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Jun 30, 2017

Horoscopes: August 2017's Initial Solar Eclipse Jan 4, 1639

Significant to the study of any solar eclipse horoscope is the initial eclipse that began the particular Saros Series and since the August 21, 2017 Solar Eclipse is of the 1 North Series, I'm posting both the initial eclipse (January 4, 1639 @13Cap48) set for "Washington DC" (although the city was not yet built) and for comparison's sake, the horoscope of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 which manifests @29Leo:

Left: January 4, 1639 Washington, DC; since The (Total) Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 is in Sun-ruled Leo and 1 North begins with a Saturn-ruled Capricorn eclipse it adds details to our study when we view the August 2017 eclipse through a Saturn lens and include aspects, sign, and house positions of the initial eclipse horoscope. It's doubtful that Sun-Saturn is anyone's favorite combination of planetary energies so I'll simply list some of Ebertin's correspondences for this combination for your consideration and suggest to you that on a coping level, America's natal Sun-Saturn square may be involved and require a high level of maturity, hard work, and serious attention to detail in order to deal with any health issues and events that occur:

Principle: inhibition, hereditary affliction, karma, separation.

Sociological correspondence: serious persons, old or sick people.

Probable manifestations: + a difficult struggle with regard to advancement in life, little help through elderly people; working silently or in solitude. - delicate health, a secluded or solitary mode of life, compelled by circumstances to lead a modest and simple life, suppression through others, separations.

Also activated are Sun-Saturn potentials for: crisis, danger, loss of life, or a complete change in home circumstances via a move to a foreign country or different surroundings.

Right: August 21, 2017 Washington, DC

So even though there was no District of Columbia laid out in 1639, there was penned in Connecticut the First Colonial Constitution!

And whether you're in the path of totality on August 21st or not, please be sure to wear safety glasses for eclipse viewing!

Sun-Saturn info: The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin.

Jun 29, 2017

Medicare-Medicaid's Mercury 'eclipsed' in August 2017

Republicans Again Target Medicare-Medicaid as the Heavens Blink

by Jude Cowell

The LBJ Library website has details on the signing of the 1965 Medicare Amendment to the Social Security Act on July 30, 1965 in Independence, Missouri at the Truman Library. The Amendment also established Medicaid and in January 1966, President Johnson returned to the Truman Library and presented Harry and Bess Truman with the very first Medicare cards. The website includes black and white footage of the events (audio may be partial).

An Astro-Focus on Medicare-Medicaid's Mercury @29Leo (noon chart)

Chart, below: July 30, 1965 'noon' CST Independence, Missouri; Hour of Mars; Bucket handle = Saturn Rx in compassionate Pisces; Mercury strains (29 degr) to join the Virgo line-up of Venus, Moon (1Vir56--16:47), Uranus, and Pluto; Mercury @29Leo conjoins royal Regulus. LBJ's natal Virgo planets are: Mars (2:03), Sun (3:47), Moon (9:51--his Lunar Return that day perfected at 12:43:59 pm CST) and Mercury (10:25)--all snugged around his natal Ascendant @5Vir41 according to my Solar Fire v9 software, rated A from his mother's memory.

However, the Rodden Rating of LBJ's natal data is C (accuracy in question) and gives him an Ascendant of 26Leo57, the position of Trump's natal Mars rising and basically the same ASC-DESC (Leo-AQ) and MC-IC (Tau-Sco) as Donald Trump (with LBJ's natal Moon @9Vir52). Obviously, with Leo ascending LBJ's natal chart would be ruled by the Sun in Virgo rather than Mercury in Virgo as my Solar Fire v9 software gives. But however we look at him, that's a bunch of Virgo and July 30, 1965 also shows a bunch of Virgo with the first of three Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto perfecting on October 9, 1965 @17Vir10 (2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28; 3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06).

An operative 'societal' midpoint picture of the day denotes the planet of signings, amendments, bills, speeches, agreements, trading, negotiations and such, Mercury @29Leo58, as apex of the Neptune-North Node midpoint which tends toward quite negative qualities such as: a lack of communal spirit, antisocial behavior and/or exploitation (Ebertin). This would likely be financial and political exploitation, one must assume, since Washington DC and Wall Street thrive on exploitative practices.

Then with 1965 Mercury as apex planet of the Neptune-NN midpoint there were potentials for any, all, or none of: false expectations, unreliability, being let down by occurrences, secret arrangements made with others and/or deceit (Ebertin/Tyl) as President Johnson added to the benefits that FDR's New Deal programs had provided. Now in 2017, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society is again under siege by opponents of the conservative persuasion. Yet many Americans would prefer that Mr. Trump's 'Make America Great Again' slogan and actions uphold LBJ's Great Society programs rather than undermine them against the wishes of the majority.

August 2017: a 'Cosmic Blink' from a Solar Eclipse

Medicare-Medicaid's Mercury @29Leo will be 'eclipsed' by The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series, the 'King of Alarm' series now repeating for the first time since its Book of Revelation Fixed Grand Cross manifestation of August 11, 1999 @18Leo. You know the one, The Mother of All Eclipses (One North) which begins a new 18.6-year cycle which will end with the 19 North and 19 South eclipses of 2034 and 2035 (Virgo-Pisces).

Besides, Medicare-Medicaid's Mercury and as previously noted, the August 2017 Total eclipse @29Leo, conjoins the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump and affects his rising Mars as well while activating royal star Regulus @00Virgo, the Zodiacal sign of health and dedicated work (see chart, upper right). Quite a cosmic blink! The primary theme of Regulus has been discussed in previous posts and remains: success if revenge is avoided. All four royal stars contain cautions to be avoided or their gifts will be taken away. One example is the adage pride comes before the fall and the sort of delusion America has suffered from since World War II's victory and the much-touted belief that Washington DC can force the world into America's image.

Plus, as you know, Paul Ryan (R-WI) has dreamed of "slashing Medicaid" since his "kegger days". Best to be cautious about taking revenge, Mr. Speaker, for the law of karma will have you reaping what you sow. And being drunk is no excuse!

So here's a related video of a 2015 interview segment from the Thom Hartmann Program asking Why Do Republicans Want to Destroy Medicare?, an ideological and a financial goal which they often attempt to hide via echo chamber assertions of "saving" our social safety net programs. Because they think the American public is that stupid.

Check the above horoscope, lower right, for a bit about the Mars-Saturn inconjunct (quincunx, 150 degr) for it denotes a public welfare program (although Republicans and their wealthy donors are not their brother's keepers, y'know) but this may also be exploited and/or used as leverage in political and financial negotiations. Wealthy corporatist, banker and politician Jupiter @22Gem12 is in Corporate 8th house of Insurance, Credit and Debt and in 1965 conjoins US natal Mars...and also happens to conjoin Mr. Trump's radical 10th house Gemini trio of Uranus-NN-Sun (17--23 Gemini).

August 21, 2017 Independence, Missouri 1:30:07 pm CDT; 1965 Neptune @17Sco13 Rising

When we relocate The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 to Independence, Missouri we find Medicare-Medicaid's earliest Moon position (1Vir56) at Midheaven (MC; 1Vir21), the Goal Point of the chart, and with 1965 Mercury (and the Total eclipse) there along with LBJ's natal Sun and Mars (2--4 Virgo). An additional factor in play now is the zealotry, one-sided views, and conflicts of the waxing Jupiter-Uranus opposition which times and reveals the ideological divide concerning America's social safety net programs established during FDR's and LBJ's presidencies as Jupiterian expansion and Uranian disruption tussle for control of the money via massive tax breaks for the wealthy if the Republicans and their donors have their way.

So as you see, there are many more worthwhile chart factors we could discuss but for the sake of brevity, let's not. Besides, I trust you to check them out if and as you're so inclined and share this or any SO'W posts if you will. Better yet, join the fight and do your part to save Medicare and Medicaid, programs that working and middle class Americans have come to rely upon!

For as a certain anti-LBJ 1964 presidential candidate reminds us:

"A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away." Barry Goldwater.

Was and is that a threat or a promise?

Jun 28, 2017

5G - The Elephant in Your Living Room - Max Igan

No 5G for yours truly, thanks. Here's Max Igan:

Astro-Notes: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Back in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act ('Obamacare') legislation was all the Republican rage around Washington and elsewhere and the GOPers were well into their mantra of "Make Obama Fail", I posted a few astro-notes concerning the (noon) natal chart of Senator Mitch McConnell with a gracious helping of President Obama's planets tossed in for comparison's sake. You're welcome to read those notes if you wish (sans edits).

Now with the delayed glare of 'Trumpcare' upon it, here is the noon horoscope I then used for Senator McConnell whose Moon is in either Mars-ruled Aries or Venus-ruled Taurus; this is only a saved copy so hopefully you can enlarge the image enough to read it as you wish:

Now for biographical information, Politico's 2013 Profile of Kentucky Senator McConnell remains interesting. And if you haven't, be certain to check out master astrologer Marjorie Orr's article US Midterm Elections 2018: Stressed and Unpleasant as I expect they very much will be and rigged as well. Because aren't all elections rigged nowadays?

Also see: Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2018 and the Progressed New Moon of the US Constitution which perfects on November 5, 2018--only one day prior to the 2018 Midterms!

Jun 26, 2017

Trump Travel Ban Partially Enforced (Jupiter to US Saturn)

Political News June 26, 2017: In keeping with the current transit of Jupiter (13Lib38; freedom, expansion) conjunct US natal Saturn (14Lib48; laws, legalities, courts, limitations) which brings a partial lifting of restrictions, Mr. Trump's travel ban has been somewhat upheld by SCOTUS and Trump's man, Justice Neil Gorsuch. Trump's (or should I say, Bannon's?) ban can now be partially enforced and the rest of its provisions are to be considered by SCOTUS in the autumn:

Here Jason Chariton, one of the Ring of Fire reporters, fills us in on today's news:

Related: The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch and The Noble Family Tree of Neil Gorsuch.

Plus, the DC horoscope of Autumn Equinox 2017 shows lawmaker Saturn @21Sag again which conjoins Mr. Trump's natal Moon and soon opposes his natal Gemini Sun as family and relationship matters and legal issues continue to bedevil him, and thus, We The People.

However, Mr. Putin the Troublemaker is doing fine as we see from his natal horoscope for transit Jupiter @13Libra now conjoins his natal Sun which expands his confidence, ego, and sense of self-importance and suggests the culmination of a project he began approximately 12 years ago which must now end or rise to a higher level. Any bets?

Jun 23, 2017

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2017 (Libra Ingress)

Autumn Equinox 2017 September 22, 2017 4:02 pm edt White House Washington DC with Capricorn, transit Pluto, asteroid Nemesis, and US natal Pluto rising (and US natal Mercury Rx setting). The chart and season are ruled by the 11th house Saturn @21Sag49 (alliances with senior and/or mature people) which again conjoins the natal Moon and South Node of Mr. Donald Trump, as we've discussed previously. The star of the show, the Sun 00Lib00:00 is in the 8th house of Corporatism, Insurance, Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Legacies, the Occult, and Transformation (including Death).

Obviously, early on such issues as control, surveillance, coping, government systems, government, legal, and business concerns, plus, other Capricornian things will need dealing with during the autumn season along with issues of violence and war.

Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying Ptolemaic aspect, a trine with quirky anarchist Uranus, the leading and oriental planet of Donald Trump. This trine has been in effect for some time and here hints at how things will proceed from Autumn to Winter Solstice 2017. And there's an important factor that occurs prior to Autumn 2017 which is The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 in the 1 North Saros Series which last manifested on August 11, 1999 @18Leo and is the famous 'King of Terror' Eclipse (aka, the Mother of All Eclipses) seemingly predicted by Nostradamus. This is why I penned "A 'new war on terror'?" on the chart for such propaganda is already being heard in the public discourse, thanks to pundits and reporters who shill for the Deep State and other corporate masters, international banking cartels, and crime syndicates. Perpetual war is their game.

Now as you see, The Moon (We the People) has left her conjunction with planet Jupiter (26Lib15) who can play roles such as The General, the politician, the banker, the broadcaster, the CEO, the religious leader, the thespian, guru, professor, and wears many other faces. Their conjunction is posited in the 9th house of Philosophy, Legal Affairs, Foreign Lands, and Travel (Jupiter's home territory) while asteroid Eros (the piercing) conjoins the Moon @1Sco24 which is the Sun's position in the Oct 24, 1993 'new world order' natal chart. Is such a piffling synchronicity a factor in light of the current Trump vs Deep State and other battles occurring during the first year of a Trump White House?

Most crystal balls would probably say, it's too soon to tell.

But besides a Lunar Eclipse on August 7th and the America-splitting Total Solar Eclipse noted above, there are various other cosmic events manifesting in August 2017 which must be navigated by the American people, Washington DC, and by Mr. Trump whose third of three Jupiter Return/s completes on August 4, 2017 (@17Lib27--conjunct US Progressed Mars Rx = militarized police, expanded gun carry laws, criminality, wounded veterans, etc) and whose next Mars Return (@26Leo and rising just before royal Regulus) begins a new (2-year) cycle of activity on August 31, 2017. All of Mr. Trump's Mars Returns are made more prominent due to his contentious Mars-the-warrior rising in dramatic, egocentric, often pompous Leo.

Related posts include: The 'Cosmic Blinks' of Donald Trump and Trump Tower (eclipses); Donald Trump is an Eclipse Baby!; and Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return (Saturn, planet of realism, truth, authenticity, accountability, and honesty!)

Jun 22, 2017

June 22, 2017 Republicans Reveal Trumpcare and a New Moon Follows

This morning on Capitol Hill, and during a Dark of the Moon phase when operating in secrecy is a given, senate Republicans revealed their healthcare bill, their answer to a promised repeal and replacement of what they've famously termed 'Obamacare'. Under a changeable Gemini Moon (and with Gemini's ruler Mercury, plus, Mars in Cancer, out-of-bounds and writing and doing who-knows-what), today's senate bill is not yet in its final form.

Like the previously passed House 'healthcare' bill, the senate version may be meaner than ill Americans, those in nursing homes (there thanks to Medicaid), and others need it to be..."mean, mean', mean" was Mr. Trump's recent description of the House bill. Now he says he wants the senate bill to have "heart". Well, with tomorrow's New Moon in its own sign of Cancer (care, nurturing, security, family) perhaps this will be the case. Or not. For the June 23rd New Moon conjoins a money planet--America's natal Venus.

Set for Washington DC, here's a horoscope of the June 23, 2017 New Moon @2Can47 which perfects at 10:30:38 pm edt. Please enlarge to read my study notes if you wish for as you see, the 5th house of Gambling, Creativity, and Children and the 6th house of Health and Services are emphasized. Outside the chart I've highlighted in red the US planets most affected by this New Moon which is symbolically imprinted upon the Republicans' healthcare bill, no matter its final form.

The natal US planets in Cancer notated in the chart are: Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun (POTUS); neglected is US natal Mercury Rx in the New Moon's 6th house, an indicator of thinking and talking about health matters:

Saturn and Neptune = our social safety net programs

Descriptively, the transiting Saturn-Neptune midpoint (sick, poor, weak people) rises at the New Moon's Ascendant (4AQ27) along with America's natal South Node (6AQ) and this gives a midpoint picture of limitations, suffering caused by others, and false intentions being noticed. I believe that false intentions are at the "heart" of the bill since the legislation's true motive has been recognized from the beginning as a massive tax break for the wealthy class while taking away health care and insurance from those in need (which is where the suffering and potential cases of death come in--the final bill may include financial give-aways to the States whose politicians can then decide whether or not to fund Medicaid!)

And as you've probably noticed, in recent years there have been various ways in which the wealthy and corporate classes have abandoned America a la 'Ayn Randism'--the Republican 'healthcare' bill (aka, 'Trumpcare') is simply the most recent example. Ayn Rand's cold 'survival of the fittest' mindset has no room for the sick, elderly, or disabled--even though Rand herself received benefits in her old age!

Another cosmic hint as to Trumpcare's true motives: the transiting South Node of the Moon--aka, the Tail of the Dragon, now swipes the US natal Moon (We The People) suggesting separation and loss and a lose-lose outcome for us. We see and feel the humanitarianism and equality of our natal Moon sign, Aquarius, disrespected as we're tossed under the corporate bus of Plutocracy and 'economic royalists' as the transiting degree of Plutocracy's favorite midpoint (Pluto-Chiron @23AQ40) is now poised to overwhelm and oppress US natal Moon.

Now there are more chart factors worthy of study in the June 2017 New Moon chart but a steady down pour has just started here north of Atlanta, GA so I'll close this particular fuss and get back with ya later!

A Related Post with Video from March 2017: Trump & Paul Ryan Team Up to Make Healthcare Bill Even Worse.

Jun 21, 2017

The Great American Eclipse in Makanda Illinois

Here for my Makanda, Illinois friends is a horoscope of The Great American Eclipse set for their town where the eclipse (in 9th house with starry Thuban conjunct Mercury Rx in Virgo at Midheaven). In Makanda the eclipse will be experienced for 2 minutes 40 seconds; its partial phase begins at 11:52 am CDT; Totality begins at 1:20:11 pm CDT.

Chart: August 21, 2017 28Leo52:56 at 1:30:07 pm CDT Makanda, IL; Sun-Moon = Mercury-Mars: propaganda distorts the news of the day (Munkasey); Thuban = to protect or make a treasure (Solar Fire v9). Royal Regulus (the king, the kingmaker: success if revenge is avoided) @00Virgo is atop the chart and activated by the eclipse.

And as you know, eclipse safety glasses are a must!

Jun 20, 2017

Ask Saturn: Rising Authoritarianism Can Be Defeated!

Have you noticed that soul-crushing, anti-democracy authoritarianism is on the rise across the globe? Donald Trump in the White House is America's primary symptom of its Saturnian paternalism as we find in the current picture of transit Pluto @18Capricorn hitting the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree (1993) which times a certain midpoint picture--Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl)--and this, triggering the word picture for 18 Capricorn: POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism' (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones).

Of course, authoritarianism has been rising in America since before Trump entered the White House and one astrological timer I noticed years ago was the December 30, 1999 Great Conjunction of Pluto and Chiron, one of the astrological pairs of plutocracy, oppression, racism, and various other -isms such as Authoritarianism, Communism, Socialism, Bolshevikism, Capitalism--all terms invented by man to promote one oppressive scheme or another---and to divide the populace against itself.

Thing is, the 1999 Pluto-Chiron conjunction occurred @12Sagittarius which is the Ascendant degree in America's 'Sibly' horoscopes (July 4, 1776 5:00 pm LMT or a few minutes later--I use 5:09 pm which places 00Libra at MC and Aries Point at IC). This oppressive conjunction of primal violence helped to usher in the New Millennium. (View the chart when the Trump-Clinton debate of October 19, 2016 was timed by a new two-year cycle of brutal Mars and Pluto melding their powers at the South Node of the New Millennium).

And yet there is good news! For there are ways of countering, even stopping (Saturn) authoritarianism in its hoof-shaped tracks as someone at The Guardian advises us:

Authoritarianism is making a comeback. Here's the time-tested way to defeat it. "Tyrants' tactics require the consent of large numbers of people. The first lesson, then, is not to obey in advance."

Another sign post of authoritarianism (and the tyranny of plutocracy) infecting America in 2017 is our national Saturn exalted in Libra (14:48 in 1776), sign of the Scales of Justice, which by progression, turned retrograde in Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio (where our SP Saturn remains) in 1996 during the second presidential term of Bill Clinton whose tenure included impeachment and thus the undermining of the Executive Branch through the eager auspices of the Republican Party.

So now, in 2017, will the Democratic Party return the 'favor' and oppose the extreme authoritarianism of austerity-promoting Republicans and their mascot Donald Trump? Probably not with the nerve and verve needed (although they did stand up last night concerning the secret Trumpcare bill). But it requires We The People to defeat it by participating in this democracy (such as it is) using the peaceful tactics mentioned in the article linked above!

Now, in case you haven't seen it before, below is the horoscope of the Pluto-Chiron Conjunction of December 30, 1999 (@11Sag22--two esoteric numbers x two!) with my study notes penned on (please enlarge). You'll want to consider that Pluto-Chiron = Moon-Neptune and several other planetary factors including the Mother of All Eclipses of August 11, 1999 @18Leo in the 1 North Saros Series in this chart's 8th house of Corporatism, Big Money, and the Occult--and 1 North repeats upon this chart's 9th cusp on August 21, 2017 @29Leo, a critical degree--The Great American Eclipse--and I assert that there continues to be some weird plutocratic timing going on and we can expect global government (aka, a new world order) to be termed 'necessary' to solve the world's problems (which international bankers and their handmaidens, the political elite, created):

The duration of the Pluto-Chiron cycle is approximately 60 years in length and relates to "mass currents of consciousness--the collective unconscious, the racial, cellular, molecular, atomic, and subatomic levels of reality. The beginning of the cycle...signals the up welling of an initially unconscious impetus seeking expression as a historically necessary transmutation." (Chiron, Richard Nolle). (My italics.)

Also note that, among other things, 'Moon-Neptune' = mass un-consciousness, or, the Collective Unconscious. And thus, globalists have many of us thinking on a subliminal level that authoritarian global government is inevitable. It is not.

Also in August a Lunar Eclipse @15AQ.

Why We Are Seeing So Much Chaos in the World - Max Igan

June 16, 2017 American Voice Radio: Max Igan's Surviving the Matrix episode 297:

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