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Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology. Show all posts

Jun 7, 2012

The Moon has pull w the Hadron Collider!

Oops! Our Moon's Gravitational Pull Affects Large Hadron Collider

by Jude Cowell

Now who would've guessed that the minute gravitational pull of Earth's Moon is affecting the Large Hadron Collider?

Could it be that there are more things under heaven and earth than are dreamed of in science labs? Yet you and I know that amazing cosmic affects are and have been dreamed of in Astrology studies and practices for centuries! The best way to trust Astrology is to use it though it is not a belief system but a language and a tool for understanding self and the wider world depending on how it's applied.

This Moon-affects-Hadron story reminds me of years ago when I first heard it announced by scientists that the human body contains the same elements as the earth's crust--quelle surpise! Well, I thought, the tale of God creating Adam from the dust of the earth is hereby verified by those who prefer scientific proof over faith in God's Word--at least for those with ears to hear. Okay, perhaps scientists came a little late to the party but better late than you-know-what...

May 24, 2012

Horrocks First Views a Venus Transit in 1639

Those Rare Venus Transits 1639 - 2117

by Jude Cowell

Coming soon to a Cosmos near you is the Venus Transit of June 5 or 6, 2012 in mid-Gemini. The excellent publication History Today tells of astronomer and mathematician Jeremiah Horrocks, a Liverpudlian, who forecasted then observed for the first time a Venus Transit (aka, Occultation of the Sun) on November 24, 1639.

Note: to read the article in full one must subscribe to History Today but the basics are there for you.

Young Mr. Horrocks made a telescope of his own and achieved this cosmic feat but since the precise hour of his observance is unknown, a New Moon--actually a *Solar Eclipse--that very evening makes an excellent timer and provides a symbolic chart of the observance if not a correctly timed event chart. How a viewing was possible during an eclipse, I do not know, however, horoscope details are listed below. You'll notice that the Solar Eclipse degree in 1639 conjoins the Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 (2Sag37), 1639's Pluto conjoins the current Solar Eclipse degree of May 20, 2012 (00Gem21, a 1-minute orb!), and the position of Venus in 1639 opposes Venus' degree of June 5/6, 2012 (15Gem45 Rx, a 2 degr-6 min orb), something of a Full Moon phase for Venus Transits:

November 24, 1639 Total Solar Eclipse at 10:39:41 pm LMT (NS) Liverpool, England: Venus Across the Sun

Sun/Moon 2Sag34:21; Mercury 25Sco14; Venus Rx 17Sag51; Mars 23Lib31; Jupiter 13Sag41; Saturn 13AQ12; Uranus 00Sco32; Neptune 23Sco16; Pluto Rx 00Gem22; Chiron Rx 21Tau05; NN 9Sag23. When the chart is set for Liverpool there is quite a pile-up of planets in 4th house: IC 16Sco02--Neptune, Mercury, Sun/Moon, NN, Jupiter, and Venus, all of which fall between Sir **Isaac Newton's natal Uranus 15Sco40, (Neptune 00Sag58), and Mercury 20ASag56. Horrocks' excellent math ability and astronomical calculations of the Venus Transit phenomenon opened the door to Sir Isaac Newton's brilliant work.

Well, the next Venus Transit isn't until December 11, 2117 so you and I had better climb onboard for this one and sail across the Sun, right? ;p


*The Solar Eclipse of 1639 fell in the 2 Old North Saros Series: 'difficult themes, with unfortunate or glum news concerning relationships; separation or the ending of a union but quick action can bring positive results' (Brady's Predictive Astrology); this is the Series that Prince William was born into on June 21, 1982 @ 30Gem (or 00Can); also occurred on July 1, 2000 @ 10Can between US natal Jupiter and Sun; next occurrence: 2018 @ 21Can, then in 2036 when the Series ends @ 29Leo.


*Isaac Newton January 4, 1643 (he was a mere whippersnapper of 4 when Jeremiah Horrocks observed Venus Transit 1639!) 1:38 am LMT (rectified) Woolsthorpe, England; Sun 13Cap41, Moon 2Can28, Venus 27AQ12.

May 17, 2012

Will Greece leave EU as Venus Transits Sun?

Of Venus Transits and Unions with Feet of Iron and Clay

by Jude Cowell

When Venus transits or occults (like a little black speck) our solar system's Sun, associations and alliances which aren't quite normal or usual tend to be formed as has been noted since Venus Transits were recorded. Thirty-one years ago, on January 1, 1981, Greece joined the EU and Constantine Karamanlis stated that Greeks were being "called to build the new Europe."

He believed, or propagandized that he believed, that "the unification of Europe will be the greatest political event in the history of our continent. For it will stabilise relations between the powers of the world, it will guarantee Europe's independence and contribute to the strengthening of world order and peace." (My italics.)

Wow! There was a lot riding on Greece's entry into the EU though the part about "world order" kind of gives the game away, doesn't it? Tsk on these eternal Utopians and their Great Plan for Global Domination! The EU has been a 'new world order' experiment on a grand scale but cracks are showing.

Plus, if you believe in Bible prophecy such as that found in Daniel and Revelation, you may remember King Nebuchadezzar's dream which Daniel, through God's inspiration, interpreted for him as being "a great image" with a head of fine gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet part of iron and of clay. (Daniel 2:31-33.)

My studies indicate that the image's feet of iron and clay represent the kingdoms of the European continent after the break-up of the Roman Empire, and to the King Daniel declared, "They shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."

Yet for centuries powerful men such as Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler--and the EU boys--have attempted to overthrow Daniel's prophecy by uniting Europe. And in recent decades they've pretended--or convinced themselves--that the feat had been accomplished.

We who now live may not see the break-up of iron and clay--the European Union--or, Greece and perhaps other member nations may fall away right before our very eyes as an expectable result of the current 'European debt crisis' and the vexing, cruel austerity measures which powerful men, who lack for nothing but consciences and compasssion, have now put in place to weed out the populations of Europe.

So this reluctant astrologer is keeping a close watch on the June 5/6, 2012 Venus Transit as a timing mechanism relating to an unusual forming or break-up of association since the 2012 Transit is the 8-years-later companion to that of June 2004, a Venus Transit which also occurred during a much-touted world-leader summit (Sea Island, Georgia) as will this one. And since astrological Venus relates to valuations, money, relationship, and the attraction principle, we shall see if Greece stays in or leaves the EU, their mutual attraction dissolved.

There may be hope for the EU, however, later in the year since the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse has a "joy through commitment" flavor which may portend the above-mentioned "strengthening" of the Union, a temporary circumstance at best, no matter how gloriously their and our politicians choose to spin it for their own world order purposes.

Apr 5, 2012

Journalist Defends Astrology

An award-winning journalist, Art Harris, defends Astrology in this interview and he will attend the UAC in New Orleans, LA in May 2012!

Jan 3, 2012

1st Meteor Shower of 2012: Quadrantids peak Morning of Jan 4 2012

Just what I always wanted: a lovely yet 'elusive' meteor shower for my birthday tomorrow!

Space Weather News for Jan 3, 2012

FIRST METEOR SHOWER OF 2012: The annual Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on Wednesday morning, Jan. 4th, when Earth passes through a narrow stream of debris from a comet thought to have broken apart some 500 years ago.

The shower is expected to be strong (as many as 100 meteors per hour), but elusive, with a peak that lasts no longer than a couple of hours. The shower's radiant near Polaris favors observers in the northern hemisphere.

Images, live audio from a meteor radar, and more information are available on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.


Glad to say I'm not quite feeling 500 years old for this annual personal event--the Sun returns to natal position in my horoscope on Jan 4, 2012 around 5:30 am est!

And Polaris. Ah yes, path finding pioneer Polaris, our 'Pole Star' or 'North Star' by which we find our way...aka, Alpha Ursa Minor (Little Bear) and to which Astrology assigns a theme of 'an emotional or nurturing mission'.

As described in Brady's Book of Fixed Stars, "Polaris is always at culmination as it is the point of stillness, the celestial pole."

Now that's what I'll be pondering in the crisp, still morning air if I should manage to shuffle my bunny slippers outside around 5 am tomorrow and look up...

Aug 24, 2011

List: Donations to Deficit 'Super Committee' members

Oh good! Shining light upon political intriguers is always worthwhile and eventually may serve to disinfect their contamination of democracy. has published an updated list of donations to members of November's Deficit 'Super Committee' made up of 6 Republicans and 6 Democrats (aka, a 'Super Congress' formed in part to drive a spike into the heart of the US Constitution and to circumvent a traditional role of the US Congress.)


Four favorite sites covering progressive issues:

Move To Amend
Democracy Now!
Thom Hartmann
Global Astrology

And three quotes of note:

"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above...and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below--to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing."

-Hermes Trismegistus

"Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It has taught me many things and I am greatly in debt to it."

-Albert Einstein

"Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do."

-J. P. Morgan, Sr, client/student of Astrology pioneer Evangeline Adams

Aug 17, 2011

The New Age, Occult Symbolism, the Lucis Trust (video)

No comment. Just watch, if you're of a mind to look under rocks at very ugly squirmy things and the people who implement them. And you don't have to be an astrologer, mundane or otherwise, to do that.

Aug 12, 2011

Perseid Meteors with a Cosmic Coincidence! Aug 12-13, 2011

Space Weather News for Aug 12, 2011

METEOR SHOWER: The Perseid meteor shower is underway. International observers are now reporting more than 20 meteors per hour as Earth passes through a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle. Forecasters expect the shower to peak on the night of Aug 12-13. The best time to look is during the hours before dawn on Saturday morning, August 13th, when the glaring Moon is relatively low and meteor rates are highest.

Visit Space Weather News for full coverage.

WATCH OUT FOR THE SPACE STATION, TOO: Consider it a cosmic coincidence. During the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the International Space Station will fly over many US towns and cities.

The behemoth spacecraft is easy to see if you know when to look. Check's Simple Satellite Tracker for flyby times. #

Plus, you may wish to check out a little Astrology on Perseus the Prince, the archetype of the constellation associated with the annual Perseid meteor shower.

And there's another post that concerns Perseus and the stars linked to the natal chart of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

Or how about a smidgeon of Cosmic Art titled Comet Skies?

Image imported from my Secret Moon Art collection of drawings. jc

Mar 16, 2011

Is Japan targeted by HAARP? (video)

Well, it was only a matter of time before I had to mention HAARP by name in relation to the nuclear devastation in Japan. My last post covered much of my thoughts, my heart is broken, and there's too much more to say rather than less. Yet we must each watch our energy levels if we have them. Si?

My cordial thanks go to Crystal Pomeroy of one of online's premiere publications Daykeeper Journal for sending along a handy YouTube link. Crystal Pallas Pomeroy is one of three daughters of expert astrologer, author, and lecturer Maya Del Mar ~~ one of Astrology's past lights still shining ~~ and writes a regular column Crystal's Moon Meditations for our growth and renewal.

Thanks, Crystal!

(As you see, the HAARP video is published here in English since I don't speak Spanish. Wish I did. YouTube has it how you want to hear it though. jc)

Feb 6, 2011

Ronald Reagan turns 100 today Feb 6, 2011

February 6, 1911 - February 6, 2011

On this 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth, I'm republishing a Gipper Worship Alert with links to his first Inauguration horoscope and his Inaugural Address included.

Bet the Gipper would watch the Super Bowl game today if he could!

Plus, you may be interested in a 2009 post concerning the Trickler-in-Chief, Did Ronald Reagan Destroy Main Street? Follow the article link therein for it makes some very interesting points as we continue feasting on the long range results of Reagan economic policies which benefit the rich at the expense of the poor - what I tend to call Mourning in America.

Ah, yes, the 1980s! A Decade of Greed, corruption, and death squads.

A high point has to be when Reagan had ketchup reclassified as a vegetable! No wonder the black-is-white, down-is-up, ketchup-is-vegetable GOP crowd talk about Reagan with such reverence. Even more amusing is the fact that tomatoes are of the fruit persuasion.

Okay, you are correct. I should have something positive to say about the man on his 100th birthday, I totally agree. So here are two: he loved his wife. And he appreciated the value of Astrology.

Jan 11, 2011

Capricorn season 2011? Pass the Twinkies! And explain the dead birds

Today I've pretty much been hibernating and reading, partly due to the snow and ice still on the lawn and bitter cold in the forecast, partly from recent shocking events which my natal Moon in Pisces often absorbs a little too deeply. Regular breaks from Politics are needed to maintain (or attain?) emotional health and sanity, as most people agree.

Yet I've not been wholly inactive and have spent some lovely time visiting CJ Wright's Auntie Moon blog where her wonderful post Tea Time: In the Brambles with Capricorn lists the perfect things to soothe the energies of Capricorn. Maybe my staid Capricorn Sun helps balance a sympathetic Pisces Moon for Saturn does rule boundaries, and sometimes barriers must be put up in order to counteract the craziness of Politics.

In her article, CJ lists foods and teas that are good for us during the wintry Capricorn season, not just for those with Cap's Saturnian energy prominent in their charts for everyone has the sign Capricorn somewhere in their horoscopes. Plus, the winter season makes for lots of Capricorn energy all around us so a steaming cup of Blackberry Tea (with a Twinkie on the side?) can't far go wrong.

(Now what does a Twinkie have to do with Capricorn? See CJ's article!)

Then, thanks to visiting Auntie Moon, I have discovered an informative page CJ links to with Moon Names listed for various cultures. Check it out for it's very interesting to compare lunation monikers around the world.

And if you wish to be updated on the recent mysterious bird and animal deaths, tune in to the Thom Hartmann Show tomorrow, January 12, 2011, for he just gave a topic shout-out to his next broadcast as today's program ended. I watch this excellent progressive show on Free Speech TV and LINK TV (DishNetwork satellite.)

Did you know that Senator Bernie Sanders is a guest on Thom's show on Fridays?

Okay, that's about it for now. Hope you're staying snug and keeping well this winter season - and be sure to feed your Capricorn to avoid its Saturnian grumpiness! Jude

Image: Snowy Path, a drawing by yours truly. And you may wish to view a new iPhone cover published today in my Jude Cowell Art Shop at Zazzle.

Jan 4, 2011

Sitting Bull and JP Morgan on America

Well, here's a voice from the past that hits our plutocracy squarely on its head:

"Hear me people: We now have to deal with another race---small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possessions is a disease with them. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."

- Chief Sitting Bull

Source: Information Clearing House.

Speaking of austerity cuts for the poor: Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan $1,132,861,364,615.

Plus, as old J. P. Morgan (the Financial Astrology buff) once said, "Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy."

Sep 20, 2010

Earth meets Jupiter (aligned w Uranus) 9.20/21.10

Midnight. Be There!

Space Weather News for Sept. 20, 2010

JUPITER AT ITS BEST: Tonight, Sept 20-21, Earth and Jupiter converge for their closest encounter in decades. The giant planet will soar across the sky at midnight, outshining everything except the Moon itself. Although big, bright Jupiter will remain close to Earth for weeks to come, tonight is the closest of all.

Check for images and more information.

SPACE STATION RADAR ECHO: Over the weekend, the International Space Station flew through the radar beam of the US Air Force Space Surveillance System in Texas. The echo was strong enough to be heard by amateur radio operators across the southern USA. A sample echo is highlighted on today's edition of SPACE WEATHER ALERTS. (My bolds and italics; their news - jc.)

With the coming of northern autumn, aurora season is underway. Would you like a call when geomagnetic storms erupt at your latitude? Sign up for Space Weather Phone: Space Weather Phone. #

You realize what this means, right? The current emphasis on Jupiter by the astronomical community simultaneously spotlights its 'conjoined' companion, Uranus, thus lifting up the Jupiter/Uranus pair of planets, their energies working synergistically. Their Great Conjunction (appr a 14-year cycle from conj to conj) is a planetary signature of 2010 on into 2011 since their third and final tango occurs on January 4, 2011 @ 27Pis02 (timed with my personal Solar Return 2011 - thanks, Universe! jc)

Astrologically, the above alert speaks of Sun 28Vir23 opposite Jupiter 28Pis23 Rx (conjunct Uranus 28Pis37 Rx) which is physically why the Earth-Jupiter encounter will be such a spectacle! From 'A Man Gaining Knowledge from an Ancient Scroll' to 'A Prism', this should be an interesting evening....really, all week has celestial events occurring, in fact. Such as Autumn EQ 2010 on Wednesday a and Full Moon on the Cardninal axis 00Aries/Libra00, a World Point of Manifestation. This makes for a very strong and eventful Autumn Equinox horoscope.

(Wish more could be added here but my article is simmering on the hob, awaiting a final go-round toward fini-dom...)

So! In your happiest Jupiter/Uranus fashion, discover more on the amazing things that happen when Jupiter Meets Uranus from the amazing-herself astrologer of the Scottish persuasion (and if I were better at tracking my ancestry, we might turn out to be cousins, who knows?)...Anne Whitaker!

Sep 15, 2010

Deja-vu: the Lehman Brothers collapse 2008 - 2010

September 15, 2010: it's been two years since the stupid mistake was made to let the venerable Lehman Brothers firm crash into bankruptcy. This morning NPR did a 4 minute interview with Peter Chapman who's written a book on the subject. The interview is worth a listen, if you missed it.

Now here's a post I wrote in September 2008 which details, among other things, the Lehman Brothers crisis of 1984, a study in financial deja-vu that came to pass in 2008. What? Well, you know what I mean.

And here are my blabbings in honor of last year's 1st anniversary of the firm's bankruptcy filing with a little Astrology tossed in to the brew. President Obama remarked upon the situation to mark the 1st anniversary.

Then in March 2010 Lehman Brothers was in the news again.

In hindsight, some objects may be larger than they appear.

Sep 14, 2010

Waking Up to Reality videos -- Max Igan

The following video presentation by Max Igan encapsulates all the primary issues that I've tried to post about in my disjointed bloggery fashion on Stars Over Washington since October 2005. There are 7 videos all together with a total running time of just under 1 hour and they are very worth your checking out for I believe Mr. Igan speaks the truth.

We certainly know by now that the mainstream media is merely a purveyor of a false reality full of celebrity news, sensationalism, doublespeak, and misinformation designed to divert us from an understanding of reality, not uncover it.

Are we truly poised on the precipice of a Global Awakening? Is there such a thing as Christ Consciousness? Years ago my church taught me that there is a Spiritual Church of Christ and I believe that these are one and the same - and that this is the sort of very important information the elite bloodline rulers of the world don't want us to wake up to from within their mass hypnosis of the fake reality surrounding us!

They prefer that we keep within our boxes, the same old mindsets continually promoted by religious and educational systems.

Mr. Igan covers many topics from Codex Alimentarius, to the Illuminati and Sun cult that rule the mundane world, to the fact that a one-world-government is already in control by way of global money and information systems. A difference is, he puts them into a universal context from the perspective of the power each individual possesses. So not only is there power in numbers but a deep and universal power within each human being.

As the matrix-infused Tarot often advises me: remember your connection to your eternal birthright! Wake up and remember.

And there is beauty shown here, both visual and verbal (Love is the Foundation of the Universe!) so if you've ever wanted to know more about the Global Awakening (which has already begun - don't be left out!) check out Max Egan's presentation on Waking Up to Reality for inspiration, or, if you're just glomming on to The Awakening, to get you started in the right direction.

Put down that TV remote control and back away...

Here are the first 3 videos with a link to the last 4 videos underneath:

Part 1...Hello? Are you there?

Part 2...all worldly entities perform their parts as tentacles of the octopus...

Part which The Matrix, black holes, human consciousness, and other cosmic concepts are explained...As Above, So Below!

And there are 4 more videos to profit by...

Sep 11, 2010

2012 the Year of Astrology

Here is an initial link I'm posting today which concerns a movement to make 2012 the Year of Astrology so if you're an astrologer, a student of the venerable art, and/or author of or contributor to a website, blog, or forum on astrological topics, you may wish to take part or simply check it out!

All novices and professionals are welcome.

As you know, 2012 has been called a cosmic year of awareness or perhaps even a step into the unknown and Astrology is a system of thought, a language, and a tool to help us understand our world at deeper levels than meet the eye.

My hope is that you'll join in, for 2012 will arrive before we know it!

Jun 4, 2010

Mystery Impact on Jupiter and The Great Stone Face

Space Weather News for June 3, 2010

SOMETHING HAS JUST HIT JUPITER: Veteran amateur astronomers Anthony Wesley of Australia and Christopher Go of the Philippines have independently observed an impact event on Jupiter.

The strike occurred at 20:31 UT on June 3rd and produced a bright flash of light in the giant planet's cloud tops. Visit for images and video. #


Well! Here's Jupiter in the news just as the jolly red giant approaches the Aries Point of Prominence, Fame, and Recognition for its rendezvous with quirky Uranus @ 00Ari18 (their Great Conjunction is on June 8 but they parallel one another for a few hours on June 19 which could be the more important date of the two.)

Now yesterday when the mysterious impact occurred (and don't forget Jupiter's other mystery, the recent disappearance of the planet's southern ring - not the first time the ring has 'disappeared' or become invisible from Earth) Jupiter's Tropical position in the zodiac was 29Pis41 so rounding up for its Sabian Symbol we have a very interesting word picture considering that massive Jupiter now emphasizes it:

'30 Pisces' = "The Great Stone Face" = DISCERNMENT:

positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization.

That's from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology (my bold.) Dr. Jones goes on to explain the degree as 'a symbol of human responsibility as an immortality of the soul, and of a way of living which has become a continual manifestation of its ideal so a constant dramatization of its self-discovery to others as an encouragement to them in their own alignment to eternal reality.

Each individual selects the image within himself to which he would shape himself outwardly, and this he comes to resemble as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's tale. Destiny is character as it most persistently constitutes itself.'

Click and you'll notice the word 'titan' in Hawthorne's story as Jupiter's titanic size crowds the mind, plus 'impact' is mentioned in the degree's positive expression as Jupiter's 'integrity' is somewhat breached by an impact of some sort.

And now, a smidgen of Art, a drawing perpetrated a while back as an illustration for '30 Pisces', a very inspiring degree where my own goal oriented Sun/Mc midpoint hangs out!

Temple of the Great Stone Face from Secret Moon Art, my Art-Astrology blog of images and Art Slideshows.

May 23, 2010

Solar Transit Photo and Sun Gemini-Moon Libra May 23, 2010

First, some Astronomy:

Space Weather News for May 23, 2010

SOLAR TRANSIT: Yesterday in Switzerland, Thierry Legault photographed the International Space Station and space shuttle Atlantis passing directly in front of the sun, not far from new sunspot 1072. The veteran astrophotographer calls the image his "best ever of a solar transit," and indeed the silhouette of the docked spaceships backlit by "solar fire" is a must see.

It is featured on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Atlantis is scheduled to undock from the ISS on Sunday, May 23, at 11:22 am EDT, setting the stage for double flybys over many towns and cities around the world.

Need a flyby prediction? There's an app for that called simpleflybys. #


Now for a smidgen of Astrology:

Checking Sunday May 23, 2010 at 11:22 am edt I see that the Sun is in very early Gemini (air flight) while the Moon is in the first decan of Libra, a sociable and light placement for La Luna.

Here are the 'Images for Integration' for Sun Gem-Moon Lib with its 'wandering spirit' vibe:

A shuttle diplomat brings together warring factions...An elegant hostess puts on a party and exhibition to help a worthy cause...Elgar's Enigma Variations - 'to my friends depicted within'. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign', Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Additionally, the double Air blend of Sun Gem-Moon Lib is shared natally by at least three people for whom I shall type a quote from each of them but I'll mix up their names with a red herring tossed in so you have to hazard brilliant guesses as to who said what:

1. "I wasn't really naked. I simply didn't have any clothes on."

2. "Henceforth, the adequacy of any military establishment will be judged by its ability to keep the peace."

3. "Read. My. Lips. No. New. Taxes."

All are gibberish on some level as Airiness abounds! Want clues? Then read on...

Possible spouters are: Henry Kissinger, Josephine Baker, George H. W. Bush, and Daffy Duck. (I'm just kidding about one of them.)

For of course I jest! Because there's really no comparison between Poppy Bush and Daffy Duck. One walks with a waddle, kind of wobbly, quacks out of the side of his mouth, and has been around for what seems like forever...and the other one is Daffy Duck.

(All credit goes to Mr. Craig Ferguson of CBS's The Late Late Show for the basic form of this jibe but not its precise content.)

Jan 14, 2010

Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse: SpaceWeather News

Space Weather News for Jan 14, 2010

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: The Moon is about to pass directly in front of the sun, producing an annular solar eclipse on Jan. 15th between 0500 and 0900 GMT. The zone of visibility stretches from Africa across the Indian Ocean to eastern Asia. Onlookers in those places should be alert for crescent-shaped shadows on the ground and "ring of fire" suns in the sky.

Visit today for an animated preview and again tomorrow for photos and movies of the actual event.


For Astrology of the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse (25Cap01) scroll down to the next two and three posts where you'll find mention of Mercury's Direct Station, also on Jan 15, Friday, @ 11:52 am est and a horoscope of the Eclipse set for Washington, DC.

Nov 20, 2009

The Out-of-Bounds Moon of Oprah Winfrey

When natal Moon is out-of-bounds (OOBs) of the earthly plane one tends toward unconscious motivations that can result in unusual fame and prominence and/or emotional roller coaster rides and instability.

Oprah Winfrey's Sagittarian OOBs Moon in 4th house, one of the psychological houses, emphasizes the tendency of an OOBs Moon toward extraordinary achievement but also indicates compulsive eating and obsessions with food and diet as stand-ins for defective mothering in her childhood. A need to tell the truth (Sag) is evident in almost every show she produces, undergirds her in her professional pursuits, and is also described by a 4th house Sag Moon that is OOBs.

Ms. Winfrey's last show on network TV has been announced for September 2011 when she begins broadcasting on her 'OWN' cable network. How many broadcasters can say that, female or otherwise? What a gal!

Yes, the astrological Moon has associations with the public and thus with fame, and an OOBs Moon can create an overachiever such as Oprah, one of our celebrities known and instantly recognized by only their first names, so you may wish to read more by the excellent Pamela Welch in her article Those Wild Out-of-Bounds Planets. For details on Oprah, read past the Linda Tripp info, a lady who publicly expressed more the negative side of an OOBs Moon.

Actually OOBs planets in general can indicate genius or unstable behavior so check out the article's Parts 1 and 2 for that; linked above is Part 3. It's the lunar involvement that brings in the substitution of fame, prominence, and material security to fill an unfillable gap caused by insufficient mothering in childhood.


Oprah Winfrey gave on-air her birth data as: Jan 29, 1954 @ 7:51 pm (+6:00) in Kosciusko, Mississippi; Ms. Welch's article states Winfrey has a 12th house Moon, but the data here gives a 4th house Moon conjunct asteroid Siva (creator/destroyer goddess) and Sigma (significance, upright morals), all three in the 11-13 degrees of Sagittarius and conjunct natal Ic.