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May 5, 2010

Was the May 1 Times Square bomb attempt a 'drill'?

For those who feel that the investigation and quick arrest of a suspect in the May 1, 2010 Times Square car bomb attempt seems a little too 'easy' to accept at face value, you may wish to consider the possibility that the Times Square bomb attempt was actually a 'drill'. Eyewitnesses have that impression.

Hmmm...if so, this would give May 1 shades of 9/11 and Cheney's actions on that morning, but with different results. It would also give the Obama administration firm footing inside the exploitation-of-the-masses door of Politics.

This must be why I'm paying little attention to the GOP's 'May 1st is Obama's Katrina', I mean, propaganda. This undermining of a Dem president may be little more than political factions vying and lying to be top dog - and vice versa!

CFR and NWO videos and the Jupiter/Saturn cycle

Can't think why I've never posted this 10 minute video montage of people in their own words about shoving through a New World Order, most speakers for, few against.

If you don't have 10 minutes to spare, go about 2 minutes in and you'll see what all the fuss is about with Professor Carol Quigley's assessment. Hold on though for Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, and Ron Paul, among others. As the Illuminati might prefer to tout, this is an 'enlightening' and 'illuminating' video.

You know, it would suit me well if all political candidates for all offices the world over were henceforth expected by voters and constituents to express where they (the candidates) stand on the subject of the known agenda of a 'one world government', 'New World Order', 'new economic order', 'new world economic order', 'New Millennial Age', or whatever fancy label the psychotic totalitarianism promoters wish to hide behind and impose upon an unwilling world.

If the agenda's proponents are so proud and confident of its merits, we-the-people (and people of other nations) should be told who stands for what and whose interests our 'leaders' in truth represent. For in a 'New World Order' we can be certain the policies of such 'representatives' will never act in the best interests of the people.

But the people would need the mainstream media to cooperate in getting out such info, wouldn't they?

Funny Story There

This second video is 4 mins 33 seconds with information on the founding of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an entity which VP Joe Biden is said to rule. (Plus, Biden is proud to be a 'Zionist' he says and I believe him on that score.) Quigley's quote is featured in this video, too.

Anyone concerned about the turn the US media has taken (newspaper shut-downs, closings, mergings, etc) since the Millennium began may wish to rip off the mask of the CFR and peer into the raptor's gaze...and surprise! We have old JP Morgan to thank for being a catalyst in setting up the organization which gave control and centralization of the US media a big ole' NWO boost starting way back in 1917!

Now you know that any bloggy mention of JP Morgan, Sr inspires me to add my personal favorite of his famous quotes because it concerns his golden-touch money-making ability and his tutelage by the premiere astrologer of his day, Evangeline Adams (yes, of that Adams family):

"Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

Girl, you know it's true: financial cycles and planetary cycles are sympatico!

Which is why (as mentioned in a previous post) the current Jupiter/Saturn opposition, the culmination phase of their Great Conjunction on May 28, 2000 @ '23Taurus', has an intimate connection with the timing of what's going on with global stock markets now as the principles of Jupiterian expansion and increase stand off against the restriction and control principles of Saturn.

Plus, on the political level in the US, their opposition portends trouble due to completely divergent views - or, a well-timed partnership - between Democrats (Sat) and Republicans (Jup). Yes, it's going to be a long, hotly contested summer.


Here's a previous post concerning JP Morgan which links you to JP's natal chart and 2008 transits to it.

Plus, I've just discovered that Linda Schurman provides excellent analyses on financials using planetary cycles on her Soothsayer website.

May 4, 2010

Article Round-up: Times Square Bomb of May 1, 2010 w/ Agena @ Mc

A quick look at a chart set for May 1, 2010 @ 6:00 pm edt, Times Square, NYC, shows Fixed Star Agena (to have a mission) at Midheaven, the Aspiration Point of the chart, along with asteroid Nemesis, the unbeatable foe; divine retribution.

'To have a mission to be America's Nemesis'?

No doubt, the man is convinced he was delivering 'divine retribution' to America and there may be more such attempts before activist Mars leaves showy, willful Leo...this is proving to be a long 33-week stay in Leo for the planetary hothead, isn't it? And with a double fire emphasis from Mars and from Leo.

Plus, the opposition of transiting Mars to US natal Moon is coming up (exact on June 1), a time when caution is advised, danger may turn up in one's environment, and competitive situations may not work out very well for our team.

Therefore, it seems a given that more chemical spills and fire hazards are on Mars' agenda for we-the-people of the United States of America during the hot-button summer of 2010 with its Cardinal T-Square energies adding fuel.

In the chart as well we see that Fixed Star, Vindemiatrix rises..."the widow-maker" @ '9Libra' with US natal Saturn (fear; loss) in tow.

The failed car bomb attempt in Times Square was meant to create unbridled fear in the public (Moon out-of-bounds and @ '23Sag' = "Immigrants Entering a New Country", negative expressions: a surrender of the real in pursuit of the false.") (MEJ)

However, my astro-plan is to adopt a wait-and-see attitude on whether this terrorist attempt is the real deal or not since US agencies can be off-track on what they say and do with their in-custody Pakistani-born suspect who was nabbed from a plane about to depart for foreign climes at JFK Airport late last night.

Good for them and us, if this isn't merely a 'mystery play'! 'Jack Bauer' would be proud.

Now here's an article round-up for you concerning the Times Square car bomb which failed to detonate because the wrong fertilizer was used, says the FBI.

Well, let's not spread the details of which fertilizer should have been used, okay?

May 3, 2010

Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970

The US Government Lost All Moral Authority on May 4, 1970

by Jude Cowell

But that's assuming America had any moral authority left to lose by 1970.

On TV, as I watched coverage of the Kent State Massacre on May 4, 1970, my scorn and fear of President Richard Nixon and 'my' government grew. Having traveled to Georgia to visit family, I was heading back to DC soon but with ambivalent feelings - eager to return to friends and get their reactions, yet dreading the city's gray pall that drooped ever lower now thanks to the presidency of Richard Nixon and his opposition to my countrymen's anti-war sentiments.

Actually, it was my own anti-war sentiments that led to creating this blog in October 2005, and my hope that frustrations with the US government would somehow lessen by tapping out my dissent on a keyboard. Well, you know how the Bush-Cheney wars were going in 2005 and you know they continue into 2010 and beyond, so perhaps you share my pain - a world pain suffered at the hands of a select few history-directing men who hold themselves so far above the rest of us that common decency and moral standards mean absolutely nothing to them.

Hence the order from on-high given to the on-campus National Guardsmen @ 12:24 pm on Monday, May 4, 1970, Kent State:

"Right Here, Get Set! Point! Fire!"

Although an enhanced audio tape of the order was released publicly in 2007 (see articles linked below), the FBI has never found a shred of evidence that the shootings were carried out under 'orders' of any kind!

And yet they say they're good at detectin'!! Leaving all common sense out of it, it does seem that some coordination among the soldiers was witnessed because...

Sixty-seven shots were fired in 13 seconds by some of the 77 Guardsmen on the hill, four unarmed students lay dead, nine wounded, and Nixon, who apparently held a grudge against the Kent State SDS since 1968 when they disrupted a speech he was giving at Akron University in Oct 1968, attempted to deal with his lifelong feelings of powerlessness and envy while simultaneously rationalizing his latest abuse of power on behalf of his masters, and was probably acting under the haze of a bottle or two.

Over The Line: A Man Gone Wild

Richard Nixon, a shrunken man if there ever was one, sent steel helmeted, gas masked Guardsmen to quell the four-day protest on the Kent State campus, known as a working class college. Harvard, Yale, and other ivy leagues had no worries on that score, no matter their politics.

But violence against the working class is always permissible, say the upper crusters.

Even 40 years later I recall the feeling of pride that beamed upon my face as I heard of two protesters that weekend, one 'burying' the US Constitution (as US presidents have done for decades - I think Tricky Dick - both of them - must have used it for dart practice, too) while the other protester burned his draft card issued from the same draft that Bush Jr and Cheney chose to wiggle out of honoring. But as it turns out, they sure didn't mind sending others to war!

Richard Nixon Jan 9, 1913 9:30 pm pst Whittier, CA (rated AA: from B.C.)

Sun '20Cap'; his natal Moon '21AQ' conjunct Nemesis (unbeatable foe; divine retribution), Tricky's reigning need was to take revenge on all enemies, and he never forgot a single one - and was very good at making them, in fact. He, with his noble Capricorn Sun, was a petty, vindictive, and vicious man.

The National Guard troops, who arrived on campus May 2 around 10 pm when the ROTC building was already in flames (it burned to the ground but was already scheduled for demolition) were ostensibly sent to 'maintain the peace' but that's what all the tyrants say, now isn't it?

For America is hardly a virgin in use of false flag ops so the broken bank windows in the town of Kent, Ohio, and confrontations downtown on the night of May 1 could have issued solely from protesters, yes - but also from those pretending to be protesters. Plus, there remain unsolved mysteries concerning a 'school photographer' on the scene named 'Terry Norman' who was rumored to have been hired by the FBI and the campus police. The young man may have been armed as well.

A sniper was rumored to be present, too, and this may be the case, imho (Mars in Gemini = multiple shooters - plus, an extra one in a sniper's nest: vengeful Venus?) These are typical tactics used by those jealous of their power and enraged that anyone dares oppose them, and 1970's transiting Pluto 24Vir56 Rx was in process of eroding US power by stomping upon our natal Neptune 22:25, a generational transit that brings political, social, economic, and spiritual power struggles.

(As you know, US natal Neptune is in 'working class' Virgo.)

Now it's reported that 43 bank windows were broken on Friday night, May 1, 1970; then Saturday night, the ROTC building was burned to the ground, as noted. One of the murdered students was a member of the ROTC yet was against the Vietnam War: he was shot in the back and killed (curiously to me this seems a targeted hit: hidden sniper or Guardsman?)

Money-man Jupiter @ a crisis 29th degree of Libra conj IC (Foundation; Basis of the Matter) in the chart you seen shown below. Of course, Jupiter also indicates a guru, preacher, pope, judge, lawyer, actor, professor, banker, general...whomever he represents in this chart, he's at the base of the matter. Perhaps he was one of the Kent State officials...the president, perhaps, or, a member of the Republican Party since in Mundane Astrology, planet Jupiter = the Rs.

Perhaps he was an ideologue encouraging Nixon to make his 'own' decisions (1970 Neptune/NN = Nixon's n Sun: being tormented; feeling let down by others; encouraged to 'be your own person' when making decisions.)

So not only did the protesters tweak Nixon's nose repeatedly, they tweaked bankers' noses and the US military's snoot who were actively recruiting students on campus to serve - in the unpopular Vietnam War! Nixon had just announced the Pentagon's "incursion" - aka, invasion - of Cambodia a few days earlier on April 30. Four days of protesting resulted at Kent State, culminating on May 4, 1970 with the strong-armed and deadly paternalism of the US government abusing its power.

(Asteroid Atlantis: abuse of power; where we feel doomed) is rising in the chart @ 14Leo34; ASC 10Leo27 conjoins the R Party's natal Mercury.)

However, the power-mongers didn't quite get their way altogether, did they? At least not while my fellow Flower Power Generation-ers were on guard and marching...

For Nixon's unarmed-student murders resulted in the largest wave of anti-war protests and campus shut-downs in US history. Too bad our colleges and universities weren't just as determined to follow truth and engage in dissent against an out-of-control, lying administration in March 2003 (their faculties and administrations had been well-infiltrated by then.)

Yet millions of people demonstrated against Iraq Invasion 2003 across the entire globe, but the Zionist neocons were listening to the voice of their plutonian masters and refusing to heed the conscience of The People.

In 2007, Democracy Now's Amy Goodman interviewed brother and sister Kent State students Alan and Roseann Canfora, he a victim of an Ohio National Guard bullet to his wrist on May 4, 1970, she an eyewitness who was in the parking lot where the 4 deaths occurred. The parking lot was where the more radical protesters were located, as stated by Alan Canfora.

And on May 2, 2010, NPR thoughtfully considered the shootings.

Horoscope of the Kent State Massacre

May 4, 1970 12:24 pm edt Kent, Ohio: ASC 10Leo27; Hour of Venus (values), conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 (unorthodox alliances form and there are egalitarian attitudes on all sides); Sun is chart-ruler and makes only one applying aspect, a conjunction with Mercury Rx (students, speakers, protesters, young people) 20Tau54 (7A07.)

As you know, the Sun tends to signify 'the leader' in a mundane chart, and here we see a 10th house conjunction of Sun 13Tau47 and Saturn 12Tau21...both transiting the US Inaugural Ascendant @ noon on Jan 20 each year we change NWO mouthpieces...thus, a midpoint picture is created for the Office of the President...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: mental pictures of one's goals; difficulties in development; separation; isolation; a misunderstood person (but now that you're pointing a rifle at me, Dick, I think I see your point.)

Now of course, Saturn also indicates the manager, the boss,the authority, and the old man and the planet's restrictive tendencies and difficult lessons brought to presidential ASC must have seemed a weighty interference in Nixon's Oval Office tenure and out-of-bounds war-escalating.

The Massacre's Moon 1Tau54 at Midheaven 28Ari49 is passing across the 'Trigger Point Degree' of 00Tau/1Tau, a point of violence in the zodiac (degree of Hitler's natal Sun.) And as we would expect in a chart of violence and murder, Moon is angular and so is Jupiter, two primary planets to notice in horoscopes depicting death which often show an angular Moon, Mars, or Jupiter.

So, angular Jupiter Rx @ 29Lib28 conjuncts asteroid Arachne, also @ 29Lib28; '30Lib' = "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head"...PRESCIENCE. Does this indicate a cold-hearted
Hegelian influence
upon the president's thinking with mayhem as the final solution?

Surveilling Arachne indicates networks, webs, or traps such as may be described by hidden snipers and armed soldiers at the top of the hill as they rained down bullets on the students they had driven into the area below...almost a 'turkey shoot' as it's termed. (See the beginning scenes of the film Cold Mountain for a perfect example of one.)

As you see, this is a Balsamic Moon chart indicating endings and separations and a time when sneaky monsters can grab the unsuspecting unawares at this, the Dark of the Moon.

The 'encounter with destiny' North Node (NN) in 8th house of Death points to US natal Ceres (security issues) and Pluto/Chiron midpoint (for they were conjoined on July 4, 1776), all in deceptive, confusing Pisces, curiously one of the signs of War. Pluto/Chiron is a duo of plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, racism, corporatism, fascism, other -isms, crime syndicates, primal violence, and other nasty things that the holier-than-thous use against both the masses and the individual who thinks to stand in the way of their plans and desires.

Deceptive Neptune 29Sco58 Rx in 4th house has much to answer for as well with its quincunx (150 degr) to the Moon, the protesters on one level, the public and we-the-people on another...

Moon inconjunct (quincunx) Neptune indicates people who feel deeply and cannot remain detached; they may unconsciously seek situations in which they can be persecuted due to Neptune's martyr/victim tendencies. Social service is an area of interest but it isn't easy to see other people as they really are: 2 of the students were shot while simply walking to class and the ones who were more involved in the protests couldn't believe they were looking at a death squad until the dirty deed was done; then the soldiers merely turned and walked away as US students lay dying on the ground...meanwhile, back in Washington, the president paced the White House halls of power.

And this, the Kent State Massacre, was Richard Nixon and his international crime cronies' idea of a good course for America to take!

Yes, sometimes I feel similar droopy feelings as I did in 1970 when I think about how the majority of 2010's American people don't seem to get it. They seem to think the 'Rs vs Ds' diversion makes one bit of difference to who's selected to guide the helm of this nation when, really, it makes absolutely no difference at all which 'Party' (faction!) resides in the White House, or lurks in the Capitol Building.

My wish is that we-the-people can use Pluto/Chiron's energy more positively in the class warfare being waged against us by a separative power elite, with Us vs Them replacing the worn out, simplistic, disingenuous, and democracy-perverting Rs vs Ds!


Many chart factors have not been mentioned in this post, so feel free to leave your chartful insights or 1970 remembrances in a Comment, if you wish!

Linking 1970 with 2010 is a major factor: the revolutionary Uranus/Pluto midpoint 00Lib06 sitting atop the US natal chart ('Sibly' version: 5:10 pm LMT) which gives us a telling picture worth considering on May 4, 2010, the Kent State Massacre's 40th anniversary, because Uranus and Pluto are in process of squaring off now.

(As with all midpoint pictures all, any, or none may apply.)

Uranus/Pluto = n MC: vision; restlessness; aspirations for reforms and innovations; instant grasp and exploitation of every situation.

Plus, the mid-60s Great Conjunction/s of disruptive, rebellious Uranus and Pluto occurred upon Mr. Nixon's natal ASC '17Virgo'...this degree happens to be very near my n ASC as well - I attended a Beatles concert under this intense electric energy, while Dick Nixon was bombing foreign women and children into smithereens, and killing and maiming unarmed Americans who objected to the practice...

Uranus/Pluto = n ASC: applications of force; focusing on the kind of world which must grow out of today into tomorrow; being placed in an unusual or restless environment.

And let me not forget that the 'illuminated' pair of Uranus and Neptune, whose Great Conjunction/s of 1993 ('18Cap') time the natal chart of the NWO, have their midpoint in Mr. Nixon's birth chart @ 28Ari44, conjunct the Massacre's MC, the Goal and Aspiration Point of the chart and thus, of the shootings...

n Uranus/Neptune = 1970 MC: dissolution; mourning; a nervous breakdown; lack of stamina; subconscious forces grow in strength; guidance is sought from other realms or never-before-tapped sources (from Sun Myung Moon? Just a thought!); supernatural concerns come into play; restraint is placed on half-baked ideas. #

All midpoint pictures from Tyl, Ebertin, and Munkasey; half-baked ideas from the global crime syndicates now successfully in control of governments and all other social institutions the world over. Seriously.


Update May 4, 2010: just found a time capsule video you may wish to view:

Edit Nov 4, 2015: here's the New York Times with Nixon's statement on the tragedy if you can stomach reading his weasel words.

UK general election May 6, 2010 then Solar Ecl on UK Moon

The May 6 general election in Britain is being hailed as historic but some people think it will be historic for quite other reasons.

Now the current Solar Eclipse season (from Jan 15, 2010 @ 25Cap01) doesn't particularly affect the UK's natal chart (Jan 1, 1801 12:00 am LMT London; The Circle Book of Charts AFA 1991) by planet but the next Solar Eclipse will.

Solar Eclipses in Saturn-ruled Capricorn emphasize national policy, governmental authority, and corporate and business affairs, while Solar Eclipses in the opposite sign of home-loving Cancer focus on domestic affairs, land and real estate, living conditions, and security issues.

It's the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24 which falls precisely on the UK's Moon, the people (in 10th house) and which will affect the good people of the UK and the nation's public standing, too (10th h.)

Years when Solar Eclipses fall upon Sun or Moon positions of any chart can either be smashingly good with a major stand-out event or bring along an 'eclipsing' of energy and, in the Moon's case, of reigning needs...which will it be? This one is a South Node Eclipse, too, which often work on inner levels rather than outer, plus, secrets may surface which will affect the government-people dichotomy and the outcome of the election, if found out in time...unless the perpetrators are successful in keeping the lid on.

Celeste Teal in her book Eclipses titles the July 11 Eclipse as 'Victory Over Obstacles" but surely the UK's general election outcome won't still be in dispute into July, right?

Well, if results wait until about two weeks prior to July 11, this could be the year that the people of Britain get their wish by a Solar Eclipse's magic wand, if they can figure out which shell-game politician they want to lead their country.

Now, if someone can only do something to stimulate their low voter turnout...then perhaps this may be an historic year for a landslide in the UK!

May 1, 2010

Our Cardinal Squares and a Cross to bear 2010 - 2014

A previously published article on the upcoming Cardinal Grand Cross, which is about to kick civilization's booty, has garnered quite a few readers on my Jude's Threshold tapestry blog so if you missed it, here's a link for you.

You'll find that I touted master astrologer Jessica Murray's writings on the subject for I'd be daft not to, wouldn't I? As you may know, Jessica is the author of Soul-Sick Nation: An Astrologer's View of America where she puts our racked-with-guilt nation on the sofa and under Astrology's lens to diagnose our deepest problems, without sentiment or rosy illusions.

Now here are a few general notes on the planetary squares (90 degr) formed as of Spring 2010, a harrowing time, for the planets involved have not been in this particular pattern since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Not comforting? I know!

Saturn SQ Pluto: this aspect is the poster child for the 'sore losers' among us and the populations of countries across the globe may be described here along with other soreheads and malcontents of the governmental and terrorist persuasions. (Yes, they are very often one and the same.)

The Sat/Plu square brings out bitterness and strife in the collective, and, depending on the houses where Saturn and Pluto now traverse in individual charts, perhaps for you and me as well. Feeling threatened and grasping control seems to me to be one of the square's main issues or goals as emotional and financial security form a platform for well-deserved dissent by the masses.

The Sat/Plu square is a crisis-stop along the way within the current Sat/Plu cycle which culminated with the attacks of 9/11 at their opposition, therefore, issues relating to 9/11 will be in the news with more force than of late.

Envy of those in power make clashes inevitable especially given how governments have mismanaged and embezzled national monies (done on purpose, as I always assert, to collapse national governments) and officials are now in process of beggaring their populations, as if they weren't beggared enough before.

Uranus SQ Pluto: this doozy may affect November 2010 elections in the US since it spawns an atmosphere of apathy in most folk who think there will always be others willing to stand up for their rights and freedoms. But let's not be too sure of that - Vote in November!

The Ura/Plu square brings a time of dramatic events as evidenced during their square of 1931 - 1934 when the entire globe was financially and socially affected and revolt! was the catch-phrase. That these are Cardinal squares gives them world-changing potential (Ari/Lib-Can/Cap is the Cardinal axis involved, indicating outgoing energies.)

Danger signals include popular movements and political machinations which tend to rise up during just such an apathetic time, so speak out even if you can't show up for demonstrations. History reminds us that Hitler seized power under these revolutionary energies, along with his doppelganger, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. One of them was simply nicer and more patient than the other and still tended to follow the laws of the land when he had to. Can you figure out which was which?

Yes, tyrants are on the rise under the auspices of these difficult squares so don't accept any political movement at face value or you may be grievously disappointed when all the varmints eventually show their true hand...and it favors, more than anything, a claw of the devil guiding the New World Order.

And remember that riots play right into the NWO's claws along with their use of false flag ops to ratchet up our rage and direct outcomes, so beware, my friends, for restrictive laws tend to be enacted based on the illusions and deceits of false flag ops.

Now, jolly Jupiter's expansive energy will join quirky, rebellious, innovative Uranus at World Point 00Aries00 on June 8, 2010 so we have an expanded and thickened plot to consider:

Jupiter SQ Pluto mixes in additional rebellion tendencies as authorities are further challenged; expecting large returns from little or no investments now is pointless so we may experience more roiling of world stock markets. (Plus, Jupiter is on the verge of opposing Saturn, two planets which under gird markets and social stability - expansion vs restriction. Our current Jup/Sat cycle began May 28, 2000 @ 22Tau43; their opposition indicates a culminating or fulfilling phase of projects begun in 2000. Yes, the New Millennium plans of the Illuminati are marching apace in 2010 and crashing our world with it - as they've planned all along.)

When working together, Jupiter/Pluto = pacts with foreigners on the use of force or weapons (US and Russia? Others?); growth of spy agencies, surveillance, and greater power is gained for religious leaders (will this give Mitt Romney a boost for a prez campaign? Huckabee, anyone?)

The 'large-scale undertakings' and 'big bankers' duo of *Jup/Plu also has 'self-destructive forces stem from official corruption or moral laxity' connotations; criminal elements have great social influence, legal documents may be destroyed, and there are tremendously destructive natural disasters. (But this doesn't rule out that 'natural' disasters can have a man made component to them that makes things worse.)

As you know, Jupiter and Pluto held a Great Conjunction 'meeting' on December 11, 2007 @ 28Sag24, a day the Fed met to discuss and announce interest rate cuts just a few minutes before the Jup/Plu conjunction became exact! So on one level, we might think of Jupiter as 'the Fed' of bankers conclaving with their higher-ups in the NWO...aka, god of Hades, draconian guardian of the world's riches - power-driven Pluto of secret hand fame.

Plus, is it mere coincidence that December 2007 is now referred to as the 'official start of the current recession'? The Jup/Plu cycle began then and the current Jupiter/Pluto square represents a crisis point in their cycle and brings much dissent among those who are disenfranchised and bereft by global banking policies which steal from the poor (and from middle class America) in order to give to the rich.

So with May now declared 'Robin Hood Month' it's quite a perfect time for a rehash of the legend of Robin Hood, isn't it? The film with Russell Crowe starring as the arrowed-one opens on May 14.


*Source: Michael Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Apr 29, 2010

Astrology of Laura Bush's fatal car crash of 1963

Raw Story has an interesting article concerning Laura Bush's "small STOP sign" car accident which killed a classmate - some say, boyfriend - on the evening of November 6, 1963.

This is my first discovery of the exact date of the accident which occurred on that evening as Laura then-Welch and a girlfriend were motoring to a drive-in theater, ran what she details in her upcoming book as a "small" STOP sign, and crashed into a fellow student's Corvair. Mrs. Bush's memory of the night's weather and road conditions do not match police records, btw...what few remain in existence.

View Mrs. Bush's natal chart if you wish with its chart-ruler Venus retrograde in Sagittarius and out-of-bounds. And if you missed it, check out my Wedding Day Astrology Report on George and Laura's 1977 nuptials.


Was the fatal accident part of a lovers' break-up scenario? Hmm. Well, I have speculated rather unkindly before that membership in certain secret societies may include murder as initiation, but this particular post isn't about that. Or is it?

Checking the horoscope for Nov 6, 1963 Midland, TX, precise hour unknown but in the 'evening' (drive-in movies weren't visible until after dark!), I'm setting the chart for 8:50:40 pm cst because this places Mrs. Bush's natal Moon 15Pis00 at Midheaven, along with Fixed Star Achernar, keywords: crisis; risk of rapid endings...certainly not conclusive but a good way to time the chart is to use the Moon or another planet in angular position.

She definitely caused a crisis for the young man and his family, that we know.

Plus, the transiting Moon that night was at a crisis or critical degree @ '29Cancer'..."Daughter of the American Revolution" in the Sabian Symbols which may relate to the car accident itself or to a very upset young lady (perhaps before if spurned, and certainly after the crash which left a very mangled Corvair and a dead young man who may or may not have been her boyfriend.)

Also, the 29Can Moon of Nov 6, 1963 conjoined Laura Bush's natal Ic, the point of Endings in a there's an important bit of angularity!

Curiously, on the morning of Nov 6, 1963, a Venus Return occurred for Laura Welch Bush which to suspicious-of-all-Bushes me indicates that love or love-lost was part of the picture for the mayhem caused by Laura Bush on that fateful night, for Love Spurned makes for a very vengeful Lady Venus. And certainly relationship issues are on any one's menu during a Venus Return.

And with 1963's transiting South Node of the Moon (a point of separation where we fall back on previous, possibly neurotic, behaviors) conjunct Mrs. Bush's natal Sun/Moon midpoint 13Cap29 (male-female relationships; marriage) and the cruel Saturn/Pluto midpoint crossing her natal Venus during that time, we see hints of upsetting losses involving relationships. Of course, the accident itself falls into that category as well.

However, there is a natal midpoint picture involving Neptune that I shall mention as well (in effect no matter her hour of birth)...Neptune's connotations include deceptions and cover-ups, as well as negative escapisms such as alcohol and other drugs...

Mercury/Pluto = Neptune: using deception and concealing information; falsification of data; cunning strategies. (Ebertin.)

And since in 1963, tr Uranus and Pluto were in process of lining up for their Great Conjunction/s of 1965/66, I've checked for her natal midpoints in the range of their degrees in Virgo in the accident chart: 9 - 13.

Mercury/NN (meeting with a young person), Saturn/Neptune (loss; suffering; renunciation), Mars/Uranus (a sudden application of effort; bodily intervention), Venus/Uranus (splitsville?; the arousing of love; eccentricity), Neptune/Pluto (other realms, unseen forces, mysticism, the supernatural), and Mercury/Uranus (intuition; astuteness; unexpected or sudden events while traveling.)

I shall leave you to look up the pictures formed by tr Uranus and Pluto triggering her midpoints that night and simply add the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse influence in effect the night of Nov 6, 1963. It's the 1 North Series which includes the JFK assassination a couple of weeks later, the first atomic bomb attack of August 6, 1945, and the Mother of All Eclipses, the King of Terror Eclipse, of August 11, 1999...

1N: unexpected events involving friends or groups put tremendous pressure on relationships; hasty decisions are ill-advised because information is distorted and possibly false; an element of health problems (or death?) and fatigue may be evident. (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Short of a confession, we'll probably never know the full truth behind Laura Bush's bad driving and its subsequent fatal consequence, but 'looking under the hood' of mysterious happenings by using Astrology does have its merits for shining light into dark and hidden corners.

Apr 28, 2010

CNN Political News Ticker and a bit of Astrology

This CNN Political News Ticker doesn't fit in the sidebar of this blog yet I felt like seeing it here on SO'W anyway, for some unknown reason.

Probably it's because there's So Much in the News of late which is precisely what happens when the Cardinal Points of the zodiac (00degr00 of Aries/Libra and Cancer/Capricorn) are being triggered, visited, or stimulated by planets traversing the heavens, while held in orbit by the tension between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction), aka the flywheel of the universe, and which describes the yin-yang of our earthly lives.

Jupiter and Saturn are moving into opposition, the 'Full Moon' phase of their cycle which began @ conjunction on May 28, 2000 @ '23Taurus' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Jewels". This dance of the two societal planets began the New Millennium - brilliantly for the haves, not so good for the have-nots - and their cycle is intimately related to stock market ebbs and flows, so investors beware.

For it's Expansion vs Restriction from May 2000 to June 2010, and something begun then is at a culmination-fulfillment point now. The recent puniness of the DOW has been blamed primarily on Greece's debt load and the downgrading of the nation's credit rating. Yet public and private lack of trust in Wall Street will never improve until and unless the bankster crooks are brought to justice...assuming there's any justice to be found in America.

The Jupiter-Saturn duo is related to 'a justice system at its breaking point' according to Michael Munkasey in his Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, so we must see how things go on that accounting question, mustn't we?

Plus, the President's almost-passed Financial Reform Bill is described by the current Jupiter-Saturn opposition, and economist Simon Johnson makes a case for waking up the President concerning the game-changing overnight events in the eurozone's financial system.

This phase of the Jup-Sat cycle means that from now until their next Great Conjunction in 2020 @ 00AQ29, the degree of our Presidential Sun position, Jupiter will proceed Saturn, the 'downside' of their dance. In this condition, Jupiter first rewards, then Saturn eventually comes along to insist that undeserved gains be given back or restricted in some way.

However, those who worked hard and honestly for Jupiterian gains fare better when Saturn insists on a balancing of accounts. So usually it's better for all concerned when Saturn's serious efforts are eventually rewarded by Jupiter's magic wand following, not preceding Saturn...but that 10-year phase is now ending and Saturn will be having his due from the areas where Jupiter overreached within the last 10 years.

It's a prudent time for the US to scale back on war funding!

2010 - 2011: Yet Jupiter Dances with Uranus, Too

Right now, you know that transiting Uranus, that rebel and Awakener, is about to reach Aries Point (AP) with Jupiter on the AP track, too. Their first of three hook-ups of exactitude occurs @ AP on June 8, 2010, as previously mentioned on this blog and @ Jude's Threshold.

Uranus to AP: Good for Art, Science, Technology, Explorations, Discoveries, and New Ideas

In addition, as both readers of SO'W know, I happen to be a lifelong artist of the pencil persuasion (with a Gemini Midheaven - Art and Astrology?)

And anyone who uses asteroids and myths in Astrology knows that asteroid Sappho relates to Art and Poetry of a feminine nature. Therefore, my natal Sappho @ AP will be visited on June 8, 2010 by two callers: jolly enthusiast Jupiter and quirky, inventive Uranus.

So Why Am I Telling You This Now?

Because there's a pretty good chance that my current Art project will be published by or around June 8, if I can complete the 12 drawings in time for it: a 2011 Calendar of pin-up gals from my Boudoir Blossoms Collection of cosmic-esque Chiffonery Art portraits!

For a preview, you may wish to view a a freshly-published Boudoir Blossoms spinning Art Cube now linked in the SO'W click and view, simply scroll to my drawing 'Purple Pansies' and you will find the SlideShow listed nearby - if you're at least 17 years of age, that is.

(But don't cheat now...Sappho does get fussy when you cheat. jc)

Apr 27, 2010

Blackmail runs Washington DC

Since 2005 on this blog, my own years of living in Washington DC have inspired me to occasionally assert that if Washington didn't have blackmail as a control tactic, the city would have to shut the doors of the White House and Capitol Building and fuggedaboudit.

Now I know I'm not the only one with the opinion that blackmail runs Washington by holding embarrassing secrets over the heads of our "representatives" and presidents so they'll stick with the power elite's chaos-brings-one-world-government script, thereby keeping them employed while making acting against the best interests of we-the-people part of their job description.

Machiavelli would be so proud that the needs of we-the-people are even more cut out of Capitol Hill's political deliberations than we ever believed and that the cruel win at any cost ploy keeps the political world of Washington DC 'secure' in its orbit.

If you like, read some of Machiavelli's natal chart details and you'll find that a new cycle of activity began for Nicolo Machiavelli in October 2008 with his Secondary New Moon 9Sco47 - during the high drama of Financial Collapse 2008 Theater.

Did illegal drug money save big banks in financial crisis?

An official at the UN says there's evidence that illegal drug money saved the big banks' bacon during the financial collapse of 2008.

But you may as well take off your Sherlock Holmes chapeau because the money has all been laundered fresh and clean now so it's impossible to track. Neat hat trick huh?

Does this mean the CIA facilitated the banks' rescue?

So after Capitol Hill's 'rush back to Washington to save the system' Political Theater we were supposed to be impressed with (John McCain sacrificially suspending his 2008 presidential campaign and all), I ask you: if American tax money didn't 'save' the poor hapless corporations and financial 'experts' of Wall Street, then where did our money go?

Apr 26, 2010

US Sec Progressions April 2010: Moon to Neptune

April 26, 2010: America's Secondary Progressions are displayed below with the chart upper right set for Philadelphia, PA, our nation's natal location; lower left is our Sec chart re-located to the White House.

Some differences appear between the two locations as far as the houses go, as you see. Click to enlarge the image and you'll find a few of my notes scribbled there but for today I'm focusing on Sec Moon (our daily rounds, domestic and security issues) nearing conjunction with Sec Neptune, exact in October 2010.

These Sec Moon-Neptune implications for the US are emphasized by the fact that transit Neptune (nearing the end of Aquarius) has been affecting our natal Moon for a while now - US n Moon ranges from 18 to 28 AQ, depending on which US natal chart you prefer from July 4, 1776.

As mentioned in previous posts, tr Neptune to natal Moon (we-the-people) is an unstable time of feeling a sense of rootlessness and loss, even despair, as home foreclosures continue to decimate families, increase the US homeless population, necessitate movings-in with Mama, put refugee and immigration issues on the table, make commitments hard to keep, and bring thousands of US soldiers home to face overwhelming difficulties as they return to the country they and their families sacrificed so much for.

An atmosphere of dissatisfaction with dwindling options and weakened financial conditions are shown in part by home owners walking away from their mortgages in droves which this transit well describes, especially with such conditions now being undergirded, or ramped up, by the Sec Moon-Neptune conjunction you see here. The peak of this Sec conjunction will be in October, and there will be a lessening of its effects by the end of 2010.

Tr Neptune to n Moon also indicates thievery and fraud. We-the-people could use some protection from Capitol Hill and the White House more than ever before yet recent and ongoing legislations fail to protect us to any appreciable degree as special interests of Big Industry hold corporate sway over the Capitol Hill plutocrats when it comes to the lowly US consumer...weakened and deceived (Nep) consumers (Moon), politicians bought and paid for.

April 26, 2010 Sec Progressions, Philadelphia and White House: Hour of a Rx Saturn in Scorpio, sign of Big Business, Betrayals, and Surveillance:

As you see in the Philadelphia chart, our Sec Moon 20Vir21 is poised to enter Sec 2nd house (Earning Ability; Values; Self Worth) with Sec Neptune already posited underminingly in 2nd h and causing confusion and deceit in financial matters and loss of workers' incomes. (US natal Neptune 22Vir25 is even closer to being joined by Sec Moon 20Vir21 than the later-degreed Sec Neptune 26:17 Rx; Sec Moon exactly conjs Sec Neptune in about two months = June 2010, just prior to the financially stressful July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, in 8th house for Washington DC, and conjunct difficult Fixed Star Castor.)

Opposite this 'watery' Moon-Neptune action, the 8th house (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Insurance, Legacies, Transformations, Death, the Occult, etc - with deceptive, confused Pisces on the 8th cusp) has the Venus/Chiron conjunction snugged around the 9th cusp in the White House version - this is a very sensitive point at the end of the 8th house (in both charts.) Venus-Chiron has to do with sacrifices on the altar of relationship and with money issues but perhaps you, lone reader, already know more about Venus/Chiron than this reluctant astrologer!

Sec Venus opposing Sec Mars Rx indicates our warring activities and their bankruptcy of (what used to be) our Treasury; Sec Mars Rx shows military weakness through overstretching, plus, military police actions of a police state used against the people; Sec Mars in a national chart usually indicates terrorism on home soil, including false flag ops used against the people.

Sec Moon 20Vir21 conjuncts Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: to go against society, or, against the mainstream...perfect for swimming in or against the Lunar-Neptunian tides of dissolution and fraud, I suppose. This seems to relate in part to homeowners walking away from upside down mortgages especially since Neptune can so often bring a kind of loss due to dissolving conditions - and Virgo is the sign of The Worker and Server which relates to high unemployment.

We might also expect natural and other disasters involving water and oceans (the recent 'explosion' on the Gulf of Mexico oil rig platform, with Neptune = oil, and the sea being a good example.) Food supply issues may be in the news, along with toxins ('additives') that are put into our foods by Big Chem as noted in such films as Food, Inc and TV's Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution - these and related issues will be emphasized more strongly going forward. They must be addressed more honestly.

And I should mention that Neptune relates as well to mass media, the entertainment industry, and to propagandizing; the Moon links to the public and public relations campaigns, as does the Moon's North Node (NN)...'contacts with the public'.

Now let's consider the Neptune/North Node midpoint sitting upon the ASC in the Sec chart set for the White House...'Nep/NN' = anti-social elements; a lack of community spirit (Ebertin); as you see, Moon will be in Nodal Degree when 'she' reaches Neptune 26Vir17 (Oct) and the White House version of our Sec chart shows Neptune and Sec Moon @ Nodal Degree (26) for October, showing karmic conditions in play.

(Being a Saturnian rather than a Uranian astrologer, 'in Nodal Degree' gives America a 'reaping what was sown' flavor to Moon-Neptune-NN, which is what I mean by karmic or fated conditions. Of course, Wall Street fraudsters and banking gangsters are giving us a lot to reap and plenty to weep about.)

From Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey - as always with midpoint pictures, any, all, or none may apply...some factors are noted on the chart image, but here I'll type out all of the possibilities for you...

Nep/NN = ASC: suffering from inhibitions; feeling uncomfortable in the presence of others; experiencing deceit and untruthfulness from others; being duped or disregarded (Hello, Capitol Hill? your constituents are calling - jc); disappointments; appearing strange to others; ignoring the reactions and attitudes of other people; mentally repressing outside influences while concentrating more fully on one's own needs.

Well, there's a brief snapshot of America and her evolutionary condition as of April 26, 2010. Yes, we're in a dire state, and we don't need Astrology to tell us that for we can simply look about the place.

Yet the one thing Astrology brings to the table which no other system can is the element of Time with its cyclic timing ability making it possible to see that by the end of 2010, at least some of the undermining influences of Moon-Neptune will lessen for we-the-people.

Now send the Wall Street fraudsters to jail, SEC - you paper tiger, you!

Note: @ bottom right you see "Sec Jupiter turned Rx by progression in 1905 - conjunct Pentagon's natal ASC" but our Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905 was in early Gemini; here you see Sec Jupiter 15Can34 - still Rx - and now conjunct the Pentagon's n ASC = bottomless money pit for war profiteering generals, ideologues, politicians, contractors, and for the secret society types who foment wars the world over and funnel US resources into plutonian coffers and imperial projects.

Apr 23, 2010

Dick Morris on Clinton, Reno, and Waco (video)

Yes, I know that former Clinton adviser Dick Morris is appearing here with Sean Hannity to promote his new book, 2010. But to me, little has ever seemed or been right about the Siege at Waco or the Oklahoma City Bombing which Timothy McVeigh said was his answer to the take-over of the Waco Compound by President Bill NAFTA Clinton.

Mr. Morris says in the video above that he doesn't know what Attorney General Janet Reno held over President Clinton's head concerning Waco which prompted him to reappoint her for a second term as US AG.

Yet some of us suspect that the 'what' related to the Inslaw Corporation's PROMIS software which the US government had stolen from Inslaw in the 1980s (Reagan!)

PROMIS (or its upgraded progeny) was originally created for legal firms to use but was soon seen as much more than that: a way to track anybody's financial dealings and whereabouts worldwide - in any language. The software was subsequently sold to the governments of many nations and, some say, to Osama bin Laden as well - but with a backdoor for eavesdropping which the US could use in whatever secretive, damaging ways it thought to devise.

One of My Sources for This Post

In Michael C. Ruppert's book Crossing the Rubicon, he titles Chapter 10 as, 'PROMIS: Controlling the Data' and says the software was 'rigged' when it was sold to the Canadian government, and that it is "peering into Americans' private lives," among other uses.

He also says that PROMIS "crossed a threshold in the evolution of computer programming." And it was first developed in the 1970s! Mr. Ruppert also asserts that PROMIS was part of and connected to "insider trading on 9/11."

This is one of the many things that makes me wonder how the attacks of 9/11 could have been such a 'big surprise' to the US government, or to those who profited from the crime by way of insider trading (one culprit I'm looking at is you, Cheney.)

Yes, the whole Inslaw-PROMIS factor was part of what investigative journalist Danny Casolaro was researching back in *August 1991 (think 'Bush, Sr', too - don't forget Operation Desert Storm which Bush hailed then as "a triumph of the New World Order") when Casolaro was brutally murdered/assassinated in a West Virginia motel after going there to meet with a mysterious foreign man in order to nab more evidence on the worldwide crime syndicate he dubbed The Octopus.

When Is a Mystery Not So Mysterious?

Taking the bait, Mr. Casolaro expected the new evidence to tie up loose ends for his book's publication, and needless to say, the murder scene contained nary a scrap of the painstaking notes that he was known to have had with him that weekend.

(New Moon the afternoon of Casolaro's murder @ '18Leo' which would turn out to be the degree of the August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' or 'Alarm' Solar Eclipse which continues to have a 'financial terrorism' flavor to it. His murder occurred under the rays of the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune, the New World Order planets, @ '18Cap' = strong-armed paternalism...POLITICAL POWER.)

Slick Willy On the Scene

Now don't assume for a moment that I don't think Bill Clinton was protecting a boatload of shady dealings by the US government, politicians, and others when he ordered the destruction of David Koresh's Waco Compound, for you would be wrong.

But do Clinton, Koresh, and the Siege at Waco tie in with Inslaw and PROMIS? They do if what I've read is true: Koresh's compound had PROMIS (or its illegal progeny) on-site in what was quite a communication hub, or hive, of activity. Was Koresh using a version of PROMIS software to spy on the US government's, CIA's, and Clinton's shady dealings? Was 'CIA asset' Osama bin Laden being protected for future use?

Does any of this relate to what Janet Reno blackmailed President Bill Clinton over?


*Casolaro's brutal murder occurred during the 11 South Series of the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991 @ '19Cancer', the same degree of our next Solar Eclipse of July 11, 2010 which is in the 12 South Series. The two Eclipses are linked by degree so both conjunct Fixed Star Castor, the writer, with keywords: murder, crippling of limbs, sudden loss or fame (A. Louis, Horary Astrology Plain and Simple.)

With his global criminal syndicate expose, Danny Casolaro was reaching for fame but got loss instead.

(Plus, '19Can' is one degree from Pluto's Discovery degree of 1930 adding plutonian spy, death, nukes, and 'secret hand' connotations to these Eclipse pictures; nuclear topics are turning up often in the news already and in this realm, the ongoing Saturn/Pluto square and Uranus/Pluto square are of no comfort whatsoever, are they?)

Therefore, we may soon expect similar events or more mentions of early 1990s events to come up for re-examination this summer, with 11 South's (1991) flavor: a need for sudden reforms to deal with events; old ideas, methods, and/or systems will fail; any blocks (Casolaro, US consumers, and bankers' debts?) may be violently or tragically removed (parphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

As you see, 11S is the Series that repeated in Summer 2009 (Eclipse of July 22, 2009) when the systemic financial collapse reached its current fulfillment - or the first stage of it, sorry to say; July 2009's Ecl @ 29Can27, a crisis 29th degree, with '30Can' having a "A Daughter of the American Revolution" influence - when the world financial system was said to be on the brink of complete failure 2009. Crime-syndicates-are-us?

Well, since you may have noticed that the MSM never reports on the $550 billion electronic run on US banks for about two hours in September 2009, I shall ask you...PROMIS, anyone?


Update: in a similar financial vein of interest, I've just found a fresh article on Wall Street's and Goldman Sachs' market rigging.

And for further reading try David Rothscum's Crash course on why 9/11 was an inside job.