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Showing posts with label current events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label current events. Show all posts

Jul 8, 2008

Obama's plane landing and Nemesis

Today is the first day of my new isp so this week's plan is to play catch up here and at Jude's Threshold so please stay tuned for some posts, charts, and blurbings about Politics and its political thespians bwo Astrological comments!

You know I was chomping to write up Barack Obama's emergency plane landing in St. Louis yesterday but was prevented by tech troubles.

And with Uranus (air travel) 22Pis37 Rx opposing Obama's natal Mars, there is danger in the environment, as previously stated, sudden unexpected danger.

Well, we know that's a given considering, and 'Uranus opposite Mars' is the astrological picture or description--Mars is the energy or action principle. Was yesterday's airplane mechanical problem a message to Obama?

Now Jupiter 17Cap43 Rx is conjunct the New World Order degree (18Cap = "The Union Jack Flies from a British Warship"...which Rudhyar gives the keynote as: "The protection afforded to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of maintaining order. POLITICAL POWER.)

18Cap is where the Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune took place. (Conjunction #3: Oct 24, 1993.)

But I digress...or do I?

So with Nemesis, the unbeatable foe, still conjoined transiting North Node, a path of conflict is opened now which we will witness as the 2008 campaign continues, and I'll be blogging about several such issues now that my pc is quicker and more spritely.

Jun 30, 2008

Bush signs war funding bill with Moon in Gemini

With Congress on holiday break this week, the lights at the Capitol Hill Theater were dim today as George Bush signed the $162 billion war funding bill.

Though Bush struggled against America's umemployed as not worthy of an extra 13 weeks of benefits in a worsening job market, and even as he whined about giving our soldiers an increase in GI Bill funding for receiving a better education after risking their lives for Bush-Cheney war profits, George signed his scrawl this morning as the Gemini Moon was nearing asteroid, Midas, that lover of gold of mythical proportions.

Not much of an audience for a limelight-loving Leonine performer, but it had to do for the lame quacker.

Here are the Sun/Moon Images for Integration for the morning of June 30, 2008:

"A performance of a puppetshow at an infant school Christmas play...A family plays a game of charades...Young children enacting a play wedding in the garden." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, Santa is surreptiously filling his bag with lots of goodies, to be sure, but the emphasis on puppets and charades doesn't sound very dependable for people with real needs, does it?

Perhaps the charade is that there are billions left to be spent!

Yet I happily send along Congrats all the Senator Jim Webb who insisted on the GI Bill how about a post for Senator Webb in a new Democratic cabinet?

Jun 29, 2008

A lavender sun and ISS flybys

Space Weather News for June 29, 2008


Ignited by lightning, hundreds of wildfires are burning in California, smothering the northern half of the state with thick plumes of smoke. The unusually widespread haze is causing a rare atmospheric optics phenomenon--the lavender sun. Many Californians report seeing the sun, when viewed through the smoke, turn a bright shade of purple.

Today's edition of the SpaceWeather News features pictures of the phenomenon and an explanation.


A new batch of ISS flybys is underway. For the next two weeks, Europeans and North Americans can see the International Space Station flying overhead just before dawn.

Recent additions to the station have made it bigger and brighter than ever and if you haven't seen the ISS in a while, you might be surprised by its increased luminosity. Some sky watchers have spotted it in broad daylight.

Check our Simple Flybys page to find out when to look. #


For those who may be interested in Hollywood more than in Politics, see Jude's Threshold for today's new CelebChart: Angelina Jolie.

Jun 27, 2008

Dems' Unity Tour kick-off today

For some off-the-cuff astrological remarks on today's Unity Tour kick-off rally in Unity, New Hampshire, please see Barack and Hillary rally in Unity.

It's unity in Unity for the Democratic Party along with campaign debt relief for the suspended Clinton campaign--but it's political thespian Barack Obama appearing as Mr. Excitement that makes the day for the rallying crowd!

Jun 20, 2008

Summer Solstice and Noctilucents

Space Weather News for June 20, 2008

SUMMER SOLSTICE: Northern summer and southern winter begin today, June 20th, at precisely 23:59 UT (7:59 pm EDT) when the sun ascends to its highest latitude on the celestial sphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, we have the longest day and shortest night of the year, and the reverse in the Southern Hemisphere. The seasons are changing--Happy Solstice!

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS: Summer is the season for noctilucent clouds and this morning, right on cue, a wave of bright NLCs rolled over the British Isles. Observers in Scotland and Northern Ireland report luminous tendrils of electric blue bright enough to attract the attention of casual passersby.

These glow-in-the-dark clouds are a 100+ year old mystery under investigation now by NASA's AIM spacecraft. Originally confined to arctic latitudes, NLCs have spread in recent years with sightings in the United States as far south as Utah and Colorado.

Check today's edition of for observing tips and the latest photos.#

Astrologically, you'll find this evening's 2008 Summer Solstice chart info by scrolling below to June 18 where there's a link to the Solstice chart with details on my Jude's Threshold blog, if you so wish.

Scott McClellan and US' Venus Return 6.20.08

Here she is: America's natal Venus returning to her original degree of July 4, 1776, "4Cancer"..."A Cat Arguing with a Mouse."

My first intent was to publish this chart with details here on SO'W yet Blogger would not cooperate--and Venus doesn't appreciate lack of cooperation! But I thought her sensitive aesthetics would appreciate a white chart on a black background here at SO'W. Glad to say I got the chart up after all, as you see.

But--beige background it is, so you'll find this chart's image along with details which include Scott McClellan's appearance before the House Judiciary Committee this morning published at Jude's Threshold in case you'd care to take a look.

One thing I neglected to mention there in light of transiting Ceres (now conjunct US natal Venus) is the traditional association of Ceres with grains indicating nurturing and nutrition. This ties in with security issues when she's used in a national chart for hunger isn't good for one's sense of security, is it?

However, I did make one small mention of the tragic flooding of middle America which is resulting in our "amber waves of grain"--millions of acres of it--being ruined from this flooding.

As you know, Ceres, a significator of America herself, is often seen holding a sheaf of wheat. They've lost their amber color and Venus isn't happy about it, we can be sure, and we must now consider how the loss of these crops will be affecting food supplies in the coming year/s.

And then there's Dick Cheney and Valerie Plame, a lady who may just be our Venus Return personified for the upcoming year...well, check out the article to see what you think about today's performances on Capitol Hill.

Lady Venus does love a good drama!

Jun 19, 2008

I'll take Flip-Flop for the win, Alex

If you love the game of Politics at all--and I know ya do--you gotta love John McCain's recent opportunistic shift of position on offshore drilling.

As he and his possible VP mates flip flop on what has been for years a no-no for candidates of both parties, it's in the news bwo Senator Obama's clear-eyed assessment that offshore drilling begun now won't decrease Americans' pain at the gas pump. This is, of course, so obviously true that it makes you wonder what the flip floppers hope to gain by this new stance.

Even if we disregard continued protection of vacationers' lovely oceanic paradises and proceed to drill away, it will be after the year 2030 before the oil tanker comes in.

That prices are being manipulated seems a given to this reluctant astrologer, but perhaps you disagree. But why would energy mavens and wheeler dealers want gas prices to go down anyway? They wouldn't. So that makes the practice of Politics during a presidential campaign the rat in the woodpile, doesn't it?

To seem to care, and to be 'doing something' is considered a safe way to win an election without actually having to do what would actually improve a situation...a political win-win.

So will this issue sway you in November, dear voter? Will you let Rs say that Ds have blocked new drilling making our gas pump pain all the Ds' fault? Puh. Ds are enablers, it's true, but 99% of them are obfuscating as usual.

(I always except 1% of Washington politicians in case there's an honest man or woman running about Capitol Hill. I do try to be fair but 1% is all I've got for this gaggle of pocket-liners.)

My intuition these last few weeks has been that prices are rising in part so that Republicans can push the offshore and Anwar drilling issues again, even though they've not used all the millions of acres adjacent to Anwar to date and have given no hint of drilling/speculating on what they already have access to.

That they want drilling rights and new lands is obvious.

But giving the American consumer relief at the gas pump may be the last thing on their greedy minds. And manipulating elections is always first.

~~NPR reported early today that two Bear Stearns execs were arrested this morning and will be arraigned this afternoon. We'll see if this political performance--seeming to be 'doing something'--will amount to a housecleaning within Wall Street's den of thieves.

Jun 18, 2008

Summer Solstice 2008

My 2008 Summer Solstice chart has now been updated if you wish to check it out.

And I want to reply here to a comment to my last post on the White House deleted/MIA emails because Blogger doesn't always allow to add a reply there and I don't have time to fuss with it.

It should apply to any administration (and has until now) but it's this administration that's hiding these communiques. "National secrets" could certainly be redacted esp with the current redacting pen so ever present.

Your defense of what is so obviously a cover-up to keep their way of doing business secretive and their patooties intact--in this the 'most secretive' of White Houses, as everyone has agreed long ago--doesn't change the fact that they're hiding their actions and motives concerning Valerie Plame, the attorneys general firings, and their illegal, preemptive war of choice.

Protecting Bush, Cheney, friends, energy industry pals, enablers, the Pentagon, and Republican politicians is all important here. Thieves and crooks should be concerned to hide their tracks and accountability is unknown in Washington on both (illusory) sides of the aisle--and as an Independent I blame them all.

My guess is that there are more things to be known from these emails than we heretofore have suspected...something even more "above the law" than we've seen before!

Oh, and I do thank you for commenting. jude

Jun 11, 2008

A somewhat tardy newsletter but still pertinent including this Friday-the-13th, with raspberries going to Jacques DeMolay for the tangle and bother of superstition surrounding the number 13:

Space Weather News for June 10, 2008

DOUBLE FLYBY ALERT: Space shuttle Discovery is scheduled to undock from the International Space Station on Wednesday morning, June 11th, at 7:42 am EDT. This means many sky watchers will be able to see the two spaceships flying in tandem, separate but closely-spaced points of light, gliding among the stars on Wednesday night.

Double flybys will continue on Thursday the 12th and to a lesser extent on Friday the 13th, with Discovery returning to Earth on Saturday. Southeastern parts of the United States (e.g., Miami and Atlanta) are favored with some particularly good apparitions.

Check our Simple Flybys tool to find out when you should look: SpaceWeather flybys

MARSWORM: Meanwhile on Mars, Phoenix has photographed a worm-shaped object near one of its feet. No, it is not a Marsworm.

Visit SpaceWeather to find out what really lies at Phoenix's feet and to view the latest 3D images from the Red Planet. #


Interesting! but I may know the identity of the 'MarsWorm' that's been may have noticed him lurking about the White House lo these many years dropping bombs, destroying the peace, and breaking every treaty he meets with devil-may-care abandon; and, it seems, worshiping Mars, the god of war.

And he speaks as if he longs for Mars' red shores.

Sound familiar? Have you seen this man? Dennis Kucinich has. Hope he socks it to the GOP (and their enablers) before the November elections.

More lessons for proud America!

Jun 9, 2008

2 scenes from somewhere in America...

Photos snapped in rural Georgia, mid-90s...when bad credit was no problem, as the sign says. But can that ever be true?

Do you feel enticed to buy a car? More cars are on the way, it says. More choices for You, dear consumer.

In the lower image you see the end result of buying vehicles at the expense of our environment. And I don't think running out of gas is the only thing that got him into this pickle, do you?.

(c)2008 jude cowell

Jun 7, 2008

SO'W's blog stats hit 66,666--today!

66,666 is something of an illustrious number, I suppose, so you may wish to scroll to the end of this page (location of Bravenet Counter may depend on which browser you use and whether you've updated it within the last decade) to see Stars Over Washington 's current progress toward the ungainly digits...but perhaps the danger is past now that you are here, and you won't have to be forever known as visitor #66,666!

baby by by: Hillary bows to superior mojo

Hillary backs out at noon June 7 is a Page I've set up with astrological notes on Hillary Clinton's failure to capture the collective imagination enough to be the next globalist New Millennialist shill.

Now you'll find a smidge of Obama Astrology in the article yet with no direct mention of that skewed view of the New Millennium (on their side or ours)--but you know I'm thinkin' it.

Sheesh! hearing her noon rally's audience's cheers makes me miss living in DC!

The article is mainly concerned with today's transit of restrictive Saturn and Neptune's eventual conjunction with her n MC, so I hope you'll get some kind of info out of it, but first...

you must click!

Jun 4, 2008

Limericking Obama

Why limerick yesterday's apparent delegate winner of the Dem primary race? And you have every right to ask.

Well, I'm only the typist over at Lim's Limericks but if you'd care to slink over you'll find a new political limerick from Mr.A.Cat, an agent formerly in service to our nation (and whose whereabouts remain unknown so don't even ask.)

Plus, you'll see a photo of the infamous Lim doing what he does so well and so often.

So why fight it? Prez Cat Takes Montana! may be your destiny so please have your best rhymery groans handy!

Jun 2, 2008

moral philosophy of our inner wolves

An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, "A fight is going on inside me...It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, pride and superiority. The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside of you and every other person too."

They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?" The old Cherokee simply replied..."The one I feed."


"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy: that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith

Thanks go to Information Clearing House's Newsletter for supplying these quotes. Which wolf am I feeding today?

May 30, 2008

June 3 New Moon: last of the primaries

On June 3, mercifully the day of the last of the Democratic primaries, a new cycle begins with a New Moon 13Gem34, at 3:22 pm edt.

This New Moon chart is set for the White House, the place they all want to be when the super delegates get done deciding who the next civilian commander will be.

And synchronistically enough, this is termed a 'Super Moon' because it will have more than the usual effect on tides, tectonic plates, and weather patterns, so natural disasters (already on the increase) may unfortunately come again to call.

Point your mouse in any direction and you'll find many articles online about this New Moon's degree ("14Gem"..."A Conversation by Telepathy") so I'll simply give the more hidden part of the Jones version for this Sabian Symbol because he includes the negative implications for each degree--and we are looking toward the DC swamp with its white lodge for inspiration...

neg/unconscious/shadow side: attempted accomplishment through innuendo or underhanded means.

Kind of describes a US presidential campaign in general, doesn't it? And the practice of Politics in particular. But on another level it may describe a new phase of the Clintons' relationship after Hillary drops out, if she will (Sun = male, Moon = female.)

Yet telepathy has a ring of ESP to it so if you're of that clairvoyant persuasion, keep closer tabs than usual on your dreams in June and risk following your hunches.

Well, hopefully you can read my scribbles on the chart if you click to enlarge it, so I'll not repeat myself in this text.

~~And after hearing of another fatal crane "accident" (if indeed they are so) in New York City today, I'm in a sad mood for the families involved and for the city I've not spent much time in, but love as much as the next gal.~~

As you know, New Moons perfect their activities at the next Full Moon and in this case that will be on June 18 at 27Sag52, 1:30 pm edt. Will Hillary last until then? Or even triumph? The Full Moon's Sun position will conjunct her natal Uranus, planet of disruptions and separations.

Sun to natal Uranus is a time of quirkiness within organizations and groups--it's difficult to go with the flow.

However, there are benefits if you can manage it, yet Hillary's character is often of the 'too much combative energy to fit teamwork requirements easily' variety although I think she's been trying in recent years while in the Senate.

Sun-to-Uranus may also cause her unique qualities to become more valuable to others and a leadership role is not out of the question...not based on this transit anyway.

By the Full Moon of June 18, Pluto will have backed his way into Sagittarius again.

Moon/Pluto contacts tend toward 'publicity and mass appeals' an influence which makes me think of John McCain's Moon/Pluto opposition conjunct US natal Pluto.

The June 18 Full Moon has Sun at 27Gem50 and "28Gem" is the degree of Bankruptcy. Perhaps there will be news from the near-broke campaign coffers for McCain--or for Hillary if she and Bill are still in the running a la super delegate support.

Moon/Pluto contacts may also indicate dealing with death matters, propaganda issues, or psychologically-based problems such as primal rage.

Now after studying the charts for tomorrow evening's DNC "Unity Dinner" in Manhattan, Clinton's chances, while not impossible, seem quite far-fetched to this reluctant astrologer's sleepy peepers.

Then there's determined Bill saying again today that Hillary is "winning" but you know Bill has never appreciated being fact-checked. Perhaps it depends on what the meaning of the word winning is.


Well, I did say the June 3 New Moon marks the end of the Democratic primaries...mercifully.

May 28, 2008

hear radio transmissions from Mars' Phoenix

Space Weather News for May 28, 2008

THE DESCENT OF PHOENIX: When NASA's Phoenix probe parachuted to Mars last Sunday, a pair of other spacecraft were orbiting high overhead, watching and listening. While NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped some jaw-dropping photos of Phoenix's plunge to the surface, Europe's Mars Express orbiter recorded Phoenix's radio transmissions.

The eerie-sounding tones have just been beamed back to Earth and you can listen to them by following the links at today's edition of

CARTWHEEL CME: Imagine a billion-ton cloud of gas launching itself off the surface of the sun and then...doing a cartwheel. That's exactly what happened on April 9, 2008, when a coronal mass ejection pirouetted over the sun's limb in full view of an international fleet of spacecraft. The cartwheel set off a chain of events that amazed even veteran solar physicists.

The full story, and a spectacular movie of a second cartwheel recorded just last week, may be found at SpaceWeather.#

Amusing that all this Mars landing, visitation, and recording have been while planet Mars is conjunct the natal Ascendant of George the "A Bolshivik Propagandist" degree (8 Leo.)

Bush does love all things Martian, most especially and including his big opportunity to front as a 'war president.'

It's his adolescent obsession to outdo daddy all the way to Baghdad--and we see what the world is reaping along with a small man's Saturn complex and an alarming lack of conscience.

more on Inauguration 2009's horoscope

It was time for an update of my WordPress Page on the noon chart for Inauguration 2009 so I've added details on a few synchronistic historical links which will occur between Jan 20, 2009 and 1748 here if you'd like to mosey by for a visit.

And have you heard of former counter-terroism chief Richard Clarke's new book, Your Government Failed You...?

Clarke will be interviewed on NPR's Fresh Air tomorrow (edt schedule--check your local listings) so I may have to check it out. I only hope Clarke's book tells us Stuff We Don't Already Know--unlike Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book which so far gives me that 'NOW he tells us' about you?

One thing's for sure--I somewhat have to agree with Karl Rove for once: McClellan didn't criticise the war while he was working in the White House (paycheck in danger, Will Robinson, back away.)

Ugh. I just realized I agree with Karl Rove on something, pathetic defense though it may be for an administration's many lies, frauds, and self-willedness.

And both these books may secretly be backhanded ways of promoting propaganda as if anything ever happens in Politics that wasn't designed to happen...misdirected, ill-waged wars included.

Guess the Plame Flame continues scorching their sorry patooties just a little, doesn't it?

Grilled Butt of Rove for my July 4 picnic? No thanks, I'm veggan, but thanks anyway for offering.

May 24, 2008

US Progressed Moon to ASC: May 30, 2008

Here you see America's Secondary Progressed chart for May 30, 2008--date of the real Memorial Day.

(Secondary Progressions describe the physical plane and I tend to abbreviate them to 'Sec.')

As you can see, Sec Moon 27Leo11 is conjunct Sec Ascendant which relates to the Self or physical body, and any time a planet or luminary (Sun or Moon) progresses to a chart's angle, change is in store.

This position also happens to be opposite US natal Moon (the People; the public) so let's see what this may indicate for the American people.

Our Progressed Moon has been in the warm-hearted sign of Leo for some time now since Sec Moon progresses appr one degree per month. This quickness is due to the fact that the natural Moon is the fastest moving body in our solar system and its orbit around the Earth creates our calendar month, as you know.

Sec Moon remains in a sign for about 2 1/2 years so we see here that we're nearing the last months of Leo, with our Sec Full Moon exact on Dec 24, 2008 at 4Vir10.

Having Sec Moon opposite natal Moon brings issues similar to those of Sec Moon to 1st house/ASC, so for briefness' sake, I'll simply list what's being emphasized here:

nuturing, food, veganism, home, homeland, domestic concerns, personal security, ecology (Earth, our home), emotions and emotional security, caretaking roles, public involvements (ex: elections; publicity; the silver screen), and identity and/or residential changes.

Sounds like locavores may come into their own!

Of course, changes and fluctuations are always where the Moon resides in a chart--natal, progressed, Returns, etc. And we know that the Moon describes the mundane ups'n'downs of our daily lives as well.

But having Sec Moon advancing from the hidden, secretive 12th house into the more visible 1st house is a big change...and to make things more interesting, the midpoint of Neptune and the North Node (NN of the Moon--a destined joining point which relates to public involvements) is sitting directly upon the ASC and 'pointing' toward the Sec Moon.

Thus we have a couple of midpoint pictures to consider:

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; a lack of community spirit or adaptability; cessation of an inner understanding with others; disappointments.

Neptune/NN = ASC: feeling uncomfortable in the presence of others; experiencing deceit; being duped; appearing strange to others; disappointments. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Now you know that Neptune/NN contacts also relate to films as well as to deceit with the public and use of illusions in public life, political or not.

Two examples are perhaps becoming more aware of propaganda than usual within Hollywood films or in TV shows--or Photoshop pics may imply what isn't there (of course I'm thinking of Politics as I type for there would be no Hollywood without Neptune's illusions--and synchronistically, we're plopped in the midst of a political campaign of great import where Neptunian image is everything.)

Neptune is sextile NN and thus in Nodal degree (fated) and has formed a YOD pattern with US natal Moon (marked in pink at the Desc) so the above midpoint picture is doubly ephasized. YODs indicate special tasks or a crisis.

To paraphrase Frances Sakoian, in The Astroloer's Handbook, Neptune sextile NN indicates:

an ability to subtly influence public opinions, moods, and actions; riding the current of public moods and trends; evasions are used rather than direct confrontation.

Plus, connections between Neptune and NN tend toward sleeplessness, and a lack of judgment leading to wrong ideas about associations (Ebertin.) Not such a good situation with November elections upcoming, is it?

Actually this sextile in the US Sec chart has been of influence for quite a while with its confusions, deceits, and illusions--and the YOD once focused on Mercury in AQ. I posted on this pattern some time ago so I won't repeat it here.

Also rising in this Sec chart is Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, whose *keywords are: success if revenge is avoided.

Taking revenge when this Star is prominent means that all that has been gained will be lost, and if this isn't so for America since the attacks of 9/11, I'll eat my beanie cap sans mayo or mustard.

I see Regulus as relating to the old saw, the bigger they are, they harder they fall, for the higher one climbs and the more success one achieves, the more Regulus expects noble actions of us...and revenge is perhaps the basest action of all.

But taking pride in the small things of life may help offset some of the problems that are created by mishandling the energy and gifts of this important Star, so perhaps the American people may be allowed to focus on their domestic needs, family, nurturing, etc (and turn vegan?!)...and thus mitigate some of the damage our 'leaders' have perpetrated toward their selfish ends to the exclusion of our needs.

So will the upcoming shift to a new Oval Office occupant bring change of identity for our country along with more presidential focus on our security and other real needs? Will more people lose their homes as Washington's massive amounts of deceit continue to bedevil and undermine us?

A change of identity is certainly on the way as our Sec Moon enters further into 1st house territory. My prayer is that improvements will accompany it.

* Brady's Fixed Stars.

UPDATE 8:30 pm: You'll find more details on this chart including Capulus at Midheaven and the Sun Pisces-Moon Leo blend here.

VP search: political musings for the week

Summer is upon us, it's Memorial Day weekend, and I've been blurbing and musing on 2008's presidential candidates and the required search for a VP candidate to share the ticket: VP search: too many senators has a few points I've been pondering this week concerning senatorial egos, piggish governors, Obama's Israel shout-out, and Hillary's crystal ball for June horrors, among other things.

Last here on May 21, the two-tiered interweb (thanks, TV's Craig Ferguson!) is continuing to be problematic for it seems I'm allowed into this blog on alternate days at best, or every three or four days more annoyingly and my 'real world' schedule must often take precedence over creaky page-loading.

But I love my Stars Over Washington blog, so please don't think I diss if I'm absent awhile, okay? Blogging has become quite a struggle on Turtle Lane.

And sometimes my blog on WordPress navigates more easily, so you may find me there instead. If you follow the above link you'll also find articles on the natal charts of TV's Craig Ferguson, chanteuse Amy Winehouse, and master artist Edgar Degas sprinkled amongst the politics.

That's because Jude's Threshold is meant to be a hodge podge of Art, Astrology, and Politics...a veritable tapestry of creativity and societal concerns stretched upon a loom of Astrology.

Perhaps it's a good mix, but as you know, the clunker in the happy blend is none other than Politics, that system of organized hatreds which ruins most of what it touches while lying to our collective face in order to cover its fallibility and pocket-lining.

We could put it down to human nature, but these critters, vermin, and crooks imagine themselves to be above the rest of us on the evolutionary ladder along with their elite societal status...because they confuse wealth of money with wealth of character.

And Scripture says it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. So that settles that, doesn't it?

Now this reminds me of the Sabian Symbol for "25Leo"..."A large camel crossing the desert"...ADEQUACY...

pos: uncompromising persistence and uncomplaining self-expenditure in any course to be followed;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: ruthlessness in an unintelligent self-interest.

But what would Washington be without its unintelligent self-interest?

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Mark Edmund Jones.)

May 18, 2008

Space Station flybys or watch the movie!

Space Weather News for 18 May 18, 2008

ISS MARATHON: The 2008 "ISS Marathon" gets underway this week when the International Space Station spends three days (May 21-23) in almost-constant sunlight. Sky watchers in Europe and North America can see the bright spaceship gliding overhead two to four times each night.

The ISS is as bright as Venus or Jupiter, so even people in light-polluted cities can see it. Please use our new and improved simple Satellite Tracker to find out when to look:

SpaceWeather flybys

SPACE STATION MOVIE: Today's edition of features a must-see movie of the International Space Station flying over Germany on May 12. Although it looks like footage from a satellite or high-powered telescope, the movie was made by an amateur astronomer using a backyard 5-inch refractor.

As a result of ongoing construction (every shuttle flight in recent months has added a new piece to the ISS), the space station is now a wide and easy target for amateur-class telescopes.

Catch the show at