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May 24, 2016

The Core Values Of America Are Progressive! - clip (w/ Saturn/Uranus)

America's Core Values? Saturn and Uranus!

How prominent is planet Uranus in America's natal horoscope and the American psyche? Discovered in 1781 between the American Revolution and the French Revolution, the quirky 'sky god' of lightening bolts and awareness, of rebellion, genius, innovation, progressive ideas and ideals, and independence has been referred to by yours truly as American's Totem Planet...our primary planetary representative in the Cosmos, we could say.

Yes, shock, disruption, and breakage can suddenly occur with Uranus in the picture, and destiny is diverted onto a new and unexpected path toward the future.

True enough but then there's US natal Saturn, planet of conservatism, authority, austerity, responsibility, restriction, authenticity, laws, government, business, the past, and the status quo, exalted in the sign of Libra in our July 4, 1776 panoply with all the diplomacy, balance, fairness, and scales of justice the sign confers. Yes, it's Plato's Ideal (Uranus) poured into Saturnian Form--and the form became the New Atlantis, that Utopian Dream of Plato, Bacon and others, with a capital city ("on a hill") that morphed into the New Rome of Washington DC, determined at all costs to conquer the world.

Yet with our nation's Uranus at 8 Gemini and Saturn at 14 Libra, this Airy (mental) duo of exciting ideas and decent values had moved beyond an exact trine (120 degrees) by July Fourth but had engaged as such off-and-on in their beneficial trine aspect denoting that our early American revolutionaries went on to earn the freedom they enjoyed through taking measured risks. Optimism in the future and adherence to ethical standards aided our early rebels in their quest for a New Order of the Ages as shown by our ethical Libran Saturn and futuristic Geminian Uranus.

So which planet is more descriptive of America's core values?

Republicans are fond of saying that the United States is a conservative nation. In part, of course it is. Yours truly is conservative in some ways but progressive in others for everyone has both Saturn and Uranus somewhere in their natal charts and if both planets express, then why not a blend? Yet America was founded upon the ideals of freedom, independence, and equality and has long been touted as 'the only nation founded upon an ideal'. Agreed. And that ideal and the novelty and genius of our founding is most closely described and identified by Uranus in Mercurial Gemini with Plato's Ideal a model!

Okay, I'll hush for now and turn you over to progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann who has some ideas of his own:

A Discordant Message from Chief Nativist Donald Trump

In American Politics, Nativism is a pro-Anglo-Saxon, anti-immigration ideology in which the wages of 'less well paid natives' are believed to be lowered by immigrants who take jobs of our citizens by willingly working for much less pay. Jettison the inherent bigotry and resultant hatred of 'new comers' and such a point of view seems logical, right? It is, after all, a large part of what Globalism is all about.

Where I can't seem to find a shred of logic is in the nativism of 2016 candidate Donald Trump who bounces merrily along on a Republican bigotry ticket of nativism while espousing such rhetoric as American "wages are too high"! If you tout how immigrants lower the wages of American workers, why promise to lower working class wages if elected? Whaa-a-a?

Is Mr. Trump's unconscious,unfiltered Mercury-Neptune square once again blurting indiscreetly? Or did he simply mean that wages are already "too high" for a minimum wage increase so it's status quo (or lower) for wages during a Trump administration?

Either way, the bully candidate's nativism ploy is championed by power elites to persuade voters to vote Republican on November 8, 2016 - and that's millions of US voters who usually sit out elections for several reasons, not the least of which is the long-growing feeling (knowledge, actually) that our votes 'don't count' (assuming that at some earlier point in US history they did). US presidents are selected by elite committee, I've complained here for over a decade, and elsewhere online. And we can call them super delegates, the electoral college, what-evs...that lesser of two evils feeling never leaves us.

Did you notice when 2008 candidate Hillary Clinton was directed to be patient and stand down in favor of Barack Obama when the two candidates secretly attended the Chantilly, Virginia meeting in June 2008 of the Bilderberg Club? Is that why Bilderberg member VP Joe Biden has stated that Hillary will be elected in 2016--to fulfill a promise that 2016 is her turn to be president? If so, will this symbolize the reversal of America's Great Seal to the obverse side with the 'pyramid of power'?

Will women voters be the deciding factor in November 2016 as many political pundits are predicting?

For more on the Bilderberg Group, here's a link to The Guardian's 2001 interview with an original Bilderberger, Lord Healey.

Related: Mystery of the Great Seal's Eye of Horus Reversed (it's a feminine thing).

Trump's Troll Army Impersonating Bernie/Hillary Supporters Online - video

How lowdown can US political campaigns get? We're edging closer to finding out:

Cheating isn't winning. It's stealing.

May 23, 2016

Pentagon source: Edward Snowden had little choice on NSA files - Guardian video

The following 7 1/2 minute interview with former Pentagon investigator John Crane isn't as entertaining as the unfiltered mouth of the Mercury-Neptune square of Donald Trump but the very important topic of silencing government whistle blowers such as Thomas Drake (inside the system) and Edward Snowden (outside the system) is of concern to all Americans who believe that government corruption and criminality should be aired like the dirty laundry it resembles:

Video link.

And here's a post containing a related broadcast (video) by Max Igan which includes his remarks upon the actions of Edward Snowden: Censorship and Government Criminality.

May 19, 2016

The Dynasty of Rothschild | The Only Trillionaires in the World - Full ...

Here's a video presentation I just felt like spotlighting for however long it remains embedded:

video link.

Only have 4 minutes to spare?

Then see The Rothschild Conspiracy Explained in Four Minutes:

May 18, 2016

The Ways in Which We're All Living the "Truman Show" - video

Thom Hartmann has a few questions concerning The Truman Show sort of lives we've been taught to lead which reminds me of the many 'false reality' mentions in posts here on Stars Over Washington, plus, several of the broadcasts posted here and presented by Max Igan who has attempted to awaken We the Snoozers to reality.

Add the truth-tackling September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse with its realism themes of 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what you thought it was' (in time to affect Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017) and it's plain to see that our nappy time is over. Unfortunately, the September eclipse also contains vibes of financial concerns along with the Shemitah prophecy of judgment upon America, the government of which led its people astray via lies, fraud, and ensnarement within a false reality:

Tap or click for an excerpt from a recommended Max Igan broadcast: Lies You Have Been Told! Wake Up! (with the awakener-dreamer pair, Uranus-Neptune, added).

May 15, 2016

Shadow into Light: an Esoteric Department of Justice

Various dates and events are noted upon the Wikipedia page of the Department of Justice along with the name of President Franklin D. Roosevelt but unsurprisingly I find no mention of FDR's attendance at the Masonic ceremony on October 25, 1934 to dedicate the DoJ building at 3:00 pm (The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital, pp. 291/92, paperback, Ovason). Obviously '3:00 pm' was an elected hour for occult purposes.

Across the District of Columbia, esoteric symbols are styled into the city's architecture including the DoJ building via a panel designed by the sculptor C. Paul Jennewein and installed in 1935 on the Constitution Avenue side of the building. Mr. Ovason describes the panel's symbolism as "a rarity in Washington DC, for it was designed to make a hermetic use of sunlight in the slow build up toward an esoteric meaning. Given the context, this symbolism equates the sunlight with the light of justice, and deepens that significance of the Latin above the figures, Lege atque Ordine Omnia Fiunt: "All things are created by Law and Order."

Lege Atque Ordine Omnia Fiunt - Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building - DSC08581

(Image: {Public domain or CCO} by Daderot (own work), via Wikimedia Commons)

Ovason continues, "Since the facade (and hence the panel) is oriented on the east-west line, the morning sun falls upon the figures fairly evenly, picking them out dramatically, as the relief is highlighted above the shadows. However, the panel has been inset in such a way that, until the whole relief is lighted, a shadow remains over the stick in the hand of the nude figure to the extreme right. As the Sun moves higher up the skies, the hand of the man is eventually picked out. The sunlight then slides slowly down the stick in his hand until the bottom symbol is revealed by its rays. This last penetration of light reveals the intent of the symbolism -- a serpent, coiled in the bottom-right corner. Such a light-darkness symbolism was widely used in Egyptian architectural devices."

So what of the nude man, his staff, and the darkened snake? Officially the symbol of the man is said to represent Order and the snake suggests the ancient "Snake of Wisdom." And of course, healing and rebirth as symbolized by two entwined snakes on the staff of the Caduceus come to mind along with that symbol's Mercurial connection and its resemblance to DNA. But wait! The snake on the DoJ panel is not wrapped around the staff as seen in arcane and religious imagery. On the DoJ building the single snake is quite different for the man is standing on the snake and his staff or stick is actually a spear. It is a triumphant symbol showing victory over man's lower nature as he aims for higher spiritual growth within the basic Masonic theme of redemption.

Tragically, this denotes another way in which America has lost her direction because for too long, US justice, as is usually meted out in our two-tiered system, tends most often to inspire the repetition of criminal acts rather than leading to redemption but this is well known and understandably lamented by the populace--and is a tragedy beyond the scope of this post. It is my thought that once a nation's legal system is corrupted beyond repair, that nation is plummeting down into history's dust bin of oblivion.

As for the abundant use of celestial Virgo symbolism across the city, the Department of Justice building displays The Maiden and wheat symbols on its two large aluminum doors below the above pictured panel. The doors were also designed by C.P. Jennewein and depict lions as well which denotes the Zodiacal progression of the 5th sign Sun-ruled Leo into the 6th sign of Mercury-ruled Virgo, The Maiden, or archetypal goddess so often depicted with shafts of wheat or corn in her hand.

Mr. Ovason explains that "The idea that from the bestial realm of animality (Leo) may grow the life-giving corn, with all the Christian implications of the pelanos, or sacred bread, is a profound reflection on the inner propensity of Virgo for order and perfection. The redemptive theme is also expressed in the spear in the hand of the man above, the bottom part of which transfixes the serpent. Just as this portal imagery associates the snake with the lower lion, so it associates the growing wheat with the hand of man, by which he remains creative in the world. {} Just as the snake remains in darkness to the last, so the hand of man is first picked out by the light of the Sun...The snake is the dark inner serpent which must be overcome to free the inner light."

Categorizing Virgo must have order, yes. "All things are created by law and order." In astrological symbolism, law is one of the provinces of Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, the sign of law, government, and business. And where does Virgo lead? To Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice, and this is available in America--if you have money to pay for it.

So, without further fussing on my part, here is the DoJ horoscope set for October 25, 1934 at the astrologically elected hour of 3:00 pm est, Washington DC with its out-of-bounds Moon which suggests that We the People were 'out of the loop' or somehow detached from the event (or unaware of it). Mars and disguising Neptune are in celestial Virgo while transit Pluto powerfully challenges US natal Pluto by opposition, and the recent Jupiter Direct station @13Virgo was performed upon 1934's Neptune and may be at least partially descriptive of current mutual lawsuits between Washington and NC and the overblown reactions involved on both sides to what is close to being a non-issue of social wedge proportions.

Please enlarge the image if you wish to read the astro-notes squished upon the chart:

May 14, 2016

Corporations Fund Both Party Conventions, Reap Huge Rewards - clip (and a Full Moon)

With both the RNC and the DNC stalking us in July, 2016, isn't it comforting to know who funds and thereby benefits financially from these massive Political Theater stage shows? No, they aren't demonstrations of 'democracy at work', they're more signs of Corporatism and political propaganda of The Establishment at work, balloons and all. And who can resist festive balloons?

In case you missed it, have a look at the horoscope of the Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto in governmental Capricorn which perfects on July 19th during RNC 2016. The RNC Full Moon could be the fulfillment of the Gemini New Moon that occurred on June 16, 2015, the day that Donald Trump announced his 2016 bid for the GOP nomination and it will probably merit the RNC with greater publicity than the DNC will receive.

So will Mr. Trump's new cycle of political activity (New Moon) be fulfilled or culminate at the July Full Moon? Actually, Quicken Loans may know something about the possibility of a Trump nomination in Cleveland, while Wells Fargo goes on to toast the Democratic nominee in Philadelphia. We'll suffer the same old corporate fraud and mismanagement either way unless Bernie Sanders is the nominee.

But sorry to say, how a President Sanders could manage to turn America away from its corporate Global Government course that has simmered so long in the Utopian visionary cauldron is any citizen's fervent dream...assuming that that is what he wants to achieve.

May 13, 2016

Full Moon May 21, 2016 and 2011's Sequestration Eclipse

Will the May 21, 2016 Full Moon activate or fulfill Sequestration Cuts?

by Jude Cowell

On May 21, 2016 a Full Moon perfects at 1Sag36 within orb of the Sequestration Eclipse of November 25, 2011 (2Sag36). Since New and Full Moons can act in similar fashion to eclipses (disruptive 'wild cards') if they are prominent or powerful enough, I'm suggesting that the May 21st Full Moon occurring so near the November 2011 Eclipse degree could activate, trigger, stimulate, culminate, or fulfill events concerning the 2011 Solar Eclipse, a New Moon, which fell in the 14 North Saros Series with its themes of 'peculiar turns of events, unexpected financial happenings, despair, confusion, a draining of energy, too much confusion to make clear judgments' (Brady).

And since Eclipses often uncover secrets or previously hidden facts, inconvenient revelations concerning sequestration and/or the related actions of Congress could occur in the rays of May's Full Moon as the seamy underbelly of our Capitol Hill Political Theater is exposed to the light.

Now in September 2015 The Hill headlined Sequestration becomes 2016 buzzword for Republicans then trudging along on the Campaign 2016 trail--though the buzz seems to have bumbled out as the campaign now focuses on its presumptive nominee, Mr. Trump. Back then, Donald Trump is quoted on the topic of ending sequestration saying that "more cuts are needed" yet if we ask him tomorrow, his off-the-cuff gut reaction on the subject may be completely different.

The con man/businessman has stated that he doesn't want to cut "entitlement" programs like Social Security even though the predictable Republican Party line is to end deep budget cuts via sequestration for the military while keeping them in place for domestic programs. Perhaps this result was their goal in November 2011 when the US Congress abandoned its fiscal duties and allowed 'sequestration' to be put in place like a time bomb of austerity aimed at the American people, a catastrophe Republicans have longed for since the social safety net days of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. And nowadays, the GOP has managed to convince almost half the American people that they are not a party of reactionary monarchists waging class warfare against We the People in spite of all evidence to the contrary!

Then, in March 2016 Defense News promoted a warning to 'lawmakers' (represented by Saturn: 2011 Saturn rising with Arcturus, Spica, and Cupido (Corporatism; The Syndicate) in the 2016 chart and in 2016, you see Saturn conjoining 2011's North Node, as further noted below) that Sequestration Budget Cuts Pose 'Greatest Risk' to DoD. Fear mongering, a reliable tactic, yes?

Now none of this is necessarily an either/or proposition but since all Full Moons are the culmination or fulfillment stage of a preceding New Moon (which can be a Solar Eclipse, a new cycle of activity) perhaps May 2016 will bring the word sequestration into the 24-hour news cycle more prominently as all or some of its provisions are either ended, defended, or continued. Another possibility is that the social safety net cuts that Republicans have always wanted will finally be realized thanks to sequestration--in a flurry of Full Moon fulfillment--while the already obscenely overblown military budget of The Empire will be protected and the warmongering stock portfolios of politicians will continue to fatten. Of course, any of the 2011 eclipse's despair vibes that may be activated will not ruffle the fine feathers of win-win power elites.

If you're curious, here are both the November 25, 2011 and May 21, 2016 horoscopes set for Washington DC and embedded for your consideration:

Enlarge the image for a few basic chart details. In 2011, Mars was leading the entire troupe of actors while disruptive Uranus conjoined a prominent World Point @00Aries (Utopians and zealous fanatics). But in 2016, financier Jupiter is in the spotlight as handle of a Bucket pattern. And as you see, 2016 Saturn @14Sag01 in 2nd house of the National Treasury conjoins the 2011 North Node hinting at serious meetings--more of them (Saturn Rx), probably with an air of austerity attached. Also in 2nd house is the Full Moon attended closely by activist Mars, the warrior planet, conjunct the Full Moon degree.

Opposite, the Sun @1Gem13 in the corporate 8th house of Debt, Credit, and Insurance (Obamacare?) will be conjoined by one of the money planets, Venus in her own sign of Taurus, conjunct one of the stars of the Pleiades constellation, enraged Algol. Apparently, someone is furious and it may be a lady--my guess? Yellen, Clinton, or both. Of course, this could also be a cosmic shout-out to militants of the Isis persuasion and the threatening sequestration cuts that will cramp the Pentagon's style in fighting them. Plus, with China, Russia, North Korea, and others building up their weapons and military forces, the American Empire must keep up with the Great Chess Game.

Yet in a logical world, you'd think that the US Congress in 2011 must have suspected such questionable outcomes, wouldn't you? In 2015 they improved the military budget but will that provide enough billions to pay private contractors and the rest?

Be that as it may, Guns and Butter is a very tiresome stalemate to have to deal with all over again, thanks to US politicians behaving in breach of the public contract by not doing their jobs--and when they do their jobs, they do them as badly as possible down to the lowest common denominator, credit downgrades and all. Guess you can see political faithlessness in the 2011 Eclipse chart via fixed star Denebola rising with its key phrase: to go against society. Look to the goal-oriented Why? Point of the 2011 chart (MC) and you see US natal Mars in Gemini, our military fighting multiple wars at once. And in the May 2016 chart, there is US Progressed Pluto at critical degree (29Cap) at the IC (also at 29Cap, the How? Point), the plutocratic Foundation of the Matter.

As for Guns and Butter, one of the clearest expressions of the paradox that I know of is Dwight Eisenhower's famous Chance for Peace speech delivered on April 16, 1953 to the American Society of Newspaper Editors--back when a Republican president seems to have retained a conscience as he bounced from war to White House. To quote:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.

The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.

This is, I repeat, the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron...

Is there no other way the world may live?"

If you know a modern politician, a 2016 candidate perhaps, who's up to the task of giving an honest and life-affirming answer to such a question, please vote for him on November 8, 2016.

How This American Will Feel on Election Day 2016 - clip

Here's a wonderful husky pup expressing how this American will feel on Election Day 2016 and thereafter:

Friday May 13, 2016: History of Freemasons and The Skull And Bones - video

UPDATE May 31, 2022: The originally embedded video has been removed from this post as, 'no longer available' so with a few mild edits, my original post begins here:

The Jacques de Molay of the Knights Templar legend relates to the founding of America, including Francis Bacon's New Atlantis vision, America's Great Seal symbols, 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', Freemason George Washington's ceremonial roles with silver trowel and apron, our scam-filled 'Manifest Destiny', the money lenders' 'Federal Reserve' central bank of 1913 (creating money out of thin air and loaning it to enslave governments), Freemason FDR's placing the freaky Eye-of-Horus pyramid of power on our currency, the 'New World Order' political agenda of World Government which implicates the EU and various 'free' trade deals, our empiric take-overs of sovereign countries in order to plunder treasures, depopulate, and to institute their enslavement to the International Banking Cartel (all relating to a centuries' long dream of setting up a 'King of Jerusalem')...well, the list goes, doesn't it?

Now We the People are mired within the Campaign 2016 season with our typical lesser-of-two-evils choice ahead on November 8th--as if We the People actually elect presidents!

Running as a Democrat, Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who comes across to me as genuine while complaining against income inequality and the oppression of the elite banker class which officially took control of the US government in 1913, as noted. And though I have yet to hear the Senator mention such terms as 'Templar Knights' or 'Illuminati', we can simply gaze at New York Harbor for a view of the Illuminati symbol of the Eternal Flame held by the Venusian goddess statue sent us by french Freemasons to know who rules this nation. Or, we can check out America's Great Seal which is basically same as the seal of Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati founded May 1, 1776.

No, candidate Bernie Sanders cannot "do it alone" and restructure the government of this nation, even with transformative, destructuring Pluto in governmental Capricorn approaching its natal position in our nation's 1776 horoscope (27Cap33). And if by a miracle he is elected to the presidency, a monumental task awaits if he attempts to best the Banking Cartel on behalf of the American people. Yet decades of divide-and-conquer tactics by the power elite have guaranteed them primacy over us since we would need to Speak as One Voice along with Bernie in order to make any real difference in our national plight.

Yet between social wedge issues like transgender bathroom use, abortion, and racial inequality, what are our chances of banding together en masse against the shadowy figures who are our true oppressors?


From 2015: It's Friday the 13th and Superstition Lingers which includes info on the number '13' and a link to the horoscope of 2013's Illuminati Solar Eclipse, so named due to NWO Uranus-Neptune content; Horoscope: the Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791; and US Eclipse August 1776: Thor's Hammer, Isis' Key, and a Bucket.

Also recommended is a recent post which includes this:

H.G. Wells described FDR as, "The most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order. He is continuously revolutionary in the new way without ever provoking a stark revolutionary crisis."

That was quite a Geminian mask FDR was hiding behind in his day, wasn't it?

May 12, 2016

The "Unsurprising Surprises" of a "Man Who Believes in Nothing"

"...the man who believes in nothing, and therefore has space for everything, has a terrible advantage over us. What passes as a kindly tolerance in him is in reality a craven acceptance of the world's worst crimes. He's an immobilist, an apathist, and a militant passivist...And of course he's a dear sweet man."

- John le Carre

People who know Donald Trump describe him by such words as "warm and generous," as House Speaker Paul Ryan flattered him after their much-touted 'Unity Meeting' this morning (see link, below). And naturally the boastful Mr. Trump always believes that he resembles such favorable opinions with his brash Mars rising in proud Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun (ego). And as you know, his Gemini planets denote him as an actor, juggler, chameleon, and something of a magician--two sides has his nibs via dualistic Gemini and those would be of the light vs the dark variety. No, he is not as he seems on the campaign trail or when cameras are on, as he suggests. Watch for his pivot to being very "presidential," he promises. Dictatorial, too, is my suspicion, and with his tiny finger on The Button (mea culpa! I couldn't resist a small reference; oops! there's another one).

See the link to his natal chart, below.

So before anyone dares vote Trump's over-promising, nationalist way, she or he may wish to check out Mike Lofgren's article Donald Trump's Unsurprising Surprise. For any positives Mr. Trump may possess, there are a lot of negatives wrapped inside this surprise package!

Related posts include: Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper, Is Donald Trump the Duck Dynasty Version of Reagan? (video, plus a Unity Meeting astro-peek), and Part 1 of the Horoscope of Donald Trump with chart details and a link to Part 2.