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Jul 16, 2019

Jan 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse: "A Prima Donna Singing"

As you've noticed, the very first eclipse in 2020 is the Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020 @20Can00:13 (Saros #144), a critical degree which conjoins fixed star Castor (to write or create; sudden fame or loss; murder). Additionally on January 10th, the Moon rises with Castor's twin star, Pollux (cruelty; danger of disgrace; the occult; astrology). Please note that these are general potentials of the two stars and are not for a reader's personal application--please consult your chart or your personal astrologer for such information!

In Washington DC, the January 10th Lunar Eclipse perfects at 2:21:11 pm est during a Mercury Hour (changes) with Mercury @20Cap06 out-of-bounds (OOBs) yet by degree conjunct the Sun. Quite a full 8th house, as you see, when the chart is set for DC. Two days later (January 12th) karmic Saturn and Pluto meet in Great Conjunction @22Cap46 and as we've previously discussed, Donald Trump's natal Vertex @22Cap51 will be greeted by Saturn and Pluto's compressed energies. Therefore, fated encounters and/or changing work conditions are distinct possibilities for his nibs and thus for the American people.

In the realms of Politics and Business, turmoil in rigid or older systems and upsets in existing checks and balances are on the Saturn-Pluto to-do list, however, we're already experiencing such things under the wacky 'tutelage' of the racist, sexist, klannish Donald Trump whose roots are of the Germanic persuasion. If he's still kickin' around the White House in early January 2020 (as I suspect although it would be much better if he'd go back where he came from), he'll continue such activities as: hoarding resources, considering methods for destruction or removal, making secret preparations for future restrictions, and/or trying to keep his affairs private or not open to scrutiny (Munkasey).

So as you see, Mercury in Saturn-ruled Capricorn is chart-ruler and makes two applying Ptolemaic aspects in the Lunar Eclipse chart (penned on, lower left). First The Messenger (and planet of puers and puellas) conjoins Saturn (2A26) denoting how things may issue from this eclipse: negotiations and discussions may be hindered, restricted, or delayed, mutual planning might be frustrated, impasses or stalemates occur, and/or treaties are difficult to manage or debate; advice may be sought or given, serious meetings are held, and/or preparation becomes an important issue. Some indication of computer programming may be involved, perhaps in the form of hacks and/or leaks--and besides, all eclipses are 'wild cards' that tend to uncover secrets, disrupt events, and prompt changes of direction in similar fashion to erratic Uranus--especially Lunar Eclipses which are awareness-producing Full Moons.

Then soon Mercury conjoins Pluto (2A36) suggesting that ideas, information, and communications relate to how to gain more power and control, finances and investments may be involved, plus, secrets, intel, and propaganda are on someone's menu. Even orbital weapons and/or communications satellites may turn up as topics in the public discourse, or in private.

Now with the eclipsing Moon opposing Mercury, Saturn, Pluto, and the Sun and the Moon in a mundane chart representing the people and the public, what is suggested here? Lunar signs point toward potentials for: head vs heart, altering facts to suit the public mood (which is Cancerian = protection of home, family, food supply, homeland, business), indecision or vacillation, and/or someone who talks too much but says very little of substance (ex: politicians--and one in particular). Practical vs theoretical economics may be involved (a full corporate 8th house, too, with expansive Jupiter conjunct South Node (lack of popularity; limited funds) in restrictive Capricorn and there's difficult fixed star Facies nearby (ruthlessness or the victim). Note that with Moon opposing Pluto, criminal elements and violence are also suggested along with misuse of resources. Again, we've experienced such things already via Trump and his cronies, mob-connected and otherwise.

My suspicion is that very few Americans are holding their breaths for his nibs to install "the best people" in government for who with qualifications would take the risk after what we've seen? And Trump obviously never intended to make improvements, only to tear down. In fact, his efforts at sabotage have hollowed out the US government just as his handlers and enablers directed while allowing infesting infiltrators their run of the place for spoils and plunder (see the description of SO'W under its title, above--written in 2005: yes, I've been in a snit of miffdom for years over what criminals 'have done with the place'...our America, and I dissent because I care).

The rounded-up Sabian Symbol for the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @21Cancer: "A Prima Donna Singing"...'Keyword: EXCELLENCE...positive expression: an overflowing richness of self through its full command of its own deep and genuine potentials; negative expression: superficial affirmation and unseemly display' (Jones). I suggest you decide which is most often expressed (and tweeted) on behalf of Washington DC Politics these days.

Now there are a few other things I wish to include in this post then I'll hush and leave the chart/s to you, dear reader. One curious factor is unaspected Uranus @2Tau38 stationing and set to quirkily turn Direct in 6 hours 26 minutes. Plus, evaluating Venus and radical rebel Uranus, The Witness, are in Mutual Reception (on friendly terms) with 10th house Venus visible @28AQ23 (conjunct our 1776 Moon, more or less: harmony, sociability, romance?). So disruptive Uranus in the 12th house of Politics, Large Institutions, Karma, and Self-Undoing makes no aspect to other planets, therefore its genius and inventiveness are only operable in the 12th house; brief spurts of nervous energy (ex: tweeting) may be noticed along with discontent and restlessness, plus, Uranus' natural tendency toward detachment, independence, and insistence on freedom of action are sharpened here via isolation behind the scenes. Is this an intriguing cosmic picture of witnesses testifying from or toward the secretive 12th house of Hidden Enemies? And possibly feminine witnesses in the form of Lady Venus? For or against Trump? We can't know for certain until or if such testimony is given. Or tantalizingly obstructed, as the case may be.

But one thing is certain: that Uranus in Mercurial Gemini in natal 10th house is the oriental, or guiding, planet of Donald Trump and its tendencies are definite considerations in relation to the January 10, 2019 Lunar Eclipse chart with Uranus unaspected, for it echoes Trump's chaotic, 'freedom-loving' style of so-called 'leadership' and his love of disrupting everything around him and beyond.

To close, here is a DC Horoscope of the January 10, 2020 Lunar Eclipse chart's Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which perfects on December 26, 2019 @4Cap06:

If you wish, check out a previous post with astro-notes concerning the above 'Christmas' 2019 Solar Eclipse. Basically, from late 2019 into 2020 and beyond, our Cancer-Capricorn security issues are distilled or compressed within the 4-to-23-degree range of the two Cardinal signs (and squaring Aries-Libra) and nearby our US natal Mercury-Pluto opposition creeping, surveilling, and monitoring 24/7.

Related: US Mercury-Pluto opposition to be 'hit' by Saturn and Pluto. And for more star info see Anthony Louis' book Horary Plain and Simple.

Above image may not depict a prima donna but she is my drawing Singer in Blue.

Jul 14, 2019

Nancy Pelosi 2019: Neptune conjunct natal Mercury

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (official portrait; public domain) was born in Baltimore, Maryland on
March 26, 1940, birth hour unknown
(RR: X). In such cases, it is typical to set up a natal horoscope using '12:00 pm' and when this is done, Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury Rx is positioned @17Pis07 and natal Neptune Rx @23Vir49, in wide opposition.

Today I mention Mercury and Neptune, not because of Trump's vastly problematic square between his Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Libra but because two transits now affect Speaker Pelosi's Mercury and Neptune and both denote periods when being vulnerable to deceit or deception are increased, even predictable: transit Neptune to natal Mercury (3x, third conjunction on or about February 2, 2020) and transit Jupiter square natal Neptune (3x, third square on or about November 3, 2019).

During such transits rational thinking may be hard to attain, grasping reality a concern or a goal, and sticking to an agenda can be difficult. Inspiration increases and high ideals may prosper, it's true, but given that she is in her seventies (as is Trump and other politicians holding on to the their power with all their considerable might!) it seems appropriate to keep an eye on such deceptive transits since the ideals and perceptions (true ones or false) of all politicians inform policies and laws which have major impact on us all. Plus, both Pelosi and Trump were born under the influence of Mercury-Neptune aspects, a similarity that suggests potentials for dreaminess, illusions, and deception--his internal (square), hers external (opposition).

Of course, a strong natal Saturn can mitigate such tendencies (as can other more realistic placements, plus, positive transits and progressions) and I'd trust Pelosi's Saturn in earthy, practical Taurus over Trump's Saturn in watery, emotionally defensive Cancer any day.

So since Speaker Pelosi's natal Mercury opposes her natal Neptune, she is in process of experiencing a generational transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing Neptune in Virgo. This transit may not affect her personally but if it does, some form of persecution may be vaguely felt as generational ideals are pitted against one another.

Sounds much like Speaker Pelosi's tussles (some say "widening gap"--very Neptunian) with AOC and the rest of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), doesn't it?

Jul 12, 2019

Trump Reducing Interest Rates to be Re-elected (w/ Richard Wolff)

Now when it comes to acing the November 2020 Election in order to grab himself a second term, Donald Trump and his enablers have many tactics up their sleeves to game the outcome, tactics both foreign and domestic. One such ploy is discussed here by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and economist Richard Wolff but imho, like the few positive things Geminian Trump proposes or does as he playacts the role of POTUS, such an idea coming from him is most likely to be light on substance and full of fluff:

For a variety of program segments, interviews, and more check out Thom's YouTube Channel.


DC Horoscope: Election Day 2020.

Don Jr and Jared battle to head the 2020 Campaign

Born on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, a previous post In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner uncovers a few things about the son-in-law of Donald Trump including Jared's prominent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Venus-ruled Libra.

A view of the natal horoscope of Donald Trump Jr is available with a Rodden Rating of A at (born December 31, 1977 5:20 pm est Manhattan, NY with Sun 10Cap09, Moon 21Vir22, Ascendant 19Can09; Jupiter 29Gem52 Rx sextile Saturn 00Vir09 Rx). As you see, Don Jr's Saturn conjuncts his Papa's natal Ascendant (29Leo) where royal star Regulus blinks and cautions: success if revenge is avoided; if not, all that has been gained will be taken away. So father and son Trump share, if not heed, the karmic caution of Regulus.

Now perhaps you've heard the news that Don Jr and Jared "really dislike one another" and that both want to head Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign for re-selection. Vanity Fair's PolitiZoom of July 6, 2019 characterizes their disagreements as an "escalating cold war" and opines over its effects on the 2020 Campaign. (Funny, I just noticed that "Vanity Fair" can be described by Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra and its typical cry of, "it's not fair!" with Venus the planet of vanity. Funny because Jupiter in Libra is shared by Trump Sr and his son-in-law Jared Kushner, husband of Trump's favored child, Ivanka; and of course, Venus is a money planet, too.)

For the sake of comparison, and since I know of no accurate birth time for Jared Kushner (purposefully hidden, one imagines), below is a natal horoscope bi-wheel for Donald John Trump Jr (center, timed) and the untimed Jared Kushner:

Of interest to our topic is their Mars-Mars opposition across the Leo-AQ self-will axis (diametrically opposing motivations and actions), plus, the Mars-NN-Pluto trio that forms when Trump Sr is in the mix. This forceful planetary trio of power and manipulation conjoins the 2nd cu$p of Don Jr's chart and reveals power and control issues with a karmic flavor. Apparently the two fellows were destined (NN) to disagree (Mars). The presence of Trump Sr's shady Pluto (@10Leo02 in his natal 12th house of Politics and Karma) adds intensity to the issues and may indicate that Donald Sr will impose himself upon their quarrels and make a different choice altogether. After all, a wise King Solomon Big T ain't, and he doesn't seem to think very highly of either man (Kushner a "girl" and Don Jr "dumb"?).

Adding to their power-grabbing is the glop of Don Jr's powerful Pluto-NN conjunction (in his natal 4th house) conjoined to Kushner's Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. 'Powerful contacts' yes, even 'tragic destiny' perhaps, yet financial considerations are involved as well thanks to Jared's Jupiter @10Lib04 conjunct Don Jr's North Node, a karmic link (NN) in the financial, banking, and campaign donations departments (Jupiter) with suggestions of Politics and legal matters. And of course, if money worshipper Trump Sr isn't a Jupiterian figure, who is? (His nibs is also a Mercurial Uranian figure but his boundary-breaking Jupiter was stationing at his birth, turning Direct--and over-promising Jupiter loves to broadcast his 'ideals' especially in campaign mode.)

Now on another level, it seems that Don Jr and Jared Kushner were born with natal Moons in opposing signs across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so emotionally, they have different 'reigning needs'. With Don Jr's Virgo Moon, practical considerations are uppermost with head ruling heart and a fussy love of tidiness; Jared's Pisces Moon can be optimistic but is subject to mood changes and susceptible to external influences, tending to 'soak up' the emotions of those around him. Being in the same room or standing near the volatile Mr. Trump must be difficult for Jared but of course his Capricorn Sun adores the authority to control and manage.

Well, there's my small sketch of two fellows prominent in the life and times of Donald Trump, a man who intends to cheat his way again into the Oval Office as one of those 'success-at-any-cost types of culprits. Conservative rolls are decreasing these days due to age-related attrition so can you imagine the fate of either Don Jr or Jared heading the 2020 Campaign if their candidate should lose? I wouldn't want to be in their light-weight loafers, would you?!

Related Posts include but are not limited to: June 18, 2019: Trump Opens Campaign 2020 in Orlando; Dual Natal Charts of Ivanka and Jared; and, The Horoscope and Eclipse of Eric Trump in the 3 South Saros Series which repeats on December 26, 2019 @4Capricorn and may return its difficult themes into his life circa 2019--2020 for the cosmic opportunity of making karmic progress this time around.

Jul 11, 2019

Alex Acosta: 2019 Saturn Square his 1969 Aries Saturn

Donald Trump's embroiled Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta was born on January 16, 1969 in Miami, Florida and has served as US Labor Secretary since April 28, 2017. Here you see his official Labor Department portrait. Also see CNN's segment Breaking down Epstein's sweetheart deal now spotlightig Acosta's involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Of course, "sweetheart deals" for the wealthy class are not uncommon in America's two-tiered 'justice' system, are they? Yet pedophiles are the lowest of the low, even in prison and apparently Epstein maintained a vast network of depravity that may eventually ensnare other perverted fish in its net of publicity if not captivity.

So is there anything outstanding about the natal planets of Harvard-pedigreed attorney Alex Acosta or perhaps a significant transit that applies to current events? Let's peek at the placements of January 16, 1969 using 'noon' since we have no birth time for him. Right away, we know he's a Sun Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, ruled by legal planet Saturn, of authority, judgment, responsibility, and accountability fame. Now 50 years old this year, Acosta's natal Chiron @29Pisces is emphasized for its 'wounding/healing' and 'blind spot' functions--at a critical-crisis 29th degree and conjunct his Nodal path of destiny. For personality details (conscious-unconscious energies) we can check his natal Moon sign (in Sagittarius or, if born after 3:38 am est, in Capricorn) to add to his Capricorn Sun (conscious mind; adult personality). Plus, as you know, a Moon sign reveals information about a person's 'reigning need' (Tyl) and Acosta's natal Moon was out-of-bounds ('OOBs') all that day denoting a faulty and/or estranged relationship with Mother. So is his need for Sag 'freedom' or Capricorn 'authority'? See details, below.

Then there's Acosta's Prenatal Solar Eclipse series ('PE') which adds some very useful background information and supports the Capricorn need for control and authority which further adds to what I suspect are father-mother-parenting issues in his nature. And maybe his lusty Mars in sexy Scorpio has an opinion!

First, below, is the noon natal horoscope of Alex Acosta (inner) with the transits of December 13, 2019 snugged around it. Why those transits? Because on that day, transit Saturn @19Cap19 squares Acosta's natal Saturn (19Ari19 at noon) for the third of three times in 2019 (in green). Naturally, there are other planetary transits to his chart (ex: Neptune in Pisces to natal Venus--focus on his social behavior) yet a Saturn-Saturn square is so very timely and descriptive! For this restrictive period highlights law-abiding Saturn's legal and justice functions on an inner level (square) and marks 2019 as a testing year of squares beginning on or about March 22, squaring his Saturn again on June 8, with the final square coming December 13, 2019, the resolution phase. Karmic Saturn's orb of influence would be prior to those dates, and of course, without a birth time for him the dates of exactitude could possibly be off by a bit but not by much (making this a general guide to Acosta's Saturn-SQ-Saturn period 2019, a time of fears, formalities, and demands to conform):

Now only a few of my notes are penned on the charts for as both readers of SO'W know, I get rather fussy trying to type much about untimed charts. However, in the center of the bi-wheel I've penned on Acosta's PE in the 6 South ('6S') Saros Series @29Vir29 and some of its themes which include: 'being forceful and taking power' and 'sudden sexual encounters' (Brady). Obviously the first supports a Capricorn personality while the second suggests possible involvement with low characters such as Epstein. (I don't know this, I'm just sayin' since Bernadette Brady mentioned it first.) Perhaps time will tell or will exonerate Alex Acosta from all but his prosecutorial ramifications. Yet I would feel remiss not to add that Acosta's natal asteroid Lilith, the seductress, conjoins his natal Mercury in Aquarius, planet of young people (puers and puellas). Note that the last 6 South eclipse occurred on October 14, 2004 @30Aries and the next will perfect on October 24, 2022 @2Scorpio. And fyi, 6 South is the PE series of the 'Nazis' Rise to Power' in 1932: 'taking power'.

Now the bright, illuminating rays of the Lunar Eclipse of July 16, 2019 @24Cap04 are set to potentially reveal something about Acosta's natal Sun--more scandal? Secrets and/or leaks? This could occur prior to July 16 of course which is only 5 days hence as I type. Plus, the heavyweight transit of major karma, the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 on January 12, 2020 may be worrisome for Acosta for it perfects near his natal Sun (25Cap53--26:55)--look for its position in the chart between the Venus-Pluto conjunction, above. Reinhold Ebertin says the intense Venus-Pluto pair of energies working together relates to lasciviousness, an excessive sexual urge, and/or to fanatic love. Will Saturn-Pluto bring restriction and accountability to Alex Acosta? Or merely to the other culprits involved in this tragic drama? How interesting that hidden wealth and organized crime are also features of the Venus-Pluto combination.

Astro-Notes: Alex Acosta's two possible Sun-Moon Personality Blends

Sun Cap-Moon Sag (Earth-Fire: powerful ego 'runs the show'; domineering) is self-motivated, zealous, and authoritative. This blend suggests the forceful personality of a natural politician, professor, or priest who occasionally likes to toss off the yoke of responsibility and "indulge in a crazy adventure". This is the 'old man' + 'crazy teen' combo but with a sense of 'high-mindedness' and a tendency toward pomposity. If Acosta's natal blend, he gets "fixated on narrow views that become rigidly moralistic".

Either or both of its two Images for Integration may apply: "In his spare time, a High Court judge takes up the serious hobby of gambling at horse races...A bank clerk plans a world cruise." And if this is Acosta's natal blend we should add two quotes from famous folk born under its influence:

"Great lords have their pleasures, but the people have fun." - Montesquieu; and, "All the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening." - Alexander Woolcott. Well said, Mr. Woolcott!

The Sun Cap-Moon Cap combo (Double Earth: matter-of-fact; dependable; 'pillar of society'; fears chaos and loss of control) denotes practicality, responsibility, realism, and autocracy. Self-absorbed, serious, and ambitious, this blend tends to act professionally with a strong will power mobilized toward success. His "resourceful intellect always needs a challenge of some kind" and he is terrified of change and of things mysterious. Lust for power (Heaven Knows What, Grant Lewi), materialism, and shrewd common sense are marked features of his nature and he may wear overly tough defensive armor for he always expects the worst. Safety, security, rationality, authority and control are important to this stern combination with its double Saturnian vibes which can judge others self-righteously. Naturally, a legal career seems appropriate, or perhaps a career in politics or investment banking.

Now Sun Cap-Moon Cap has only one Image for Integration: "A hoary grandfather sits in his chair with his grandson on his knee. He gives him a gift for his seventh birthday - a first edition of Pilgrim's Progress."

Amusing that '7th birthdays' tend to mark the time frame of our very first Saturn squares!

Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020 @22Cap46 (2020 DC Horoscope shown as is their 1982 Conjunction); for more personality details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Jul 8, 2019

DC Horoscope: Leo New Moon July 31, 2019

Image: New Moon @8Leo36 July 31, 2019 11:11:49 pm edt Washington DC. Note that if potent, New Moons may act as disruptive Solar Eclipses, Full Moons as revelatory Lunar Eclipses. The culminating stage of this particular New Moon is the Full Moon @22AQ24 on August 15, 2019 8:29 am edt; all are 'lunations' and all may affect or influence historical events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence as does location within the path of visibility (note: I use eclipse degrees symbolically whether the subject is in 'the path' or not; disagree as you wish!).

Rising 17Ari11 makes Mars chart-ruler but with no applying Ptolemaic aspects to other planets which focuses on the warrior planet's house and sign (5th house in Leo conjunct wifely Juno, an asteroid which also relates to nation-states and politics). However, Mars is apex of a YOD pattern (crisis; turning point; special task; spiritual opportunity for karmic progress) with the Neptune-Pluto sextile at it base (3A10; the supernatural, drugs, and/or, organized crime) = Mars, plus, we might wish to rope Saturn (15Cap37 Rx 10th house conjunct the January 5, 2019 2 South Solar Eclipse--'joining unusual groups') into the YOD pattern as well so that midpoint pictures form with certain potentials--Neptune-Pluto = Mars: compulsion to use violence; imminent destruction emphasizes hostility; lack of resistance; used as a tool; and Saturn-Neptune = Mars: defending shabby practices; emotional depression or sickness; listlessness. (Note that Mars @19Leo09 approaches a Trump Mars Return, a bi-annual event for us all--his 2019 Mars Return perfects on August 12 (11:27:04 pm edt) with a Moon-Mars inconjunct suggesting his usual Mercury-Neptune square's misjudgment of people, the forming of 'binding alliances' with those who then take advantage of his misplaced indulgence (exs: Putin? Kim Jong Un?), plus, he may be feeling powerless to oppose the oppressive demands of others and may suffer loss through collusion (yep--that's the exact word Rob Pelletier uses in his book Planets in Aspect!). Also note that his 2019 Mars Return's Mercury-Neptune midpoint @24Tau48 conjoins Trump's natal Midheaven (which conjuncts enraged Algol) so his tendency to 'live among the clouds' of his fantasy world is once again obvious to the public and suggests self-deception, lying, and going the wrong way, things the whining manbaby does so well.

Trouble is, he takes the rest of us down with him to the extent that we allow him to. Kind of a kamikaze POTUS we might say, sabotaging America all the way!

Now if you dare, check out Trump's 2019 Mars Return chart, a two-year horoscope, where you'll see that the July 16 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 also conjuncts the Return Midheaven (The Why? and Goal Point of any horoscope) to the degree when the chart is set for Washington DC--with Return Moon @23Cap52, a timing agent, reflecting Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51), a point of fated encounters and possible changes in work conditions. His Vertex is activated like all get-out by Moon conjunct Pluto Rx @21Cap12, an intense planetary pair that relates to inconvenient secrets being revealed--such as hidden children and it 'encourages violence and crime' and reveals obsessions that cause 'a misuse of resources' (Munkasey). So with the revelatory July Lunar Eclipse angular at the most visible point of his 2019 Mar Return chart we may expect more scandals and secrets to be leaked and/or uncovered--possibly financial or investment-related in nature or having to do with authority figures or issues, matters of security, his illegitimacy as POTUS, and/or parenting concerns. Yes, there look to be many boo-hoos in store for Mr. Trump as 2019 morphs into 2020 but an 'escape hatch' of a deal may be in the offing as well. For his fellow culprits have to protect their own hides after all--and perhaps they all took some freaky sort of oath to bind themselves together.

Now as you see in the above chart (my notes penned on), the Leo New Moon perfects during a Lunar Hour of fluctuations and changes with Mercury, planet of messages, plans, and young folk (and changes), stationed and ready to turn Direct in 45 minutes 51 seconds @23Can56. From this we see that basically, America is in process of a Mercury Return to 24Can12 (3x in 2019: June 20, July 29 Rx, and August 3) which reinvigorates any natal aspects to our 1776 Mercury--in other words, our Mercury-Pluto opposition is stimulated. You'll note that the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Cap04 opposes and reveals US natal Mercury Rx (July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT) which activates our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of manipulation, surveillance, propaganda, secret plans, and/or transformative thinking and ideas.

And when action planet Mars is apex of a YOD pattern an acute time of crisis is indicated (which means temporary chaos). Indirect, out-of-tune actions may be taken, forces must be mobilized, and vigorous new starts will demand courage and much effort. Plus, someone of a Mars persuasion (Trump, born with Mars in Leo rising?) is operating alone and unhampered by others (Tierney) which to me suggests complicity infesting the US government, media, foreign governments, and --?--. Of course, the YOD contains two inconjuncts (150 degrees) to Mars: one from Neptune (people who overstate their importance and are taken advantage of; physical conditions difficult to diagnose or treat; and/or being vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases) and one from from Pluto (compulsion to take on too many tasks). Looks as if impatient, brash Mars is on the case--but in a Fire sign, let's hope arsonist Mars doesn't start any! And if we add a Mars-Saturn inconjunct to the cosmic picture we find hints of possible physical problems caused in part by inactivity, and/or the use of emotional blackmail in order to guarantee submission. On tape is sooo inconvenient.

Then at the Base or Foundation of the New Moon chart you see the current transformative, disruptive July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in the 3 North series (10Can37) conjunct the New Moon IC of Homeland, Home and Family. 'News transforms a situation' as nearby Venus in Leo rallies 'round the New Moon suggesting social events, luxurious surroundings, and possibly some currency manipulation. Meanwhile, erratic Uranus @6Tau33 rises in 1st house denoting unexpected events on the upswing (possibly of the financial kind), unusual sources of financing being sought, and a potential for natural disasters of the earthly variety to occur. (Has anyone checked on the status of Mount Saint Helen's lately?). The soon-perfecting Saturn-Pluto conjunction, shown here in the Career 10th house, is on display for all the world to see and understandably plagues the minds of many (remember these two karmic heavyweights join forces approximately every 30+ years or so--last time in 1982 @27Lib36 bringing us 'trickle down' Reaganomics, a financial scam if there ever was one).

Interestingly, the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 will conjunct the natal Jupiter Rx of the Republican Party (in its March 20, 1854 chart) and you'd think GOP 'ideals' of religious and social fanaticism would be hardened and severe enough without an increase of same, wouldn't you? Well, maybe this conjunction with wealthy Jupiter denotes a compression of the party's or the RNC's finances and donations on some level yet it doesn't seem likely--even though the NRA (November 17, 1871) is said to be suffering from a well-deserved financial lack these days. Yet Trump has already raised a prodigious amount for his 2020 re-selection campaign so he has that goin' for him and his alt-right friends of the vicious fascist persuasion.

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in the July 31, 2019 New Moon chart set for DC and hopefully you'll decide to ferret them out for yourself, then leave me an on-topic comment about what I neglected to mention underneath this post if you so desire. And remember: as always, this is 'freebie' content so please Share if you care! jc

Midpoint potentials a mixture of Ebertin, Munkasey, and Tyl.

Jul 6, 2019

Lunar Eclipse July 16, 2019: Illumination!

Since opposing degrees across a zodiacal polarity represent Illumination Points, the July 16, 2019 Lunar Eclipse @24Capricorn04 suggests that there is much to be revealed. Besides the habit of eclipses, the 'wild cards' and 'cosmic blinks' of the Universe, to uncover and illuminate secrets and other hidden things, perhaps a peek at the degrees' symbols activated by the July 16 Lunar Eclipse can be instructive especially considering the eventful and scandalous times we live in. After all, a lunar eclipse is a Full Moon and as such, provides the most light possible for revelations and full awareness, no matter how inconvenient for the parties, relationships, and/or activities thus illuminated!

That Robert Mueller is scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill on July 17 concerning his Mueller Report--with his natal asteroids Circe and Nemesis 'lit up'! and royal Regulus rising as in Donald Trump's natal chart--resonates well with the July 16 Lunar Eclipse in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business. Perhaps some brazen Trumpian wings will be clipped if not singed by Mr. Mueller's testimony and its results!

Note that the rounding-up method is employed below, plus, the karmic confrontation degrees and their symbols are included (the prior degrees). Keywords and positive/negative expressions are quoted from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones:

Cosmic Lunar Revelations July 16, 2019: As Above, So Below

Lunar Eclipse "25 Capricorn": An Oriental Rug Dealer"..."keyword: CONSIGNMENT...positive expression: an effective employment of the facilities and goods of a modern society; negative" (unconscious/shadow side--jc): "concern over trivialities."

Illumination Point "25 Cancer" (the Sun's degree): "A Dark Shadow or Mantle Thrown Suddenly Over the Right Shoulder"..."keyword: DESTINY...positive: some dramatic manifestation of genius vital to the general welfare of man; negative: a tendency to unwarranted presumption if not outright megalomania."

Karmic Confrontation Degrees, Their Illumination Points, and Symbols

Lunar Eclipse "24 Capricorn": "A Woman Entering a Convent"..."keyword: CONSECRATION...positive: the irresistible power of a true inner vision; negative: abject surrender to weakness."

Karmic Illumination Point "24 Cancer": "A Woman and Two Men on a Bit of Sunlit Land Facing South"..."keyword: INCEPTION...keyword: an unusual gift for organizing and exploiting the self's potentials; negative: a devastating sense of ineptitude and estrangement from reality."

Now I know that readers of Stars Over Washington who follow the Machiavellian political drama that is Washington DC Politics can locate players such as Trump and his fellow 'Republicans', a few thespian Democrats, plus, Trump's current Nemesis du jour Robert Mueller peeking out from within or between these cosmic symbols as they bask or squirm under the illumination that's certain to follow!

Related: DC Horoscopes: July 2019 Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

Jul 2, 2019

July 2019 and America's First Independence Day 1777

Are you in a celebratory mood this year in spite of Trump towering over Washington DC and interfering with our July 4th traditions? First, you may wish to check out 14 Fantastic Facts about the Fourth of July by David Roos just to capture the flavor of the day which promises to sport the Baby Trump balloon floating over the city!

And as most Americans know, the Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776, was first read aloud publicly in Philadelphia's Independence Square on July 8, 1776. The next year, despite the ongoing American Revolution, John Adams called for "bonfires and illuminations" to celebrate our first Independence Day 1777. And if we check out the cosmic weather on that day in July 1777 we find a 14 North Solar Eclipse @13Can10--conjunct the US natal Sun of July 4, 1776. A solar eclipse 'eclipsing' a natal Sun can denote a change of direction in a positive or negative way, a cosmic spotlight cast upon America's leader/s, a few moments of openness to the eternal realms, plus, a chance for karmic progress to be made if events brought by the eclipse are handled correctly. In Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of the homeland, patriotism, and self-protective urges, an eclipse suggests potentials for emotional extremes and attachments, spiritual attunement to situations, and karmic family ties particularly of the maternal persuasion (R. Lineman).

That such things expressed during those trying times under the influence of the 14 North eclipse I have no doubt and they would be personalized for our leaders (1776 Sun). Additionally, an eclipse in Cancer also relates to genealogical research and with transit Mars on July 1, 2019 @29Cancer+, this degree's Sabian Symbol was activated: "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (guilty as charged!). Well, since 1777 our July 4th celebrations are intended to stir the American Spirit within us, right? (the D.A.R. publishes a magazine!) That is, for those who possess such a spirit as certain 'leaders' nowadays do not. In fact one such personage plans to make July 4th 2019 all about his huge ego with new 'Sherman tanks' that haven't been produced in years (will he hallucinate them?) and a pompous military display marching down Pennsylvania Avenue to mass disapproval! Why, it smacks of martial law in DC, my former city of residence, and is completely unacceptable! Not to mention a wasteful extravagance.

Eclipses July 1777 and 2019

Okay, I'll hush for now about empty displays of US might staged by a superficial man desperate to be taken seriously by the world and mention that July 1777 held both a Solar and Lunar Eclipse as does July 2019 - and all four eclipses fall across the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This in a sense creates a sort of cosmic time link between 1777 and 2019 and considering current Washington antics, plus, the dystopian future most people fear is being implemented, one may wonder if July 2019 will in retrospect be a book-end of our national independence. Hopefully not, and of course you may disagree, but there it is.

And so, for your consideration, the following dual horoscopes represent the Total Solar Eclipse (which actually perfected on) July 5 1777 at 7:23:45 pm LMT Philadelphia with 12Cap28 rising and 6Sco35 at Midheaven, and the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct eclipse Pluto Rx (28Cap57) and US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap32) (a cosmic foreshadowing of the RNC 2016 Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto). Follow the link, above, to view the July 2019 eclipse horoscopes set for DC. Below, some basic chart notes are messily penned on if you'd care to enlarge the image; eclipse themes for the difficult 14 North series are added here as well:

14 North Themes: 'a peculiar turn of events; an acute time of confusion in personal relationships; unexpected happenings in financial matters; possible illness; draining of energy; despair; no important decisions should be made as there is to much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

The last 14 North Solar Eclipse manifested on November 25, 2011 @2Sag37 as the Sequestration Eclipse and at least some sequestration provisions remain in force in 2019. Plus, the 2011 14N eclipse was re-activated by the May 21, 2016 Full Moon @1Sag36, a lunation that yokes us to Campaign 2016 issues (with 'sequestration' said to have been a buzzword for 2016 Republican candidates who were lost for words on the topic!) and the continuing travesty, tragedy, and drama that is Donald J. Trump, our pompous-a**-in-chief.

Yet as noted above, a spark of merriment promises to heighten our annual Independence Day celebration on Thursday, made dreary by his nibs, for the 'Baby Trump' balloon will crash Trump's Fourth of July Party as part of Code Pink's 'Trump is a Big Baby Festival'! Now independently speaking, that's what I call something to celebrate!!

The New Living Language, Brainwaves and Babel: a Truthstream Media Report

For years Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media have produced intriguing, informative video reports investigating a wide variety of topics many of which are seldom addressed elsewhere.

The following presentation is no exception but caution: its Orwellian topics may be disturbing to the timid if there are any such among the readers of Stars Over Washington!


Related posts include: Horoscope of the Georgia Guidestones; Loss of Net Neutrality? Technocracy is the Real Threat; and, The Perils and Eclipses of 1984 Continue to Haunt.

Jul 1, 2019

Will Republicans Cease to Exist? - Thom Hartmann

From author and progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann comes an interesting segment from his show concerning the viability of the Republican Party in the era of Trump. Of course, all my astrologer friends are familiar with the Neptunian concepts of demise, disintegration, instability, disappointment, and dissolution affecting the GOP for a few years now as we've watched undermining Neptune in shady Pisces approach its 1854 position (1854 + Neptune's 164-year orbit = 2018) in the founding horoscope of the once-conservative party--in astrological terms, the party's Neptune Return to 14 Pisces--oh! and Neptune is the planet of fraud, deception, disguises, pretence, fakery, loss, fanaticism, propaganda, mass media, the masses, and plenty of conspiracy theories to promote it all:

Now naturally, the ongoing,, scandal-producing Jupiter-Neptune square (fanaticism masquerading as idealism) isn't improving such matters, political and otherwise, plus, how synchronicitous is it that the GOP's natal Neptune @14Pisces has quite a revealing Sabian Symbol: "A Lady in FOX Fur"! And the symbol's negative (unconscious/shadow side) expression? "Amoral opportunism," a description which can easily be applied to party members--some more than others, it appears--and to the undermining 'leader' of their demise, Donald Trump.

"14 Pisces" from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.