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Jun 12, 2019

Horoscope: US Congress March 4, 1789 first session

Current US Capitol Building Washington DC; public domain photo

June 12, 2019: The first session of the US Congress was held at Federal Hall in New York City on March 4, 1789; the first session ended September 29, 1789.

2nd session: January 4, 1790 --August 12, 1790 (Federal Hall, NYC); 3rd session: December 6, 1790--March 3, 1791 (Congress Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). Legislation and other events that were addressed may be tracked through this time period (March 4, 1789--March 3, 1791) by the movements of the planets over New York and Philadelphia if one wishes and has the time and interest.

Assuming the gentlemen of 1789 would have begun their work around 9:00 or 9:30 am LMT, a horoscope may be set for March 4, 1789 NYC which reveals information in 2019 for comparing transits of our current day calculated--now that the US Congress is stirred to reassert its constitutionally mandated powers and duties in necessary response to Trump era challenges which are considerable, undermining, and anti-constitutional. As you know, our traditional 'three branches of government' were founded with co-equal powers and intended to act as guard dog over the other two branches yet Congress is now under threat by an Executive branch attempting a monarchical, autocratic take-over of government--implemented by an administration many would call illegitimate.

Below is the US Congress First Session Horoscope March 4, 1789 9:00 am LMT NYC--set for 9:00 am because this timing echoes the ASC/DESC and MC-IC positions in our January 20th Inauguration charts and places US natal Pluto conjunct MC, The Goal Point. Added underneath are comments concerning today's transits to the 1789 chart, plus, prominent transits in force on Inauguration Day 2017 12:00 pm est for they continue to affect the current administration and thus impact the lives of We The People:

Naturally, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron were unknown in 1789 but in 2019 they are not. Please enlarge the image to read basic chart information messily penned on.

Prominent Synastry potentials of June 12, 2019 Transits vs 1789 US Congress: Mercury trine Saturn--keen insights, realism, new ideas and plans, learning new skills. Mercury sesqui-square Mars--agitation, pressure to solve problems, working under stress, hostility, criticism, sarcasm. Saturn opposes Jupiter--frustration, delay, people and events block progress, hard work to remove or circumvent obstacles such as rules, regulations, policies, and laws. Pluto sextile Mercury--psychological issues, persuasion, propaganda, exposure (revelations especially via eclipses), discussion of deep, serious topics, powerful rhetoric, talking about changes and/or sexuality (women's rights and concerns). Pluto square Neptune--psychological issues that need professional attention, social upheaval, corrupt political institutions, feeling vulnerable, obsessions, compulsions, hallucinations, a need for spiritual regeneration.

Trump Inauguration 2017 vs March 4, 1789: Jupiter conjunct Neptune--pretence, illusion, fanaticism, flights of fancy and fantasy, loss of touch with reality, scandal, bankruptcy, propaganda, delusions, disappointments, paranoia, unrealistic expectations, speculation, over-promising, fraud, and risky schemes. Sun (POTUS) opposes Uranus--unexpected challenges, unusual events, normality disrupted, obstinacy worsens problems, a need to break out of old patterns, 'digging in the heels' (by a bone-spurred heel?). Neptune square Moon--blurred messages, confusion, an uncertain future, over-informed and/or misinformed, deception (including self-deception), fantasies, feeling lost, minds and feelings are flooded (floods), disturbed sleep (insomnia), weird dreams. Saturn square Mercury--narrow-minded thinking, exclusion, overly exacting judgments, plans delayed or hindered. Uranus square Jupiter--needing to break free of restriction (ex: ignoring laws and subpoenas), rebellion, sights set unrealistically high, recklessness, impatience, lacks of restraint and of wisdom.

So here we have a founding chart for the US Congress with a few notes on today's transits and those of the Trump administration in effect for the (assumed) 4 years of his tenure as he challenges the power of the US Congress and obstructs the ability of Congress members to fulfill their Oaths to the US Constitution and thereby to perform their duties on behalf of the American people.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcomed and your Shares are much appreciated! jc

Jun 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Solar Eclipse December 26, 2019

Well, year 2019 ends with transit Jupiter opposing US natal Jupiter (see lower right, in green), plus, a Capricorn Solar Eclipse perfects @4Cap06:51 the day after Christmas (12:13 am est). Yet much of what I can say about the DC Horoscope of the December 26, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 South Saros Series is messily penned upon the chart so hopefully those who wish to can enlarge the image and read my study notes; be advised that the natal placements of Donald Trump are penned around the chart and highlighted in pink (which is not the new black but his 'favorite' color orange is) - and his nibs' problematic Mercury-Neptune square of fantasy and deception is active and activated upon the ASC-MC angles of the eclipse chart when set for Washington DC:

Edit 6.16.19: since I can't change this on the chart itself I'll add here that the Sun-Moon midpoint (eclipse degree rounded up) should be '5Cap' (not '6Cap'--that's the degree and symbol of both Jupiter and the IC--mea culpa! The Sabian Symbol for '5Cap' is: "Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance" (which the Trump administration has been recklessly attempting to do against Iran)...'keyword: MOBILIZATION; positive expression: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement; negative' (unconscious/shadow side): 'unnecessary moods and tantrums' (Jones). This certainly adds a different and worrisomely aggressive flavor to the eclipse chart as we end 2019 and enter 2020. jc

In case you missed it, a recent post contains a List of Lunar and Solar (w/ themes) Eclipses from July 2019 through 2022.

And as always, your on-topic questions and/or comments are welcome and all Shares are much appreciated! However, No comments that are actually ads for services or websites will be published no matter how wonderful or accurate they are. jc

Jun 5, 2019

Trump's Second Wife Marla Maples

Again in the news is Donald Trump's second wife, Tiffany's mother Marla Maples. If you're not in the mood for Marla, perhaps a nostalgic video on the gossip-y side can help: Did Marla Maples Cheat on Donald Trump?. Rumor was that her stint with singer Michael Bolton allegedly spurred Trump to propose marriage! Yet theirs was a tempestuous relationship through the years via several difficult planetary squares and oppositions, very off-and-on. Marrying with a huge splash of ritzy grandiosity in the Grand Ballroom of the NY Plaza Hotel (which Trump owned at the time) on December 20, 1993, they careened through marriage for a while, then the couple's divorce became final on June 6, 1999. Their lovely daughter Tiffany was born October 13, 1993 and her parents married in December, as you see by the dates.

Check out Marla's natal horoscope here (October 27, 1963 11:49 am est Dalton, Georgia RR: A; Sun 3Sco33 Moon 27AQ18 opposing Trump's natal Mars 26Leo = emotionally upsetting quarrels; her ASC 4Cap44) and Trump's chart here (RR: AA).

Now in case you missed her, here's Marla Maples on The Today Show in December 2018 giving a public accounting of herself. Plus, The Daily Beast published a piece about the couple in 2016 which you may find interesting.

List of Solar and Lunar Eclipses July 2019 through 2022

With year 2022 particularly on everyone's radar due to America's first-ever Pluto Return/s (3x in 2022 @27Cap32), note that the Solar Eclipses in the 5 South, 6 North, and 6 South are Prenatal Solar Eclipses of our nation's Pluto Returns exact on February 20, July 11, and December 28.

Naturally, Total eclipses are strongest (July 2019, December 2020, May 2021, December 2021, May 2022, November 2022), and note that 4 North occurs at Summer Solstice 2020, and 5 South conjoins America's natal Ascendant in the July 4, 1776 5:09 pm chart. The current Solar Eclipse now in effect (2 South) manifested @15Cap25 on January 5, 2019 ('joining a new group and gaining a great deal') and is not included on the list. 5 North and 5 South contain the most positive themes of the following eclipses:

Solar Eclipse themes paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Jun 3, 2019

June 10, 2019 John Dean Invited to Capitol Hill

In case John Dean of WaterGate fame accepts Jerrold Nadler's invitation to speak on June 10th to the House Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill, below is Mr. Dean's natal horoscope with June 10th transits set for 9:00 am edt snugged around it--not because the hearing will open at that hour (probably closer to 9:30 or 10:00 am) but because 9:00 am happens to be the time that Dean's natal Pluto @1Leo26 rises over the Capitol Building.

In other words, I'm using the June 10th horoscope as a symbolic chart of the power (Pluto) Mr. Dean may wield through providing information which could very well have a (plutonian) transformative effect on current rather stalled conditions.

See Democrats Bringing In Nixon Lawyer John Dean to Talk About the Mueller Report.

Now with the event's occurrence and timing being iffy as such Washington events tend to be I won't spend much time typing about it here, plus, quite a few basic chart notes are penned messily on the bi-wheel charts if you care to look. However, note that Dean's Venus @00Sag32 conjoins his natal Midheaven (The Goal) and rules his 3rd house of Communications via Taurus--and June 10th Venus @1Gem47 opposes his natal Venus (see lower right, highlighted in blue) which triggers opposing views and conflicts within relationships. Dean's natal Saturn, planet of authority, accountability, responsibility, law, and government conjuncts the 9:00 am Midheaven as he dutifully shares his opinions with the world (MC). This could be refreshing, who knows? For one thing, Dean will be highly motivated (transit Pluto trine natal Mars) as he expresses his diplomatic views blended with self-interest (transit Venus conjunct natal IC, the Foundation of the Matter). However, with the Moon in critical Virgo reflecting Dean's natal Mars-Neptune conjunction (8th house), images of crooks, treachery, and/or scandal may turn up in the news (Moon = the public; publicity) concerning this hearing or possible accusations of such may be hurled at Dean himself.

Now by transit on June 10th, most of us are dealing on some level with the Sun-Jupiter opposition squaring deceptive Neptune in Pisces (in John Dean's 1st house of Self) which suggests general potentials for loss, sensitivity, and the crooks we hear and read about each day (one ex: Nixon).

Plus, transit Mars conjunct North Node is lining up to oppose the difficult Saturn-Pluto conjunction (exact @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020--conjunct Trump's natal Vertex of fated encounters) which hints at the harshness, ruthlessness, and brutality now prevalent in society--and that someone is fighting for his very existence. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide who that could possibly be as DC Democrats continue their careful attempts, slow as they seem, to hold a not-above-the-law president accountable for his actions.

Jun 2, 2019

Clinton vs Trump Impeachments: cosmic time links

History Rhymes: Clinton 1998 Impeachment vs Trump ~?~

by Jude Cowell

An annular Solar Eclipse prior to The Impeachment of Bill Clinton in 1998 manifested @28Leo47 in the 19 North Saros Series on August 22, 1998. In the news now, comparisons are being made between the Clinton impeachment and the potential impeachment of Donald Trump with many pundits saying there are differences. A basic difference is that the investigation of Bill Clinton began with a land deal but for Trump it began with Russia interfering with and corrupting the 2016 Presidential Election on behalf of Trump, Putin's favored candidate--and with Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey in a Trumpian attempt to stop the investigation in its tracks. Additionally, in 1998 Clinton was a popular president, today Trump is not.

So let's consider 19 North themes, plus, a few of the cosmic time links between the August 1998 eclipse and the natal planets of Trump who was 52 years old in 1998. Note that a 19 North Solar Eclipse last manifested on September 1, 2016 @9Virgo and is the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') of the Clinton Impeachment and both Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 as we've previously discussed:

19 North Themes: 'realism, coming down to earth, becoming aware of a situation for what it truly is, a constructive time for tackling the truth' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Now right away, I know that the eagle-eyes of both SO'W readers notice that the 1998 eclipse conjoined the natal Ascendant (29Leo) of Donald Trump, a cosmic condition which made the 19N eclipse personal for Trump then, and, imho, continues to make it so now.

And it seems apt that eclipse Neptune Rx @00AQ01 in August 1998 conjoined and obfuscated our nation's POTUS Sun (January 20: Inaugural Sun 00AQ+). This echoes the recent US progressed ('SP') Sun in mid-Pisces being masked by transit Neptune in Pisces (also discussed here before). We also see this plainly by the fact that 14 Pisces is the position of the Republican Party's natal Neptune (1854) with Republicans shielding Trump's every move and making excuses for his flaws, his hateful rhetoric, and his racist ideas and policies. In Pisces, Neptunian deception and fraud run rampant! Yet Neptune undermines and weakens, too, along with bringing various contagions and floods to the world.

As for Trump's natal planets, to me the prominence belongs to two transits:

1998's eclipse Venus (10Leo38) conjunct Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02 in his secretive 12th house of Politics and Karma), a period when strategy must be used in order to exert or regain control over events and conditions yet there is danger of idle flattery disrupting or preventing success. As we know, Trump is a seducible man with an ego easily manipulated by false flattery--and dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un know and have used this very well.

Yet the stronger 1998 transit to Trump's natal Pluto is tr Uranus opposing his Pluto--partile at the moment of the eclipse! (10AQ02 oppo 10Leo02.) When transit Uranus opposes natal Pluto, generational clashes occur in respect to how finances and resources are handled, societal movements disrupt, challenge or even eliminate the power and power structure of The Establishment (similar to destructive Pluto in Capricorn now), and coping well with shifts in political and social institutions becomes a societal and personal issue.

In Politics, the Venus-Pluto pair of energies relates to potentials for extremes of private wealth hidden away, attracting and attraction to elements of organized crime (which threatens certain US politicians and others dumb enough to step into a syndicate trap), those who want to transform natural beauty (oil drilling in parks and offshore comes to mind), and/or a breakdown within the social fabric of society (Trump and the GOP are working hard on that as I type).

Uranus-Pluto potentials include riots that bring changes in governmental policies, disruptive intruders, strikes and labor movements, rebellion, and/or "sudden new criminal acts" (Munkasey).

So whether political pundits find comparisons and/or contrasts between 1998 impeachment conditions and those of 2019, 2020, and beyond, there are cosmic time links then and now via the 19 North Saros Series and the activation of Trump's natal Pluto in vain Leo--unaspected, menacing, and identifying a man who is over-shadowed by shadows--in his 12th house of Self-Undoing and Hidden Enemies.

Feel free to check out The Prenatal Eclipse of Inauguration 2021. Or, America's First Impeachment of 1868. And please Share if you care!

Jun 1, 2019

Trump as Apollo, Hercules, Bacchus? Venus applauds!

Image: Bacchus; Peter Paul Reubens 1638/1640; public domain

By studying his natal horoscope, curious cosmic myths and mysteries turn up concerning Donald Trump who, if one is to believe, was born June 14, 1946 at 10:54 am edt in Queens, New York. Notice the royal reference of his place of birth and, if his hour of entering the earthly flux is accurate, also note that royal star Regulus, the "king maker" or "little king", rises with his natal Ascendant (@29Le55: Self; Physical Body) at the moment of his birth. Also rising is a 'godly' asteroid, Apollo, the ancient 'sun god' along with a certain midpoint associated with goddess (or god) worship, veneration, and idolatry, Venus-Neptune. Perhaps you've noticed that in his own perverted way, Trump worships the female form, craves its beauty. In fact, only young, beautiful women will do! But is his vain self-image detached from reality? In the outer world, yes, but not on an inner level for he sees himself as the handsome Apollo and a royal king, the divine ruler! And we witness his sun worship via the orange face and white circles around his peepers ad nauseum! So whether by spray tan or tanning bed, there slouches our orange-hued 'Apollo' for all to see and marvel upon, red tie pointing ominously downward!

Yet there are deeper mysteries and intrigues under the surface of this superficial Gemini (Uranus-North-Node-Sun) who desperately longs to be taken seriously and to have speaks with world leaders of the strongman variety for Trump considers himself a strongman, too. But as with all human beings he is weak and flawed yet we find clues to his essence by his Regulus rising with lusty Mars in royal Leo (26Leo46) and in the myths associated with the royal star that Roman poet Ovid called Bacchi Sidus, "Star of Bacchus" (the Roman name for Dionysus, who remains well-known for his popular cult following). Of course these days, Regulus-rising Trump enjoys a (dwindling) Twitter following but still reaps benefits from the usual 'cult of personality' made familiar to the American public since the hallowed days of the high-minded George Washington (with whom his nibs can never compare, imho; in fact, they're opposites).

Now everyone knows that the leonine Regulus (now progressed from Leo to 00Virgo) is associated with the Nemean Lion who kidnapped maidens and kept them as hostages in his lair deep within his cave. (This sounds much like the myth of cave-dweller Pluto, god of Hades, and perpetrator of murder, assassination--and rape.) The warriors from surrounding towns would attempt to rescue the damsels in distress but misfortune resulted and so the myth goes that Heracles (the Roman Hercules, the strongman) was given the task of killing the Nemean Lion which he did by breaking its back with his bare hands for the Lion was impervious to all weapons. Does this remind you of the myth of "Teflon Trump"? Apparently it should. And according to the Trumpian mythology of his nibs, he plays the roles of both the Lion and the strongman who conquers!

Now curiously, Bacchus is associated with Regulus, an intriguing connection when it comes to D. Trump. Follow the Dionysus link, above, for more mythological info but I'll include a few details of interest here so you might consider whether or not they apply to his nibs. Such as:

Bacchus is known as the god of fertility, ritual madness (delirium), freedom to do as one wills (as with the satanic Thelema cult "of the Crowned and Conquering Child"), the harvest (grapes in particular), theater (Trump the thespian plays POTUS on TV!), and wine--or in the case of fussy narcissist Donald Trump, whine. In some cultural references Bacchus is a sibling of Apollo, and as the god of epiphany, Bacchus is "the god that comes" and his "foreignness as an arriving outsider" is an essential part of his cult and his reputation.

So if we cast our fatigued minds back to the 2016 Election, we find the Venus Cycle and goddess Venus' 4-and-8-year predictive relationship with the US Presidential Election cycle. In 2016, "Venus in Sagittarius supports a change to someone 'different'", I wrote then--in other words, election Venus in Sagittarius in 2016 supported the coming of a foreigner, a member of the rival party, an "outsider" who would be victorious over the incumbent party. A Bacchus figure, we might say if we wished.

Now let's allow goddess Venus to lure us back to Trump's natal midpoint picture of Ascendant = Venus-Neptune. Ebertin says of the Venus-Neptune pair (in no particular order per Trump and with a few mild edits):

'an erotic imagination, illusion, a person easily influenced, a dreamy nature, high ideals (when it comes to feminine beauty, at least--jc), a mistaken sense of love, indecision, uncertainty, a seducible character, erotic aberrations, inclination to mysticism (ex: idol worship; the occult--jc), romantic reverie, a poorly developed sense of reality, weakened glandular functions, pathological enlargement of the glands, weakness of the sex organs, lover of beauty and art, mystics, dreamers, visionaries, longing for love, peculiar desires and objectives, an unstable existence and changing occupations, difficult realization of ideals and wishes, awakening from emotional infatuation with awareness of disappointment or disillusionment, wrong ways of love.'

Add Trump's Ascendant for more specific potentials: 'A peculiar disposition with regard to love life, impressionable, lack of good taste, a union with persons of a peculiar disposition, and/or disappointment in love'. (The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.)

Now let's consider the combined energies of the Venus-Neptune pair in the realms of Politics and Business a la Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets through his helpful inclusion of the Hegelian Dialect used by ivory-towered societal meddlers and chess players of the world for whom we are only the pawns:

"Thesis: Appeals to the ideals of the people; an inflated treasury; use of inflation as a means for controlling or manipulating growth; wealth derived from gas, chemicals, or oil; exaggerates or misstates internal resources.

Antithesis: Scandals concerning the misuse of, or deceptive practices within, the treasury or internal resources; subversives who desire to gain access to finances; spies in the financial branches; monetary fraud; art deception." For Trump I would add, artful deception.

And Munkasey's Venus-Neptune potentials conjunct Trump's natal Ascendant?

"An appreciation of how reality can be altered for your own enjoyment; indulging in another's fantasy for personal gratification; perceptions about the illusions of how matter or form combine in the world."

And so it seems obvious to me that Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, a major fantasy-prone factor of misconception and falsehood lurking deep within his psyche, aids and supports his Venusian-Neptunian dreams, imaginings, illusions, and deceptions quite perfectly. Yet on this can we ever agree?

As you know, all royal stars in contact with personal horoscopes contain a caution not to be ignored. Here's A Very Closely Related Post: Will Regulus Assure the Destiny of Donald Trump?.

Jupiter 2019 opposes Singapore's Jupiter in Gemini

Yesterday we discussed When Jupiter Returns to his Spring Equinox 2019 position and how he's traveling currently in retrograde motion @24Sagittarius. This position opposes the natal Jupiter of Singapore where Trump and Kim Jong Un met for their much-touted
Singapore Summit
so bromantically in 2018. Since then, North Korea has launched and laughed to the detriment of Donald Trump although he pretends not to care. Apparently, Jupiterian hope springs eternal for the fantasy-prone Big T.

Now whether the opposition between transit Jupiter while in its own sign of Sagittarius and Singapore's natal Jupiter in Mercurial Gemini has any significance for denuclearization talks or negotiations either then or in the future I know not, but keeping an eye on astrological Jupiter's path and aspects is always a good idea in relation to anything that may expand, increase, grow, or balloon beyond safe limits. It's the old 'too much of a good thing' isn't so good concept along with the slippery slope that overblown Jupiter can make so very enticing.

And as we know, Trump likes his 'diplomacy' efforts to exist only on a personal level, plus, both men are Jupiterian by girth and style, both pompously promote their causes, and both make promises they can't or won't keep. So perhaps the Jupiter vs Jupiter opposition relates to a personal stand-off situation between the two 'lovers' based on the time they met in Singapore with stars in their eyes and with the unprepared Trump playing the gullible role (whether he was aware of it or not).

Yes, I agree that it's all very gross...which is another Jupiterian concept just like Trump's over-expectations of what denuclearization means when Kim Jong Un mentions the word. So is Trump being played for a fool by Kim? Or is Donnie in on the joke? What do you think? Any thoughts?

Related: Astro-notes on Kim Jong Un: meeting Pluto.

Above image: an excerpt from my drawing Bubble Vision dedicated to Trump who lives in his own bubbly world while plying the real world with frothy fantasies of his pomp and glory.

May 31, 2019

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit, guru, priest, pastor), military general, explorer, professor, lecturer, mentor, thespian, broadcaster, and propagandist. And you, dear reader, can probably think of more. I can think of Trump as a Jupiterian figure--he broadcasts, propagandizes, plays the POTUS role on TV, and worships money and power--and his natal Jupiter in Libra (muddied by the presence of his Libran Neptune and blind spot Chiron) is known for his "that's not fair!' stance whenever negative events or rhetoric relate to or impact him. (Note that Trump is also Mercurial and Uranian--a changeable wheeler dealer and lover of chaos and disruption. See Donald Trump in the Realms of Jupiter.)

Then there are Jupiter's potentials when traveling through Sagittarius to keep in mind. To quote Reinhold Ebertin, this position signifies: "noble character, love of justice, striving for inner development (especially when Rx), religious and moral aspirations, far-reaching plans, interest in foreign countries, wastefulness, speculation." And Trump has a 'speculation' streak in spades with his bubbly Jupiter-Neptune pair in natal 2nd house of Money, Possessions, and Values.

So can a Jupiter Return to the Spring Equinox 2019 chart hold significance? My suspicion is that it can since any Spring EQ horoscope is 'good for' an entire year until the next Spring EQ for the Sun's ingress to 00Ari00:00, the Aries Point, outweighs the other three Cardinal Ingresses of any 12-month period.

Actually, due to his current retrograde period (Rx April 10, 2019 @24Sag21--Direct August 11, 2019 @14Sag30), Jupiter returned to his Spring EQ position of 23Sag40 on May 1, 2019; his second and final return occurs on November 2, 2019 with Jupiter in the 12th house of Politics, Self-Undoing, Karma, Hidden Enemies, Large Institutions, and/or Behind-the-Scenes activities which include making backroom deals of Jupiterian proportions (Washington DC).

So in the November 2, 2019 Return Horoscope, Jupiter rules the 12th house (cusp 22Sag46) and is unaspected; he would rule the 2nd house too except for the condition that his 'other sign' Pisces is intercepted there which suggests karma that must be dealt with including Neptune Rx in 2nd house (of the National Treasury) @16Pis05. As you know, fraud, deception, illusion, and disguises tend to follow in Neptune's wake especially when we're talking DC Politics with its tedious Political Theater implications as always. Plus, when unaspected, Jupiter cannot add his wisdom and ability for balanced, moderated judgment to the activities and concerns of the other planets and he is unmotivated to seek situations or circumstances in which he can play the moderating role yet much enthusiasm, however off-and-on, may be shown in the house where he is found. Perhaps this Jupiter so near 12th cusp will make his way soon into the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes and Wishes where he can be much more sociable--plus, there will probably be a microphone and camera awaiting him for his broadcasting purposes!

Saturn in Capricorn Activates a Recent Solar Eclipse

November 2, 2019 12:44:05 pm edt: ASC 14Cap45 makes Saturn, strong in Capricorn, the chart ruler; Saturn @15Cap32 rises and activates the January 5, 2019 Solar Eclipse degree (15:25) so that the 116th Congress, congressional matters, and court cases are suggested by Saturn the lawmaker and 'legal eagle'. There are two applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects of chart-ruler Saturn: sextile Neptune (0A32; ideas made real) and conjunct Pluto (5A18; situations too large to handle, power and control issues, lack of resources--points toward the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020). And with Saturn the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the Lesson-Bringer has something to say about finances with the 2nd cusp @26AQ26, a Zodiacal position which most astrologers use for US natal Moon (We The People).

Now in the November 2, 2019 chart, the Moon's South Node, a separative Saturnian point rather than a planet, has risen @10Cap37 with North Node @10Can37 opposite in 6th house and precisely pointing toward the 3 North Solar Eclipse of July 2, 2019 (America's 'birthday gift eclipse' with eclipse Jupiter the engine of a Locomotive shape of planets = a high-powered executive demanding success). This eclipse has been discussed here more than once so I'll not repeat except to say again that 10Can37 falls between US Jupiter and Sun and 3 North's initial manifestation occurred October 991 @22Libra. Perhaps Trump's newly announced tariffs on Mexico (starting June 10th) will have crashed or depressed global markets by or before the July 2nd eclipse for as you know, the 'King of Debt' likes to play around with risky finances as long as he can use other people's money. Plus, 'wild card' eclipse influences on events can begin as early as two weeks prior to its date of perfection--and June 10th is quite near that range and gives time for the effects of tariffs on Mexico to be felt (yet as with China, US consumers will 'pay the price', not Mexico; who's he trying to punish?). And whether Trump's tariff plan will improve America's immigration situation (also a province of Jupiter!) remains to be seen.

But as with all his antics and ill-conceived notions, we can only hope for the best as Uranian Trump careens his chaotic way through our lives and fortunes, collateral damage be da*ned. Selfishly, he believes it tends to 'benefit' him when others have to pay. Wonder if he's ever heard of karma?!

Moon Greets Pluto: Intense Rage, Morbid Thoughts, a Hidden Child, or...?

Next let's consider another prominent cosmic condition in the Jupiter Return November 2, 2019 chart: that Moon and Pluto rise together just after karmic Saturn and are closely conjoined upon the critical degree of 20 Capricorn. In Politics and Business, the Moon-Pluto pair suggests potentials for: the role of women in controlling self-destructive impulses; popular promises concerning an end to war, waste, etc; the public's opinions on crime, war, and/or internal secrecy; people who are doubtful about how to exert proper controls on criminal or terrorist elements (ex: impeachment); crime and violence are encouraged; obsessions which bring misuse of available resources for country and/or business purposes (paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey).

Then there's the Sun @9Sco57 conjunct MC 8Sco01--trining Neptune (6A08) and North Node (0A20 and thus trining the July 2nd Cancer eclipse), and recently opposing Uranus Rx (4Tau23 in 3rd house). To me these aspects suggest that all is not negative in the November 2nd chart for inspiration is available, covert activities (Scorpio!) can prosper, mysteries attract attention, public contacts and publicity are favorable, and yet recent fund-raising and group endeavors did not transpire or turn out as expected. And we know that Uranus in Taurus suggests speculation and/or looking for unusual or untapped sources of finance.

In closing, let's have a brief peek at the pragmatic Water-Earth Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn cosmic weather of the very day that transit Jupiter returns to his position in the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope:

This particular Water-Earth blend is committed, tough, courageous, and enigmatic with a dark, brooding intensity and the purposeful demeanor of a natural leader. An exacting personal integrity may be noticed while a deep urge to play detective, then act as judge, upon the 'wrongs' of others may hold sway. This combination of energies often leads to legal and/or political work and of course, lawyers often enter politics, as we know, for material security and power-grabbing are often important goals of this blend.

Now here are three famous natives who were born under the influence of Sun Scorpio-Moon Capricorn so perhaps famous quotes from them will inform us concerning our topic. If any of this sounds like Trump we're on the same page--except for the 'exacting personal integrity' part although his fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square probably tells him he's simply full of integrity and he does seem to favor the purging aspect of Puritanism--as long as it's for other people:

"He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow." - George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans).

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash." - General George Patton.

"Puritanism...helps us enjoy our misery while we are inflicting it on others." - Marcel Ophuls.

(For more Sun-Moon blend details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Previous yet Related: Recognizing the Primitive Uranian.

May 29, 2019

Marxism vs Communism (w/ Richard Wolff) - interview

Here's an informative discussion between host Thom Hartmann and his guest economics Professor Richard Wolff:


A related SO'W post: The Powell Memo: Genesis of Corporatism in Control. And as you know, in astrological terms all -isms used to label, aggravate, deceive, and divide populations issue from the Pluto-Chiron stable of exploitation, manipulation, and primal violence--including Socialism, Capitalism, conservatism, and progressivism.