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Feb 26, 2018

The Powerful Midpoint Pictures of Donald Trump

The following midpoint picture interpretations are gleaned from the natal chart of Donald John Trump born June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, New York USA and are quoted here from The Combination of Stellar Influences by Reinhold Ebertin (lest someone fuss that I made them up!)

Well yes, I'm a messy artist but perhaps you can somehow read my scribbles of Mr. Trump's natal planetary pictures and their potential expressions (any, all, or none may apply and all are subject to activation by various cosmic means, a lifelong condition here on Planet Earth):

If possible, read them all together (unless you know them already) for they paint quite a picture of this flawed individual whose personal flaws and foibles are now our own to some extent--even for those who 'resist' his White House tenure. Uncomfortably, we are all under the sway of Trump's 10th house Uranus @17Gemini, his oriental or 'guiding planet', which inspires in him a wide variety of shocking behaviors and erratic ideas and intensifies his odd or unusual communications style (Gemini), wouldn't you say? And though people get excited when seeing him in person (Sun-Uranus = NN of public contact), chaos attends sky god Uranus, planet of lightening, electricity, novelty, disruption, separation, and--perhaps more to the political point--radical reforms. As you know, the totally skeptical Mr. Trump (Mercury-Pluto = Saturn) is a quixotic, quirky reformer (Uranus in Gemini) who becomes overwhelmed with extreme emotions (Moon-Pluto = Chiron, the wound and/or blind spot) and has a tendency to be easily seduced and to speculate wildly (Jupiter-Neptune = Chiron--in his 2nd house of Money and Values). Plus, hypocrisy is often a part of any bubbly, frothy Jupiter-Neptune action and with Chiron in the midst of it he may be completely unaware of his hypocrisy although it's excessively obvious to most observers (and victims!)

And since I have often here and there complained of Mr. Trump's indiscreet, fantasy-prone, dishonest Mercury-Neptune square of the sneaky mind (A. Oken), I give it small mention since we're talking mostly midpoint pictures yet it is a major feature of his public persona and habitual behavior in which he prevaricates without having to think about it.

And so we see in current events and in these pictures that Gemini messenger Mr. Trump, who rules spontaneously by whimsy and notion, has a mission to fulfill and announcements to make (Mercury conjunct Mirzam, The Announcer who precedes Sirius, the Dog Star). His oppressive family conditions early in life (and probably even now with the Mueller investigation) gives a tendency toward emotional depression (Saturn-Neptune = ASC) which he endeavors to hide from himself in the many ways we've observed. A primary way is to go overboard in one's love life and to talk of such private matters too often and too familiarly. Then Venus-Neptune = ASC provides him with potentials for holding peculiar attitudes about love and women, impressionability, a lack of good taste (a gilded penthouse? ridiculous!), and....surprise--disappointment in love. This potential may sometimes aggravate the discontent seen in his Venus-Saturn conjunction in 11th house of Associations. As we've noticed, loyalty (Saturn) in relationships (Venus) is a must for Mr. Trump no matter how wrong or offensive he is on any topic or issue, or how disloyal he himself is.

And with such an attitude toward others he's bound to face disappointment in relationships, including marriage. Still, appearance is everything (Venus-Neptune) for Mr. Trump and an exalted public image must be maintained by hook or by crook (remember his alter ego, "John Miller"?) We can see Mr. Trump's intense interest in love, sexual encounters, and relationships showing here as well like a terrycloth bathrobe left askew for effect. Woman as goddess on a rose-festooned pedestal--until she disappoints, that is. Well, Mother did as we see in his Moon-South Node conjunction of separation and estrangement. With Moon-SN, his sense of timing isn't so fabulous either and perhaps we should watch as transit Mars nears his Moon-SN conjunction (20/22Sag) and opposes natal Sun-North Node in early March 2018. Potentials of this Mars transit are vindictive anger, rash actions, challenges to leadership, ego-bruises, and physical strain or injury, most of which sounds like the usual but a male (Mars), or Mr. Mars-Rising himself, may activate or trigger the energies to a higher level.

Then There's the Most Negative Midpoint Picture in His Natal Chart

As the current leading representative of America and the American people, the most disturbing midpoint picture on the list considering Trump's social position and influence over society is listed, upper left, and that's one of brutality, rage or fury of destruction, and the death of many people...Mars-Saturn = Pluto, deadly planet of the Criminal Underworld, the Occult, Psychology, Raw or Primal Power, and of Nuclear Power--here, in ego-based Leo. Plus, his Midheaven (Aspirations-Goals) falls within the stars of Perseus (the prince--and Trump's frisky Mars rises with royal Regulus) and at MC spotlights the passionate, aggressive energies of starry Capulus. Yes, his aspiration came true for he reached the head (Capulus) of the entire enterprise--again by hook or crook. And yet he often seems like the dog who caught the bus and... you know the rest.

Now according to Reinhold Ebertin concerning Mars-Saturn-Pluto constellations, the potential is available for him-of-the-massive-ego to push precisely the Wrong Button so let's pray (or fervently hope if that's all we can manage) that the remaining potential in this death-axis (Mars-Saturn) midpoint picture expresses in a way that overrides its most negative implications, whether an override comes by way of a Heavenly Source or from someone who will rein Trump in...the intervention of a higher power.

A Related Post: May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus Enters Taurus.

Additional Note: our do-nothing Congress returns to Capitol Hill tomorrow, Monday February 26, 2018, and there's no time to type about it now yet it may be noteworthy that tomorrow's Cancer Moon will turn void-of-course at 4:51 pm est once she squares radical Uranus in Aries so those who wish to actually accomplish something in Congress with some small measure of cooperation may wish to do their best work prior to 4:51 pm even though actions during the Moon's VOC condition can indicate that no one can interfere or limit--or, that results will be totally unexpected. Luna enters Leo at 11:42 pm est and floats on to make a series of quincunxes of adjustment and strain all through Tuesday, February 27, 2018.

Feb 25, 2018

We Don't Work for the Government - the Government Works for Us

Today SO'W is pleased to present another post written by Kevin Estes who provides us with a millennial perspective on the current condition of the US government.

We Don't Work For The Government, The Government Works For Us

by Kevin Estes

Years ago, the US Government actually performed its duty and worked for the people.

Franklin D. Roosevelt is the reason for programs like Social Security.

Dwight Eisenhower is the reason for our highway system, allowing us to travel longer distances in a shorter amount of time.

Lyndon Johnson is the reason for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Food Stamp Program.

Even Richard Nixon, who is most known for the Watergate Scandal, is the reason for Supplemental Security Income, better known as SSI, and for the EPA.

Yes, upon a time Government actually worked for the people (the Democrats were becoming the left wing party, while the Republican party was more moderate). When did it go wrong?

In 1981, Ronald Reagan signed the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, lowering the top income tax rate from 70% to 50%, and then in 1986 signed the Tax Reform Act Of 1986, which lowered the top rate from 50% to 38.5%. After these tax cuts, the economy entered a recession in the late 80s and didn't recover until the time Clinton entered office. Reagan is also known for the Iran Contra Scandal, which involved the sale of weapons to Iran.

Bill Clinton, despite presiding over a strong economy throughout this two terms in office, signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act in 1996, which significantly reduced welfare benefits. He also repealed the Glass Steagall Act in 1999, which lifted strong regulations on the banks that were implemented by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The repeal played a big role in the Great Recession that took place in 2008-2011.

George W. Bush is well known for his two sets of tax cuts in 2001 and 2003, both of which heavily benefited the wealthy, and also played a major role in the 2008 recession, as he refused to raise taxes while two wars were going on. He also signed the Patriot Act into law, suspiciously shortly after 9/11, rightly making people wonder if it was a planned attack for the purpose of suppressing freedom of speech by labeling violators as "terrorists".

Barack Obama is well known for Obamacare, which is a federal mandate to purchase health care, and likely a ponzi scheme to make health care providers richer, as premiums increased under this law.

And Donald Trump recently signed a huge tax cut for the wealthy into law, while taxes will go up for everybody else in 2025.

All of this, in the name of making their donors richer at the expense of the "little people".

How To Fix This

Simple. Get the money out of politics! If it was made illegal for corporations to bribe politicians, politicians wouldn't feel the need to make the rich richer, and have more freedom to govern according to the political indicators in their astrology charts. In Obama and Clinton's charts, the left wing economic and cultural indicators are very strong, so it's very likely that if they didn't have to be owned by multi million dollar corporations in order to get elected, they would have run the country in a much more progressive manner, similar to the likes of Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. As long as big money is involved in politics, the rich will continue to get richer at the expense of the poor.

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008, and will be there until shortly after the 2024 election. It is no coincidence that the Great Recession started when Pluto first went into Capricorn, and that the issues regarding money in politics have been at the forefront throughout this transit. The Mueller Investigation, with Trump, Kushner, and many other Republicans being investigated for collusion with Russia, as well as money laundering, is likely a precursor to future laws prohibiting big money from influencing elections. With Pluto, the transformer, in Capricorn, the sign of government and big business, laws making the bribery of politicians illegal will be inevitable.

And these oligarchs know this, which is why the US Government is growing more and more authoritarian every year, in an attempt to slow down these changes, before Pluto enters the humanitarian sign of Aquarius for good in 2024. However, nobody beats astrology in the end, and it's foolish to believe that you can.

Eventually, the government will once again serve its original role, to work in the best interests of its citizens, keep us safe, and ensure us a good quality of life, but that won't happen until the oligarchy that has been in place for close to 40 years collapses.

Thanks Kevin! Perhaps the upcoming August 2018 Solar Eclipse--'The Tower Eclipse' with its theme of existing structures collapsing--will spark such a collapse of oligarchy in the US! After all, the US government was and is meant to be afraid of We the People--not the other way around. jc

Feds May Finally Change Backwards Drug Sentencing - clip

February 25, 2018: The Ring of Fire reports:

Feb 23, 2018

American Revolution Horoscope w Feb 2018 Transits

2018/19 Astrology for Children of the Revolution

Bi-Wheel Charts: center = American Revolution (1st Shot) April 19, 1775 5:00 am LMT Lexington, MA; outer chart: transits February 24, 2018 12:00 am est Lexington, MA.

Since horoscopes of past events (and people) continue to be affected by planetary transits, eclipses, and so on, here are the transits of tomorrow (Feb 24, 2018) 'embracing' or otherwise affecting our American Revolution planets of April 19, 1775 which lead, of course, to our Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776. Those who use that date and a late afternoon hour for setting up a natal horoscope to symbolize America (with an Ascendant at or around 12-13 Sagittarius) will note that on April 19, 1775, the Moon (population; public mood) conjoined that Ascendant.

Moon in Sag gave the rebels who helped establish this Ideal Nation we call America strains of idealism guiding actions, alternating optimism and pessimism, and a sense of inconstancy along with changeable or fluctuating moods so prevalent during the war--and this remains a factor in the US psyche now.

Uranus to Sun and Jupiter Opposing Jupiter

As you see, 1775 Sun @29Ari06 will soon be electrified or intensified by transit Uranus beginning on April 29, 2018, again on December 2, 2018, and finally on February 10, 2019. Penned on the chart are some of the potentials for this Uranian transit: dramatic changes, rebellions, erratic lunges for freedom. Also transit Jupiter has already opposed 1775 Jupiter once--on February 4, 2018. Tr Jupiter will again do so on April 10, 2018 (Rx) and September 28, 2018 so that's a full year of those Jupiterian vibes which include: general discontent, and a tendency toward overblown efforts which are only partially effective if at all. Boasting about what's been done to improve situations and conditions is part of the picture as well, whether the actions have been or will be taken or not. Jupiter symbolizes money and bankers, of course, plus, corporations, religious figures, politicians, military generals, teachers, beliefs, ideals and ideologies. 1775 Jupiter in Taurus had interests in financial security, liberality, and freedom from oppression while Jupiter now in Scorpio is more about materialism, ruthless striving for possessions, optimism (real or faked!), and those who overrate themselves. Over-promising can also be a feature of a Scorpio Jupiter...Scorpio, sign of Big Business, spying and surveillance, control, and betrayal.

Rebellious Uranus-Pluto

Now naturally a cosmic backdrop to everything in both horoscopes in the Revolutionary department of life is transit Uranus square 1775 Pluto, also a feature of our July 4, 1776 Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) but on later dates since 1775 Pluto is earlier in the Zodiac @26Cap41. This also involves our January 20th inauguration Midheavens, the Goal Point of our presidencies. Disruptions and shifts in the realms of power, politics, economics, and within the physical environment are the usual results of this transit along with revolt and resistance, as we've seen. Wars (anti-war), struggles for civil rights, and other social concerns are often the areas that need to be shaken up by intense Uranus.

Karmic Saturn 2018 in the Cauldron of The Revolution

Another transit of note is the tr Saturn square to 1775 Saturn with authority, authenticity, maturity, responsibility, seniority, restriction, loss, and other Saturnian themes of control which is blocked, delayed, or denied. Exact squares are already in progress: January 21, 2018, July 28, 2018, and October 14, 2018. Paying off past debts, some of a karmic nature, is likely along with inflexibility found in current circumstances. Authority can be blocked by senior officials as can legislation deemed irresponsible, ineffective, or unworkable.

Of course, any time Saturn associates with MC or is in the 10th house of Public Status, a 'fall from grace' may be inferred if not expected for as you see, transit Saturn will eventually cross the MC (Goal) of the American Revolution horoscope and join Pluto in 10th house--where the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto takes place @22Cap46 with its hardship and cruelty vibes. Yet transit Saturn to MC can bring rewards for hard work though additional responsibilities will accompany any benefits (see below for a list of the American Revolution's first-ever Pluto Return/s dates).

As for a Saturnian fall from grace, Mr. Trump has America going down that drooping and disgraceful path now (imho) and his approval ratings are sad. Congress legislates austere economic measures to restrict social programs and other common sense initiatives, and my thought is that politicians and their backers have bankrupted our National Treasury and can only continue to finance and supply America's global military by diverting funds from the needs of the American people and plowing the money into more wars of conquest. Disagree if you will! For support I cite the US Progressed Full Moon of December 2008 (4Vir10) which timed the karmic limit of our nation's reach and expansion into the world, a cosmic fact that Washington DC chumps ignored, of course.

The exact dates of Saturn-SQ-Saturn (not listed on the chart) are: May 15, 2017, October 15, 2017, and March 16, 2018. Mr. Trump's sketchy relations with realism, facts, reliability, and honesty can hardly be more in the spotlight than they are now as these are some of the demands of karmic Saturn--and Trump is allegedly 'in control' of our country acting as the Saturnian managing officer, we could say, though some would say the Jupiterian Uranian Mr. Trump behaves as more of a CEO, at least in his own mind. We all would shudder if we knew who is actually behind this man!

Now as you see, the Saturn-SQ-Saturn dates spotlight the first and second years of the Trump White House and denote potentials for trauma, vulnerability, fear of loss, and psychological therapy being needed. Most Americans agree that gun accessibility needs common sense legislation and action after yet another horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Under Ronald Reagan, mental health funding was cruelly cut so now Mr. Trump is calling for the opening and/or re-opening of mental asylums. If so, they could quite well turn up as privatized from the start, similar to our draconian prison system. Scary. Yet access to mental health care truly is needed considering America's decades of a Bomb the World's Children campaign of conquest for the corporations as US Mars (military and police) continues in retrograde motion by progression (since 2006) and US males who are turning inward with vicious thoughts and vengeful actions taken on US soil against their fellow citizens. Tragically, this looks like spiritual and karmic blow back to me.

We may expect the Saturn-SQ-1775-Saturn transits to continue to deal with issues of authority, authenticity, maturity, responsibility, seniority, restriction, and other Saturnian themes of loss and control that may block, delay, limit, or deny rules, laws, and decisions. Exact squares are already in progress: January 21, 2018, July 28, 2018, and October 14, 2018. Paying off past debts, some of a karmic nature, is likely along with inflexibility found in current circumstances. Authority can be blocked by senior officials, lawmakers, or judges as can legislation deemed irresponsible, ineffective, or unworkable.

Moon-Neptune and the 'American Dream'

Another cosmic backdrop is transit Neptune square 1775 Moon, a five-fer transit that began on May 7, 2017. Its second partile square occurred on July 27, 2017 and next will be March 1, 2018, then November 1, 2018, and finally on December 17, 2018. Now we might think of this nebulous transit as only affecting Americans who are actual descendants of the Revolutionary generation--Children of the Revolution (as many of us are) but for me, 1775 Moon symbolizes everyone born here and who immigrated because of the American Ideals of freedom, independence, and equality--however imperfectly the modern-day political class may express these concepts and interfere with them. The Neptune-SQ-Moon period we're in suggests domestic upheavals, emotional upsets, clouded or murky issues and events, heightened intuition which may inspire solution or which may bring upsetting revelations or events to confuse and distract. Sadly, grief and loss are part of the Moon-Neptune picture and no additional responsibilities should be taken on during this period for trying to save what's left may be more in keeping with the times and this includes natural disasters which very much include floods and other water damages.

Dates of the American Revolution's Pluto Return/s:

April 5, 2021; May 20, 2021; January 23, 2022; August 18, 2022; and November 26, 2022. Influences and themes of Solar and Lunar Eclipses should be considered for these important plutonic events.

Yes, these and many other factors are worth noting between the two horoscopes if you have a chance to consider them and I hope you will--because all Americans must follow the time-honored Know Thyself dictate...and because forewarned is forearmed!

Feb 21, 2018

Authoritarianism - Wrong Only When the Other Party Is in Power?

Stars Over Washington is pleased to publish another in a series of posts by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes. The following originally appeared on Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog:

Authoritarianism - It's Wrong Only When The Other Party Is In Power?

by Kevin Estes

The US Government has never been more authoritarian and divisive than during the last 14 months, which is the amount of time the Trump Administration has resided in the White House. Some notable incidents from Trump and other GOP during these 14 months:

Trump firing James Comey, then attempting to fire Robert Mueller in an attempt to obstruct justice

Trump saying that NFL players who protest should be fired on the spot

Trump putting blame on counter protesters during the Charlottesville demonstrations

GOP lawmakers proposing legislation making it legal to run down protesters in the midst of the Keystone XL/Dakota Access Pipeline protests

Laura Ingraham saying that LeBron James should "shut up and dribble" after he criticized the Trump Administration

GOP Representative Clay Higgins saying that all Muslims should die

Courtland Sykes, a Republican running for congress, saying that he wants to come home to a cooked dinner every night, in a sexist remark

Jeff Sessions removing anti discrimination protections for transgender citizens, and Trump banning them from the military

Trump not approving release of the Democratic memo, indirectly incriminating himself and obstructing justice even further (if he was truly innocent, he would have no problem with it getting released!)

And there are many, many more that would take all day to name. The point is that the same people who were using their first amendment right during the Obama Administration, speaking out against Obamacare and Benghazi, are shockingly silent, during a time in which the reputation of their entire party is in complete jeopardy as a result of these divisive and immature actions, as well as the Mueller Investigation.

Or is it shocking?

Right now, we are in the midst of a paradigm shift, known as the transition to the Aquarian Age. In astrology, Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, and it is known as one of the most progressive signs of the zodiac, if not THE most progressive. In an age ruled by this sign, many of the ideals embraced by the Republican party are quite frankly, incompatible with these energies. Racism, sexism, homophobia, and overall inequality will simply not be tolerated anymore, and deep down, they know this. So, many of these Republicans will simply lower their moral standards in order to gain power, when in reality, their party is in shambles. We are technically still in the Piscean Age, so the illusions are still in play.

It's In Their Astrology

In many examples on this blog and on my Pinterest account, it is proven that left and right wing politics are shown in people's astrology charts. Economic leftists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (those on the cultural right who have this pattern can also support tariffs, major military spending, and even fascism, as it's the dissolution, Neptune, of wealth from the poor to the rich), and cultural/social leftists have Moon, the 4th house and their rulers in aspect to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house. Economic rightists have Venus, the 2nd house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 2nd house, and the sign of Taurus, and cultural/social rightists have the Moon, 4th house, and their rulers in aspect to the North Node, the 4th house, and the sign of Cancer.

Overall leftists have liberal impulses in both categories, while overall rightists have conservative impulses in one or both categories, and people with an equal number of indicators in a category for each side tend to lean to the right. Those with a mixed (partisan) or aggressive (authoritarian) pattern in regards to aspects with the asteroid Pallas are the most prone to the philosophy of "the end justifies the means". Aggressive Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to Pluto and the South Node and in hard aspect to Jupiter, and defensive (Libertarian) Pallas indicators are Pallas and its ruler in aspect to the Sun, Mercury, and North Node. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of our elected officials have either mixed Pallas or aggressive Pallas, including everybody in the Trump Administration that I have cast a chart for.

We Need To Know

If we only knew that our political views, among other things, are basically ingrained in our astrology charts, the country, as well as the entire world, would be a lot less divided because we'd know that our political viewpoints are like our personalities, in that there is no right and wrong, but just "is". If everybody had the exact same personality or exact same political views, things would get real boring, real fast, so all our different Sun signs, Moon signs, rising signs, Mercury, Venus, and Mars signs, Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune generations, etc., as well as our different innate political viewpoints are likely in God's plan to keep things interesting for all of us rather than divide us. Our political views being astrological complexes makes a whole lot of sense when you realize that you typically can't bring someone to the other side, no matter how well thought out your argument is. And while people's parents and place they grew up in may be a factor, whose to say that these people weren't fated to be in that situation before incarnating? And if we knew the true reason for people's political views, as well as innate ethical nature, we could prevent something like the Trump/Russia fiasco from happening ever again, and find out if the politicians running for office actually have the viewpoints they're expressing, or are faking it in order to get elected. I do have pictures of all the rising sign appearances saved on my Pinterest.

To put it briefly, the calling out of one party's flaws, but refusing to do the same for the other party, is a major reason why the US is so divided, and is a major reason why our freedoms are disappearing more and more over time. Imagine how much progress we can make when we're willing to hold elected officials from our own parties accountable, as well as the other party? It's not like the laws they pass will only negatively effect those on the "other side". In other words, authoritarianism is never okay, even when it's your side in power.

Even though there haven't been many posts lately, I have still been active on Pinterest, mainly with the "astrological liberals" and "astrological conservatives" boards, as well as the "sports astrology" and "cool imagery" boards, the latter of which is to save higher vibration imagery in order to help with the current shift. If you're worried about the Trump Administration and are into psychics and tarot card readers, check out Kirsten Langston, Tarot Politics, Truth Warrior Tarot, and Lena Rodriguez on YouTube, as all have predicted Trump's downfall in the next few months, and the first three have extremely charismatic personalities as well! Just thought I'd give them all a recommendation as discovering these people has helped me get through the extreme anxiety I was under a few months ago. Keep up the good work!


Feb 17, 2018

DC Horoscopes: Chiron to Aries Point 2018--2019

Chiron and the Roots of America: What Kind of Nation Are We?

by Jude Cowell

Transiting Chiron conjoins the Aries Point (AP) three times on April 17, 2018, September 25, 2018 (Rx), and February 18, 2019. Below is a tri-wheel image of the upcoming Chiron-AP conjunctions with the horoscopes set for Washington DC and basic notes penned upon the chart including each conjunction's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse which are listed, lower left:

It seems to me that any transit to Aries Point is globally significant for multiple reasons, not the least of which because in the US natal horoscope I most often tend to use (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA--IC 00Ari47), the Foundation/Roots/Ending Point (IC) conjoins the Aries Point with 00Libra at Midheaven, two of the four Cardinal World Points of Manifestation. Therefore, Mars, god of war, rules our nation's founding and our ending through its ruler-ship of Aries. This cosmic condition unfortunately spotlights America's natal Mars-Neptune square and one assumes the Founding Fathers would not have been as proud of our national Mars in Gemini if they'd been aware of astrological Neptune's dissolving, undermining, and fraudulent influences upon our country's actions and motives (Mars). Subsequently, misguided, misdirected, off-the-mark plans and projects have abounded and usually in the realms of war and conflict.

So perhaps we should consider what wounded-wounding Chiron, priestly centaur of healing, blindspots, and the Christ archetype in Astrology, represents when in Mars-ruled Aries while remembering that Chiron orbits between inner Saturn and outer Uranus (past + future = present--be here now!, says Chiron), the planetary pair representing Israel and Palestine as well as old order vs new order--and the tension between them that is causing much turmoil across the world today.

Chiron in Aries signifies pioneers, trailblazers, and mavericks, and conjures and stimulates the Mars-Chiron 'sacred warrior' archetype into action. And since astrological Chiron is associated with our Life Quest, we must wonder what new discoveries, break-throughs, or expeditions are in store--possibly concerning America's founding or Founding Fathers (IC/4thhouse); futuristically, more space exploration is included in the Chirotic possibilities. Chiron is also linked to nuclear energy so the atomic realm may also be featured during Chiron's stay in Aries until 2027, the first year Chiron Returns to natal discovery degree (1977) of 3Tau08 in 2027--2028.

Chiron in Aries suggests head wounds (exs: concussions, depression and other mental conditions) and points toward the current mass murder climate and lack of gun control now wounding Americans physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Chiron in Aries tends to be a loner (R. Nolle) and America has always been that--with Trump's isolating policies, now more than ever. Our nation's adventurism and conquest-loving persona 'inspires' many males (US Mars Rx by progression since 2006) to take up arms against their fellow citizens within a hazy, often drug-fueled morass of misdirected targeting.

Yet Chiron also symbolizes "wholeness, the synthetic reconciliation of thesis and antithesis" (R. Nolle--his book is linked, below). Note that Donald Trump's natal Chiron is in Libra, a relatively rare placement for The Centaur, and indicating one who is 'singled out for a special role'. His Chiron is snugged between the speculator-spendthrift-bubbly pair of Jupiter and Neptune, in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values. Now you may disagree, but to me the conflict-loving, gilt-laden man, a specialist in bullying, insults, and chaos, definitely represents wounded values!

Of course, we cannot overlook the fact that the Aries Point actually conjoins fixed star Scheat (29Pis38) which can positively express as intellectualism, or negatively express when combined with a malefic planet as potentials for misfortune, murder, suicide, or imprisonment. In other words, "malevolence of sublime scope" (A. Louis) and this may echo conditions from around the time of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse conjunct Scheat! This was the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse of Trump's prez bid announcement on June 16, 2015 and we see where that's getting us.

Now using the rounded-up method for Sabian Symbols, US natal IC's degree of 00Ari47 = '1 Aries": "A Woman Has Arisen from the Sea, a Seal Is Embracing Her" which is a handy reference to America's Great Seal and the major involvement of Freemasonry in the founding of our nation. Of course, this word picture (Sabian Symbol) also points to Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati and its official founding and seal (May 1, 1776) so like our nation's Great Seal. And though we may not wish to know this, the symbol for '1 Aries' in Carelli's Degrees is: "An armed warrior of herculean build tilling the soil" which he notes is the Sun's degree of Germany's Third Reich. Well, America does like to play the role of adventure-prone strongman Hercules as did Herr Hitler in his day.

America's Founding as a Nation

Now here's a curious note: Chiron's orbital period is approximately 50 years (or, 49-51). Here's a brief excerpt from a previous post concerning America's natal Chiron:

US natal Chiron @21Aries = "A Pugilist Entering the Ring" and with Chiron returning to natal degree near the day of the two Founders' deaths (Jefferson and Adams both died July 4, 1826--50 years to the day after the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed), we see that two of the top 'pugilists' of our Revolutionary era had left the ring of life" and the fight for independence they once championed. Apparently, 'the ring' on one level was global geopolitics--and Washington continues to fight behind the shield of the 'sacred warrior' with our Chiron in Mars-ruled Aries.

Now with America's natal Chiron in 4th house, we know that our search for identity is the Quest. The American Revolution supplied the original answer so that now, re-connecting with our roots and honestly assessing our past are imperative if we as a nation wish to heal our current sickened condition. Environmentalism is also suggested by a 4th house Chiron as we watch corporatists and oil drillers plunder our natural resources and poison our waters, air, and soil. Have you noticed how often we hear in the media pundits uttering such questions as, Is this who America really is? Or, What kind of nation are we? Usually these questions are asked when austerity measures and other bad policies threaten the lives and health of US citizens as they do under Trump and the GOP leadership.

Yes, FDR's healing bromide, the test of our progress remains an excellent guide for measuring who and what America really is. Yet these days we're failing rather badly at defining ourselves while plutocratic "economic royalists" are doing it for us. Will we allow regressive 'Robin Hood' politicians and policies that favor the wealthy to rule the day and send American culture back to 1854? Not if Stars Over Washington can help it! For as progressive broadcaster and author Thom Hartmann often reminds us, democracy is not a spectator sport--so how will You, dear reader, answer the question, Who and What is America?

For one man's solution see How to Fix Our Political System by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes.

Now let's close with the April 17, 2018 midpoint picture that very soon will closely affect Chiron at AP: Sun-Uranus = Chiron. The Sun-Uranus combination of energies contains revealing information concerning the realms of Politics and Business, the potentials of which I quote here from Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets for all or some of them are already in progress:

"Thesis: Political changes that shape the quality of all efforts; reforms which initiate changes to authority or power; legislation mandating major reforms in policies; revolutions which bring fundamental changes.

Antithesis: Rebellions designed solely for the removal of an existing leader; the changes which accompany upheavals; rule makers or interpreters battling decision makers; a contrary head of state with unusual habits."

Sound to you like any existing leader/s we know?

My Chiron Reading List includes: Chiron in the Natal Chart by Julie Demboski; Chiron and the Healing Journey by Melanie Reinhart; Chiron: Rainbow Bridge to the Inner and Outer Planets by Barbara Hand Clow; Chiron: Healing Body and Soul by Martin Lass; and Chiron: The New Planet in Your Horoscope, the Key to Your Quest by Richard Nolle.

Chiron was in Aries off-and-on during the years: 1918, 1919, 1926, 1927, 1968, 1969, 1976, 1977.

Feb 16, 2018

A Few Astro-Notes on Sarah Huckabee Sanders

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was born on August 13, 1982 in Hope, Arkansas, hour unknown. Let's look at her 'noon' natal horoscope to glean a bit of cosmic information concerning Sarah Sanders, daughter of former AR governor, Mike Huckabee:

As you know, Mrs. Sanders, wife of Bryan Cranfield Sanders, became White House press secretary after the resignation of Sean Spicer. Sanders assumed office on July 26, 2017.

A horoscope set for August 13, 1982 Hope, AR 'noon' shows:

Sun @20Leo36, Moon @6Gem50 (Gemini, sign of communications, news, reporters, and duplicity--and near Mr. Trump's Prenatal Eclipse degree and US natal Uranus @8Gemini). Planet of communications and the press, Mercury, is around 8Virgo. Virgo is the sign of her father's natal Mercury as well and indicates one who is capable of attention to details, has specialized skills, is practical, and suffers from an inability to comprehend the whole. Criticism is also part of the Virgoan Mercury picture, both given and received. Well, she's in the perfect job for that working under the yoke of Donald Trump, ace critic.

Now the earliest possible position for her natal Moon is 29Tau47 (conjunct Midas!) so the chances are good that her natal Moon is in Gemini. However, below are the weaknesses of both Sun Leo-Moon Taurus and Sun Leo-Moon Gemini personality blends for the sake of comparison and because emotionally she seems to have more of a stubborn Taurean streak than that of a bright, witty, butterfly-like Gemini. Perhaps you know better. If so, please share!

Quoting Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, the weaknesses of a Sun Leo-Moon Taurus combo of energies ('the bulldozer') include, "Tendency to be intensely subjective and biased, proud and inflexible with inferiors; to be overtly selfish and withholding if offended and to speak out scathingly without thinking when a little diplomacy would win people over and magically move the obstacles that seem to stand in (your) way." This personality blend is shared by Bill Clinton and Carl Jung.

Sun Leo-Moon Gemini weaknesses include, "A tendency to rationalize; general restlessness and fickleness in emotional affairs; proneness to manifest all the undesirable qualities of the rebellious child when it pleases (you) to do so." This 'live wire' personality blend is shared by dictator Benito Mussolini and Amelia Earhart.

Also of interest is Sarah Sanders' Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series which manifested @28Cancer (conjunct her natal Venus) on July 20, 1982. Disturbingly, 2 New North repeats on August 11, 2018 @19Leo very near her natal Sun degree and has been termed by yours truly as The Tower Eclipse (DC horoscope shown) due to its themes of collapsing structures, plans, and lifestyles and the rebuilding that begins once the dust clears (Brady).

An eclipsed Sun in hot August by 'The Tower' Eclipse is quite enough to make me wonder if the White House tenure of press secretary Sarah Sanders will end before 2018 is over or in early 2019.

Now you may wish to check out Nine Things to know about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, White House press secretary.

Above photo: Sarah Sanders; By The White House ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Feb 15, 2018

A Saturnian Senator Sanders Schools Donald Trump

Trump's Proposed Deportation of The Masses

February 14, 2018: On the floor of the US Senate watch Senator Bernie Sanders speak on the subjects of DACA and immigration. Perhaps the senator represents not just his constituents but also astrological Saturn (the senex/the old man, the authority with more seniority) as he provides the amateurish yet venal Mr. Trump with a few lessons in decency. Hopefully this can help stop Trump's daft deportation plan that is certain to carry even more than a high emotional price tag since it would require massive amounts of funding to pay for the jailing and deporting of hundreds of thousands of people...'the masses'.

Who will be targeted next? Will Americans stir from their apathy before it's too late?

After all, transit Saturn is strong in its own sign of serious Capricorn and is in process of bringing karmic Saturnian limitations to Mr. Trump's very problematic Mercury-Neptune square spun with fantasies, misconceptions, falsehoods, sneakiness, faulty judgment, and deceptive propaganda ('fake' Neptune/'news' Mercury). Check out a list of the exact dates through 2018 that transit Saturn, planet of truth, realism, authenticity, and facts, rains on Donald Trump's illusory parade. And yes his idea of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC is yet another daft, misguided, fantastical, overreaching notion whereby in his mind, he reaps the benefits and accolades while other people always pick up the tab.

In addition to Senator Sanders, if anything can work out well in America anymore, Special Counsel Robert Mueller heading the investigation into Trump's dealings with Russia and other matters will act toward Mr. Trump as a critical, sobering Saturnian figure who holds him to account for any misdeeds, betrayals, or crimes he may have perpetrated--in spite of Trump's natal Saturn in self-protective Cancer and his Neptune-infected natal Mercury, also in the sign of Cancer the Crab which always scuttles sideways in order to avoid dealing directly and having to pay the price--behavior that suits trickster Mercury, the juggler and thespian, just fine.

Feb 13, 2018

2018 Saturn and Pluto to Inauguration 2017 Planets

Below is the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope previously published here with my messy chart notes intact:

First, let's note the all-alone Sun (POTUS) in Career 10th house (conjunct asteroid Icarus) which has turned out to be prophetic given the high number of resignations and firings from the service of Donald Trump's White House--and in the brief time of his under-fire administration. Obviously, many stressful situations and separations have been self-created no less so than by Mr. Trump himself through his attempt to remake America in his distorted Klan-esque image.

Of course, it is no secret that this particular Southerner has never believed the man is up to the task of playing US president because I value the office more highly than his personal flaws can possibly reach. Many of my fellow astrologers criticize me for this bias yet I have also stated here and elsewhere that as any POTUS goes, so goes America and for this reason my hope as a Child of the Revolution has been that Donald Trump would do well in the job on behalf of the American people, and by extension, the rest of the world. Unfortunately, this so far seems an empty wish on my part and yet hope does, and must, spring eternal.

And so with trepidation, the following is my consideration of a few of the upcoming 2018/2019 transits to the Trump Inauguration chart of 2017. No beneficial transits will be listed which is due to my anxiety over the fate of our nation under Trump's quixotic Uranian leadership (see the 'whimsical' link at the end of this post). If this bothers you, dear reader, you are invited to discount this post and mosey on to something that echoes your adoration of Mr. Trump as 'dear leader' for you'll find no such adoration here!

Note that in the Inauguration 2017 chart, the rebellious Uranus-Pluto square is featured (3A09) and so...

Transit Pluto Square Inaugural Uranus 2018 into 2019

In the chart you see Inaugural Ascendant @14Tau07 which brought Trump's natal 9th house of legalities, foreign lands, philosophy and religion to the fore from the start and for the duration of his tenure. Inaugural Pluto in 9th house will make a series of squares to Inaugural Uranus (12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions) beginning on March 7, 2018--still a 9th-to-12th house situation. This occurs with both transiting planets at critical-crisis degrees (Aries-Capricorn 20:46). This is the Cardinal Square reasserting its difficult energies for Mr. Trump and our nation. The second exact square occurs on June 9, 2018, the third on January 6, 2019, the fourth on September 9, 2019, and the last on October 26, 2019 so the entire period is one of higher powers threatening or imposing restrictions on political and economic systems and on the radical reforms (Uranus is Aries = Utopian anarchists and blind zealots--Ebertin) of Mr. Trump and his conspiring Republicans.

Transit Saturn 2018 Conjunct Inaugural Mercury @6Cap45

As you know, astrological Mercury represents multiple things on various levels with plans, communications, and commerce being only three of them. In 2018 there are three conjunctions to 9th house Mercury (6Cap45) from transiting Saturn, karmic planet of limitation, delay, loss, judgments, courts, laws, lawmakers, government, and business. Of course, Saturn is strong in his own sign of Capricorn and is slowly gearing up for his Great Conjunction with powerful Pluto on January 12, 2020 (DC horoscope shown). But for now, the old devil hits Inaugural Mercury in the legal 9th house three times in 2018 on: February 21, June 14, and November 20. This creates a period of increased responsibilities, circumstances that require a broadening of skills and knowledge, serious meetings (testimonies?) occurring, soberness that pervades the environment, and schedules, ideas, and plans that are restricted, delayed, or denied--and may a military parade be one of them!

Of interest as well is March 8, 2018's Jupiter Station Retrograde @23Sco13, the same spot in the Zodiac where transit Mars Stationed Direct during the 2016 Campaign on June 29, 2016--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal IC. On March 8, Jupiter will again be leading a BOWL pattern as Mr. Moneybags (and Jupiter the General) has done of late. Perhaps this cosmic condition relates to dictator-idolizing Trump's dream of a military parade through the streets of Washington DC which would show Trump's and America's weakness rather than the projection of power that he imagines.

Another curious transit to the Inauguration 2017 horoscope is the transiting South Node of the Moon (the 'tail of the dragon') swiping US Inaugural Sun (00AQ49 = POTUS) exact on October 27, 2018. This karmic transit suggests ego concerns (as always for Trump), leadership differences, and the potential for physical interactions. A major separation from POTUS--perhaps of the public or his 'base'--is also a possibility around this time.

Year 2018 ends with transit Jupiter square Inaugural Neptune (10Pis16 in 11th house of Hopes, Wishes, and Group Associations) on December 24, a time when Mr. Trump's need to live in a fantasy world increases, his judgment becomes cloudier than usual, and he yearns for greener pastures. Well, one thing we know--that for a majority of Americans, the current kingpin-in-chief can't graze to greener pastures soon enough.

Related post include: Trump Inauguration 2017's 2018 Solar Return, The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017, and 2018 Saturn to Trump's Natal Mercury-Neptune Square (reality to his delusions?)

Feb 9, 2018

Cosmic Blinks: Events and Politics in 2018

February 9, 2018: today with the 'Overnight Shutdown" cut short, Americans bask in the afterglow of the GOP's massive spending bill signed by wastrel-in-chief Donald Trump this morning so it may be a good time to list a few SO'W posts concerning year 2018.

You, of course, have some of your own but here's a list of mine with links to 2018 Eclipses included--and note that the GOP's gargantuan funding bill (for the military, disaster relief, domestic programs and more) was passed and signed today under the auspices of the soon-coming Solar Eclipse of February 15 manifesting a mere 6 days hence (linked, below) which yours truly has termed, the 'We The People Solar Eclipse' because it eclipses our national Moon in Aquarius (in the US 'Sibly chart' @27AQ). But if 'eclipsed' isn't the correct word for coming events, perhaps 'stimulated' or 'triggered into action' will turn out to be more descriptive of how the American people react!

Please note that all posts on the following list contain links of their own, some of which may be redundant. In no particular order they are:

2018 Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel as Fig Tree regarding the Biblical 70-year prophecy concerning Israel. This post links to the Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018, the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse of February 15 (as mentioned, above), and a post concerning Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus into Taurus all of which align in mid-May 2018.

2018 Lunar and Solar Eclipses with Themes--eclipses are the 'cosmic blinks';

And shown in comparison are the Spring Equinox Horoscopes of 2017 and 2018;

Then for those daring enough to look beyond the shadows of 2018, here shown are dual horoscopes of Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice 2019.


Above image: 'Our Cosmic Blinks' one of my several paper collages. You'll find a few more collages in my FB album Collage Mirage. Bestow a 'Like' if you can and of course all Shares are appreciated!