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Mar 22, 2018

The Washington Monument: Center of Political Power?

Image: the Washington Monument which was built in the form of an obelisk, an Illuminati symbol of power. In fact, the Monument marks the spot on earth where the power of these legends-in-their-own-minds is centered and politically that's Washington DC (for the moment, at least). Of course, obelisks also stand in various places across the globe such as London and New York where they mark the secretive organization's centers of financial power.

Now these mystical tidbits and many more were well known to America's Founding Freemasons, some of whom were also Rosicrucians and/or Illuminatists, and some were members of whatever other knowledge-is-power esoteric, satanic, and/or Utopian groups were around during the 18th century for occultism didn't wear the stain upon it then that it wears today. Yet the groups still exist in one form or another and perhaps you've noticed that in the last few years we've seen a preponderance of their machinations speeding up via infiltration as attacks from within and without American society become more brazen--especially since transit Uranus left mystical Pisces in late May 2010 and entered Mars-ruled Aries (crossing Cardinal World Point 00Aries00) and bringing along disruptive Uranian tendencies that inspire actions by anarchists, fanatics, blind zealots, dream enthusiasts, radical reformers, Utopianians--as the great Reinhold Ebertin informs us about Uranus in Aries in his book The Combination of Stellar Influences (I'm not making this stuff up, y'know!).

Actually, we discussed such topics in early 2015 concerning New York City's three obelisks and the prophetic Belt Stars of Orion. This was back when Scott Wolter's America Unearthed was airing on TV. Of course, that post was written prior to the political elevation of amateur Donald Trump, Uranian extraordinaire and a man on a mission. That his aims differ from Illuminati goals is not proven to me though some folk may feel differently especially if they fell for Mr. Trump's 'drain the swamp' rhetoric. Personally, I see Trump's disruptive, chaotic way of doing things part of 'the big picture', the 'Grand Plan' that's been Washington DC's blueprint all along, thanks to Utopians like Bacon and others who envisioned America as the New Atlantis.

For as you know, the whimsical if Freemasonic Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet (last to rise before natal Sun) and as such, the planet of chaos and sudden shocks is his guiding planet. It seems tragically chilling, doesn't it? Especially for those of us who prefer a sovereign America with much less satanism, thank you very much. Still, Trump has his marching orders with his quixotic notions, lack of political knowledge and skill, and poor behavior as cover for what he's instructed to perpetrate. Tattered cover, if you ask me, but there that's the set-up for their 'great design'.

In The Cycle with Trump's Purposefully Chaotic Leadership (Even If He Is a Big Dummy)

So this is as good a time as any to remind you that transit Pluto, planet of destruction, the Criminal Underworld, hidden wealth, and transformation, has been activating 1993's Great Conjunction degree of the Illuminati-Enlightenment pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune (18Capricorn) and thereby creating a disturbing midpoint picture--activated under the quirky, bigoted leadership of Uranian Donald Trump...the big picture demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl). Yes, bribery, threats, intimidation, and blackmail are only some of the tactics used to keep politicians and others in line and marching forward. Maybe we should ask Trump and Putin about the effectiveness of such draconian tactics some time.

Well, it's a tiresome reminder, I know, but to yours truly, the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto midpoint picture and the timing thereof makes Trump's 'election' and his odd behavior and fawning toward Putin and other totalitarian dictators easier to understand--as orders from on high. After all, Pluto in Capricorn is 'the dictator' and the element of timing is extremely pivotal to the plans of transnational social tinkerers who think they know best how to rule the world. These are obviously the sort of reptile-brained degenerates the world is oppressed by as their control grid tightens upon us all. In Politics and Business we can even say that the reptiles act under the guise of Pluto-Chiron plutocrats and use dividing tactics such as primal violence, racism, Capitalism, Socialism, corporatism, and other anti-societal -isms too numerous to mention here. By their lousy anti-democratic fruits we know them. And it certainly isn't written in stone that America necessarily has to provide the top leader of the global government-new order the chaos-creators are in process of setting up (1776--2025 or so?). (Though Trump probably assumes the top dog position will be his--at his age!!)

And although orbiting centaur Chiron has since bustled ahead of slower moving dwarf planet Pluto, we remain ensnared within the current Pluto-Chiron cycle which began at their Great Conjunction of December 30, 1999 @12Sagittarius (rounded up). For those who use a late afternoon natal chart for America (July 4, 1776) this conjunction (11Sag22) perfected upon US natal Ascendant...'12Sag' = "A Flag Turned into an Eagle That Crows." And no one has to guess which nation the 'eagle' represents in our day or which national flag is depicted in the well-timed symbol of the plutonian conjunction which helped usher in the much-touted New Millennium. Of course the 'crowing' is, in part, the illegal, preemptive, unconstitutional 2003 invasion of the Middle East with the WTC attacks of 9/11 as pretext. How threadbare Washington's alleged justifications have become! How craftily they stirred the hornet's nest! How the blow back of violence affects the entire world now! Yet oppressive Pluto-Chiron approves on behalf of the so-called New World Order (its October 24, 1993 horoscope shown).

And though Pluto remains in Capricorn until 2023, passing over US natal Pluto Rx along the way, soon a new energy shift within the Pluto-Chiron relationship begins with Chiron to Aries Point for the first exact conjunction occurs April 17, 2018. And soon a different shift occurs when quirky Uranus enters Taurus May 15, 2018. Post shows Trump natal chart with May 15, 2018 transits--and a New Moon @24Taurus36 conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven which holds asteroid Phaethon within the turbulent stars of the Pleiades--including nasty Algol. Also see: Uranus to Taurus 2018, Pluto to Aquarius 2023.

Back to Washington DC's Starry Significance

Now speaking of stars and the founding of the District of Columbia (an archetypal Venusian goddess), we've also discussed previously L'Enfant's original plan for the Federal Triangle and how our three primary buildings represent on earth three particular stars overhead--the Capitol Building = Regulus, the White House = Arcturus, and the Washington Monument = Spica, the Spike. Plus, DC's obelisk (George's phallic Monument) points upwards toward another star that we seldom hear about these days--Porrima, a star of fertility and prophecy (George is said to have had a visionary mystical streak himself). Yet the obelisk's spotlight on Porrima has always struck me as somewhat odd since Freemason George Washington could father no natural children (due to a case of smallpox as a teen?) yet his public image has been carefully crafted through the years as The Father of Our Country. Okay, on a symbolic level he was. And perhaps the more prominent role of Porrima in our 'future' times of Now is prophecy, particularly that found in Scripture: Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel's Fig Tree Prophecy. Trump scooted things along by announcing the relocation of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an announcement which further stirred up turmoil in the Middle East. He is, after all, the announcer-in-chief with starry Alhena (to have a mission) conjunct his natal Mercury, planet of announcements, messages, deals, commerce, and magic tricks.

For Donald Trump is the announcer in the White House now just in time to aid and abet Israel's Scriptural Fig Tree Prophecy (linked above).

Okay, I'll hush for now and send congrats to anyone who has read this far for you are mighty. Here are three links to previous posts concerning similar topics:

Washington DC's Secret Symbolism, The Founding of the Federal City (horoscope shown), and Trump, Venus, a Pagan Egg, and the 2020 Election Cycle.

Mar 21, 2018

Beyond Cambridge Analytica! How Your Private Information is Weaponized

From the March 20, 2018 Thom Hartmann call-in program:


And with another GOP government shutdown looming this Friday night, remember the shutdown of 2011 which caused a first-ever credit rating downgrade of the US government? Here's the fussy post I published then which included the crisis-turning point-special task YOD pattern in Secondary Progressions of the Republican Party with the YOD pointing toward the GOP's SP Ascendant at the degree of Bankruptcy--and their 'special task' is ongoing (with aid from Democratic enablers, financiers, corporatists, and gullible Trump voters) for if a shutdown occurs now it will be the third since Trump crept into the White House.

So under Donald Trump, the collapsing of America continues which is one reason I fret over the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo with its theme of towers collapsing and subsequent rebuilding after the dust settles (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). And this is the Prenatal Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections!

Mar 20, 2018

Eclipse Horoscope of the 2018 US Midterm Elections

Here you see the DC Horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections, aka, 'The Tower Eclipse' which perfects on August 11, 2018 in the 2 New North Saros Series:

The 2018 US Midterm Elections will be held Tuesday November 6, 2018 with 36 states and 3 territories actively balloting, last I heard--and all House seats are up for grabs.

For the curious, this horoscope with details can be found in a previous post.

Mar 19, 2018

Bannon's Psychological Warfare: Cambridge Analytica

Monday March 19, 2018: Anyone who wonders at the astounding "win" of Donald Trump in the November 2016 Presidential Election must also wonder, how many ways Trump and his minions used to cheat their way into the White House. That's my personal opinion which you, dear reader, may or may not share but that's okay because this is America where citizens have the right to their own opinions and where dissent is considered patriotic especially if it's based on concern for the common good.

So is it time for yours truly once again to abandon my Facebook account? Well, it's tempting for several reasons but also because alarm bells should have loudly sounded for Facebook staff when data miner Cambridge Analytica spirited away the personal information of 60 million or more FB users for the purposes of skewing the 2016 election (and who knows what else). Trump and company are the sort of people who will do anything to 'win' and we all know how important 'winning' is to Mr. Trump who simply cannot stomach 'losers'. We also know how important his image is to him so apparently looking as if you won an election qualifies him to boast and beat his chest over what appears to be the truth even when it's false. Yes, it's lies and illusions as Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square just keeps on giving!

A peek at Trump's current progressed aspects reveals a Moon-Pluto conjunction (12Leo+) in SP 10th house and his fear of secrets being uncovered is one thing real about him these days as evidenced by his panicked tweets. Well, it's understandable for Moon-Pluto denotes panic and paranoia--and a potential for illegitimate children which may be one secret he desperately wants to keep hidden (if one or more children exist).

As for Steve Bannon, his steering of Cambridge Analytica reveals one of the primary factors in his relationship with Donald Trump and Bannon;s touted role in the 'election' of Trump. Of interest in this saga is The Guardian's ongoing feature The Cambridge Analytica Files. From March 18, 2018, here's a notable entry: 'I made Steve Bannon's psychological warfare tool': meet the data war whistleblower, Christopher Wylie.

Then on December 15, 2017, the Wall Street Journal informed us that Mueller Sought Emails of Trump Campaign Data Firm...Cambridge Analytica. Excellent.

Yes, some people will do anything to 'win', even if they have to use underhanded tricks. So if you haven't, please check out a previous post concerning Steve Bannon's natal Jupiter, a post in which we discover Bannon's total lack of conscience thanks to an unaspected Saturn.

Mar 18, 2018

America's 1776 Aries Ingress Horoscope

March 18, 2018: here is a view of the Aries Ingress (Spring Equinox) horoscope of March 19, 1776 (Sun to Aries Point) which shows a New Moon @1Aries ("A Woman Has Risen from the Ocean, a Seal Is Embracing Her"), and marks the beginning of a new cycle of activity and, as we know, heralds the founding of a new nation in 1776--order out of chaos. As you see, the midpoint of the revolutionary pair, Uranus and Pluto conjoins the Sun-Moon midpoint. Uranus-Pluto denotes the "collapse of the old order, construction of the new" and "revolution" (Ebertin).

The Sun Aries-Moon Aries combo? Mavericks and crusaders! Saturn exalted in Libra and rising? Difficulties at the beginning but ideals will be put into a proper form with laws for guidance.

Of course, 'a woman rising from the ocean' hints at a newly invented America and her founding motto, E pluribus unum, 'out of the many, one' and the 'seal' refers to America's Great Seal with its Illuminati symbols as accepted by the era's enlightened thinkers determined on the betterment of society (Sun sextile Uranus). These were our nation's Founding Fathers whose contrary ideals inspired them to become advocates for the common man (Sun sextile Pluto). To me the fact that Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were not yet discovered in 1776 is of little if any consequence since a Neptune-Pluto trine was above their heads and denotes those who can respond to the invisible realms and forces whether they are aware of it or not!

So when looking at transits to America's natal horoscope (of which there are many versions set for various hours on July 4, 1776), this cosmically timed Aries Ingress 1776 chart is an alternative and may be a chart to keep in mind.

Here's Part One of The Story of America's Great Seal.

Two Faces to Every Coin, Two Sides to Every Issue, Two Choices on Every Path - Max Igan

March 17, 2018: Max Igan episode 327 via American Voice Radio in which Max reminds us that World War III started years ago and it's the power elite vs The People. Also discussed: crypto-currencies, social crediting, and the cashless control grid:

Support the independent work of Max Igan at Patreon.

Mar 17, 2018

Astro-Notes on the Firing of Andrew McCabe

March 17, 2018: by now you've heard of the Friday night firing of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe a mere 26 hours before his scheduled retirement from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Attorney General Jeff Sessions did the deed no doubt at the direction of Donald Trump who desperately wants to shut down the Mueller investigation into Trump and Trump Organization finances, funding and, shall we say, other activities.

Andrew McCabe was born on March 18, 1968 and was fired 2 days prior to his 50th birthday when he had planned to retire from service. Naturally, astrologers see that Mr.McCabe is due for his Chiron Return which occurs for everyone around the age of 50, give or take a year. Mr. McCabe's Return is aptly significant, as we see, for he was born with Sun and Chiron conjoined in late Pisces (man on a mission). Being fired from his long-held law enforcement position of authority hours before retirement and negating the receipt of a subsequent pension can certainly be considered a Chirotic wounding to his sense of mission in life and to his ego (Sun-Chiron).

And if we check for additional planetary activation, we find that transit Uranus in Aries, planet of disruption, separation, shocks, explosive events, and anger, is in process of visiting McCabe's natal Mars (23Aries) suggesting a period when endeavors (and employment) are halted or discontinued, highly charged activities are in force, shocks are felt, missteps may be taken (on his or another's part), and regrettable situations exist. Even danger cannot be ruled out.

Related Posts include: Jupiter in Virgo and the Ethics of Robert Mueller and The Prenatal Eclipse of Robert Mueller.

Curiously, vibes of the Mars-Uranus pair of premature action, brutality, and radical reform were also active when former FBI Director James Comey testified on Capitol Hill in 2017 as you may see in the horoscope of Comey's Testimony June 8, 2017. The post displays both Trump's and Comey's ('noon') natal charts with June 8, 2017 planets and you can see that Mr. Comey's natal Uranus conjoined and activated Trump's natal Mars (aggression, conflict, motivation, energy, action) and Trump's Ascendant (his nibs himself) just as the transiting Dragon's Head North Node of destined encounters placed them all in a public forum televised from Capitol Hill for Mr. Comey's testimony was delivered in public as you remember.

March 18, 1968: Sun in Pisces and Moon in Scorpio the whole day through:

Now Andrew McCabe's natal Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio 'loves a mystery' and is a double-Water blend of complex emotions and subterfuge with both signs tending to become involved with secrecy and hidden activities--perfect for membership in a spy agency like the FBI. Acutely perceptive and intuitive, Mr. McCabe can 'read people' and their deeper motives and shows endurance during times of adversity. Plus, his personality combo has the ability to "come back fighting" as we see in Mr. McCabe's released statement describing some truths the Trump Organization and Jeff Sessions wish the public to ignore.

In closing, perhaps the creative work of two natives who share the Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio combination of conscious-unconscious energies may add to our understanding of Andrew McCabe:

"Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea" (the sea, Neptune's oceanic province along with veils, masks, leaks, lies and spies!) and "John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Yes, with Trump's Mars Rising, it does feel as if wrath is all around. Wonder what kingpin Trump is trying so hard to hide?

Today in Trump News: Trump Calls McCabe a "choirboy" and suggests corruption at the highest levels of the FBI. And here's the NYT article on McCabe's Firing.

Also of interest: This Day in History - FBI Founded July 26, 1908.

Above blurry photo of Andrew McCabe; official portrait, wiki public domain

Mar 15, 2018

The Natal Planets of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump

For former KGB agent, now leader of Russia, and idol of Donald Trump Vladimir Putin there are two possible natal horoscopes currently available, one a rectified version done in 2000 by Claude Weiss. Both charts may be speculative due to uncertain birth times.

Here are both charts' data:

Vladimir Putin: October 7, 1952 9:30 am MSK St. Petersburg, RU with 3Sco10 rising and 21Leo12 at Midheaven, the Goal Point, indicating such ambitions as leadership, approval, ego satisfaction, and shining on the global stage. Plus, Leo at MC places his natal Pluto (22Leo43) there and who could disagree that plutonian power and control (including rigid military control) are a major part of his goals? Of course, astrological Pluto also hints at potentials for manipulation, fear, propaganda, rape, subterfuge (a former spy), sabotage, and assassination (even poisoning), as part of Putin's Career picture observed by the entire world (MC). Additionally, his Pluto conjoins natal South Node, a Saturnian point (large social changes affect others who are disregarded). Scorpio rising denotes Mars and sub-ruler Pluto as chart-ruler/s which makes sense due to the Mars-Pluto combination of cruel, ruthless, forceful, even brutal, energies.

The rectified version of Putin's natal chart (same data but a birth time of 4:10 pm MSK) shows 17Cap15 rising--where transit Pluto has now crossed into 1st house--and 5Sag46 at MC suggesting that massive wealth is a goal (which has been attained) along with freedom and expanded territory (ex: from 2014 see Ukraine mobilizes troops amid crisis with Russia). In this version of his chart the angles are ruled by Saturn (ASC--a difficult childhood?) and money-grubber Jupiter (MC), the boundary breaker. If this is the correct natal chart, with tr Pluto in Capricorn at ASC, Mr. Putin is 'feeling his oats' of power and handling things 'his way' as he gains control and a more powerful public image.

Excerpt from a previous post: "Mr. Putin's natal Sun Libra-Moon Gemini blend (Air-Air) indicates that he may spread himself too thin to accomplish all his goals but perhaps it somewhat depends upon who aids him in his current take-over endeavors." To this I add that this is a personality blend of charm and clear thinking, but can be superficial and emotionally immature (Harveys).

Trump and Putin Sittin' in a Tree...

In both versions of Putin's natal chart, his Gemini Moon and Jupiter-ruled Mars (26Sag42) are out-of-bounds and thus cut off or separated in some way from the rest of his planets. This hints at mother troubles or separation, and a warring Mars off on his own and up to who-knows-what. Putin's natal Saturn @17Lib27 precisely conjoins the natal Jupiter (Station Direct @17Lib27) of Donald Trump. This denotes an enduring relationship between them with money, banking, and ideology featured. Rounded up to '18Libra' in the Sabian Symbols for the conjunction of societal planets Jupiter and Saturn, we find "Two men Under Arrest"...and we also find America's Progressed Mars Station Retrograde degree (as of 2006). To Putin's 9:30 am Ascendant (3Sco10), noted above, add US SP Saturn Rx @3Scorpio--retrograde since 1996 during Bill Clinton's legal turmoil when his presidential authority and irresponsible actions were forced into a glaring public spotlight, thus weakening America's authenticity and credibility in the world.

Fiesty Fightin' Mars, Planet of Violence and Conflict

Now here's a prominent date for Vladimir Putin: March 12, 2018 which timed his latest Mars Return (26Sag42) and denotes the beginning of a new 2-year cycle of activity. And perhaps you remember that Mr. Trump enjoyed his current Mars Return on August 31, 2017 and with Trump's Mars @26Leo, we see that a fiery trine of aid and benefits exists between the warrior planet of Vladie Putin and Donnie Trump.

Above Photo: Mars Seen from the Hubble Telescope

Mar 14, 2018

The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR - documentary

And now in 2018 we find that although the fascist spirit may be driven underground it never really goes away. Constant vigilance required!

Mar 13, 2018

Capricorn Mike Pompeo named new Secretary of State

March 13, 2018: CIA Director Mike Pompeo Nominated for Secretary of State, Tillerson ousted

An accurately timed natal horoscope of newly named Secretary of State Michael Richard Pompeo is available for viewing with a Rodden Rating of AA. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (March 23, 1952) has been fired by Donald Trump and goodness knows theirs was a rocky relationship all along. Mr. Pompeo may be an easier fit for quirky Uranian Trump but we'll see if Mr. Pompeo's Syzygy Moon @8Can01 conjoining Trump's natal Mercury allows for comfort between them or conflict as they pursue plans for fulfillment (Sun-Moon = Mercury) which may or may not be sympatico. Since Mr. Trump has a stated preference for conflict in all things White House their ability or inability to work together will become apparent as the months (weeks, days, hours) proceed.

Michael Richard Pompeo December 30, 1963 1:32 pm pst Orange, California

And when we look at the planets of the March 13, 2018 announcement we find multiple connections to Pompeo's natal planets. Examples in no particular order: authority planet Saturn to natal Sun (senior officials demand their due, responsibilities and/or rewards given, lack of ego-satisfaction); powerful Pluto to Pompeo's strongly opinionated Mercury-Mars conjunction in governmental Capricorn (greater personal power and control, karmic relationships especially with men; potential for sexual escapades; karmic conditions); Mercury to natal Jupiter (international concerns and more travel); Neptune opposite natal Pluto (power structures under threat, power is eroded); and Moon spotlights Pompeo's natal Venus @8AQ47 in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status (favorable publicity). Plus, transit Neptune has been within orb of opposing his natal Uranus for some time indicating a period when ideals conflict with freedom of thought and with societal institutions. Well, Pompeo (R-CA) bats for the Republican team after all.

Mike Pompeo's Earth-Air Sun Cap-Moon AQ blend identifies him as progressive yet conservative, thoughtful and skeptical, and a dedicated and purposeful idealist with a practical streak. Up front and friendly, yet a private person, Mr. Pompeo wants to reform the world which certainly includes every branch of the US government, and his independent mind and spirit may not be loyal enough to suit Donald Trump whose indiscretions and crimes demand loyalty from his underlings in order to stay covered up and keep the Trump Train chugging onward.

Born near a Full Moon, Pompeo's Moon-North Node conjunction and Sun-South Node conjunction across the Cancer-Capricorn axis is the nodal opposite of Trump's Gemini-Sagittarius condition with Sun-NN and Moon-SN. Cosmically this relationship involving the Nodal axis of both men can either aid or separate them as their relationship proceeds with Pompeo's personality blend of professionalism suggesting that he does not suffer fools gladly. So how easy can it be for Pompeo to work with Trump?!?

And it's interesting that Mike Pompeo's Prenatal Solar Eclipse manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Cancer (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 1 North Saros Series which repeated as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 with its themes of 'information is distorted and possibly false' (Brady). Yet perhaps I fret over the Pompeo-Trump relationship for nothing since Pompeo's natal Sun-Jupiter square doesn't mind bending the truth to achieve results and may bite off more than he can chew--both tendencies of Donald Trump. Today transit Venus, planet of diplomacy as in the State Department, squares Pompeo's natal Sun (8Cap28 in corporate 8th house) so modest reactions are advised if/when offered a higher position of authority, plus, some 'agree to disagree' necessities will be in order as Pompeo attempts to serve Donald Trump from within the all-important Department of State.