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Jul 3, 2009

Chalmers Johnson: US military bases expand

The Secret Sorrows of Empire by Chalmers Johnson is one of my go-to books for inside info on the roots of US imperialism, and July 3, 2009 has brought a report from Mr. Johnson on the escalating costs of new US military bases the number of which is being increased, not decreased, by this Democratic president.

To settle up, state governments in the US are sending out IOUs, many July 4th fireworks displays are cancelled, and the nation is hurting in a thousand ways, but the eagle-soaring imperialists continue to march America on toward perpetual war while charging US taxpayers for war expenses while the power elites pocket the filthy profits.

"All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it."

Alexis de Tocqueville

Don't look now, Monsieur de Tocqueville, but a political faction in league with the international banking system figured this out decades ago. Or else they've been following your notes and intend to keep the masses enslaved by the chains of perpetual debt.


Paul Craig Roberts has something to say about Mr. Obama's continuance of Bush's wars, too.

The surrealism of Sarah Palin: the video 7.3.09

Oh yes, today's rambling announcement by Alaska Governor Sarah Palin that she is resigning from her governor's post July 26 and won't run for a second term in 2010 had to be published here so I can be fascinated by it at will. And if my courage holds, I'll be getting all the way through watching it any time now - cringe cringe.

And no, I don't blame David Letterman jokes as some are speculating online!

But yes, a run for president in 2012 may be the ultimate reason, sure, but this is a wacky way to go about it. She does need shiploads of preparation, agreed.

We knew the Neptune transit to her natal Sun and Mars would be trouble, didn't we?

Neptunian confusion and surrealism come through loud and clear to me in her performance today, how about you...any signals from Neptune getting through?

What a toss up for the Political Cringe Awards 2009: Sarah Palin or Mark Sanford? And the year is only half over.

Independence Day 2009 in Washington DC

Here's another in the series of Tom Foreman's Letters to the President, a timely one with a Fourth of July flavor. It concerns independence in the District of Columbia and the Republican v Democrat paradox that makes independence elusive to obtain if not impossible.

Of course, from way down here, it seems all about grasping and retaining power no matter the cost as this mindset on Capitol Hill makes a mockery of the 'independence' and 'freedom' we're supposedly enjoying in this nation. A larger agenda is being followed at the expense of the country's best interests, imho.

I've mentioned here before about a certain junior rep from Georgia who was told early on by party bosses that if he wanted to keep his job, he'd vote how they told him to vote. He did and he did.

But by doing so, he didn't stand up for the people who sent him to DC when he voted the opposite of what he knew the majority of us wanted. So much for representative government. And the trend continues.

It's no small thing that this kind of cynical control over other people's consciences makes Washington's political parties into mobs of thugs who prefer might over right, and as you may know, I have little respect for the majority of them.

So Happy Independence Day indeed. If you can get some.

Jul 2, 2009

Former Goldman-Sachs banker new US ambassador to Germany

Lest you think an important post in the Obama administration might have to do without a Goldman-Sachs alumni, former Goldman banker Phil Murphy is soon to be welcomed by Germany as the new US ambassador.

You can go back to your nap now, a Goldman-Sachs rep is in the house. Again.

In fact, if it's true what I've been reading that every financial bubble and collapse since the 1920s has been gamed if not orchestrated by Goldman-Sachs (and the Fed and the World Bank), I'd say that G-S is the house. These manipulators take win-win to the ultimate level.

And speaking of the 2008 presidential campaign, do you remember how Barack Obama's community organizing work was touted as an admirable thing because the brilliantly talented fellow (and he is) could have easily gone right to Wall Street after graduation to roll around and make mega-bucks there instead of working with and for the poorer elements in our society?

Well, apparently he did (or didn't), but he's just doing it from the White House. Yet didn't Goldman-Sachs install their man Barack in the Oval Office to do their bidding?

Ever since BHO appointed Clintonites like Larry Summers and that other guy to be on his 'Economic Team' - and then G-Sachs' Timothy Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury - it feels to me as if President Goldman-Sachs, with a current not former, Wall Street address to his credit, has coup'd the Oval Office and now plays the role of US commander-in-thief.


'Commander-in-thief' is a reference I first heard on a Radiohead album just after Bush first coup'd the White House, and since the (orchestrated) financial collapse of 2008, new levels of meaning accrue to the word, 'thief' in the USA - and it began under Bush.

Jul 1, 2009

Washington's Mortgage Reform fizzles like dud sparklers on the 4th of July

And How the American People Can Save Big Money in Washington

When the mortgage and sub-prime fiascoes began to hit the country in 2007 and into 2008, everyone agreed that reform would be on the menu and the sooner the better. The financial collapse which the housing market crash led to with its resulting unemployment, retail slumps, and slowdowns in all sectors of the economy and the life of the nation, made mortgage reform seem a given. Who could argue?

Well, not so fast - it's the US Congress on the case which means there are no guarantees of improvements or of corrections of the fraudulent, America.

Unlike the upcoming Fourth of July fireworks, no-brainer mortgage reform is now said to be fizzling on Capitol Hill and Senator Dodd says they have other things to do. Or did he say 'better' things to do?

Either way, thanks for nuthin' oh elitist ones.

So I've made up a timely yet brief list of To-Dos in case anyone wants the economy to work out better than Congress has planned for us:

Want mortgage reform?

Call your reps and senators on Capitol Hill and tell them what time you and your family of 3/4/5/6+++ will be turning up at their swanky digs for a long stay....just till you "find a place." They don't need kicks in the pants on Capitol Hill, they need moocher roommates and lots of them. Besides, thanks to years of outsourcing US jobs bwo Congress, you're broke because you lost your job, and there are None To Be Had. Except marching in the military or on Capitol Hill, if my further ideas are followed...

Want health care reform from Capitol Hill?

Demand that all House members' insurance companies triple the deductibles on their state-of-the-art insurance policies, and limit the number of surgeries allowed for the next few years; totally exclude cosmetic surgeries and treatments, of course, and forget free meds and exotic cruises. And while you're at it, have the premiums auto-drafted from their paychecks from now on.

Want ethics and accountability to return to our nation's capital?

Then we'll have to kick out 98% of the bums on Capitol Hill, their staffers, aides, and favorite lobbyists - and sign up to serve ourselves, citizens of America!

But Senator Al Franken can stay (until he proves his metal) since he hasn't sat down at the trough just yet. And maybe Dennis Kucinich. I can't decide about him. Ron Paul, maybe. Not sure but probably. And keep a few junior ones who have yet to underwhelm us with their craven truckling to party bosses and poor judgments.

Thing is, since it was Capitol Hill denizens who dumped us into the crises in which we're now stewing (in collusion with their Wall Street buds), what makes them think the nation can afford them with their exalted lifestyles and their expensive ways? If we're looking for places to 'cut back' in the national budget, how about firing every one of the political culprits who helped cause it?

Washington Loves Ceremonies

I have yet to get a cost estimate on enough tar and feathers for the lot of them, but it couldn't be any higher than congressional paychecks, sell-outs, give-aways, and heistings, now could it?

Oh, and again I shall wish you a Happy 233rd birthday, America!

All the gold in Fort Knox may be pilfered away, but you don't look a day past 200. (Botox not covered, as above.)

Creeping round the White House

Wednesday Aternoon Update: found this on Helen Thomas, the repected White House reporter, who voiced her opinion on the White House's set-up questions and 'call-aheads' to alert reporters they'll be asking a question at an Obama presser, or in today's case, at a 'townhall meeting.'

You'll remember Bush's fear of Ms. Thomas who was put in the back row during the Bush-Cheney administration's pressers which often seemed to me to be sneakily embedded with softball questions that were set-up, if not called-ahead.

Above link contains a video of Ms. Thomas' comments which made W-H press secretary Robert Gibbs squirm, along with Chip Reid's complaints. Good.

Original post begins here:

Today NPR is reporting that the Obama administration is making the same argument in court that the Bush-Cheney administration made to keep secret the logs on who visits the White House.

The argument didn't go over well for Bush & Co. so it's a head-scratcher that Team Obama can't come up with a new reason with which to frustrate the American people and their expectation of a much more open government including what's really going on at what's supposedly our White, House.

Putting it down to 'campaign promises are hard to keep' doesn't work for me, does it work for you?

Perhaps they could set up a VIP Back Door For Slick Operators (aka, advisers, consultants, and special interest lobbyists) who come and go freely on the sly with their missions unknown but which have results we-the-people so often end up suffering from and, because of such secrecy, have trouble finding out the true source of our problems (which makes them impossible to repair.)

But let's leave all US sovereignty and Constitution underminers to walk in the Front Door with cameras flashing in their treasonous snoots.

There. I've said it.

Well, I'm still disappointed in the way 'open government' has turned out to be only a campaign promise that sounded at the time too good to be true to my suspicious astrologer's nature - and it was. And it is.

Jun 30, 2009

Will financial collapse be probed? I knew it was You, Reagan

The Washington Independent is asking Who Will investigate the Causes of the Financial Crisis? and apparently Congress is mulling over setting up a congressional committee to investigate after all.

But the list of possible names for the panel has a few huge clunkers on the Republican side in particular, most notably former senator from Utah Jake Garn, the same financial deregulator who sponsored the Garn-St. Germain Act signed by Reagan in 1982.

This would be the act that allowed Savings & Loan Associations to run amok with speculations that led directly to the S&L collapse (from which a certain member of the Bush dynasty had to be rescued by Poppy and the American people.)

The S&L crisis was then used as justification to author the easily passed Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act which Paul Krugman cites (op-ed linked below) as putting responsibility for the current financial collapse squarely on the shoulders of President Ronald Reagan (where so much of it belongs, I agree.)

Who can forget former VP Cheney's defense of the Bush administration's and the GOP's drunken-sailor spending by saying that "Reagan proved deficits don't matter"? You'd have to go a long way to find a larger crock than that. Actually just go to Cheney's VP desk and the early Iraq war plans ("what we need is a new Pearl Harbor"), and Cheney's monkeying around with the US air defense system on the morning of 9/11/01...well, okay, you'd have a hard time choosing from the scam and crime lists of certain political cusses on 'both sides of the aisle,' as they love to say.

Yes, Paul Krugman's recent op-ed tells of Ronald Reagan's signing the Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982 which opened the door to the deregulation of the mortgage industry and cordially invited in the frauds of today.

Here is the horoscope with a few details on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 in case you haven't seen it (Sun/Moon conjunct George W. Bush's natal Ascendant!) The post was written before I found info on the Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act and before I realized the significance of its passage which leads directly to today's heist. (Thanks, Alex!)

And check out the text of President Reagan's jolly remarks at the Garn-St. Germain Act's signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Oct 15, 1982 - 11:03 am, as you'll see here.

"All in all, I think we hit the jackpot," beamed Reagan, as noted by Paul Krugman in his op-ed linked above.

And I'm certain Reagan felt that way since the signing of the act occurred so near Mr. Reagan's Jupiter Return of Oct 11, 1982! The signing ceremony was held 4 days later on Oct 15, 1982 with Reagan's remarks (as noted in the text linked above) delivered at 11:03 am edt, White House, DC.

You have to love it when the actual time appears on a speech's text!

Now this was during a Saturn Hour, with an unaspected Jupiter conjunct 12th cusp (a karmic spot in a chart if there ever was one - we're paying heavy debts now and into the future thanks to these past sorry actions of Reagan & pals; plus, Reagan was born with Jupiter conjunct South Node, an unconscious point in any chart, see *Jup conj SN details below) moneybags Jupiter (the Guru) had returned in 1982 to the zodiacal position held at Reagan's Feb 6, 1911 birth!

Sometimes Astrology can be so amazing especially when Big Events are occurring and the archetypes are acting right under our studious noses.

And, of course, you know that in Mundane Astrology (Political Astrology; Astro-Politics), Jupiter represents the Republican Party, Saturn the Democrats - which actually makes the Dems more traditional and conservative, with the Rs as the radicals with big money burning holes in their pockets if it's taxpayer money, but lining deep pockets when its theirs to pilfer. And with the Democratic Party being the older of the two, Saturn fits them on that level, too.

So what does it mean that the signing-ceremony chart's Jupiter is unaspected?

(Chart is viewable at the end of this post.)

That Mr. Jupiter is acting as a law unto himself (and Reagan was acting on an unconscious level through his SN - unless Astrology had informed him - unconscious preoccupations are the hardest to transcend, as you know.)

So Jupiter isn't playing with the other actors (planets) in the scheme, a condition which emphasizes Jupiter's meaning by sign and house placement, and in this case, by the fact that this is Reagan's Jupiter in Scorpio, sign of Big Business and Wheeler-Dealing. Scorpio's natural house is the 8th of Credit, Debt, Insurance, Shared Resources, Transformation, the Occult, etc.

Jupiter in Scorpio indicates ruthless (Sco) striving for possessions and wealth (Jup), possible recklessness as bounds are over-stepped (Jup), and a tendency to delve into secret matters including the occult. Reagan's secret dealings with Iran come to mind as he orchestrated the delay of US hostages' release in Tehran and thus undermined the presidency of Jimmy Carter. Scorpio is also linked to betrayals, spying, and the Eagle of the US as it soars and surveys the world (from space, as it turns out. Naughty naughty Google Earth, too.)

Concerning the Reagans' known use of Astrology, perhaps the whole process of the finance-based bill's mark up, passage, and signing were timed with RR's Jupiter Return since this is usually an auspicious time of reward. By Reagan's "jackpot" comment mentioned above, he obviously was aware of what he was doing on a financial level, imo, and welcomed its promised abundance with which Politics had supplied him before (Jup conj SN.)

A Scorpionic Jupiter expands the will and one's sense of pride, while giving much subtlety to the personality. You've probably read through the years comments from those who knew him that they never really felt they "knew" him well - that even Mrs. Reagan couldn't enter all his self-absorbed ponderings. This self-absorption is part of Jupiter in Scorpio, often a moody and brooding sign.

At the North end of Reagan's natal Nodal Axis of Destiny is natal Moon 13Tau43, indicating that he was a hit with the American people for the most part (Moon conjunct US Inaugural Ascendant 13Tau+); or at least his reflection on the public image screen was pleasingly dazzling (including his film career.)

What we couldn't see as well was his ideologue Jupiter sitting on the tail of the dragon (SN) while making these important, far-reaching transformations to our financial system (Sco.)

Perhaps that's why the current financial collapse, a natural outcome of Reagan's signing of the Garn-St. Germain Act 1982, feels as if we're attempting to hang on to the tail of a dragon. The fire is burning the people - Moon - at the Northern end (NN = future direction), but the past (SN) has caught up and is knocking us over with the disastrous swish of a Jupiterian politician's tail!


*Jupiter conjunct SN: social and ethical objectives clash with prevailing social customs creating conflicts of interest; delays and difficulties are experienced in relation to, or encountered in, foreign lands (delaying the resolution of the US hostage crisis and its October Surprise, plus, Iran-Contra and arms planes being shot down with a survivor who pointed directly at the White House - a big oops for The Gipper!) (Jup/SN: The Astrologer's Handbook, Sakoian and Acker.)

More financial and political stars upcoming:

Soon to be of note financially, politically, in business, and law enforcement matters (Capricorn) is the July 7 Lunar Eclipse which will affect US natal Sun 13Can19 (the leader) so keep an eye on our president since Lunar Eclipses tend to reveal hidden things that must now be dealt with - and I rather doubt this indicates only a butt smoked behind a bush in the Rose Garden.

Also: if you click to enlarge the Garn-St. Germain chart just below, you'll see that in the 8th house is the Solar Eclipse which manifested before the act's signing, from its Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 2 New North. If you read Brady's Predictive Astrology, you find that this Series' flavor is that of the #16 card in the Tarot deck known as 'The Tower' - when we experience a sudden collapse of lifestyles, confusion reigns; transformation and rebuilding after the dust settles; this reshaping has far-reaching effects and will change peoples' directions in life through the sudden collapse of existing structures.

Well, that certainly describes what's been going on currently especially if you consider the Garn-St. Germain Act to be the grand-pappy of 2008/09's econo-collapse.

And worrisomely, the difficult Solar Eclipse of July 21/22, 2009 is related by its occurrence at '29Can' which may trigger the sensitized degree of the July 20, 1982 Eclipse at '28Can' (2 New North) - both opposing US natal Pluto (27Cap) and progressed Pluto (29Cap.)

The July 2009 Solar Eclipse indicates systems failures and old methods/ideas suddenly need to be replaced by new ones; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed. So the 1982 and 2009 Eclipses are linked by degree, not Series.

Well, I really wish, lone reader, that I could be more positive about this stuff, but the Lunar and Solar Eclipses of August 2008 brought bad financial news and events that I didn't want to discuss either, yet I would've been remiss not to do it anyway, mostly at Jude's Threshold (see sidebar of Pages.)

So there's little else to say now except, hang on tight - this too shall pass! jc

Oct 15, 1982, 11:03 am edt, White House; highlighted in red is a YOD pattern of 'adjustment, crisis, and/or a special task' pointing to Chiron Rx in Tauru$, sign of the architect and builder, and in 6th house of Work, Health, and Service.

Enlarge chart to see the planets in sextile that are pointing to Chiron; Reagan's natal placements are highlighted in blue around the chart; some US natal placements are noted as well; signing of the bill occurred with the Sun conjunct Reagan's natal Midheaven (Mc) 21Lib16; US natal Neptune in Virgo is at Midheaven at 11:03 am edt - deception, including self-deception.

The Mc/Ic axis of this chart is where the current stand-off (opposition) between Saturn and Uranus has fought for control and the old ways (Saturn) vs radical progress (Uranus) and is affecting career/public standing (Mc) and home/security/real estate matters (Ic) by way of the Garn-St. Germain Act.

In lower right corner is written the midpoint picture formed between the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto (Nov 2, 1981), triggered at the act's signing Oct 15, 1982 by transiting Saturn 24Lib46 which gives...

Jupiter/Pluto = Saturn: adjusting the big picture to meet more with convention; difficulties; separations.

The Jupiter/Pluto cycle we're embroiled in now (Jup/Plu = plutocrats; people who tackle big projects; exploitation of the masses; wastefulness; squanderers and speculators; law and economics professors, etc - Ebertin) began in December 2007 when America's economic weaknesses began to show in the housing sector as the recession started, and the Fed announced an interest rate cut only a few minutes before Jupiter and Pluto met and conferred over drinks to discuss their very ambitious political and financial aims.

Jun 29, 2009

Lee Hamilton the GOP's go-to guy: the October Surprise resurfaces

If you've so far managed to miss reading Robert Parry's recent Who to Trust on a Truth Commission? report, please find a few minutes to remedy your condition forthwith.

Pour yourself a cup of tea or pop open a bottle of whatever you like to pop open - this account details the Bush Sr-Reagan law-breakings from the 1980s and into the 90s with Iran, October Surprises, and Lee Hamilton as the GOP's favorite go-to guy for 'investigating' political scandals without ruffling a single important feather or changing the global and Washington power structures which even now think that they can get away with absolutely anything.

And as long as so very few people pay close attention to such reports as Mr. Parry's, things will remain as opaquely duplicitous and as heinously corrupt in the US government as they were yesterday, the day before, and the decade before that.

Discussed in the article is the Russian report on how Bush, William Casey, Reagan campaign staffers, and other Republicans, made secret deals with Iranian radicals to unseat a US president (Carter) which includes the often-alleged secret meeting in Paris, Oct 1980. Poppy Bush was there - let's ask him.

This report, requested from the Soviet government by Hamilton himself, but received in Washington - alas! - too late, goes completely against the mild conclusions of the October Surprise Task Force chaired by Mr. Hamilton, with its whitewash function a marvel of political cronyism and crime syndicate cover-up and, in my memory, matched only by Hamilton's stellar, stone-faced performance on the Warren Commission which was set up to obfuscate the truth about the JFK assassination. Of course, you may remember that back then, pardner Arlen Specter was hot on the trail of truth, too.

(Perhaps this is where I suggest using a pack of bloodhounds next time, fellas.)

So is Hamilton the GOP go-to guy? Well, he's had a lot of experience whitewashing their dirty hands and faces, I must give him that for his professional resume.

So if President Obama's CIA Director Leon Panetta continues to cite Lee Hamilton as the go-to guy for looking into Bush-Cheney administration crimes, we'll *know that Panetta is one of the establishment - the establishment of crooks that hide in plain sight in Washington DC, sporting their Tom Sawyer paint brushes and ready to astound us all with their less-than-half-hearted strivings to discover and reveal The Truth.


*Yes, we already know that Panetta is one of the establishment but sometimes my generous streak shines through in spite of all my disgust with Politics, that "organized system of hatreds." (partial quote from Henry B. Adams - and he should know.)

What Wilson said after creating the Fed

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve Bank into existence

"Unwittingly ruined"?

Now that's the part I must wonder about most when it comes to Mr. Wilson's role in the financial and political farce we Americans often call 'government.' If you wish, read Woodrow Wilson and the Invisible Empire for my notes on his natal chart and for another of his enlightening quotes about the US government.

Hindsight being perfect in the rear view mirror of life, I wish President Wilson could have remarked strongly upon the subject before he signed the Fed into law and then promptly run out of ink. But actually, since the presidency of Andrew Jackson the banking system has ruled our government, but it's taken slow increments to seal the totalitarian deal which was ratcheted up mightily in 2008.

And yes, the Founding Fathers were of the same mind - a select few rich men being top of the heap in perpetuity - so a plutocratic oligarchy of the rich we got and its becoming even more concentrated as they planned all along. This is one of the main reasons for the manufactured financial collapse of 2008 with massive public money 'bailouts' disguising the elite banking interests' unconscionable heist.

And the proof will be in the ultimate results of their whole crooked scheme.

Is right wing extremism in the US on the rise?

No, it doesn't require glue sniffing or kool-aid swigging to imagine the GOP's slowly forming strategy when McCain was so obviously past his prime in the 2008 presidential run and Republicans saw Barack Obama attracting millions of people with his orating abilities and winning personality.

Plus, the international banking houses signed on to the Obama brand to make matters less... Republican in Washington as the Democrats took a helm-manning turn so that the illusion of a two-party system in the US could be upheld in everyone's imaginations.

Is part of the GOP's hornet's nest strategy a revving up of right-wing extremist groups by playing on their gut reaction to having an African-American president in the previously all-white White House?

My mind wanders back to Nov 4, 2008 when Saturn's status quo based on tradition and Uranus' progressive attitudes and futuristic reforms were locked in a precise stand-off, known in Astrology as an opposition, as the antithetical planets fought one another across the Virgo/Pisces axis of the victim-savior archetypes.

Now most folks first assumed that change-lovin' Uranus won the election, but this reluctant astrologer suspected that Saturn was still very much in the game. And we've heard many times since Inauguration Day 2009 that Mr. Obama is more traditional than many people expected him to be...well, yuh! Critics of his economic plans say he's performing a superficial face-lift rather than instituting the deep reforms needed by a corrupt investment and banking system, the whole of which is rotten to the core.

Well, his Saturn in its own sign of staid Capricorn tells that tale niftily, I think, yet having expansive, optimistic, idealistic Jupiter nearby and within the first degree of Aquarius makes Obama quite a blend with an out-of-sign conjunction of the societal planets (Jupiter and Saturn) - he prefers to promote the best of past and future, if only obstacles would get out of his way.

Let's hope for his family's sake and for the health of our nation that his obstacles remain on the debating of policy and legislative sides without expressing upon a physical level. The July 21/22 Solar Eclipse is a doozy though, so we'll see how things proceed as 'systems and old methods fail; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed,' cautions Brady's Predictive Astrology. (The 11 South Eclipse at a crisis 29th degree (of Cancer) occurs on the 21st at 10:34 pm edt in Washington, DC.)

And no, President Obama is not the savior many Americans imagined him to be. Certainly no one person can clean up the Bush-Cheney mess in a few months or years, even assuming that Mr. Obama genuinely wishes to. (As you may know, I see the US presidential baton-passing as significant of a continuing one-world-government agenda that we-the-people are ordinarily not privy to. If you're a top o'the heap US president - you're one of them or you couldn't have made it to the top of the political mountain!)

But another interference from chaos-creating power elites in the course of our history would be debilitating and sad for us all at a time when we most need clarity and upright actions, not undermining tactics and psychosis.

Perhaps you may agree that what America does not need are emotionally manipulated, half-crazed hotheads whose anarchisms are instigated by those whose hold on political power has become too tenuous for their self-serving comfort.

You know, in America's 'Franklin' natal chart (see post below for a chart image), the Moon (the populace; the public; we-the-people) is at the 25th degree+ of Aquarius rather than the usual 'Sibly' chart's 26/27 AQ. You may be interested in the Sabian Symbol for '25AQ' in light of my understandably annoying remarks above on America's 'right wing' extremists controversy (symbol from Marc Edmund Jones)...

'25AQ': "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed"...UNIQUENESS...this degree's symbol speaks of man's capacity to overcome any handicap imposed on him....and of his underlying stamina or psychological integrity.

positive expression: a genius for turning deficiency into a real asset;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unhappy and rebellious conceit.

Yes, well it would be conceit at the basis of prejudices of all kinds, wouldn't it? And September 2009 brings the world yet another brittle stand-off between the opposing forces of Saturn and Uranus as they bitterly battle on.


My post on America's Solar Return 2009 is published just below if you want to take a peek at America's 233rd birthday planets. jc

Jun 28, 2009

America's Solar Return 2009: happy 233rd!

With the US Solar Return 2009 marking America's 233rd birthday, I've been reading quite a bit of the history of those early times to get myself revved up for this US Solar Return 2009 post. One result of my delving? See this blog's sidebar for a new link to Revolutionary War Archives' info on the 'American Revolution: 1st shot fired.' Now this post is a bit on the complex side since I often consult the so-called 'Sibly' natal chart (5:10 pm lmt) as the US birth chart, and the 'Franklin' chart (2:21 pm lmt, or 2:22 pm if you prefer; I often use it for 'secret service/agencies' issues with spying Scorpio rising) which is based on the time shown on the Independence Hall clock behind Ben Franklin on our 100-dollar bill. (Sychronistically perhaps, flip the chart to 2:21 or 2:22 am and you get Uranus 8Gem55 rising precisely, but that only muddies the "which natal chart for the US?" issue even more.) The difference between the two natal charts - one a symbolic chart involving London and astrologer Ebenezer Sibly, the other a teasing clue from astrologer Ben Franklin (who was something of a prankster in life) with the aid of the designer/s of the 20-dollar bill - results in a Solar Return alteration for the moment the Sun returns to its natal degree and minute. (Sibly Sun 13Can19; Franklin Sun 13Can13.) Using the 5:10 pm Sibly chart results in a Solar Return on July 5, 2009 at 12:58:40 am (edt) when set for the White House; the 2:21 pm Franklin chart gives a Solar Return for July 4, 2009 a 10:09:41 pm (edt) which is also set for the White House as you see in the charts' images above. Obviously the planetary signs/degrees remain basically the same in both Return charts (Moon's degrees showing the most difference because Luna moves most quickly) but the Angles (Asc/Desc; Mc/Ic) and other house cusps are different thereby placing planets in various houses between the SR charts. Chart-ruler changes as well from Aquarius' Saturn (co-ruler Uranus) to Aries' Mars, so their applying aspects are notated on the charts (click to enlarge.) 2009's SR based on the Franklin chart (natal Asc 8Sco27) has 11AQ34 rising so we always check which natal house is rising in a SR chart to see what issues (departments of life) are on the immediate menu as the Return period begins. In this case, it's the natal 3rd house of Communications, Lower Mind, Siblings, and Neighborhoods. In the Franklin natal chart (see below) Pluto 27Cap33 Rx and South Node (SN) 6AQ36 are posited in 3rd house bringing up transformational issues, plutonian controls, and past (unconscious) behaviors (SN) we'd do well to move beyond since this qualifies as neuroses that no longer bring the results wanted in current circumstances. First natal planet to rise in the SR 2009 is the 4th house Moon 25AQ28 (the people; the public; 4th house = domestic and security concerns; real estate; mining; inheritance.) 2009's SR based on the Sibly chart (natal Asc 12Sag13) has 18Ari09 rising which brings up natal 4th house (same concerns and issues as mentioned in last bit) but with natal Chiron 20Ari08 which indicates our 'inherited wound' in the pioneering and me-first departments...maybe that's one reason why America has always been gung-ho about such things. Chiron represents the unhealable wound and the blindspot, but ultimately its location may become the strongest point in any chart. After Chiron, the next natal planet to rise is Uranus 8Gem55 in 6th house of the Sibly chart, but just below the Descendant (see below.) In the last couple of years transiting asteroid Midas has been triggering America's natal Uranus, planet of disruption, rebellion, and reform. This hook-up describes just one of the facets we're dealing with in the financial sector (although I often tend to yell at Midas as the greedy gold-hoarder he is - Midas now direct 8Gem28....or rather his archetypal representative is.) A "natal echo" worth mentioning is that both SR charts show a Mercury/Pluto opposition, an aspect of busy minds always trying to consolidate and crystallize the abundant ideas within the frame of reference; there's deep curiosity about other people's secrets and their ways of thinking; corruption undermines existing circumstances; complex, incisive minds have to constantly regenerate thought patterns to facilitate proper interactions with others. (Alan Oken's Complete Astrology.) Now on the Sibly SR chart, you see marked the US Secondary Mars Rx upon the Desc of this SR ruled by Mars in Taurus in 2nd house of Earning Ability, Self-Worth, and Values. Mars is the first SR planet to rise in the Sibly SR chart as Pres. Obama continues the perpetual wars begun by Bush-Cheney...the wars that are keeping the American people from affording their own health care reforms and other needs. My intuition told me a few years ago that high unemployment rates in the US are meant to stimulate sign-ups and recruitments for wars and more wars - what do you think? Tellingly, we see that the Franklin SR chart has '1Sag' at Mc, the Goal Point of the chart...'1Sag': "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire." That upheavals and concerns about 2/8 axis issues of Money, Credit, Corporate Profits, Insurance, Military Spending, Values, etc. will be on the US menu for the extent of the SR 2009 is obvious and we don't need a horoscope to tell us this, do we? Noted on both charts is a transiting midpoint of interest esp since the two planets - one of the past, one of the future - were in opposition on Nov 4, 2008 and will be continuing to affect US natal Mars off and on by forming a Mutable T-Square pattern with natal Mars as apex...this indicates an over-taxing of the nervous system and disruptive to the thought processes; a Mutable apex Mars shows a restless scattering of energies, diffusion, disorganization, and inconsistencies which must be directed by good planning. Finish a job before starting the next or nothing may get done! Here's the midpoint picture which the T-Square creates... Saturn/Uranus = natal Mars 21Gem+: challenges leading to a fight; upheavals through calamity or rebellion; an act of violence; accident or injury; a forced release from tensions; deprivation of freedom. Sun (the leader) is in the (Franklin) 5th house of Risk-Taking and Creativity, yet has just left the 6th house of Health, Work, and Service (and also of Servants, including military forces, police, etc.) The Sun in a Solar Return obviously highlights the issues and events of that house, and in the Sibly version of the SR, Sun is in 4th house conjunct Ic, indicating much activity at the start of the 2009 SR year...Independence Day will be a busy affair in more ways than one. The sextile (60 degr) of opportunity from Saturn 16Vir53/54 has been aiding the Sun in its work, but Saturn is moving ahead in Virgo and its sextiling rays will soon pass beyond the US natal Sun. Health care reform may pass with it (Virgo = health; Saturn = laws), for as the president has said, the reform must happen this year - or it won't. In both charts Solar Return Moon is in Sagittarius, sign of the seeker and the foreigner, so we may expect many changes (Mutable sign) in the areas of moving, relocating, long-distance travels, and re-education. The Sibly SR emphasizes the education/travel facet of this Moon since Sag is the natural sign of the 9th house. The Franklin chart has a 10th house SR Moon which emphasizes needs for recognition, opportunities for publicity, a greater need for emotional control as feelings are publicly on display; personal or family issues may come out into the open with this very public Moon; chances for career advancement tend to come from one's important associations, and errors tend to be more noticed with a 10th house SR Moon. Well, I hope you can click to enlarge the charts for readability, for this post is wumping me out (and Merlin is on TV now!) I'm fairly tuckered and must complete my remarks asap, if you will be so accommodating. Midpoint pictures should be discussed at the least, so stay tuned during the upcoming week. Here are dual images of the Sibly (upper on right) and Franklin (lower on left) natal charts for the USA so you may compare their differences and check them with the Solar Return 2009 chart/s which may be read separately as "natal chart for a year" yet ultimately should be read in tandem with the natal charts from which they are calculated. Expert astrologer Ed Kohout wrote an article which includes a list of all the known US natal charts, their creators, and more here if you'd like the list of possibilities. And check out his site when you have time to peruse at will...once there, click Mundane for political stuff including America's Masonic roots and the Fixed Star Grand Cross underpinning the US natal chart. ~:~
Update: You'll find the midpoint pictures for both US Solar Return 2009 charts posted at Jude's Threshold where you'll see that one of the SR charts has only one picture and the other has several! jc

Jun 27, 2009

When Political Astrology posts go missing: Litvinenko

Because its Links List includes posts on the poisoning of Russian spy and defector Alexander Litvinenko (including some natal and mundane Astrology of the matter), I'm republishing SO'W's mysteriously invisible posts in an attempt to foil article-eating trolls and gremlins of any and all persuasions.

Pardon please, if many of the article links contained therein are no longer live for I've tried to rewrite these entries to reflect various sites discontinuing their articles' availability. As yet I've not been completely successful, but my astrological comments should still be available, even though these posts are otherwise invisible without such shouts-out as this.

And if you do want some Astrology concerning Litvinenko, be sure to check out Putin and the poisoned spy.