely for your consideration as you wish.

Whether you agree or disagree, further study on all topics and opinions is always recommended by yours truly.

Moving "Beyond Outrage"--Robert Reich (video)

America's Kitten-in-String Finances and What to Do About Them

If you've ever read this blog before then you know I'm all about embedding this video from Public Policy Professor Robert Reich concerning his new e-book Beyond Outrage with its practical ideas for what to do about our nation's income inequality and its dire effects upon American lives and the future of our country:

And here's a political hoot: Mitt Romney is reported to be filing for an extension on his 2011 tax return. Perhaps one of his accountants misplaced a few statements from his offshore accounts. Yet we must not judge for it's so very difficult to keep up with all those facts and figures when you're rich as King Midas, running for office, and must depend totally on the help to keep you honest.

While I'm at it, here's another video you might profit from presented by Robert Reich and which features Mitt's Millions:

Born in 1946 with Sun in Cancer, here are previous posts concerning the two possible combinations of Sun-Moon blends of Robert Reich. My apology if my comments after one of the posts are in any way offensive to the Professor or to those who know him especially since he has continued to speak out on behalf of those of us who cannot or will not do so--or wouldn't be listened to if we did. jc

Apr 13, 2012

Strip-Searching SCOTUS

Another SCOTUS Assault Upon America

Will Americans bah like sheep for yet another outrageous assault from the monarchical Supreme Court Justices who deserve strip-searches of their own for such criminal action against our constitutional principles?

Read The Nation's article on the True Horror of the Florence Decision.

(Sorry but you may have to register or log in to read the article. Poo.)


Important Link: visit Buffet Rule Bill to weigh in on this coming Monday's cloture vote (a vote to agree to vote) on the wealthy paying a higher percentage of their fair share in taxes. And you know you want them to. Note to the 1%: it's okay, you'll still be wealthy.

President's 2011 Solar Return chart 'disappears' from Blogger post

How odd that President Obama's 2011 Solar Return horoscope, his current one until August 4, 2012, has at this juncture mysteriously disappeared from its post here at Stars Over Washington. Only an exclamation point remains as of a few minutes ago when I discovered the blanked out space.

Was there something offensive or too revealing showing in the horoscope?

The natal Sun position was calculated based on Mr. Obama's birth certificate for August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii--but perhaps Blogger had other ideas? Or has a simple glitch occurred? Is this part of a 'Blogger Known Issues' situation that I don't know about?

Funny but the image of the president's Secondary Progressed chart for November 2011 (his Sec Full Moon conjunct Aries Point) within the same post remains intact and visible.

Hmmm....any ideas, dear reader?

Apr 12, 2012

Astro-Notes on DNC 2012: Aldebaran Rising

DNC 2012: Aldebaran, Midas, Pan, and US natal Uranus Rising

by Jude Cowell

Some people think that Charlotte NC with its Bank of America headquarters and its "Wall Street of the South" vibe is a tone deaf choice for the location of the Democratic National Convention 2012 given Charlotte's overflowing homeless shelters and lack of unionization on behalf of workers' rights. So you may as well know that this blogger is one of those who think that very thing--especially with President Obama's acceptance speech set for September 6, 2012--to be delivered at the Bank of America Stadium!

Even so, a smattering of cosmic info is in order so that we may consider DNC 2012 from a higher plane than Politics usually deserves if only to keep our Political Astrology flag flying here at Stars Over Washington. Therefore, the following is my attempt to do just that though later updates may be necessary prior to and during the event itself which takes place September 3, 4, 5, and 6, 2012 in Charlotte.

If you're curious about RNC 2012, click An Astro-Peek at RNC 2012 and for the themes of the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series in which both political conventions fall, you may wish to try this.

Sept 3, 2012 Charlotte NC 12:00 am edt: Aldebaran Rising

Along with US natal Uranus (revolution; freedom), gold-hoarder Midas rises with trickster Pan and the horoscope shows sometimes-trickster Mercury 4Vir01, planet of votes and speeches, in 4th house (Foundation of the Matter) with the Sun (leader) @ 11Vir04 conjunct Fixed Star Zosma (victim or savior.) Presumably, President Obama, who garnered enough delegates (2778+) on April 3 to be the 2012 Democratic nominee, wants to be considered a 'savior' of the nation which echoes the heroic Apollo-Sun god theme of DNC 2008 in Denver, CO as you see in this video--remember the stage set with Greek columns? Only a laurel wreath and toga were missing from his royal Sun-in-Leo frame:

Curiously, at DNC 2008, asteroid Apollo was then @ 9Vir20 conjunct Saturn 11Vir03 which DNC 2012's Sun conjoins. This gives the Obama presidency a Sun/Saturn theme and points to America's natal (July 4, 1776) problematic Sun/Saturn square which I believe highlights the checks (square) and balances (US natal Saturn in Libra, sign of balance) which the US Congress (Saturn = lawmakers, managers) are meant to provide for the shiny yet self-protective, shrewd, and business-oriented US presidency (Sun in Cancer.)

Sun/Saturn squares tend to bolster inner maturity and leans a person toward authority taken seriously and the patient achievement of goals by taking one step at a time.

Aldebaran rising indicates 'success through integrity' for political participants of DNC 2012 though the presence of Midas and Pan rising may temper the indication somewhat considering the fraudulent system We the People are mired in--and the recent JOBS Act has rolled back some of the financial regulations in place from years ago! Perhaps the Democrats will explain how that can be good for the US economy and for the constantly scammed and financially struggling American people.

Speaking of which, the Moon (We the People) begins the enterprise in 11th H of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes and at 11Ari45, has moved beyond excitable, sparkly Uranus 7Ari33 Rx, also in (its own) 11th H. Besides Midas and Pan rising we see a 1st house, protective Jupiter 14Gem48 in the sign of chattiness so we may expect many speeches, some of them l-o-n-g. But they should be quite entertaining though some or all of them may be somewhat duplicitous (Gemini)--well, it is Politics after all, right? Scientific topics may be forthcoming as well.

How Will DNC 2012 Proceed?

To answer this question let's look at the three applying aspects of chart-ruler Mercury which are as follows:

1. sextile Mars (2A48) @ 6Sco49 in 6th H of Military Service, Work, and Health: we'll hear well-informed speeches on these and other topics from people who want our approval--their delivery will sparkle dramatically and draw every one's attention for this is a great aspect for warm and friendly public relations though gruffness may put some listeners off; supporting the underdog is a major theme along with getting others to cooperate on such concerns (already tried, yes, but more of it may be forthcoming especially since the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct Alcyone--something to cry about--will have made its themes and events known before September. Of course, the next presidency may be what we'll all cry about!)

2. trine Pluto (3A00) 7Cap01 Rx in 8th H of Big Business (plutocrats and bankers on-board and those who are not so on-board the Obama Train this time): intellectual assets will be on display, causes-and-effects of our financial dilemma are sure to be discussed realistically (which the neocon Bushies can't do--how could they?), ethical standards, youth programs, and market speculation topics are on the menu, and organizational talents will be apparent; a weak spot may be environmental issues and what to do about the damage already incurred.

3. opposite Chiron 7Pis09 Rx in 10th H of Public Status and Career (and still in process of completing President Obama's five-fer Chiron Return--his is a mentor-guru kind of 1st H Chiron--may I call you Joe?): alchemy! as minds function at optimum, occultists or an initiate is indicated (Clow) and since it's President Obama's time of Chiron Return and he's the nominee once again, I expect he's The One the powers-behind-the-throne (Bilderbergers, etc) have selected to play US president once again.

The Obama Selection 2012 may be described in part by a midpoint picture in the Sept 3, 2012 horoscope for the sacred warrior archetype of Mars/Chiron = Pluto (of the wealthy plutocratic ruling elite), and we have ourselves an astrological peep-eye, you Knights, you!

Plus, there's one midpoint picture with the Sun (leader) at apex...

Venus/Saturn = Sun: having simple tastes but enjoying extravagant displays; honors received later in life.

Of interest to this picture is what Michael Munkasey writes of Venus/Saturn in his brilliant book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, under Politics and Business and including the Hegelian Dialect's Thesis-Antithesis (leading to Synthesis) implications:

Thesis: restrictions on wealth or income (millionaires paying their fair share in taxes? jc); law enforcement that avoids difficult or cumbersome issues; new social or creative values enforce change on an endeavor; building the value of an enterprise.

Antithesis: restrictions on how society functions (we know--stop it! jc); a law enforcement bureau that derives pleasure from restricting the movement of people.

Also noted in the Sept 3 horoscope is a T-Square configuration which creates two midpoint pictures since the North Node (public contact) @ 29Sco14 in 6th H conjoins Inaugural Moon 2009 and reminds us that our financial and social crisis conditions (after 8 years of Bush-Cheney) continue to hinder America's forward development...any, all, or none may apply:

Mercury/Neptune = 2012 NN: discussing joint plans and ideas; encounters with prescient people or mentalists.

Mercury/Neptune = 2009 Moon: intuitive thoughts bring confusion and questions; a sympathetic understanding of others; receptivity to subconscious stirrings or images (propaganda); a deceived or deceptive woman. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Okay, President Obama's acceptance speech must be detailed later along with other factors so let's close this particular DNC 2012 post with the Image for Integration that relates to the convention's opening and its Sun Virgo/Moon Aries blend, an Earth-Fire combo of energies with a 'bulldozer' flavor describing the do-er who can enthuse others with his strongly held convictions though he may be verbose and scathingly critical at times:

"A jolly rotund monk enjoying his food and wine while excelling in well-worn Latin sayings, witty responses and kindly good humour."

(Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

To be cont'd with the changing signs of the Moon and the evening event of September 6 particularly noted...