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Mar 9, 2013

March 2013 US Progressions: SP Mars-Saturn = SP Moon

March-April 2013: US Progressions Show Strain of SP Mars-Saturn = SP Moon (We the People)

by Jude Cowell

Sometimes when listening to Washington DC politicians squawk, deceive, propagandize, and scam it's helpful to look at certain progressions issuing from America's natal horoscope (using July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA today) for an updated snapshot of what we as a nation of leaders and citizens have evolved into, or the point of progress we have reached.

Below you see an image of the USA's secondary progressions (physical plane) for March 11, 2013 at 3:51 pm, the moment of a New Moon @21Pis24, which falls into the 7th house of Legal Partnerships and Open Enemies in the SP chart. A few details follow (click image to enlarge for more details), but mainly I wanted to show you a difficult midpoint picture involving America's SP Moon (the public) which is in the mood for balance in unequal conditions and situations, but instead we're getting political theater, illusions, deceptions--and from Mars-Saturn's energies of 'destroyed vitality; destruction; harm' influences, we're being subjected to quarrels and conflicts (Mars) blended with austerity and restriction (Saturn):

SP Mars-Saturn = SP Moon: feelings about losing something (our jobs, our futures, our country? jc); moodiness or depression; lack of courage--or, developing courage and strength; a need to restrain impulsive activities; anger over restrictions (anti-women's-rights legislation and odd proposals by misogynist Republicans who don't relate in a normal fashion to the ladies? jc); energy levels that fluctuate. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

The combined energies of the Mars-Saturn duo also relate to potentials for military power, use of strife and struggle, persistent wars, frustration for or by criminal elements, demands to halt armaments (ex: North Korea which says its missiles can now attack Americans--the people = Moon--jc), continued military actions under political or other restrictions, an obligation to use force when restraint is called for, ambitiously taking the property of others, and/or an older enterprise which becomes angered.

In April, the SP Mars-Saturn = SP Moon picture will perfect (25Lib48) and be at its strongest concerning 2/8 and 3/9 house matters, if it expresses at all.

That last sounds like the ongoing influence of the Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square with its generational challenges as old guard (Pluto) blocks and is blocked by Uranian rebels and whippersnappers of a 'radical reform' nature. And I'm certain that you recognize players like old-guard Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham being none too pleased (so they say) with the likes of Senator Ted Cruz whose physical and rhetorical resemblances to insinuating Senator Eugene McCarthy are uncannily reminiscent of the McCarthy era's *paranoia when mere mentions could sink a politician's career.

Well, dear reader, I hope you're actually on this blog because here is the SP chart of America for March 11, 2013:

Hour of Mars Rx (@18Lib25 in 2nd hou$e), and chart-ruler Mercury @20AQ42 is also Rx so right away we know there are delays and frustrations afoot; Neptune and NN are in karmic degrees ('fated' = reaping what was sown)...26Cancer/26Virgo, so they are sextile one another along with the 26-degree MC/IC security/domestic scene axis; the Neptune-NN midpoint opposes US natal Moon in Aquarius...Neptune-NN = Moon: enhanced intuition; lack of community spirit.

Neptune trines MC denoting that illusions, deception, fraud, and possibly inspiration or intuition are used to further career and our nation's public status.

You see SP Uranus @7Gem01 in the public 10th house which, along with US natal Uranus, has been so recently visited by transit Jupiter indicating that political, social, academic, and/or financial gains can be or have been made by those who have the opportunities afforded to them.

However, SP trickster Pan Rx and SP wealthy gold-hoarder Midas oppose one another (although in 'real time' they've been traveling in tandem for the last few years--in Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus and tr Jupiter)--and Pan Rx conjoins US SP Neptune in the 2nd house of the National Treasury. Plus, for more economic destabilization, we have the inflationary, scheming Jupiter-Neptune pair ruling the 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt/Credit, and Corporations by way of its murky Piscean cusp.

And SP Jupiter @15Can25 Rx continues to lodge upon the Pentagon's natal Ascendant making 'sequester cuts' to America's military budget difficult to have faith in (for me) though its Rx condition relates to US natal Jupiter's Rx Station of 1905--pre-WWI--when our nation's Jupiterian functions became inverted and crabbed by war, war-profiteering, high-interest loans for waging war that benefit international bankers, and an ideology that expands in spite of what befalls those haplessly encountered within its path.

IC = End of the Matter; The Drain: Ruled by Mars, Sub-Ruled by Pluto

The critical/crisis-degreed Pluto (29Cap) in 5th house of Speculation and Risk-Taking is worrisome, of course, for Underworld Pluto of The Syndicate remains as he's always been in US charts: out-of-bounds and working on his own in isolation (ex: an ivory tower, a distant vantage point.) And with US SP South Node of the Moon nearby @26Cap20, war and violence continue to be what our 'leaders' fall back on as they march our nation toward its destiny while riding the currents of public moods and opinions as befitting a Neptune-NN sextile yet managing to avoid such shifting cultural trends within their own lives, as they generally desire.

This avoidance is accomplished by subtle evasion rather than by direct confrontation and/or honesty. Try to get a direct answer to a fair question from a well-practiced politician!

Now there are many other chart factors active in America's current Secondary Progressions especially when transits and Solar Arcs are considered but I shall trust you to check things out if you wish and leave a comment with this post, if you may!


US planets now Rx by Progression: Mercury (AQ), Mars (Libra), Jupiter (Cancer), Saturn (Scorpio), and Neptune (Virgo); unaspected: Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto, and Chiron; oppressive plutocracy's Pluto-Chiron = Sun (the leader; the president.)

*Paranoia is easily felt and exploited whenever nebulous, gaseous Neptune floats through its own sign of confused and confusing Pisces.

Mar 5, 2013

Jon Stewart on Sequester Cuts (video) plus, Moon-Saturn

In case you missed this:

Since I heard Rachel Maddow say that President Obama signed the order for sequester cuts 'a little before 9 o'clock' on Friday evening, March 1, 2013, a peek at the horoscope set for the White House shows that POTUS' Neptune in Scorpio is the first of his natal planets to rise. So with the transiting Scorpio Moon and austere Saturn Rx snugged around the chart's 2nd cusp (the house of the National Treasury) we find a midpoint picture created with the president's natal Neptune in the middle...

'Sequester' Moon-Saturn = natal Neptune: feeling inferior; melancholy; depression; anxiety; the sickness of the soul. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Imho, 'sickness of the soul' is what most Americans feel over how our government has turned itself into a corrupt mass of incompetent dissemblers, fraudsters, and purposefully treacherous bad actors bent upon implementing some sort of weird coup of dystopian dimensions.

And though Moon-Saturn contacts indicate such things as depression, melancholy, and anxiety all on their own, they also denote: strategy, direction, and ambition (Tyl.)

For as I suspected and mentioned here last week (and as you've noticed in the news), Republicans have cooked up a ploy to stop sequester cuts to what they care about such as the military budget--even adding $2 billion to it!--while keeping the domestic sequester cuts which will push vulnerable Americans out onto the streets, deny formula to hungry infants, let go teachers and other civil workers, furlough federal employees--in other words, place austerity measures upon the backs of those of our citizens disdained by the arrogant GOP. It looks as if Ayn Rand's cruel theories are in full play and brought to us by anti-social, conscience-free psychopaths who choose to govern ineptly in our nation's Capitol Building, that Masonic temple on a hill in Washington DC.

Why, even the news that billionaires such as Warren Buffet and George Soros have been "quietly" dumping millions of shares of US stocks in companies such as Johnson & Johnson follows the narrative of Rand's Atlas Shrugged as corporatists desert our nation! Beware the Fed printing funny money (Jupiter-Neptune = inflation) and the not-since-2007 DOW Jones average closing at a record high as it did today. And I was so hoping for good news for America's upcoming Jupiter Return on July 22, 2013...more on that later.

Mar 4, 2013

1988 British JFK Documentary (video) w a link to the Nov 22, 1963 chart

With November 22, 2013 being the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, you may wish to watch an alternate presentation concerning what happened in Dallas, Texas The Day the Dream Died:


Or, as I termed it when posting the JFK assassination horoscope in 2007, The Day America Died. though most Americans realize by now that the tragedy on Nov 22, 1963 was only one coup of the US government on a list of many. It's a process, you know. That way a take-over can be sneaked in upon us...

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a link to this video.

Mar 2, 2013

Comets, Meteors, Fireballs! "Crowded Skies" (video)

Is it Time to Forget Mrs. O'Leary's Cow?

Perhaps, but the following 30-minute video is not for the faint of heart or for the spiritually insecure so view at your own discretion. Herr Beethoven supplies the music, the Cosmos supplies the comets, meteors, and fireballs which have been increasing in number for the last few years, have you noticed?

Some curious links are made to catastrophes and corresponding years when an increase in such fiery cosmic visitors have been observed and recorded. For as it says in Revelation 6:13, And the stars in the sky fell to earth.


For a full list of videos on many interesting topics, you may wish to drop in at Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Astrology of Lurching Budget Crises and Sore Losers

Of Saturnian Budget Control and Other Astro-Considerations

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps of interest to you may be the Social Security Legislative Bulletin dated August 2, 2011, the day that President Obama signed into law the Budget Control Act of 2011 (S. 365.) The bulletin includes details of the limits established on government-wide discretionary spending until year 2021 and implements a goal to save at least $1.5 trillion in budgetary savings over the next 10 years--which amazingly leads to 2021.

Also listed are the dates of the 'super committee' ('Super Congress') which failed to reach agreement thereby setting up the current 'sequester cuts' we shall now enjoy (she typed with sarcasm.) And you know that establishing a major policy of job creation would go a long way toward solving many if not all of all our budgetary problems, right? As usual, current Washington politicians focus their exalted energies on misguided targets to the point of treason.

One of my main take-aways from the ongoing financial charade--the Political Theater of recent years--is that if we can't manage in 2013 to legally remove congressional anarchists seeking to undermine the US government out of existence before they do us more harm, let's uplift the Common Good and Vote Them the Heck Out in 2014!

Here's an excerpt from President Obama's public statement of August 2, 2011 and sounding quite gullible concerning his future prospects of working with Republicans on debt and budget issues by way of "...a balanced approach where everything is on the table":

Now for a Little Astrology as We Lurch from Crisis to Crisis

August 2, 2011 Washington DC saw Sun in Leo (10Leo+) and Moon in the sign of The Worker and The Critic, Virgo. Mercury (signings, laws, agreements, debates, commerce, orators and speeches--here, from the Rose Garden) was stationary @1Vir11 (at noon edt) and there were some telling midpoint pictures in play. No matter the precise hour of the Act's signing, one such picture involved the wastrel-speculator-inflation-grand-schemer duo of Jupiter-Neptune; as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter-Neptune = Uranus (4Ari20 Rx): disruption by events that have no real explanation; basing decisions on odd or unusual theories about the effects of the supernatural; unaccustomed confusion (Munkasey): imagination v reality; coming down to earth with a bump; sudden recognition of a difficult situation (Ebertin.)

Another picture is created by a T-Square pattern with radical reformer and utopian anarchist Uranus in Aries as apex planet and catalyst and the forceful, manipulative Mars-Pluto duo opposing one another yet working in tandem:

Mars-Pluto = Uranus: using whatever power is available to reform, disrupt, stir up, or otherwise alter conditions (Munkasey); cruelty; violence; sudden disasters or calamities of great importance (Ebertin); dangerous sense of attack; fight first, talk later; a chip on one's shoulder (Tyl.)

One of my suspicions is that President Obama mainly wanted to 'control nagging uncertainties' by signing the Act since it was intended to replace budget resolutions not proposed: Moon-Mars = Sun (the leader.)

And you know, sore loser Republicans do behave as if they have a chip on their shoulders, don't they? Weakening America in the eyes of other nations as they undermine President Obama seems to be one of their primary goals, oddly enough. And now that the sequestration cuts have been signed into reality, one of my many frets for the Common Good is the next natural disasters the American people will suffer under a government that has purposefully fixed itself into a can't-be-bothered-to-send-aid mode of alleged frugality, the beap chastards.

Well, there was also a planetary pattern some call a Mystic Rectangle in effect on August 2, 2011 between Mercury, Pluto, Chiron, and an out-of-bounds Mars (off on his own and up to no good) at a critical-crisis 29th degree but that's enough of such dreary topics for the moment, as I suspect you'll readily agree!

Even so, let's add two quotes, the first from someone born with the Fire-Earth, King-Servant combination of Sun Leo-Moon Virgo which is imprinted upon the Budget Control Act of 2011. His words could be a description of the ongoing crises manufactured by the GOP and which are meant to cause the public to criticize the president and his Democratic administration--as if Republicans deserve a good review from their victims!

"A good review from the critics is just another stay of execution." Dustin Hoffman

"Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God's service when it is violating all His laws." John Adams, our 2nd US president

Amen, Mr. Adams.

Feb 28, 2013

Horoscope: Sequester July 27, 2011

Can 'Sequester' Have a Natal Horoscope?

by Jude Cowell

Here is a natal horoscope I propose for the 'Sequester' based on Bob Woodward's assertion that Jack Lew, now sworn in as Treasury Secretary, and the White House's Ron Nabors presented the 'sequester' idea to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on July 27, 2011 at 2:30 pm edt, allegedly as a way to make sure GOP and Democratic legislators acted in a responsible manner concerning their fiscal duties. As you know, they did not. The chart is set for the Capitol Building:

Horoscope: 'Sequester' proposal; Hour of Mercury, in 10th house of Career and Public Status at a critical-crisis 29th degree, conjunct Royal Star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided but it seldom if ever is avoided in Washington DC); Ascendant 14Sco29 indicating that treachery, big business, and transformation are afoot with Mars as chart-ruler and powerful, wealthy Pluto as sub-ruler of the sequester proposal.

Planet Mars 25Gem32 is posited in 8th house of Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Corporations, and Big Business along with the Moon 26Gem21, both in the sign of duplicity; Mars also rules the 6th house of Military Service, Work, Health, and our Daily Rounds which will be much affected by ham-fisted sequestration cuts as of March 1st, if implemented, due to job losses, unpaid furloughs, and other problems. 'Nice' going, Washington politicians.

Blog Note: today I'm getting the tiresome 'long-running script errors' message more than usual from Blogger so this post is like typing in molasses and will be truncated when my patience runs out!

In 2nd house lies the North Node (NN) of the Moon @22Sag51, ruled by Jupiter and conjunct Fixed Star Ras Alhague which indicates a path of balance-creation in economic matters. Yes, America's lopsided, much-touted "income inequality" could use a better balance but are untargeted sequester cuts a good way to start? There is a proposal in Congress for the president to have discretion in which departments and programs get their funding sliced but some Republicans don't want to give the president "more power"! And so the current transit of powerful Pluto opposing US natal Sun (power struggles) continues as does the rebellious, protesting Uranus-Pluto square, here 1A03, which issues from their Great Conjunction/s of the mid-1960s. And note that yesterday Supreme Court Justice Scalia called Voting Rights (gained in 1965) as being no more than an "entitlement"!

Now let's consider the only applying aspect of chart-ruler Mars for clues what to expect: Mars trine Neptune (4A40) indicating ease of some sort between action/motivation (Mars--also, males) and inspiration but with possibly deceptive practices (Neptune--also, fraud.) Ideals are a major force (motivation) behind actions which are taken behind the scenes and apparently will result in happiness for someone (look at Wall Street--markets are rising high right now which suits the big gamblers, speculators, inside traders, short sellers, and corporate crooks' secret bank accounts.)

Another important chart factor is sequester's Mercury (plans, proposals, deals, agreements, etc) opposing obfuscating Neptune 00Pis12 Rx in 4th house (the Foundation or End of the Matter.) We find in the news many corporate mergers taking place, or wanting to, since at least 2012, and as you know, Neptune is the planet with a strong urge to merge. That US consumers will benefit from big mergers is extremely doubtful. See Inside the World's Biggest Airline Merger.

And don't forget the jolly news that JPMorgan Chase's Jamie Dimon is "richer than you," as he cheekily points out something we already know.

Now when trade and commerce Mercury, a trickster when he takes a notion, opposes veiling, often falsifying Neptune (media, the masses), clear thinking takes a holiday and we seldom 'get what we see' or are shown--here, by Washington. Dangerous ideas swirl about and business activities, negotiations, and financial ventures and proposals are not well favored. Cautious and moderate behavior is advised yet as we've seen since President Obama took office in 2009, certain actors upon the Capitol Hill stage are determined to throw caution to the wind, score ideological points, and dance to the tune of their billionaire tax-avoiding backers who have no loyalty to America, or to The Union of our States. Crashing the US economy (again) and bringing even more suffering to the American people is a small price to pay, they think, for gaining their sorry objectives.

Bitter resentments (Sun inconjunct Pluto), plus, overpromising, manipulation, wheeler-dealing, and truth-bending (Sun square Jupiter) are shown in the horoscope and thus the financial situation as well. And with transit Venus opposing US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (in 2nd house of the National Treasury in our nation's 'Sibly' natal chart), we've been feeling and experiencing the obsession, envy, jealousy, and cut-throat competition this influence 'inspires'. Mistrust riddles alliances and joint ventures as power struggles ensue, plus, the Venus-Pluto pairing relates to matters such as bankruptcy.

Past slights which are unconnected to current conditions blow up the gestures of others into huge grievances (ex: Senators McCain and Graham v. Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense, and the general Republican opposition to everything that is Obama)--but of course, Democrats can behave this way, too, as they have in the past. For as 'they' always like to say: payback is Hades.

Last but not least--and possibly the planetary energy 'running way' with the chart of sequestration is an unaspected Saturn 12Lib02 (working alone and unaided--in the 11th house of Groups and Associations!)

As you see from taskmaster and legislator Saturn's degree, the 'sequester' was presented to Harry Reid during the period of America's Saturn Return (14Lib48) which perfected three times on December 3, 2010, March 22, 2011, and August 28, 2011. And July 27, 2011 was mere 6 days after our still-current Mars Return (21Gem22) denoting a new two-year cycle of activity and goal-planning with the cycle beginning on July 21, 2011; our nation's next Mars Return is due on June 30, 2013, just before Independence Day 2013.

The Goal (MC) is apparently related to leadership with Leo at the WHY" Point of the chart, and royal Leo's ruler, the Sun 4Leo23 (the leader) is between President Obama's natal Mercury and Sun in Leo. This seems to support Mr. Woodward's assertion that the idea for 'sequester' cuts originated in the White House. It could also indicate that sequestration cuts 'across the board' are what Washington intended all along, or were thought to be a way to maneuver and maintain control (rulership) of the dialogue concerning their haphazard, play-acting budget negotiations. Do you see the YOD pattern of crisis, special task, and turning point with Pluto sextile Chiron (pluocrats, exploitation, oppression, racism, etc) at its base, pointing toward the Sun (president)?

To me this looks as if white supremacists, international bankers, and other shot-calling corporatists are making punishing demands and pressuring (inconjuncts to Sun) the president to implement austerity and other measures even as Mars conjoins SN (the Tail of The Dragon, a Saturnian point of separation.) Contentious Mars was recently conjoined by the Moon (the public) indicating that austerity is out of harmony with current societal norms and sentiments and will cause more grief than improvement. Austerity measures will not decrease the deficit or lead to job growth!

Additionally, Mars conjunct SN, often a signifier for violence and/or revolution, represents those who act upon their own decisions with no regard for the needs or desires of others. Plus, Moon-Mars denotes hotheads and those who disrupt--here in 8th house matters, as already mentioned.

Well, my patience has worn thin so I'll skip several things I'd like to say and close with the two midpoint pictures you see scribbled on the horoscope, bottom right and bottom left...both involve moneybags Jupiter:

Jupiter-Neptune, the speculator-wastrel-fraudster pair, point to radical utopian Uranus Rx in Mars-ruled Aries in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking which creates potentials for: reality vs imagination, sudden recognition of a difficult situation, coming down to earth with bump, and/or liking the shades.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: indecision or vacillation, unreliability, instability, soberness, lack of clarity of objectives when working together. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

More reading at Politico: Dual Senate Sequestration Votes Expected to Fail.

Feb 23, 2013

Ben Franklin on "a prime cause of the Revolution"

"The refusal of King George III to allow the Colonies to operate an honest money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution."

Benjamin Franklin

And with the early establishment of an English financial system of banks in America, Thomas Jefferson thought that Alexander Hamilton "cooked the books."

So other than book-cooking from the start, things have remained the same--murky--through the ensuing decades, haven't they? In fact, the US government is a corporation, not a government! If they had to prove themselves a government, they couldn't do so.

Here's a 43-minute video presentation, All Wars Are Bankers' Wars:


Click here to read the informative text that goes along with the video and includes details on Abraham Lincoln's greenbacks and Andrew Jackson's efforts to fight the re-chartering of a central bank, and visit Forbidden Knowledge TV for videos on a variety of interesting topics, financial and otherwise.

Plus, you may wish to check out a previous post on Andrew Jackson and his efforts to beat back his era's central banksters ("vipers.") The post includes a link to President Jackson's First Inaugural Address which sadly remains quite pertinent to the purposefully manufactured financial crises of our day.

Horoscope: Feb 25, 2013 Virgo Full Moon w Austerity notes

Feb 25, 2013's Full Moon Spotlights 'Austerity v Growth' Solutions

by Jude Cowell

On his blog at The Nation, John Nichols writes how Sequestration Sacrifices Jobs to Save Billionaire Tax Breaks as radicals work to impose austerity against the American people in order to redistribute wealth toward the top as their basic priority.

And I believe the Full Moon in Virgo (sign of Jobs and Work) which perfects on Monday, February 25, 2013, details among other things the 'sequestration' stand-off now occurring in Washington and relates to our delinquent Congress reassembling itself next week for business on Tuesday, if not on Monday. Here's the Full Moon horoscope with a few notes:

Full Moon @7Vir23, February 25, 2013 3:26:03 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC: Hour of Jupiter (money, growth, investment; ideology) with Jupiter @7Gem28 in 11th house of Groups and Associations (conjunct US natal Uranus 8Gem55 which usually brings social, financial, and political improvements.) Jupiter is apex in a T-Square with the Sun-Moon opposition (all three at 7 degrees = karmic, or fated--reaping what's been sown), and Pluto @11Cap03 is the Thales Point or Planet (trine Moon, sextile Sun) in 6th house of Work, Employment, Service which is meant to be a 'help' to the oppositional situation.

However, Pluto remains involved in a sextile with Saturn (another fated pairing @11/11 degr--both are 'karmic' planets) which formed the base of the crisis-laden YOD pattern (apex Jupiter Rx) in the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope, a pattern which ably describes the social fanaticism, enforced monetary controls, and denotes 'brutal efforts to start a new order' which Saturn-Pluto want to establish (and which will send the US economy back into recession or worse, thereby undermining the second term of President Obama along with our nation; hopefully, POTUS isn't in on the billionaires' fanatical schemes.)

By the end of March (and I'm pinpointing the March 27th Full Moon for possible resolution--culmination--of these difficulties or at least, a can-kicking down the road agreement which may ease tensions a while), the difficult YOD configuration of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto re-forms as direct Jupiter moves into orb of the pattern (beginning on March 10th.) On March 29th at 2:36:15 pm edt Capitol Building three YODs are shown which add complexity to conditions already manufactured into a cluster-fug by politicians and their wealthy backers.

As Mr. Nichols says, "America is not broke" and 'sequestration' "is the start, not the finish, of a process that undoes economic recovery and causes job losses to spike by even greater numbers." He calls out Simpson-Bowles for "promoting schemes such as 'chained CPI', the slashing of cost-of-living increases for Social Security recipients that will squeeze the buying power of seniors and people with disabilities and further impeded growth. That will cost even more jobs."

Now as you know, 'growth' and investment are concepts of Jupiter which will soon move back into the line of fire of Saturnian austerity coupled with Plutonian control of wealth and power. Austerity measures have caused severe damage overseas (see Paul Krugman's Austerity Europe) where implemented yet Simpson, Bowles, the GOP, and various 'privatizing' billionaires of international persuasion want to sock it to We the People as they exploit the current budget difficulties--most of which they purposefully created--in order to benefit the wealthy and further take over the helm of our nation. No, they have no loyalty to America or to the social safety net that has aided the American people and the US economy for decades--and perhaps they wish that austerity will hide their years-long embezzlement and other fraudulent practices.

And considering the suffering, harm, even death that their austerity plan will bring to real people, I must consider their proposals as population control measures meant to decrease our number and leave more resources for the greedy.

Now back to the horoscope you see above. Perhaps you can read my notes if you click the image to enlarge. Two factors I want to mention are the T-Square/s formed by the Full Moon and by deceitful Neptune opposing the Moon across the 2/8 axis of National Treasury (2nd H) and a full 8th H of Debt, Credit, Taxes, Shared Resources, Corporations, Transformation, and Death. Neptune is oriental (rising before the Sun = a chameleon) and the planets form midpoint pictures, any, all, or none of which may apply--and note that evaluating Venus is at a critical-crisis 29th degree conjunct 8th cusp as she nears fraudulent Neptune in Pisces:

Sun-Moon = Jupiter: pressure to change an entire value system (Venus = values--see 'accepted social norms', below); taking too many directions at once; a philosophy for coping with life; opportunities used to advantage; desires for joint endeavors, expansion, and possessions; success.

Moon-Neptune = Jupiter: grand imaginings and plans; far-reaching wishes; fantasy; enhanced ability to read people's motives and put these into a political context; compassion and sympathy (warning: a conscience and concern for the common good may be needed to feel these-jc.) (Munkasey; Tyl; Ebertin.)

We may also wish to consider the potentials for expression in Politics and Business for the Sun-Moon and Moon-Neptune pairs of energy, according to *Michael Munkasey:

Sun-Moon: Thesis: how the people's will is applied to taking the country into new or important directions; the international reputation of the country (in the crapper, thanks to Washington's Political Theater squabbles--jc); reading the attitude of the people when making national policy.

Antithesis: national will forcefully imposed by the leadership; a loss of face in international politics (GOP delays and ridiculous arguments over Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense? -jc); pessimism flows through the population or lawmakers.

Another midpoint picture may be of interest to our topic for it may create a bright spot in our dreary situation and forms a Minor Grand Trine if we don't mind counting the Ascendant (8Leo18) as a place for the expression of its energy:

Uranus-ASC = Jupiter: 'new approaches to solving social or legal problems; optimism'...or, more negatively, 'new opinions which are contrary to accepted social norms.' (Munkasey.)

'Accepted social norms' such as acting as our brother's keeper and honoring the social contract between generations the way an allegedly Christian nation ought to do?

Ascendant 8Leo18:

Well, there are many other chart factors that deserve consideration but let's close with chart-ruler Sun's applying Ptolemaic aspects to determine how matters will proceed from the February 25th Full Moon...

1. Sun square Jupiter (0A04) spotlights wheeler-dealers who are arrogant, pompous, and immoderate and need to re-order their priorities; truth is bent to accomplish goals (success-at-all-costs) but this will cause them complications later on; others are expected to accede to the demands of manipulators who want to avoid keeping promises (such as social safety net programs--plus, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square underlies current unrest, riots, strikes, protests, and revolutions and supports the breaking of contracts in generational stand-offs.)

2. Sun sextile Pluto (3A39) may represent two groups: varmints who are uncompromising, self-reliant, and wish to control the world; totally certain of their ideals, they become impatient when expected to listen to the ideals of others, and, knowing that 'knowledge is power', they withhold details from others in order to maintain control and make it difficult for others to mount challenges to their plans; on another level, this sextile denotes leadership acting as mediator in order to reconcile opposing sides and find solutions; a desire to aid the less fortunate is evident.

3. Sun trine Saturn (4A04) indicates leadership (Sun) which finds acceptance of responsibility (Saturn) for others to be easy, and knowing how to take advantage of opportunity is inherently understood (doing things 'the right way at the right time') which results in reasonably defined goals meeting with success.


*Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey.

Note: as Venus nears conjunction with Neptune in veiling Pisces, some mention of the pair's influence in Politics and Business may be worth our attention since it relates to potentials for an inflated treasury as a way to manipulate growth, those who gain wealth from oil, gas, and/or chemicals, exaggerated or misstated resources (ex: 'America is broke," says the GOP), scandals over deceptive practices or the misuse of the treasury, spies in the financial system (hackers? turncoats?), monetary fraud, and/or subversives who wish to gain access to finances (ex: those who would 'privatize' Social Security funds, dissolve even more pension funds and other savings programs, and establish austerity over the people in order to channel wealth upwards.

Here are a few recent posts concerning similar topics for March 2013:

Sequester Fester and Jupiter's Path, Horoscope: Mars to Aries Point March 12, 2013, March 2013: December 2012 YOD re-forms w apex Jupiter, and Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2013.

Feb 20, 2013

Horoscope: Mars = Aries Point Mar 12, 2013 (a YOD returns)

March 12, 2013: Mars to 00Aries00 denotes conflict and fanaticism

by Jude Cowell

Perhaps you'd like a view of the horoscope of transit Mars to 'his' own Aries Point 00Ari00:00 on March 12, 2013 at 2:26 am edt in Washington DC. Mars = AP, a World Point of Manifestation and Prominence, also denotes testy activist and warrior Mars conjoining US natal IC (Homeland; Foundation; End of the Matter; The Drain) in our national 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.) This indicates fiery actions and, as it happens, rash action on the home front, and of course, we think of police departments applying for permits to use drones to spy and control the American people, and many other Mars-based activities such as protests, strikes, quarrels, fires, and military concerns.

Since March 20, 2013 heralds this year's Aries Ingress (Spring Equinox) when the Sun reaches 00Ari00:00, we may expect quite a Mars-infused season since it's not every March that Mars hits the Aries Point before or after the Sun which makes the AP a tender or sensitive spot in the Zodiac in March 2013.

The Sun-Mars duo of energies in Politics and Business relates to potentials for: military development as an extension of internal policy, hostile actions or challenges to authority which are subdued by guards or armed forces (prison riots? arresting protesters? tear gas or tasers?), a leader with a military background (Chuck Hagel?); then: extending aggression as the will of the people; military might developed to be used against others (build-up and deployment?), government or business authority that is linked to the armed forces (drones across America?), and/or violence against chosen leaders. (Munkasey.)

As you see, the difficult YOD pattern of special tasks and turning points from the Winter Solstice 2012 horoscope is back in force as of March 10th when Jupiter moved into orb again with the Saturn and Pluto inconjuncts. The YOD describes the ongoing conflicts and conditions of the end-of-year, manufactured 'fiscal cliff' embroilment in Washington which wasn't fully resolved and has resulted in the current March 1st 'sequester cuts' of which we speak. Some pundits say resolution of some sort will come around March 27th and there is a Full Moon on that date in the early morning but the Moon becomes V.O.C. at 2:14 pm edt so we'll see how their timing goes on Capitol Hill and if their deliberations 'flow' with the Moon's natural rhythm.

The YOD Pattern Forms Difficult Midpoint Pictures

Social fanaticism, quarrels, and sudden upsets are some of the midpoint pictures' potentials from the YOD configuration of Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto--but when we include US natal Uranus (which is conjoined by Jupiter in December and into 2013) we find a disturbing picture: 'brutal efforts to start a new order; an attack, regardless of potential losses' (Tyl) which I believe denotes the anarchy and austerity reforms now being attempted in Washington DC against our government and our people. If the 'sequester cuts' miss the military budget while cleaving out funds from our social safety net, we'll know the anarchists have finally won against FDR's and LBJ's social improvements--"regardless of (the) potential losses" suffered by We the People.)

Chart: Hour of evaluating Venus at a critical degree (17Pis), Sun 21Pis50 and Moon 27Pis18 are 5 degrees 28 minutes past their New Moon conjunction @21Pis24 ('22Pis' = "A Man Bringing the New Law Down from Sinai"--or, the karmic degree '21Pis' = "A Little White Lamb, a Child, and a Chinese Servant" (Jones, with my bold emphasis due to our topic.)

In The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli (who does not round up the degree) gives '21Pis' the symbol, "Nightly duel of two ancient crusaders" and says the degree gives a "warlike temperament"; Carelli adds, "My son, the cut was good, now think of the stitching," words of Catherine de Medici to her son Henry III after the murder of the *Duke of Guise--of course we are reminded of March 2013's sequester 'cuts' with which the GOP intends to throw the US economy back into recession thereby messing with President Obama's second term and preventing his plans from being realized. Obviously, 'crusader' is also a facet of astrological Mars.

Pluss, sex, guns, axes, knives and other weapons fall within the province of the Red Planet (even figurative ones used to cravenly slash budgets and starve small children) so you won't want to miss the instructive insights of expert astrologer John Townley in his article American Circus.

And here's a peek at the Spring Equinox 2013 horoscope set for DC with a few details added, if you haven't yet checked it out.


*In 1908, a film was made about The Assassination of the Duke of Guise.

Feb 19, 2013

April 2013 Scorpio Lunar Eclipse to Share More Secrets and Light Our Path

by Jude Cowell

The first eclipse of 2013 is a Lunar Eclipse @5Sco45:44 on April 25, 2013 at 3:57:07 pm edt. The horoscope is set for Washington DC:

Hour Mars (@3Tau59 in 8th house); Fixed-Earth is strong and the chart is weighted on the Succedent side with balanced North-South hemispheres and an emphasis on the western side of Others-Partnerships, and possibly Open Enemies.

(Since the Moon rules ocean tides, with a Lunar Eclipse we may expect more leaks of the inconvenient kind, including hacked information--government and business.)

The trail of dispositorship leads to Venus in her own sign of Taurus (13:00 in 8th house conjunct US Inaugural Ascendants on January 20th noon in DC every 4 years); opposite the 2nd house Moon is the Sun @5Tau45:44 and Mercury 19Ari04 (degree of the Sun's exaltation) are also posited in 8th house of Debt, Credit, insurance, Shared Resources, Corporations, Transformation, Death, and the Occult--ruled here by Mars. And of course Scorpio is an occult sign with a Lunar Eclipse there denoting more secrets and scandals to unfold added to those revealed by the Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @21Sco56 (the 2012 election eclipse); plus, the Nov 2012 Solar Eclipse fatefully conjoined US natal 12th cusp of Politics and Karma in the 5:10 pm 'Sibly' natal chart.

In Mundane Astrology, 2nd house represents the National Treasury and Moon there describes fluctuations, changes, and publicity, with the Moon ruling the eclipse's 11th house of Groups and Associations.

Prominent and closest planet to an angle is Jupiter @16Gem26 on the 9th house side of Midheaven (The Goal) both of which trigger the Venus Transit degree of June 2012 (paternalism, aka, the GOP's 'war on women'.)

Secretive Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, along with Chiron @12Pis38, indicates loss of jobs and employment on one level though I hope it also shows inspiration for creating jobs. Pisces is on the Descendant so there may be some confusion, even deception, is Partnerships and more problems for the US with Open Enemies, as noted above.

Then there's radical Uranus in Aries in 7th house showing disruption and unrest from partners--or from those who should be partners such as Rs and Ds 'doing the people's business' rather than working to undermine the president in an attempt to score political points in spite of how their obstructionism and hatred for Barack Obama ruins our nation and makes us look like idiotic, childish weaklings overseas. Ironic how Republicans have for decades made a big show of their concern for America's 'strength abroad'.

And since the Moon applies to conjunction with staid Saturn (2A38), Mr. Lesson Bringer has much to say about the proceedings issuing from this eclipse with chart-ruler Mercury (commerce, trade, insider trading and communications?) in Mars-ruled 8th house. Saturn and Mars are opposing one another (4A24) though the Venus-Saturn opposition is fading but 2/8 matters seem to be as stressful in late April into May as we know them to be with upcoming deadlines manufactured by radical politicians with ideological points to score and a Democratic president to foil.

Now as you know, timekeeper Saturn is one of the karmic or fated planets and when I type that I refer to reaping what was sown. His slow orbit of 28-30 years is inexorable but his reward--or the lack thereof--is sure to arrive as deserved. And fateful Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn moves even more slowly but surely, permanently transforming and regenerating what he destroys ('permanent' being Saturn's word!) With the two in mutual reception and Saturn conjoining here the Ascendant in America's Scorpio Rising natal chart, 2013 is as much if not more of a watershed year for our nation as one year leads into the next. For Saturnian accountability relating to Scorpionic matters has arrived (business, money, spying agencies, occult shenanigans, etc.)

Yet motive always counts! And though the US is called "the great satan" in certain regions of the world (and drone strikes don't improve that opinion), I retain my faith in the American people as I do other populations of any nation I can name. Hierarchies tend to be what and whom I decry so with Pluto de-structuring or toppling governments and thrones the world over--and he's only just entered the 2nd decanate of Capricorn--my deepest hope is that no matter what disturbing secrets are uncovered in the coming year and how miscreants in Washington shake our trust in government, we'll depend upon decent folk to come through for one another and hold the line against corruption in high places.

And if fortune should favor us, perhaps the guardian angel nature of benefic Jupiter at MC will provide a clearer and safer path along our moonlit journey into May 2013 and beyond once Sun and Moon perfect with complete awareness across the Taurus/Scorpio axis.

For a handy list (including US planetary Return dates) try 2013 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.


For excellent Political Astrology articles based on the US Scorpio Rising horoscope, visit Neptune Café authored by master astrologer Michael O'Reilly. And do check out Ed Kohout's excellent mundane work when you get a chance!

"The Secret Agenda of High Level Freemasonry" (video)

The following 29-minute video gives information concerning a secret agenda and is provided by a man who joined the Freemason organization in 1976. It is posted for your consideration though naturally as a lone blogger (and concerned American) I cannot endorse or deny his views. But I do assume that he knows what he's talking about:

Not certain you want to watch the video? Well, it's no secret that America's government buildings in DC had their cornerstones laid in Freemason ceremonies from our nation's earliest days, many by Freemason George Washington wearing his apron of mysterious symbols, so I hope you'll check it out.


Recommended: Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Feb 18, 2013

Feb 18, 2013 lawmaker Saturn Stations Rx as Congress vacations

Today's Saturn Rx Station Times House of Reps on Recess All Week

by Jude Cowell

At 12:02:16 pm today, stationing Saturn changes to retrograde motion at 11Sco31:34, in 6th house of the horoscope when set for Capitol Hill. This seems descriptive of current actions and non-actions in Washington politics for Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, sees over government, lawmaking, law, and business.

With the brouhaha Republican are now making over a mysterious leak of the White House's Immigration 'Backup' Plan and its alleged "smoking out" of Senator Marco Rubio (who has attempted to 'own' the issue yet now must balk because the president's name is on it), we find that Congress, Republicans and Tea Partiers in particular, to be acting in bad form with their accustomed ill grace toward a Democratic president who dares to be of a different race. They simply will not work with him and who doesn't know it? Apparently the heat became too much for tender-eyed Speaker John Boehner so that he felt a need to call a week-long recess for this week in the middle of serious issues which cry out for resolution.

According to the official House website, the House's first item of business upon returning to Capitol Hill next week will be a hearing on the state of the rural economy on February 26, 2013.

All in all, the GOP charade of pique is meant to further undermine the American people's trust in Congress and the White House and from what people tell me, it's working quite well. Or at least, it's 'working' much better than the Republicans are working at doing the people's business. And it's almost amusing that in recent months a transiting Saturn-Pluto sextile of opportunity (60 degrees) has been in effect and was and will be the base of a YOD pattern of special task/crisis/turning point implications pointing toward moneybags Jupiter (re-forming in March) but for today's Saturn Station Rx, the Saturn-Pluto pair point toward the Moon @9Gem27 (We the People) in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions at 12:02:18 pm est.

Thus a midpoint picture is created in relation to Saturn's inward-turning condition which contains certain potentials for manifestation--all, any, or none may apply:

Saturn-Pluto = Moon: renunciation; giving up giving; frigidity; tragic destiny of a woman (check current news events for murders and suicides of women); strong control over people's habits; inconsistencies in work, achievements, or records. (Ebertin; Tyl; Munkasey.)


Now for something fun and completely different...I hope you caught Alabama Shakes on SNL Saturday. If not, don't miss the video of their fantastic roots rock performance! Maybe it can get the sour taste of a grandstanding Congress out of our mouths...