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Jan 28, 2021

Depopulation Foretold: the Georgia Guidestones

Is Pandemic Depopulation Following the Advice of the Georgia Guidestones?

by Jude Cowell

January 28, 2021: During Election Year 2016, a post and horoscope were published to my Two Hours blog entitled A Georgia Guidestones Horoscope and the Hopi Prophecy of a New Age. The ceremonial unveiling of the Guidestones was held in the morning of March 20, 1980. In lieu of an exact hour, the horoscope is set for 11:00 am est with Moon @21Gem48 rising opposite transit Neptune @22Sag40. This suggests that the proceedings were tinged with Moon-Neptune vibrations, a mystical, delusional influence which can deeply stir feelings and disturbances from within the Collective Unconscious. Additionlly, the Gemini Moon conjuncts US natal Mars in Gemini while Neptune @22Sag40 squares US natal Neptune (22Vir25), opposes US natal Mars, and receives a visit from 1980 Saturn Rx @22Vir58.

Read the carved inscription on the Stones here.

Now as you know, Saturn-to-Neptune is the grim face of reality transit that can also bring disillusionment, a sense of unreality, and/or financial troubles with it. Such conditions can be recognized in the "trickle down" "supply side" Reaganomics policies which began implementation during his presidency (Inauguration January 20, 1981 - by trickery).

Why, there's even a 1 North Reaganomics Eclipse to mark the GOP's delusional, corrupt policies under which we continue to struggle! And you'll remember that a nation-splitting solar eclipse in the 1 North Saros Series repeated on August 21, 2017 (Tr*mp's first year) as The Great American Eclipse, with the word "great" a part of the main Tr*mp campaign slogan. So basically, America's natal Mars-Neptune square, famous for its tendency toward misdirected motivations/activities and 'fog of war' potentials, was activated by the transits we see in the Georgia Guidestones Horoscope. There are other important contacts between the 1776 and 1980 charts, of course, and if inspired, I hope you'll find them and leave your on-topic observations with this post:

Now it's only my personal opinion but you'll see penned at the bottom of the chart a notation that the 11:00 am Midheaven @5Pis35 on March 22, 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia points toward the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of 1933 (@5Pis28) in the 7 North Saros Series. And readers of SO'W may as well know that this post will likely reappear as a feature in a series of posts I'm planning that concern America's current struggle with authoritarian influences and entities now attempting to break down our democracy and toss America into the dust bin of History.

But please take heart, my friends, because A Fascist Plot in America Has Failed Before!

Now here is recent commentary by progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann on How To Stop Fascism.

How To Stop Fascism - Thom Hartmann

January 28, 2021: Authoritarianism rises when societies are under stress and in crisis mode. Here's a brilliant segment from yesterday's Thom Hartmann broadcast (6M 13S). No comment, just Thom:

June 30, 2021 edit: Thomas Carl Hartmann was born May 7, 1951 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (hour unknown) with Sun @16/17Taurus and Moon either in late Taurus or, as late as 10Gem33 (at 11:59 pm). Given Thom's career as a communicator, author, orator, broadcaster, etc, it seems safe to assume that Thom's natal Moon is in the Mercury-ruled sign of The Writer, Gemini. Notable is his natal Mercury @28Aries+, strong and opinionated at Retrograde Station! Additionally, a Locomotive shape of planets denotes a high-powered executive determined on success - and Thom's natal Jupiter @3Ari29 leads a Locomotive! Plus, his chart shows two interlaced YODs with the Nodal axis involved with both, and full of special purpose, turning points, dealing with crises, and karmic opportunities.

Jan 27, 2021

Notes on America's Powell Chart for US Independence

January 27, 2021: As you know there are several possible founding horoscopes for America and all contain significant information about the era and its milestone events especially if studied as parts of a process. Jurisdictional Astrology addresses the three moments of origin involved in the founding of towns, cities, states, and countries: the moment of intent (decision to form), of first action (de facto), and legal incorporation (de jure).

The US Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) is based on the notes of participants such as John Adams and the moment of intent (first vote for independence) which is highly significant in regard to the founding of our nation.

Therefore, recommended is an awesome presentation by astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning the Powell Chart for U.S. Independence for those who haven't checked it out previously. When Astrology combines with History, brilliance and deeper understanding result!

As for differences between the oft-used July 4,1776 chart/s and the Powell Chart of July 1, 1776, obviously there are a few. With Luna being the fastest moving cosmic body, the Moon on July 1, 1776 at 7:09 pm LMT clocks in @15Cap16 rather than Luna's usual Aquarius position of humanitarianism that most of us are accustomed to. The July 1st Sun @10Can32 (conjunct Sirius) gives America a Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend and adds a Moon-Saturn square to our usual Sun-Saturn square (which improved as it matured). Formed, in fact, is a T-Square of Sun-Moon = Saturn influences that include potentials for: 'depression, repression, separation from the community, illness, divorce, renunciation, loneliness, relationship difficulties between the sexes, illness, joint or shared suffering, a weakened system', and, on a more positive note, a talent for 'addressing problems' (Ebertin; Tyl).

On another level, this dynamic T-Square describes the legislative body and laws (Saturn) that restrict (square) leadership (Sun) and We the People (Moon). Well, they do, don't they? Note that one thing the January 6th attempted coup would have effected was to end control and oversight of the president by the US Congress thus 'freeing' the Executive Branch from annoying restrictions, legislative and otherwise. In other words, we'd be stuck with the implementation of an authoritarian monarchy headed by one narcisistic despot. You-know-who. And he's still scheming against democracy from his golf club in Florida.

Karmic Saturn and the US Powell Horoscope

Now rather than the usual Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius rising, the US Powell Horoscope shows 6Cap07 rising at 7:09 pm LMT - rising with fixed star Facies with the star's keywords that may give anyone pause: ruthlessness or the victim. My first thought about Facies rising is that it resonates with America's tendency to create opponents and enemies even where none exist, and Facies energy apparently adds fuel to what has become our nation's constant determination to fight perpetual war for global dominance (while neglecting the needs of We The People). Facies has a victim-savior quality (Virgo-Pisces) and here it expresses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis of Security concerns. One thinks of 'Homeland Security' as an ambitious model of Cancer-Capricorn energies.

Then Saturn as chart-ruler makes only one applying aspect: Saturn trine Uranus (5A57) which gives the US a bridge between generations where both past and present values can be melded so that a joining of historical perspective within the context of the present moment is successfully affected (Oken). In other words, inventiveness is added to common sense. However, as you know, the US and the world now labor under the difficult, rigid rays of a transiting Saturn-Uranus square (Aquarius SQ Taurus) with its rebellion against authority, law-unto-ourselves vibes. That America's natal Mars is retrograde by progression (in both our July 1st and July 4th progressed charts) adds to our problems with many of our males (Mars), military and otherwise, turning their aggressive energies inward (Rx) toward We The People. Unfortunately, the Rx of normally outgoing Mars constitutes a weakening influence for the next few decades. Our natal Mars in Gemini was mobile and ready for action while progressed Mars in Libra is about depending on feelings, emotions, and moods to lead the action. Unfortunately, Mars-rising Tr*mp was able to use this weakened condition for the purpose of expanding his power with his natal Jupiter conjunct US progressed Mars Rx (both @18Libra). Even a certain Libran laziness may be noted in some cases (his!) and in some circumstances - and yet we know that the Aries-Libra axis relates to diplomacy and to war. Meanwhile, Mars Rx inclinations toward gullibility and susceptibility to being led express willingly via Tr*mp's adoring fanatics and operatives.

Here, a personal note: my fervent hope is that our nation's 1776 Saturn-Uranus trine is helping mitigate the hate-filled, violent influences of the current old-order-to-new-order square which will eventually fade by late 2022! For if a Saturn-Uranus trine represents The Establishment and reason, may it continue to be so. Not that America can't or shouldn't change or update but I imagine that my Revolutionary ancestors would greatly appreciate their sacrifices not being in vain due to a draconian change of government to the monarchic authoritarianism they fought against. With our 1776 trine, our nation can successfully change and reform herself but we must fight against negative interference from inside and out. For as you know, America was set up to do just that. Then another feature in the US Powell Chart is its aspirational Midheaven @29Lib56; rounding up the degree to '30Libra' we have "Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head." My first thought: Newton, Bacon, and Locke: a trinity of idols of The Enlightenment, aka, the Age of Reason - rather than being guided by out-of-control emotions such as those displayed by the Tr*mp Mob on January 6th.

So let's close with a consideration of the US Powell Chart's practical Water-Earth Sun Cancer-Moon Capricorn blend of conscious and unconscious energies. A dutiful, shrewd, responsible blend, Sun Can-Moon Cap contains strong family values and suggests a strong worldly father (Cancer, sign of nationalism, pariotism, and tribalism) plus a good, caring, reliable, and ambitious for her children mother (Capricorn). Even while quietly looking out for Number One, a hard bargain is often driven in the marketplace, and respect on the global stage results. An instinct for leadership is in evidence with this blend, organizational talents are obvious, but with a deep need for authority and control.

For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey. #ad

Jan 25, 2021

The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 and 2022

Tricky Legalisms, Political Conflicts, Grand Schemes, and Bubbles

by Jude Cowell

January 25, 2021: Here's a lightly edited (for clarity) excerpt written in 2016 which concerns the frothy planetary pair of Jupiter and Neptune and their Great Conjunction/s of 2009:

"Now those readers who were reading Stars Over Washington in 2009 and before know that I have typed a large amount of words concerning Jupiter and Neptune as a pair of energies that represent potentials for 'the grand spirit, visions, big promises, flowery religious sentiments, subversion, surveillance, get-rich-quick schemes, fraud, waste, speculation, hypocrisy (Ebertin)--and irresponsible, abusive, or reckless financial mismanagement. Political conflicts are also within the realms of Jupiter-Neptune (ex: Republicans vowing failure for President Obama since Day One). Such readers may be familiar with astrological principles and if so, they have not missed the significant synchronicity of the three 2009 conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune perfecting upon the US Moon in late Aquarius as seen on July 4, 1776: mundane US Moon = We the People.

The blend of this grand influence of the societal planet of expansion (Jupiter) and urge-to-merge Neptune (often a leader in fraud, falsehood, deception, smoke screens, masks, veils, loss, failure, theft, dissolution, contagion, mysticism, crime, and planet of The Masses, The Media, and propaganda) induced us in 2009+ to be exploited by our dreaminess, by falling into a swoon, having little sense of reality, becoming involved in speculation and fraud, losing ourselves in plans which brought waste, loss, and instability for a majority of the public (ex: the housing crisis). That America's natal Neptune @22Virgo conjunct fixed star Denebola (to go against society) obscures Barack Obama's natal Mars @22Virgo allowed the effective use of Jupiter-Neptune = natal Moon; meanwhile, those who were aware of the significance of such cosmic occurrences noticed that they timed and chimed with our newly elected "rock star" president (Mars-Neptune). This also relates to McConnell casting Neptunian shade over President Obama's natal Mars (motive, energy, action) to undermine him as every opportunity."

And with nebulous Neptune, as with Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, the seductive, deceptive influences were karmic or fated for the American people (US Moon). And actually, those same influences have been operative through the hypnotic appeal of Donald Trump - for those who have been susceptible to his "charms." He's a real pied piper, y'know? However, the fumes of 2009's Jupiter-Neptune = Moon energies will dissipate by the next Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 yet some effects may linger in the breeze since the 2022 conjunction perfects in mystical, shady, secretive, and perhaps compassionate Pisces, ruled, and some would say, co-ruled, by Neptune.

So below you see a dual chart of the third of three conjunctions of 2009 (lower left) along with the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 (upper right) which occurs under the Biden-Harris administration. Study notes are squished upon both charts if you care to enlarge the image and make them out; Solar Eclipses are penned on as well: 11 South (2009) and 5 New South (2022):

Any thoughts?

Jan 24, 2021

Guest Post: The Uranus Return of the Republican Party

January 24, 2021: Today Stars Over Washington is happy to share with readers a Guest Post authored by astrologer Zeebling Monroe concerning certain challenging April 2021 planetary transits to the party's 1854 planets including its radical Uranus in Taurus, the US horoscope, the planets of the now-departed yet active Trump, Don Jr, and those of a few other Republican politicians on the national stage.

Then if you wish, why not look for Zeebling on Facebook!

The Republican Party Uranus Return

by Zeebling Monroe

I wanted to peek into where the capital riot of January 6th and Biden’s inauguration left the Trump clique and Republican devoted so I looked at the Republican party chart (1854), Trump's, and his most devoted Republican party acolytes to discover what most of us already know - the Republican party is in for the crisis of its life.

It's All About April

With Trump still being the Sun to which Republican players rotate, his transits at a time of crisis in the party are worth noting. For much of the madness of 2020, Pluto was conjunct the Republican party Jupiter, now as it starts to move on, it hits Trump's desperate to be loved Venus-Saturn conjunction in Cancer which moved into opposition only a couple days after inauguration. Although I genuinely think Pluto will have him feeling quite unloved, Pluto in Capricorn opposite his Venus-Saturn conjunction sounds very much like a fear of being investigated for financial fraud or could it be the many many sexual assault allegations finally catching up with him now that he no longer has the presidential shield of protection?

Either way betrayal looms big in 2021 for Trump as the deceptive planet of fake news, conspiracies, and spin, Neptune begins squaring Trump's Sun (and Moon) from his 7th house, becoming exact in April 2021. It's hard to imagine the way out fantasy world that Trump might create with Neptune square his Sun and Moon. Could we be anymore beyond post truth? Neptune squaring from his 7th house of relationships and open enemies does sound like betrayal, especially as April appears to be crunch time for Republican and Trumpian loyalties.

April is also when Uranus square Saturn opposes Trump's Pluto in the 12th house. Trump's Pluto might be a bigger player than we may first suspect. Astrologer Liz Greene sights Trump’s unaspected Pluto in the 12th as the planet that connects his dark destructive unconscious forces with that of the collective, so when Trump's 12th house Pluto is aspected, it will have a ripple effect through the masses of Trumpian devotees.

For the Republican party April is the beginning of their Uranus Return and to add to the Republican party's woes, Neptune will be squaring the Republican party Sagittarius Moon. With the Moon representing the party's supporters (the people) and their simultaneous Uranus Return Saturn square, the party could be freaking out about alienating their base as they split between disciples and the no longer Trump crew.

The last Uranus Return for the Republican party was in 1937. When I researched the events of that time there were many strange similarities. Although it was the Great Depression the Republican party was staunchly opposed to the aid packages of Roosevelt's and particularly the New Deal. In 1937 the Republican party formed a new ultra-right-wing faction called "the old right" devoted entirely to their opposition of the New Deal. Although no stretch of the imagination is needed to see the Republicans behaving exactly the same way with Covid and economic relief, the big Uranian, and indeed Saturnian, difference this time around is the cult of Trump.

With the Republican party’s Uranus Return there is of course also the Saturn square from Aquarius (USA 10th house), suggesting authority, legitimacy, and, no doubt, legality playing into this Uranian battle. Not surprisingly it seems all of Trump's most devoted have planets in the early Taurus, Scorpio, Leo axis (Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz, Lindsey Graham, the list goes on). Neptune’s square to Trump's Sun and Moon at this time suggests some close allies might indeed switch teams but some loyalists it appears will fight against the odds and indeed reality to defend their master. Senator Ted Cruz who absolutely hated Trump back in 2016 only to become one of his most devoted disciples is getting ready for the fight of his life as revolutionary Uranus moves into opposition with his dirty fighting Mars in Scorpio. Indeed with Saturn square Uranus opposed to Ted Cruz’s Mars in Scorpio in April one can only expect him to go into a full Mars in Scorpio style fight-to-the-death drama, I mean Ted’s dug himself in pretty deep and like Giuliani it's hard to believe there’s any coming back from their level of red-scare paranoid and delusional world view.

None the less, with Uranus on board I guess unexpected alliances could be considered. Of course with Rudy Giuliani like Cruz, it's all about the Mars. When Giuliani delivered his infamous "trial by combat" pre-insurrection speech, Jupiter was exactly opposite his self-obsessed Leo Mars-Pluto conjunction. By April, Uranus square Saturn opposite. The ultra ambitious Donald Jr, also a Mars in Leo "me me" soldier, will have Uranus exactly square Saturn opposing his Leo Mars in April too, suggesting that this Uranian battle isn't contained to the Republican party.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is already being hit hard by the Uranus-Saturn-Jupiter combo will have his Venus-Mercury at the centre of this April astro showdown but unlike most of his party or the Trump family his planets are in Aquarius and will therefore be conjunct by Saturn as opposed to most of the rest of the party’s Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio planets. Could Moscow Mitch actually be the Saturnian voice of reason in a party being torn apart by the very conspiracy theories, bullying, and out right lies he helped promote? Difficult to imagine but possible.

Although this April Uranus-Saturn showdown clearly reflects a break down in the Republican party which will be going on for some time, the fact that so many of this clique are being hit at the same time would suggest a concrete event as opposed to the continual crumbling of the party, especially since the Trump clique seem so particularly "Marsy."

The USA Chart

Come April, Jupiter will be conjunct the USA’s Aquarius Moon (last time 2009) and transit Neptune finally begins the USA’s Neptune opposition. Previous Neptune Returns and oppositions tend to be quite patriotic affairs and for the USA it is a cultural reassessment of the American dream. Clearly the ideological divide this time around has created some very very different American dreams vying for collective dominance and clearly this is a challenging opposition not a return.

In April Uranus squares the USA nodal axis with Saturn sitting on the Aquarian South Node. With the South Node in the USA 2nd house and the fact that so much of this chaos is coming from monetary Taurus, economic factors could be in play (note New York Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, and Dow Jones all have planets in this Uranian Taurus path). While in office, Trump's pushing the Federal Reserve to keep the market CEO’s happy while the masses starve won't continue and maybe a powerful event, as is often the case, could scare the markets into a freak out? Even though the USA’s 2nd house Pluto Return will not be exact until 2022, it's worth noting that Pluto climbs to only one degree away by April. Also worth noting but somewhat scary is the USA’s Mars Return in April. Although a USA Mars Return by itself is not so important, this time transit Neptune will be exactly square and it's arriving at a time of increased Mars energy in politics. And as the aspect suggests, Trump's Sun is on the USA Mars. Also troubling is that Mars-Neptune aspects have a reputation for violence (including presidential assassination attempts). We as astrologers already know the inauguration chart suggests conflict or violence and I fear Neptune square the USA Mars could also signify ideological violence.

The astrology for 2021, but especially April, shows that the Trumpian influence remains dangerous. The false assertion that the election was stolen will define a faction of the Republican party and possibly become the Republican party's future stance depending on which faction wins. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail but the combination of the Republican party, Trump, and Uranus should have us all concerned.

Thank You, Zeebling! Jude

Above image: an 1800s depiction of the US Capitol Building

Jan 22, 2021

2021: A New President, Healing, and A Game of Cricket

Biden Administration to Navigate Two Upcoming Cosmic Blinks

by Jude Cowell

Until the manifestation of the June 10, 2021 Solar Eclipse @19Gem47 (or about two weeks prior), the world along with the Biden administration remains under the difficult influences of the 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, a date significant to US Politics due to the Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden. This occurrence in late 2020 of a 4 South eclipse (23Sag08) also serves as the 'Prenatal' Solar Eclipse of the entire 4-year term of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris so it's 'strong feelings' and emotional volatility all the way.

As with every new president, much is being written and suggested about Biden's 'first 100 days' and what the Biden administration intends to accomplish by then. Let's see: from Inauguration Day 2021, 11 days in January plus 28 days in February plus 31 days in March = 70 days plus the 30 days of April which by my count takes us to May 1, 2021, aka, Beltane in paganism and more recently, as International Workers' Day. Anciently celebrated as the beginning of the Spring season, flowers decorated May Poles in a variety of cultures and dancing ensued as fertility peeked shyly from underneath its chaste petticoats.

Here's one of my botanical drawings as a small celebration: Tulipa Maytime:

And in case you missed it, on Joe Biden's first full day in office, Thom Hartmann's commentary concerned The Rule of Three that all writers use, in a segment called, Biden Needs To Take These Steps To Heal America. And of course, you know that astrologers are very familiar with such a Carter-esque rule! Even planetary retrograde cycles (Direct-Rx-Direct) suggest it via the stages of Denial-Acceptance-Solution.

Wild Cards and Cosmc Blink Eclipses: Revelations and Changes of Direction

Now a prominent feature which pops out at me concerning the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse given the current political climate in the US is asteroid Nemesis, the archetype of 'divine retribution' conjunct the May 26, 2021 Lunar Eclipse degree of 5Sag35. Round up the degree to "6 Sagittarius" and we have ourselves "A Game of Cricket." "SPORTSMANSHIP; positive expression: exceptional competency in crisis; negative expression: false pretense to personal excellence" (Jones). Perhaps like me, you prefer the degree's positive expression for a majority of Americans are bone-weary from the last four years of false pretenses, "alternative facts," "fake news," and outright lies.

As for the start of a new season, nowadays we look to the annual Aries Ingress (Sun to 00Aries00:00) as the cosmic signal that the Spring Season has begun in our hemisphere so the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope is highly significant and may be used as a yearly chart until Spring Equinox 2022. Curiously if not unfortunately, the same political theme afflicting the Biden administration thanks to Republican opponents and others who undermine the Biden agenda is shown in the Equinox chart: look for Nemesis conjunct the Midheaven Point ('MC') with potentials of the May 26th Lunar Eclipse's "Game of Cricket" nearby.

Well, at least it isn't golf. Or is it?

Jan 20, 2021

January 20, 2021: Biden Oath of Office with New Moon at Midheaven

January 20, 2021: Since I'm trying to take in all the ceremony and celebration of today's Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr, not many notes today but the following is a bi-wheel of the January 13, 2021 New Moon @23Cap13 (center) and the time (1:48--1:49 pm) that the Presidential Oath of Office was taken on the West side of the US Capitol Building, so recently breached and overrun by the 'Trump Mob'.

As the 'Syzygy Moon' of Inauguration 2021 (last lunation prior), the January 13th New Moon is significant and predictive, and turns up (as the Cosmos would have it!) conjunct The Goal Point of the Biden Oath-Swearing Horoscope (outer) - along with powerful, transformative, regenerative Pluto. (See center of the bi-wheel for Sun-Moon = Pluto.)

As you see, lower left, the rounded-up degree of Mercury in Aquarius, planet of oaths, vows, oration, ballots, voters, and such, has an interesting Sabian Symbol - "19AQ": "A Forest Fire Quenched."

In both cases, Venus is chart-ruler (Libra rising and Taurus rising) and makes only one applying aspect in the New Moon chart, a trine to Uranus which suggests the longed-for potential that 'justice and equality can flourish' (1A00). Right away President Biden signed Executive Orders meant to improve our situation and I'm sure we'll hear more them about later on.

Yet in today's horoscope, chart-ruler Venus is unaspected which to me suggests the isolated conditions associated with the US presidency and perhaps our discarded-for-the-last-four-years tradition created most strongly by President Truman's insistence that "the buck stops here," a shout-out to presidential responsibility and accountability which a majority of Americans - and probaby the rest of the globe - pray has returned to Washington DC.

Jan 18, 2021

VP Harris' Oath of Office: A Celestial Choir Singing!

January 18, 2021: In answer to calls for a view of the Horoscope of the January 20, 2021 swearing-in of Kamala Harris as Vice President of the United States set for 11:30 am est, here's the chart with lots of details squished upon it. You'll note that VP Harris has a Lunar Return (@28Ari39 opposite her natal Sun) that very morning at 9:10:36 am est.

DC Horoscope: VP Oath of Office January 20, 2021 11:30 am est with 3Tau25 rising and chart-ruler Venus (@15Cap05 conjunct charismatic Vega) in 9th house making no applying aspects; the rising Moon @29Aries = "A Celestial Choir Singing"!

The Fire-Air combo of Sun AQ-Moon Aries: Self + Society. This blend is shared natally with Anton Chekov who informed us that, "Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given."


Jan 16, 2021

Uranus-Pluto Uprising and the Trump Mob Attack

Power Grab, Social Change, and Violent Upheaval: Uranus-Pluto

by Jude Cowell

January 16, 2021: When I began pointing out in 2020 that the transiting Uranus-Pluto midpoint in mid-Pisces was opposing and triggering the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Pluto in mid-Virgo (once in 1965, twice in 1966) from across the victim-savior axis, little could I know that the planetary pair's violent, subversive energies would express physically against the US Congress on January 6, 2021 by what I call the Trump Mob (aka, the MAGA Mob). Civil Rights and other social causes of the mid-1960s bubbled up again, had never gone away nor been properly dealt with, and we were seeing in 2020 such historical 'rhyming' via Black Lives Matter protests and other social demonstrations, plus, the violence, upheaval, and denials of guilt that came with them.

As you know, the transformative pair of Uranus-Pluto is a marker for revolution and for 'collapse of the old order, construction of the new' (Ebertin). Adding to societal difficulties is the current Saturn-Uranus square with its resistance to law and order and challenges to authority vibes. Stubborn blockages will continue through the year between karmic Saturn's status quo qualities vs the futurism and progressiveness of techie Uranus, a pair that also contains 'old order vs new order' implications - all set upon the background of the recent Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius with its 'new order' timing.

So below is a bi-wheel of the first of three Uranus-Pluto Conjunctions (17Vir09: October 9, 1965 4:11 pm edt Washington DC; ASC 18AQ53) in center and around the outside, a Horoscope of the Trump Mob Attack of January 6, 2021 (set for 1:00 pm est since that's when the congressional session met to certify the Electoral votes for Joe Biden; the assault soon began).

Now annoyingly, my nose today is too sniffy with allergies to add a bunch of notes and fusses with these charts so perhaps you'll do that for yourself, dear reader. Yet I must note that the 1965 Midheaven ('MC'), the Goal Point, will soon receive a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 on May 26, 2021 so perhaps in May, June, or later in the year a few inconvenient secrets concerning Uranus-Pluto activities and conditions (ex: more names of backers or enablers involved on January 6th?) will be revealed by the light of the Full Moon!

So tell me: what else do you see?