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Showing posts with label WOT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOT. Show all posts

Jul 18, 2008

Are Biden's marbles lost?

Senator Joseph Biden has introduced a bill to send more billions to Pakistan to fight terrorism - since the billion dollar bribes have worked perfectly so far...

But what can you do with a Hill-full of irrepressible drunken sailors with major pocket-lining tendencies?

Send a decent one to join the Washington throng? It only ends up spoiling 'em as they are cautioned to vote as the party tells them if they want to keep their jobs, the little newbies, so wide-eyed and desperate to stay in sparkly Washington and rule the world alongside the (pompous) big dogs.

That's how it's done - maintain the elitist status quo while posing for the cameras, holding hearings, and 'serving' on committees whose main outcomes consist in making more noise than improvement.

Didn't I say here on SO'W that the November 2006 elections would show us the pudding's proof or be a song-and-dance wash out...or words to that effect? What would Dem control amount to?, I asked. Not much, as we see - but the mega-propagandized "WOT" has certainly been a terrific bottomless pit for pilfering taxpayers' money, hasn't it?

Oldie But Moldie:

Early in the Bush regime I proffered a Tar'n'Feather Fund with donations accepted...and it's still bubbling on the hob, m'peops!

Apr 15, 2008

Pluto/Chiron class warfare going fine, thanks

Global Hunger, Corporate Greed:

When will enough be enough?

By Debnath Guharoy

Systemic deception has become acceptable culture in too many boardrooms, with nothing more than a wink and a nod required down the chain of command. When it gets to a point that an accountant is unable to explain complex new financial instruments and their equally befuddling acronyms, disaster cannot be far away.

Information Clearing House has the rest of the article for you.


World revolution IS the game, hunger and chaos are musts in the hidden hand's plan for world mastery. And as we see these days all is going extremely well for them with more consitutional crises on the way.

Mar 25, 2008

Pentagon mea culpa and nukes across America

The Pentagon's cone head is showing! as Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits to "The Mistake of the Taiwanese Cone Heads" or something like that.

Is he planning to write a mystery novel or get to the bottom of their supposed incompetence?

Actually Gates has called for an investigation (and we know where those tend to lead--down the garden path) into four containers of fuses shipped to Taiwan in "error"...a charade which must infuriate China, no doubt. Grumps me up no end and I'm only American.

Well, I guess Gates had to say something to, oops!

Is it me, or does the US seem to say oops to China quite often?

Anway, you'll see that I've included in the above-linked post the sunrise chart for the day that the Air Force (they're on OUR team, remember) "mistakenly" loaded a bunch of nuclear bombs onto some B-52s and flew them from ND to may want to check out the chart with asteroid Toro at Ic and conjunct the "A Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree.

Ole! Oops! and all that.

Feb 17, 2008

Obama an agent of change--or baton passing?

Okay, the uplifting rhetoric is all very inspiring, and Clinton's critiques are doing their herding job and all, but here's an article by Bruce Marshall laying out the kind of crud I've been dreading yet didn't know how to put into words.

Marshall has done so concerning vetted-by-Wall-Street-Obama as part of the agenda's process with the Sheeple once again playing the dupes, and "the elite" in on the joke(my italics = my own two cents. Got change?)

Barak Obama Fronts Wall Street's Infrastructure

Swindle - What Change Really Means

By Bruce Marshall

Since 9/11 America has certainly turned into a top-down police state, but true post-modern fascism requires a popular movement to usher it into power. Bush has created a dictatorship out of the Presidency, now the next step towards fascism is being marketed to exploit the desire for change.

Information Clearing House has the article.#

Did you honestly think anything would be changed about the Iraq Occupation after November 2006?

Change of direction for political thespians--whether Illuminati-inspired, Mason-enobled, or other__?__--only means a change of script baa-a-a-a...

...matinee tickets still available, Germany's 1930s model to be mimicked and "improved upon."

As my forward-looking Kalorama Road friends and I sitting round DC parlors in the 70s used to pontificate: it can happen here. Look around...can is NOW.

Please, America, pour your bottle of Ambien down the drain and snap to attention, for the real foe is not what they tell us--it is them.

Feb 13, 2008

Guantanamo to Main St USA

Rape By Any Other Name

Guantanamo Comes to Main Street USA

By Mark A. Goldman

~~Warning: This Article Contains Very Disturbing Video~~

They say that the difference between how democracy in Europe has evolved compared to that of the United States is that in Europe the government is afraid of the People whereas in the United States the People are afraid of the government. That's a dangerous state of affairs and it looks like it's going to get worse.

Informatiom Clearing House has Goldman's article and video here.

Feb 11, 2008

another Bush clampdown on freedom

News Update from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 11, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Bush orders clampdown on flights to US--EU officials furious as Washington says it wants extra data on all air passengers:

The US administration is pressing the 27 governments of the European Union to sign up for a range of new security measures for transatlantic travel, including allowing armed guards on all flights from Europe to America by US airlines. The demand to put armed air marshals on to the flights is part of a travel clampdown by the Bush regime that officials in Brussels described as "blackmail" and "troublesome", and could see west Europeans and Britons required to have US visas if their governments balk at Washington's requirements.

According to a US document being circulated for signature in European capitals, EU states would also need to supply personal data on all air passengers overflying but not landing in the US in order to gain or retain visa-free travel to America, senior EU officials said.#

This reminds me of what may be a similarly themed issue: building walls on the border between the US and Mexico--and I can't shake the feeling that it's meant as much to isolate the American people as to keep others out. The above-mentioned "blackmail" seems part of the same ploy.

Then there's the recent mysterious cutting of Iran's internet cables. And although I would be among the first to suspect the Bush regime or others in the cutting yet I can't help but wonder if it's the Iranian government closing in on the Iranian people, just as the Bush-Cheney 1% gang is busily doing to America.

Hmm...this "feeling" is probably simply a part of the fear-esque atmosphere they're advancing upon us 24 hours a day, for years on end. Right?

Or perhaps another mixed "blessing" from Mr. Freedom-is-the-default-position-of-humanity!

Feb 2, 2008

Pentagon ready for Bush's catastrophes

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 2, 2008

All items are here: LegitGov Breaking News

Pentagon claims ready for upcoming Bush false flags:

Pentagon rejects report, says ready for WMD attack: The Pentagon on Friday insisted it is ready to respond to a [Bush] chemical, biological or nuclear attack inside the United States, rejecting an independent panel's criticism of its preparations. But the Pentagon conceded it is not yet satisfied with its plans to respond to some of the 15 catastrophic attack scenarios [!] that federal agencies have been ordered to prepare for, such as a nuclear attack or a series of chemical attacks throughout the country.#

Does this sound like it's ramping up to favor Cheney's happy fun day scrambling air responses on the morning of 9/11?

Don't taunt Happy Fun Ball (thanks, SNL.)

But do visit George Washington's Blog for 9/11 information.

Personal Note to my friends, Neith, Jilly, and Twilight: thanks, my dears for your kind comments--and if Blogger would allow me to open a comment window I'd have answered you all in timely fashion, so for now let me say that I much appreciate your many attentions and concerns! And--

The fault lies not in our stars, but in our blog hosts...

Jan 28, 2008

State of the Union address 1.28.08

Here's the horoscope of George Bush's final SOTU address tonight 9:00 pm EST, with US natal Neptune (planet of idealism, illusions, surveillance, deception, and 'nets') rising--and *US n Mars at MC, the WHY? Point/Goal/Aspiration angle of the chart and of the speech itself.

WHAT? = the Ascendant 22Vir28 (US n Neptune 22Vir25--a close conjunction signifying an acting job infused with deception, and the US n Mars/Neptune square being angular suggests that our nation's tendency toward secret actions and confused motivations is about to be touted and exploited. Secret surveillance, bloggers?)

Plus, transiting asteroid Arachne, linked with the internet, webs, and entanglements--and thus spying, esp online--is conj US n Saturn, planet of control and authority. This conj is in first house and will rise as Bush speaks.

So? the extension of the surveillance act which is set to expire Friday, Feb 1, is a major part of Bush's propaganda catapultin' tonight--major in spite of whether or not he emphasizes it--and he certainly won't mention its real purposes.

But we know that terroism and fear will be on the menu, of course, for Saturn is a planet of restriction--and fear.

If you click to enlarge the SOTU chart, you'll notice a few scribbled midpoints--the usual heavy-hitting suspects like Pluto/Chiron, Saturn/Uranus, etc. Ignore these if you wish, but notice the high flying KITE pattern which has Rx Mars as the tail and keeping it afloat at the MC of Goals and Aspirations.

Pluto 00Cap06 is the front of the KITE--where's it's going; NN 27AQ53 (conj US n Moon, the people or the public --Sibly chart) and the SOTU's Moon 26Lib13 is in 2nd house of Money/Values indicating our fluctuating (Moon) financial condition (2nd house.) Moon and NN relate to PR and publicity, too, so he'll be promoting the financial band-aid he's proposing rather stingily.

Bush's natal Uranus/NN conjunction is just past MC at 9:00 pm (a few of his natal placements are marked in green, US' are marked in red.)

Uranus/NN = radical political groups; reformers. Yeah, we see where that's led America--to overextension financially and militarily, bankrupcty, fraud, and homelessness. Thanks, neocons and your globalist compadres.

The self-controlled or depressive Moon/Saturn midpoint is conj US n MC and rising--and will be at SOTU's MC by 9:45 pm tonight, the approximate time Bush's last SOTU mercifully ends.

Moon/Saturn = MC: structuring ambition; making things happen carefully; a sense of duty and prudence (Poppy's word); feeling deserted, abandoned, sad.

When Moon/Saturn rises in the SOTU chart, shortly after he begins talking, we have:

Moon/Saturn = ASC: a reserved self-presentation.

And with tr Moon conj tr asteroid Demeter (spiritual nurturance in avocational work) don't be surprised if Bush uses his theatrically reverent tone and gives some shout-outs (code words) to the evangelical community.

Chart-ruler Mercury is Rx, so a good an outcome may not be expected for Mercury's communicating abilities with this, Bush's "Last SOTU Standing." Shall he leave no SOTU behind?

Now for chart-ruler Mercury's applying aspects in order of closest orb (to see how tonight's Catapult from the White House will be received):

1. inconjunct ASC/US n Neptune (1A24): reasoning not in keeping with the facts.

Maybe we should listen for a whopper in the first two minutes!Plus, an inconj (150 degrees) between Mercury and Neptune also indicates misunderstandings and disappointments.

2. trine MC/US n Mars and SOTU Mars Rx: lots of mental energy and endurance but restless; dramatic, forceful speech (for sure, but with a content of flufferies and veils); good for reporters and commentators; seeking to mold public opinion (the State of the Union is...strong? Well, what else can he say? economically it may not help to be honest tonight yet foreign markets are already on to him, Paulson, and Bernanke.)

Mercury trine Mars is also good at promoting causes, but with both planets Rx (Mars until Jan 30) the outcome will be delayed even though Bush will be admonishing the Senate not to delay the (inadequate) financial rebate proposal or load up the legislation with additions that would actually help those who need them most.

Yet their Rx conditions indicate critical issues, and perhaps after Mars goes Direct--and Stationing Direct is a very strong position--we shall see some movement in the Senate or otherwise. (Mukasey is set to testify about the erased CIA torture tapes, the Hatch Act, etc, on the 30th as well.)

Back to Mercury's applying aspects:

3. conj Neptune: thinking about what to feel; feeling what to think; special awareness; mysticism; dreaming; deception; illusions; good for creative literary pursuits. How will the media spin this SOTU? Or for that matter, how will the Dems and the GOP spin it? Like Arachne, one imagines--it will need it.

This address is to be "forward-looking" you know--after all, how could he look back at his trainwreck of a presidency? With a straight face and in public, I mean.

And "forward-looking" goes along with idealistic Neptune rising--Bush's natal Neptune 5Lib56 is his first natal planet to rise once he begins pontificating--another indication of Neptunian things already mentioned. Bush's thespian abilities will be heavily relied upon tonight.

Also rising: n Chiron (the wound), Moon, and Jupiter 18Lib09--Jupiter conj US sec progressed Mars--will rise bringing the 9 pm 2nd cusp of Money/Values with them, but don't be listening for a mea culpa on overspending on the war causing hardships back home. Ahh, the war--Cheney's and Bush's cash cow--that US taxpayers pay for obscenely so that warhawks may profit.

4. The last aspect for Mercury is its conjunction with Chiron 15AQ16, which is just past "14AQ"..."A train entering a tunnel"...neg: uninspired conformity to limitation. This makes me think that the Senate, which has been warned by Bush not to "delay or derail" the legislation for paltry rebates--and which ignores the poorer among us--may add more helpful salves to the legislation after all. We'll see in a few days--Senate may do this as early as this Wednesday.

So--if you've enlarged this chart, you've seen mention of Sen Ted Kennedy and of JFK's daughter, Caroline, near Jupiter 9Cap17 and asteroid Nemesis (the unbeatable foe.) Sen Kennedy endorsed Sen Obama this very day, and Caroline has seen how her father affected the American people in his speeches bwo Barack Obama's uplifting message.

The "10Cap" region of the zodiac is Ted Kennedy's natal Ascendant (his physical self, so he's having a Jupiter-to-ASC transit now... = harmony) and is also conj Caroline's n Sun/Moon midpoint--10Cap29.

Jupiter does love to inspire, but with Nemesis there, this could be an indication of the Kennedy endorsements beating the Rs for the White House--or of something more sinister in the other direction. I'll have to keep a squinty eye on the combination in future months while hoping that there will be no need to.

And I do want to add the Sabian Symbol for the IC--the HOW? Point of the chart/ will Bush's proposals become reality in his bubble-filled world?

"22Sag"..."A Chinese laundry."

Yeah, borrowing more laundered millions from China--that's just what I thought.

*our current US Mars Return occurred on Sept 11, 2007, day of the Solar Eclipse in the 9 New South Series--responsibilities with paperwork or communications come home to roost; long term worries are brought to the surface about these in "deleted or mysteriously missing White House emails" and taped over back-up tapes for key time periods relating to the Bush-Cheney war. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

>You may read the 2008 SOTU's Sun AQ-Moon Libra blend's Image for Integration at Jude's Threshold if you wish.

Jun 7, 2007

JFK plot a set-up from the GOP?

News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government 07 Jun 2007

JFK 'plot'

JFK airport plot 'a US setup' 06 Jun 2007: The four suspects in an alleged terror plot to bomb a New York airport were set up in an elaborate plan by the US Republican party to retain hold of the White House, the daughter of an arrested suspect claimed on Tuesday. Huda Ibrahiim, daughter of Amir Kareem Ibrahiim, one of four men accused of plotting acts of terrorism against the United States, said US justice officials had engaged in entrapment in breaking up the alleged plot... She also said her father was afraid to fly, was not computer literate and does not use the internet.#

This is why I basically ignored this whole 'terror' flap--didn't ring true to me, how about you? It must be difficult to mount elaborate false flag wannabe plots for imaginary slapping downs when no one believes or trusts you anymore.

And we know how crying wolf turns out--that will be added to the US government's list of sins when the piper comes for his paypacket.

Feb 28, 2007

Dick Bomb-Magnet Cheney?

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government
28 February 2007

All links to articles as summarized below are available here: Breaking News.

'The basic rule is this: when Bush and Cheney move around in space, especially Middle Eastern space, other people die. A bomb magnet is going to attract bombs.' Cheney, The Bomb Magnet --The Rec Report -- By Michael Rectenwald Wednesday, 28 Feb 2007

Military chiefs give US six months to win Iraq war --Violence expected to rise after UK withdrawal --'Coalition' is 'disintegrating' 28 Feb 2007 An elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus in Baghdad has concluded the US has six months to win the war in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support that could force the military into a hasty retreat.

Democrats Back Away From War Fund Plan 28 Feb 2007 House DemocRATic leaders are backing away from a plan to scale back US involvement in the Iraq war by using Congress' most powerful tool - withholding money in the budget. #

This makes a lot more sense when you consider the neocon-Israeli bigger picture described in Craig Unger's insightful Vanity Fair article From the Wonderful Folks Who Brought You Iraq...another thanks to Alex for the link!

Netanyahu's hoofprints are showing up behind every sand dune and I remember his address to the joint session of Congress, July 10, 1996. That speech is when he called for the democratization of terroist states in the Middle East and stated that, "War might be unavoidable." Uh huh.

Perhaps someone should've smelled sulphur after that one because it sounds to me like one of those seeing-the-mote-in-your-neighbor's-eye-but-you-can't-see-the-beam-in-your-own moments...actually the whole "war on terror" comes across as part of this very basic problem...a human tendency we've all been warned against yet our learless feaders continue to demonize everybody but themselves.

(A "beam" for the whippersnapper reading this is like a two-by-four...a large plank, you might say.)

It's where we criticize in others what we refuse to acknowledge in ourselves--for if we didn't have the same trait, we wouldn't know how to recognize it, now would we?

So we think the bad stuff is "out there"...not within us. The devil made me do it--IF I did it at all. Or did I?

Ah-h-h...1996...Bill Clinton was playing prez then...I remember it well. They kept us mollified with good returns on stocks'n'bonds, and created a bottomless pit for the millions spent on supposedly "going after" Clinton.

I still say Kenneth Starr and those behind him then owe the US taxpayers a huge pile of dough...and that's not counting their Middle Eastern misadventures now--an agenda which they have No Intention of ever giving up, sad to say.

This is part of why I had reservations about the Nov 2006 elections--Dems are on the payroll as well. Do you doubt it given the "stalemates" prevalent upon The Hill now?

Jack Murtha's part in it all I have yet to understand. Is it possible there's one honest man in Washington? Pshaw. Well, Bernie Sanders perhaps.

So as evil-doers of all stripes force their holier-than-thou attitudes upon anyone handy, the Saturn-Neptune opposition continues bedeviling the entire world and the burning question remains unanswered after all these years: is it real (Saturn)--or is it PhotoShopped (Neptune)?!!

And Netanyahu, Bush, Cheney, Perle, and the rest think they can Secure the Realm--the Realm! no matter the cost to the unwashed masses who could use merely a bath, clean drinking water, and good meal or two.

Oh. And World Peace.