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Showing posts with label Inauguration 2009. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inauguration 2009. Show all posts

Nov 7, 2008

GM, Chrysler, Bailouts and Uncle Tom

Why the GM - Cerberus - Chrysler Bailout is Bad for Taxpayers

By Robert Farago

Cerberus Capital, a highly secretive NYC-based vulture investment fund, wants the US government and taxpayers to bailout its failed investment in Chrysler and its failing investment in GMAC.

Its partner in this raid on the US Treasury is General Motors, a woefully insolvent automobile manufacturer whose CEO is paid $40k each day. Here's why a bailout for GM and/or Chrysler is a bad idea.


Can Obama Stop the Bush Administration's Final Economic Heist?

By Naomi Klein

Terrible looting of public capital has a habit of taking place during periods of dramatic political transition, and Bush has one underway.

(Stop it? It's a done deal and he voted for it, and has surrounded himself with old NAFTA-esque Clintonites - perhaps it's part of the deal for Hillary's crying uncle.)


The Election: It Had to Be this Way

By Timothy V. Gatto

Barack Obama will be the catalyst for a new movement, away from false hope and false promises, not because he will deliver to the people of this country anything worthwhile, but because he won't.

This will be the final nail in the coffin of our corporatist society.


(Will it? An Astrology note: Obama's Inauguration chart (Jan 20, 2009, noon est Capitol Building) has the midpoint of the plutocratic corporatism pair, Pluto-Chiron, at Midheaven which is the Aspiration/Goal Point of the chart and thus of his Inauguration and new presidency. Wish it weren't but there it is...and it's closer to MC than ever before. Guess it's been no surprise after Obama selected - or had selected for him - Zionist Joe Biden as VP. Now he's chosen a chief-of-staff with similar dubious credits to his name.)


Ralph Nader Calls Obama "Uncle Tom"?

By Fox News - Video And Transcript

Fox News distorts Nader's comments to paint him as a racist.


A racist? Are they kiddin' me?

Guess some people will fall for anything especially if they really really want to. As they say, deception always begins with self-deception!

Oct 20, 2008

Solar Eclipse for a new president 1.26.09

Heads-up, m'peops!

The promised Page with the 'New President' Solar Eclipse of Jan 26, 2009 is now published if you wish to view the chart and read some details.

Calling this Eclipse from the 11 North Series the 'New President' Eclipse is only a name I made up because it occurs barely 6 days into the new administration. You may disagree and call it something else, but there it is.

Actually, my tar'n'feather fund is still bubbling on the hob, if you'd care to stir, for all may depend on whether George Bush can be successfully shooed out of the White House by Jan 2009. Or maybe booed out will do the trick.

Or perhaps we can tease him out of office by offering him a fantastic vacation, preferrably an all-expenses-paid tour of some of the countries now threatening him, Cheney, and their pals with criminal prosecution for war crimes.

Why, I'd start watching CNN and C-Span again just to see that spectacle. Would you?

May 28, 2008

more on Inauguration 2009's horoscope

It was time for an update of my WordPress Page on the noon chart for Inauguration 2009 so I've added details on a few synchronistic historical links which will occur between Jan 20, 2009 and 1748 here if you'd like to mosey by for a visit.

And have you heard of former counter-terroism chief Richard Clarke's new book, Your Government Failed You...?

Clarke will be interviewed on NPR's Fresh Air tomorrow (edt schedule--check your local listings) so I may have to check it out. I only hope Clarke's book tells us Stuff We Don't Already Know--unlike Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book which so far gives me that 'NOW he tells us' about you?

One thing's for sure--I somewhat have to agree with Karl Rove for once: McClellan didn't criticise the war while he was working in the White House (paycheck in danger, Will Robinson, back away.)

Ugh. I just realized I agree with Karl Rove on something, pathetic defense though it may be for an administration's many lies, frauds, and self-willedness.

And both these books may secretly be backhanded ways of promoting propaganda as if anything ever happens in Politics that wasn't designed to happen...misdirected, ill-waged wars included.

Guess the Plame Flame continues scorching their sorry patooties just a little, doesn't it?

Grilled Butt of Rove for my July 4 picnic? No thanks, I'm veggan, but thanks anyway for offering.

May 14, 2008

America's Progressed Full Moon in Virgo

Here you see America's Secondary Progressed Chart for Dec 24, 2008, the moment of her Progressed Full Moon (based on 'Sibly' natal chart, July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT.)

Transits for that date and the moment of the Full Moon are written around the outside of the chart along with a few other details, plus you'll find more info here:

US Progressed Full Moon if you wish. I will be adding details there concerning the Hard Rectangle pattern you see in the chart as time and tech gremlins allow.

As you notice, the end of this cycle comes upon Christmas Eve 2008 and between the Nov 4 elections and Inauguration Day 2009.

Apr 29, 2008

Time Links: 1781 with Jan 20, 2009

Just a quick heads-up on a Page published today on some links between the charts of Cornwallis' Surrender of Oct 19, 1781, and the planetary positions of America's Inauguration Day 2009, noon est, Capitol Building, Washington, DC.

The 1781 chart, aka the Yorktown Surrender chart, is yet another of several versions known of America's birth or natal chart.

Well, sheesh and more sheesh! it's as if our Masonic, Sacred Geometry-versed Founders were trying to hide our beginning, rather than reveal it!

Do you ever get that creepy feeling from those cheeky monkeys of old?

But that's where the Yorktown Surrender chart comes in--the ceremony's hour was chosen by Gen Washington himself, and voila!

America is Free!

And see? there's a Lady at the 29th 2009 as in 1781.

I Knowww!

Feb 21, 2008

Were John and Vicki sittin' in a tree ?

Breaking: McCain linked romantically to lobbyist during first presidential run: NYT 21 Feb 2008:

Early in Senator John McCain’s first run for the White House eight years ago, waves of anxiety swept through his small circle of advisers. A female lobbyist had been turning up with him at fund-raisers, in his offices and aboard a client’s corporate jet.

Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself-- instructing staff members to block the woman's access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity.

When news organizations reported that Mr. McCain had written letters to government regulators on behalf of the lobbyist's clients, the former campaign associates said, some aides feared for a time that attention would fall on her involvement. Mr. McCain, 71, and lobbyist Vicki Iseman, 40, both say they never had a romantic relationship.

LegitGov Breaking News#

McCain says "it just isn't true." Well, I for one believe him. Maybe. And it's his showing legislative favoratism to her clients that's the greater story. Are her motives revealed?

Yet McCain's natal Mars (desire nature) is in Leo, sign of Romance and this placement is arrogant and conceited--which I assume accounts in large part for his being described as a narcissist. A passionate Leonine Mars has a great need to be appreciated a lover.

Now I don't know Vicki Iseman but one must imagine that she had romantic options other than John McCain--but perhaps his mojo mystique eludes me. The scent of power is THE aphrodesiac, they say...and the aroma of the money that comes with it. (If this wasn't the case for you, Vicki Iseman, all apologies!)

Now it's 2008, and Saturn is conjunct his natal Sun 6Vir02, a restrictive and inhibiting period when past (Saturn) mistakes may come to light...McCain's past is clamoring for attention.

And Saturn will be conjuncting natal Neptune 16Vir07--not such a good portent for leading the country for he will have difficulty comprehending the reality of situations, esp regarding money matters--shades of the current denizen.

(After that, it'll be Saturn conj US n Neptune, exact by the end of 2009, which is a time of disillusionment, no matter who inhabits the White House.)

Plus, last evening's Lunar Eclipse on the Vir/Pis-victim/savior axis occurred near enough to his Sun to cause an eclipse of ego recognition. Then there's the fact that the tr SN, a Saturnian and separative point which reeks of the past, has now moseyed just beyond McCain's natal Sun (ego; adult personality; life purpose), so it looks like troubles are upon him en masse.

In politics, that system of organized hatreds, it's the appearance of naughtiness which makes or breaks a politician and things are seldom how they seem. McCain was broken in SC in the 2000 campaign by the "black baby" illusion a la Bush-Rove, so is this romantic indiscretion of that same ilk or was it true dalliance?

In politics it doesn't really matter as long as the damage is done.

Anyway, the fix seems to be in for Barack Obama so all McCain's trials may be moot come January 2009.

Obama's Jupiter Return on or about Jan 9, 2009--conj the Inaugural Sun-Mercury conjunction 00AQ+ AND his natal Saturn in Cap conj Inaugural Mc (I KNOW!!!)--may be enough to gain him the scepter but he'll be under the sway of forces which will mercilessly use him as a tool for their purposes. He may not know this now and will discover it as he moves into the Oval Office.

And that's just the kind of president the powers-behind want!

Hillary is, however, playing for keeps and has waited years for the opportunity to take over the White House. It simply remains to be seen who the powers-behind want for their next shill.

Image: White Collar Affair, drawing by jude cowell from cosmic persona designs--hopefully my posting this illustration of a romantic triangle is the naughtiest thing I'll perpetrate all day! Use by express permission only.

Heads Up: John McCain's natal chart has been published with article in progress at Jude's Threshold if you're interested.

Dec 23, 2007

Is your North Node in Taurus?

Some of us, this reluctant astrologer included, were born with a Taurean North Node, so if your NN is in Taurus, have I got a blog for you:

North Node Astrology is written by Jungian astrologer, Elizabeth Spring, and has great info on NN in Taurus as well as on others. South Node details are, of course, included so take a peek if you haven't found Elizabeth's blog before this moment!

As previously stated here, I see heredity and ancestry where many others see past lives which means that to me, SN issues come through the generations of my ancestry...which includes family shadows and family myths. It's the unfinished business of our ancestors and we may feel compelled to 'tidy up' in our lifetimes.

Yet I find Elizabeth's writing on the Nodal Axis illuminating and useful all the same and you will, too.

In fact, many astrologers consider the NN to be the most important point in the natal chart, and much about one's life mission may be gleaned from NN, SN, and Sun positions when taken together.

And with the recent move from Pisces into Aquarius of the transiting NN, our collective path has now switched from the victim-savior/pragmatist-mystic axis of Pisces into the Aquarian humanitarian-egoist influence where it will remain through the 2008 campaign, and will reach 9AQ20 by Inauguration Day 2009.

This tells us that America will be experiencing her Nodal Half-Return (NN to SN, SN to NN) in April 2009 (True Node) which is a time of separation in relationships and associations--at least in those that are not strong enough to withstand the separative influence of the Saturnian SN.

If associations do withstand the Half-Return they are strengthened in some way, but since Bush & Co already have the US virtually standing alone in the world, keep your eye peeled for April 2009 and thereafter.

Therefore, 9Leo20 puts tr SN conjunct the natal Mercuries of George Bush and the GOP (which are conj at 9Leo+, along with Al Gonzales' Mercury) on Jan 20, 2009 and is part of the reason why I must wonder if a Republican will be ensconced once again in the White House come Jan 20, 2009 (surely not a Bush again.)

But more more on that another day...we're in for a long siege, dear voters.

Dec 21, 2007

Spotlight on Mercury: John Edwards

John Edwards (June 10, 1953; 7:02 am est; Seneca, SC; rated A: astrodatabank) is proud possessor of an out-of-bounds Mercury in his natal chart.

Out-of-bounds (oobs) planets accept no limits and may indicate boundless success and creativity--in the case of John Edwards, Mercury's territories of communications, oration, intellectual pursuits, and commerce seem to have benefited him greatly when he was trying medical malpractice suits and making millions.

You see in his natal chart that Mercury had just risen as he was being born, yet the Moon is chart-ruler (ASC 12Can01--conjunct US n Sun = the leader in a national chart. He has already expressed this connection, of course, in the Senate and in running for president 2004.)

Moon is in Gemini near Jupiter and all in all there are many factors showing money-making ability, and links to medical issues (including wounded Chiron in 7th house of marriage partner and legal affairs (lawsuits.) And Edwards isn't the only Washington politician with a Moon-Jupiter conjunction...expansive emotional desires used in public relations...Dubya is one such...the glass is supposedly always half-full.)

Tonight I'm looking at Edwards' Mercury in Cancer, 12th house, yet perhaps should mention that also in 12th house are Sun (politician; unconscious arrogance); and Mars 27Gem33..."28Gem" = "A man declared bankrupt"--DELIVERANCE...

pos: an effective and overall effectiveness even in the worst of situations;

neg/shadow side: a willingness to dodge every responsibility and betray the very core of self. (This "Bankruptcy" degree refers to court cases and to "enter(ing) new paths of opportunity) (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

Mercury in 12th house is very creative--as is the sign of Cancer, which is also connected to business and commerce) yet a 12th house Mercury, says Tracy Marks in her marvelous book, Your Secret Self, gives a constantly active mind, always seeking to organize vast amounts of stimulation and information; plus, a tendency toward nervousness.

Frequently there are negative messages from childhood which must be overcome--"don't be stupid" or "be quiet", etc. Then much can be achieved. 12th house Mercuries study many in-depth subjects behind the scenes--more than anyone knows.

In Washington, Sen Edwards was known to be a fast-talker, fast-walker, with little regard for protocol--Mercury in 12th house seldom develops an ability for small talk and makes compulsive lists of details for organizing and planning life.

An undervalued or overvalued intellect may result from having a 12th house Mercury and refuge may be sought in their intellectual capacities. Yet the Scarecrow's "If only I had a brain" mantra may sometimes prevail, esp during school days.

As you know, Edwards was first in his family to attend and graduate from college--AQ on 9th cusp of higher learning would've wanted that bwo Saturn's influence in 9th house. And Uranus' higher vibrations (AQ) would have wanted progress bwo higher education.

Basically this is a non-verbal thinker who perceives the world in terms of images, feelings, and sensations. His active Moon in combination with Mercury supports this, for Moon-Mercury is intuitive and thinks with the feelings (Tyl.) Moon is oobs, along with Mars and Mercury--and Edwards was born during a Moon hour--good for public dealings and publicity--an extraordinary amount of it thanks in part to an oobs Moon.

Although Gemini is the sign of a social butterfly, Moon-Mercury folks are usually very involved with their families. In fact, Edwards' Moon and Mercury are in mutual reception with one another, describing his family's strong support of his ideas and plans.

Mercury's only aspect is 'minor'...a semi-square with powerful Pluto. Semi-squares are in the octile family (8) and are weak but difficult; a separating semi-square = the release of self through creative interchange (The Astrology of Relationship, Michael R. Myer.) They show a tendency toward dynamic connections with others which manifest in either an exciting and constructive way or in a conflicting and difficult way.

And the combo of Mercury-Pluto = communicating or demanding new perspectives; persuasion ability (which attorneys need for success), and propaganda promotion--admittedly helpful in the political realm.

It may as well be for we sure are stuck with a gracious helping of it from every direction.

Mercury rules natal 4th (Virgo) and 12th (Gemini); Saturn is square Uranus--the two old vs new , tradition vs progress planets will be in opposition for the 2008 election and for Inauguration 2009. This re-contact may support his win along with this:

John Edwards--as you can see for yourself--has North Node (NN = connections with the public) conj his 8th cusp 3AQ13...and this is where tr Jupiter (3AQ32) will be at Inauguration Jan 20, 2009; noon; DC.

And while this one factor may not be enough to propel Edwards into the Oval Office, I've not found any other candidate with such an exact, or perhaps I should say, obvious--connection with Jupiter 2009, in 10th house of the Inauguration chart. Perhaps I will but haven't *as of yet.

*UPDATE 12.22: Barack Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap22 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ56 Rx are tucked next to the Inaugural 2009's MC (noon 26Cap11, conj US n Pluto) and Mercury 00AQ41Rx, and Sun 00AQ47. Obama-Edwards ticket?)

Yet Jupiter = Republican...though jolly Jupe is also the rich man (Edwards or Romney or---Bloomberg!), judge, preacher (Huckabee? don't even joke--more Bushesque Armageddon there; besides, church + state is unconstitutional), professor, guru...and attorney--which again could be...John Edwards and his out-of-bounds Mercury as prez or VP!

general notes on Mercury and the natal Mercury of Barack Obama here.

Oct 4, 2007

Inauguration Jan 20, 2009

Such as it is, here is the chart for Inauguration 2009 using Noon EST, Jan 20, Washington DC. Sometimes the public ceremony begins a minute or two after twelve but it makes no discernible difference. My theory about the secret ceremony they hold is that it probably happens when Sun is conjunct US's Capricornian n Pluto (power.) We have Jupiter 3AQ32 in 10th house along with the Sun (as always--it's noon) and in 2009 we have Mercury 00AQ41 Rx and cazimi the Sun (an ancient term for a very close conjunction thought to strengthen the Sun...cazimi, Arabic for "heart of the Sun") this at the least emphasizes the Sun's degree. This Jupiter will soon conjunct US's natal South Node which makes me wonder if we'll be suffering a president from our past (SN)--in a word, George Bush--esp since Jupiter signifies Republicans--or perhaps one who carries on Bush's globalist policies (which include Bush Sr's and others' NWO policies as well.) My own opinion is that the globalist agenda has gone to far to be given up now--they will do what they must to "win" the US presidency again even though cheating isn't "winning," it's stealing what you don't deserve. And with Jupiter nearer MC than the (Democratic) Saturn, a GOP prez is a distinct possibility (barfy as that is to say...and not that I think a Dem prez would make any difference with the NWO ball rolling along as it is. It's Pluto/Chiron's class warfare, baby.) Now you may prefer using "1AQ" for the Sun and Mercury 00AQ+ degree when it comes to Sabian Symbols but I prefer "30Cap" because it seems to apply to the top CEO of America... "30Cap": "A secret business conference"...OPPORTUNITY... pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; neg/unconscious/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. With the 2009 Mercury Rx at the same degree, I think it's correct to say that this is the operative word picture for our learless feader because the Sun represents the leader of a country in a national chart. And the Moon represents The People (and Publicity)--this one at a 29th critical degree. You do know that critical degrees may not be negative necessarily, but a matter which must be dealt with pronto. "29Sco": "An Indian squaw pleading for the lives of her children"... EFFECTIVENESS... pos: personal accomplishment through an exceptional gift for holding first things first; neg: naive willingness to truckle to others. (Truckling to politicians must cease--taking back America is overdue and more critical than anyone can express! This Moon's Symbol indicates to me our military's overextension and the resultant problems for our families as we play the world's police force.) If you click-to-enlarge the chart you'll see a 9th-house Mars at the New World Order's Uranus/Neptune degree of "18Cap" which is the smug or strong-armed paternalism mess the world is mired in...see NWO here. Uranus/Neptune = Mars: misdirected energy; lack of stamina; instability; impatience; nervousness; feeling of foreboding (midpoints pics: Tyl; Ebertin.) The Prenatal Eclipse Series which the 2009 Inauguration falls into is the 10 South Series--you see it in 4th house conjuncting South Node 9Leo20--and 4th house is the Basis of the matter. This PE at 9Leo 32 is conj Republican Party's n Mercury, George Bush's n Mercury, and the n Mercury of Al Gonzales.) See Adriano Carelli's info on the 8, 9, and 10 Leo area of the zodiac. Brady's Predictive Astrology gives this Series as: breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen; there's an apparent lack of options but then a worry will suddenly clear; the solution must be taken up without too much delay. The PE occurs Aug 1, 2008. Wonder what they have up their tricky sleeves between August 2008 and the Nov election? 10South's last occurrence: July 22, 1990; "30Can": "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (opposite "30Cap" mentioned above)... INHERITANCE: pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit; neg: the ultimate betrayal of selfhood by a false assumption of superiority. Inaugural Pluto is unaspected and is liable to run away with the chart and thus the 4-year term (this chart is good for the entire 4 years.) Pluto's position is not so good near the 9th cusp yet in the 8th house, plus there is quite a pile-up with Pluto 1Cap57--asteroids: Toro, Morya, and Eros (I will refer to these later on and link back to this chart when I do), plus three midpoints of note: Sun/Moon = Pluto: biased attitude or changed circumstances lead to critical phases in life; separation from others to start anew; a soul torn by inner conflicts; potential new relationship perspectives. Moon/Mercury = Pluto: persuasion or being persuaded; the force of thought; the necessity to adjust one's thinking to new conditions or circumstances; a reorientation of thinking caused by special events or experiences coupled with destiny (Pluto is a very karmic planet.) Moon/Jupiter = Pluto: an extraordinary and unusual striving for possessions and wealth; desire to start great enterprises; the big picture and the power to make it appear. America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 is conjunct Inaugural MC (Goals; Aspirations; WHY Point) which has been the case since the Inauguration was switched from March to January in the we get: Sun/MC = n Pluto: very strong drive to fulfill objectives; a violent attainment of one's aims; attaining leadership by use of force; realizing extraordinary plans; a tragic destiny (The Sun/MC midpoint = the Goal; Ambition.) Mercury/MC = n Pluto: pursuit of fanatical aims; excessive ambition (well you'd have to have this to be prez, wouldn't you?); a turn in one's career. Now here are the other midpoint pictures which will form for Inauguration 2009: Jupiter/MC = Sun: striving happily for attainment of aims; optimism; a person who makes the best of life's opportunities; illumination of one's life purpose; recognition and success. Jupiter/MC = Mercury: successful plans; lots of ideas; voluble communications; publishing; far-sightedness; large-scale projects or ventures. Saturn/NN = Moon: qualifying for responsibility; appealing to senior persons; standing alone in life; widows or orphans. Mars/Jupiter = MC: making favorable arrangements; love of enterprise; the excitement of being "on top"; opportunity for success. MC also has the oppressive plutocracy midpoint conjunct it--Pluto/Chiron. That curdles my bippy and puts US plutocracy "out there' for the world to see as America's objective...and US citzens may be seeing it without the rosy glasses we've so loved donning in previous years. Actually the rest of the world has deja-vu'd it long seems to have taken Bush Jr.'s miserable tenure to make it excruciatingly obvious here in the US. Jupiter/Pluto = Mars: organizing talent; applying controls to suit one's particular purposes; desire to achieve great things. Uranus/MC = Neptune: suppressed anger, paralyzed will; powerlessness; expecting recognition, withdrawal if frustrated. (Neptune here may be representing spies, jihadists, propagandists, spiritualists or religionists, idealists--anyone Neptunian, including governmental types.) ASC/MC = Uranus: excitable and adventurous people; upsets; a spoiling of one's plans. There are two midpoints focusing upon the NN (the path)... Venus/Pluto = NN: meeting people presents a gamble instead of security; a fascinating personality. Neptune/MC = NN: peculiarities; difficult relationships; sharing bad intentions with others; unpleasant associations. There are no patterns formed--no T-Squares, Grand Trines, etc. It's an hour of Saturn, planet of control, responsibility, and fate. And Moon is in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile aspect (165 degress) with the ASC--the Inauguration itself: Moon QD ASC: unpredictable, moody; need for emotions to be recognized; emotional dependency or emotional convictions prominent. There are more factors to consider but I will continue this grump later on for I have a theory that few people read long posts anyway--so if you made it this far, it's kudos for you from me!