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Showing posts with label Capitol Hill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Capitol Hill. Show all posts

Jul 23, 2009

Ron Paul speaks truth to the Fed's lies: video

At least one man on Capitol Hill is speaking truth to the Fed's lies and shell game: Rep. Ron Paul, but the picture he describes reveals the deliberate crashing of America. For the deliberate crashing of California, see previous post.

Jul 14, 2009

Lies-R-Us: the CIA

Stop The Presses! The CIA Lied

By Emile Schepers

The CIA was invented to spread lies, and to do a lot of other, worse things. It came into being after the end of the Second World War, when US foreign policy was revamped to fight the Cold War, it started out lying and has never stopped.

Cheney, the CIA, and Congress: Now What?

By Mcjoan

Senators are shocked, shocked I say, to discover that Dick Cheney directed the CIA to lie to them about a post-9/11 intelligence program. Certainly no one could have foreseen that. #

You know, the US Congress will do and say anything to deflect blame from its sorry self.

But it's difficult to admire Capitol Hill's prudence - and to believe in their patriotism - with the evidence of this video of the US Congress 'crowning' Sun Myung Moon in the Dirksen Building - it must be seen to fully appreciate the freakiness of the 'mystical' US Congress.

Cheney? You already know what he is.

And in honor of the secret agents among us, here's a 6 minute video of John Stockwell speaking out about the CIA's war on human beings; I added 'beings' because 'humans' is not a noun on its own. No. It isn't.

Jul 13, 2009

Sotomayor: a wise Latino woman on Capitol Hill 7.13.09

Yes, today is the day that SCOTUS nominee Sonia Sotomayor makes her way to the Masonic Temple on Capitol Hill, affectionately known as 'our' Capitol Building, to begin the process of being vetted for the top bench of the nation.

Questioning begins tomorrow, Tuesday, yet her statement today makes for an interesting combination of Sun in Cancer, Moon in Pisces, then Moon on to Aries Point at 10:39 am edt. Aries Point (AP) is, of course, a World Point where important things can happen within prominent personal projections. The AP is ruled by contentious Mars rather than by the dreamy Jupiter/Neptune of inspired Pisces.

My thought is that Sonia Sotomayor wouldn't be where she is today without a strong natal Mars being consciously and assertively channeled...Pisces to Aries: dreams put into action.

Yet there are small men on Capitol Hill who feel threatened by a woman with such a well-directed Mars! And we'll probably be aware of their names before the week is out if we don't know them already. "Outside the mainstream" and "judicial activist" are their complaints so far, yet she is a more experienced (Mars) judge than any of the exalted ones who now sit on the US Supreme Court bench.

But tossing a wrench in the works may be all the Rs can manage to do to undermine the president's agenda, so the Rs must have a chance to try their spins by performing their tricks this week at the Capitol Hill Theater.

If astrologically we take today's planets (and their aspects to one another) as indicative of Sotomayor's singular week on The Hill, we see that support is certainly there for the Moon (a woman) from Mars and from Saturn with only one very big fly in the judicial oiuntment - a square from heavyweight Pluto.

This indicates that her determination to achieve will be deeply tested while her previous personal history and old attitudes are placed under the microscopes of Congress and the media. Publishing, of course, is linked with Pluto, and Moon/Pluto signifies public relations and propaganda (both for and against the nominee.)

Well, I wasn't feeling too optimistic for Judge Sotomayor's SCOTUS prospects when I wrote about her nomination chart of May 26, 2009, 10:15 am edt even though the Moon 4Can31 had moved beyond opposition from Pluto, but was conjunct her natal Sun 3Can+ (birth time unknown, born June 25, 1954, Bronx, NY.)

Her May 26 nomination chart shows 4Leo50 rising with Sun as chart-ruler making no applying aspects (which emphasizes the Sun's sign and house position - 5Gem28 in 11th house conjunct asteroid, Pan, one of the trickster elements but associated with law through the ancient sign of Capricorn); May 26 was just after the New Moon 3Gem28 which fell upon Mr. Obama's natal Moon, a fortunate factor for new beginnings in his Lunar Return of May 2009.

Transiting Astraea - keywords: law and justice - is Rx at 3AQ08, interestingly the position of Inauguration 2009's Jupiter in 10th house (noon est, Capitol Building, Jan 20, 2009.) One of Jupiter's many hats is: the judge. This indicates that if confirmed, Judge Sotomayor will be an integral part of the president's team (or so presidents always assume about SCOTUS judges!)

Charts for tomorrow, when the questioning begins, show Moon reaching '13Aries'..."A Bomb Which Has Failed to Explode Is Safely Hidden."

I mention this primarily because Republicans have stated that Sotomayor will be confirmed unless something 'explosive' occurs during the hearing - hark! I think I hear the sound of GOP operatives tinkering away at the wires now...especially considering today's position of asteroid Hopi - keywords: ambush; prejudice - conjunct Sotomayor's natal Sun 3Can+ and thus opposing her natal Mars.

So today's Pluto 1Cap29 is conjunct Sotomayor's natal Mars 2Cap20 (in her 12:58:02 pm edt chart, the hour of Sun-to-Midheaven in NY on her day of birth) so plutonian power has come to call with the ability to 'magic wand' her Supreme Court hopes into the annals of history as long as her actions (Mars) coordinate with the larger program of the ultimate behind-the-strings power-player, Pluto in Capricorn, sign of law, the courts, politics, and business.

Here's the CSPAN video feed of the proceedings this morning though I don't know how the link will work later on if you find this post after the hearing ends.

Jul 3, 2009

Independence Day 2009 in Washington DC

Here's another in the series of Tom Foreman's Letters to the President, a timely one with a Fourth of July flavor. It concerns independence in the District of Columbia and the Republican v Democrat paradox that makes independence elusive to obtain if not impossible.

Of course, from way down here, it seems all about grasping and retaining power no matter the cost as this mindset on Capitol Hill makes a mockery of the 'independence' and 'freedom' we're supposedly enjoying in this nation. A larger agenda is being followed at the expense of the country's best interests, imho.

I've mentioned here before about a certain junior rep from Georgia who was told early on by party bosses that if he wanted to keep his job, he'd vote how they told him to vote. He did and he did.

But by doing so, he didn't stand up for the people who sent him to DC when he voted the opposite of what he knew the majority of us wanted. So much for representative government. And the trend continues.

It's no small thing that this kind of cynical control over other people's consciences makes Washington's political parties into mobs of thugs who prefer might over right, and as you may know, I have little respect for the majority of them.

So Happy Independence Day indeed. If you can get some.

Jul 1, 2009

Washington's Mortgage Reform fizzles like dud sparklers on the 4th of July

And How the American People Can Save Big Money in Washington

When the mortgage and sub-prime fiascoes began to hit the country in 2007 and into 2008, everyone agreed that reform would be on the menu and the sooner the better. The financial collapse which the housing market crash led to with its resulting unemployment, retail slumps, and slowdowns in all sectors of the economy and the life of the nation, made mortgage reform seem a given. Who could argue?

Well, not so fast - it's the US Congress on the case which means there are no guarantees of improvements or of corrections of the fraudulent, America.

Unlike the upcoming Fourth of July fireworks, no-brainer mortgage reform is now said to be fizzling on Capitol Hill and Senator Dodd says they have other things to do. Or did he say 'better' things to do?

Either way, thanks for nuthin' oh elitist ones.

So I've made up a timely yet brief list of To-Dos in case anyone wants the economy to work out better than Congress has planned for us:

Want mortgage reform?

Call your reps and senators on Capitol Hill and tell them what time you and your family of 3/4/5/6+++ will be turning up at their swanky digs for a long stay....just till you "find a place." They don't need kicks in the pants on Capitol Hill, they need moocher roommates and lots of them. Besides, thanks to years of outsourcing US jobs bwo Congress, you're broke because you lost your job, and there are None To Be Had. Except marching in the military or on Capitol Hill, if my further ideas are followed...

Want health care reform from Capitol Hill?

Demand that all House members' insurance companies triple the deductibles on their state-of-the-art insurance policies, and limit the number of surgeries allowed for the next few years; totally exclude cosmetic surgeries and treatments, of course, and forget free meds and exotic cruises. And while you're at it, have the premiums auto-drafted from their paychecks from now on.

Want ethics and accountability to return to our nation's capital?

Then we'll have to kick out 98% of the bums on Capitol Hill, their staffers, aides, and favorite lobbyists - and sign up to serve ourselves, citizens of America!

But Senator Al Franken can stay (until he proves his metal) since he hasn't sat down at the trough just yet. And maybe Dennis Kucinich. I can't decide about him. Ron Paul, maybe. Not sure but probably. And keep a few junior ones who have yet to underwhelm us with their craven truckling to party bosses and poor judgments.

Thing is, since it was Capitol Hill denizens who dumped us into the crises in which we're now stewing (in collusion with their Wall Street buds), what makes them think the nation can afford them with their exalted lifestyles and their expensive ways? If we're looking for places to 'cut back' in the national budget, how about firing every one of the political culprits who helped cause it?

Washington Loves Ceremonies

I have yet to get a cost estimate on enough tar and feathers for the lot of them, but it couldn't be any higher than congressional paychecks, sell-outs, give-aways, and heistings, now could it?

Oh, and again I shall wish you a Happy 233rd birthday, America!

All the gold in Fort Knox may be pilfered away, but you don't look a day past 200. (Botox not covered, as above.)

Jun 11, 2009

US Senate finally no-nos tobacco

Senator Ted Kennedy thinks a miracle has finally occurred.

And what will President Obama do when he takes five now?

Jun 7, 2009

Healthcare reform? GOP frets over 'artificially low costs'

The Following Is Not a News Flash:

Well, I assume GOPers are saying they prefer artifically high costs for your health insurance expenses and medical treatments, Pilgrims.

And this, after extorting American consumers for decades into paying extra for other countries' reduced prescription rates - while they keep American taxpayers footing the majority of the bills for pharmaceutical research which creates the patent formulas we pay the world's highest prices for. Crazy weasels!

Yes, on Capitol Hill they're fighting The People all the way to keep credit card companies in clover at our (obscene) expense, and to retain the sneaky, high-handed fees the banking industry levels on us at the drop of a Majority Leader's gavel - in order to boost already out-of-proportion bottom lines and line politicians' deep pockets.

Beyond scandalous! Duplicitous. Craven. Over-the-line greedy. Wicked. Psychotic. ______ <--your adjective goes here. Can you name that weasel in one adjective? reform in the US? Wake me when it gets here - but after you give it a while to show its true results for, and its effects on, The People.

Mar 19, 2009

Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill a scam

Yes yes yes! A mega-heist has been perpetrated, as I keep complaining, and here Paul Craig Roberts asks if the Bush-Paulson Bailout Bill was a scam...yes!

NPR is reporting as I type that the deficit is 'far worse' than was expected...$2 trillion, as we'll hear tomorrow when the report is released. Can't wait.

So as Mr. Roberts mentions in the article linked above, there is no money for social programs (only for war.) They're getting ready to turn the screws on the ill, the elderly, orphans, and on anyone else thinking the US government has the integrity to honor its agreements with we-the-people.

Nice crowd. The renting of our social fabric is going well - for the power elite, thanks.

When are the heisters of Capitol Hill and their lawyers and ritzy friends going to return what they've embezzled for decades? Puh!

Of course, stirring up our emotions and indignation and sending us out onto the streets is part of the plan so being the meanie that I am, I refuse to give them the satisfaction!


Btw: did you ever read FDR's test of our progress from 1937?

Feb 26, 2009

Ron Paul's economic remarks 2.23.09 video

Raw Story has it and if you missed it, you may wish to view the video of Rep.Ron Paul's statement prior to Ben Bernanke's panacea of Wednesday, Feb 25.

Rep. Paul once again reveals the naked truth about the US financial system as he hit the high notes with such Greatest Hits as: 'You Can't Re-Inflate the Bubble' and 'Credit Ain't Capital, Baby' plus, other hummable tunes.

But one of my favorite parts of this brief video comes at its end - the visible discomfiture of CNBC's chair-warmers wiggling and squirming in their seats as they realize that too-clear truth had (inadvertently) been told - and they had broadcasted it on air.

Excessive (Jupiter) liquidity (Neptune) reigns as Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel pair of planets when working together on financial projects, meet up three times in 2009 with their first conjunction occurring on May 27.

All their meet-ups conjunct US natal Moon in Aquarius, so once again I repeat myself ad nauseum with the midpoint picture that is formed throughout the year:

Jupiter-Neptune = Moon: little sense of reality; the tendency to lose oneself in plans; becoming involved in speculation, instability, and wastefulness.

Though I sincerely hope that monitoring where the money goes by way of will actually prevent waste and fraud, still I am compelled to report to you the Astrology of the matter.

Feb 18, 2009

Ron Paul on Stimulus Bill: video

Ron Paul says there were only 5 copies of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act made available to congressional members which was "business as usual," says Dr. Paul.

Perhaps someone should have snagged the copy that Boehner dropped to the floor in (mock?) contempt.

Rep. Paul is correct on their usual sorry ways, for sure, but they never seem to read - or have their staffers read - the bills they pass anyway (except the parts they may sponsor.)

So if five of them had read the thing before voting, that would be 5 more than usual! And I doubt that Boehner had time to read it before he dropped it.

Ahhh, Capitol Hill Theater...1st act 9:30 am, matinee after lunch.

Jan 27, 2009

Obama video after meeting with GOP 1.27.09

Jan 27, 2009: Pres. Obama's statement after meeting with GOPers over the stimulus bill that might actually give a leg up to America's working people, a possibility some GOPers simply cannot stomach - it's against their principles!

Principles? Next thing we know, the word ethics may be mentioned in the same breath with the word principles and then where will the bandits hide?

Note: Common Good retired from use on Capitol Hill ages ago after putting in several years' worth of service. And I get the impression from Boehner and others that, if they had their way, financial aid for the American people now (in their time of crisis) would be as forthcoming as a rescue team eagerly picking up our elderly aunts and uncles from the drowned rooftops of New Orleans after Katrina hit (not.)

But providing more billions for ritzy bankers to hoard? You betcha!

Nov 26, 2008

Capitol Hill vs The People

You may be interested in Romantic Poet's article Democrats planned the financial collapse which covers everything from George Soros and the Cloward-Piven strategy to Rahm Emanuel's 2006 book, The Plan with Nancy Pelosi's Samoan connections basted like a crispy turkey in between.

Her post will make you think!

Yet as both readers of this blog know, I give no hall passes to Dems or Republicans because they're waging us vs them class warfare, the playing field is definitely tilted, and they will *all do what it takes to keep control, power, and obscene amounts of wealth in their own claws.

Why, it's all simply Capitol Hill Theater, Dahlink!


*In the interest of fairness, my usual 1 or 2% exception rule always applies in case a couple of honest Capitol Hillers are not in on the one-world-government agenda and would prefer America to remain America. (I'm being generous, I know, but there it is. You see? Cynicism and generosity can exist side by side. And you thought they couldn't!)

Nov 20, 2008

Congress' closed door meeting 3.13.08

Mysterious and rare closed door session of the US Congress; March 13, 2008; Capitol Building, Washington, DC; chart set for 7:30 pm est, time that a sweep for wires and electronic devices of the members began for the evening meeting.

This is the closed door session which you've heard about when C-Span went dark so that a presentation could be given to Congress ostensibly concerning the surveillance bill, but which has also been leaked to have concerned the US economic meltdown set to occur "by September 2008," prepared, secret safe locations for members of Congress and their families when members' heads are demanded by an uprising of the betrayed populace, martial law in the streets, and other such New World Order issues.

As you see marked in red there is a Mystic Rectangle (practical mysticism ) formed with the planets Mars 3Can19, Saturn 3Vir42 Rx (karmic with the same degrees - esp since Saturn is a karmic planet), Pluto 1Cap03 (conj asteroid, Morya), Mercury 28AQ44 (conj US n Moon, the populace), and Venus 1Pis19.

North Node 27AQ28 is also conj US n Moon which negatively has an estrangement from the community flavor (Ebertin.)

A Case of Presto Change-o?

The Mystic Rectangle pattern overhead hints that some incantations and/or rituals may have been involved in this meeting. My guess is that The Brethren were in attendance, with Illumination all around. There was perhaps a prayer uttered, but what entity were they praying to?

Now you notice that Pluto and Venus, who as a pair may represent bankruptcy, are in karmic degrees as well (both 1 degree - of Cap/Pis) and are sextile one another.

Any sextile becomes a YOD pattern (Finger of God...karmic, fated; special task; crisis) when another planet inconjuncts the sextiled planets, so if we imagine the apex point of a YOD with the Venus/Pluto sextile as its base, we get 1Leo+ - and instantly I think of Barack Obama's natal Mercury. Was this secret meeting also to inform whom the secret hand had chosen to be America's next president? Was President-elect Obama in attendance?

Pluto is conj 9/11's Mars, the meeting's Mars is conj 9/11's North Node (NN = meetings, encounters, associations); 9/11's Moon 28Gem05 is also at a bankruptcy degree; 28 and 29 Taurus are considered so as well, and you'll see this marked outside the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, the Occult, etc...because it is the meeting's Cupido degree.

Cupido has many associations, among them: The Family (personal but also crime syndicates, secret societies) and corporations.

Meanwhile, warring activist Mars 3Can19 is conjunct US natal Venu$.

Mars to Venus is a time when alliances, partnerships, joint ventures, and legal matters are on the menu; willingness to cooperate and participate is enhanced, and interactions are enthusiastic.

Occurring during a Saturn Hour (control; authority) we see that America's natal Saturn 14Lib48, and Neptune 22Vir25 are snugged around the Ascendant with its implications of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) on the rise - and/or up for discussion since this was a meeting.

And Saturn-Neptune = ASC has a feeling of being confined; and a sense of being out of the group. That's what happened that evening to Ohio Democrat Dennis Kucinich (and others, I assume) who refused to take part because he said that you give up your conscience if you participate in these rare secret sessions, as he had done early in his career.

I'd say the majority who did succumb to this gaggle checked more than their Blackberries at the door - they checked any conscience they had left. Without the transparency of open sessions in Congress, democracy is left out in the cold. And this is what our "representatives" did while being threatened with their own safety issues because of our predicted reactions to the economic meltdown.

So far, we've been too meek to do anything, but I agree with those who say, don't give them what they want: armed rebellion. They're ready for that, plus, detention centers ('REX84') are prepared for 'insurgents' and are now sprinkled across America. So we must be crazy like foxes instead!

Moon 18Gem12 (the people) in 9th house is out-of-bounds (as is instigator Mars performing unusual feats) so I suspect the OOBS Moon refers to the secrecy of the meeting which left out the American people from knowledge of what "their Congress" was up to.

'18Gem' is the rare Venus Transit degree of June, 2004 which occurred during the G8 Summit on Sea Island, GA. This is the "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd" degree, and in Astrology, a Venus Transit is a time when unusual associations are formed between those we would not expect.

There are two interesting midpoint pictures in this chart...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: the power play through personal persuasion (object of the meeting?); fated events (they want us to think that all this NWO stuff is fated.)

Moon/Pluto = Sun 23Pis49: special far-reaching plans; tight team effort in relationship; easily excitable people.

A Pisces Sun may indicate veiled leadership.

Outside the above chart in green you see America's natal planets from her 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

Asteroid Minerva (keywords: the desire to be accomplished ) is at the conjunction degree of Pluto and Chiron, the plutocracy pair that hooked up on Dec 30, 1999. Corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, racism...all the isms love Pluto-Chiron and vice versa.

The secret meeting's Minerva may point to The Owl of Minerva, the journal of the Hegel Society. And you see marked the USA's natal ASC from the Sibly chart 12Sag13. Yes, we hear the eagle loudly crowing now.

In a forward-looking mode, the midpoint of Saturn-Neptune @28Sco18 conjoins the US Inaugural Moon of Jan 20, 2009.

This links the meeting's issues with the upcoming Presidential Inauguration and with we-the-people...will March 2008 surreptiously meet January 2009 in the Oval Office?

Perhaps secret manuscripts and scrolls are hidden but waiting to be read by the initiate come January! My research indicates that US presidents are 'sworn in' on the sly (usually before) being publicly sworn in for all to see.

The meeting's 8th cusp is an important point in the chart especially if you believe that this rare session had something to do with September 2008's financial charade of a 'Bailout Bill' so I've marked 1892's 2 North Solar Eclipse, the Eclipse Series of the Robber Barons, whose key phrase is: ending of a union (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The Sun-Moon midpoint on the evening of March 13, 2008 (6Tau00) is conj this Eclipse degree and the chart's 8th cusp. This area of the zodiac also coincides with Dick Cheney's natal Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, the societal planets.

So considering how things are going in the US (and the world) it's easy to see which union is being dissolved by these Robber Baron descendants, their backers, minions, and enablers. They're saving themselves at America's and our big surprise, si?

Plus, although I neglected to make note of it on the chart, guru and moneybags Jupiter is at the NWO degree of '18Cap' from 1993 (Uranus conj Neptune)...key phrase for the Sabian Symbol: POLITICAL POWER.

You can see transiting Nemesis (the unbeatable foe; karmic retribution) 27Cap46 conj US natal Pluto 27:33 in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and the secret meeting. Pluto must have taken off his invisible helmet so he could rally the congressional troops onto the NWO train - or they would be left behind with the unwashed masses.

The upshot of all the innuendos, rumors, articles, books, blog posts, and intuitions about this secret meeting which the members in attendance were prohibited from divulging details about (House Rule 17 = 'sworn to secrecy') is that the new economic order is being put in place as I type and the North American Union will be the conduit for their consolidation of power and control.

('NAU' is America blended into Canada and Mexico, in case you haven't been keeping up! Snoop around Patrick Wood's The August Review for details.)

One World One Heart?

To this, Putin propagandistically says, nyet! At the 43rd Munich Conference on Security Policy on Feb 10, 2007, Putin remarked in a speech:

What is a uni-polar world? No matter how we beautify this term, it means one single center of power, one single center of force, and one single master.

Funny Vladi! Guess you've applied for the master's post. But I was unaware that 'the term' had been beautified in the least...from where I sit, it hasn't nor can it be.

Well, there is much more chart info to discuss here but I must do so later on...stay tuned, if you will, as the quindecile between Saturn and Uranus (now opposite, then in a compulsive-obsessive aspect of 165 degrees) continues its 'disruption of governing systems' to the detriment of America's sovereignty and the bankrupting of the populace's peace of mind and purse.

Sep 24, 2008

Solving the Wall Street 'crisis' by Rep Marcy Kaptur: video

Here's the C-Span broadcast of the righteous presentation by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on the floor of the House in which she gives the rules of Wall Street gentry's playbook and closes with her own proposal which has to sound better to the American tax payer than the shell game we've been witnessing this week on Capitol Hill.

If you never watch another YouTube video, this 5 min 35 sec video is the one to watch.

Wall Street thieves held accountable? Rep Kaptur (an appropriate name in this instance, I must say) says it all as it should be said!

Kaptur has just entered my 1% of politicians who care about doing the people's business!


A big Shout-Out of Thanks to bacalove who provided the video link in a comment! ;p

Update Sept 24, 8:50 pm edt: see a fresh post on Bush's TV tout on behalf of the Wall Street bailout tonight (9 pm edt) here.

Capitol Hill and The Bold Ones

“I believe if the credit markets are not functioning, that jobs will be lost, that our credit rate will rise, more houses will be foreclosed upon, GDP will contract, that the economy will just not be able to recover in a normal, healthy way.”

That was Ben Bernanke, the Fed's chairman on Tuesday, in an attempt to strong-arm Congress into handing over the keys to Fort Knox, in a manner of speaking.

What pops out at me in all their dire warnings, his and Paulson's and anyone else's ammunition they pull out of their holsters is that such predictions may be taken another threats and promises.

He speaks of "normal and healthy"? Like that's how it was before this emergency was recognized? So this means that a return to the creed of greed that Wall Street has always operated under will tell us when things are hunkey dorey normal again?

Years ago I used to watch The Bold and the Beautiful, in hopes that one day I'd figure out who was bold and who was beautiful. Never did, no matter how many episodes I watched, so I gave up in despair.

The question haunts me to this day.

Now, the day is late, and if I've got to figure out who's normal and who's healthy on Wall Street, well, like David Letterman says, it just gives me a headache.

Yet one thing I do know after the Paulson-Bernanke tag team got done scaring the pants off our Washington puppets like cats arguing with tiny little's really the banking crowd who are the bold ones.

Sep 21, 2008

110th Congress in final days

In a spate of nostalgia, I looked for my first post about the current 110th Congress for which so many held such grand hopes - that they would end the Iraq occupation above all.

Well, the first minimum wage increase in Ten Years was passed with Republicans kicking and screaming, gas mileage standards were raised (were they? you tell me), ethics reform to rein in sorry politicians was passed (although they may have papered the break room with it - but after all, you can't legislate morality - my mama coulda told 'em that), plus, hundreds of hearings were held at taxpayers' expense, of course.

Which means that much stalling, diverting, and talking was done by all, with questions left unanswered and challenges neutralized.

And the Iraq war? The House, thanks to the Democrats, went 'on record' and out on a short limb as disapproving of the Bush-Cheney war. Well, me too - and my opinion's free.

So now, because the 110th Congress is coming to a close in a while, I have sentimentally (with a salty tear in my eye) reached back into 2006's blog bowels to find my very first post about the victorious 110th, titled, Dawn of a New Day: Nov 8, 2006, a hopeful if semi-realized shout-out to the Bush enablers of Capitol Hill.

You'll find a few Sabian Symbols of the day but with no updates in the post. Even so, I cordially invite you to take a brief stroll down memory lane with me, if you wish, because the Temple on Capitol Hill awaits.

Aug 21, 2008

Are the NWO and Dec 22, 2012 linked?

What follows is a linky-rich and rambling post typed just for you:

For your consideration here's a video presentation of Bush Sr (or Poppy Bush, as I like to call him) calling for that NWO along with some voodoo-esque math that turns the 11-year cycle of the Solar Maximum Years of 9.11.1990, 9.11.1991, and 9/11/2001 into the march toward the New World Order, with the end date of the Mayan Calendar - Dec 22, 2012 - as its completion time for NWO implementation out of chaos.

~ Here's an in-progress article concerning the Winter Solstice Dec 21, 2012 with chart image but you notice, that's Dec 21, not Dec 22.

In the Dec 21, 2012 chart we can see that in a day or so, the transiting Sun will conjunct Pluto, subversive planet of riches and power. Another chart posting is needed for this yearly conjunction, for in 2012, the conj is significant for its occurrence in Capricorn (an anciently mystical sign of politics, business, and law...the mer-goat.)

I quite firmly believe the correlation between Capricorn ('Cap' pitol Hill, the head, the bent knee - in this case, to satan) and Washington DC's freaky Goat of Mendes in DC's city Ed Kohout's site links to Bush's reading of My Pet Goat on 9/11/01 - a private joke if there ever was one...a fine example of sick humor.

A digitally remastered world, brought to you by digitally controlled TV, in a newly-under-control world society - under, as politicians like to say, 'the rule of law.'

Can't we all just live together in peace ...brought to us by "a credible United Nations using its peacekeepers..."???

Sad to say, no new president in the White House (of the current crop) will make any difference to this agenda. Ron Paul seems to want to fight them, but how elusive is his presidency when media control is in the bag, and politicians are primed for their secret security locations for cowering in state-of-the-art bunkers when uprisings target the bums from Capitol Hill?

Kinda makes you wonder still what the mysterious Capitol Building power outage on April 3, 2006 was really for? Well, I'm still wondering...

And you did know about the oh-so-secret meeting held in the Capitol Building for House members to hear of the special contingency plans for protecting their bums? it was on March 13, 2008 - boy, wish I knew the meeting's exact time (sometimes a chart will give a good hint!)

This was only the fourth time in US history that this sort of meeting was held behind closed doors during which (as leaked to independent media by so-called members with consciences) it was spelled out that their lives were expected to be in danger by telling the House and Senate NWO enablers about the uprisings which the collapse of the US economy and food supply system will trigger - attacks against the bums of December, 2008 which seemingly links it to the US Secondary Full Moon of Dec 24, 2008 coming into play - the Culmination of America's outreach and expansion in the world. We've been had, m'peops.

And now that I think about it, the Feb 2008 Eclipse - the one I and others have called, the Unmasking Eclipse, occurred at the End of Progress degree, but I didn't want to type it out loud before...still don't, but I just did.

This 2008 Solar Eclipse at '18AQ' is the one where "a man's secret motives are being revealed," and it explains that no one can keep their true motives hidden forever.

From 1990 to 2012 is 22 years, which in Astrology is termed, the number of Mastery.

Two sunspot cycles 11 years x 2 = 22...

This may relate to world communications being broadcast bwo satellites and to, one might assume, mass mind control.

The Sun is most important to 'them' and we may remember that Bush the Shrub's natal Sun is synchronistically said to be conjunct US n Sun...and this '13th degree of Cancer' arose as the Capitol Building power outage of 2006 was taking place...the Cap Bldg went eerily dark, y'know. Read the linked post above for text and comments of that day...esp My Strange Mind's comments.

more 22:

Then there's Jupiter and Saturn, operating as the flywheel of the universe - last met in a Great Conjunction on May 28, 2000 at 22 Taurus, sign of money and greed.

Jupiter = expansive principle, Saturn = restrictive principle, and the tension between these two societal planets is what keeps the solar system's planetary orbits in their courses. This is one of the astronomical events which helped usher in the New Millennium, another is the big hook-up of Pluto with Chiron on Dec 30, 1999 in Sagittarius - conj US natal Ascendant in the Sibly '11Sag+' = '12Sag'..."A Flag That Turns in to an Eagle That Crows."

Yes, numbers, rituals, symbols, and cycles are very important to the NWO types as you'll see in the YouTube video linked at the start of this rampage.

Oh! and let us not forget that JFK was assassinated in (Masonic) Dealey Plaza, with Poppy Bush of the CIA all aboard for the NWO. The 'eternal flame' marking his gravesite - and that of others - is a bald-faced symbol of the Illuminati Society to keep all control in their own tentacles while showing their power to get things done in a commanding way...mission accomplished. Sound familiar?

The birty dastards of chaos...

Jul 18, 2008

Are Biden's marbles lost?

Senator Joseph Biden has introduced a bill to send more billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism - since the billion dollar bribes have worked perfectly so far...

But what can you do with a Hill-full of irrepressible drunken sailors with major pocket-lining tendencies?

Send a decent one to join the Washington throng? It only ends up spoiling 'em as they are cautioned to vote as the party tells them if they want to keep their jobs, the little newbies, so wide-eyed and desperate to stay in sparkly Washington and rule the world alongside the (pompous) big dogs.

That's how it's done - maintain the elitist status quo while posing for the cameras, holding hearings, and 'serving' on committees whose main outcomes consist in making more noise than improvement.

Didn't I say here on SO'W that the November 2006 elections would show us the pudding's proof or be a song-and-dance wash out...or words to that effect? What would Dem control amount to?, I asked. Not much, as we see - but the mega-propagandized "WOT" has certainly been a terrific bottomless pit for pilfering taxpayers' money, hasn't it?

Oldie But Moldie:

Early in the Bush regime I proffered a Tar'n'Feather Fund with donations accepted...and it's still bubbling on the hob, m'peops!

Jun 20, 2008

Scott McClellan and US' Venus Return 6.20.08

Here she is: America's natal Venus returning to her original degree of July 4, 1776, "4Cancer"..."A Cat Arguing with a Mouse."

My first intent was to publish this chart with details here on SO'W yet Blogger would not cooperate--and Venus doesn't appreciate lack of cooperation! But I thought her sensitive aesthetics would appreciate a white chart on a black background here at SO'W. Glad to say I got the chart up after all, as you see.

But--beige background it is, so you'll find this chart's image along with details which include Scott McClellan's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee this morning published at Jude's Threshold in case you'd care to take a look.

One thing I neglected to mention there in light of transiting Ceres (now conjunct US natal Venus) is the traditional association of Ceres with grains indicating nurturing and nutrition. This ties in with security issues when she's used in a national chart for hunger isn't good for one's sense of security, is it?

However, I did make one small mention of the tragic flooding of middle America which is resulting in our "amber waves of grain"--millions of acres of it--being ruined from this flooding.

As you know, Ceres, a significator of America herself, is often seen holding a sheaf of wheat. They've lost their amber color and Venus isn't happy about it, we can be sure, and we must now consider how the loss of these crops will be affecting food supplies in the coming year/s.

And then there's Dick Cheney and Valerie Plame, a lady who may just be our Venus Return personified for the upcoming year...well, check out the article to see what you think about today's performances on Capitol Hill.

Lady Venus does love a good drama!