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Oct 3, 2011

Astro-Link Round-Up on Occupy Wall Street w a 'Ferdinand the Bull' video!

Uranus/Pluto Rages as Ferdinand Hearts Occupy Wall Street 10.03.11

Did you know that on The Mountain Astrologer website today, expert astrologer Mary Plumb has published a News and Astrology article round-up of links concerning the ongoing and spreading (!) protests in progress in Manhattan of the Occupy Wall Street movement where I'm proud to say that America's younger generations (who are suffering from the thieving of Wall Street top hats wearers and champagne goblet toasters) and are not afraid to tell the fancy swells about their--our--grievances!

Mary includes images of America's natal horoscope, US Solar Return 2011, and a sunrise (solar) nativity for Occupy Wall Street set for its beginning: September 17, 2011 6:38:03 am edt NY, NY, with transiting Mars, the activist/protester/instigator, opposing US natal
Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (in US natal 2nd house of Money and Earning Ability.)

This transit of opposition marks a period when hostile forces are encountered (protesters v banksters, and riot police v we-the-people) with powerful, card-holding Pluto insuring a mobilizing effect, and the Mars/Pluto combination of energies relating to zeal, massive amounts of energy, heavy-handed police or military actions, and potentially explosive conditions.

Yes, this is the very contest of wills which this transit warns us against yet that is precisely what is happening in NYC, plus, the protests are spreading like...a contagion of a more positive kind than Gwyneth Paltrow can muster onscreen.

The interference of protesting Mars with business-as-usual and the attempt of the street marchers to change the status quo are at the foundation of Occupy Wall Street's motivations and resulting events as many journalists and pundits echo an off-the-point Establishment cry of "But what do they want?" (duh!) and "They have no leader" and "there's no one-pointed goal," with Mars, ruler of Aries, the poster boy for me-first-ism and pioneerism...but The Angry One is in more than a passing snit over continued Wall Street fraud and outright corporate deception as our lives and futures are co-opted by conglomerates more powerful than in their initial heyday of the Robber Baron Era of the 1880s and 1890s.

With Mars opposite US natal Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (business, government, law--all of which institutions the protesters and marchers are riling up in an unusual fashion--Uranus square Pluto), the movement if imprinted by this opposition to the people's desires (Mars) and its heartfelt sentiments are palpable and arouse Wall Street's antagonism and deep sense of self-protection (Saturn = boundaries and rules; Cancer = the canny self-protection of The Crab who will move sideways, if necessary, to escape and avoid.)

Now regardless of pepper-spray-in-face Tony Baloney's overreaction, the NYC police force has pension worries of its own thanks to fraud and embezzlement by corporate and government types--wonder if they know they're on the wrong side? Actually, police and other city officials are on the proverbial horns of a dilemma for their paychecks must be signed to be deposited even as the Wall Street Bull snorts its disapproval of the grass roots goings-on.

My opinion is that an honest and direct approach may shine a favorable light upon those who are involved in the Occupy Wall Street protests and indeed this manner of doing things in a peaceful way is the only chance to gain an upper hand through taking the moral high ground.

Goodness knows, Wall Street CEOs and their agents, minions, and operatives haven't a clue how to proceed along such a decent path without being lead by their comfort-loving noses like Disney's Ferdinand the Bull smelling flowers...


My Q for you: Aren't you loving the old films and photos (and history info) in Ken Burns' Prohibition which began showing on PBS last evening, Sunday? It's a three-part series detaili,somehting which must come from within. Astonsishingly, a majority of Americans in those days drank day and night but most brew weren't as strong as they are today.

Wish I could tell Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, and any proto-fascists such as the corporate-backed Tea Party hierarchy crowd, and all Federalist Society disciples that their tiresome scapegoat tactic (it's them, not us) of 'projecting the shadow upon others; not being accountable or held accountable' has worn papery thin and we're fed up with wealthy, globally-inclined bankers and monarchists jerking our country around by her Aquarian nose. Even with transit Neptune, planet of loss, fraud, and delusion, still languishing near US natal Moon @ '28AQ' (we-the-people)--we are so over your sorry ways!

Now what a nasally post about the upturned snoots of Wall Street this turned out to be. Still, Mary Plumb's chart analyses are not-to-be-missed (thanks for the SO'W link, Mary!)

Plus, on a lighter note, I do hope you'll enjoy a little flowery Ferdinand just for old times' sake because...

2011 minus 1938 equals this Ferdinand cartoon is 73 years old! jc

Oct 2, 2011

Global Astrology: October 2011 Economic Forecast now online

Just a heads-up for all appreciate an overview of current societal conditions as seen through the lens of planetary cycles and explained with a global perspective by mundane astrologer Theodore White. His October 2011 Forecast includes financial information and is accessible here.

Plus, thanks to Theodore, you'll spy my own Autumn Equinox 2011 analysis with its horoscope set for Washington DC, the place from which the American people should be able to expect effective government to issue from (especially with our tiresome tendency to boss around the governments of other nations) but which in the New Millennium has brought more trouble and grief rather than solutions, and more corruption than we once may have thought possible.

Now there are several reasons for this crashing turn of events including the desire of certain people to collapse our nation and rebuild it "better"--in their 'humble' opinions. Yet I suppose the old adage, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' might apply if the breaking--and the people's suffering which results--weren't being perpetrated on purpose by plutonian operatives of a global crime syndicate, The Octopus, as NY Mayor John F. Hylan once termed it because its tentacles reached into every institution and agency--and in 2011, the corruption and its 'reach' are even deeper.

How Soon We Forget--At Our Peril, Turns Out

John Hylan once informed the American people that:

"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."

John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925.

And here's a link to a newspaper article with Hylan's warnings which displays an actual image of the article from February 17, 1933 and quotes Hylan as faulting the "utter selfishness of big bankers who have brought the world to the verge of collapse."

As the French often say, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same'. But they say it in French.


For more reading on economic topics through an astrological lens, you may wish to check out the Horoscope for 1929's Black Tuesday crash which was also orchestrated by big bankers and which saddled the world with the Great Depression. In October 1929, 'moneybags' planet Jupiter was retrograde but in Air sign Gemini, and not in Earthy money sign Taurus as The Great Benefic is now. Somehow the difference is not at all comforting for the global economy in 2012 and beyond. jc

Oct 1, 2011

Global Revolution link to Livestream of Occupy Wall Street protests

This Global Revolution link will take you to a Livestream video of the Occupy Wall Street protests which are not just for Manhattan anymore as other US cities join in v corporate elite banksters and a word, thieves.

Yes, the ongoing planetary Cardinal Grand Cross of revolt and upheaval and its attendant on-again-off-again T-Squares of blockage and frustration are really revving up the populace to demonstrate for truth, justice, and civil rights in earnest now--even in our usually placid America.

And astrological Pluto (favorite planet of wealthy plutocrats whether they know it or not) is at the base of the blockages, injustices, and thieving as Mr. Underworld acts from status quo Capricorn.

Sep 30, 2011

John Adams defines Revolution; America's Saturn/Neptune Revisited

Wall Street Tyranny, Revolution Defined, Saturn/Neptune, and a Sabian Symbol for the Ages

by Jude Cowell

From perpetual wars of imperialism to Wall Street bankers and global elites crashing the US economy, the 'New Millennium' has brought not the so-called "New Age" of skipping about with flowers in our hair, but dire conditions and chaos purposefully created by what seems to be a select few of unelected, ivory towered holier-than-thous signified in mundane astrology charts by Pluto.

And when combined with other planets, the branches of plutonians are even more closely described and identified--ex: Jupiter/Pluto = the Fed, the World Bank or bankers, the IMF, the WTO, those who mount large scale projects--even as the Vatican (Pluto = the pope; Jupiter = the hierophant, priest) and other bigwig religious 'leaders' who skulk the halls of earthly power.

Now if you've read Stars Over Washington before, you know that I often fuss about plutonian topics while posting articles, videos, and horoscopes blended with my own personal comments and analyses on Politics, Washington DC, corruption, the US Congress, esoteric subjects (ex: Max Igan videos), Astrology, Freemason/Illuminati info, and other topics that interest or annoy me--all on behalf of my country, America--a nation whose sovereignty I'd prefer to see continued, thanks. (My former residence of Washington DC and the perfidies of the US Congress and White Lodge--er, House, notwithstanding.)

Well, it is my blog, right? And no other writers lounge about SO'W unless noted with credit for their work.

So today I'm feeling Adams-y/Jefferson-y, even though they were Freemasons, which was the organization to join in their day if you wanted to get ahead in life and business. Actually, it's much the same in 2011, isn't it? Perhaps the worm entered the American apple when Weishaupt's Illuminati gained a hoof-hold with Jefferson, Paine, and others, and Rosicrucianism (Franklin, and probably Jefferson) blended into the secretive government mix as well from our nation's earliest days. Infiltration is the Illuminati's middle name--and the CFR has used infiltration of government institutions as a tactic since the secretive organization's inception, as have others of a similar take-over persuasion.

There May Be Clues in America's Natal Horoscope

US natal Saturn (14Lib48) = government; US natal Neptune (22Vir25) = hidden, secret, invisible. On July 4, 1776, the two planets were a mere 22 degrees 23 minutes apart, though the Founders were assumed to be unaware of Neptune's existence. Now that has always fascinated me since we as astrologers can glean things about the US horoscope which they (astrologers as they were) could not have known we would know...same with Pluto, though revolutionary, disruptive Uranus, so linked to America's principles and behavior, was discovered in their time--in 1781, between the American and the French Revolutions, and describing both.

And if we use the Sibly version of the US chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA), we find that its Midheaven (Goal; Aspiration; Public Standing or Status) = 00Lib53--a mere 3 degrees 36 minutes from our natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint. This suggests (to my sleuthing, conspiratorial mind) that 3 years 5 or 6 months after July 4, 1776, a goal (MC) was effected concerning an invisible, hidden, or secret government (Saturn/Neptune)--was a satanic Illuminati hoof-hold gained?

This takes us to December 1779-- January 1780 and is worth a look into historical events during that time period--though machinations of secret societies will not be found in history written by The Establishment (Saturn!) A book such as Nicholas Hagger's The Secret History of the West is a better source and it is extensively researched, plus, you may know of other books or websites that reveal more than the usual line on American history. Funny how the usual sources tend to totally leave out which secret society influenced whom and instigated which event!

In case you're wondering, the midpoint picture created in progressions during that time frame by America's 9th house Neptune and 10th house Saturn is:

Saturn/Neptune = MC: wavering between materialistic and idealistic inclinations; a peculiar character (or characters); losing courage quickly; emotional suffering. (Ebertin.) (Other midpoint sources reveal more, of course, but I don't have them with me today and won't until next week.) As always, any, all, or none may apply.

Yes, the combo of Saturn/Neptune may bring loss and grief and unfortunately, we don't have to look far afield to find that in 2011, do we? Especially since transiting Saturn brought 'grim reality' to US natal Neptune a year or so ago--with a simultaneous transit of dissolving Neptune to US natal Moon (we-the-people) which is still within orb in late Aquarius, and brought home foreclosures, refugeeism, unstable social conditions, fraud, loss, and grand schemes that seldom if ever pan out.

Quite a double blow to the people's hopes and dreams of beneficial change a la the Obama administration! Maybe that's part of why the GOP ran an old man and a wild woman against him--they wanted to sit out these transits! And one astrologer on the Republican payroll would have easily seen both transits coming from several decades away. (That's the venerable art and science of Astrology--bringing to the table the element of Time which no other system for analysis can.)

Now here's a quote from our 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson, which in 2011 may be applied to the steady drip drip of many decades if not centuries as certain groups attempt to overthrow democracy and collapse America (financially, politically, and socially) so that 'global government' (another indication of Saturn/Neptune involvement since staid Saturn must rule, and secretive Neptune must merge) may be finally implemented according to a totalitarian template as promoted by satanists like Adam Weishaupt whose Illuminati symbols decorate America's Great Seal and paper currency:

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery." -Thomas Jefferson

And concerning the current societal topic in the news of "is it time for revolution in America?", here is a brief, familiar excerpt from one of the letters sent from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, dated August 24, 1815 (yet we know that the two Founders were well aware that posterity would read their sentiments--after years of not speaking, the letters gave them a chance to re-envision their past actions and justify their original intentions! Some say that Adams was against Illuminati influence in America, while Jefferson was for it which may have been at the base of the break in their earlier friendship):

"What do we mean by Revolution? The war? That was no part of the revolution; it was only an effect and consequence of it. The revolution was in the minds of the people, and this was effected from 1760--1775, in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was shed at Lexington."

Now 2012 Cometh

Is it possible that The Awakening of 2012, if indeed it occurs, relates to a similar "revolution in the minds of the people"? Well, astrologers have been tracking the ongoing Cardinal Grand Cross of planets which began in Spring 2010 with its generational squares between Saturn/Pluto, and Uranus/Pluto, for example, with both combinations bringing frustration, hardship, cruelty, and revolt across the face of the planet--and now in America (ex: Occupy Wall Street protests in NYC and elsewhere.)

Then there is a Sabian Symbol that obviously applies to our topic: '30 Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which Dane Rudhyar explains as:

"Keynote: The prestige and conservatism of a long-maintained heritage.

Here we have a symbol of the proud preservation of socio-cultural values in tradition. After several generations the ancestor who was perhaps a violent revolutionist or rabble-rouser--or even a fugitive from justice--acquires a halo of respectability. fThe tradition that once was born of revolution now extols "law and order", attempting to suppress any new forms of the revolutionary spirit."

(This symbol refers) "...mainly to the consolidation and concretization of life urges within a stable form of organization. In many instances the scenes presented picture social activities or events, yet at this stage it is the individual person and the problems attendant upon his development that are primarily considered."

('30Can' is) " example of what occurs when the individual chooses a path which totally embodies and glorifies tradition, a past which ends in a GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST."

Might it be possible to gage a time frame in which another of what John Adams described as a "revolution in the minds of the people" might have begun?

Well, if I had to hazard an astrological guess, an obvious choice of time frames would have to be the Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 @ a critical-crisis degree of 29Can27--rounded up, it's the DAR degree of '30 Cancer'. This points to the extreme opposition of the GOP and the Tea Party (and their secretive backers) to the presidency and person of Barack Obama which is ongoing, and if anything, more virulent as his term goes on.

You may wish to click to view the July 2009 Eclipse horoscope which contains many correlations to current transits and to US natal placements--even Inaugural Moon 2009 shows up. Then click to enlarge the chart and read additional notes--you'll see that Venus is @ 18Gem, the Venus Transit degree that occurred during the G-20 Summit on Sea Island, Georgia in June 2004--and it looks as if Putin will be re-joining the old gang of bosses again soon as Russia's president deja-vu.

John Adams A-Rollin' in His Grave

No, the 'mental revolution' and physical revolts are not only for opposing President Obama (the black fellow inhabiting the White House) as evidenced by the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 and push backs against austerity measures in Wisconsin and elsewhere--with more revolts to come. For the July 2009 eclipse (11 South Saros Series) is the "systems fail, new methods are needed" eclipse which was part of the bankster-induced financial crisis as the president instituted initiatives to "reform" Wall Street which kinda-sorta helped Main Street but has done little to create jobs for we-the-people.

For jobs creation, Mr. Obama's initiatives need the financial and corporate industries to cooperate with the program in a communal spirit but as we've seen, they're not about to do that unless and until they are made to pay taxes to help support this nation. And most corporations don't seem at all interested in preserving American traditions, do they?

For more on similar themes such as 2012 and secretive, strange political bedfellows, try the Venus Occultation of June 5, 2012, another marker of change in the way modern America does things and which will probably not 'glorify past traditions' but toss them over on behalf of a new system.

Wall Streeters mock Occupy Wall Street marchers w champagne toasts (video)

Feeling mighty special, Wall Streeters with champagne glasses in hand, mock and smirk from their exalted balconies at Occupy Wall Street protesters below. How tres amusing their ef-you jokes must be!

What was that you say, dear reader? Pride comes before a fall?

Then smirk on, Wall Street gentry, for your day in the sun won't last forever and you'll reap the mocking you've sown.

This blogger of the Flower Power generation is heartened by how most of the protesters are young folk--it's a deja-vu of peaceful street marches for me. For after all, it's in large part their futures that have been stolen by Wall Street gangsters many of whom are of my generation, I'm very embarrassed to say.

Sep 29, 2011

Charles Koch to Economist Hayek: "Use Social Security"!

Well, the following article is so fascinating, its link just had to be posted here to read any time I start to forget what total hypocrites all anti-social-program conservatives are whether they call themselves Republican, Libertarian, Tea Party, or what-have-you--even *DINOs.

Letters have been outed from 1973 with Charles Koch (a Koch Industries brother and Tea Party backer) writing to famed laissez-faire economist Friedrich Hayek encouraging him to "use Social Security to support his medical needs. Hayek had taught in the US and paid into our SS system for ten years so Koch assured him he was entitled to what Koch and his ilk now like to call an "entitlement program."

You see, the professor had had some gall bladder surgery in Austria and feared "falling ill away from home" if he returned to the US to pontificate his economic theories.

But not to fear! For America's excellent Social Security insurance program came to Hayek's rescue!!

Personally, I think America's so-called "Ponzi scheme" should have been given a satin cape years ago. Besides--a Ponzi scheme isn't much of a Ponzi scheme unless and until it's stopped, at which time it collapses from its own weight--precisely the aim of the GOP and those such as the Koch Brothers who are determined that Wall Street get its greedy claws on the money while crashing our nation in the process.

And then, who can forget those halcyon days of 'President' George Bush schlepping round the country (on the tax payers' dime) peddling his disengenuous sales pitch about privatizing Social Security? Yet alas, his thin arguments didn't go over very well, did they? And though they've been fairly well shushed on the matter for now, GOP schemers continue to parrot the "SS is bankrupt" slogan whenever they feel so moved.

Now as you know, Dubya considers not privatizing the program that has made such a difference in millions of American lives (and in the lives of the odd foreigner, as we learn above) to be the "biggest failure" of his presidency--not invading the Holy Land, not bombing women and children, nor cynically sending US troops overseas to grab and guard US oil interests and fatten power elite portfolios--not even dooming America and the world to the misery of perpetual war--but to not handing SS monies on a golden platter to his Wall Street backers as the bankers who run the US government insisted.

So here's the Worst President in US History now, if you can stomach a re-listen of his attempt to sell us bank bailouts and TARP. But what he's actually doing is summing up the financials of his disastrous 8-year presidency::

Funny that the much-touted and obsessive conservative fear of "socialism" from the Obama administration ignores a key astrological factor concerning George Bush's natal chart which has always seemed very telling to me about Bush's hidden character--the Sabian Symbol (8 Leo) for his natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) is: "A Bolshevik Propagandist."

Or, as Dane Rudhyar gives the degree--and to me it seems to apply perfectly to Bush's 'Privatize SS You Suckers' Tour:

"A Communist Activist Spreading His Revolutionary Ideals"...

'Keynote: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order.'

(That would be Poppy Bush's 'New World Order' heralded by his Desert Storm invasion.)

Rudhyar expands on 8 Leo: "...ideally it could show how the vision of a cosmic order might heal the potential conflict between an obsolete Establishment and its youthful challengers. But reality today presents a more cruel picture of CATABOLIC ACTION.

...and one witnesses a struggle for personal and dictatorial power."

I'm not kidding--you can't make this stuff up!


*Democrats In Name Only, and close cousins of RINOs.

The first Symbol is from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology; Rudhyar's book, An Astrological Mandala.

Heads Up! Listeria-laden cantaloupes shipped to 17 states so far

A deadly bacteria Listeria comes along with whole cantaloupes shipped between July 29 and September 14, 2011 by Colorado's Jensen Farms to 17 states with wider distribution possible. Listeria grows in moist refrigerators so more illnesses and deaths are expected in the coming days and weeks.

Here's the Listeria press announcement from the CDC if you're concerned.

The 17 states are: Illinois, Tennessee, Wyoming, Utah, Texas, Colorado, Minnesota, Kansas, New Mexico, Arizona, North Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Why, it was only in June 2011 that House Republicans voted to cut FDA funding saying that the "US food supply is 99% safe."

Mmm. Yes. But the GOP isn't.

Well, perhaps the GOP can explain to the families of the 13 dead (so far) and 72 cases of illness (so far) from Listeria-contaminated cantaloupe how they came up with their dubious "99%" assurance. Or is it that the power elite have a different food supply from the rest of us?

For more on Listeria, The Guardian has published information on who's vulnerable to Listeria--the young, the old, and the immune system compromised among us--and what to do to avoid the contamination.


For further reading try Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2011 (the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse Horoscope is shown and leads the year, there were two Solar Eclipses--on June 1 and a brand new Saros Series began on July 1--plus we have a Solar Eclipse on November 25, 2011 and a Lunar Eclipse on December 10, 2011 left to go.)

Sep 28, 2011

Enlightenment! and a Curious Transit to Thomas Paine's Natal Chart

Thomas Paine = Illuminati, Uranus in Aries = Radical Utopians: America's Destiny?

by Jude Cowell

Since I wrote a piece in 2006 on the Sun to Chiron-Chiron to Sun double transit to the natal horoscope of Thomas Paine, I have read more references to Paine as a Freemason (already known) and as one of the Illuminati of his day.

And if you've read this blog before, you know I'm not fond of those who descend either biologically or ideologically from Weishaupt's Illuminati sect nor am I fond of their global domination plans which seem in 2011 to be well underway for major implementation, perhaps within the much-touted and often feared Year 2012. Yet even they are subject to the natural law of karma and must reap what they sow, much as they prefer to think otherwise.

After all, in 2012 a major market crash is predicted by astrologers and economists alike which is the 'crisis of opportunity' ploy of operatives such as Henry Kissinger and others you and I could name. For Financial Astrology of the markets, I recommend the work of mundane astrologer Theodore White at Global Astrology. Crash-forecasting economists are all over the place so you'll have no problem locating all you want.

Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, and Their Secretive Pal, Adam Weishaupt

Well, perhaps it's impossible to be certain whether Paine and his 18th century Illuminati colleagues such as Thomas Jefferson (a Freemason and Illuminatist--Ben Franklin was a Mason and Rosicrucian, plus, a Rosicrucian decoder was found at Monticello in Jefferson's effects after his death) were duped by Weishaupt's Utopian ruse of an eventual America where we'd all skip around the Sweet Williams while ripe fruit fell from the vines and "reason" would 'perfect' us, making laws unnecessary)--or, whether they were complicit in wanting to establish a totalitarian (Orwellian) regime of complete surveillance and servitude as America's eventual destiny.

Yes, I do have a difficult time meshing the legends of our Founding Fathers based on what what they did and believed in the 1770s and beyond with Weishaupt's devilish Utopian ideals for complete control of mankind. Many of America's founders were Deists yet the principles of the Age of Reason (or, Age of Enlightenment) show a strain of naivety embedded in the same old argument set up by Lucifer--that mankind doesn't need heavenly precepts but can 'do it by himself'.

Speaking as a Christian, their 'Reason Is All' illusion is bosh to me!

Of course, astrologically speaking, man's reasoning ability is a function of Mercury with one of the Enlightenment's favorite planets, Uranus (The Awakener; The Witness), acting as Mercury's higher octave of creative inspiration--the visionary idea of genius that arrives suddenly like a bolt from the blue. I suspect ace deceiver Adam Weishaupt had a lot of such moments, at least in his own estimation.

One clue concerning the awareness of our Founding Fathers of America's ultimate Illuminati-esque destiny has to be the mysterious case of the Cloaked Man in Jefferson's Garden--the one who allegedly rode up out of the darkness with the design for America's Great Seal at-the-ready as Jefferson took a break from consideration of the design along with his colleagues. Perhaps it happened that way, perhaps not. And perhaps Thomas Paine, newly returned from France, WAS that man, as some believe, and I can't deny that the theory of the mystery man's identity as Paine is plausible (and he may also have been co-author of the Declaration of Independence with Jefferson)--if so, he was acting as an agent of Adam Weishaupt when he delivered the seal.

Check out the reverse of the Great Seal, if you haven't, or look at a dollar bill if you have one. The pyramid with the all-seeing eye as capstone is certainly of a Masonic persuasion and the all-seeing eye of surveillance may be said to point forward toward intrusive spy satellites circling the Earth as I type (and agencies monitoring our blogs, websites, emails, and bank accounts!)

And the "1776" on the seal and on paper currency may not actually refer to America's founding year but to the founding by Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati Society on May 1, 1776. Cussedly, we pay homage to the Illuminati by celebrating 'May Day.'

So did Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, and others look forward to the collapsing of America as a sovereign nation--the one they risked their lives, families, and fortunes to create? Is a weird, chaotic, and savage 'Utopia' just around the corner?

What do you think?

Well, in The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin gives Uranus in Aries, its present position, as "Utopians" so we know that since 2010 such political radicals are 'in the house'--in the 4th house of America's natal chart, Sibly version (IC 00Ari53, conjunct the Aries Point of World Manifestation (00Ari00); IC = Endings; The Drain; the HOW? Point of any chart...instruments of our nation's demise?)

Uranus to IC may also relate to the House of Congress and the anarchistic, gridlocking Tea Party members (see a list of their names in this blog's sidebar) who campaigned on returning America to her former glory--a sentiment along the lines of Weishaupt's Utopian Dream of mankind's return to the Garden of Eden. But it seems to me that if that were possible, mankind would need God's cooperation to effect such a major change! And Weishaupt was anti-religion and anti-God--sorry, but man's 'reason' just can't do it.

And neither can 'religioso' candidates Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry.


Plus, the Bush-Cheney regime bombed the Holy Land where the Garden was located to smithereens, an indefensible action if one wants to cavort in the original Eden once again, and an imperial agenda which President Obama has followed since January 2009. Of course, as noted on this blog in 2008, Mr. Obama cannot discontinue the agenda of the plutonian one-world-government types because they and their bankers installed him in the White House and can take him out at their discretion if he doesn't play the Big Game to suit them. 'They' turn up these days in horoscopes as manipulative saboteur Pluto, apex planet in dynamic patterns such as T-Squares and the Cardinal Grand Cross.

Well, soon transiting Uranus will return to Aries Point and conjoin the US IC again with much upheaval, but since I'm blogging away from home this week, I don't have my Astrology software or an ephemeris to remind me of the date. Perhaps you'll wish to check it out for the US may experience an event on or near that date which relates to the disturbing topics mentioned in this post.

Now one never knows what quirky, disruptive Uranus will catalyze into action, early, on time, or belatedly. But one thing we can depend on--that the radical Thomas Paine will not be awakening from his Eternal Rest for his work here on Earth, whatever it may have been and for whatever reason, is most definitely done.


For Sun/Chiron info ('destiny unfolding'), please click on the link to Thomas Paine's double transit of 2006; for Cardinal Grand Cross/Crisis info, click on the Global Astrology link above.

As you know, the scientific Age of Enlightenment was marked by a Great Conjunction of futurist Uranus and dreamy Neptune at mid-Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker on a Quest. Their last Great Conjunction/s--three times through 1993--marks the furthering of the New World Order which makes Uranus and Neptune the significators of the one-world-government vision of the Illuminati.

Ebertin gives their combination of energies as "inner illumination and enlightenment, inspiration, idealism, an interest in spiritual subjects, religious problems, mysticism, the growth of subconscious powers or forces." 1993's three conjunctions occurred at or very near '18 Capricorn' = "POLITICAL POWER"...negative (unconscious/shadow side) expression: "smug or strong-armed paternalism"--a 2011 example would be the Occupy Wall Street protests as NYC police strong-arm peaceful demonstrators--our fellow Americans demanding that Wall Street fraudsters pay for their crimes.

Wonder whose side America's founders would be on if they only knew?

(Sabian Symbol info from Marc Edmund Jones.)

Sep 27, 2011

New Moon at '4Lib' = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined" 9.27.11

Sept 27, 2011's New Moon @ 4Libra = "Unbeaten Paths Illumined"

by Jude Cowell

A new cycle of activity began today with a New Moon in balancing Libra and it perfected at 7:08:36 am edt, so you've probably seen the New Moon horoscope set for the White House, right?

Therefore, it is very timely to consider in mundane fashion the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon's emphasized degree which arose in the DC chart with Ascendant @ 4Lib51; then I'll include the next degree of '5Lib' for good measure since the 360 degrees of the Zodiac--the Circle of Life--represent evolutionary progress as one degree morphs into the next. Today I'm quoting only Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala because I'm without my usual library this week and am blogging at you from historic Acworth, Georgia (about a hour north of Atlanta.)

If you tend to ponder such topics such as one-world-government, New World Order, Illuminati, King of Jerusalem, Merovingian bloodline, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and/or the Global Power Elite, the following info on today's New Moon may be somewhat unsettling--yet such are the times in which we stew. So if you're faint of heart, dear reader, I suggest you cut and run now lest you soon realize the implications of this new cycle of activity and the degrees it emphasizes.

'4Lib' = "Around a Campfire a Group of Young People Sit in Spiritual Communion"...Keynote: The necessity to unite with kindred spirits as one enters unbeaten paths illuminated by the still-insecure light of a dawning intuition of new values.

As one partially visionary leader said a few years ago: "Beaten paths are for beaten men." The urge to create a new society and respond to new values leads the pioneer to the wilds, which represent the state of planetary possibility--i.e. the as-yet-uncultured, the virgin forest. Around the fire of a common dedication (or at least a common hope!) minds and bodies can commune, forming a "chalice" or Grail for the reception of creative inspiration.


If a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it (ex: Henry Kissinger, GHWB, other power elites and monarchic heads--jc) or perhaps have envisioned its outlines (Bilderbergers, CFR, IMF, Club of Rome, etc--jc), should commune. But communion is useless where no central "fire" burns, IN-SPIRITING the group.

Note: It seems the world is due for a mysterious scandal, crime--or death--as noted by the rather sinister Solar Eclipse of November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37. if such a death occurs from Nov 2011 into 2012 and an 'eternal flame' is placed over the grave site of a notable individual or individuals, we may wish to consider its 'fire' to be a calling card of the Illuminati or the defunct group's biological and ideological descendants who now labor to institute, after years of planning, their psychotic recipe for a totalitarian world regime.

It gets worse...

'5Lib' = "A Man Revealing to His Students the Foundation of an Inner Knowledge Upon Which a "New World" Could Be Built"...Keynote: The necessity for the youthful spirits to learn from a Teacher who through his long experience has been able to reach solid and illuminating truths, i.e. "seed ideas."

An old saying is just as valid today as ever: When the pupil is ready, the Master appears. But he may appear in many disguises. What matters is not the Master, but the Mastery he "re-veals." It is veiled in his person. It has to be contacted through his person, rather than in his person. Devotion to a guru may be the way, but sooner or later it should be transmuted into reverence: the truth within the disciple saluting in true humility the truth in the Teacher.


What is evoked by the symbol is the essential, withal rather mysterious, process of TRANSMISSION. What is transmitted, if the situation is really adequate and understood (at least tentatively) by all participants, is not merely knowledge. It is actually "being-ness."

And naturally you thought of how New Moons lead two weeks later to Full Moons which mark the fulfillment or culmination of something begun at the last New Moon, the seeding phase of all new cycles.

And for a 'guru'? Perhaps you thought of Bavarian Illuminati founder and guru of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin Adam Weishaupt?


Too weighty for you? Rather forgeddaboudit? As you wish. Of course, I don't blame you in the least--maybe you'd rather mosey over for a view of some lunar-inspired artwork on display in one of my art gallery blogs, Secret Moon Art! jc

Sep 25, 2011

A Daft US Government Teeters on Backs of the Poor Sept 2011

How Purposeful Washington's Political Games Now Seem

by Jude Cowell

All logic tossed out the window, there are factions in the US determined to topple our republic and one of their tactics is to pile responsibility for current, dire financial straights onto the "backs of the poor" with President Obama at the helm and, one must assume, complicit in a radical and daft recipe for systemic collapse.

("We will bury you", pronounced Soviet leader Nikita Kruschev to America during my childhood. Thanks for that memory, Nikki. But you're just another in a long line of jackassian politicians in my book.)

Well, Ray McGovern's article Obama on the Backs of the Poor from August 3, 2011 is worth a second look if you've had a first--or is a not-to-be-missed if you did. Apparently daftness and perfidy masquerading as recklessness rules Washington Politics more than ever though I will not give passes for those who mismanage by design. To paraphrase Max Igan, US government officials and workers are in breach of contract as our employees if they don't effectively do the jobs that come with their positions.

As one-world-government types like to parrot loudly: rule of law! --which should effectively include lawmakers, their minions, staffs, operatives, and all bureaucrats.

A difference though is that the VP and President are not actually elected by the people but by the squirrelly electoral college of muckedy mucks. Perhaps one of the big 'secrets' of America's 'invisible' government from founding times is that the aristocrats won the lotto and most of the spoils which often accrued and accrue from the labor of working men and women.

My, how we haven't spiritually progressed as factions work tirelessly to make providing for the 'general welfare' a thing of the past--it's been made to seem "too expensive" to waste money on the poor and disadvantaged. Has compassion become old-fashioned in America? Then we-the-people must lift it up!

A Quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

Growing up within an hour or so from the reverend's home church in Atlanta, Ga, I remember hearing his voice and words on radio, TV, and in the news. As noted in the article above, *Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in a 1950s era speech said this:

"A nation or civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan."

For me this follows Biblical examples of consumption of rich foods (and in our cases, foods contaminated with toxins and re-engineered with frankensteinian intent--some would cry, "eugenics" or "guinea-pig-ism") causing physical and mental weakness rather than imparting strength as nutritious food should do, and causing a constant undermining of health on many levels and during all decades of our lives.


*On using a quote from Dr. King on SO'W, it's happened before yet I admit to reading some information recently on his alleged connections to communist groups or individuals--but i am not convinced. For given the blatant hounding of the popular leader who could sway the masses, awaken our Higher Natures, and beneficially affect our social order in the process, his opponents' assertions about him are difficult to trust. And as Dr. King's Chiron-in-Pisces pastorship began meshing issues of Civil Rights, Workers' Rights, and the Peace Movement under his revival tent, he was then seen as a dangerous man by certain 'special' interests having a larger agenda to force one-world-government--the one we now see being implemented more openly than before as their trap is almost set.

And it was as President that George H. W. Bush first publicly intoned the term "new world order" in speeches along with a chilling promise (aka, threat) that the shadowy 'they' will be successful imposing a totalitarian, Saturnian-Neptunian system over the entire globe and over what they are determined will be a surveillance-police state-America risen from the ashes, the Illuminati's spying all-seeing-eye over the 13-step pyramid's missing capstone on the never-officially used and masonic- symbol-ridden reverse side of America's Great Seal.

A Saturn-Neptune Spot Check 2011

Saturn (government; systems; restrictions) with Neptune (secret; veils; the masses; the media; paranoia) denotes 'secret' or 'invisible' 'government' which shows in America's natal chart/s of July 4, 1776 with Saturn @ 14Lib48, and Neptune @ 22Vir25 (conjoined with the natal Mars of Barack Obama.) In our oft-utilized natal chart set for 5:10 pm LMT, we see the midpoint of the Secret Government pair @ 3Lib37--close enough in orb to the New Moon of September 27, 2011 @ 4Lib00 to indicate a 'new cycle of activity' beginning in relation to America's secret or invisible government plans and policies.

Of late. transit Uranus in early Aries ('Utopians' according to Ebertin) has been triggering or catalyzing the midpoint of US natal Saturn/Neptune...n Sat/Nep = tr Uranus: sudden weaknesses emerge; excitability; irritability; peculiar inclinations; upsets cause illness; inner unrest (of a people or a nation.) (R. Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

Of course, to reach the Sept 27 New Moon we must first enter and navigate the 3-day period of the Dark Moon when hidden things go bump in the night and society's infestations of satanic forces opportunistically act with even more impunity. Sudden emergence of financial weaknesses cannot be ruled out, as we've already seen of late. Plus, the Saturn-Neptune pair of energies also carries a 'materialism v idealism' connotation.

And though a Dark Moon phase is an excellent time to lay low or chillax, my thought is that for best results in coming days, beware too many entertaining distractions because these people play for keeps, y'all, 2012 is upon our doorsteps, and from Sept 27's New Moon into 2012/13 will mark a watershed phase for all of humanity. Messing this up is not an option, really.

(You may wish to see my previous post on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--perhaps it's in the Top Ten Posts feed in the sidebar below--since it's the last celestial 'wild card of the Universe' of 2011 in solar fashion and ushers in Year 2012. The receptive Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011 is near the top of my to-blog list and is coming to this blog in the next week or two--it will be the cosmic companion of the Solar Eclipse of Nov 25, 2011 and both will do the 2012 ushering.)

Another thought to mention concerning President Obama is that he and MLK share the natal placement of Chiron in mystical Pisces (a Seeker on a Quest, perhaps for the 'Holy Grail'), and BHO is now in the midst of his Chiron Return, a numinous passage in life which occurs around age 50 that, in his case, is a five-fer (5 conjunctions of transit Chiron to his natal Chiron's zodiacal position.) This perfectly timed synchronicity lengthens the timeframe of the course of lessons the Wounded Healer will be teaching Pres. Obama, age 50--including the eternal one about "Be Here Now". jc

Sep 22, 2011

Space Station's Aurora Movie a must-see!

Space Weather News for Sept 22, 2011

SPACE STATION AURORA MOVIE: Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have recorded their best views yet of auroras dancing in the high atmosphere of Earth during a geomagnetic storm on Sept 17. Their must-see movie, just released by NASA, is highlighted on today's edition of SpaceWeather News.

UARS RE-ENTRY UPDATE: NASA's massive UARS satellite remains on track to re-enter Earth's atmosphere during the late hours of Sept 23. The fireball will probably miss North America, according to latest estimates of UARS orbital elements, but almost every other continent falls under a possible re-entry ground track. Better estimates are expected in the next 24 hours. As it makes its last orbits, the tumbling satellite is flashing brightly in the night sky, attracting the attention of stargazers and photographers.

Check SpaceWeather's satellite tracker for last-chance sightings over your location @ flybys.

Sep 21, 2011

Autumn Equinox 2011 Horoscope: Drastic Measures

Horoscope: Autumn Equinox September 23, 2011 5:04 am edt

by Jude Cowell

Below is an image of the Autumn Equinox 2011 horoscope, the Libra Ingress, set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Mars 2Leo37 conjunct President Obama's natal Mercury; chart-ruler Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house makes two applying aspects: conjunct Sun (4A37), and opposite Uranus 2Ari41 Rx conjunct 8th cusp which conjoins US natal IC 00Ari53 (Sibly version of America's natal horoscope (5:10 pm LMT, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, PA.)

The 8th cusp-Uranus-natal IC trio with Autumn Equinox Sun conjunct 2nd cusp indicates financial matters not coming together as expected so we must concentrate on what's working rather than on new methods. Compromise remains elusive as the president (Sun) knocks heads with radical political types (Uranus in Aries = Utopians, says Ebertin) over monetary policy and reform.

The embarrassing political and ideological battles continue into Spring 2012 and beyond as President Obama's character and suitability for office come even more under fire. And the whole world is watching as radical elements attempt to destroy our entire system of government, imperfect as it may be (and it is.) Thanks a lot, Ronald "Government Is Evil" Reagan, you really got the Destroy American ball rolling and the Dark Legacy of Reaganomics keeps on giving to the rich and taking from the poor.

And of course, the Deficit Reduction Committee's work is covered in the Autumn Equinox 2011 chart with the extraordinary power of a 'Super' Congress handed to 12 congress members which to my mind is unConstitutional. Their recommendations are due on November 23, 2011 in time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37--sitting at the Foundation of the Autumn EQ 2011 horoscope!!

As you see, a few of President Obama's natal planets are penned in around the chart: rising is his natal Pluto in Virgo opposite natal Chiron which here sets (conj DESC--Chiron opposite Pluto = 'knight in shining armor' on a Quest); Mr. Obama's natal Moon in Gemini (publicity through speeches) is at Midheaven (MC = The Goal; Aspirations; Public Status) along with two midpoints which create angular pictures with the MC and one with Obama's natal Moon...any, all, or none may apply...

Mars/Uranus = MC: taking drastic measures; extraordinary achievements; putting a gun to someone's head; an inflexible character; an act of violence.

Note: on C-SPAN this morning, Charlie Rangel referred to people "putting a gun to (the president's) head."

Mars/Uranus = BHO natal Moon: feelings govern; a desire to achieve something very big; ambition.

Moon/Uranus = MC: excitement and great energy; pursuit of ambitious aims; determination; ready for action; taking a hand suddenly or interfering.

Mercury also rules the 10th house of Public Standing bwo Gemini which indicates changes on the world stage for the US--Gemini's Mercury relates to communications, plans, but also commerce and trade; plus, Fixed Star Mirfak (Alpha Perseus) is @ MC, keywords: young male energy with hunting and fighting abilities. (Brady.)

In any horoscope, a chart-ruler's applying aspects show how things will proceed. As mentioned above, Virgo is rising, so changeable Mercury 25Vir23 in 1st house rules the chart. The applying conjunction to the Sun will perfect on September 28 at 5Lib20...'6Lib' = "The Ideals of a Man Abundantly Crystallized" which may refer to the president's new push back stance gaining momentum.

Mercury opposing Uranus (7A18) shows oration, communications, and plans embroiled in quarrels, disagreements, and disruptions, and serious conflicts arise between the generations related to finances and ideologies. This opposition may also refer to social networking (Uranus) activism as young Americans (Mercury) get out on the streets in protest.

Now manipulative Pluto, pulling strings from behind the scenes (and from abroad) is apex planet in a YOD pattern ('Finger of God', special task, crisis, turning point, crossroads.) This is a very karmic configuration and, as we know, the crisis has been a long time coming (slow moving Pluto.)

Apex Pluto in a YOD formation shows those with fixated opinions and plans that have disturbing effects upon others (not that Pluto cares about others) and past conditions must die so that a new path is revealed; this Pluto represents those with high executive positions of authority who are determined to usher in a New Order.

Perhaps I don't need to tell you this, but the people represented by this anti-social Pluto hold extreme perspectives that are out of focus with society's views and values.

A midpoint picture is created from the YOD:

Mars/MC = Pluto: extraordinary zeal and great vigor; the desire to bring immense tasks to a successful conclusion.

Transit Pluto continues to oppose US natal Jupiter 5Can56 and denotes America's financial, political, and social struggles against powerful plutonian forces desiring to break down our nation and all civil institutions.

Yes, Pluto is very busy this Autumn as apex in a second planetary pattern--a T-Square between the Sun/Uranus opposition.

First, the midpoint picture:

Sun/Uranus = Pluto: radical reformers (we know!!); a desire to rearrange things (without the American people's consent!); tragic experiences; imprisonment;
very provoking others with constant rebellion and distractions; disruptions of events to gain recognition; direct attacks on the individuality of others to gain more notoriety for self or interests.

As apex in a Cardinal T-Square, Pluto denotes those with intense focus on objectives and an inability to compromise with others; sharing power is a non-starter, and explosive endings may be thought necessary in order to make a new start; again, this Pluto represents high powered executives--who feel much contempt for those they manipulate, and the case of this T-Square, those whose plans they block.

Well, if you click to enlarge the horoscope you may read a few other chart details, and there are other factors of note, of course. But since I'm readying for an out of town trip, I shall close for now and await your on-topic comments and opinions which I will moderate from an area near Atlanta, GA. in this, my favorite of the seasons, Autumn.