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Dec 20, 2016

DC Horoscopes: Dec 2016 New Moon w/ Jan 2017 Full Moon

Image: Dual Horoscopes December 29, 2016 New Moon @7Cap59 and January 12, 2017 Full Moon @22Can27:

The December 2016 New Moon in Capricorn conjoins a difficult fixed star, Facies, one of the 'victim stars' with potentials for: violence, war, death, blindness, detachment, frigidity, leadership ability, perfectionism, earthquakes.

The first lunation of 2017 in January, a Full Moon in Cancer, falls between the Dark-and-Light Twin Stars Castor and Pollux. Both stars suggest creativity, in writing particularly but Castor's potentials also include such things as: sudden fame or loss, crippling of limbs, mental illness, and murder, while Pollux's potentials are: murder, disgrace, rape, cruelty, success with Astrology or the occult, and danger from large animals, poisons, or...women.

As for Washington DC, on January 6, 2017 the new 115th Congress convenes and puts their official stamp on the December 19, 2016 Electoral College vote for Mr. Trump. You remember December 19th - when the Electoral College failed in its prime mandate to protect the US presidency and the American people from a dangerous demagogue president like loutish Donald the Demagogue? Still, my hopes are for Trump's 'plans' to work for the benefit of all Americans - even though the billionaire class he favors already has a huuuuge running start.

Related: Star Lists.

Dec 18, 2016

Synastry Grid: Inauguration 2017 w/ Mr. Trump's natal planets

On Inaugurating Mr. Trump

by Jude Cowell

Back in April I posted the horoscope of Inauguration 2017 with a few notes (horoscope is re-posted, below, along with Mr. Trump's natal chart). Today I post a synastry grid of his natal planets and points with the planets and points of Inauguration 2017. As you see, the grid shows more squares, oppositions, sesquisquares, and inconjuncts (highlighted in red) than helpful aspects such as sextiles and trines (in green); conjunctions are not highlighted since they suggest either positive or negative results via a blending of energies; please note that some transits are applying and some are waning:

Note that one addition is penned in red: the Inauguration Mercury square natal Neptune since this is a 'natal echo' of his Mercury-Neptune square which distorts his perceptions, hints at deception, and indicates an indiscreet man. As a transit, Mercury square natal Neptune may affect his Oath taking and other traditions on Inauguration Day since following directions will be difficult for him (as it (as it always is) and the assimilation of information or instructions will be next to impossible. For Mr. Trump, intuition and instinct will be uppermost with logic taking a backseat (as always, actually!). Yet he may not notice with Inaugural Neptune trining his natal Mercury, a transit that favors inspired or intuitive communications.

Maybe Mr. Trump will tweet his inauguration!

Horoscope: Inauguration January 20, 2017 12:00 pm EST Capitol Building Washington DC:

Natal Horoscope of Donald J. Trump:

Astro-Notes on his natal chart: Part One (chart shown) and Part Two (with his Sun-Moon personality blend).

Related Posts: Dec 2016 into 2017: Karmic Planets hit the natal chart of Donald Trump, and The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; Mr. Trump's Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star (conjunct his South Node, a separative point); and Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper (though Mr. Gingrich has been critiquing Mr Trump of late--perhaps they're too much alike!)

Dec 17, 2016

How The Magic Works - Max Igan episode 277

Dec 16, 2016 Max Igan Surviving the Matrix episode 277 American Voice Radio: Natural Law, secret codes and symbols, the control grid, magic, and more:

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When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. - Plato

Dec 16, 2016

Will The Trump Administration Bring On the New Crusades? (w/ Guest: Jeff Sharlet) video

On my book shelf is The Family, the book by Jeff Sharlet, Thom's guest discussing here the threat of the Christian Right fomenting within the Trump administration. Religious zealots in the Oval Office in spite of America's traditional separation of church and state? Thanks, Trump voters, but you've been had in so many ways and will take our nation hostage to an incompetent who will delegate the boring tasks of governing to VP Pence, the theocrat:

Hasn't the US military been used for years as 'crusaders' to proselytize the Middle East?

Well, just for the sake of curiosity, where was asteroid Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate;Corporatism) when the non-religious, delusional never-asked-forgiveness-because-I've-never-sinned Mr. Trump was born? In quite a pile-up with his natal Moon, South Node (of the Moon), asteroid Lilith, and Hopi Prophecy star, Ras Alhague @22Sagittarius.

VP-elect Mike Pence was born with Cupido (which can also signify romance similar to asteroid Eros) retrograde @26Lib11. Curiosity mildly satisfied. Concern unmitigated. Wonder how soon Sunday worship will be regimented into effect?

If you wish, 'look inside' Jeff's book The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power. Apparently, if this is a secret, it's about to spread all over us. And I type this as a Protestant Christian - because Theocracy is about as unAmerican as you can get, but most of all, because you cannot legislate morality!

Dec 15, 2016

Is This the Most Important Date in US History? video (w/ Astrology)

Way before 1776, history was happening which related to the future establishment of America (aka, Plato's Ideal, the 'New Atlantis', etc) - events of great consequence such as this:

A Few Brief Astro-Notes concerning July 28, 1588 (NS) 'noon' off the coast of England

Often what 'pops out' in a horoscope when looking at it for the first time are conjunctions of planets, how close are their positions by sign and degree, houses occupied (especially if a specific time is known for calculating the chart), and any other pertinent information. On the day Britain bested the Spanish Armada, the Sun @5Leo was separating from oceanic Neptune (1Leo21), traveler Mercury @22Leo22 was almost partile conjunct boundary breaker Jupiter (22Leo56), and warrior Mars @14Cancer trined rebellious Uranus in mid-Pisces and squared powerful Pluto at critical degree (12Aries).

Significantly, a Jupiter-Saturn square applied (5A32; from Leo to Saturn in late Taurus) and Saturn and Neptune were sextile (2A53) denoting a time of idealism vs pragmatism. It seems the naval battle for both countries took large amounts of planning but for someone, the follow through was lacking and certain rules may have been bypassed. Obviously, this sextile's opportunity for violating the space of others was operative and may also be one area where Mercury-Jupiter's planning came in.

Curiously enough, the Lunar Eclipse of February 10, 2017 @22Leo falls directly upon 1588's Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and may uncover, as all 'wild card' eclipses are wont to do, previously unknown plans for expansion and/or conquest especially in relation to Britain, America, Spain, or another realm currently under a monarchic system. (That America groans under such a system is hardly debatable these days, though you're welcome to disagree).

Unfortunately for my own understanding of this long ago event (if not for yours), there are discrepancies in the listing of Solar Eclipses in Brady's Predictive Astrology so that the famous 1588 naval conflict's Prenatal Eclipse Series' themes are unknown because its particular Saros Series ended years ago. As for the Fire-Air Sun Leo-Moon Libra combination of energies that day (which seem more applicable to the event than if an earlier Moon in Virgo is used), one of the Harveys' Images for Integration may be relevant to this important historic event and the era in which it occurred. See if you agree:

Sun Leo-Moon Libra: "A monarch discusses poetry with a visiting diplomat." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign). Of course, one of the monarchs involved in this event was Queen Elizabeth I, a pragmatic, reliable double-Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus personality born during the time of a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Cancer, a planetary duo perfect for one involved with sociopolitical enterprises and for serving the needs of the masses via far-reaching, lofty ideals. And as you know, old orders can lead to new orders under the combined energies of Saturn and Uranus (past vs future).

Now another chart factor stands out for it conjoins the Aries Point of World Manifestation (00Aries00:00) and that's the July 28, 1588 position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint @29Pis21, the revolutionary pairing of planets so often active during events whenever freedom, power, war, and explosions are involved. The Armada's defeat and the motivations behind the conflict relate to the establishment of the British Empire, eventually to the founding of the American Empire, and to the obsessive expansion of both. I mention Uranus-Pluto because Queen Elizabeth I's natal Neptune, planet of The Seas, was transited during the battle by that midpoint which gives an enlightening picture of potentials we may read as: transit Uranus-Pluto = natal Neptune: knowledge of human nature; delving deeply into supernatural realms (she did!); a peculiar nervous state when excited; the occult. (Ebertin, Tyl, Munkasey). Did Astrology guide the Queen's choices concerning this event? Surely she consulted her favored court astrologer John Dee! (His natal chart is linked, below).

Yet on another level, we may wish to read the midpoint picture more simply as 'war and powerful revolutionary events' (Uranus-Pluto) on the high seas (Neptune). Works for me.

Ultimately, Britain's defeat of the 'invincible' Spanish Armada inspired a wave of nationalism and bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent and the settlement and subsequent founding of America. Which is why some people call July 28, 1588 The Most Important Date in US History.

A related post: The Natal Horoscope of John Dee.

Above NASA photo: Neptune.

Dec 14, 2016

More Cronies Added To Trump's Koch-Head Cabinet - video

And the mockery and future undermining of America continues as Trump fills his cabinet with anti-government 'conservatives':

For more clips and such visit Thom Hartmann.

Dec 12, 2016

Georgia Official Says Homeland Security Tried to Hack Their State’s Voter Database - video

Dec 12, 2016: This posting is for my home state of Georgia:

Step into The Ring of Fire.

Decade of Change: the Outer Planet Conjunctions of the 1950s

If you're reading this article you may not have been alive in the 1950s and 'missed' the Great Conjunctions of the decade. It was a decade of change and new conditions across the globe and in America so I've put together a list of the four planetary conjunctions of the 1950s, when their energies combined and the Great Cosmic Clock started over for each pair. (Update 12.12.16: recently news appears that the mystery of the Killer London Fog of December 1952 has been solved as per the first Saturn conjunction with foggy Neptune in airy Libra as noted, below.

As Above So Below! for there were descriptive historical events during the 1950s which resonate with the planetary pairs on the list:

Societal planet Saturn conjoined Neptune of the masses and the media three times in the 21 to 23 degrees of airy Libra: 1. November 21, 1952; 2. May 1, 1953; 3. July 22, 1953; when combined, Saturn-Neptune denotes such sociological correspondences as: poor, sick, or depressed persons, chronic diseases, undermining conditions, suffering, renunciation, asceticism, invisible or secret government, government scandals, capitulating leaders, and/or idealism vs materialism; (appr 36-year cycle).

Next were expansive money and ideology planet Jupiter and progressive, disruptive Uranus, the 'fortunate breakthrough' pair of energies when working harmoniously together. They conjoined three times on: 1. October 7, 1954; 2. January 7, 1955; 3. May 10, 1955 in the 24 to 28 degrees of Cancer--conjunct US natal Mercury Rx and opposite US natal Pluto @27Cap32; this planetary pair indicates potentials for: extreme efforts to produce new or original changes, creation of devices that can transform the world, and/or a sudden change in financial conditions. Adventurers, fortune hunters, explorers, scientists, zealots with one-sided views, and political conflicts are also suggested by Jupiter-Uranus; (appr 14-year cycle).

Moneybags Jupiter conjoined wealthy power planet Pluto three times during the 1950s: 1. November 2, 1955; 2. February 8, 1956; 3. June 16, 1956 in the 26 to 29 degree range of Leo--conjunct the Mars and Ascendant of a then-young fellow by the name of *Donald Trump. Jupiter-Pluto is one of the Plutocrat pairs of energies with a craving for power; organizers of large-scale projects, professors and teachers of law and economics are described by Jupiter-Pluto along with speculators, squanderers, and wastrels. Pursuit of fanatical aims, religious leadership, and a desire to exploit the masses can also be constellated by Jupiter-Pluto; (appr 13-year cycle)

And last but not least in the 1950s decade is the one Great Conjunction of giants Jupiter and Neptune, the pair under which the Obama administration has operated since their last conjunction/s of 2009--conjunct US natal Moon in Aquarius. On September 24, 1958, the inflationary pair met @3Sco18, the current degree of America's progressed Saturn (Rx since 1996). Yes, reality is often elusive under a Jupiter-Neptune influence with its potentials for: dreaminess, seduction, idealism when reality is needed, mysticism, speculation, gain without effort, self-created scandals, political conflicts, idolatry (exs: 'rock star' Barack a la 2009 and the bloated, confusing, over promising ACA), a degraded legal system based on favors and pay-offs, hypocrisy as a form of internal policy, elaborate visions of how to effect a change of direction, making excuses for failures, and/or compassion and a love of humanity; (appr 13-year cycle).

Of course, there were other transits and progressions during the 1950s (and eclipses) which also influenced the events on the list, above, but these are the major Outer Planet Conjunctions of the decade. And it isn't long before year 2020 opens with the January 12th hook-up of one Saturn-Pluto conjunction (ouch!) @22Cap46, then it's on to April 2020 when the three Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions in Capricorn begin. The weighty year ends with the 20-year encounter between societal planets Jupiter and Saturn @00AQ29--conjunct US Inaugural Sun (POTUS).

What this karmic conjunction suggests for the US presidency must be a post for another day--especially since now we must be patient and observe what Mr. Trump does with the power and advantages of the Oval Office during his tenure in the White House--if there's anything left for Jupiter and Saturn to conjunct in 2020.

*Jupiter-Pluto conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Mars may have inspired within him a deep desire to achieve great things which, as it turned out, supports an uncommonly massive ego.


For more planetary pair info consult Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences and Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Venezuela in Crisis: two foundation charts for Venezuela

Ongoing for some time, perhaps you've heard that there is Crisis in Venezuela with runaway inflation, corruption, decreased oil prices, and a suffering population. Sadly, US involvement in the country's dire conditions comes as no surprise. 'It's what we do,' as the popular saying goes.

Checking Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, it turns out that Venezuela has two natal horoscopes, one dated 1811 and one for 1830:

Venezuela Chart #385 is set for July 5, 1811 (NS) 12:00 pm LMT Caracas since no precise time is known; this chart is marks when "true independence was proclaimed" and has a critical-crisis degree rising, 12Lib51. As you see by the July 5th date, the Sun (leadership) at the critical-crisis degree of 12Can40 conjoins US natal Sun and goddess star Sirius (the scorcher); Midheaven (MC) = 11Can45 which puts transit Pluto now in mid-Capricorn, the transformer and saboteur, at IC, the Foundation/Basis of the Matter, also The Drain. Natal Moon (The People) at noon @4Cap08 is in 3rd house with natal Saturn @21Sag56 Rx--Saturn conjoins the natal Moon/South-Node conjunction of Donald Trump. Plus, in this natal chart for Venezuela, the country will begin a three-fer Saturn Return/s on or about January 6, 2017, the second hit in July 2017, and culminating with the third conjunction to 21Sag56 in September 2017, a time for accountability and integrity.

Considering Venezuela's current financial bungling and corruption, of interest may be a planetary trio in 9th house, two of which are 'money planets': Venus 16Gem40, Jupiter 20Gem45, and deal-maker Mercury 23Gem51. Mr. Trump's natal Uranus, North Node, and Sun are amongst these degrees, yes, but what may be revealing is the Gemini Full Moon of December 13, 2016 @22Gemini which will spotlight Venezuela's trio and also the Gemini trio of Mr. Trump. Naturally, US natal Mars @22Gemini will also be in the cosmic spotlight of tomorrow's Full Moon which can reveal secrets and inconvenient facts much like an eclipse can do.

The second chart (#386) is set for September 22, 1830 noon LMT Caracas with 26Sag43 rising and chart-ruler Jupiter @8Cap28 rising in 1st house with nebulous Neptune @20Cap02 Rx, yet another critical-crisis degree. At MC is 1Lib07 conjunct a critical-crisis 29th degree Sun (29Vir08); the Moon @00Sag15 conjoins 12th cusp of Karma, Self-Undoing, and Politics, while the IC @1Ari07 is bracketed by a 3rd house Mars (25Pis20) and 4th house Pluto (8Ari46) Rx. Natal Saturn @26Leo25 conjoins the natal Ascendant and Mars of Donald Trump in Venezuela's corporate 8th house of Big Business.

Well, apparently our braggart-elect will take the Oath of Office (or will he skip it like the daily security briefings he thinks he's too smart to need?) in January 2017 and it will be interesting (and hopefully not excruciating) to watch how or if Mr. Trump makes deals concerning the Crisis in Venezuela. My fingers are crossed for the good people of Venezuela...and for the good people of America.

Here's a brief video report on Food Shortages in Venezuela.

Dec 8, 2016

Meet the Republican Elector Who Is Refusing to Vote for Trump - interview

When the Electoral College meets December 19, 2016 to decide whether (the unqualified) Mr. Trump is a demagogue and thus unfit to be US president, there is the possibility that 'faithless electors' may intervene and refuse to vote Trump which is precisely why Alexander Hamilton championed the Electoral College method--to deny demagogues the presidency in times when a gullible public is swayed.

Here Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, interviews Christopher Suprun of Texas who penned an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday describing his reasons for turning into a 'Hamilton Elector':

For a few astrological influences on December 19th which will affect the natal planets of Donald Trump, check out the day's Cosmic Conditions, a post for which I have had some Republican push back. Yes, 37 electors changing their votes and refusing Mr. Trump is a long shot but that's all it would take!

Related links:

Why the Electoral College?

Brief astrology notes on John Kasich, mentioned in the Suprun interview as a potential write-in candidate on December 19th.

Dec 7, 2016

The February 2017 Eclipse, Alexander Hamilton, and Aaron Burr

Recently The Mountain Astrologer published an excellent article by Kate Plumb concerning the (rectified) natal and progressed charts of Sun Capricorn Alexander Hamilton along with the Opening Night horoscope of the very popular Broadway show Hamilton. With Hamilton's natal chart progressed to Opening Night (August 6, 2015), we see modern influences upon a posthumous chart where its long deceased owner's life and reputation are now cast in the very bright spotlight of a Broadway stage. Fascinating!

Note: these notes concern the 'rectified by Regulus' natal chart though conflict remains since Hamilton may have been been born, not in 1755, but 1757, according to some historians. There are brief notes on the conflict and a view of his bio and natal chart (X-rated; no time) at astrodatabank.

In the rectified version of Hamilton's natal chart set for January 11, 1755 1:23:37 am LMT Charlestown, Saint Kitts-Nevis, one immediately notices the several placements including Sun and Moon, in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of business, law, government, and gilt-edged stocks and bonds. In fact, the Harveys, in their book Sun Sign-Moon Sign give the Sun Cap-Moon Cap combination of energies a very Saturnian Image for Integration: "A hoary old grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of The Pilgrim's Progress." (Note: the boy's seventh birthday resonates with old man Saturn's 28-30 year cycle through the Zodiac and the first square occurring around seven, the typical age when baby teeth begin to fall out!)

As for modern planetary transits to Alexander Hamilton's 1755 natal chart, I refer to these:

Transit Neptune now conjoins natal Uranus 8Pis41 (changes in society cause confusion, disorientation, unrealistic expectations), transit Jupiter will soon conjoin and spotlight his Prenatal Eclipse degree (22Lib35) in the New North Saros Series, and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 will 'hit' his natal Uranus with its Uranian 'cosmic blink' vibes which may have either positive or negative influence--or a mixture of both--for his reputation and perhaps for his namesake Broadway show. And of course, transit Pluto's ongoing plod through Tropical Capricorn has and will lend power and the gift of transformation to his many Capricorn planets: Mercury 1:42, (Chiron 3:27), Moon 11:12, and on to Saturn 20:01 (a critical degree), Sun 21:17, and Venus 25:50 Rx. This Capricorn line-up is preceded in his horoscope by natal Pluto 15Sag03 and Mars 29Sag06, another critical degree (being the 29th--and anxious to enter Capricorn).

Hamilton's Prenatal Eclipse Series (PE), the 9 New North, initially manifested on August 21, 1664 @28Leo50 with warrior Mars 20Lib54 conjunct the explosive, revolutionary Uranus-Pluto midpoint which suggests potentials for fanaticism, violence, and a tendency to force ideas upon others. Hamilton was, as you know, an officer in the American Revolution, an aide to General Washington, if memory serves, and America's first Treasury Secretary. So it is through a solar Leo lens that his Libra PE may be viewed and thus involves cautions against egoism, pride, arrogance, and vainglory. And considering the themes of 9 New North, I must wonder if his fatal duel with Aaron Burr is on some level a part of the Sun-Venus eclipse influence because 9 New North themes are: violence, accidents, great physical effort, and a sudden physical event.

Naturally, there are several accounts of the Hamilton-Burr duel of August 11, 1804 and its sad aftermath and Eye Witness to History has one of them. And perhaps you may agree that the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the duel, the 4 North @21AQ36 which perfected on February 11, 1804, contains sadly appropriate themes: separation, restraint, inhibition, restriction, illusions, events that seem to block the individual which causes a tendency to misjudge strength or the situation (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now here are some brief notes on five transits of the July 11, 1804 duel which greatly affected the 1755 natal planets of Alexander Hamilton and noting that squares (90 degrees) = blockages and obstacles, and inconjuncts (150 degrees) can indicate health crises--in this case, via bullet:

1. 1804 Jupiter square natal Venus: confused values and priorities, a victim of shameless social climbing, alliances and joint ventures suffer snags and difficulties.

2. 1804 Venus inconjunct natal Saturn: criticism, resentment, overreaction, envy, intolerance, retaliation.

3. 1804 Saturn square natal Mars: impatience over rules and regulations, thwarted physical actions, quarrels about who is right and who is wrong, anger, very unpleasant situations, authority figures resent aggressive actions, physical injuries.

4. 1804 Pluto conjunct natal Uranus: a generational challenge between power and anarchic forces and indicating extreme violence and destruction.

5. 1804 Mars inconjunct natal Mars (29Tau to 29Sag): a picture of the duel itself with fighting Mars off-kilter from Hamilton's natal Mars which hints at his decision to fire but miss his opponent; a negative health indicator.

So that is my brief astrological assessment of Hamilton, Burr, and their tragic duel, with certain Solar Eclipses added. Yet since we know there must be more to the story that so favors the victim, Alexander Hamilton, let's close with a revealing quote from Jefferson's Vice President Burr himself from the controversial biography Fallen Founder: The Life of Aaron Burr by Nancy Isenberg:

"In a Day or two will be published another pamphlet in which you...are to {be} proven part{y} to certain imaginary intrigues of mine. This knot of knaves cannot long hold together--they begin already to call each other lyars--the only truth they have uttered." Aaron Burr to Pierpont Edwards, 1802.

A 'knot of knaves'! And soon, in New York City's one Republican newspaper and elsewhere, the "sleazy insinuations and crude insults" followed and eventually the goal of his enemies was achieved--to destroy the political career of Aaron Burr. Hmmm...sounds a lot like the crude, vulgar, insulting 2016 Campaign, doesn't it?

Dec 5, 2016

The GOP Has No Alternative to Obamacare Because the ACA WAS The Republican Plan - video

In March 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into law by President Obama while transit Neptune sat upon America's natal Moon in Aquarius, aka, We the People, and the Great Conjunction/s of the inflationary/speculator/wastrel pair, Jupiter and Neptune, had sprinkled dreamy fairy dust over our Moon and hearts all through 2009, Mr. Obama's first year in office. Little sense of reality prevailed and big promises were made and believed by the more gullible among us.

Nowadays, reality continues to hide beneath the waves of deceptive Neptune strong in its own murky sign of Pisces as Mr. Trump readies his administration and enjoys his own Jupiter Return/s to its natal position of 17 Libra. And yes, the delusional Jupiter-Neptune imprint applies to Trump's first term in office as well since the next Great Conjunction doesn't occur until *Saturn and Pluto meet @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020:

For more progressive reports and commentary visit Thom Hartmann.

Read the 2012 SCOTUS decision on the ACA.

As you know, when astrological Neptune is associated with health issues a wrong diagnosis can be the result. Let's hope for the sake of all Americans that Mr. Trump, Tom Price, and other administration officials determined to repeal and/or reform the ACA give us a new and improved prescription for what ails us.

*We remain under the influence of the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction which perfected once @27Lib36 on November 8, 1982 during the first term of the Reagan administration. Air sign Libra was about ideas and ideology; their next conjunction in 2020 in pragmatic Earth will be about consolidation and bringing to fruition a draconian ideology which will soon be cavorting about the Rose Garden like little nazi fairies. But I doubt they'll look like this: