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Mar 10, 2011

Behemoth Sunspot 1166's X-CLASS Solar Flare 3.9.11

Space Weather News for March 10, 2011

X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: March 9th ended with a powerful solar flare. Less than an hour before midnight (UT), Earth-orbiting satellites detected an X1.5-class explosion from behemoth sunspot 1166. First-look data suggest that the blast did hurl some material toward Earth.

Check SpaceWeather News for movies of the flare and updates on its possible effects. SOLAR FLARE ALERTS: Would you like a call when the next X-flare erupts? Sign up for SpaceWeatherPHONE. (Text alerts are available, too, from SpaceWeatherTEXT.)

Mar 9, 2011

View a Horoscope of the First Moon Landing

Update 6:00 pm est: Alex D'Atria of GOP Astrology has sent along the coordinates for the First Moon Landing from NASA's Apollo info for those who are interested:

Apollo 11 (Columbia and Eagle)
Saturn V (AS-506, SM-107, CM-107, LM-5)
July 16-24, 1969
Neil A. Armstrong (commander), Michael Collins (CM pilot), Edwin E. (Buzz) Aldrin Jr. (LM pilot)

08 days, 03 hours, 18 minutes
First manned lunar landing mission and lunar surface EVA.

"Houston, Tranquility base here. The eagle has landed."
- July 20th, 1969

Landing site: Sea of Tranquility; Landing Coordinates: 0.71 degrees North, 23.63 degrees East

1 EVA of 02 hours, 31 minutes. Flag and instruments deployed; unveiled plaque on the LM descent stage with inscription: "Here Men From Planet Earth First Set Foot Upon the Moon. July 1969 A.D. We Came In Peace For All Mankind." Lunar surface stay time 21.6 hours; 59.5 hours in lunar orbit, with 30 orbits. LM ascent stage left in lunar orbit. 20kg (44 lbs) of material gathered.

Source: Apollo flight summary.

Original post begins here:

With the space shuttle Discovery landing from its last mission around midday today, my post on the Horoscope of the First Moon Landing (July 20, 1969) has suddenly become popular. The chart is set for Washington DC but you may wish to recalculate it for Cape Kennedy, Florida - or for the surface of Earth's Moon, if you have the coordinates. Plus, I suppose a Heliocentric horoscope for the landing could be interesting, too.

And perhaps you've already put in your bid to house one of the retired NASA shuttles? One may be on display soon at a museum near you!

Mar 8, 2011

March 7th Protests Shut Down Bank of America branch! (video)

Being no fan of Bank (Robbers) of America, I am happy to post a video of National Peoples Action protests yesterday which shut down a branch of the so-called Bank of America. Great job, guys!

Let's keep on the banks' sorry cases. In a fit of personal protest, I switched bank accounts from a big bank to a Credit Union bank two years ago (hint hint!)

Meanwhile, you may wish to check out Make Wall Street Pay and let's do just that...even if the US government and the politicians who infest it are - shall we say - shy about doing the right thing.

Intrepid Journalism: The Daily Show tracks the Wisconsin 14 (video)

With 14 Democratic lawmakers still missing from the Capitol Building in Madison, Wisconsin and gumming up the plans of Gov. Scott Walker and his Koch Brothers backers, there's not much to say about last night's report except: where would America be without the intrepid journalism of The Daily Show?

Mar 7, 2011

"We're Not Broke!" Michael Moore in WI (video) & Pluto/Chiron

In may last post I linked to this video of Michael Moore speaking at the rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday, March 5, 2011. Tonight my friend Alex at GOP Astrology sent along the code so I'm placing the video here in a new post where I can handily listen to its inspiring message whenever I want.

Oh, and you're welcomed to listen and watch, too, as you wish or in case you missed it!

Given all the various attacks upon the American people these days, perhaps all those tiresome posts I published here over the last few years about the class warfare duo of Pluto/Chiron weren't so crazy after all.

On December 1999, powerful manipulator Pluto and wounded Chiron conjoined at '12Sag' ("A Flag Turned Into an Eagle That Crows" - politicians have been crowing a lot in Wisconsin of late) = US natal Ascendant. Pluto and Chiron were parallel (similar to a strong conjunction and useful for timing purposes) in mid-August 2004.

And you know how the Moon represents The People and The Public (and Publicity and the mood of the people) in a Mundane Astrology chart?

Well, here is an image of the Inauguration 2001 Horoscope, a relic of the first Oath of Office taken by usurper George W. Bush. In 8th house of Debt, Credit, Shared Resources, Big Business, Banking, Death, and Transformation (W certainly did that), you'll see the Moon snugged (too close for comfort) between...wait for it...the plutocracy duo, Pluto and Chiron.

Such were the excruciating 8 years of the SCOTUS-installed Bush-Cheney regime which had to be, among other things, one of the longest heists in history which met the cameras in 2008 when its rottenness burst open to public view and cold, lonely winds blew through our nation's near-empty Treasury Department.

And the crooks were hiding in plain sight...

GOP v Workers -- and Women

International Womens Day 2011: Hanging By a Thread in America?

by Jude Cowell

With their assaults on Workers Rights coming soon to a state near you, notice that the GOP has shown the gall to attack Women's Rights, too. Isn't misogyny passe?

Now if you, dear reader, voted GOP or TP in November 2010, it's difficult for me to believe of you that rolling back women's hard-won rights was any part of what you wanted these political jokers to get up to. Maybe you're Pro-Life and all but so am I: abortion used as birth control isn't right, imho.

Must American society replay the social ills and fights for improvement from the turn of the 20th century? That's so...deja-vu.

Now I know that liberalism is dead or on life support in America and the Democratic Party failed to defend its exalted values and virtues when they had many chances to do so over the last several years. Instead, they became corrupt enablers of the overarching agenda we're now seeing forcibly implemented with "austerity cuts" and attacks on Workers Rights and pensions. And times are going to get harder for people who can least afford to do with less - in order to offset tax breaks for the rich.

Besides, to paraphrase film maker Michael Moore at the rally in Madison, WI on Saturday, America is awash in cash - we're not broke!

So it's okay if we-the-people don't capitulate to the forces that want to deconstruct this nation into chaos so they can rebuild it in a global fascist image - instead we must fight for a return to our Democracy. But this requires much more participation in the political process than most Americans seem willing or able to give. That we must get over and band together as many are already the streets, if necessary.

For as you know, there are three things the persuasive Koch Brothers of the world don't have that we do: massive numbers (we-the-masses!), a sense of direction, and a moral conscience. Are we Pharisees or Good Samaritans? Have we a communal sense on behalf of the Common Good or only shrivel-hearted self interests?

So as Thom Hartmann says encouragingly at the end of each broadcast (and he's talkin' to me, too), "Tag, you're it!"

Prison Planet News & Discussion March 2011 (videos)

It's Video Monday here at Stars Over Washington.

First, the Sunday Edition (3.6.11) of the Alex Jones Show with PrisonPlanet editor, webmaster, and journalist Paul Joseph Watson sitting in for Alex with discussion of the latest breaking news.

And here's a video I missed from February 26, 2011 where "humanitarian cover" for invading Libya is outed as "threadbare" fear confirmed of another imperialist US war?

Mar 6, 2011

Horoscope: Haymarket Riot 1886 = business v workers

Business Class v Working Class 1886: Seeds of 2011?

by Jude Cowell

With its 125th anniversary just passed, the Haymarket Riot (aka, the Haymarket Massacre) of May 4, 1886 in Haymarket Square, Chicago, Illinois shows an interesting natal horoscope which heralds today's business/government v workers/labor unions stand-offs in Wisconsin and elsewhere.

Beginning as a general strike on May 1 (the 110th anniversary date of Adam Weishaupt's formation of the Bavarian Society of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776), events escalated into the Chicago rally which exploded into violence when a pipe bomb was thrown at the police as they dispersed the crowd after the last orator spoke (around 10:30 pm.) The bomb was thrown by an "unknown person" as the above linked Wiki profile states, and controversy remains as to the proceedings and capabilities.

A prime theory is that this "unknown person" was an instigator not of the working class attending the rally, but was a government, special interest, and/or rival group's operative (8th house Mars in Virgo) tasked to turn the peaceful rally into a win for the business community which was not enthused by the rally's purpose: to educate the people on the merits of instituting an 8-hour work day in the US.

Of the anarchists arrested, one was a Knight of the Knights of Labor, a rival organization of the group staging the rally, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) - although the Knights of Labor allegedly were for the 8-hour work day as well. Perhaps rivalry for members was part of a subversion tactic (the bomb) with the Knights' membership peaking in 1886 but plunging after the Haymarket Riot and subsequent trials, convictions, and executions.

Considering the Knights' Roman Catholic trappings, it's illuminating that the Sabian Symbol of the 29th crisis degree rising at 10:30 pm that night, '30Sag' = "The Pope Blessing the Faithful." For doing what, I wonder? This indicates Jupiter 26Vir32 Rx in 9th H as chart-ruler; ten seconds later, 00Cap00 arose nominating Saturn 4Can49 in 7th H of Partnerships as chart-ruler. Saturn is, of course, amidst US natal planets, Venus and Jupiter, with US n Sun nearby; outside the horoscope, I've penned in America's natal planets (highlighted in lavender.)

Jupiter's position shows that a recent transit by conjunction has occurred to US natal Neptune 22Vir25, a time of inspired ideas, actions, and enhanced imagination, yet it can ramp up fanaticism and paranoia; promotions of a cause, scandals, and bankruptcies may also be on the speculative Jupiter/Neptune menu. And this is happening near US natal Mc (00Lib53) with its outlet for the energy falling in the Career-Public Status department of the US chart.

Here are Saturn to US n Venus and US n Jupiter transits in progress. Saturn to n Venus sobers up the environment and shows how self-serving social gestures can be; creating more structure within relationships is the best way to use this energy toward greater stability and commitment (such as joining a union?)

Saturn to US n Jupiter is a time when economic growth is restricted and attitudes become more serious; for those who've gained wealth, it's time to be more philanthropic - to give back some of what has been given. (It's that time again in 2011 but over the years our legal system has successfully been eroded so that major financial titans and fraudsters are protected from facing their crimes rather than tried and convicted, and tax laws favor the rich; the current stand-offs with labor unions represent the rich class dunning the lower incomers with "austerity" measures while the wealthy themselves receive more tax breaks which only widens the income inequality gap even further. Yes, the fox has always guarded the US henhouse, but now he's foreclosed and put the chickens on the curb.

The US President at the time of the Haymarket Riot was Grover Cleveland, the only American president to serve two non-consecutive terms in the White House (March 4, 1885 and March 4, 1893, with Benjamin Harrison in between - inaugurated March 4, 1889.)

Following is an image of the Haymarket Riot's horoscope set for Chicago, IL on May 4, 1886 at 10:30 pm cst.

You'll note the Robber Baron duo of Neptune and Pluto snugged around the Moon (the people) and the midpoint of the plutocratic, primally violent, corporatist, and disenfranchising Pluto/Chiron pair conjoined with US natal Uranus 8Gem55 in the 6th H of Work, Service, and Health. Neptune and the Moon stimulate two difficult Fixed Stars, Algol and Capulus, stars of rage and violence.

Sun 14Tau35 actually conjoins the degree which now rises (ASC) at noon for US presidential inaugurations every four years though it didn't in 1886 since the ASC change for the Oath of Office (and thus, for whoever is about to act as president) occurred between FDR's 1933 and 1937 inaugurations - from early March to January 20 or 21st, if the 20th falls on a Sunday.

Please click to enlarge the horoscope and to read a few more notes on the conditions at the time of the bomb toss which triggered the Haymarket Riot. Your on-topic comments and opinions are always welcome.

Phase: New Moon 12:55 with Sygyzy Moon occurring the day before; Jupiter as chart-ruler applies to an Earthy trine with Neptune (1A41) indicating an ability to see restored order where others fear utter chaos, and social programs underway for developing productive potentials for the poor and working class.

With Saturn as chart-ruler, the separating (waning) square with rebel Uranus (0S41) shows a time of problems with authority figures and a need to break from the past in order to progress. The Saturn/Uranus cycle lasts approximately 45 years and we have been in the cycle's opposition stage lately though now the pair of brittleness are in a quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) aspect indicating a drive to disrupt governing systems, break outdated concepts, and defy law and order. (Reeves.)

In 1886, the midpoint of Mars/Uranus, a riotous and explosive combination of energies, is 'masked' by US natal Neptune 22Vir25, in the sign of The Worker.

Tr Mars/Uranus = n Neptune: cunning and deceit; a low and mean way of acting; a desire to harm others; a person with bad intentions; rage and frenzy.

The 'rage and frenzy' came only after the bomb was lobbed at police for the rally was peaceful until then - typical of a set up with a planted instigator in the crowd acting to cause disrepute to the rally's cause.

Even Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker, during his bogus 'talk' with financial patron "David Koch" on the phone, admitted to the fake Koch that he had considered the time-worn political tactic of planting "troublemakers" in the crowd (in order disrupt proceedings and undermine the opposition.)

From 1886 to 2011, these political radicals and outlaws are so very very tiresome, aren't they?

Now let's close with the two Images for Integration for the double Earth Sun Taurus-Moon Taurus blend which is shared natally by none other than Karl Marx:

'A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute...A successful baker is surrounded by delighted children eating fresh bread rolls.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzy Harvey.)

And how about a famous quote from Marx since 'socialism' is such a commonly leveled charge these days and has been historically so whenever the rich fear losing a dime or two to the needy...

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

Marx was so full of it, y'know?

Mar 5, 2011

Fate v Free Will: 'The Adjustment Bureau' right on time

Social propagandists often run concepts and bad ideas up the proverbial public flagpole to see if anyone salutes, to undermine our traditional social fabric of decency, and/or simply to get us accustomed to certain ideas prior to implementing them (or some version thereof.)

The eeriness of HAL (the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey) is a good example of our collectively shared feelings of creepiness, dread, and threat in this New Technology Age ('www', the oft-touted Age of Aquarius?) You'd be forgiven about now if you hearkened your mind back to Dr. Frankenstein's obsession with overstepping natural boundaries no matter the cost, monster be da*ned.

Astrology Tussles with Fate v Free Will, Too

A Huffington Post article The Adjustment Bureau: Fate or Free Will? explains the premise of the new Matt Damon film...or is it just another Hollywood propaganda effort to make light of what really is an overarching and manipulative Plan by shadowy global figures and criminal networks?

Well, just for fun (and because it could look good against SO'W's charcoal background - and we do talk on this blog about stars, here's a 10 min 30 sec video of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey from way back in 1968. I was a sprightly teen then, saw 2001 in a theater, and was fairly freaked out over uppity HAL's new attitude. You?

Enjoy! For it has atmospheric music, too. And America had a Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2001 after SCOTUS played their snaky December 2000 role in yet another sordid Bush affair.

And the primary planetary signature of 2001?

No Great Conjunctions that year but in 1997 there were two which describe fantastic filmeries and progressive ideas that are perhaps a little creepy; Jupiter/Uranus in particular have that dazzling scientific vibe of new discoveries and explorations; Jupiter/Neptune relates to fantastical entertainments, flights of bubbly fancy, the grand spirit, speculation and fraud:

January 9, 1997 Jupiter caught up with filmy, glamorous Neptune @ 27Cap09, thereby conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx simultaneously...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Pluto: plans unreasonable beyond measure; self-projection out of hand (or out of this world?); a great loss ('free' trade?); far-reaching speculations.

Then on February 16, 1997, the Great Benefic Jupiter expanded his guru's magic-wand toward inventive and original Uranus @ 5AQ56, conjoining US natal South Node of the Moon (SN), a separative, Saturnian point describing past behaviors, talents, and unconscious, self-defeating manners of behavior - where our neuroses lie. Through bad habits (character) we find karma and reap what was sown.

Now let's stretch a bit to include sub-frequencies so that we'll spy a midpoint picture or two to consider on our nation's Nodal Path of Destiny, whether 'Manifest' or not...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n NN: individuality attracts; striving for a common purpose; shared happiness.

Jupiter/Uranus = 'Saturn' (SN): one-sided principles; sudden disadvantages or losses; sudden inhibitions before reaching an objective; obstinacy; introduction of patience and practicality to boundless self-projection; temperance over excess.

Back to the Jupiter/Neptune pair: if we stretch to include America's natal Mercury Rx (25Can) as one axis of our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition, we have...

Tr Jupiter/Neptune = n Mercury: skills with deceptive practices; the raising of hopes; talking a lot and putting on an act; self-study in the realms of mysticism; rich powers of visualization; speaking for the deprived; misleading or misdirecting the attention of others.

Ah, 2001! That last sounds like Hollywood using HAL to distract the discontented masses from political shenanigans, doesn't it? But if such a techno-distraction isn't enough, the powers-that-be can always use the centuries-old trick of tyrants and kings everywhere: start a war. Oh yeah. They did.

And they are apparently getting US troops ready for more carnage.

If so, then Washington will have our nation playing a triple role as the 'bomb first ask questions later' brigade serving courageously on behalf of the suckiest over-reaching government in world history and one that seldom if ever admits culpability for its crimes. Washington refuses to put Wall Street fraudsters on trial and fairly convict them for collapsing and riding down the global economy.

Who are these people?


UPDATE 9:00 pm est: my bad! I neglected the planetary signatures for 1968, the year 2001 premiered:

Great Conjunction Jupiter and Uranus, the scientific breakthrough duo, occurred on December 12, 1968 @ 3Lib39, near US natal Midheaven (Aspiration Point) and conjoining the US natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn); two more conjs occurred: March 11, 1969 @ 2Lib27, and July 20, 1969 @ 00Lib40, an exact conjunction with our national Mc...

Tr Jupiter/Uranus = n Mc: a fortunate turn in life; optimism; fortunate powers of adaptability; comfortably becoming known for who one is; personal rewards from making changes.

We might even stretch toward:

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Jupiter: very upset with the ways of the world; losing the will to fight; depression; egoism; narrow-mindedness; lung or liver disease.

n Saturn/Neptune = tr Uranus: indifference to decay in older structures; a new discipline adds Astrology to religious or mystical practices; frustration; irritability; inner unrest; excitability; a suddenly manifesting weakness or illness.

The other Great Conjunction of 1968 is the plutocracy/banking system duo of Jupiter and Pluto on October 13 @ 23Vir40 - conjunct US n Neptune...

Tr Jupiter/Pluto = n Neptune: inclinations to deceive, cheat, or seduce others (ya think? and they were only warming up in 1968...for 2008!); suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it (the beaky snastards); a general disappointment; adjusting the data; omitting key facts; working a situation into ones own format.

Presidential background: LBJ was sworn in on Nov 22, 1963 after JFK's assassination, and was inaugurated once on Jan 20, 1965. Therefore, the above Great Conjunctions both took place and greatly influenced events during the Lyndon B. Johnson administration; Richard Nixon was inaugurated the first time on Jan 20, 1969 but he campaigned to win the White House, of course, in 1968.


Related topics:

Historical events of 2001

Brief natal details for Ayn Rand admirer and austerian extraordinaire Paul Ryan

SpaceWeather News


Midpoint pictures: Tyl: Ebertin: Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply and are subject to transits and progressions.

Mar 4, 2011

2012? The prez-runniness of Newt Gingrich

Update 9:42 pm est: With Gingrich's IRS filing completed, you may now donate as you wish.

Original post begins here:

Will the erstwhile fellow toss his hat into the White House ring or won't he?

Apparently a certain political maverick of dinosaur proportions will run for president in 2012 but Newt Gingrich has a lot of past baggage to shift around and repack before he even begins trudging the campaign trail.

With neither marriage fidelity nor political ethics his strong suits, Mr. Gingrich must depend on typically stirring rhetoric and his record on Capitol Hill to boost any minute chance he might have of winning the Republican nomination in spite of his weak spots. Besides, would Karl Rove approve of a Gingrich presidency in 2013?

Well, here are a few brief notes I made on the natal placements of Newt Gingrich way back in 2007 prior to Campaign 2008 really heating up. See what you think and get back to me if possible.

Would you vote to catapult a Newt into the White House? Really?

Pegasus and the Virgo Full Moon of 3.19.11

Image: Horoscope of the Mar 19, 2011 Full Moon 28Vir48 in 3rd house @2:10 pm edt, Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour Moon (changes, fluctuations, publicity); Moon conjunct asteroid Nemesis; Sun 28Pis48 in 9th H conj Uranus 00Ari26, conj Fixed Star Scheat (Beta Pegasus); chart-ruler Moon applies: inconjunct Neptune 29AQ30 (0A42) in 8th H, and opposition Uranus (1A39) in 9th H.

1. Moon inconj Neptune in 8th H (Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, and Transformation) describes a population (Moon) that is over-extended, vulnerable to deception, and has a weakened immune system (healthwise and financially.)

2. Moon oppo Uranus shows our mental and emotional stress and keyed-up nervous systems which need extra rest. (But no Big Green Moths that lead you to sleep-drive or sleep-eat, please!)

Moon, Sun, and Mars

From ancient scrolls (Moon '29Vir') to coiling serpents (Sun '29Pis'), this Full Moon chart is chocked full of interesting symbols and portents for the rest of March 2011 with the Full Moon as culmination of something begun at the last New Moon of March 4, 2011 (today.)

An unaspected Mars 19Pis29 in 9th H of Foreign Lands/Travel and Philosophy/Religion/Higher Education stands alone and adds wild card potential to what is already a wildly disruptive placement: Uranus, again at the Mars-ruled Aries Point. This conjoins US natal Ic as issues from June 2010 may be brought to the fore again since Jupiter and Uranus formed a Great Conjunction there (00Ari18) on 6.8.10; Jupiter/Uranus = a lucky break or win; associations with science, technology, discovery, and exploration; civil unrest; legalities used against strikes, protests, and rebellions; reforms that originate with religious principles.

Our nation's unionized states and the undermining of collective bargaining rights come particularly to mind.

Mars is, however, tied in with the chart energies through the trail of dispositorship: chart-ruler Moon by Mercury, Mercury by Mars, and Mars by Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator pair; Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception, and...

Mars/Jupiter = Sun: organizational talent; success; leadership; a love of enterprise; resolving to correct errors in judgment.

Mars/Jupiter = Uranus: breaking loose; explosive expression; domination; finding the best political approaches during times of unrest; abrupt uses of social forces; sudden changes in competitive rules,

Agitator Mars' Sabian Symbol: '20Pis' = "A Table Set for an Evening Meal." And in The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac, Adriano Carelli gives an apt word picture for this degree: "Full Moon" = super-rational logic, or no logic at all; a noble soul soaring above the miseries of every day life; a lofty imagination; men in public life led by by merely political principles and sticking to empirical methods; idealists.

Goals, Aspirations, and Ambitions

The Goal Point of the Full Moon (FM) chart is the Mc 13Ari31 ('14Ari' = "A Serpent Coiling Near a Man and a Woman") which has the Mercury/Jupiter midpoint upon it giving the energies an outlet for easy expression upon the World Stage (10th H):

Mercury/Jupiter = Mc: optimism; a wealth of ideas; a good speaker, businessman, or scientist; recognition of principles brings fulfillment; successful planning; a desire to build up (an army?)

(Note: all mdpt pics on this blog are from Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

The Mercury/Jupiter midpoint itself relates to a budget strained by inflation or over-expansion (which sums up the US financial condition that US politicians and banksters enabled, engineered, and/or allowed w the GOP seeking to roll back FDR's New Deal and gut LBJ's Great Society programs, no matter who suffers grievously), legal decisions which affect commerce or transportation, plans for growth, religious leaders who crave political power (Huckabee? other?), persuasive advertising (propaganda), luck with gambling schemes, and/or clever proposals. (Paraphrasing Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Working behind the scenes in 12th H of Large Institutions and Karma are America's natal Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury Rx; opposing is US natal Pluto at Descendant which puts our natal progandistic, spying, political-talk-offering-abrupt-changes-to-some-functions Mercury/Pluto opposition on the Full Moon menu.

At the Foundation of the chart, (Ic = Home; Domestic Scene; Homeland; Security), lurks Saturn Rx, still within the process of our nation's Saturn Return. Saturn here and Rx indicates delays and restrictions, and may depress issues relating to the Real Estate market and the foreclosure process; tough controls may be implemented within security programs, and there are potentials for mining and/or weather catastrophes.

Also there may be slyness, deception, and plans beyond all reason connected with Mercury/Jupiter contacts.

As you see, the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be opposing one another off and on for some time; this is the culmination or fulfillment phase of their Great Conjunction of May 28, 2000 @ '23Tau' = "A Jewelry Shop Filled with the Most Magnificent Gems" which I believe relates directly to the Great Heist of US Wealth which peaked with Financial Collapse 2008 (Bush-Cheney=Paulson, TARP, etc.) As you know, the heist is ongoing and may have been specifically in its planning stages around the time of the May 2000 conjunction - if so, both Rs and Ds are implicated; the Jupiter/Saturn cycle affects trade, commerce, and stock markets.

Meanwhile, the Saturn/Uranus quindecile (165 degrees of obsession-compulsion) is making itself felt big time by disruption of governing systems while breaking rules and regulations in defiance of law and order; Saturn QD Uranus is driven (QD) to use innovative ideas (Uranus) to break old or outdated concepts (Saturn.) (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

As we read in the news, traditional Saturn's status quo is freaked out by Uranus' progressive, radical ideas and ideals. The Saturn-Uranus cycle is associated with events in the Middle East, particularly with Israel and Palestine; their last Great Conjunction/s occurred 3x in 1988 @ 27-30 Sag, degrees which were triggered when tr Pluto passed over them just before Mr. Underworld entered Capricorn.

Another picture is formed with secret hand Pluto as well:

Sun/Saturn = Pluto: an increased will to retaliate against others for slights; overwhelming rigidity and inflexibility; a disciplined person who wants power; developmental inhibitions due to illness; threat of loss in health or relationship; pressured to change one's entire value system.

The Nodal Axis in Play with Nemesis and Pegasus

Listed on the chart (click to enlarge, upper right) you see the double T-Square patterns of:

Sun/Moon = NN: associative and joining qualities; adaptation; commencing an association; contacts; joint success; groups that help achieve aims.

Moon/Uranus = NN: restless and excitable contacts; ambitious associations; creativity and inventiveness.

With the destined and futuristic North Node in 6th H, we may expect the energies of the March 19th Full Moon to release in the areas of Military, Police, Daily Life, and/or Health Concerns.

So! We have Nemesis (divine retribution; an unbeatable foe) contacting the Full Moon (the people) which falls between America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 and our Secondary Progressed Neptune Rx, opposing the Sun conjunct Fixed Star Scheat in Pegasus, constellation of the winged horse, plus, unpredictable lightening rod Uranus at the Aries Point of World Manifestation.

Pegasus relates to the number 4 of Physical Manifestation with its stars forming a square in the sky, and this links the constellation to the great square of the Sun - the four Equinox and Solstice Points; horses indicate speed and domestication and Pegasus is known in all cultures through the centuries; Scheat's key themes are: a lover of intellect, great mental creativity; Rigor adds turbulence; Ebertin adds a need to get past a 'mortal accident' and then there's a great flow of mental creativity. (Brady's Book of Fixed Stars.

Pluto Still Pulling Strings

Powerful, subversive Pluto 7Cap24 in 6th H of Military-Police Service, and Health remains as apex planet at the Saturn/Uranus midpoint, so the world continues to labor under the dire effects of:

Saturn/Uranus = Pluto: brutality, violence; a desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; concealing changes to activities; drastic changes in a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation (labor union busting? austerity cuts that harm the people and interfere with economic improvement?)

Since Saturn rules Aquarius, the sign on the Full Moon's 8th cusp - which is sub-ruled by Uranus - 8th H matters are intimately involved with the above indications; penned on the chart are two powerful midpoints conjoining the 8th cusp in Washington: power-craving Sun/Pluto and radical Uranus/Pluto.

And we might even say there's a critical YOD pattern of sorts with the sensitive Moon/ASC sextile at its base and pointing to a crisis-degreed Neptune 29AQ30 (still within orb of US natal Moon 27Aq10 = fraud to the people)...

Moon/Asc = Neptune: feeling wiped out; self-delusion and deception from others; pretensions of concern; falsehood on the part of women; peculiar dislikes.

Neptune, planet of toxicity, is masking tr Ceres (security concerns; food supply, grains, milk; nourishment); FDA actions and inactions may be in the news again with Neptune's mass media emphasis.

And then at Midheaven, and ruling 2nd and 11th houses, is orating, planning, negotiating Mercury, speedy planet of trade, commerce, communications (speech-makers and writers, reporters and bloggers), thinking processes, and crossroads.

With Mercury posited at '17Ari', we have a picture of "Two Prim Spinsters" which negatively indicates 'an increasing exaltation of shallow interests and a witless pretense of distinction and great virtue.' (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Ouch! Well, perhaps since this is a mundane chart concerning Politics and political thespians, we may wish to extend the word picture for '17Ari' to include the society-deceiving political 'spin-meisters' of Washington DC.


Yes, there are many other factors to consider in the Full Moon horoscope of March 19, 2011 and big doings are afoot across the nation and the globe so if you wish to comment, discuss, or opine, please leave your on-topic remarks along with any links to related topics. Thanks! Jude