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Nov 13, 2016

Trump Eyes Bush-Era Torture Architect For CIA Head - TYT video report

Trump's White House Preparations in Progress, Cabinet and Staff Members Ready to Serve If Tapped

As feared, a whole crop of old, crooked politicians have started hanging onto Mr. Trump's suspenders hoping to be shoehorned into the back door of the White House once again (that's where the keep the cash cow). Voting for Trump was the same as voting for Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld, Spit Comb, Rice, Kristol, Ailes, Gingrich, and all the little warmongering Vulcans who not only brought the invasion and costly occupation of Iraq to the world and to the US Treasury, but they also broke America's longstanding political taboo against preemptive war, and palled around closer than ever before with Underworld criminal elements (creepy Pluto, of course, along with Neptune and with Mars to pull the trigger).

And on a different level of reality, these sidewinders are playing a Global Game only they know the rules of...aka, 'a power game with important consequences' (Tyl):

Visit The Young Turks Network for more reports, commentary, and independent analyses by Cenk Uygur and the team.

Note: Blogger is behaving oddly tonight. I'm seeing two embeds of the same video displaying just after this post was published yet there's only one set of code for it showing--nothing to delete! jc

Nov 11, 2016

Major Gen Smedley Butler & the Fascist Takeover of the US - video (w/ Eclipses)

Did the Attempted Fascist Coup of 1933 Finally Succeed via a Donald Trump Presidency?

by Jude Cowell

For those who may be unfamiliar with certain political events of 1933, here is a brief video concerning the attempted Fascist plot that General Smedley Butler refused to take part in and which he subsequently revealed to the US government and the public as a plot to take over FDR's presidency. The plotters first approached General Butler on July 1, 1933, a few months after FDR was first sworn into office and his New Deal programs have been under attack by 'conservatives' ever since.

Update Feb 7, 2022: Video has been removed from SO'W but there's this if it's still available -

Video posted to YouTube by Wakeymedia3; here's the video link. And note that in the video the narrator says "1934" but it was 1933, just after FDR's first Inauguration.

On a cosmic level we may wish to consider the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 and its horoscope which shows that rebellious Uranus @20Ari48 (conjunct our July 4, 1776 Chiron) was recently rejoined by transit Uranus. This may be termed a 'Uranus Return' and is, I believe, a time link from 1933 to 2016/17, as are the two Solar Eclipses mentioned, below. Here is a link to the 1933 Solar Eclipse Horoscope with details. And here are a few notes previously posted concerning the chart and written during the Trump campaign and suggesting the violence that his rhetoric has invited if not incited:

Added to the disruptive shock of the current Uranus Return (2016 to 1933) are the two interlaced YOD patterns with their turning point-crossroads-special task vibes of crisis. (For more info on the Fascism Rising Horoscope, click or tap the link, above). You will note other current transits to the planets of 1933 and, of course, the recurring Uranus-Pluto square (Aries square Cancer in 1933) of a titanic generational clash as we've been experiencing again in this, the New Millennium, but with Pluto in Capricorn (signature of 'the dictator'). It seems to me that megalomaniac Trump's rhetoric triggers the violent Marseillaise Mars-Jupiter-Neptune trio to march again to the Bastille with fists and elbows ready to strike all who disagree.

Now as you know, Uranus in Aries is the 'blind zealot' and 'fanatic anarchist' (Ebertin) and along comes candidate Trump born under Mars Rising with kingmaker star Regulus in tow--in egoistic Leo. Mr. Trump has made himself a willing vessel for violent Mars-Uranus energies that seek expression in our era for we know that fascist authoritarian elements in the Collective never disappear completely, they simply cower in darkness in preparation for another government take-over attempt as they re-arm to fight another day.

Actually, another planetary return to the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse chart has occurred in our time--a Jupiter Return. This spotlights Jupiter-Uranus (now opposing one another), a fortunate pair of energies in many cases but which also contains a dark side with potentials for: 'fortune-hunting, conflicts over philosophy and religion', and 'zealous representation of one-sided views' -- all of which I expect to hear a lot of with authoritarian huckster Trump and theocrat Pence in the White House.

Now the two Solar Eclipses of 1933 are revealing: 7 North and 7 South. The Fascism Rising horoscope (Feb 24, 1933, linked, above) is background energy for the events of 1933 and its Pre-Natal Eclipse (PE) is the 7 North with its theme of 'deep and hidden passions' bursting forth. But what really concerns yours truly is the second Solar Eclipse of 1933 in the 7 South Saros Series for its themes include its initial eclipse's Mars-Pluto square with potentials for: 'immense power, anger, and force' and 'huge obstacles that suddenly clear or move very rapidly' (Brady).

Why be concerned? Because a man that some have equated with Fascist dictator Mussolini has just been 'selected' president (not by popular vote, only by Electoral College) and the ruthless Mars-Pluto vibes of the 7 South Solar Eclipse of 1933 will constellate again--not via a 7 North Eclipse but by degree: Feb 24, 1933 7 South @28Leo activated by the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017 1 North @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus. Now if you're familiar with the natal chart of Donald Trump you know these degrees hit his rising Mars and Ascendant (and rising Regulus), with late Leo being a very sensitive degree area in Mr. Trump's natal chart and in his entitled psyche.

And if you're familiar with the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', the 'King of Alarm' or 'Terror' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 (which descriptively ushered in the New Millennium and the pre-planned, so-called 'War on Terror' of the neocons), you know that the August 1999 Solar Eclipse is also in the 1 North Saros Series, aka, the Mother of All Eclipses. And the same neocons such as Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and their ilk are now skulking back to the White House on the coattails of Donald J. Trump which is why I say, the Fascist Coup of 1933 is now about to be completed.

A Final Note: the upcoming 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, occurring during the first year of the Trump-Pence regime, is also the eclipse that cosmically splits America in two and is being referred to as The Great American Eclipse (which seems to be the one no one has been waiting for). Plus, it may be interesting to note that the karmic implications of any Solar Eclipse in Sun-ruled Leo include cautions against vainglory, pomposity, pontificating, and other negative traits of the proud sign of Leo, for egocentricity thwarts karmic progress.

So what are the chances a president Mr. Trump can avoid the Leonine traits he has already exhibited now that he's coup'd the top CEO position in the land? My next question is: to what year will Trump and his cronies regress America now that 'karmic progress' is off the political table?


Eclipse themes: Brady's Predictive Astrology and Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse.

Nov 10, 2016

Will Trump TV Be Disguised As The New Fireside Chats? - Thom Hartmann

Nov 10, 2016: Thom discusses the possibility of a 'Trump TV' being created and what it could be like, along with what he sees as Trump's and the GOP's plans for governing. Thom also names just who finagled Mr. Trump into the White House:

Note: since I've never listened to Michael Savage I was slightly surprised to find that he has a book titled Scorched Earth, a phrase that has turned up several times in the public discourse this week. Republicans used 'scorched earth' tactics against Barack Obama and perhaps you recall that we discussed 'scorched earth' in relation to goddess star Sirius in my November 5th post on the new 115th Congress convening soon on a Capitol Hill near you.

Now what if the Democratic Party got together in January 2017 and determined that they would block and undermine every single thing a President Trump and his Republicans planned to do? Revenge may be 'sweet' according to some folk but, as with President Obama's presidency, it would be the American people on the losing end once again. But I guess such a result is merely part of their 'shrink the US government' plan.

Nov 9, 2016

Democrats Didn't Realize Republicans Were Playing The Long Game - video.

November 9, 2016: Here's progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann with a few words concerning last night's Trump Triumph against Hillary Clinton:

Nov 9 2016: "We'll deal fairly with everyone --" President-Elect Donald Trump

"It's Going to Be a Beautiful Thing." - Donald J. Trump

A Conciliatory Day Dawns and Mr. Trump Is President-Elect...and the sneaky feeling I've had about holding a General Election while overhead expansive Jupiter in Libra is the engine of a Locomotive pattern denoting an extraordinary executive type of person leading the Choo-Choo toward promised revealed.

Whether it's success in the areas of life We the People actually need and in a best-results manner is a tale waiting to be told. CEO Trump's behavior as president and the consequences and results of his actions and non-actions will be the primary tonal guide for Stars Over Washington 'going forward', as the politicians are taught to say.

During the upcoming Trump-Pence presidency, the right to read the Cosmos-to-Earth implications as they appear to yours truly will continue here with the same common-good flavor as begun in 2005. Yet if Mr. Trump intends to unify America as he promises and manages to succeed (engine Jupiter leading the throng of energies--planets--with his many proposed objectives, then he and this blogger will see eye to eye in many cases. After all, Jupiter in Libra rays surrounded Baby Trump (formerly Drumpft) and are imprinted within him in spite of his super-sensitive Mars-rising-with-royal-Regulus.

Yes, thanks to his Ascendant-Regulus synchronicity, the kingmaker has become the King. Born in 1946 with his CEO planet Jupiter ('monarch Zeus' in another guise and culture) in balanced, Airy, Venus-ruled Libra, we note that Election 2016 occurred under the influence of Jupiter as leader of a Locomotive pattern, a condition that will dissolve at some point, plus, transit Saturn approaches Trump's natal Full Moon across the Gem-Sag axis...authority yet many lessons and limitations, too, with health and family issues potentially involved.

My point: after fussing about Mr. Trump since his Gemini New Moon bid announcement and introductory speech in June 2015 (a sales presentation given after lowering himself upon an escalator from the gilded heights of Trump Tower after paying $50 each to actors hired to play an audience), Trump's natal Jupiter in Libra's oft-used motto: that's not fair!" has turned up in this morning's victory speech which included a generous, "We'll deal fairly with everyone," from Mr. Trump. We've watched as Jupiterian themes in recent events are expressed by a particular person who embodies the Libran Jupiter archetype to a 'T' - on behalf of the Collective, it is to be hoped.

Mr. Trump will have a Jupiter Return soon: see Election Day 2016 Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale.

Of course, he's already busy embodying Mars in royal Leo rising with Regulus denoting one whose life is studded with prominent events, whether positive or negative. All the royal stars 'raise up' yet include a caution against a fall from grace -- Regulus = 'success if revenge is avoided', advice which Mr. Trump seems to ignore in most cases and now a Trump presidency will place such a karmic imperative aimed directly at our nation and population.

And you may remember that in the initial Federal Triangle star-grid of our capital city, Regulus signifies the US Congress, with Libran Arcturus as the White House, and Spica (the spike) as the phallic Washington Monument symbolizing the archetypal US presidency -- or rather, the macho cult of personality that the office has become (by design). How fitting for Donald Trump's personality, ignorant and uncaring of tradition as he is, and apparently challenged in the ability-to-read department.

So you'll accomplish a complete rejuvenation of the US economy, Mr. Trump? That I'd love to see for the sake of my fellow Americans, my descendants, and my ancestors who sacrificed themselves for this country. But most folks agree that campaign promises are so often bubbles of fluff that dissipate upon the first wind of grasped control.

Still, my best hopes for the rejuvenation of America, and of our national sovereignty, must now be placed upon Drumpft's Brow. Let's pray that egoistic Zeus and his surrounding co-players in Washington DC's Political Theater don't screw up the whole thing while they milk the American cash cow to line their greedy pockets.


For those readers who are stunned at this orange-skinned-and-haired outcome, please allow Michael Moore to explain Trump's popular appeal for film maker Moore seems to have a firm understanding of this historic Trumpian phenomena. Plus, if you've so far missed this intriguing assessment of Donald Trump's natal chart by Robert Phoenix (secret enemies, Freemason and Underworld connections: Mars and Pluto in 12th house), watch Robert's video here.

Related posts: Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper because both men were born with Sun Gem-Moon Sag personalities--and now we've opened the door to Newt, Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Roger Stone, and the rest of the ammoral Vulcans; also see: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; Horoscope of Inauguration 2017.

Looking Ahead: DC Horoscope of Winter Solstice 2016: Following a Vision.

Astro-Note Wednesday November 9, 2016: Mr. Trump's victory speech was delivered around 2:30 am to 3:00 am est, NYC. More astro-details of the proceedings will be posted on SO'W as time permits.

Nov 5, 2016

Jan 6, 2017: 115th Congress Counts Election 2016's Electoral Votes as a New Session Begins

Big Picture in Focus: a New President, the 115th Congress, and Jupiter Leading the Throng

by Jude Cowell

Nov 5, 2017: If like me you've been clinging to hope that Election Day 2016 will soon end without causing major mayhem to our nation, perhaps you've had a moment to notice that Wikipedia has the low down on the 115th Congress which extends from January 3, 2017 to January 3, 2019. Electoral votes from Presidential Election 2016 are scheduled to be counted in Joint Session on January 6, 2017 which will hopefully settle the matter. VP Joe Biden acts as Senate President at least until January 20, 2017 at 12:00 pm est when a new White House occupant takes the Oath of Office.

Now since we're about to end 2016 and enter 'Happy New Year!' 2017 with a spiffy new Congress, perhaps you remember the 114th Congress and its cosmically auspicious beginning when an ongoing transit of Pluto opposed America's natal Sun (the president and the leadership of the country), a time of challenges, power struggles, contests of wills, and no-compromise attitudes. All this while Pluto and the January 2015 Sun in Capricorn hooked up and created potentials for displays of aggression, domination, self-interest, and ego-based demands.

And even though it's doubtful that President Obama's Republican opponents needed the synchronicity of a double Sun-Pluto condition (power cravers all!) to continue their sabotage of his presidency (and America with it), that's definitely the theme under which they labored while We the People marveled at how brazenly in-breach of the public contract so many of them were.

And of course, 14 Cancer is the position of the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, the Dog Star, aka, The Scorcher. Maybe you agree that Pluto's presence in mid-Capricorn (sign of government, law, business, and authority) has deepened and intensified events of 2015 and 2016 (ex: the insulting Campaign of 2016) so perhaps we should see if anything stellar is occurring over Capitol Hill on January 6, 2017 which will imprint upon political and societal matters during the upcoming congressional sessions and the first two years of a new president's term in office.

January 6, 2017: Well, obviously the Sun is in Capricorn so Pluto's manipulative influence continues but not as intensely (at 9:00 am est, Sun 16Cap26 and Pluto 17Cap08--both in the 12th house of Politics and Karma--chart set for the Capitol Building). The 'new world order' (global government) pair of planets, Uranus and Neptune, are near by Sun and Pluto by degree and in spirit since their 1993 conjunction/s occurred on or about 18 Capricorn, the POLITICAL POWER degree of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism' (Jones) which sounds more Trumpian than Clintonian, doesn't it? Unless you think Hillary is a manly woman, that is! ("You're a puppet, no you're a puppet!" - Stephen Colbert on Hillary's and Donald's debate).

Additionally, the overstayed-its-welcome Uranus-Pluto square is involved in something of a Thor's Hammer pattern if you don't mind counting the North Node (public contact; future direction) so we may as well consider the midpoint picture the trio forms: Uranus-Pluto = NN: accomplishing immense tasks through teamwork; sharing upsets or excitement with others (Ebertin). Along with this there's Sun and Pluto at apex of a T-Square between the Jupiter-Uranus opposition (which can become despotic) so we have a powerful amount of far-sightedness and a strong awareness of objectives involved as 2017 gets underway. Jupiter and Uranus also make up the rim of a BOWL shape with Jupiter leading all the other planets--probably alternating his roles as politician, banker, fund-raiser, professor, The General, the priest, the CEO, the actor, the promoter, and other societal roles he likes to play when it suits.

As for We the People, we'll be more than a little riled up with Moon in Mars-ruled Aries separating from rebellious Uranus, 5S42) in the 2nd house of Earning Ability, Possessions, and the National Treasury. Radical reformer Uranus opposes the 8th (corporate) house where Jupiter leads the merry cosmic throng in the cause-advocating BOWL pattern.

Now as you suspect, there are more chart factors of interest but I'm only listing the ones that pop out at me on first glance. We see from this chart and the events it times, that America is not out of her destructive Sun-Pluto phase of forced conquest, and the world remains in the grip of illuminating Uranus-Neptune and Uranus-Pluto with wealth-hoarding saboteur Pluto at apex of 1993's prominent conjunction degree which imprints 2017 and beyond as the 'Big Picture' demands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise era (Tyl). Add to that the fact that when the revolutionary energies of Uranus and Pluto clash, we have: collapse of the old order, construction of the new (Ebertin) which for me echoes the far-sightedness and strong awareness of objectives mentioned, above, of a long-range plan for order out of (purposefully created) chaos.

The 2017 Eclipses begin in February and we'll cover those background influences later on. Meanwhile, we remain under the rays of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse until February 2017 but paradoxically there is transit Neptune (10 Pisces) opposing the eclipse's realism and tackling the truth themes via confusion, illusion, fraud, lies, and deception which muddles things up for some, while others see things more clearly than ever before as Neptune's mirror reflects the degree area of 9 to 10 Virgo. And of course, astrological Neptune also represents the masses, mass delusion, and mass media, the largest propaganda spreader of all.

So with the Electoral Vote Count and a new Congress approaching, we may wonder about the day's Sun Cap-Moon Aries blend of energies, an Earth-Fire combo of 'scorched earth' tendencies that mimic Sirius 'The Scorcher'. This relates to more wildfires, drought, and to more political tactics in Washington by politicians and their backers who'd rather burn the place down than lose a jot of their earthly power and prestige. Actually, Sun Cap-Moon Aries is known for its tendencies toward overvaluing career success, insensitivity to the needs of others, and for an emphasis on crass materialism. Sounds like most pocket-lining politicians to me!

Update Nov 6, 2016: see PoliticusUSA's article that mentions the continuation of Republicans' 'scorched earth' policy toward a Clinton presidency.

And so, as New Year's Day 2017 approaches, yours truly is pre-wishing Joy and Good Fortune to everyone around the world--for the shrivel-hearted rich elites can take care of themselves and are completely insensible to how very very poor they really are.


Recommended books: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and The Guide to Horoscope Interpretation, Marc Edmund Jones; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Sun Sign-Moon Sun, Charles and Suzi Harvey; Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady; Planets in Aspect, Robert Pelletier; The Secret History of the West, Nicholas Hagger; The Occult Conspiracy, Michael Howard.

Nov 4, 2016

Horoscopes: Inaugurations 1993 and 2017 with their Sun-Moon Blends

In case anyone cares to review the horoscope of Bill Clinton's 1993 Inauguration, here it is with notes scribbled on the chart. Please enlarge for reading:

And for comparison, here is the Inauguration 2017 horoscope which could turn out to be a total Clinton-plus-Clinton affair--but how I dread the incessant yapping at her heels and obstructionism by a sore-loser GOP, evn though I know it's only Political Theater designed and directed by shadowy manipulators hiding behind the curtain:

And here are the Images for Integration for both presidential terms. Sun = conscious, Moon = unconscious; Sun-Moon midpoint = marriage partners, so the Sun-Moon blends of both inaugural charts closely apply to our wealth-accruing political couple, the Clintons:

1993: Sun AQ-Moon Cap: "A revolutionary is elected president...An alien civilization comes to Earth to rescue man from imminent destruction."

2017: Sun AQ-Moon Scorpio: "A scientist dissects a scorpion with great tenderness and absolute precision...A researcher presents his findings to his (or her) colleagues at a Science for Humanity conference...Jules Verne's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

I shall leave it for you to decide how the 1993 Images apply to the first Clinton presidential term amidst government corruption, violence, so-called 'trade' deals, and his gutting reforms of New Deal programs (ex: Welfare), a goal which some say Hillary as president would continue until Social Security is privatized on behalf of Wall Street hedge fund managers who've just got to get their greedy claws on those trillions of SS dollars! One note tough--you see the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in governmental Capricorn which perfected three times in 1993 and signifies the so-called 'New World Order' which is what a Hillary presidency would, above all, continue implementing and we see this via 2017 Pluto now conjoining the 1993 position of Uranus-Neptune with its telling midpoint picture: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

So with the 2017 Images and inaugural Moon in Scorpio, it seems that Hillary Clinton's Sun, Mercury, South Node, (and Ascendant if you prefer her Scorpio Rising birth time) is featured, plus, the second Image may relate to climate change issues and/or other scientific realms of research, oceanic and otherwise.

Now here's President Obama's Weekly Address of August 13, 2010 concerning the super-dumb, reckless, and corrupting idea (my description!) of privatizing Social Security--or at least, this is what POTUS said then (though in 2016 and beyond, Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to agree):


For more details on Sun-Moon blends and their word pictures (i.e. "Images for Integration"), see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Nov 1, 2016

Karmic Transits Hit Comey's Mars, Saturn, and the FBI's natal Horoscope

The FBI, Director James Comey, the DOJ Building's Arcane Symbolism, and Karma

Recently, a major transit has taken place for FBI Director *James Comey and that is powerful Pluto in mid-Capricorn opposing Comey's natal Mars (14Cancer--now conjunct the Dog Star, Sirius, The Scorcher and the 'goddess star' of Egypt (aka, Isis). This is a marker for power struggles and for taking revenge. His natal Jupiter @10Capricorn has already been transformed by transit Pluto the Underworld planet approaches his natal Saturn @17Cap36 and 'hits' the planet of authority, seniority, and accountability precisely on January 20, 2017--Inauguration Day. Mr. Comey may want to expect a change of lifestyle under the vibes of Pluto to Saturn along with feelings of regret over past actions which may include any abuse or misuse of power he may have perpetrated himself or may have allowed to occur. In fact, an attitude adjustment could be in order although I suspect he may have already been subjected to pressure on that score.

Now here is a view of the F.B.I.'s natal horoscope which is set for Washington DC on July 26, 1908 but unfortunately we have no hour so the chart is set for noon. Here's a brief history concerning the founding of the organization of a "force of special agents" showing the Order signed by Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte who served under President Theodore Roosevelt and held multiple posts.

Founded under a generational aspect between Uranus and Neptune, transit Pluto has most recently activated the FBI's natal Uranus-Neptune opposition which falls across the axis of 15 degrees Cancer/Capricorn. This suggests at least some of the 'inner turmoil' over Hillary Clinton's emails that is said to be occurring within the Department of Justice. This planetary trio suggests potentials for: suddenly available illegal drugs; subversive methods of acquiring information; the power and authority of a nation's leadership and/or police system is diminished; ideas that can change the world; disagreements or rebelliousness cause extreme destruction, and support of such methods (paraphrasing M. Munkasey). Also note that the FBI's natal Mercury (decisions, information, etc) @13 Cancer conjoins the US natal Sun (leadership; the president) and Dog Star Sirius and is involved in the planetary picture with transit Pluto opposing little Mercury, a time when manipulation and obsession are prominent.

1934 vs 2016

With the Election 2016 turmoil underway there is actually a cosmic 'update' occurring now with transit Pluto activating off and on the Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree of 1993, 18 Capricorn, so that 1934's planetary trio (Uranus-Neptune-Pluto) is reactivated in a sense and with similar vibrations. This we have discussed here before as being one of the imperatives that our in-breach-of-public-trust politicians are yoked to by vows or oaths to their transnational bosses behind the scenes: Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl).

You know--like President Obama and his promotion of the corporate-heavy TPP "trade" deal which is more about handing over American sovereignty and corporate rule than it is about "trade." In the same category is Bill Clinton's NAFTA sell-out of the American worker. The oddness of these men going for something like these "trade deals" can be understood on one level by the planetary trio's transnational imperative, as noted. Bribery, intimidation, or worse can keep many a reluctant operative in place and on message.

But let's get back to the Department of Justice building which was dedicated by Masonic President Franklin D. Roosevelt at 3:00 pm on October 25, 1934 (a date and hour purposefully selected, no doubt) which places Washington DC's favorite sign Virgo on the Descendant with Mars and Neptune snugged around. These two planets at best hint at inspired actions though America's natal Mars-Neptune square reveals a different story that includes misguided actions, an inability to face reality, and the 'fog of war'. Arcane symbolism decorates the DOJ building inside and out and is described in David Ovason's book The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital.

Basically, the building's lapidary panels show Masonic themes of light vs dark, redemption, the serpent of humanity's lower nature (which must be vanquished), and, on its aluminum doors, Virgo the Virgin with her sheaves of wheat and corn. How unfortunate for our nation and the American people that "redemption" seldom resounds from the ashes of all the lives marred and ruined through the decades by a Justice Department and Legal System that admit to no flaws or mistakes when convicting, sentencing, or shooting what too often turns out to be an innocent citizen.


*James Comey born December 14, 1960 Yonkers, NY; again, no birth hour is known apparently so noon is used at which time his Moon is strong and subjective in its own sign of (tribal) Cancer and conjoins Neptune. If true, a Moon-Neptune conjunction suggests tendencies toward a career in public service, a creative if daydreaming nature, mixing emotions with spiritual values, hidden, confused, or misguided feelings, deceptive (Neptune) publicity (Moon), surveillance (Neptune) of the masses (Moon), and/or...scandals.

Oct 31, 2016

Native American Protesters Caged Like Dogs - TYT reports

So why are peaceful protesters being jailed at all? On this shameful topic (dog kennels?!?), I side with Cenk Uygur: the police in North Dakota are facing the wrong way:

For more non-corporate news visit The Young Turks Network.

corporatism + statism = fascism

Oct 29, 2016

Election Day 2016: Midpoint Pictures Tell a Tale

Election Day 2016 Astro-Notes

by Jude Cowell

Using horoscopes set for November 8, 2016 at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm Washington DC, here is a print out of the day's midpoint pictures. Some may be activated at some point, others may not but here are their potentials. You'll notice that four of the pictures remain the same from 8 am to 8 pm, while 8:00 am (when polls open, if memory serves) shows two of its own and 8:00 pm(polls close) adds four more pictures to our Election Day tale:

Yes, my scribbles are quite messy (as usual!) but hopefully you can make them out. Additional details concerning November 8th are on the right including the 8:00 am rising of Hillary Clinton's natal Jupiter @00Sagittarius in tandem with the transiting political asteroid Juno (aka, The Wife, and former First Lady). Then at 8:00 pm, Donald Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer rises and as you know, Mercury is the (planet of voters, voting, ballots, decisions, etc)...yes, water is the strongest element, but Jupiter (the politician) in its own fiery sign is definitely weightier than little Mercury in Moon-ruled, watery Cancer (the trader, the salesman).

Circled and highlighted in parrot green (one of my Prismacolor oil drawing pencils) are the midpoint pictures in effect at both 8:00 am and 8:00 pm. Venus is out-of-bounds (OOBs) denoting detachment--of a power-elite lady? Of perspectives and/or values? of secret relationships? Transit Jupiter @12Libra (now gearing up for Mr. Trump's next Jupiter Return in December @17Libra) is lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive ability and success, plus, Venus and Jupiter are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms--are Hillary and Donald secret pals?)

Also listed on the right is the Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse (PE) of both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 @9Virgo (Sept 1, 2016) with its realism, tackling the truth, seeing old situations for what they really are vibes (Brady). For me that has meant seeing Hillary Clinton as the neoliberal 'new world order'/global government candidate, and Mars-rising Donald Trump as the candidate who boasts loudly about disrupting said 'new world order' yet who can hardly be expected to do this without plenty of help in Washington. And who, shills and infiltrators that they are, will take on such a monumental task against a global syndicate that has everything already in place to keep itself in power and totally in control?

Well, there's always the chance that Mr. Trump has campaigned in order to give We the People the impression that someone speaks on our behalves and that he intends to fulfill his extraordinary promises to improve America once he's installed in the Oval Office!


Related: September 2016 Solar Eclipse affects Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 and Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

Midpoint picture potentials from Reinhold Ebertin (though two are from Noel Tyl); any, all, or none of these midpoint pictures may express before, on, or after November 8th and are subject to transits, progressions, and solar arcs and of course comparisons with each candidate's natal and progressed planets will provide additional insights but such comparisons are beyond the scope of this post. jc

Oct 28, 2016

Michael Moore Explains Trump's Appeal Like Only He Can - The Jimmy Dore Show

Oct 27, 2016 The Jimmy Dore Show is part of the Young Turks Network and the following segment features Michael Moore explaining the groundswell for Mr. Trump, along with Jimmy Dore's input on the topic. Their remarks will sway some voters toward Donald Trump, I do believe, in spite of all his very considerable flaws. How scary that Trump doesn't believe he has any! (Plutonian that he is).

Astrologically, this relates to the influence of our current Solar Eclipse (Sept 1, 2016 @9Virgo) which include seeing an old situation for what it really is rather than what we thought it was (Brady)--here, that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for Neo-liberal policies of the New World Order~Totalitarian Global Corporate Government and its handmaiden, Perpetual War, arranged at least in part by a global banking cartel made up of the banking houses of Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other oppressive surveillance-state meddlers in people's lives:

Video link in case it's removed from SO'W even though on YouTube is says Please Share This Video.

Can you imagine a presidential candidate answering a question such as: if elected, precisely how will you wield the surveillance state against the American people? That would be good to know pre-voting.