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Nov 13, 2010

The Fed's 'quantitative easing' made simple (video)

The Fed's wrong streak continues with even the high-stakes G-20 Summit nations agreeing that another round of 'quantitative easing' in the US is a bad economic idea - unless collapsing the global economy is your ultimate goal, Mr. Bernanke.

Why, many people (like myself) see the Fed's culpable clawprints on every financial bubble and collapse in history. Guess the Federal Reserve Bank's natal Sun/Pluto opposition foreshadows its future (now?) realignment which such an opposition promises as they vie for more power with the defensive-when-challenged energy of a Sun/Pluto opposition.

Many thanks to Alex D'Atria for sending along this excellent and instructive video. jc


Well, for both of you keeping up with the Fed's natal chart (Dec 23, 1913), its natal Sun/Pluto opposition (using '12:07:10 pm est' Capitol Building: 1Cap18/00Can05 Rx) has been under fire from transiting Pluto in early Capricorn - on one hand, conjoining the Fed's natal Sun, on the other hand, Pluto opposing natal Pluto which describes the grand proportions of one power locking into a no-compromise struggle with another power - with the rest of us and our budgets caught in the middle.

Pluto to natal Sun shows the recent ploys of the Fed to gain more power and control though the 'no-compromise struggle' of tr Pluto in Cap seems to be interfering with those plans. One thing is certain: where powerful, subversive Pluto lurks and catalyzes, complete transformation will be the ultimate result.

And now, here's a limerick I published in September 2008 concerning
Mr. Bernanke
; the post contains a link to a news article of the day in which the IMF was threatening to peruse the Fed's books...wonder what happened to that little endeavor? Is it Pluto perusing Pluto?

Nov 11, 2010

Senate Banking Committee hears from bankers = 'stormy proceedings' 11.16.10

Come along as I check to see what's rising in the chart for November 16, 2010 at 2:30 pm est on Capitol Hill when the Senate Banking Committee is scheduled to open and hear testimony from the president of Bank of America Home Loans and the CEO of Chase Home Lending concerning their shady home mortgage practices which have had such dire effects upon the US economy.

For when an astrologer finds an exact time of an event, it's like waving a red cape in front of a you-know-what, right?

Nov 16, 2010 2:30 pm est Capitol Building, DC

ASC 2Ari06 with asteroid Hermes 2:07 Rx rising so apparently there's a magician or a mystic in the House, but is it '2 Aries' or '3 Aries' that's the degree famous for leading nowhere or having no intention of following through? Obviously, a lack of follow-through would not be surprising with US senators so snugly inside the banking industry's big 'they say' - the best Congress money can buy.

At Goal Point (Midheaven) is the transiting Pluto/NN conjunction still at its conjunction degree of November 9, 2010 (3Cap38) and with Mc @ 1Cap09, we have a midpoint picture to behold relating to The Aspiration of the Senate hearing...

Pluto/Mc = NN: the importance of connections; memberships in groups which help you achieve your purposes; getting rid of habits that retard progress; the power of influence over others; the desire to gain leadership by force within a community (by foreclosing? -jc); leadership of a group of people.

Now chart-ruler Mars 14Sag11 and Mercury 11Sag30 (11Sag+ = the degree of the Great Conjunction of the disenfranchising plutocracy duo, Pluto and Chiron, on Dec 30, 1999) apply to conjunction which is the only applying aspect of Mars. If we use the Sibly natal chart (5:10 pm LMT) for America, we have the midpoint picture from this post's title...

Mercury/Mars = n ASC: stormy proceedings; a shrewd attitude; communicating with others who have an angry demeanor. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Sun 24Sco20 is in the 8th house of Debt and Credit; the changeable Moon 28Pis16 has just risen and is in 12th house of Large Institutions (that are supposedly 'too big to fail'), Karma, Self-Undoing and Politics, after having sailed past the ongoing Jupiter/Uranus conjunction 23Pis30 Rx and 26Pis30 Rx, respectively.

The Senate Banking Committee hearing opens during a Venus Hour, but Venus is Rx yet strengthening @ 27Lib45 as she prepares to turn Direct Nov 18; here, in 7th house; controlling manager Saturn 13Lib12 is in 7th house as well and about to return to America's natal Saturn degree (14Lib48) on December 3, 2010 (#1 of 3.)

Venus has to do with evaluations which is proving difficult in the real estate and banking markets especially with the Robo-Signing scandal on the menu (a hearing on those issues is scheduled for Nov 18, 2010, the day of Venus' direct station! Perhaps some headway can be made as the evaluations planet moves forward - plus, moneybags Jupiter turns direct then, too, and heads back to AP, our US natal Ic of Home and Domestic Scene.)

Also in the hidden 12th house is the Neptune/Chiron conjunction, still affecting US natal Moon in Aquarius bwo of deception, fraud, waste, toxic assets, homelessness, and potential flooding. 'Flooded with debt' is a sad testament to this transit's ill effects, and yes, Neptune moves slowly so it took years for the loss and sense of despair to envelope US consumers; yet Neptune/Chiron's close link with spirituality may bring us relief.)

Moon reaches Aries Point (00Ari00) on Nov 16, but not until 5:59 pm est (with the hearing probably over for the day), and the 'hidden square' between Moon (the people; publicity) and Mars may hold more sway than first appears...

Moon SQ Mars = resistance to compromise due to fear that others will take advantage of you; emotional outbursts; contrariness when dealing with others; forceful demands shows a double standard which irks others. (Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier.)

Well, I'd say the 'take advantage of you' part has already been accomplished by the US Congress, the White House, SCOTUS, and our glaringly corrupt banking and mortgage industries yet I hope that some redress for the American people comes out of the Senate hearing's political theater...matinee at 2:30 pm.

Lame Duck Congress: Sun Scor-Moon Pisc 11.15.10

Looking at a chart for November 15, 2010 10:00 am est Capitol Building Washington DC we see 1Cap57 rising with NN 3Cap36 and Pluto 3Cap45 in tow; Hour of Mars 13Sag19; Mercury 9Sag48 out-of-bounds and conjunct Fixed Star Antares (obsessed with success); it's a First Quarter (crisis in action) phase; there are no planetary patterns (T-Squares, Grand Trines, etc.)

Mercury OOBs may represent the new representatives and the change (Mercury) of members from the Nov 2 midterm elections since Mercury isn't in-sync with the other actors (planets) yet.

If I had to sum up in two words this horoscope and Lame Duck Session 2010 they'd be emotion and power. Sun 23Sco08 conjoins Fixed Star Agena (honors, high status, a good organizer, sensuality, scandal, gossip, sarcasm, cleverness, success with the masses - A. Louis, Horary Plain & Simple); Moon 14Pis08 conjoins Fixed Star Achernar (empathy, humanity, patience, success, religion, philosophy, but also 'crisis at the end of the river' which may relate to flooding or other Neptunian crises such as debt and fraud.)

At Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart, are two Fixed Stars: Spica (potential for brilliance) and Arcturus (a different approach); we know the November 2 midterms will shoosh into Congress new political players but whether brilliance will shine forth from the infusion remains to be seen: a 9th house Saturn 13Lib05 parallels another Fixed Star that's not so lovely: Zuben Eschemali (negative social reform.)

'Negative social reform' is what this populist/common-gooder American would have to call the Saturnian austerity cuts being handed down from highly paid politicians who enabled the banking industry to steal trillions of dollars from the US economy and private pension funds, some of which US banks sent to foreign bankers and investors. Congress and Wall Street were indebted to foreign entities and we-the-people paid. It seems our current 'deficit hawks' suffer from a bad case of amnesia.

But aren't we nice to help out the banksters and fraudsters so intent upon our ruination?

Venus (valuations; smaller amounts of money; relationships; attraction) 27Lib52 is about to cross Nov 15's Mc and is still retrograde until November 18, 2010 (Venus' station direct degree = 27Lib40, so she's readying to flip-flop now. Does Venus represent Nancy Pelosi?)

Well, I realize that the Lame Duck Congress may not open for business precisely at 10:00 am on Monday - maybe the members will sleep in - thus, the horoscope I'm using here is symbolic. Still, the Sun Scor-Moon Pisc blend remains in effect on Monday and may yield some clues to the atmosphere - not just of the day - but of Lame Duck Session 2010 itself.

The Water-Water blend of Sun Scor-Moon Pisc indicates a dedication to hard work, emotional intensity, the able use of shrewd strategies and subterfuge, and a deep sense of commitment to a larger vision. This is the 'Jekyll and Hyde' combo torn between passion and compassion...Dracula vs The Good Samaritan.

With Scor-Pisc, there's a love of the mysterious or mysticism (perfect for that Masonic Temple we call the Capitol Building but I understand that the creepy crypt once in the cellar under the rotunda is now history) with a talent for seeing through the deeper motives of others; lack of objectivity may be problematic; love, drugs (including alcohol), and other addictions are potentials with this combination which has an ability to capture people's imaginations and 'come back fighting'.

Images for Integration: Madame Curie works for the Red Cross whilst dedicating herself to the mysteries of radioactivity...Long John Silver, with ruthless charm, becomes a successful entrepreneur. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Radioactivity conjures images of nukes and plutonium, of course, and 'Red Cross' points to the Rosicrucians who are part of the bossy 'one world government' brigade; silver and gold are an old argument and obsession in Washington.

Now, if you're wondering what famous folk share the Sun Scor-Moon Pisc blend natally, here's a brief list: Hillary Clinton, Grace Kelly, Martin Scorsese, Bela Lugosi, astronomer Charles Kowal (discoverer of Chiron), and Robert Louis Stevenson and Marie Curie, as hinted in the Images above.


It's noon and the cruise ship Splendor has just docked: welcome back, everyone!

Nov 10, 2010

Chandra Levy murder trial fizzles out

The presecution in the Chandra Levy murder trial has seemingly fizzled out with their interest in prison snitch testimony now waned.

The prosecution has apparently called its last witness.


Another Fizzle?

Publicly, next week the Obama administration will begin drifting further away from Why Those Who Voted for Obama Voted for Obama as his promised troop draw-down from Afghanistan beginning in "July 2011" becomes even more of a politically-infused mirage.

America and the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011

Three quotes of note for Where We Are Now:

"Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear." -Aung San Suu Kyi

"You may think your actions are meaningless and that they won't help, but that is no excuse, you must still act." -Mohandas K. Gandhi

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." -Abraham Lincoln


Since Veterans' Day is tomorrow, November 11, 2010, I'm spending time reflecting today and Thursday upon my country. From what I've seen and studied of late, America will never resemble herself again until the Bush-Cheney 'Patriot Act' is repealed, the Supreme Court Justices who pushed through the Citizens United decision against democracy are de-benched (and perhaps others of them as well), and - first of all - the US Congress is completely reformed and corporations both foreign and domestic are ushered out the door for good. Time spent raising money for the next campaign is not 'doing the people's business' or 'serving' on Capitol Hill and it certainly doesn't make representing the American people the priority it should be. -Jude Cowell

On January 4, 2011, a Solar Eclipse in the 13 North Series occurs @ 13Cap38. This gives the eclipse a Cancer-Capricorn vibe, Moon/Saturn, which can have a serious tone, even depressing, yet also may bring along a 'strategy-ambition' influence to the collective as well.

Now I've mentioned the Jan 2011 eclipse here before but in light of the above three quotes and Veterans' Day, I wish to emphasize that 13N is the Series which began with its initial eclipse on August 14, 1776 @ 21Leo52; Moon/Mars = Sun/Mars = Pluto 26Cap38 Rx (2009's Inaugural Midheaven degree which had the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it = the global plutocrats who coup'd for themselves the Citizens United decision.)

As a general guide to the atmosphere of August 1776 and early 2011:

Sun/Mars = Pluto: ruthless application of energy; force; extreme defensiveness; warring relationships; sever health strain possible.

Moon/Mars = Pluto: powerful opinionation; a demanding nature. (Noel Tyl.)

As we see from the initial eclipse date, the first-ever 13N eclipse manifested very near the date of the founding of America. In fact, since the last signatures affixed to the Declaration of Independence were not penned upon it until August 1776, I have asserted previously on this blog that the August 14, 1776 eclipse horoscope might be used as a symbolic natal horoscope for America, the New Atlantis, the first-ever nation to be established upon Uranian ideals which allegedly were received from a Higher Source from which creative genius flows.

(Not that the inspiration didn't flow from a Higher Source, as long as it wasn't Weishaupt's Illuminati, yet you may wish to see George Washington's vision and the Snopes analysis afterwards.)

Perhaps much credit for the concepts embedded in the US Constitution is primarily due the Iroquois Confederacy but that's a post for another day; Freemason principles are integral to our nation's founding and freedom documents as well; these days most Americans understandably feel those freedoms are being and have been repealed.)

Now see if the tone of the following 13N Solar Eclipse reminds you of a certain nation founded in 1776:

13N: groups and associations; large ambitious group projects that require a separation or the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, you don't have to read between the lines to see that America's founding is fairly described by 13N's theme. Therefore, the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse in the 13N Series has particular import for the US, for 13N's issues may resurface to whatever extent they need to be dealt with in 2011. In the news from Dec 2010 into 2011, names may be changed to protect the guilty, but watch out for activities that have a 'separation then joint achievement' flavor to them for they undergird much of what transpires during the eclipse season - at least until the next Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011 (13S @ 11Gem02.)

As you know, the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 falls within the time range of our upcoming US Saturn Return, a three-fer this go-round (Saturn's orbit = appr 29 - 30 years; the same principle applies: what was going on about 30 years ago? Where and how did the US stand up - or not - to her responsibilities, or what accountability was accepted/not accepted? And how was our national authority being wielded - against whom and on behalf of whom?)

Our national Saturn 14Lib48 (Sibly chart; Libra, sign of Justice) is exalted and in 10th house (Sibly); sad to say, my studies indicate that the January 2010 SCOTUS decision against democracy is a main step on the totalitarian road for a complete undermining of the US Justice system, with our traditional Trial by Jury already a limping casualty of the Bush-Cheney administration's intrigues and finaglings.

There's an interesting synchronicity relating to a Scorpio Moon (though Luna's degree is not as late in Scorpio as US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45): it is shown between US Saturn Return #1 (Dec 3, 2010 with Moon 16Sco35), and the 2nd Saturn Return (Rx) of March 22, 2011 with Moon 16Sco54. The Lunar Return to the Dec 3, 2010 chart occurs on March 22, 2011 about 32 minutes prior to Saturn Return #2 which again gives us a Moon/Saturn vibe, and of course, Lunar Returns relate to our daily rounds in the mundane world. In Mundane Astrology, however, Luna has the import of Moon = we-the-people, so such Lunar Returns relating to national issues identify the mood of the larger public - here, we're feeling intense in Scorpio and in crisis mode with Scorpio's Mars/Pluto influence hanging over us.

As noted, 2009's Inaugural Moon was in a 29th crisis degree, and Scorpio in general is a sign of crises, betrayals, and traumatic transformation (Pluto.)

Whatever may transpire, resolution may be expected at, during, or around the time of US Saturn Return #3 which occurs on August 28, 2011 with transiting asteroid Nemesis 14Lib02 (divine retribution) conjoining US natal Saturn, and tr Midas, of gold-hoarding fame, @ 9Gem21 conjunct US natal Uranus, planet of freedom and independence. Obviously, we may wish to look to Midas for some of the details concerning the super-wealthy global plutocrats who've usurped the government of the United States of America. And this leads us directly to the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto of the 1890s @ 7 - 9 Gemini; the Neptune/Pluto duo is the signature of the Robber Barons, the resource plunderers and corporate titans and, in 2010/11, their biological and/or ideological spawn.

If you wish further reading on our nation's current condition, check out this 3-article round-up with my own remarks italicized in between; naturally, the opinions and assertions contained in the articles are the authors' own:

Illusions and Empire

By Charles Scaliger

May America find the humility to turn back from the path that so many other nations,from Nineveh and Tyre to Ottoman Turkey and Britain, have followed.

(Amen. Yet 'humility' with a self-protective Cancerian Jupiter as national chart-ruler takes deep spiritual repentance which refuses any longer to associate with corrupt government officials, gangsters, and fraudsters in business - parasites infesting our nation!)

Netanyahu Tests Obama, Again

By MJ Rosenberg

Netanyahu, who grew up in the United States, is as much a Republican as he is a Likudnik (he worked with Speaker Gingrich against President Clinton) and will do everything he can to sink Obama and the Democrats.

(A sabotaging rat lurks within America's woodpile? He has lots of company - from within the US, and setting up a 'world throne' in Jerusalem is the Zionist aim.)

Arundhati Roy: "These Wars Cannot Be Won"

By Democracy Now!

Arundhati Roy about the struggle of the Maoist rebels in India and her assessment of President Obama.

(Profiteers who foment war for others to fight are not worthy of being followed especially when the majority of people of all nations desire and deserve to live in peace...'world leaders' go home!)


UPDATE Nov 13, 2010: after 7 years of house arrest, the author of the first quote above, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been freed!!!

Nov 9, 2010

G-20 Summit South Korea opens 11.11.10 = Pluto/NN

The two-day G-20 Summit being held in Seoul, South Korea, to which President Obama will wing soon as part of his Asian trip, will open on Thursday, Nov 11, and is obviously a signature of today's transiting Pluto/North Node conjunction @ 3Cap38.

Since Sunday, there have been clashes between protesters and police in Seoul and more protests are planned each day until Thursday. Signs have appeared with slogans such as: "We oppose the G-20" due to its world leaders' lack of focus on jobs creation and their failure to protect social programs.

In fact, various governments' current 'austerity cuts' tell the sorry, cold-hearted tale, don't they?

Now I've mentioned this in a previous post but doubt its importance was made obvious: the current Pluto/NN (powerful connections; destiny of a large mass of people) conjunction falls upon the Great Conjunction degree of the illuminated, 'new social order' pair, Uranus and Neptune (3Cap01), on March 21, 1821. You'll note from the date that the Sun was @ Aries Point (00Ari00; a World Point of Manifestation) but also on that day, the midpoint of the oppressive, disenfranchising, primally violent, plutocratic pair of Pluto/Chiron = AP = Sun.

Yes, the power elites' long-term New World Order agenda at its base includes a 'new economic order' which the G-20 forum, founded in 1999, says is what it seeks: 'to reform the world economy', a goal which they pretend issues from the current global financial meltdown and which obviously does not include jobs creation or protecting social programs for the people of any nation.

As part of the process, Financial Collapse 2008 was engineered to facilitate the job so the world would cry, please save us from chaos by establishing a new global economic order - oh, please! Global revolution which 'justifies' total control of the masses is what the brigands and usurpers seek.

Yes, the NWO is letting its mask slip more and more each day since the New Millennium began, and any so-called 'world leader' is suspect, for whether you voted for him/her or not, he/she has you and your family in the creepy cross hairs of a much-touted, long-propagandized totalitarian social order - as do his opponents, so there's no aid for the people coming from any politician America, we waste our time expecting improvement from them. Even the few who might wish to stop the madness can't - look at the crooks and spooks they have to work with!

Well, that describes Pluto/Chiron's method of working: class warfare. And don't imagine yourself to be one of Them. You are not.

To paraphrase the Scriptures about Earth's fate, "No one will be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark of the beast on his hand or forehead." You don't know how sorry I am to remind you of this, but that's how things are shaping up to be - and right under our too-busy-to-care noses.

So here again is a mishmash of midpoint pictures combining 1821 with 2010 (any, all, or none may apply and can be triggered by progressions and transits - as now, with Pluto and NN):

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise; inspiring ideas which can change the world; rebellion.

Uran/Nep = NN: meeting with people who care about the future; close ties with leaders who introduce change through turmoil or revolt; contact with important religious leaders. ('Religious' leaders, the traitors!)

Pluto/NN = Uranus: unusual meetings on morbid subjects; meetings with powerful people in the sciences or engineering, including Astrology; crush the opposition; publicity; an intense need for recognition.

Pluto/NN = Nep: increased potential to be deceived or to deceive; seeing that people are not always what they appear to be; added doubts about the effectiveness of others; the power of the half-truth (they use that one all the time); deception as a tool; win at any cost (with the cost always placed on the backs of the people they are in process of beggaring even more.)

The above midpoint pictures brought to you by Noel Tyl and Michael Munkasey.

The financial breakdown and austerity cuts brought to you by 'world leaders' stealthily meeting in Seoul, South Korea this Thursday and Friday as tasked by their global power elite backers and bosses.

GM Foods: mad scientists at work!

Just because Science can, doesn't mean it should: results from when both Uranus and Neptune were transiting Aquarius, sign of the 'mad scientist' archetype, with science-loving Uranus now in confused, deceptive, victimized Pisces, sign of infections:

(NaturalNews) – As scientists are busy manipulating the genes of edibles including corn, soybeans, canola, papaya, zucchini, and now rice and salmon, an interesting fact comes into light about what exactly scientists know and don’t know about human genes. According to geneticist Steven Salzberg of the University of Maryland, “Not only do we not know what all the genes are – we don’t even know how many there are.”

Genetically modified foods alter healthy bacteria - and thus, our immune systems - so perhaps we should all read on... and protest before geneticists (and those who enable them) create a monster they can't tame. Unless, of course, population control and saving the world's real food for a select few upper-crusters are really their primary goals.

Well, salmon has always been my personal fave - but I vow to no longer purchase or serve it. Infuriating!

Nov 8, 2010

Neptune Direct Stations @ Discovery degree 11.7.10

In the wee hours of November 7, 2010, gaseous Neptune turned Direct @ 25AQ55 with its traveling partner, Chiron, @ 26AQ04 now Direct as well - and both still affectng US natal Moon.

On September 24, 1846, Neptune was discovered when @ 25AQ53 and Rx, conjunct Saturn 25AQ08 Rx, with both planets at the base of a YOD pattern (Finger of God; turning point; crisis; special task) which points to Mars 25Vir59. The other planet at the base of the YOD/s is powerful, manipulative Pluto 25Ari23 Rx.

This creates two midpoint pictures to consider relating to the discovery (and meaning) of Neptune which in 1846 and 2010 conjoins US natal Moon (the people):

Saturn/Pluto = Mars: fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration; a gun with a cork in its barrel; activating plans for much upheaval or destruction; a need to use whatever means or power is available to continue working.

Neptune/Pluto = Mars: added compulsion to use violence to achieve one's dreams; use of drugs to speed up or alter life; great personal magnetism to set things right, or rejection of actions due to misunderstanding.

We might substitute Neptune in the equation with US n Moon...

Moon/Pluto = Mars: too much energy not knowing where to go; frustration and anger; use of force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; deep irritation about any delays; active in assuring that promised protection is delivered.

( that last one a reason the president is in Asia? His trip's theme inspired by Gandhi: 'Be the change you want to see' yet with Neptune, one can never be certain what one is seeing. Dubious trade deals behind-the-scenes is more up Neptune's secret alley.)

So with President Obama now on his 10-day trip to Asia and speaking from New Delhi India, Neptune activity in the heavens seems appropriate for these mystical places and for a US president traveling over Neptune's oceans. When the Neptune Direct Station chart of Nov 7, 2010 is set for Washington DC, the Ascendant 6Vir06 'brings up' Mr. Obama's natal Pluto. With the chart set for New Delhi, India, his natal Midheaven in late Scorpio has the Moon (publicity) upon it as he spoke to a joint session of the Indian Congress.

Now I'm tempted to add the Sabian Symbol for Neptune's Direct Station-Discovery degree but am feeling too sassy for that. So here's Adriano Carelli's analysis from his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for '26AQ' which fits well into watery Neptune's realm:

'26AQ' = "A water source spurts forth by a high mountain top and dashes down, filling its boulder-strewn path with hissing foam."

This degree is about one who 'stands out like a beacon' but may have a position as unstable as water. "The danger of tumbling is an ever-present one" but Carelli reminds us that, of course, the rest of the map must support the tumbling.

"Should other strands in the pattern offset the headiness of the temper and induce a certain order in the turmoil of ideas babbling up in his mind, the native could turn into a real master (initiatory components would make him into an occult master); on the other hand, baneful components may warp his recklessness into blindness (taken literally or figuratively.)

So, happy Asian trip, Mr. President. Enjoy revisiting your roots and spouting your babbling of ideas...but do avoid the hissing foam.


Check out events of 1846 (see Feb 1 for an initiation involving hashish, both Neptunian by nature!); 1846 was the year the Donner Party was wandering about and freezing to death.

Plus, here's the Wiki page for 1846, if you prefer - there was a cholera outbreak in England - in Haiti now. And you know that the US annexation of California began in 1846 as well, with California now tending to be overcast with Neptunian puffs of smoke!

Flowers of India, my most-viewed drawing at Jude's Threshold.

Midpoints pictures: Tyl and Munkasey.

New Comet glides by Saturn; Sunspot 1121 update

Space Weather News for Nov 8, 2010

POSSIBLE COMET OUTBURST: A comet discovered just a few days ago by amateur astronomers in Japan is gliding by Saturn in the pre-dawn sky. Comet Ikeya-Murakami (C/2010 V1) is not visible to the unaided eye, but observers say it is a fairly easy target for backyard telescopes. Images obtained over the weekend reveal what appears to be an outburst in progress.

The comet's coma (atmosphere) bears a striking resemblance to the coma of Comet Holmes, which famously exploded in 2007. Check Space Weather News for photos and more information.

SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: After unleashing one of the brightest X-ray flares in years on Saturday afternoon, Nov 6th, sunspot 1121 took Sunday off. No strong flares were recorded for the rest of the weekend. Nevertheless, the active region's magnetic field is complex and harbors energy for more eruptions. NOAA forecasters estimate an 85% chance of M-flares during the next 24 hours.

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when solar storms hit Earth? Sign up for Space Weather Phone.

Nov 7, 2010

Will Palin prez run 2012 bring Obama's 2nd term?

Woot! As my friend American Patriot notes, if Sarah Palin runs for president in 2012, a second Obama term may be guaranteed.

Me? Not as certain because a lot can happen between now and 2012/13 including Palin's loss (or increase) of political influence. And even with Moon 1Gem26 (we-the-people) in 1st house with Jupiter 6Gem27 Rx, the Inauguration Horoscope of January 21, 2013 isn't telling much about presidential gender but it does, however, occur under the rays of the 15 North Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @ 22 Scorpio, a degree with the Sabian Symbol: "Hunters Shooting Wild Ducks."

'Keynote: The socially accepted release of an individual's or a group's aggressive instincts.' This relates to "the socialization of man's primitive instincts according to a cultural ritual. Keywords: SOCIALIZATION OF INSTINCTS." (Rudhyar.)

A "cultural ritual" like a presidential inauguration? Quack!

Well, Jan 21, 2013's 1st house Inaugural Moon in early Gemini is just before completing a Lunar Return (3:21) for President Obama, and Jupiter's position shows that the Jolly One will have recently conjoined Mr. Obama's natal Moon, a time of grand desires, emotional satisfaction, and popularity - yes, popularity!

The 15N Series has a flavor of 'joy through commitment' (Brady's Predictive Astrology) so apparently whomever is victorious in the 2012 US presidential election will feel quite happy about it.

Yet a caution is that South Node 23Tau is in 1st house and rising, not an auspicious indicator and showing separations of some kind and reliance on past behaviors and talents. From the past, this degree relates to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with Valuable Gems."

So who knows? Maybe by 2012, few will care whether Sarah Palin wants to run for prez or not. One thing everyone knows: if she does plan to run, she's got an awful lot of studyin' and learnin' and info-retainin' to do.

Nov 6, 2010

Bright X-Ray Solar Flare from Sunspot 1121

Space Weather News for Nov 6, 2010

BRIGHT SOLAR FLARE: Active sunspot 1121 has just unleashed one of the brightest x-ray solar flares in several years, an M5.4-class eruption at 15:36 UT on Nov 6th. Radiation from the flare created a wave of ionization in Earth's upper atmosphere that altered the propagation of low-frequency radio waves. There was, however, no bright CME (plasma cloud) hurled in our direction, so the event is unlikely to produce auroras in the nights ahead.

Visit for a movie of the eruption and more information about this increasingly active sunspot.

SPACE WEATHER ALERTS: Would you like a call when solar storms hit Earth? Sign up for Space Weather Phone.


Now you know that sunspots are implicated in the New Millennium/'2012' prophecy scenarios frequently touted here and there in the modern, if trendy, mainstream and usually based on the Mayan Calendar's ending date of December 21, 2012 (if translations and calculations are correct) - and Venus is a major culprit, it is said.

Today, with Venus in Scorpio's current situation of Rxing back into Libra (and thus conjoining my Sec SN), then slowly picking up steam as she careens through the smoldering sign of Scorpio once again and out of her own slinky shadow (13Sco13 and beyond), I'm not in the mood this Sabbath Day for typing out loud about end-time least, not in the popular online-kinda-way we've all come to expect.

Besides. No man knows the hour of His Coming.

But we do know that He Is Risen.

Winter Solstice 2010 Horoscope

Fresh from the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse, this year's Winter Solstice Moon in 12th house clocks in at 8Can13 as the Sun reaches 00Cap00:00. In Washington DC on Dec 21, 2010, the annual solar event occurs at 6:38:22 pm est with 24Can21 rising which brings up America's natal Mercury Rx opposing natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (US planets are notated outside the chart; please click to enlarge.)

It's an Hour of Jupiter 25Pis20 conjunct Uranus 26Pis47, both now moving directly and in the Winter Solstice's 9th house. Chart-ruler Moon applies to three aspects:

1. Moon square Mc 8Ari41 (0A28);
2. Moon opposite Mars (2A27);
3. Moon trine Venus (6A14.)

Moon square MC indicates domestic and career problems which jeopardize public reputations; Moon oppo Mars indicates irrational actions, impatience, overspending, quarrels, and potential criminal activity; Moon trine Venus describes harmony, empathy, and pleasant conditions, especially for women, artists, and musicians.

Therefore, at least some difficult conditions at the start of Winter season 2010 may improve before Spring 2011 - I hope so!

Perhaps the Moon/South Node contact in 12th house should be mentioned for it shows separations, bad timing due to difficult circumstances (ex: being too late for a job interview because car is too expensive to repair and the bus runs late, etc), isolation that leads to depression, and a feeling of 'being alone against the world'. Yet with concentrated effort and strength of character, adversity will be met with courage and determination - plow on through, m'peops!

But yes, Moon/SN points to karmic conditions (past behaviors that no longer bring good results) as does the Moon's position in the karmic 12th house for the Winter season. Hospitals and other large institutions experience fluctuating conditions with Moon in 12th house, and certainly chronic health issues of the people (Moon) are triggered. US natal Mars conjoins 12th cusp 22Gem10 showing a karmic undoing relating to males in general, but specifically to police and military forces; plus, warring Mars rules Midheaven, the Aspiration Point of any chart.

As you see, 8th house of Debt and Shared Resources contains the ongoing, when-will-it-ever-end duo of wounding Chiron and nebulous Neptune still sitting astride US natal Moon (we-the-people) so we may expect the Neptunian onslaught of fraud, floods, toxins, homelessness, debts, and mortgage issues to continue into 2011.

In 4th house, the Foundation of the chart, we see Saturn 16Lib08 in process of our US Saturn Return (14Lib48) when chickens come home to roost and accountability must be faced. Perhaps bank managers (Saturn) will be facing hard questions about their robo-signing habits and other legal abnormalities in the foreclosure process. Plus, in 4th house, Saturn may indicate mining accidents or issues, and real estate delays and losses...Saturnian conditions in the homeland with Saturn ruling 8th house (co-ruled by disruptive Uranus bwo Aquarius.)

Yet Venus 14Sco27 (sign of Big Business and Surveillance) is in 4th house as well and conjoins US Inaugural Descendant showing foreign or hidden evaluations and relationships which (since chart-ruler Moon trines Venus) may bring some relief to our housing woes (Venus rules Ic) - or bring us the 'slippery slope' a trine may so easily provide.

Mercury 25Sag25 Rx in 6th house is the ruler (dispositor) of US natal Mars and may show preparations for troop movements (6th house = police and military service as well as Health and Work.)

Sun 00Cap00:00 is apex in two midpoint combinations of energies:

Mercury/Pluto = Sun: a persuasive speaker; communication skills; keen observations; prudence and vision; a desire for recognition; championing an idea or attitude that prevails; determination to use force to obtain or locate information; enhanced authority or prestige among people who control important information or news.

Mercury/NN = Sun: added focus on the effectiveness and importance of the message presented; well-coordinated personal ventures; a life philosophy; urge to exchange ideas with others.

Now obviously, the Mercury/NN combo has to do with meetings where discussions take place, also with discussions involving young people, reporters, traders, etc - any and all mercurial implications are being encountered. But a note may be of interest concerning the Mercury/Pluto combo and Michael Munkasey (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) is very helpful on the topic - since Mercury/Pluto points toward the Winter Solstice Sun, and America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition is emphasized by appearing on the ASC/DESC axis of this horoscope.

In Politics and Business, Mercury/Pluto relates to: high security and intelligence activities; political talk which offers abrupt changes to some functions; communications satellites; news of space exploration; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets of the business community or transportation systems; breakdowns in road networks; self-destructive impulses in business.

Ebertin gives Mercury/Pluto as: persons guilty of fraudulent representation or misrepresentation in speaking or writing; plagiarists or demagogues; sharp critics, and crafty people. Overestimation of self, propagandists, and spies are also indicated by Mercury/Pluto, and their opposition shows a condition where researchers work on secret projects and dangerous information must be dealt with.

North Node 2Cap44 is apex point in two midpoint pictures...

Sun/Pluto = NN: fateful associations; separations; a lack of adaptability (in Washington?!!); meeting the powerful; very special new attachments; other people inspire development of a stronger will or purpose.

Mercury/Mars = NN: quarrels within a community; the realization of thoughts in tandem with others; expressing or teaching competitive practices; acquaintances who have an irritating style of speech.

So how about the T-Squares formed, all with the Moon as one 'leg'? Moon/Mars appears on Mc, the others opposite Mc:

Moon/Mars = Mc: a forceful and purposeful nature (possibly a woman); upright behavior; spiritual relationships; self-promotion; getting things off the ground.

Moon/Pluto = Mc: one-sided emotional intensity; remaining alone and never acting in accord with others; a highly strained emotional life; successfully handling the moods of others.

Moon/NN = Mc: success through allying with those who share your goals; being recognized by influential people; soul unions or emotionally intense relationships.

Well, Mars 10Cap39 is out-of-bounds so who knows what he's up to as he continues opposing by transit our nation's Cancerian planets (Venus, Jupiter, Sun in the 3 - 14Cancer degree range); next Mars will oppose natal Sun which can be an ego-bruising time for the President (Sun) and thus the nation when complete success isn't possible. There may even be a loss of integrity during this period for the opinions and actions of others do not support his leadership (we don't need a horoscope to tell us this.)

Actually, now that I think about it, this out-of-bounds Mars (acting on his own and as a troublemaker), exalted in Capricorn and able to focus his energies with great efficiency, may just be the primary actor who runs away with the entire Winter Solstice 2010 horoscope as Mars nears opposition to America's natal Mercury (plans and ideas are dismissed out of hand), then conjoins US natal Pluto, a time when something forceful of a karmic nature may come along and simply - or seemingly - have to be done.


Midpoint pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Michael Munkasey, as noted above.


A Personal Note: to the several readers who've expressed a desire to read my American Empire: When Jupiter Bowed to the Sun article now published in the Fall 2010 issue of Julie Demboski's Fall Eclipse e-zine: Julie (with her excellent editor's cap on) and I worked together like two cobblers at a virtual table through the magic of email for corrections and additions; therefore, I do not have a final copy of the article as-published and cannot send it out.

The final copy is in the e-zine!

When it is my legal right to publish the article in 6 months, it will most probably (given my previous and inexplicable averseness to making an income bwo Astrology!) be complimentary. Until then, I shall stand by the publishing arrangement made between Julie Demboski and myself and do thank my readers most heartily for their kind interest which I hope they will follow up on, for the Fall 2010 issue of Eclipse contains several great articles on a variety of topics - as do its other issues, I guarantee! jc