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Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US economy. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2016

Morning Joe - Giving Up on Trickle Down?!? - video

March 8, 2016: glad that Thom Hartmann is talking about what Joe Scarborough said about the trouble with the Republican Party though I'd like to tell Mr. Scarborough that this isn't all:

Possibly Related: Obamaism vs Reaganism: Jupiter-Neptune and Pluto-Chiron. Note that both Cruz and Rubio were born with major Jupiter-Neptune signatures though Rubio's conjunction is closest with Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius (relates to others as a Sagittarian) unlike Ted Cruz whose Jupiter is in corporate-minded Scorpio (relates to others as a Scorpion, an Eagle, and/or a Serpent. Both have grand plans and ideas but are not necessarily reliable.

Now Pluto-Chiron plutocrats drench the place. You know, the two bodies last conjoined at the end of 1999 and their combined energies ushered in the New Millennium as much as any other cosmic factor shoved the Collective into the 21st century. And that's even if you consider the New Millennium to have started on January 1, 2001, not 2000.

At 12 Sag (which is often used as the US natal Ascendant (our rebel nation), the Sabian Symbol for the 1999 Pluto-Chiron conjunction is: "ADJUSTMENT" "A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows" which could refer to any of the 2016 candidates, agreed? In political realms, the symbol sounds the most like crowing Cruz or bellowing Trump to me, but you must decide for yourself. The karmic degree just before is 11 Sag: "The Lamp of Physical Enlightenment at the Left Temple" with the keyword, RECONCILIATION." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.) Wouldn't that be good? And yet...

The Pluto-Chiron cycle lasts about 60 years from conjunction to conjunction and has to do with transformation of mass consciousness and the deepest levels of reality. (Nolle). Among other things, the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse resonates with Pluto-Chiron concepts and suggests conditions of the 1930s within the Collective Unconscious (to those who have eyes to read, ears to hear). America's Inauguration Ascendant (the Oath of Office, the Presidency) at '14 Taurus' (noon, January 20, Capitol Building Washington DC) rises with difficult star Menkar, of the Cetus the Whale constellation, and relates closely to the president as mouthpiece, saying what must be said. As you know, it was Teddy Roosevelt who turned the White House soapbox into a "bully pulpit" though the adjective "bully" might obviously refer to Taurus the Bull, and is not necessarily a synonym for 'great, handy, efficient,' or, 'groovy' pulpit from which to preach. Anyway, the exploits of Jonah in the whale's belly for three days are indicated even though it was FDR who changed our Inaugurations from early March (Cancer rising, 1933) to January 20th in 1937 with Taurus rising. The 1930s again.

Ancient ones among us remember that George H. W. Bush, in his quest for more power, called trickle down policies 'Vood Doo Economics' which tells you the level of realism involved. And with the September 2016 Solar Eclipse themes of 'realism, coming down to earth, seeing old situations for what they really are, not what you thought they were' (Brady's Predictive Astrology), we can only note that candidates Bernie Sanders and possibly Donald Trump are the only ones who come close to filling that bill in Campaign 2016. The congressional record of Bernie Sanders can be and has been fact-checked while Mr. Trump's business and tax records are more elusive to public scrutiny, his resume inconclusive. Mob ties may be in the wings.

There are other candidates to be wary of for the simple fact that (according to my mother), we should, "Never trust a man who says, Trust Me." Great advice. Because you can't.

Democrats please don't stay home on November 8, 2016.

Feb 23, 2016

Feb 14, 2016

Horoscope: Arab Oil Embargo October 17, 1973

February 2016 seems an appropriate time for a re-post of the amazing interlaced triple-YOD horoscope of the Arab Oil Embargo of October 17, 1973 set for Washington DC; as you see, one of the YOD configurations is made up of vague Neptune (planet of oil and Islam) and deep mining, manipulative, obsessive Pluto in sextile as the base of one YOD (crisis; crossroad) and pointing toward contentious Mars:

Please enlarge the image to read a few notes; 1973 planets subject to transits, progressions, and returns.

Related horoscope: OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) September 14, 1960 9:00 +0:00 Baghdad, Iraq; OPEC's stated goal: to regulate the supply of the world's oil. Formed via conference which began at 11:00 am, a speech was delivered, and a resolution signed; hour approximate. Source: The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion, chart #422.

Feb 11, 2016

Elizabeth Warren Defends Bernie Sanders - video

The Young Turks Feb 4, 2016: here the ongoing campaign issue of big banks and 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders' criticism of them is discussed:

Feb 1, 2016

Feb 1, 2016: Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News

Catch up on the news with Thom Hartmann (his birth data and planets, below):

Thom Hartmann May 7, 1951 Grand Rapids, Michigan; no birth time known; planets at noon (Moon could be in late Taurus but since Gemini is the sign of communications, I'm going with a Gemini Moon):

Sun 16 Taurus; Moon 5 Gemini; Mercury 28 Aries; Venus 26 Gemini; Mars 20 Taurus; Jupiter 3 Aries; Saturn 25 Virgo; Uranus 6 Cancer; Neptune 17 Libra; Pluto 17 Leo.

Thom's Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Gemini personality blend denotes a clear and practical intelligence though it can be on the dogmatic side. This 'mind vs body' combination suggests one who can be a stranger to himself (but his past career in psychotherapy hopefully took care of his inner confusion). Thom is a natural teacher and an impulsive talker (President Obama has an early Gemini Moon) but one who brings common sense to all endeavors as he attempts to talk others around to his point of view.

For more personality blend info see: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jan 12, 2016

SOTU 2016: Achievements plus Realism

January 12, 2016: Tonight as President Obama delivers the final State of the Union Address to a Joint Session of Congress (9:00 pm est Capitol Building) the degree of the Pre-Natal Eclipse of the November 8, 2016 Election/s rises @9Virgo (September 1, 2016). This denotes a speech that in some way will touch on the themes of the eclipse in the 19 North Saros Series which are: 'realism, coming down to earth, and becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it truly is' (B. Brady). Refreshing for Washington Politics? Yes, yet this could include critiques of Republican ideas especially with Virgo being the sign of The Critic. Of course, the 19 North is also the PE of Inauguration 2017 so these themes will continue to be on most people's menus.

And naturally the current Mercury (speech; messages) retrograde period is perfect for a president on his way out the White House door--perfect for delivering a litany of his achievements while in office and regrets over what didn't get done. And with Mercury as chart-ruler (Rx) we may expect grandiose ideas, boasts about economic improvements and foreign affairs, and fairly good reception of the speech from the press and from the public (Mercury trines the Jupiter-North Node conjunction in Virgo: broad overview!).

As for 19 North, its initial eclipse occurred on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer so current themes are filtered through Cancerian concerns such as security, home, and business. For comparison of similar events, 19 North also manifested in the years: 1908, 1926, 1944, 1962, 1980. 1998, (September 1, 2016 @9Virgo), and will next occur in 2034.

Dec 7, 2015

Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News: 12/7/15 video

Unsurprisingly, credit reports are causing problems for job seekers and others:

Nov 16, 2015

Commentary: Wall Street takes Center Stage at 2nd Democratic Debate

So far are you hearing Congress agree with Hillary Clinton on fixing Wall Street? Crickets!

Thom Hartmann on "The Crash of 2016: The Plot to Destroy America and What We Can Do to Stop It - video

If the power elite do crash the economy in 2016 (or 2017), then the next president selected in November 2016 will have to be in on The Game and play along with it or he/she will not be placed in the White House.

Oct 31, 2015

Middle Class Gone: 51% of All Workers Earn Under $30,000/Year - video

Are American Families Milked Dry?

These days an American family trying to live on $30,000 per year or less can't do much consuming, can they? I find it difficult to believe that they can keep up with excessive cell phone, internet, and TV service costs let alone health and car insurance, car payments, plus, rent or a home mortgage. And everyone knows that We the People are charged the highest rates for health care and pharmaceutical drugs in the world--as if we're still the greedy corporatists' favorite cash cows!

Caller: What About Dismantling the Federal Reserve? - video (w the Fed's New Moon)

Here a caller to the Thom Hartmann Show questions the continued existence of the Federal Reserve Bank which many people believe causes the economic problems it then pretends to rush in and solve. Thom replies to the caller and adds historical information about Richard Nixon taking the US off the gold standard:

As you know, Senator Aldrich along with bankers and corporate operatives met in secret in late 1910 in order to plan the creation of what became the Federal Reserve Bank. This planning session of sneaky "duck hunters" has a Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior) which perfected @8Sag49 during the secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia. To me, the karmic degree (8Sag) is more revealing of the Fed's genesis than the Sabian Symbol for the rounded-up degree of 9Sag though of course both degrees (word pictures) apply. And as you know, the Panic of 1907 was used as justification for planning and establishing the Federal Reserve Act in December 1913 and the American people and US government officials have been its subjects ever since. See what you think (my italics) of 8Sag:

8 Sagittarius: "Rocks and Things Forming Therein" which speaks of creating one's own reality by "taking control of the circumstances which provide the matrix" for existence. "Each person in accepting his roots and capitalizing on his own endowment is enabled to proceed to high achievement." This degree of the Fed's New Moon, the seed phase of a new cycle of activity, expresses as: "exceptional ability to mold or remold the course of events." (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Can anyone disagree that the Federal Reserve System through its money monopoly did and does just that?


Recommended: On the Fed, Wilson, and Other Revealing Things... which includes a video and a related quote by Ezra Pound.

And check out this excerpt from a presentation on the Fed and the Bank Panic of 1907:

Oct 15, 2015

Why The Crash of 2016 Will Happen - Thom Hartmann (plus, Antares)

For your consideration:

Saturn, a New Moon, a Scorpion, and a Malevolent Star

Okay, this is probably of no moment but during the secret Federal Reserve System's planning session held on Jekyll Island, Georgia in late 1910 between "duck hunters" Senator Aldrich, newly arrived German banker Paul Warburg, agents of J.P. Morgan and other financial firms, a New Moon perfected at 9 Sagittarius (rounded up from 8+), a degree area that transiting Saturn will reach in December 2015. 'Addressing problems' is one of the more positive potentials for the midpoint picture this creates in relation to events of the 1910 New Moon: Sun-Moon = tr Saturn though 'more disciplined work habits', 'working consistently to achieve results', and 'increased restrictions on progress' are possibilities. Though thinking that Glass-Steagall would be reinstated in order to reign in big banks is, of course, too much to expect! Perhaps the idea that the current brouhaha over chip cards will contribute to Saturnian restrictions on holiday spending and merchant profitability is more like it.

So as you know, the days immediately surrounding a New Moon are considered 'the dark of the Moon' phase (aka, balsamic) and a good time for perpetrating shady activities within a shadowy environment--the actions you want to hide. Even the name of the Fed endeavor is shady and meant to deceive the public for it is neither 'federal' nor does it hold assets in 'reserve' for it is a private corporation created to take control of the US government, the National Treasury, and the credit system with crashes and bubbles included.

And while today's media notes that only 158 families have contributed 50% of political donations in the early stretch of Campaign 2016 to certain candidates of a Republican persuasion, let us further note that in 1910, membership in the Jekyll Island Club (the private, isolated location of their treasonous drafting of a plan to control the money and credit of the American public) was by inheritance only. Then 100 years later in November 2010, the modern crop of Fed bankers were spotlighted by the Washington Post as, Fed has starring role in 'Return to Jekyll Island' making it obvious that the New Moon of 1910 and the planning sessions their ancestors attended under cover of a 'duck hunt' remains a point of pride and achievement for them.

However, yours truly has found no information on whether any ducks lost their lives in 1910 or in 2010 but the American people have certainly lost livelihoods, savings, and pensions many times before and since 1910 viaFed-induced bubbles, collapses, the overprinting of US currency, and just plain fraud.

Naturally, astrologers recognize the 8/9 Sag degree area as that of a royal star of Persia, Antares, the Watcher of the West, a malevolent and destructive influence (deVore.) Yes, Antares provides success yet indicates their financial venture and subsequent control and manipulation of the US economic system and government is fueled by obsession of the kind that eventually leads to downfall and the loss of all that's been gained through intensity being used even when it's unnecessary. Antares (Alpha Scorpius) is the Heart of the Scorpion and refers to the Celtic myth of the scorpion on the frog's back who caused his own death via his inability to control his deepest, darkest nature.

So with a sense of inevitability, here is the fable of the Scorpion and the Frog (we're the frog):

Oct 2, 2015

38% of American Workforce Still Jobless - video

When it comes to the current state of American and foreign economies and job markets, it's a question of reverberation:

Aug 23, 2015

Sept 2015: Cosmic Events and Pope Francis to Washington DC

Amidst 3 Cosmic Events of September 2015 a Pope Comes to Call on America

by Jude Cowell

As three major cosmic events dot our September 2015 calendar, an illustrious visitor bestows a golden papal glow to the proceedings scribbled on Washington's earthly schedule.

1. First is the September 13th Solar Eclipse @20Virgo which falls within orb (1'13") of the natal Neptune of Pope Francis (December 17, 1936.) As you know, Neptune is the planet of the Divine Source on a positive level, the masses, mass media, the glamour of the silver screen, things that spread (like propaganda and ideas), and many other negative Neptunian possibilities. As you may know, Pope Francis was born during a Saturn-Neptune opposition phase so adding its usual 'wild card' status which all eclipses are capable of, the September 13th Solar Eclipse contains somewhat negative themes (click or tap to read) which may catalyze or activate his natal Saturn-Neptune opposition. Perhaps this will be expressed by his topics such as how we treat the weak, poor, elderly, and ill (Saturn-Neptune) among us.

2. Next on the calendar is September 23rd's Autumn Equinox 2015 (chart shown set for DC) which involves quite a mix of portents to go around and with the Sun reaching a Cardinal Point of World Manifestation, Prominence, and Fame (00Libra), we may easily guess that one expression of this is the Roman Pope's visit to Washington DC with Sun representing leadership. In his natal chart, the Pope has a Sun-North Node conjunction in late Sagittarius. During his speech to Congress, the transiting Sun and North Node @1Libra will conjoin in a very shiny and public encounter--upon America's natal MC! (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) The 'god-related' solar significance of Sun-NN at MC should be noted and some form of spiritual inspiration may be experienced.

3. Finally, this stellar month nears its end with a prominent Lunar Eclipse on September 27th @4Ari40 and is thought to have esoteric or even prophetic vibes attached (tap or click to view the horoscope with details.)

Well, it's quite a full month As Above and Below--and that's not counting the dire financial and other predictions being made about September 2015 especially after the steep decline of the stock market on Friday. Is is time once again for The Fed and Wall Street gentry to work their economy-crashing voo doo?

Be that as it may, here's a view with of the natal horoscope and a brief bio of Pope Francis I if you're curious or haven't seen it with his Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker and the foreign traveler, and Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, sign of The Water Bearer, a socially concerned blend with high ideals and a tolerant temperament. If he's managed to genuinely retain such kind-hearted traits and sentiments may not go over very well with Republican congress members of the Ayn Rand persuasion. Before the Pope speaks, maybe right-wingers will suddenly remember they have other engagements to fly off to!

But really, they can't since Speaker John Boehner wrote to Pope Francis last March inviting him to address a Joint Session of Congress and as a result the Pope is to speak on September 24, 2015 at 9:15 am edt--one day after Autumn Equinox and one day prior to Pluto's Direct turn.

In fact, in the horoscope of the Pope's September 24th address, Pluto is stationing @12Cap58 ('13Cap' = "A Fire Worshiper".) Notably in Mundane Astrology, as a single planet, Pluto can play the role of 'Pope' and I won't tell you how I know, but there will be some play acting afoot. I believe topics in the news may relate to issues around the time of the Solar Eclipse @00Gemini (conjunct starry Alcyone of the turbulent Pleiades constellation--themes: mystical but judgmental; something to cry about) which manifested on May 20, 2012 in the 14 South Saros Series. 14S themes include: 'an obsessive idea is finally accepted; a long awaited breakthrough; success' due to its Mercury-Pluto content. Curiously, September 24th's stationary Pluto conjoins the Pope's natal Mercury, planet of speeches and the delivery of messages.

Possibly Related Reading: LBJ's War on Poverty: 1964 v 2014 Planets and of course, there's this from 2010: Washington DC a 'New Rome'? Altair the Eagle Says Yes!.


Aug 11, 2015

No Media Coverage of Bernie Sanders on the Issues! video clip

Well, this is no surprise!

#BernieSanders #ThomHartmann #Campaign2016 #Bernie2016 #Progressives #MSM