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Sep 3, 2023

Sept 2023 and the Belligerence of Mars

Caricature of a mouthy Trump; source unknown

With a very active Mars (the warrior), a favorite planet of Mars rising Mr. Trump, it's worth noting that the current legal battles going on now fall within the time frame of the Summer Solstice 2023 Horoscope until the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope 'takes over' on September 23rd. A shift of energies within the Collective will be noticeable, and significantly, Venus-ruled Libra is the sign of the Scales of Justice.

Meanwhile, here's a link to a recent post displaying both the Autumn Equinox 2023 Horoscope and the Winter Solstice 2023 Horoscope, its frosty Saturnian energies taking us into 2024 until March and Spring Equinox 2024 (a chart not yet published but coming soon to SO'W).

Significant to Trump's current legal challenges is his natal Pluto rising in the Autumn EQ chart, and this necessarily brings along Trump's Mars-Saturn midpoint (the death axis - R. Ebertin) with its destructive energies and 'intervention of a higher power' vibes. Set for Washington DC, the chart's Midheaven ('MC': The Goal) @29Aries+ is the position of belligerent Mars during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt (failed, but ongoing). In addition, this happens to be the position of the Sun in the "first shot" Horoscope of the American Revolution, as you can see if you wish.

And everyone who's paying attention has heard the maga/reich-wing shout-outs attempting to link their Trumpian sore loser sedition efforts with the 1775 Revolution while calling for another civil war like the loose cannon troublemakers and zealots they are. For my part, they behave much more like the Confederates of the 1860s than the patriots of the Revolution whose battles and victories ultimately led to the estabishment of our democratic Republic, a form of government that the current crop of reich-wing zealots now work against.

Eclipse Cycles Bring Similar Conditions 'Round Again

So as I type this post, we operate under the auspices of April 2023's 7 North Solar Eclipse at its critical 29th degree, until the 7 South Solar Eclipse @21Libra 'takes over'. And perhaps you've noticed that the Eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series has previously been termed, Hitl*r's Birthday Eclipse by yours truly. Well, Herr Adolf does have his modern-day followers who imagine that they need to complete the little Austrian's mission of world domination - as if theirs is a worthy goal when all they offer society is evil and suffering.

And yes, America has been in such an evil Saturn-Pluto pickle before - and democracy survived. An example of a watershed moment? The Big Brazen N*zi Rally of 1939 NYC (horoscope shown) in which a gaggle of 'em brashly latched on to the reputation of George Washington who walked away from power as the archetypal example for all future US presidents to follow - all but malignant narcissist Donald Trump, that is.

And so there's an example from 1945 that I hope for America's sake will be followed now via the "Trump Trials": that the sadistic brutes of the 1930s and 1940s FAFO!

Sep 2, 2023

Sept 6, 2023 Trump to Atlanta: a double Hades Affair

Hades-MC and Hades-North-Node: Underworld Crime

by Jude Cowell

UPDATE Sept 3, 2023: Word from the judge is that Trump and his co-defendants can simply enter their pleas without physically showing up in Atlanta on September 6th, therefore, Trump may or may not show up. Whether he does or not, the transits to his natal chart described below, remain operative.

Original post begins here:

Just a quick post tonight concerning September 6, 2023 9:30 am edt Atlanta, Georgia (inner chart) when and where underworld figure Donald Trump (outer chart) is ordered to turn up and is expected to plead Not Guilty to the racketeering and conspiracy charges brought by Fulton County DA Fani Willis who has the RICO Act on her agenda.

My study notes are penned on yet I trust you to find additional planetary contacts if and as you wish.

What stands out to me are: Mars to natal Neptune, Venus to natal Pluto, Neptune trine natal Venus and inconjunct natal Mars, Uranus sextile natal Saturn and conjunct his natal MC (changes to his reputation), and his natal Mercury at Midheaven ('MC'); brief details concerning these contacts are listed:

Sep 1, 2023

October 2024 Eclipse Activates Another!

New Moons Can Affect Events Similar to Solar Eclipses!

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

A while back we discussed the New Moon Prior to Election 2024 and its DC Horoscope. New Moons prior to elections are said to be predictive of conditions and outcomes although naturally other factors are involved as well, factors both 'on the ground' and astrologically, which will support or mitigate conclusions found in the New Moon chart. In other words, stuff can interfere.

What should be added to the previously published details concerning the 'New Moon Prior' which occurs on November 1, 2024 is that it's basically a Lunar Return to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope. View the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope in a bi-wheel configuration with its Moon @9Sco21 - and it's disturbingly close to 9Sco35, which is the position of the New Moon Prior to Election 2024.

Meanwhile, I'm not overly fond of the rounded-up Sabian Symbol for Luna, rounded-up to "10 Scorpio": "A Fellowship Supper Reawakens Unforgettable Inner Ties" (Jones). Note that "Reawakens" is italized because people like Gov. DeSantis want the American people to remain asleep and unaware. All the better to gaslight and sneak up up on us with whatever the GOP has planned!

Now perhaps you agree that this lunar synchronicity possibly symbolizes a wake-up call to maga-ites who vote and/or to those who would cheat for Trump (or his fascist ilk) to shoe horn his bulk back into the White House. Obviously, this makes a Blue Tsunami necessary on November 5, 2024!

October Eclipses in Libra: 2005 and 2024

And yet the actual point of this post today is to display a bi-wheel of charts showing that the 8 South Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024 activates by degree the 7 South Eclipse of October 3, 2005. Well, naturally this would be the case since the Sun returns to position annually, day by day. And when it comes to eclipses and to historical and societal events and conditions, it's all about cycles, isn't it?

In addition, we know that the repetition of eclipses offers society further opportunities for dealing with similar issues more correctly, fully, successfully! And of course, learning from past mistakes in order to keep from repeating them is an important thread beneath it all. Yet tragically, there are enemies of America and of democracy who prefer that we continue committing the same old mistakes. Example: Fascism and Nazism have been tried before and found wanting in the humane department; reverting to animalism is not the answer to what ails civilization, in the US or in any other country. Notable is that the 7 South Eclipse of August 21, 1933 is known around SO'W as the "Facism Rising Eclipse" (linked, below).

Themes of 7 South and 8 South are listed on the image:

In the center of the bi-wheel, above, you see the Sabian Symbol for "11 Libra" penned on: "A Professor Peering Over His Glasses," plus, the negative expression of the degree: 'compelling subservience' (Jones).

So with the activation of the themes of one eclipse by another eclipse, we can combine their themes for more insight, using one solar lens to consider the other. This is done when the eclipses mannifest in different signs but in this case, both eclipses are in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice and of relationships. Therefore, fair play and cooperation are paramount on a positive level; the negative level suggests those who use the eclipse energies in an insincere, deceitful way; cowardice and overindulgence may also be included via those with an anti-societal determination.

Another method for insight is a review of historical conditions such as US Events of 2005, the year of Dubya Bush's failed nomination of lawyer Harriet Miers, then, on Halloween, Bush nominated Samuel Alito who turned out to be quite a sinister Halloween jester against the women of America.

All these issues, concerns, and more are worth considering by comparing the October Solar Eclipse of 2005 (war in the Middle East, SCOTUS and Alito) with the October 2024 Eclipse (war in Ukraine - and on Capitol Hill; SCOTUS, Clarence Thomas and - Sammy Alito) as they shove the Catholic religion into the heart of American society.

Now in closing, here's a related post for the curious reader: the Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933. Let us not repeat that brutal mistake again.

Aug 29, 2023

The US Congress Eclipse repeats in 2023!

by Jude Cowell

Do you know that the First Session of Congress in 1789 began under the influences of a 7 North Solar Eclipse?

And that since April 2023, an eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series is running in the background of society as I type, and is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE") of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith?

You may also wish to view a previous post showing transit Saturn conjunct US Congress' Pluto, and transit Neptune conjunct US Congress' Mercury Rx with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse Horoscope surrounding Congress' 1789 chart; you'll remember that results from the 2022 Midterm Elections allowed certain J6-adjacent 'maga' Republicans to infiltrate the House of Representatives of the 118th Congress.

Also Related: Taurus Midterm Eclipse 2022 repeats from 1938!

Aug 28, 2023

Saturn and The Trump Trial: March 4, 2024

Karma's Principle of Cause and Effect: Reaping What's Been Sown

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

With the (J6 Coup Attempt Trial), aka, the 'Election Interference' Trial of Mr. Donald Trump scheduled today by Judge Tanya Chutkan for March 4, 2024, major flurries of investigative activity by astrologers are now in motion including by yours truly. Yet studies of any horoscope take time so today this post focuses on a curious detail affecting America's entire Trump saga and that's the solar eclipse cycle in which the turmoil of Inauguration 2017 took place, manifested as the 19 North Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21.

Note that March 4, 2024 is a day prior to Super Tuesday 2024.

Karmic Saturn = Realism, Accountability, Restriction, Loss, and Demands for Corrective Action

And so my focus today is because, during the trial of March 4, 2024, transit Saturn @10Pis21, planet of legal affairs, lawyers, courts, and trials that intend to hold miscreants accountable for their illegal behavior, will conjunct the position of Neptune in the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2016 - the gaslighting planet of fraud, deception, and overblown schemes which by transit opposed the 19 North Eclipse with its themes of: 'realism; good time to tackle the truth; seeing old situations for what they really are; coming down to earth' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Therefore, from the beginning of America's Trump/'POTUS' saga, this requires that thousands more lies should be revealed and addressed in court! For who can forget that an unelected Trump touted that the 2020 Election would be a "continuation" of (his) power instead of a (peaceful) transfer to Joe Biden? And Trump's sore loser resentment (and instructions from his foreign and domestic handlers) brought our country his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress in process of certifying our traditional peaceful transfer of power. Yet thanks to participants who upheld the US Constitution, Donald's anti-constitutional power grab failed, and Joe Biden's victory was certified hours later. Better late than never!

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity: Facts vs Fiction on the Victim-Savior Axis

Because as you know, the opposition to the eclipse from Neptune interfered with 19 North themes by challenging 19 North's call for facing reality with chaos, confusion, deception - and what became Trump's "Big Lie" that forms the basis of agent orange's and the Republican Party's scam of deception and gaslighting upon the American people - and US society has suffered from these Neptunian energies ever since.

Yet 'Trump Trial' circumstances are even more complex for on March 4, 2024, Saturn @10Pis21 actually activates the 19 North Saturn-Neptune square, the self-defeatist aspect (A. Oken) for simultaneously this is a Saturn-square-Saturn transit (2024 to 2016) when formal restrictions can be imposed and there's little if any flexibility in (Trump's) circumstances. Sounds like a court case to me.

And yes, the 2016 Mars-Saturn conjunction (10--15 Sag) is involved with March 4, 2024 Saturn as well which suggests potentials for frustration, anger, resentment, and an urge to take shortcuts around laws, rules, and regulations which is a negative path that ultimately leads to failure more often than not. Then I would have to call Trump's J6 coup attempt his reckless way of taking a major shortcut back to the White House, wouldn't you?

Will We Come Down to Earth in March 2024?

So in March 2024, when Trump is scheduled to be held legally accountable for his seditious J6 coup attempt by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith and his team, we might take comfort in the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which indicates "the grim face of reality" for Trump, his comrades, his subversive coup attempt congressional comrades of the 'maga' persuasion (ongoing!), and hopefully for any of his cult followers who still 'believe' by then in the orange scofflaw con-man's fantasy world where he becomes a dictator - exactly the kind of government our Founding Fathers escaped from in Europe! Certainly, a 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing situations for what they really are' are long overdue in the US for a certain percentage of our population who continue to act under the spell of mass delusion promoted by Mr. Trump.

Then when it comes to the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 that heralded the Trump "presidency," the exhange of oppositional planets from Neptune to Saturn makes an important difference - from Neptunian fantasy to Saturnian reality. Here's the original 19 North Horoscope as previously published to SO'W with the fantasy-to-reality exchange info added below; study notes penned onthe chart are from my original post:

Neptune opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: chaos and confusion as people are pulled between truth and fallacy, reality and illusion/delusion.

Saturn opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: those who refuse to face up to their responsibilities while placing blame upon anyone but themselves (R. Lineman); denial of guilt by the guilty (jc).

Karma Knocks Upon Trump's Door

Then in closing, the rounded-up Sabian Symbols of the 19 North Eclipse and 2016 Neptune/2024 Saturn are quite interesting, see if you agree:

Eclipse "10Virgo" = "Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" vs "11Pisces" = "Men Seeking Illumination."

My hope for American democracy is that bringing seditionsist Trump, career criminal, to Justice via legal eagle Saturn and the DOJ will finally wake up those asleep within their white supremacist delusions and anti-democratic dreams of regressing our country back to the 1800s.

More of today's news: All Trump and Co-Defendants To Be Arraigned in Georgia on September 6, 2023 under a quarter Moon @15Gemini that points toward Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, unpredictability, and radical politics.

Aug 25, 2023

An Eclipse Heralded the Trump Regime

The 2016 Virgo Eclipse Led a Ruthless Locomotive

by Jude Cowell

With Mercury the Messenger now retrograde ('Rx') in fact-based Virgo until September 15, 2023, here's a review or a reconsideration of the 19 North Eclipse under which Election 2016 and Inauguration 2017 took place. For as you know, our reality vs fiction fantasy issues continue, with the primary example of Trump's "Big Lie" causing most of the trouble.

DC Horoscope: Sept 1, 2016 Eclipse @9Vir21 Opposed by transit Neptune Rx in Shady, Contagious Pisces

Study notes are penned on the chart for the curious, plus, a few current planetary positions are highlighted in lavender (Mars @28Virgo, the Mars-Saturn midpoint @12Sagittarius, and Saturn @4Pisces conjunct 19 North's rebellious Uranus-Pluto midpoint indicating potentials for self-will, egoism, hatred, exposure to great pressure, separation bwo major force - R. Ebertin); also see lower left corner for Cupido conjunct IC, the Foundation and HOW? Point of all horoscopes:

Major factors in the above Eclipse Horoscope include the planetary aspects to the 19 North Eclipse (@9Vir21) which are listed here and on the chart:

Squares from the Mars-Saturn conjunction (the death axis: rebellion; physical abuse), an opposition from deceptive, subversive Neptune Rx in Pisces (truth vs fiction; fraud; lies; confusion, chaos), a trine from Pluto (assistance from powerful, hidden people, and from certain government officials), and a sesqui-square of complexity from anarchist Uranus, planet of attack, radical reforms, disruption, revolt, upheaval, and more chaos.

In addition, a few Sabian Symbols are also marked on the chart as are the Themes of 19 North, highlighted in orange, and paraphrased from Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad.

Then looking ahead to Election Year 2024, there's a significant transit to the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope coming on March 3, 2024 when transit Saturn, Lord of Karma, and the legal eagle planet, lands directly upon Neptune (10Pis18) in the 2017 Inauguration Horoscope. Check out the bi-wheel showing the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which is aka, the 'grim face of reality' transit.

May fantasist Trump the fraudster finally face reality if not forced to do so prior to March 2024.

Aug 24, 2023

Scofflaw Trump to Atlanta: Mars trine Pluto

Atlanta Airport Restricted 6:45 pm--9:00 pm edt; Mars Trump Bows to Pluto's Power

by Jude Cowell

With cooperation in his cards, this evening, August 24, 2023, Mars-rising Trump flies into Atlanta and says he'll surrender for arrest at the Rice Street jail, Atlanta, Georgia a la DA Fani Willis - and he'll do so in "prime time." Naturally, the reality TV guy wants to create a ratings-grabbing media circus out of his current disgraceful arrest.

Well, powering through the shame (he refuses to feel or admit) despite the intervention of a higher power is a potential since at 8:23 pm edt in Atlanta, Georgia, a power-laden Mars-Pluto trine perfects and forms a protective Earth Grand Trine with zealous, radical Uranus the chaos-creator which happens to conjunct Trump's natal Midheaven (24Tau18) of Goals and Objectives. A high-flying Kite pattern of success results if we add 1st house Neptune Rx @26Pis56 to the Mars-Pluto-Uranus trine. Yet a caution of a Grand Trine is that mismanaging its energies can turn out more negatively than positively.

Meanwhile, legal eagle planet Saturn Rx @4Pisces, Lord of Karma, is rising at 8:23 pm suggesting to me that Saturnian accountability comes first, then comes Trump's spin of the event (orating Mercury trine Jupiter, the broadcaster), an arrest for which he's said he's "proud." Translation: he expects more donations to pour in from his gullible cult members - and indictment number 4 adds to his "martyr" mystique and fuels the skewed rhetoric he will be employing.

Freedom-Lover Uranus, Planet of Chaos and Fanaticism

Then at 8:23 pm edt, Trump's first natal planet to rise is his 10th house Uranus (17Gem55) dragging with it his natal North Node and Gemini Sun. Also along for the ride is his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine which seems to be continuing the lucky breaks that here suggest the villain will be allowed to walk away tonight from the Rice Street jail. No one expects him to be detained, of course, I'm only saying that the Cosmos supports this. For now, at least:

Now several other astro-factors of note are penned upon the above horoscope for those who are curious, yet many factors are not listed.

Therefore, if you read but one or two of my study notes, check out the Earth Grand Trine info, lower right corner highlighted in yellow, and the midpoint picture potentials of Mars-Saturn = MC, upper right corner, while keeping in mind Trump's natal Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture of death, destruction, and fury buried deep within his 12th house of the Unconscious - plus, of note tonight is another potential of this picture--the intervention of a higher power, as noted above.

A related post: America's Mars-Pluto Cycle (conjunct @25Cap35).

And in case you missed it, check out Keith Olbermann's current Countdown podcast episode, Trump is Romping Because DeSantis Is a Hologram with Keith's commentary re: last night's Republican debate.

Also see: Ron DeSantis' Sun Virgo-Moon Aquarius.