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Sep 8, 2016

Snit of Miffdom presents: the ACA, Cleopatra, and Dracula

The Following fuss is a re-publish from *Jude's Threshold a while back and it must have been written when I was in a definite snit of miffdom over something; a few edits have been done:

Is the Health Care Reform debate 1993 revisited?

Sometimes history repeats like reflux, thanks to Washington politicians using the same anti-societal tactics that worked for them before. Often it's more like a rhyme but with different or new components and my suspicion is that these days, the ruling class' contempt for the masses--individually or clumped together--has grown, not diminished.

Here and elsewhere I have complained that 2009’s Health Care Reform bill (ACA) is being opposed if only to undermine a Democratic White House, and I wasn’t even considering Republican actions and the factions of 1993. Was I wrong?

Never mind that Democrats have a mandate from We the People, many of whom need relief from a costly run-away health care system that intends only bankruptcy for you if you should find yourself in a bind. For in Darwinian America of the New Millennium, you have to be fit to survive, otherwise it’s buh-bye, see ya wouldn’t wanna be ya.

Maybe we need a dose of that oft-touted “compassionate conservatism” we once heard so much about. That and ten dollars might get you a fluffed-up pillow in a sparsely-appointed emergency room somewhere in America.

Meanwhile, Washington pols work tirelessly to protect corporate profits and keep their own stock portfolios fluffed up with med and pharmaceutical returns while insurance companies chortle on their way to open their next offshore account.

Meanwhile, Beltway Brigands give the old “fox guarding the henhouse” truism fresh meaning with every secret deal they make at our expense, every bribe they take, every fraud they make.

Now I ask you: if a loved one suffers and dies for lack of treatment based on an insurance company's concerns for their bottom line, would you really care which party inhabits the White House – or whose prospects are better for the next election?

This fussy snit was written by yours truly, Jude Cowell, typing at you from North Atlanta in the Kennesaw Mountain area. Okay, I take back all the mean things I've typed about the City of Atlanta, let bygones be so. I'll leave Atl alone and hope that it will leave me alone. jc

Notice: one of my other blogs *Jude's Threshold will be sleeping with the dodo birds on or about October 11, 2016 so if you think you might want to read anything thereupon, please sashay over when you can. Articles include: Dracula's Natal Chart, Cleopatra's Natal Chart, Saturn and the Moon's South Node, the Wedding Day Astrology of Bill and Hill (and one on Chelsea and Mark), and more, plus, wonderful re-blogged articles by my favorite online authors and researchers!

And please note that some of my previous Jude's Threshold articles shall appear on my latest blog Jude Cowell Astrology so drop in at your leisure.

Sep 7, 2016

DC Horoscope: 2016 Ends with Uranus Station Direct and a New Moon

2016 Ends: Capricorn New Moon and Uranus Direct Station Opposes Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Here is the Uranus Direct Station chart set for the White House; please enlarge to read my scribbles thereupon:

Hour: Mercury (Rx, in 2nd house of the National Treasury; rules 8th and 10th houses); chart-ruler Mars (7Pis33, 3rd house of Communications) makes only one Ptolemaic aspect--a conjunction with Neptune (9Pis40 conj IC). Mars to Neptune denotes high potential for unwise decisions and actions, confusion and misunderstandings, and undermined efforts. Beware travels by water, poisonous fumes, and people who say, Trust Me (good advice any time!) Also, Mars and the South Node join which indicates disharmonious actions, violence, anger, frustration, and/or war. North Node in 9th house directs attention toward foreign lands but with a sense of criticism and a questioning of militaristic values.

Two Troubling Stars

Now there are two particularly difficult stars attached to this transit chart: Zosma (victimization; ruthlessness) at MC and Facies, one of the most turbulent stars in the heavens (victimization, violence). Facies is spotlighted here by Mercury, Sun, and Moon and by the Syzygy New Moon @7Cap59 (see bottom, left) which perfected 2 hours 35 minutes prior to the turning of Uranus (this chart). The next Full Moon is on January 12, 2017 @22Can27.

A BOWL of Jupiter

This horoscope and event show a BOWL shape with Jupiter @20Lib51 (11th house) leading the other planets and ruling the 2nd house. Career and Public Status are highlighted by Jupiter (The General? the politician? the guru? the CEO?) as he approaches MC, Facies, and the current Solar Eclipse (PE) which occurred on September 1, 2016 in the 19 North Saros Series of realism and tackling the truth but unfortunately the 19N eclipse was opposed by deceptive Neptune (Campaign 2016; scandals; water disasters such as floods and toxins, and leaks of chemicals or of inconvenient info).

Financial Crisis?

So as you see, the 2/8 money axis has 29 degrees on both cusps; 2nd cusp = "30Sag": "The Pope Blessing the Faithful," as I'm certain he does. Yet my suspicious nature feels a Vatican Bank hint coming on...or perhaps a Clinton Foundation scandal involving money laundering. But maybe that's just me--especially since economists and astrologers have been warning of a global financial collapse in 2016 or 2017 (plus, Shemitah!) so perhaps that's what shows in this Uranian transit chart for the end of 2016 into 2017.

Be that as it may, corporate expansionist Jupiter leads the throng here and rules 2nd house of Valuations, Earning Ability, Money, and Possessions and has links to the Federal Reserve System of banks since America's National Treasury is owned and operated by supranational bankers with their funny money scams.

Opposite, the 8th cusp isn't doing much better for it's ruled by retrograde Mercury which is too close to Facies for comfort. Plus, when in Capricorn, Mercury can easily exhibit a cunning, shrewd craftiness motivated by ambition. Whether Mercury expresses such traits or not, having critical-crisis 29th degrees on the 2/8 cusps indicates something on the cusp of change (but hopefully not collapse) in relation to quirky Uranus in Aries (Utopian zealots and anarchists--Ebertin) in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Frivolous Pursuits. Something of that nature will now begin to 'move ahead' but jerkily because it's Uranus.

Jupiter and Uranus

Of wider interest is the current cycle (about 14 years) of Jupiter and Uranus which began with three conjunctions: 1. June 8, 2010 @00Ari18 (the Cardinal Aries Point of World Manifestation); 2. September 19, 2010 @28Pis43; 3. January 4, 2011 @27Pis02. Jupiter-Uranus together can signify a variety of potentials and people such as fortune hunters (Trump, say moi!), organizers, zealots with one-sided views, explorers, inventors, scientists, freedom fighters, and religious conflicts (Ebertin). Optimism and good fortune may also indicated. See Jupiter Meets Uranus by Anne Whitaker.

The Jupiter-Uranus opposition denotes a fulfillment, culmination, or extreme awareness of some kind relating back to that particular time period (2010/2011). My suspicion is that austerity measures are in the mix such as with the 'Sequestration' cuts implemented by the so-called 'Super Congress' which is described by the Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @2Sag in the 14 North Saros Series as bringing a peculiar turn of events and that is just the kind of 'turn' that suits eccentric, erratic Uranus, the Disruptor.

In closing, and since this is a Political Astrology post, let's consider the Cardinal T-Square formed (though not perfected) by Jupiter-Uranus pointing toward wealthy manipulator and fearmonger Pluto with a paraphrase of Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets which includes Politics and Business potentials and follows the Hegelian Dialect method of social chaos and control.

Jupiter-Uranus = Pluto: Thesis: legal methods applied against a breakdown in order; revolutions or strikes; growth after reforms. Antithesis: religious principles spur reforms; governments that allow no modern reforms; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system that stifles justice for common people.

Here America's two-tiered justice system is spotlighted with apex Pluto in a Cardinal T-Square suggesting potentials for explosive endings and/or active confrontations of overwhelming force in order to deal with crises.

For more info on T-Squares and other patterns try Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, 2nd edition.

And speaking of mysterious plutonian wealth hoarders, here's a Recommended Video: Meet the House of Rothschild.

Related: September 2016: Two 'Wild Card' Eclipses.

Sep 5, 2016

Washington DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2016

Here they are! The horoscope and season few have been waiting for: Autumn Equinox 2016, chart set for the White House, our national Masonic lodge and main beehive of activity nestled in our nation's Masonic capital! Admire its chart-ruler Mars in 2nd house of National Treasury and applying to a square with Jupiter the General, financier, politician, and/or religious guru @2Libra49 in 11th house with the Libra-ingressing Sun!

As is the case annually (and though many astrologers prefer a different rising sign such as Scorpio), the Sun conjoins US natal Midheaven in the Sibley chart of July 4, 1776 5:09 pm, MC = 00Libra53, a Cardinal World Point) and as you see, transit Jupiter tops the US natal chart, a time of optimism, promotion, and possible rewards; important changes are occurring, not the least of which will be a new president. Of course, with Sun-Jupiter we can expect extravagance and overestimation of worth, strength, and/or ability but I'll let you decide whether this describes the US government, a particular politician, and/or a presidential wanna-be. This equinox chart covers Election Day 2016, as you know, until Winter Solstice 2016 which will relate to Inauguration 2017 (Winter Solstice 2016 post coming soon-ish).

Of, by, for...

General Blogging Note: please pardon that mockery is often involved in my posts for we may owe it to ourselves to ridicule Washington DC politicians and their enablers every chance we get since they purposefully dropped the ball on what was set up as 'our' democratic republic of America--in breach of the public contract and trust are the Utopian zealots and have been for decades (centuries). Some politicians pretend in public that they are not Utopian zealots but they are and personally, I consider them to be infiltrators infesting our country and capital as you can plainly read in the description of Stars Over Washington (underneath the title, above). It isn't our form of government that's the trouble, but we do need all termites, moths, and socio- and psycho-paths kicked out or locked up.

Enlarge the following image to read my notes on the chart, if you wish. You see the T-Square of tension between the Mercury-Neptune opposition pointing toward Saturn which denotes potentials for pessimism and gloomy reactions which may not be valid (Tyl). And since Donald Trump is the candidate born with the fantastical Mercury-Neptune square (Hillary has a Mercury-Saturn square, as you remember, a policy wonk is she), the tension and gloom could be primarily a side dish on Mr. Trump's plate for Autumn 2016.

Update Sept 6, 2016: okay, I'm ending this post now without the chart notes I meant to type for the original post but the hour grows late and I should publish this now because I want to link the Autumn EQ 2016 chart to the article I'm writing today for Jude Cowell Astrology, my latest foray into the wild west cyberworld of astrology blogging. If you're curious, the article is about transit Jupiter entering Libra during the 2nd week of September and about the Libra New Moon of Sep 30, 2016 and it includes a bracing video presentation concerning these cosmic matters and others by Astrologer Patricia!

Sep 3, 2016

Senator Barry Goldwater Clues In 2016 Candidates and Astrology Occurs

An Echo from 1964 Reverberates in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Since the former governor of Arizona and USA senator, Barry Goldwater, ran for the presidency in 1964, it occurred to me that his advice could be valuable to our two erstwhile (okay, one erstwhile) candidate/s so here is a sample of Goldwater Wisdom:

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny."

Let us hope not on the 'hellish tyranny'. Besides, isn't it enough that in 2016 the American people have had two baggage-toting 'candidates' forced upon us (both seeming to have underworld elements lurking about) so that shadowy Global Government figures can impress us with the idea that America's electoral system and every other US system of government we can name is in serious danger of crashing into ruins? If so, we can blame the instigators, agents, bankers, and the other shills and crooks who infiltrated our bureaucracy several decades ago. They are tenacious. But our form of government remains unsullied by their villainy.

Astro-Notes: Barry Morris Goldwater

Born on January 2, 1909 (one source says 'Jan 1') in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Goldwater seems to have a practical double Earth Sun Cap-Moon Taurus personality blend of sound intellect and moral fiber. A sense of proportion and preference for traditional values must have been at odds considering the quirky Aquarian flavor of the man. Check out his natal horoscope and you'll see what I mean about this Republican environmentalist!

Barry Goldwater's natal horoscope carries only a 'DD" rating because the birth data is Conflicting/Unverified (collector: Rodden). Even so, you may be impressed by his Capricorn trio of Sun-Uranus-Mercury (11Cap--17Cap) which spotlights a progressive, original, maverick-like personality (Sun-Uranus) and suggests a man who is futuristic, inventive, and easily or quickly bored (Mercury-Uranus). All his Aquarian tendencies are filtered through Saturn-ruled Capricorn which made Politics a natural career choice and channeled his inventive nature into practical concerns.

Also see Goldwater's Wikipedia page where you'll find that he was a 33rd degree Freemason and he collected Hopi kachina dolls. Call me old-fashioned, but to me a major doll collection of any kind seems pretty darned Aquarian with his bad self...

Yet the quirkiness continues! Because 2016 candidate Donald Trump has a curious (but probably unconscious) link to the prophetic Hopi Indians, too, via his Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star which is more prominent in his natal horoscope because his Sun and Moon are in opposition across the Gemini-Sagittarian axis--and on the Nodal axis as well.

Well, maybe the Hopi connection for both presidential hopefuls relates subliminally to America's Founding Fathers and their design and construction of Washington DC because the Star of Prophecy, Porrima, (and you can't make this up) is the star that the phallic Washington Monument was designed to emphasize, with Porrima also a star of fertility.

Can you imagine Mr. Trump filling the monumental boots of General Washington? Can you imagine how huge the monument a 'President Trump' would demand?


Upcoming Event: Astro-Notes on the Sept 26, 2016 POTUS Debate unless Mr. Trump chickens out or Hillary has another health crisis or sends another email that rises to the level of a scandal. Here's hoping that their 'debate' won't turn into an embarrassing spectacle of barking insults and resting rich face.

Sep 2, 2016

What Did President Truman Think About Republicans?? video (w Eclipses)

Although it makes me feel sad for our country and for our system of government, here is Thom Hartmann reading President Harry Truman's description of the Republican Party which sounds eerily similar to a modern day assessment:

And here is a related post from 2015 entitled Harry Truman's NSA and Pluto's Covert Actions which includes brief details on President Truman's natal chart, Freemason as he was.

Speaking of Freemasons and politicians, have you had a chance to check out the History of Freemasons and the Skull and Bones video? Recently I read somewhere (I'd tell you where if memory served!) that Yale's Skull and Bones Society is purely an Illuminati endeavor and as you know, the Bushs, John Kerry, and many other 'politicians' are members of this secretive group (though few if any will admit it).

Also related is a post on the 16 North Illuminati Eclipse of November 3, 2013 @11Scorpio, so called because 16 North's initial eclipse in the series brought events via the trine between Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune (the last conjunction/s of which occurred three times in 1993 during the first term of President Bill Clinton--@18Cap = strong-armed paternalism). If curious, see Historical Events of 2013 and you may discover something of a light-dark nature.

Actually, it's amusing to remember that during the 16 North eclipse's 1995 manifestation (00Scorpio), I began drawing on black paper which I had not done since high school art classes! So I wonder: in 1995 were you doing anything that brought light to dark? Yes, chiaroscuro art has always been a favorite of mine and a pretty good example is one of my top-viewed drawings Spooky Fairy Night which was perpetrated by manipulating white pencil on black-as-night paper!

Of course, that may be what we call the night of Election Day 2016 once our a-shambles political system with its rigged voting machines gets through with us.

16 North manifested or will manifest in the years: 1905 (Einstein!), 1923, 1941, 1959, 1977 (Chiron discovered!), 1995, 2013, 2031, 2049 (Brady).

Sep 1, 2016

Trump Using 'The Big Lie' Tactic Invented by Goebbels - clip (w Astrology)

Have you noticed how difficult it's been all along for talking heads on TV and other venues to figure out candidate Donald Trump, his campaign methods, style of rhetoric, and even whether he's serious about being president?

Then the following clip from Thom Hartmann is recommended, plus, you may wish to check out the natal horoscope of Joseph Goebbels (October 29, 1887 11:30 pm MET Rheydt, Germany, RR: AA; Sun 6Sco47, Moon 2Cap07, Ascendant 12Leo25, MC 24Ari13--where transiting Uranus is now), communicating messenger and propagandist Mercury 00Sco55 trines falsifying, veiling Neptune in Gemini and squares natal Jupiter, the 'victimized by illusions' aspect for the two speculator-spendthrift-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets.

And since astrological Jupiter likes to broadcast and spread stuff around, having a Jupiter-Neptune square fits his Nazi propaganda career well while the Mercury-Neptune trine adds a talent for promotion and advertising. He didn't have to but Goebbels simply chose to use his abilities to harm and exploit other people.

His intense, brooding, judgmental Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn personality blend is shared by Marcel Ophuls who informs us that, "Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others."

Now let's add in Mr. Donald Trump:

Here are 25 famous quotes by Joseph Goebbels who actually is something of a Chirotic figure (natal Chiron 17 Scorpio) since he was crippled and dwarfish in his body and highly neurotic in his mind.

Aug 30, 2016

Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn

Previously we discussed how Election Day 2016 is a day of a US Moon Return (mundane Moon = We the People) and mention was made of the fact that Election Day Mars is unaspected at a critical 29th degree (of governmental Capricorn). Of course, 29 Capricorn is just before 00 Aquarius, the degree of US Inaugural Sun (the leader) so the eagerness, vitality, and ego of an impatient Mars hurries toward the presidency.

But with no aspects to Mars, what's to be expected? Is anything expectable or predictable with an unaspected planet? Not really, but since it's a Big Day in America, let's investigate the condition of Mars on November 8, 2016...

Now stop me if you've heard this before, but an unaspected planet is unmodified by other planetary influences so that its sign becomes emphasized along with the house of the unaspected planet if it is the only planet posited in that house. Also the house ruled by the unaspected planet may also be emphasized and show where the planet's energies are operative or focused.

With Mars, planet of motivation, energy, and action with a tendency toward aggression, conflict, and activism, the me-first quality of the planet will be prominent. In a contest for the presidency this is no surprise but is made more evident by the Martian temperament of one of the 2016 candidates who was born with royal Regulus and testy Mars rising in Sun-ruled Leo (sign of the natural leader) in his natal chart. When you're as proud and self-important as Mr. Trump it must be all but impossible to ask God for forgiveness (Trump thinks he's never made a mistake or committed a sin, so why ask?) For a few details about his reigning need, see his natal Moon in an article, linked below.

Now since Mars on a psychological level is already driven to separate and act apart from outside influences (for advice Mr. Trump consults his own brain, as you know), its unaspected condition on November 8, 2016 suggests Mr. Trump may express himself in an even more independent fashion than previously. And there's no telling what his Leonine ego will devise if he wins the Oval Office! Under girded by a natal Mercury-Neptune square, what he devises may often be off-the-mark because it's based on wrong or distorted perceptions.

Unaspected Mars acts in ways that are true to his feisty nature and in Capricorn, this must involve efficiency and directed efforts via Saturn's rule of Capricorn. Compulsion, unconscious motivations, and being in constant motion are possibilities as well, plus, we may note a stunning level of self-centeredness and an emphasized self-interest (though such personality traits have been noted before for Mr. T--any of his positive or negative traits will be greatly magnified if he wins the Top Job and can fire people on a whim--in fact, ruling on a whim is one of the better descriptions of what a Trump presidency would be like).

Of course, astrological Mars also signifies males between the ages of 25 and 35, give or take a year or so, and to soldiers, police officers, and villains, so the same traits may be applicable to any of them and to male voters on November 8th and to down-ticket candidates of the male persuasion.

So Mars' unaspected condition affects Election Day matters similar to how a singleton planet could and all the negative traits of Mars may be on display during election week including irrationality, a lack of control, forcefulness, and/or violence. In these, and in other ways, an unfettered Election Day 2016 Mars in Capricorn may brazenly 'run away' with the day's window-sill pie which may also be a hint about the hacking of and tampering with voting machines which is already a problem in Illinois and Arizona.

Mars '30Capricorn': "A Secret Business Conference"...Keyword: OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life (which Mr. Trump asserts that he has); negative/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

And for more information, let's look at the Illumination Point directly opposite which is '30Cancer': "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unite; neg: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority (Jones).

Also note that this position of Election Day 2016 Mars denotes a Mars-to-natal-Pluto for America which is extended by our national Secondary Progressed (SP) Pluto @29Cap, a transit with karmic undertones and lots of intense energy. This transit may point toward the military, of course, but may also relate on some weird level to the number of voters who think a Trump presidency is meant to be or that it's time to elect non-professional politicians so why not Trump.

Actually, we had an experiment with how that sort of electing could turn out when Tea Partisans were elected to seats on Capitol Hill which to me was not impressive for the betterment of our nation and society--the government shut down was costly in dollars and Sequestration cuts (US Scorpio Rising chart shown) have been a mistake on several levels. You may disagree, but there it is.

Related: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; DC Horoscope of the Sequestration Solar Eclipse of November 2011; and Astrology of the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate.

Your Earth is Being Strip Mined: Wake Up - Every Moment Has Value - video

From August 2016, a presentation from Max Igan:

Aug 28, 2016

Max Igan - The Big Picture (Full Length Movie)

Sunday August 28, 2016 10:10 pm edt North Atlanta, GA

A new week has begun with Sunday being the first day of the week although most folk return to work on Mondays as if it's the first day of the week. The following Max Igan presentation is a tremendously powerful way to start this new week so I hope you gain from watching the film but mostly from hearing it:

Does it ever occur to you that if the people and organizations who control the majority of the money and treasure on this planet didn't want children to starve to death, we'd live in a world where children do not starve to death. Needed medicines, treatment, and therapy would be available for the ill and the injured, no matter the country, region, or politics.

Of course, this can be applied to all the good works we can think of as the greedy reptilian overlords exploit everything and everyone to their selfish advantage. They even have a 'master plan' to rule the entire globe written by their favorite demon spirit (who's already lost the contest!) Now we could say, how cute! to bolster their self-esteem but really it would be better to jettison them all from government--end the infestation of our institutions. Let bankers be bankers and financiers be financiers! Let politicians--well, there's little hope for the ones who think their job description includes surreptitious pocket-lining. Even so, this long term Utopian plan to depopulate the Earth and take control by creating havoc and fomenting chaos has gotta stop. You're embarrassing yourselves, dear little cabal heads.

Mon petit chou chou! Oh wait. That's little cabbage head. Oh well. Close enough.

Aug 27, 2016

Campaign 2016 and the 2004 DNC Speech that Catapulted Barack Obama into Our Lives

Image: Fork'd Way (which path to take on November 8th, which forked tongue to believe?)

August 27, 2016: Brief Astro-Notes on a President and Presidential Wanna-Bes

by Jude Cowell

On the evening of July 27, 2004, Senate candidate Barack Obama delivered a rousing speech that electrified his audience and many of the public watching at home. Who is that skinny politician of the silvery oratory skills? Can he be president some day? Is such a hope mere audacity? Well, if higher ups are watching, guiding, training, and grooming a previously unknown politician, he or she certainly can rise through the ranks to become president. And as you know, Mr. Obama was selected to play the POTUS role of White House mouthpiece in 2008, a mere four years after his 2004 DNC speech debut upon the world stage.

A few highlights of his rhetoric in 2004 include how his father got a scholarship "to study in a magical place, America,"; "John Kerry believes in America"; "I am my brother's keeper" (it's true, he is, and so am I); "E pluribus unum" (out of the many, one); "There is not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America: there's the United States of America" (which brought thunderous, elated applause, if memory serves); we have a "righteous wind at our backs" (debatable--more like the racketeering winds of war); and he provided a few descriptions of the kind of 'hope' he was talking about--one was: "It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs," a sentiment that remains all too true thanks to our corporate Global Government masters (for whom Senator Obama touted on that hot July night whether he knew it or not--such is the price of a presidency).

Yes, slaves to a rigged system are we...which is not to diminish the horrific enslavement of an entire race of people for the sake of financial gain and to prop up an ill-built economic system operated by pathological predators upon humanity.

Back in 2004, Mr. Obama intoned something which closely applies to Election 2016:

"This year, in this election, we are called to reaffirm our values and our commitments, to hold them against a hard reality and see how we are measuring up, to the legacy of our forbearers and the promise of future generations."

Full 2004 transcript of his speech.

A "hard reality" yes, especially since the September 1, 2016 19 North Solar Eclipse contains themes of realism and tackling the truth (Brady). Trouble is, the eclipse @9Vir21 is opposed by confusing, deceptive, fraudulent, speculating Neptune strong in its own sign of Pisces which can signify such potentials as pessimism, chaos, cravings, clouding of issues, and pathological tendencies. As you've noticed, pathological tendencies such as lying and fakery are regular topics on the Campaign 2016 trail and I have previously stated that on November 8th I must settle for Hillary Clinton's sober, more realistic Mercury-Saturn square rather than Donald Trump's fact-and-perspective distorting Mercury-Neptune square. Yet it's quite a non-choice they've given us, isn't it? Feels to me like in Campaign 2016, We the People are being pulled between fact and fiction like a bone between two old hounds! And both are kinda mangey...

Because both 2016 candidates are weighed down by heavy baggage from their pasts and are hindered by real and fake scandals their opponents harp on. And both engender anxious concerns over health and aging issues (Grandma vs Grandpa!)

Still, we have a current president sitting in the (Venusian) Oval Office while transit Venus in Sagittarius on November 8th will point toward a rival moving into the White House on January 20, 2017--which would be a candidate of the Republican Party--a 'stranger' or 'the other' or 'an outsider' such as the sign of Sagittarius prefers if the US presidential Venus Cycle holds true in November. Of course, election rigging and tampering can always result in a different victory than the people expect for we've seen such machinations before.

So yes, a few transits did activate future president Obama's natal planets as he gave the July 2004 DNC speech that catapulted him into our national consciousness (and more evidence may be found in his progressed and return charts, not covered here). Since we have a time stamp on the transcript, we know he began his speech at 11:09 pm edt with 21Aries47 rising in Boston and 11Cap19 at Midheaven. Therefore, The Goal (Capricorn) was apparently to gain control over the minds of the masses via the persuasive rhetoric for which he soon became known (YOD: Sun-NN = Pluto: inner preparation during underground years provides adaptability for a new level of power as all vulnerabilities are purged--Tierney). I'd say that his 'overnight sensation' image was all illusion and pretense with the support of 2004's Neptune @14AQ approaching natal Ascendant (18AQ03), plus 2004's Mercury, planet of speeches, orators, and voters, @2Virgo27 neared his natal Pluto (6Vir58) which denotes a time when plans and activities involve gaining more power.

Actually, orating Mercury that night was centered between Mr. Obama's natal 7th house Pluto-North Node conjunction (public contact with the masses; promoting propaganda) so let's close with the midpoint picture this cosmic circumstance created on that karmic night of rhetoric when Obama's political prowess was on major display:

Pluto-NN = Mercury: thinking big; hearing the grass grow; intellectual dominance (Tyl); ability to exercise a compelling and magnetically powerful influence upon the community at large (Ebertin); getting the right education; feeling shifts of power and taking advantage of them; conversing fluently with influential people (Munkasey).

One thing stands out to me when comparing and contrasting the 2004 Election with the one we suffer through now: there is no silvery tongue to beguile us this time. But there be plenty of forks.

What Happened to Trump Financial and Trump Mortgage? #LoserDonald

Now Trump supporters will not appreciate the following clip at all so I caution them to avoid watching this brief clip of a The Young Turks segment even though Trumpsters are the very voters who could benefit most from a consideration of these remarks and thereby do the United States of America a solid on November 8th:

#TrumpMortgage #TrumpFinancial #LoserDonald #Drumpf

Possibly Related: "A Woman Rises from the Ocean, a Seal Embraces Her" astro-peek at the September 26, 2016 POTUS Debate (#1 of 3) (may God help us)...and get ready for the season, the winds are changing direction: September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe.