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Oct 4, 2016

The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump

Distant, quirky, maverick, lawless, and more--these descriptions of out-of-bounds planets (OOBs) and unaspected planets in the natal horoscopes of 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may be worth our consideration and now that Marc Penfield has revealed an accurate birth time for Hillary, let's make note of such planets and their conditions.

Here for the first time, I'm posting the 2:18 am chart for Mrs. Clinton (upper right) next to Mr. Trump's natal chart, lower left with a few notes penned on but not my usual overload of scribbles; hopefully, enlarging the image will make both horoscopes easy to read:

First let's discuss potentials of an unaspected planet:

The term unaspected planet can be misleading since minor aspects actually may be the case (see Trump's planets, below) though no major ones are formed, angular contacts may be apparent, midpoint pictures can involve such a planet, and/or an aspect may be exist yet be outside the allowed orb from the planet under consideration. (Midpoint pictures will be included in this assessment, below; Hillary's assessment comes later this week).

With an unaspected planet, a one-pointedness is evident and an intensity revealed by the planets sign which expresses in its house, and by house rulership. Its energy in unmodulated by other planets and the unaspected planet expresses its energy in a purer form dictated by its sign (and in some cases, its degree, and whether or not it conjoins or opposes a fixed star, etc). The 'where' is of course, shown by house placement, and to some degree, by house rulership.

(1) Unaspected planets are not silent in a person's character but intense, and may act with an 'on-off' spurt-like quality, or, in an 'all or nothing' manner, with no 'halfway measures allowed' (Dean). Transits and progressions are unnecessary for its influence is strong (though perhaps unconscious) without such triggering, and an outstanding, original quality may be given to the personality as a whole. Plus, a noticeable Uranian vibe may be evident, unfiltered through or by other facets of the personality as described by the rest of the planets (actors) in the chart. Unstable? Probably but an element of genius may also be part of the picture (again, similar to how quirky Uranus the Maverick can operate). Just as the unaspected planet doesn't 'join in' with the rest of the natal map, the person born under a planet in such a condition may be something of an ivory-tower type when it suits.

(2) An OOBs planet denotes a condition where the planet is orbiting outside the earthly plane and though it may be in aspect with other planets, there is something distant, untouchable, or otherworldly about it. With its energy acting upon the Unconscious, we might say it is hidden from the native's conscious mind and acts in an uncontrolled way. A measure of secrecy and lawlessness may be involved in the planet's activities and this secrecy may 'rub off' on the planet/s it touches by aspect, if it is aspected.

Now, since Mr. Trump is the older of the two candidates, let's consider first his unaspected (1) and OOBs planet/s (2) and the midpoint pictures they are involved in, if any; as noted, Mrs. Clinton's planets will be considered later this week as my schedule permits.

Trump June 14, 1946:

(1) Out-of-Bounds Mercury @8Cancer51 in the 11th house of Groups and Associations; (1) unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of Politics and Karma. An OOBs Mercury denotes one whose mental development is unique and though curiosity is strong, the considerable amount of information that is gathered seldom includes what would lead to self-knowledge or understanding. The mind is intelligent and capable yet reasoning ability is 'out there' when it comes to analysis of the other facets of the character as described and informed by other planets. A single area of life stands out for Mr. Trump and that's Cancerian concerns such as business activities like real estate, and family matters. And of course, Cancer is ruled by the Moon so ladies are a focus along with Cancer's tribal tendencies toward nationalism, patriotism--and self-protection. (Mr. Trump's Mercury is zodiacally in the midst of America's natal Venus-Jupiter-Sun in Cancer). During Campaign 2016, we've certainly noticed his off-the-cuff Mercurial ability to avoid blame and project 'the beam in his own eye' onto others as he slides sideways like a crab!

Additionally, one word associated with an OOBs Mercury is hyperactive and as we know, Mr. Trump is awake at all hours of the night (we know because he tweets!) and is not inclined to weigh all sides of an issue before communicating. Logical, objective evaluation is not a talent with an OOBs Mercury, planet of mind and ideas, though brilliant insights are evident in the realms relating to Cancer. His staccato way of speaking in incomplete sentences is also denoted. His Mercury doesn't connect or inform his other natal planets which would benefit from the input but what we hear are unusual thoughts vividly expressed.

(1) Unaspected Pluto @10Leo02 in 12th house of the Unconscious suggests one who is 'overshadowed by shadows' (Tierney) with Pluto, the isolationist, being the planet of Psychology, Psychiatry, and persuasion. There are subterranean forces within his psyche that are totally fragmented from the rest of his personality and because they are buried, he is unaware of them which gives them even greater primal power. This, I believe, suggests the "he can't help himself" remarks that perhaps you've heard from commentators and reporters (exs: all-hours tweeting about former Miss America, Alicia Machado and her weight gain, and other crass behaviors and remarks that set him back in the polls).

Unaspected Pluto is the essence of overwhelming compulsions and powerful wealth-hoarder Pluto (the plundering plutocrat and manipulator) needs aspects to other planets in order to modulate its extreme tendencies. But with Mr. Trump, Pluto doesn't receive them, and nor do his other planets which could use the regeneration principle that Pluto could supply via aspect. And we have to say that Pluto's association with nuclear weapons is difficult to accept if under the thumb of Mr. Trump, the plutonian.

Pluto Gone Wild, Trump Off the Leash!

Now we must put a double emphasis on the condition of Mr. Trump's natal Pluto in egotistical Leo since Pluto is out-of-bounds as well as unaspected. When OOBs, Pluto embodies the lawless, mold-breaking, zaniness of an OOBs planet along with an outside-the-box style of thinking and speaking that breaks boundaries and cannot be under anyone's control. Pluto grabs power (and publicity) and we don't need Astrology to tell us that this describes Mr. Trump to a T.

However, disturbingly for our country, an OOBs Pluto, archetypal god of the Underworld, may also indicate one who is a sociopath and/or a criminal, particularly in the Leonine realm of gold and finances. So perhaps there is more to the infrequent whispers of mafia ties than have so far been revealed. Certainly his oppressive business dealings are in the news via contractors and others who have worked for him but not not been paid, plus, the tax avoidance made possible by laws that favor the wealthy--legal, yes, but anti-societal and hypocritical of him. And the primal violence of Pluto has been part of his campaign--even to the point of hinting at Second Amendment gun violence as an antidote to certain problems via Pluto, the assassin, aided by aggressor Mars.

Midpoint Pictures

Now for Mr. Trump, the natal midpoint pictures that involve his OOBs Mercury and his unaspected and OOBs Pluto are: 1. the difficult Mars-Saturn = Pluto which shows potentials for corruption, forcing an issue, a need to take control, fury, brutality, and/or strong anger. And there can be ruthlessness when pursuing sources of rumors, leaks, and other information (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn in Cancer). Yes, as a Sun Gemini he is quick-witted, a deal-maker and a talker, and he likes to tackle serious issues and has a talent for reading the motives and intentions of others (Sun-Saturn = Mercury).

So let's close with a quick word about a minor aspect between Mr. Trump's Pluto and Sun which is an irritating semi-square (45 degrees) with health connotations. In his case, both Sun, Pluto, and the sign of Sun-ruled Leo hint at heart and vitality issues. Yes, Sun-Pluto is the power-craving duo but please pardon me for mentioning this, for what seems to be a chronic lack of sleep adds to such health concerns and does his heart no good, but the minor semi-square aspect isn't strong enough to moderate the above traits of his unaspected, out-of-bounds Pluto. However, if the minor aspect affects the situation at all, the square influence could add an amount of intolerable pressure, frustration, a lack of moderation, and an inability to listen to advice to the planetary mix the maverick that is Donald Trump.

For balance, you may wish to check out the unaspected and out-of-bounds planets of Hillary Clinton.

Note: the usual midpoint sources are recommended: Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences, Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, and Tyl's Solar Arcs.

Oct 1, 2016

Life Themes: the Pre-Natal Eclipses of Clinton and Trump

What Life Themes Will Express via Our Next President?

by Jude Cowell

Although uncertainty has been the case concerning the correct birth time of 2016 candidate Hillary Clinton, and the natal data for Donald Trump is assumed to be accurate, one thing can be considered accurately without a known birth hour: a person's Pre-Natal Eclipse Saros Series (PE) and its themes. That is, if their birth dates are correct! And since we don't know the name of our nation's next selected president--Clinton or Trump--let's assume that their birth dates are accurate and check out the life themes via the Solar Eclipse Saros Series into which each of them were born.

Let's begin with Mr. Trump since he was born before Hillary Clinton; a few pertinent details will be added where applicable:

Donald Trump June 14, 1946: PE = 2 Old North manifested @8Gemini48 on May 30, 1946 and is also his Syzygy Moon (last lunation before birth--a solar eclipse is, of course, a New Moon). This two-for-one chart factor further emphasizes the importance of his PE, its aspects, house placement, and *degree. In 1946 this eclipse conjoined US natal Uranus, our 'totem' planet of revolution, war, radicalism, and disruption.

2 Old North is considered a difficult series with themes of: separations, endings of unions (ex: divorces), unfortunate news regarding relationships or friendships and conditions look glum but taking fast action can bring positive results.

This degree (8Gemini) in 1946 conjoined fixed star Aldebaran (a Tauri, the Bull's Eye, and Watcher of the East; the Wall Street bull and worshiping the Golden Calf may also apply). Aldebaran's opposition by degree to violent Antares in Sagittarius is significant in Mr. Trump's life--if not previously, then certainly now that he's running to be Commander-in-Chief of the US military, the traditional role of the presidency (if indeed it remains so). Naturally we think of 'Trump the bully' and his relentless insults and attacks on his opponents supported astrologically by his natal Mars in Leo rising with the kingmaker star, royal Regulus. And we might even think of Aldebaran and his youngest son Barron Trump!

And let's note that Adriano Carelli gives 8Gemini two possibilities which may co-exist within one person: a 'dualistic, self-contradictory nature, a rough character' that is 'irascible, reckless, and often (breeds) strife and contention' but is 'well-equipped for prompt action and violent activity'. Alternately, this degree suggests 'commercial aptitude' (his deal-making Mercury is in Cancer, sign of the shrewd businessman) and that he 'loves comfort, desk activities, and administrative jobs' and 'leaves others to do the hard work'. And yet, in spite of a potential for 'domestic strife' (especially with the involvement of disruptive, separative Uranus), a 'love of home and family' is indicated.

The initial eclipse of the 2 Old North series manifested on June 24, 792 (OS) @5Cancer49 which conjoins US natal Jupiter (banking, corporatism, The General, the broadcaster and promoter). This gives Mr. Trump's natal Gemini PE a Cancerian flavor through which it may express and ropes his natal Saturn and Venus in Cancer into the picture. His PE and its initial eclipse (8Gem and 6Cancer) fall into his 11th house of Groups and Associations which resonates with the relationship themes of 2 Old North.

Now if Mr. Trump is selected to play CEO from the "bully pulpit" of the Oval Office, 2 Old North and its themes will soon repeat on July 13, 2018 @20Can41, a critical degree. Disturbingly, transit Pluto, a planet of karma (reaping what was sown) @20Cap00 Rx, also a critical or crisis degree, will oppose the 2018 eclipse and provide more transformative and/or destructive qualities (Pluto) than usual to events brought by the eclipse yet with Pluto we cannot rule out nuclear or plutonium involvement or surveillance though regeneration may eventually be the result. And we may expect that the karma of this particular 'cosmic blink' (2 Old North) will also affect our nation and our populace with plutocratic Pluto in the 5th house of Self Will for it will be a critical time of development, full of new perspectives--some positive, some negative.

Hopefully, a President Trump's PE themes will not result in a total falling away from America of other nations and heads of state due to what are certain to be his disdain for tradition and his disruptive policies and proposals which may mean well but have little concern for unintended consequences.

Hillary Rodham Clinton October 26, 1947: PE = 3 North which occurred @28Tau41 (in the Pleiades constellation) on May 20, 1947; her Syzygy Moon perfected @20Lib03, and on her day of birth, the Taurean North Node arose with Alcyone (one of the Weeping Sisters of the Pleiades). Her PE falls into her natal 8th house of Corporatism and therefore links to the 2nd house of the National Treasury.

3 North is also a difficult series with themes of: obsession, news about young people, or, news that transforms a situation; the information received can cause worry so that large plans are deemed necessary and can have positive results as long as one doesn't get 'carried away'. If these themes sound familiar to you it may be because 3 North is the PE of the WTC attacks of 9/11/01 and we continue to experience the violent consequences of hawkish neocons Bush-Cheney getting 'carried away' with 9/11 as pretext for their previously made plan to invade Iraq with 'misdirected energy'.

For Carelli's symbols, let's consider both 28Taurus and 29Taurus for it seems that both may apply to Hillary Clinton. 28Taurus suggests one who is 'steadfast' yet 'is likely to be tormented by ambitions and dreams of power past realization'. 29Taurus has a word picture: "A woman leading a beast of burden by its halter" which denotes a wife bullying her husband and a 'domineering temper' with 'an outer display of bluster'. (And here I thought Mr. Trump was the more blustery of the two! But that's thespian Politics for the cameras, isn't it?)

The initial solar eclipse of 3 North manifested on October 10, 991 (OS) @22Gemini, the degree of US natal Mars, the warrior planet, and joins in with the square to our nation's natal Neptune, planet of deception, fraud, scams, ruses, and fog. Yes, America's natal Mars-Neptune square continues bringing We the People and the rest of the world a lot of grief and turmoil via the square's misdirected energy, misguided aggression, faulty inspiration, and reluctance to face reality. For we know that "the fog of war" is too often the unfortunate outcome of Washington's meddling in other nation's affairs as shadowy characters direct our secret government (Neptune-Saturn) to strive toward world domination.

Hence, the tragic stand-off in Syria whose government refuses to succumb to the 'new world economic order', aka, the global banking syndicate of crooks and thieves. And we must note Hillary Clinton's considerable connection to war in Syria and across the Middle East during her senatorial and State Department days. And soon we're faced with the Election Day prospect of a hawkish Hillary giving orders from the Oval Office. Is she preferable to disruptive Uranian Donald Trump whose campaign promises may sound like great ideas in a nationalist, protectionist way but may only be ruses intended to rile and corral voters into his self-interested salesman's corner?

What a non-choice we've been finagled into on November 8, 2016 yet the worst reaction any of us can have is to stay home from the voting booth, something the shadowy characters would dearly love since large numbers of stay-at-home voters in November would make their expected victory and the undermining of the US government even more complete.

Update Oct 3, 2016: have just visited Facebook where I watched an ISAR video interview with astrologer Marc Penfield who has revealed the birth time of Hillary Rodham Clinton to be 2:18 am which gives her mid-Virgo rising with Mercury Rx as chart-ruler conjoining the Saturnian South Node in the 3rd house of Communications. These conditions support her famous Scorpio reticence to share information. It also resonates with her serious, policy-wonking Mercury-Saturn square. Happily now I will be updating my chart file on Hillary and perhaps writing the post I declined to write previously (because she's never seemed a Scorpio rising to me) with the 2:18 am time in comparison with the Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 horoscopes. jc

For more eclipse information Brady's Predictive Astrology is highly recommended.

Sep 27, 2016

Anonymous: Message to the United States Government 2016 - video

The US government, aided and abetted by the global corporate syndicate, is working to undermine the US Constitution. Tyranny has been the result of this infiltration and the time for resistance is Now.

Update Dec 5, 2022: the video by Anonymous has been deleted from this post by unseen forces and, as it turns out, it's the Republican Party of Herr Tr*mp wanting to delete the US Constitution because the orange albatross thinks destroying it will shove him back into the Oval Office again so he can steal more national security documents and make mega-profits off the Office of the Presidency. Again. Oh, this would greatly please his foreign handlers. jc

Original post continues here with mild edits for clarity:

The main purpose of Stars Over Washington: "Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them..."; so types yours truly, A Child of the Revolution, whose ancestor, Francis P. Power of Maryland (1756--1818), joined John Glover's Marbelhead Mariners and risked his life participating in the ferrying of George Washington and 2,400 troops and artillery across the icy Delaware River, December 25/26, 1776, and who fought in the Battle of Trenton which changed the tenor of the Revolutionary War.

Therefore, writing SO'W is the least I can do for the sake of America! Jude

Related posts include: Christmas Day and a 'Double' Ancestor (the natal chart of my 4th-great grandfather (paternal and maternal!) David Barnett born that auspicious day, December 25, 1776 in Christiansburg, VA); The Solar Eclipses of Valley Forge 1777; and the natal Horoscope of the US Constitution set for September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and showing the document's Sun Virgo-Moon Sagittarius blend of 'moral certitude' -- which is one of the reasons that criminals are determined to be rid of it and We the People must be even more determined to defend it.

Jude Cowell

Sep 24, 2016

Humanity is Under Attack - a Max Igan broadcast

Preferring to remain under the influence of my Protestant Christian belief system, my personal feeling is that, of course humanity is under attack by dark forces and those who think they manipulate them. But religion is the only area I know of where activist Max Igan and I differ when it comes to a love of humanity.

And as always, the hour grows late and there is much to inspire in the following broadcast from the Peruvian jungle by Max Igan:

Related: a Horoscope for Modern Humanity.

Sep 22, 2016

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Shames CEO for Raking In $200M... video

Here Thom spotlights Senator Elizabeth Warren grilling a CEO of Wells Fargo Bank and she's at her finest:

Warren and Trump: Both Have Sun-Uranus Conjunctions

Did you know that Elizabeth Warren's natal Sun conjoins Uranus as does that of Donald Trump? Her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer identifies her as an original, progressive maverick while his conjunction is in changeable Gemini and opposes his Sagittarian Moon. As for Senator Warren's personality blend, it's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus, if you're curious enough to tap or click the above link.

So with Sun-Uranus (and Moon-Uranus for him), Mr. Trump the Uranian likes to 'shake things up' and so does Senator Warren but she does it without the racism, violence, and sophomoric insults. And yes, I agree with those who say that, if nominated, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren would have won the presidency in November though I suspect that she can do more for the American people by continuing to serve in the Senate rather than battling obstructionist Republicans from the Oval Office.

Sep 21, 2016

Astrology Explains: Donald Trump Loves to Shake Things Up!

Quirky Uranus and November 8, 2016: It's The Prepared vs The Unprepared

by Jude Cowell

Since his presidential bid announcement on June 16, 2015, candidate-turned-Republican-nominee Donald Trump has done one thing really well--turn US political campaigning on its head. Is there a reason which can be discerned from his natal chart? Is his rock-the-boat nature for real or merely an act?

Yes, all can be explained as astrologers Lynn Hayes and Alex Miller reveal and it concerns Mr. Trump's natal Uranus in Gemini so close to his Gemini Sun. By this one aspect astrologers know that he was as hard to limit or control in childhood as he is now.

And of course, some political pundits have said, "he's a child" which is also borne out by the chart emphasis on Gemini, sign of the child or the eternal youth. And with Gemini also being the sign of the trader, deal-maker, trickster, publicist, magician, juggler, salesman, and communicator, many of us sometime cringe at his weird behavior, off-the-cuff remarks, sophomoric insults, and his extreme self-awareness (that's Sun-Uranus again--Uranus is often called, The Awakener, and he sleeps very little, he says). Plus, when Donald wants advice, he consults himself and his "very good brain".

Add to his Geminian-Uranian traits the fact that quirky, disruptive maverick Uranus simultaneously opposes natal Moon in Sagittarius (a natal Sun-Moon opposition, a 'Full Moon' personality so relationships are all-important) and we see that Mr. Trump possesses a deep need (Moon) to be involved in the affairs of others (Moon-Uranus). His lack of boundaries and indiscriminate sharing of information (Mercury square Neptune) are displayed almost every time he speaks unless guided by a teleprompter and a pre-written speech. Have you noticed that he seldom seems to realize how much information he 'gives away' when he speaks?

Now all these planetary factors (and others) explain to some people (such as yours truly) how Trump The Unprepared is temperamentally unsuitable and unqualified for the job of US president which requires a much more discreet personality and deeper, more wide-ranging political knowledge than this Solar-Lunar Uranian naturally possesses. Can he learn? Ruh-roh! He only listens to himself, he informs us.

Talents? Oh yes, Mr. Trump has plenty of them. But are they the right talents for this particular job? After all, presidential campaigning is more than just a PR stunt...maybe not much more but it is not a book sales marathon or a 'new hotel' promotional event.

In light of all this (and unless you, dear reader, disagree), we do need a majority of American voters to stir themselves to prevent a farcical Trumpian outcome on November 8th--even if it means swallowing our misgivings and voting for an alleged 'progressive' such as Hillary Clinton whose discreet (some would say too discreet!) and studious Mercury-Saturn square is more suitable for the serious role of US president.

Related posts: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper; Wedding Day Astrology of Melania and Donald Trump; Astro-Notes on the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate (#1 of 3); Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

And here's my post on the Astrology of Mr. Trump's June 2015 campaign announcement New Moon in Gemini even though someone has removed the video from SO'W. Perhaps we should credit his overly sensitive Mars rising in proud Leo! But not to fret for here's a link to Mr. Trump's 51-minute cringe-worthy campaign announcement video in case you wish to refresh your memory.

And for a little Astrology about Hillary: A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination which is not a fashion review but a babble concerning the White Goddess.

Here’s Why Millennials Distrust Hillary Clinton - video

As you've probably noticed, Millennials (ages 18 to 34) are not wild about voting for Hillary Clinton and may not turn out in November at all thanks to the Democratic Party sneakily favoring her as nominee over Senator Bernie Sanders (who would have won by a landslide much to the chagrin of the 'powers that think they be'):

For more reports, bravely step into The Ring of Fire.


And yet...perhaps the very important Election Day 2016 (November 8th) will attract a large turn out of voters for it coincides with a monthly US Lunar Return with the mundane Moon in American charts signifying We the People, plus, America's Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius combo is known for its humanitarian social concerns and political interests.

'The powers that think they be' is an apt description of the global ruling elite often used by Max Igan.

Sep 19, 2016

Big Pharma Terrified That Medical Marijuana Will Kill Their Deadly Opioid Business - clip

It isn't only opinion anymore since evidence has turned up concerning Big Pharma's knickers in a knot over medical pot legalization ruining their lucrative sales of synthetic cannabis, not to mention that our country's high levels of opioid dependency might decrease if a safer choice were available. Public health is no concern of Big Pharma!

Well, here's Farron Cousins on the controversial topic and you may also wish to check out coverage from The Intercept:

It seems to me that the American people should be well ready by now to demand an end to draconian oppression by a government that sentences citizens harshly for a crumb of marijuana while letting Big Bankers (translation: Big-Bank Robbers, money launderers, inside traders) walk free with no negative consequences after the global heist they perpetrated a few years ago. They know what they did.

Tragically, the level of criminality winked at by a nation is the level of the government that fails to protect its own people from such abuse, then commits it. So maybe that's it! Money grubbing abuse of power is the game for those who dare cross the line of honor and decency while pretending to be politicians and civil officials "serving" on behalf of "We the People". The old of-by-for is considered an antiquated relic of the past (along with nation-states and the US Constitution) by the futurist zealots and sociopath Utopians who imagine themselves as the powers that be.

For as Max Igan said recently, "the world is run by a bunch of lying criminals," and that in ten words pretty much sums up our collective condition and apathetic blindness, ya think?

Sep 17, 2016

Reclaim Your World - Max Igan episode 268

Sep 16, 2016 Max Igan Surviving the Matrix episode 268:

In this episode, "...the world is run by a bunch of lying criminals," says Max Igan. It's a simple fact. Can anyone disagree?


In case you missed it: It's Time for the Media to Push Back on Lies (video).

Sep 16, 2016

By Opposing 9/11 Liability Bill, Obama Is Protecting Big Banks - clip

Since President Obama has followed Global Government instructions to protect and favor Big Banks for the duration of his presidency, can his veto of the bill allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia surprise anyone? What a presidential pickle! 9/11 families vs the Big Banks!

Thom Hartmann and Mike Papantonio discuss:

As Mussolini said, Corporatism + Statism = Fascism

Sep 15, 2016

It's Time For The Media To Push Back On Lies! - video

Here's an interesting segment from yesterday's Thom Hartmann Show but I must ask: if we could take lying away from the media and the politicians they 'cover', how could any of them communicate? Why, the false reality they feed us these many years would dissolve and show its true face behind the elaborate mask they've created to keep the public uninformed and diverted from the facts:

Image: Neptune, astrologically the planet of the media, the masses, propaganda, fraud, and deceit!

Sep 14, 2016

9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow - video (w Cheney's Mars-Pluto-Chiron)

With the Bush-Cheney neocon White House 'the fix was in' in so many ways...

The Corbett Report transcript and sources.

And from May 2016, Trump leaving neocons in the dust though I find that difficult to believe. How about you?

A Related Post: Cheney and 9/11 where we see Dick Cheney's Secondary Progressed (SP) horoscope on the morning of 9/11/01 with his SP Midheaven at 28Can43 and snugged around it, his SP Pluto at 2Leo04 Rx and SP Chiron at 25Can16 so that Pluto-Chiron = MC, the Aspiration Point. As you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo denotes primal violence, plutocracy, fascism, capitalism, other anti-societal -isms, and exploitation of all kinds. In addition, Cheney's SP Mars, planet of war and aggression, conjoins his SP IC (28Cap43; the Foundation of the Matter) at 29Cap26, a critical-crisis degree.

Note that on Election Day 2016 (Nov 8th), the degrees of Cheney's SP IC and SP Mars on 9/11/01 will be conjoined by transit Mars--unaspected--and all late Capricorn planets and points (26--30 degrees) conjoin US natal and SP Pluto.