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Showing posts with label Saturn-Uranus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturn-Uranus. Show all posts

Jun 13, 2011

6.15.11 Lunar Eclipse reflects threats to Luna, New Mexico

Evening of June 13, 2011: NPR News has a report on fires natural (and perhaps otherwise?) which began on the Colorado-New Mexico border in May 2011, and now are under unstable control when at all in June 2011. Feeds of NPR's related stories are included.

Earlier today I posted a certain point of view using Mundane Astrology concerning the Wednesday June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which by namesake resonates with the frequency of the town with the Moon-esque vibe: Luna, NM (there are two, one in Cadron Co., the other in Lincoln Co.) Paradoxically, its moniker was consciously given (perhaps by committee?) which for me conjures images of a Full Moon that can lift arm hairs when the topic of Lunar Eclipses comes up due to their often-documented and 'magical' ability to uncover things hidden or unconscious (see my previous post on Wednesday's eclipse, if you wish) and, in catastrophic cases out West, to also bring troubles apace to our homes and homeland (home = Cancer, the sign ruled by the astrological Moon.)

My thought is that the human race retains its collective memories and an eclipse of the Moon is by design a perfect cosmic vehicle and a trigger or timer for taking that unknown, unconscious, and possibly dangerous path where only the silver rays from a Moon Lantern lights us upon our journey. (Image of Tarot card #18, The Moon.)

>Thunder rumbles as I type and power surges have been off-on for a while now so I must mosey quickly, get my pc off the electricity. Meant to provide you with a link to include an article about Hamburg Iowa reported today to be under flood threat due to oncoming tides from a levee breach. (Storm's over, Tuesday edit: Hamburg Iowa under flood threat.)

Please pray for Luna, the surrounding environs, and Iowa - actually, toss in all of America and the planet if you care to, for watery yet smokey Neptune is active in the world and dissolving moorings of all kinds. (See today's earlier post about this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.) Even the old "fog of war" from the Vietnam War era is in the news this week with release of unredacted Pentagon Papers! (Lunar Eclipse revelations - see previous post as advised - if you wish, of course!)

If the Vietnam War era were a mere moment in time it might be titled, Flower in Gun Barrel Moment of illusion and the sort of pretending that gets a large number of people killed. The cosmic identity of such a moment is similar to the wrongheaded Splitting of the Atom Moment and, on another level, resembles the truism that a Genie can never fit back into her bottle once released. (Genie = Uranus, bottle = Saturn, of course.

When the atom was split, a perfect form or model was broken by curious human beings who had no clue how to repair the effects of their misguided arrogance while the bossy ones who ordered the project done and possibly helped bankroll it to some smattering degree held no qualms about the unleashing of this abominable power. The power was, after all, to be directed wherever the lucky gened powers-that-be were not.)

Luna, New Mexico; Mystic Rectangle June 2011

So for focusing our positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of those of us facing trials much larger than we must ordinarily withstand, good news is that there's a perfect Mystic Rectangle pattern formed around us tomorrow by 9:32 am edt (between Saturn (Air) and Uranus (Fire) with Moon in fiery Sag and Venus in airy Gemini, Hour of Venus) when high waters may inundate parts of the region even as huge fires challenge fighters across wide swaths of burned property. (Some duplicity may be afoot with Neptune whose archetype now showers us with too grand a performance before re-entering colder Aquarius from oceanic Pisces. Yes, it's that mix of wounding yet shamanic Chiron and Neptune again.

(If only flood water could be piped over to fight wild fires, creating balance between the two elements that together tend to be steamy hot and whose catalytic action may well lead to much soul-searching after searing experiences.)

My hope for protection and safety is being sent cross-country to the good people of the Western US and for the firefighters who risk their all. I do believe that angels of mercy stand ready at your command.


On The Big Picture right now (on LINK TV for me) with Thom Hartmann, General Petraeus is apparently the latest Lunar Eclipse victim...peep-eye!

Seems Gen. Petraeus' reporting on Aghanistan has left much truth to be desired from within the neocon-Zionist-warhawk' stance of 'politics of the national security state' which now strangles our nation and commandeers the top rung of priorities (financial, political nd ideological) for corrupted Washington and the soulless, 5-pointed death star, the Pentagon.

Meanwhile the security state's hierarchy of knaves and thugs can never get enough citizens to send into hellish war ('war is peace')...the 'right' Casio watches notwithstanding. It's up to we-the-people to reign the brigands in, for as we know, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Or words to that effect.

For more on such political topics you may wish, as tonight's Moon rushes to meet the Sun by Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse, to uncover and reveal The Digital Papers of Thomas Jefferson.


Blog Note: to generally answer an emailed Q about the current FaceBook 'facial recognition' controversy, it's my opinion that the top dogs at FB seems to consist of a bunch of sneaks. Yes, I left FB earlier this year and heard today that the number of FB deserters in the US is growing which is perfectly understandable, really. jc

Jun 6, 2011

Dancing w Thomas Jefferson June 4, 2011 (video)

No Dancing Allowed, Says Saturn!

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of America's existence, the powers that be have built up founder and Declaration of Independence author Thomas Jefferson to be our Icon of Freedom. Indeed, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial on the lunar Tidal Basin in Washington DC contains an imposing statue of our American Sphinx, a Francophile who must have turned a musical toe or two while enjoying the Parisian society of his day.

Video below: On Saturday, June 4, 2011, another 'dance-off' occurred only 3 days after a Solar Eclipse manifested @ 11Gem02 atop the Jefferson Memorial's dedication ceremony Saturn 9Gem21. The Memorial's dedication was held in 1943 during the transit of America's natal Uranus 8Gem55 (planet of freedom, independence, rebellion, revolution, and disruptive protests) by authoritarian and lawmaker Saturn.

President Franklin Roosevelt presided over the Memorial dedication on April 13, 1943, the 200th anniversary of Mr. Jefferson's birth (April 13, 1743 NS; Shadwell, Virginia; birth time usually listed as 1:53 pm LMT but is conflicted/unverified.)

May and June 2011

With rebellious Awakener Uranus (America's planetary totem) now @ '4Aries', it is interesting to note that the noon horoscope of the dedication ceremony of April 13, 1943 for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial now has transiting Uranus crossing the Midheaven of the chart (The Goal; Aspirations) and bringing disruptive dancing By, Of, and For The People with it while we remember and honor the principles of freedom and independence which Jefferson embedded and ingrained within our national documents!

The 1943 Saturn to US natal Uranus transit sounds suspiciously similar to current events such as being arrested (restrictive Saturn) for dancing in a public memorial space (free-wheeling Uranus.) Ramping up the political stakes, the US is now in the midst of a (30-year cycle) Saturn Return with the third of three conjunctions occurring on August 28, 2011.

Yes, a Saturn-to-Uranus transit occurred under Nixon's watch in the 1970s along with a reciprocal transit: Uranus to US natal Saturn (14Lib48.) Obviously, dynamics of the Saturn-Uranus dichotomy (status quo v progress; old structures fall so the new can be established; stagnation v reform) were heavily highlighted during the Nixonian era. As you know, Nixon removed the US from the gold standard which, among other things, made full payment of the citizenry's debts difficult if not impossible.

Here are brief descriptions of the reciprocal Saturn-Uranus transits of the early 1970s; Saturn and Uranus were precisely opposing one another on Election Day 2008 which marks the Obama administration with their brittle vibrations:

Saturn to n Uranus: circumstances restrict personal freedom and independence and attempts to take new approaches are stymied or delayed; unorthodox methods are nixed by authority; frustration results from a lack of planning; endless red tape creates delays but don't give up since thoughtful and careful organization can still win the day. (Or, Win the Future, as you prefer.)

Uranus to n Saturn: circumstances challenge or bring change to areas governed by tradition, rules, regulations, and laws as re-evaluation and review become necessary. These areas may be considerably altered while retaining the basic structures of society.

Fast forward to 2011, and it's tradition and stability on the chopping block as Pluto now deconstructs Capricornian systems and forms and topples world leaders and economies, and our national Saturn Return highlights the debt ceiling impasse now challenging America's ability to pay her debts if the nation's credit limit is not raised by August 2, 2011, as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner insists it must be...or we'll be in for a world o'hurt which may crash the remnants of a shaky global economy.

Yet total global financial collapse of the old is just what the New World Order ordered so their carefully planned agenda seems to be running on schedule.

Meanwhile, all this makes me want to dance the night away with Thomas Jefferson who warned us against many policies (standing army, foreign wars, a debilitated press, etc) now used and bedeviled by the Utopian Usurpers among us whose best ideas include criminal activities such as the resource plundering and population control allowed by endless war and brash anti-sovereignty invasions.

Further reading: America enters WWII.

Michael O'Reilly's Neptune Cafe serving up Political Astrology articles, horoscopes, and more.

What I'm reading now: American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson.

Mar 16, 2011

The Iron Wall (video link) -- of Zionist colonization

The Iron Wall (Video link)

"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind The Iron Wall, which the native population cannot breach."

Vladimir Jabotinsky 1923

Click to read details and view a 57-minute video on this important topic; naturally, the tense duo of Saturn (tectonic plates; soil; earth; constriction) and Uranus (splitting; breaking; loosening) are implicated and are associated in Mundane Astrology with the Middle East particularly Israel and Palestine. The duo's last Great Conjunction/s occurred three times through 1988 - under Ronald Reagan's watch though his deputies may have been minding the national store while the Gipper snoozed; Saturn and Uranus conjoined forces in the near-final three degrees of Sagittarius 27-28-29 rather near Galactic Center. 29 degrees of any sign, as you know, is often in critical or crisis mode and the planet prepares to move into new territory, the next sign.

We felt the Saturn/Uranus opposition in the November 2009 presidential election and again in 2010 across the Virgo-Pisces axis. Nowadays, with Capitol Hill's traditionalism v radicalism, plus riots, protests, strikes, rebellions, overthrows, stepdowns, bombings, disenfranchisement, earthquakes, volcanoes, and nuclear catastrophes, we groan under their brittle 165-degree quindecile relationship indicating 'disruption of governing systems' and 'defiance of law and order.'

Guess that also applies in the spiritual realm to natural law and order.


For more details on the compulsive-obsessive aspect The Quindecile, allow Ricki Reeves to explain.

Mar 4, 2011

Pegasus and the Virgo Full Moon of 3.19.11

Image: Horoscope of the Mar 19, 2011 Full Moon 28Vir48 in 3rd house @2:10 pm edt, Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity); Moon conjunct asteroid Nemesis; Sun 28Pis48 in 9th H conj Uranus 00Ari26, conj Fixed Star Scheat (Beta Pegasus); chart-ruler Moon applies: inconjunct Neptune 29AQ30 (0A42) in 8th H, and opposition Uranus (1A39) in 9th H.

1. Moon inconj Neptune in 8th H (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, and Transformation) describes a population (Moon) that is over-extended, vulnerable to deception, and has a weakened immune system (healthwise and financially.)

2. Moon oppo Uranus shows our mental and emotional stress and keyed-up nervous systems which need extra rest. (But no Big Green Moths that lead you to sleep-drive or sleep-eat, please!)

Moon, Sun, and Mars

From ancient scrolls (Moon '29Vir') to coiling serpents (Sun '29Pis'), this Full Moon chart is chocked full of interesting symbols and portents for the rest of March 2011 with the Full Moon as culmination of something begun at the last New Moon of March 4, 2011 (today.)

An unaspected Mars 19Pis29 in 9th H of Foreign Lands/Travel and Philosophy/Religion/Higher Education stands alone and adds wild card potential to what is already a wildly disruptive placement: Uranus, again at the Mars-ruled Aries Point. This conjoins US natal Ic as issues from June 2010 may be brought to the fore again since Jupiter and Uranus formed a Great Conjunction there (00Ari18) on 6.8.10; Jupiter/Uranus = a lucky break or win; associations with science, technology, discovery, and exploration; civil unrest; legalities used against strikes, protests, and rebellions; reforms that originate with religious principles.

Our nation's unionized states and the undermining of collective bargaining rights come particularly to mind.

Mars is, however, tied in with the chart energies through the trail of dispositorship: chart-ruler Moon by Mercury, Mercury by Mars, and Mars by Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair; Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and...

Mars/Jupiter = Sun: organizational talent; success; leadership; a love of enterprise; resolving to correct errors in judgment.

Mars/Jupiter = Uranus: breaking loose; explosive expression; domination; finding the best political approaches during times of unrest; abrupt uses of social forces; sudden changes in competitive rules,

Agitator Mars' Sabian Symbol: '20Pis' = "A Table Set for an Evening Meal." And in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli gives an apt word picture for this degree: "Full Moon" = super-rational logic, or no logic at all; a noble soul soaring above the miseries of every day life; a lofty imagination; men in public life led by by merely political principles and sticking to empirical methods; idealists.

Goals, Aspirations, and Ambitions

The Goal Point of the Full Moon (FM) chart is the Mc 13Ari31 ('14Ari' = "A Serpent Coiling Near a Man and a Woman") which has the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint upon it giving the energies an outlet for easy expression upon the World Stage (10th H):

Mercury/Jupiter = Mc: optimism; a wealth of ideas; a good speaker, businessman, or scientist; recognition of principles brings fulfillment; successful planning; a desire to build up (an army?)

(Note: all mdpt pics on this blog are from Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

The Mercury/Jupiter midpoint itself relates to a budget strained by inflation or over-expansion (which sums up the US financial condition that US politicians and banksters enabled, engineered, and/or allowed w the GOP seeking to roll back FDR's New Deal and gut LBJ's Great Society programs, no matter who suffers grievously), legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation, plans for growth, religious leaders who crave political power (Huckabee? other?), persuasive advertising (propaganda), luck with gambling schemes, and/or clever proposals. (Paraphrasing Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Working behind the scenes in 12th H of Large Institutions and Karma are America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx; opposing is US natal Pluto at Descendant which puts our natal progandistic, spying, political-talk-offering-abrupt-changes-to-some-functions Mercury/Pluto opposition on the Full Moon menu.

At the Foundation of the chart, (Ic = Home; Domestic Scene; Homeland; Security), lurks Saturn Rx, still within the process of our nation's Saturn Return. Saturn here and Rx indicates delays and restrictions, and may depress issues relating to the Real Estate market and the foreclosure process; tough controls may be implemented within security programs, and there are potentials for mining and/or weather catastrophes.

Also there may be slyness, deception, and plans beyond all reason connected with Mercury/Jupiter contacts.

As you see, the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be opposing one another off and on for some time; this is the culmination or fulfillment phase of their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems" which I believe relates directly to the Great Heist of US Wealth which peaked with Financial Collapse 2008 (Bush-Cheney=Paulson, TARP, etc.) As you know, the heist is ongoing and may have been specifically in its planning stages around the time of the May 2000 conjunction - if so, both Rs and Ds are implicated; the Jupiter/Saturn cycle affects trade, commerce, and stock markets.

Meanwhile, the Saturn/Uranus quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) is making itself felt big time by disruption of governing systems while breaking rules and regulations in defiance of law and order; Saturn QD Uranus is driven (QD) to use innovative ideas (Uranus) to break old or outdated concepts (Saturn.) (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As we read in the news, traditional Saturn's status quo is freaked out by Uranus' progressive, radical ideas and ideals. The Saturn-Uranus cycle is associated with events in the Middle East, particularly with Israel and Palestine; their last Great Conjunction/s occurred 3x in 1988 @ 27-30 Sag, degrees which were triggered when tr Pluto passed over them just before Mr. Underworld entered Capricorn.

Another picture is formed with secret hand Pluto as well:

Sun/Saturn = Pluto: an increased will to retaliate against others for slights; overwhelming rigidity and inflexibility; a disciplined person who wants power; developmental inhibitions due to illness; threat of loss in health or relationship; pressured to change one's entire value system.

The Nodal Axis in Play with Nemesis and Pegasus

Listed on the chart (click to enlarge, upper right) you see the double T-Square patterns of:

Sun/Moon = NN: associative and joining qualities; adaptation; commencing an association; contacts; joint success; groups that help achieve aims.

Moon/Uranus = NN: restless and excitable contacts; ambitious associations; creativity and inventiveness.

With the destined and futuristic North Node in 6th H, we may expect the energies of the March 19th Full Moon to release in the areas of Military, Police, Daily Life, and/or Health Concerns.

So! We have Nemesis (divine retribution; an unbeatable foe) contacting the Full Moon (the people) which falls between America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 and our Secondary Progressed Neptune Rx, opposing the Sun conjunct Fixed Star Scheat in Pegasus, constellation of the winged horse, plus, unpredictable lightening rod Uranus at the Aries Point of World Manifestation.

Pegasus relates to the number 4 of Physical Manifestation with its stars forming a square in the sky, and this links the constellation to the great square of the Sun - the four Equinox and Solstice Points; horses indicate speed and domestication and Pegasus is known in all cultures through the centuries; Scheat's key themes are: a lover of intellect, great mental creativity; Rigor adds turbulence; Ebertin adds a need to get past a 'mortal accident' and then there's a great flow of mental creativity. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.

Pluto Still Pulling Strings

Powerful, subversive Pluto 7Cap24 in 6th H of Military-Police Service, and Health remains as apex planet at the Saturn/Uranus midpoint, so the world continues to labor under the dire effects of:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality, violence; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; concealing changes to activities; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation (labor union busting? austerity cuts that harm the people and interfere with economic improvement?)

Since Saturn rules Aquarius, the sign on the Full Moon's 8th cusp - which is sub-ruled by Uranus - 8th H matters are intimately involved with the above indications; penned on the chart are two powerful midpoints conjoining the 8th cusp in Washington: power-craving Sun/Pluto and radical Uranus/Pluto.

And we might even say there's a critical YOD pattern of sorts with the sensitive Moon/ASC sextile at its base and pointing to a crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ30 (still within orb of US natal Moon 27Aq10 = fraud to the people)...

Moon/Asc = Neptune: feeling wiped out; self-delusion and deception from others; pretensions of concern; falsehood on the part of women; peculiar dislikes.

Neptune, planet of toxicity, is masking tr Ceres (security concerns; food supply, grains, milk; nourishment); FDA actions and inactions may be in the news again with Neptune's mass media emphasis.

And then at Midheaven, and ruling 2nd and 11th houses, is orating, planning, negotiating Mercury, speedy planet of trade, commerce, communications (speech-makers and writers, reporters and bloggers), thinking processes, and crossroads.

With Mercury posited at '17Ari', we have a picture of "Two Prim Spinsters" which negatively indicates 'an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue.' (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Ouch! Well, perhaps since this is a mundane chart concerning Politics and political thespians, we may wish to extend the word picture for '17Ari' to include the society-deceiving political 'spin-meisters' of Washington DC.


Yes, there are many other factors to consider in the Full Moon horoscope of March 19, 2011 and big doings are afoot across the nation and the globe so if you wish to comment, discuss, or opine, please leave your on-topic remarks along with any links to related topics. Thanks! Jude

Aug 21, 2010

Virgo New Moon for Rosh Hashannah Sep 8, 2010

Do you know there's more to Rosh Hashanah than being New Years Day in the Jewish calendar?

Beginning at sundown on September 8, 2010, this year's 48-hour festivities are marked by a New Moon 15Vir41 in 11th house of *Israel's 1948 natal chart (ASC 23Lib01 with chart-ruler Venus 4Can48 in 9th house and conjunct US n Venus and Jupiter; Israel's mavericky n Jupiter 27Sag39 Rx in 3rd house.) The New Moon trines natal Sun 23Tau40 (n 8th house) and is near Israel's natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint 13Vir30. It perfects in Jerusalem at 1:29:45 pm EEDT, and in Washington DC at 6:29:45 am EDT (1st house; ASC 12Vir06.)

(Note: the above ASC for Israel is a correction made 9.3.10; it doesn't affect the rest of this post. jc)

Both locations, indeed the entire world, have the Cardinal T-Square's midpoint pictures: Jupiter/Saturn - Pluto, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto. The combination of Saturn and Uranus are associated with the Middle East - Israel and Palestine in particular.

Paraphrasing Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints, Saturn/Uranus in Politics and Business:

counter-revolutionary rule; balancing conservatives with progressives; restrictions on personal contacts due to situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction (Gaza! jc); control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

And of course, transiting Saturn and Uranus are in their Full Moon phase these days being in and out of opposition to one another. This is the culmination of their Great Conjunction/s all through 1988 so the year's issues return to the table:

1. February 13 @ 29Sag55;
2. June 26 @ 28Sag47:
3. Oct 18 @ October 18 @ 27Sag49.

You'll remember that tr Pluto 'came through' those degrees during the Bush presidency and the world has experienced:

1988's Saturn/Uranus = tr Pluto: rebellion against one's lot in life; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss; concealing changes to activities; termination of extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes to a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; acts of violence and brutality; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure; war. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Setting the New Moon chart for Jerusalem, the New Moon of Sep 8, 2010 falls in 9th house of Foreign Travels which may perhaps relate to the visit of Palestinian and Israeli leaders to the White House during the first week of September 2010, a dark of the Moon period when shady things may occur out of sight. Perhaps the light of the Full Moon two weeks later will bring Israeli-Palestinian revelations or a 'truce' signing, if these ancient rivals remember how in their age-old round of vengeance and intolerance. (Israel's natal Chiron is in Scorpio which indicates a need to 'forgive the unforgivable' - what are the chances?)

Plus, with the New Moon's Mercury 6Vir51 retrograde, any agreement that may be signed during The Scribe's Rx period won't have much hope of amounting to anything lasting on the path to peace. Or at the least, fine print must be thoroughly examined and all the Ts and Is must be dotted. Details can trip anyone up during Mercury Rx periods.

Yet Mercury Rx may also relate to Israel, Palestine, and the US 'trying again' to establish an agreement. And Sept 8's New Moon Mercury conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a time when information, ideas, plans, and activities involve gaining more power, and valuable info is garnered or controlled; gathering finance and investment information is also on the president's agenda with this ongoing transit.

But peace in Palestine, too?

Well, as Gandhi said, "There is no path to peace. Peace is the path." (My emphasis.)

If only the global power elite neocons and Zionists who have Other Ideas for establishing a 'capital of the world' in Jerusalem would get over their tiresome obsessions and park their arrogant carcasses out of decent people's way.

You know, VP Joe Biden has stated on more than one occasion that he's a decided Zionist but you won't see the YouTube video I posted in 2009 by clicking. It has been 'removed' for 'violation of terms of use' - or by 'sensitive' government censors, imho. But click anyway, to read an insightful article, Demystifying Zionism.


*The State of Israel was created May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET Tel Aviv, Israel (historical record); Sun 23Tau40 in 8th h and Moon 4Leo21 in 10th h - a proud and regal combination; ASC 23Lib03 = Jupiter/Saturn: cycles of expansion or contraction; new ways of dealing with relationships; an inconstant or insecure attitude regarding other persons.

Natal MC 25Can02 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx so Israel's n IC conjoins US n Pluto; n MC = Venus/Saturn: reserve; jealousy; inhibited desires; irritability; dissatisfaction with others; feeling unimportant; never successful enough.

Nov 15, 2009

Scorpio New Moon Nov 16, 2009 + a secret post revealed

A SO'W heads-up for you:

An until-now 'secret' post saved in Draft form from early September, Signposts on the NWO Highway, has now been published after mild refurbishing.

Nov 16, 2009, Monday: New Moon 24Sco34, chart set for Washington DC @ 2:13 pm est has a 25Pis19 Ascendant with rebellious awakener Uranus 22Pis48 Rx rising along with Juno 22:16, an asteroid whose main claim to fame is as 'the wife' yet can have abuser/abused connotations as well; Uranus trines the New Moon (1S46.)

Monday's New Moon falls in Washington's 8th house with Venus 11Sco01 and Mercury 1Sag13 - '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" in the Sabian Symbols.

ASC '26Pis' = "A New Moon that Divides Its influence." Well, that's appropriate for a New Moon chart, isn't it? Moon is VOC once Luna leaves her conj with the Sun.

Pluto, the actor I consider to be co-ruler of this New Moon in Scorpio, is nearing Midheaven - Pluto 1Cap45, Mc 27Sag26. Mc has two midpoint pictures upon it with the Public Sector as outlet for energy expression in the larger world...

Saturn/Uranus = Mc: removing old habits; accepting change; altering personal goals and aspirations due to changes in society or at work; releasing old ideas that are no longer effective.

This supports our current Solar Eclipse season from July 21, 2009 with its 'systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed to deal with events' vibe (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

In Politics, the Saturn/Uranus duo stand for the legislative process and legislative and executive interactions, balancing conservatives and progressives, and/or counterrevolutionary rule. There may be control of access to political dissidents (involving the proposed NYC trial of 9/11 suspects?)

Mercury/NN = Mc: use of groups with similar interests assist and enhance presige, stature, and reputation; intentions to supply data.

Mercury/NN in Politics has a 'new corridors for transportation' flavor, and indicates well-thought-out and coordinated joint efforts; use of transportation capabilities for smuggling, and/or ineffective efforts to coordinate transportation options.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

At Ic (End of the Matter) is '28Gem' which is, once again, in the Sabian Symbols, a degree of BANKRUPTCY, and we're still operating under the rays of the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse, the 'systems fail, new ideas and methods needed' Series (Brady.) This degree is also that of 9/11's Moon.

(Are you counting how many times you hear the word 'system' in the news and in conversation since the financial meltdown began to rear its long-planned head?)

Well, instigating operative Mars 13Leo22 in 5th house is busy in dramatic Leo, sign of the natural ruler, as he revs up to oppose the Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune trio in Aquarius - here in 12th house of behind-the-scenes where political deals are forged.

The exact Great Conjunction (#3 of 3) of Jupiter and Neptune, whose blend of energies can be lovely in a happy 'grand spirit' sort of way, or speculatively fraudulent like a Wall Street bubble or a floating cross-country homemade balloon with an illusory boy aboard....perfects on Dec 21, 2009 @ 24AQ18 @ 3:50 pm est, which squares the Nov 16 New Moon we discuss here. Mars will be Rx @ 19Leo41 by then and at Mc of the Jup-Nep Great Conjunction chart.

As you know, Jupiter and Neptune met twice before with 2009 being 'their year' of 'going with the wind' as they play around with the US ntal Moon 27AQ10 in America's 'Sibly' chart (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.) This is the 'becoming involved in speculation' picture I've groused about many times here and at Jude's Threshold and the 2009 Health Care/Insurance Reform debate and its possible legislation falls under this category, imho, along with inflationary printing of currency and the weakening of the US dollar.

Jupiter conj Neptune:

1. May 27, 2009;
2. July 20; and
3. Dec 21, 2009

Wall Street does love a good bubble and Jupiter-Neptune hook-ups are well-qualified to inflate the market with piles of fake money while Washington attempts to pull a boondoggling behemoth of health insurance reform over our woolly noggins one more time - and greatly increases the size and scope of government in the process. To paraphrase President Obama on the health reform issue, This is it.

In the New Moon chart, the Jupiter-Neptune conj squares the New Moon (0S50) and the two are ruler and co-ruler of the chart's Pisces Ascendant. Saturn 1Lib49 is within orb of his recent and ongoing conjunction to US natal Mc ('Sibly' 00 Lib53) and is in 7th house of the New Moon chart. May Saturn's Exaltation in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, aid America with the 9/11 trials in NYC or wherever they may be held. (It's about time, but using civilian courts seems a daft idea to me.)

So with Nov 16's New Moon being the start of a new cycle of activity, we may wish to consider the Sabian Symbol of its degree, '25Scorpio' for any clues for our astro-inquiry...

'25Sco' = "An X-Ray"...INVESTIGATION...

positive expression: an exceptional power of analysis;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: uncritical over-sensitiveness to both the condition of self and the state of society. (Marc Edmund Jones; my bold.)

One thing more - two asteroids are conjunct Monday's New Moon...

Hidalgo 24Sco35 (one of the power-wielding asteroids), and Cupido 25:03, an asteroid that can alternate between wearing several caps: corporatism; The Family; syndicates; group associations; Art. And Cupido and his counterpart, Eros, are both related to piercing, such as with the Arrow of Love - or of Hatred, if certain tides have turned.

Now how about the Sun Sco-Moon Sco Images for Integration?

'A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Mar 31, 2009

Chomsky video on the economy + Spitzer, Afghanistan, Wall Street, and Obama

Article Round-Up March 31, 2009:

"Graveyard of Empires. Welcome to Vietnam, Mr. President"

By Ray McGovern

The chickens are coming home to roost after eight years of Cheney and Bush, but there is no sign that President Obama is listening to anyone capable of fresh thinking on Afghanistan. Obama has apparently decided to stay in the chicken coop. And that can be called, well, chicken.

Putting A New Coat on a Failed Strategy

By Ron Jacobs

Washington and its NATO cohorts will stay in Afghanistan until the world is safe from Al-Qaeda. Left unsaid by Obama, just like it was unsaid by George Bush, is the reality that foreign troops killing Afghans and Pakistanis has done very little to end the supposed threat from Al-Qaeda.

It's a bird...It's a plane...No, it's Spitzer to the Rescue

By Mike Whitney

If Obama is serious about restoring confidence in the markets, he should replace current SEC chief Mary Schapiro with Eliot Spitzer. That would send a message to the world that the president is through messing around. Schapiro is another Wall Street today who believes the markets can regulate themselves.

Noam Chomsky on the Economy and Democracy: Video & Transcript

Chomsky: Plan is recycled recycled Bush-Paulson. We need nationalization and steps towards democratization.

Obama's Attack on the Middle Class

By Paul Craig Roberts

If the tax rate on a multi-million dollar annual income goes up by 5 percentage points, the cutbacks won't really affect the lifestyle.

The Absurdity of Spending US Tax Dollars on Israel


Paul J. Balles argues that if enough ordinary Americans "feel the pinch and connect the dots between their own financial losses and America's continued unbridled support of Israel's devastating war machine, Israel could be forced to make peace with the Palestinians.


During his second term, Pres. Ronald Reagan, laboring under many difficult transits to the US natal chart in the late 80s-early 90s, declared March 21, 1989 to be "Afghanistan Day" - more than a little imperialistic and insensitive of him, I'd say.

America had done many things to undermine the Soviet Union while their troops occupied Afghanistan including the CIA working with Osama bin Laden and approving of his setting up al Qaeda.

So I took a peek at a chart for March 21, 1989, noon, Washington, DC and saw the trio of Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus (4 - 14 Cap) opposing America's natal planets in Cancer - difficult transits for US authority, aims, relationships, and values.

And since the pair of Saturn-Uranus, (fresh from their Great Conjunction/s of 1988 - Feb 13, June 26, and Oct 18 in the 27 - 30 Sagittarius range) represent, on one level, the Middle East (particularly Israel-Palestine), you may wish to know the midpoint picture formed by the trio marking the idealistically named, 'Afghanistan Day'...with Neptune signifying oil, gas, water, ideals, dreams, drugs including poppies, and the veils of deception (including self-deception)...

Saturn-Uranus = Neptune: a new vision fighting to be understood; feeling lost; the inability to face emotional stress; falsehood or malice caused through weakness; resigning oneself to the inevitable; abandoning resistance; weakening strength; separation; bereavement.

With the Sun in a national chart signifying the nation's leader, we may assume one situation described by these transits was Reagan's weakening health and mind - his sleepiness was harder to hide from the public than FDR's wheel chair had been.

Another midpoint picture from that day involves the pair of Jupiter and Uranus, whose synthesized energies represent optimism, lucky breaks, far-sightedness, organizers and inventors, among other things (Ebertin.)

Jupiter-Uranus = Mercury: gathering of ample knowledge (intell?); a fortunate turn in one's occupation; a person with an abundance of thoughts; planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks. (All midpoint pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

And so we are reminded that Astrology describes the complexity of life as positive transits occur simultaneously with more negative ones. Planets retrograde (seem to move backward), then turn direct and 'hit' or contact our planets more than once which extends the length of time the transits affect us...more time to get things right, to understand, to work it out better 'this time.'

Now thuggish Pluto is making his weight felt in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer (the same ones mentioned above in the 3 - 14 degree range) - Pluto in Capricorn, sign of authority and control - and we face difficult times once again with a president whose job it is to deal with it.

Venus, Jupiter, and Sun...luxuries and values, money, ego, the things America holds dear, are under siege. But as with personal charts we may remember the one factor that Astrology brings to the table, the element of Time.

And the wisdom to know that all good things - and bad things - must come to an end.


Evening Update: I return to find that Juan Cole has written on Pres. Obama's apparent Domino Theory for Afghanistan as he uses the same old boogeyman rhetoric favored by his predecessor in the Oval Office.

Aug 25, 2008

Biden video: I'm a Zionist

In Case You Missed It Joe Biden: I am a Zionist

2 Minute Video

US Senator Joe Biden, candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination,speaks with Shalom TV CEO Mark S. Golub on Israel and Jewish-related issues in this exclusive interview... you see, Biden is not only a credit card company shill against the American people's best interests, he holds the Zionist card's chaotic societal tinkering and highminded idealism in his globalist hand. Gravitas for Obama indeed.

Yes, Pluto/Chiron is on the march with -ISMs by the score! By Inauguration Day 2009, transiting Pluto/Chiron = Inaugural Midheaven (the goal) at noon in Washington, along with US natal Pluto on display as it's been since Inaugurations were switched to Jan 20 in 1937 (on FDR's watch) so we've been seen (MC) as the world's policeman, oppression complimentary.

Prior to 1937, Inaugural MC fell at 8Pisces+ which showed the world the US natal Ceres (the mother - the Statue of Liberty's nurturance of the weary; security issues) as did America's NATAL Pluto/Chiron there a theme here?

Foreigners are no longer as welcome to our shores, are they? We're full-up, amigos.

You know actually I neglected to mention in earlier posts today about this week's Moon passing the Dem Party's natal Saturn/Uranus midpoint which indicates a meeting with those who are described by Saturn/Uranus - Israelis (and Palestinians, too) and relating particularly to the D-Party politics (natal chart.)

I figured this was significant in an Israeli-American sense, but had such a list of midpoints to give you, I started the Convention's 'Moon clock' with 22Gem56 at sunrise Monday - and the Dem Party's natal Saturn/Uranus midpoint is 20Gem30.

Is this Biden and his much-touted foreign policy experience reflected in the light of an out of bounds Moon?

Anyway, here's the midpoint picture created which may or not apply:

Saturn/Uranus = Moon: a sudden desire to liberate oneself from emotional stress; emotional courage emerges under duress; changes for freedom; possible separation from females.

Well, I'm a female about to separate from these issues for today, because this is the most time I will have to blurb on the Dem Convention at one sitting until later in the week.

This grumps me up because they're delivering to us such grand political theater, dahlink!

Feb 26, 2008

Clinton-Obama: Catfight in Cleveland

Rrraowrrwwrrr! The fur may fly tonight as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama square off in Cleveland, OH, 9:00 pm est. Will the lions' mitts be off?

With two US natal planets angular--Saturn in Libra rising, US n Sun at MC, our natal Sun-Saturn square will have an outlet and platform during tonight's rumble.

Sun-Saturn squares indicate one who (or an entity that) is defensive and fears rejection. Let's say that Obama represents the Sun here and Clinton = Saturn, the establishment actor. Obama brings the new--or at least hints of it--and Clinton is the more traditional whether or not she would be so as president--the fact is, she's the older of the two.

A Sun-Saturn square must be willing to suffer the frustration of not reaching goals so that judgment may be sharpened for making decisive plans "going forward." For success, this is the one-step-at-a-time aspect where feelings of inferiority must be conquered, yet not everyone admires people who 'come on strong' (Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier.)

This may be Hillary's result if she criticizes too harshly Obama's lack of experience for she has already delivered her judgment from on-high: his approach to foreign policy is "reckless and naive.'

(One must wonder how much more reckless and naive foreign policy could get than that of pie-in-the-sky-bombs-on-the-ground George Bush.)

So tonight in Cleveland, chart-ruler Venus is in 4th house in close conjunction with Mercury 11AQ26/37, and Chiron is triggering the recent Solar Eclipse at the "Unmasking degree" (she may have hopes of further unmasking Obama--bet she does.)

Moon's applying aspects: square Chiron (1A30), trine Uranus (2A05), but then a crash against a square to veiling Neptune (6A22.)

Sun makes no applying aspects, leading me to believe that Obama's position may stay the same after tonight--in the catbird seat. Rrraowwrrr! Yet if Hillary is correct about Barack's lack of substance, his lion's roar may turn out to be only a pussycat's snarl. Personally I'd rather have an Obama lion than a McCain dragon any day.

NN (contact with the public) is conj US n Moon (27AQ10 in US Sibly chart = people are watching), Sun 7Pis51, "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (didn't know Hillary could play an instrument), and Mars, now direct but still in his Rx shadow, is in 9th house of Philosophy, Education, and Foreign Enemies...and in orb of his recent conj with Clinton's n Uranus, a very energizing transit when new methods are tried and there's danger in the environment.

Sun has been at Clinton's n Mc this week which is also Obama's n Chiron; and the 2nd cusp of money in the debate chart has Obama's n Neptune upon it. Perhaps instability with money may be a point of attack--squirrelly land deals, or whatever is yet to be revealed about his past financial dealings...friends being indicted, that sort of thing. You know the script for political thespians--we've heard it all before.

Yet perhaps the unmasker will turn into the unmasked!

Asteroid, Apollo, the hero, is conj Mc and US n Sun tonight, which sounds like Obama to me--at least it does to his followers. Golden Apollo, everyone's hero.

Moon 15Sco57 may indicate some betrayal at work relating to the 2nd house of values; money; relationships, and Moon is conj Clinton's n Venus 16Sco51, with her n Chiron nearby (Venus-Chiron = wounded love; love on the sacrificial altar, etc; plus, money issues for her, as well.)

Saturn has been visiting Obama's n Pluto of late, seemingly giving his power potential more structure rather than limiting it, and in 10th house of the 'debate' chart is Obama's n Mercury and Sun in shiny and entertaining Leo.

And with his n Mars 22Vir25 conj US n Neptune, it's doubtful the American public sees his actions very clearly (or ever will.) Of course, this also describes Obama's ability to activate (Mars) America's ideals (Neptune) for work and service (Virgo.)

Hillary's n Sun 2Sco48 is in the debate chart's 1st house, therefore rising a few minutes into the session.

Perhaps tonight with chart-ruler lady Venus applying to a sesquisquare with Mars, and trining the ASC (the debate itself), yet inconjuncting Mc (goals; aspirations) the unmasking will show who they both really are. New vs Old, status quo vs the avant garde--a perfect match for the Saturn-Uranus opposition which the world will be enduring in time for November elections.

But tonight staid Saturn and progressive Uranus are in an obsessive-compulsive quindecile dance (165 degr):

driven toward breaking old and outdated concepts through the use of innovative ideas; may break the rules through defiance of law and order; may disrupt governing systems; benefit comes bwo making societal changes for the betterment of mankind (Reeves, The Quindecile. )

'The betterment of mankind' would be good about now, si?

Well, there is a high-flying Kite formation at 9:00 pm if you're willing to count MC as the 'tail'--which counts US n Sun (and Bush's n Sun) with moneybags Jupiter 15Cap05 at Ic. Moon and progressive Uranus make up the rest of the Kite pattern, so we have these pictures...

Moon-Uranus = Jupiter: large plans to put self forward; sudden success;

Moon-Uranus = Mc: much excitement about ambition; sudden changes of plans; potential gains.

Moon-Uranus = US/Bush n Sun: anxiety about accomplishment; sense of free will; sudden attachments.

There is also a T-square of sorts, Jupiter-Mc = ASC: pleasant contact with others who support one's personal success.

With testy Mars still wandering out-of-bounds (and not cooperating with the other actors) and the Cleveland debate's Sun-Moon phase being Disseminating, information dispersal will be the order of the evening.

Whether political points are scored between candidates is another matter, but I'm fairly certain the public will be hearing a message or two from on high.

The *Images for Integration of tonight's Sun-Moon blend may be of note--it's an intuitive Water-Water combination: Sun Pis-Moon Sco...

Longfellow's poem, The Secret of the Sea...Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.

Secrets revealed and wrath exposed? Rrrraowrrr, it should be an interesting squabble.

And now here's an apt quote from John Steinbeck who shares the Sun Pis-Moon Sco combo natally:

It is the nature of a man as he grows protest against change, particularly change for the better.

And from the master futurist:

"Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits, but according to who does them. There is almost no kind of outrage, torture, imprisonment without trial, assassination, and bombing of civilians, which does not change its moral color when it is committed by our side. The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, he has remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them."

-George Orwell

Jan 21, 2008

Chomsky on US backing of Israel

Noam Chomsky

The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine/Israel

22 Minute Video

Chomsky says US backing of continued Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestinian land is the biggest obstacle to peace.

Article at Information Clearing House.

The Saturn-Uranus pair (Middle East esp Israel and Palestine) began their cycle at conjunction in 1988:

1. Feb 13; 29Sag55
2. June 26; 28Sag47
3. Oct 18; 27Sag49

This cycle I have mentioned before because their opposition phase is now forming 20 years later and the Dec 11, 2007 Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto occurred upon the above degrees (28Sag24.)

Peace brought by Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats?

Peace imposed from without? Or the people's misery made worse for political gain?

Whatever it brings, the opposition phase is one of culmination--like a Full Moon--so as the people of Gaza suffer, I pray for the peace of Israel as Scripture admonishes us to do, Palestine included.

Is cutting them off without food is the best anyone can do?

Jan 14, 2008

Mercury the Messenger gets fly-by from Messenger!

In a spree of mythological perfection, NASA has named its Messenger after the planet it intends to fly by today.

Either that or there's an astrologer in the bunch!

So where is Mercury in the zodiac as this "different approach" makes the news?

Setting the chart for Cape Canaveral, FL and putting Mercury, planet of communications, planning, and travel (esp air) at MC--the Goal/Aspiration Point of any chart--we see Mercury positioned at 10AQ25 (tropically speaking.)

Aquarius is associated, of course, with science (esp the modern, progressive kind), air travel, group projects, and humanity...and is the sign which contains the Angel Point (15AQ.)

Chiron, the Key and *Bridge between Saturn and Uranus, is approaching the Angel Point now as the Saturn/Uranus opposition becomes exact.

*Is Bush attempting to "play" Chiron, the Healer as he visits the Middle East? The combination of Saturn/Uranus and their cycle represents that region, particularly Palestine and Israel. But if Bush is an "angel" he's one of the dark ones. For in arrogant defiance of decency and love of humanity, he's over there calling for more war! That man can't get enough bombing, can he?

But let's go back to bright Mercury:

Click chart to enlarge and you will see two midpoints with Mercury as focal point (and thus is MC focal at 1:39:25 pm est) and they are:

Sun/NN (the public; new contacts; shared experiences; intellectual associations) = Mercury: communication; news; commentary.

Sun/NN = MC: becoming prominent through associations; fighting other people's battles.

Jupiter/Uranus (high expectations; deep respect for knowledge; breakthroughs; opportunities; long distance travel) = Mercury: planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; confidence; gathering ample knowledge; ready wittedness; a fortunate occupational turn.

Jup/Uranus = MC: optimism; fortunate powers of adaptibility; attainment of good knowledge and understanding; becoming known for who one is.

Prospects sound good already for getting to know 'who' Mercury is!

This chart indicates that NASA willbe able to gather all the info they want on this hot, speedy little planet, and with Mercury at MC, the ASC degree is parallel the helpful Fixed Star, Arcturus, keywords: a different approach.

Today's fly-by is the first of three passes to Mercury-of-the-wing'ed-helmet-and-heel and I'm wishing them good speed and happy outcomes.

Yet! the chart has connections indicating the public's continued fascination with the presidential campaign today: Moon "11Ari": "The president of the country."

But with Mercury as my natal chart-ruler, I don't want to steal the Messenger's Uranian thunder today and I'm sure we'll be hearing communications from and about the candidates without a speck of prompting from me!

UPDATE: Messenger's closest approach to Mercury was to occur at 2:04:39 pm est. Setting another chart for that time at Laurel, MD (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab) places idealistic (and perhaps deceptive or dissolving) Neptune at MC...

"20AQ" = "A big white dove, a message bearer"...keyword: CONVICTION...

pos: a facility for ordering all personal desires in a cosmic framework and a gift for knowing when to act and what to do;

neg: sanctimonious self-deception.

Check out the Mercury Messenger website where you can type in your city and find out the best time of day to look for Mercury--either just before sunrise or just after sunset--and keep up with the mission.

Sep 18, 2007

Michael Mukasey July 28, 1941

Here you see the sunrise chart (birth time unknown) for Michael Mukasey, July 28, 1941, Bronx, NY (click chart to enlarge.)

Since Mukasey may not become Attorney General after all the hullaballoo over Congress' demands for purgegate info which the White House is shy about giving up, I'm posting this natal chart for future reference if needed.

One can't help but notice though that his natal Sun is conjunct powerful Pluto so his father must've been a doozy--this conj indicates that his parents were involved in a great power struggle for control so Mukasey tends to see the world in this's how he relates. And Leo is inordinately proud, too, and fancies himself a natural ruler.

People with Sun/Pluto conjs tend to overwhelm others--with love, concern, guilt, problems, solutions, or anything they can think of. There's a certain amount of obsession, resentment, and a sense of self-righteousness implied and possible implications of heart problems.

And with Chiron in the Sun/Pluto fray, we have the plutocratic Pluto/Chiron pair with its loftiness issues, plus Sun/Chiron gives an early sense of destiny. This pile-up is conj US natal NN as well...public associations bwo of his power potential.

He's very much a meeting the powerful and exerting control kind of guy who should have no trouble meeting the demands of the NWO agenda, but as with everyone, it is his natal chart to choose how to use.

His Sun and Pluto are midway between Jupiter and Neptune so we see two natal midpoint pictures:

Jupiter/Neptune = Sun: following a dream; trying to capture the essence of things; deceiving or being deceived; lack of self-control; irresponsibility; speculation.

Jupiter/Neptune = Pluto: far-reaching speculations; a great loss; unreasonable plans; self-projection out-of-hand; major adjustment of life circumstances.

Being natal, these pictures may apply in any combination (or none) or at various times of life. I'd say the last one is applicable now with his possible government job.

Pre-natal Eclipse Series: 15 South: a situation which has been lingering will suddenly clear but there is a sense of grief or loss esp in the collective or within a group. Last manifested: Apr 29, 1995, next: May 10, 2013.(Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

The clump you see at Neptune/NN with the Moon (and the Moon reaches Libra at 12:41 pm on 7.28.41 so he could be a Leo/Virgo or a Leo/Libra personality with Libra being the sign of the scales of justice)--indicates spiritual or occultist tendencies in group endeavors along with sentimentality. (I don't know enough about him personally to know if this is correct - I'm just reading the chart. Is he of the Catholic persuasion, by chance? Jewish?)

Born during a Saturn/Uranus conj, it's interesting that the pair will soon be in the opposition phase of their cycle--for the 2008 election and the 2009 Inauguration. Oppositions are the culmination stage of a cycle. The old vs new Saturn/Uranus combo can be very ambitious with an exciting the status quo into new development flavor.

He certainly seems to be part of the Bush-Cheney agenda, and the Federalist Society is right up in there.

Around the outside of his chart:

Yesterday (Sept 17) when Bush announced Mukasey as his pick for US Attorney General, there were two transiting conjunctions to his natal planets - Saturn (responsibility; authority; control) to Venus, and Sun to natal Neptune, a planet of veils and illusions.

Saturn to Venus: seriousness enters the environment; relationships with females, other alliances, and joint ventures are curtailed by responsibilities (taking a job in government, and less money); greater commitment is called for; formality of manner; endeavors become more focused.

Sun to Neptune: ideals, fantasies, and spiritual matters become part of the environment; assistance may be volunteered (help! says George); reality may be conveniently lost sight of or others may hide the truth as inattention and flexible morals creep into the picture (in Washington, they crept in a long time ago. Remember Bush's first campaign days and his slogan to bring integrity back to the White House? I knew then that was a crock but little did I know what a giant crock it was.)

However, I do hope Michael Mukasey, if he becomes US Attorney General, can put the DOJ back on a more reasonable and less politicized course, don't you?

Sep 7, 2007

al Qaeda: 1988--2007, and Jupiter-Pluto

With today's announcement of the scoring by the US gov of what is supposedly another bin-Laden-Gone-Wild Video, this double-ringed chart image has al Qaeda's natal chart of Aug 11, 1988, surrounded by 'noon' today in Washington.

As you see, al Qaeda was cobbled together during the Great Saturn-Uranus Conjunction of 1988. Their last hook-up was a 'triple' with the middle conj being the Rx phase.

The dates for their triple 1988 Conjunction are:

1. Feb 13; 2.June 26; 3.Oct 18.

December 11's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto 28Sag24 (nuclear expansion? bombs flown across six US states to LA? religious big-dogs or mullahs meet with behind-the-scenes power-mongerers? Economic transformations? increase of power for *plutocrats? All of the above and then some?):

Jupiter-Pluto in December will be triggering al Qaeda's natal Saturn-Uranus conj and eventually natal Pluto (but that's not for a while. With Saturn and Uranus now moving into opposition--the Full Moon phase of the cycle which began in 1988--and with tr South Node now conj al Qaeda's Pluto-Chiron midpoint, they're falling back on old tactics. Perhaps old footage made up this new video.

Click to enlarge chart to read more details, for as you know, the SN is the tail of the dragon, where people--or entities--use past talents for present predicaments. Whether it is appropriate and thus successful depends on many other factors which I have no time to fuss upon. And in recent days, blogging from my heart has been interrupted by pocketbook concerns in the real understand! Anyway:

Saturn/Uranus = Jupiter: adaptive ability; a sudden turn of destiny; losses; damage to buildings; motor damage.

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality and violence; harm through force majeur; rebellion against one's lot in life; extraordinary efforts overcome difficulties.

Switch the emphasis to the Jupiter-Pluto conj as it affects al Q's natal chart and we see:

Jupiter-Pluto = Saturn: iability to progress; separations.

Jupiter-Pluto = Uranus: fanatically striving for improvements; the quick exploitaiton of every situation; sudden reforms; quick developments; adjustments to new circumstances.

As with all triggering of midpoint pictures, manifestation may be either: all, any combination, or none-of-the-above.

And yet it is quirky, isn't it, that bin Laden 'chides' the American people for "re-electing" Bush--as if his previous video didn't promote just that. "Convert to Islam," says he. Personally I owe all allegiance to the Creator of the Universe who does not condone the worship of death as some people would slanderingly represent Him to prefer. Hogwash!

You see in the natal chart the Leo Moon--al Q's reigning need (Moon) is for approval and recognition, both of which are provinces of Leonine egoism/tism and pride. Leo thinks only he can rule, and that, monarchically.

But we know that Love is the Foundation of the Universe, bin Laden-types notwithstanding.

To be sure, it's Satan fighting Satan...with innocents in the middle. Hopefully you, Dear Reader, are not one of the hoodwinked! Is it real? Or is it Memorex? What do you think?

*The word, plutocrat is also applied to the blending of Jupiter-Pluto energies as is the Pluto-Chiron combo.

Here's a post on the Solar Eclipse of Sep 11 2007.

Here's my previous post on the current triggering of 1999's Pluto-Chiron conjunction. This oppressive, corporate pair were parallel one another in mid-August, 2004 (a parallel is similar to a strong conjunction and is useful for timing purposes.) Jupiter has been visiting the 1999 conj degree (11Sag+) of late and giving it expansion ideas it doesn't need.

Or how about a lighter note? See new Art at Cosmic Persona Designs, for a frothier moment than you'll be finding around SO'W...because when world leaders su*k, they su*k bigtime.