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Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington DC. Show all posts

Jan 4, 2015

Horoscope: Founding of the Federal City (DC) 1791

Image: Founding via Masonic cornerstone ceremony of the Federal City, now Washington DC, April 21, 1791 " precisely 3:30 pm" (Ellicott) when Jupiter Rx @22Vir38 was rising along with America's natal Neptune (which veils President Obama's natal Mars).

Mercury-ruled Virgo, sign of The Virgin, is a prominently emphasized Zodiac sign and constellation across the District of Columbia and appears in horoscopes of various cornerstone laying ceremonies of buildings and monuments across the city including that of the executive mansion (lodge) we now call the White House.

In the horoscope, chart-ruler (and goal-oriented Midheaven-ruler) Mercury makes no major applying aspects to other planets so its sign, house, and degree are spotlighted (10Tau32 in the occult 8th house conjunct star Menkar...victim of the unconscious and associated with Cetus the Whale). Please enlarge the image to read a few basic chart factors for they are not discussed here.

If we look to the stars of the ancient constellation Virgo for clues to the nature of our capital city, we find that the Virgin was called Demeter by the Greeks, Ceres by the Romans, and on April 21, 1791, the Sun @1Tau37 (8th house) conjoined asteroid Ceres, goddess of the harvest. Spica is the alpha star of Virgo, and is represented in the Federal Triangle by the phallic Washington Monument, part of the Founders' Solar Cult in which George Washington was allegedly deified.

Spica ('the spike') is linked with the wheat sheaf in the hand of the goddess (our Founders were pagan goddess worshippers as you may know by now!) and was considered a symbol of her gifts to mankind of harvest, bounty, knowledge and wise insights. That's supposedly George all over according to his contemporaries.

Of course there is much more to say concerning this horoscope, the circumstances in 1791, and the stars and planets thereof but I shall leave you to be curious enough to check things out for yourself--if indeed you are curious at all.

Recommended reading: David Ovason's The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital.#ad

Dec 4, 2014

A Cosmic December 2014: Winter Solstice and on to January 2015

During the month of December 2014 and on into early 2015 the heavens ring with cosmic events and changes which will be reflected by earthly events, no less so in Washington DC.

All times are EST and all horoscopes are set for Washington DC USA; all events mentioned here are under the auspices of the Solar Eclipse of October 23, 2014 @00Sco24.

A partial list of cosmic highlights for December 2014 includes activist and warrior Mars entering Aquarius on the 4th, then the December 6 Full Moon @14Gem17 (7:27 am) with Venus out-of-bounds in later Sagittarius, a culmination/fulfillment stage and the 'cosmic bookend' of something seeded at the November 22, 2014 New Moon @00Sag03. The Full Moon @14Gem17 perfects during an Hour of Saturn with Ceres rising (food, nurturing, and security issues) and falls in the middle of America's natal Mars-Uranus midpoint, an explosive, conflicted spot to be and, besides military events, one thinks of the several legal actions against the president on the Republican agenda (all of which makes them look quite desperate, sputtering, and politically neutered in my opinion.)

Next in December is investing Jupiter (The General, the banker, the guru, and the high-powered executive in his recent role as lead in a locomotive planetary pattern--see his change of condition at Winter Solstice, below) performing a Retrograde Station on December 8, 2014 @22Leo37, known as a degree of "worst foot forward" or "foot in mouth" (A. Louis) so watch for such mentions in the news (or that you notice yourself) and you'll identify Jupiter acting in one of his many roles.

Naturally we may expect Jupiterian concerns--particularly finances, investment, and expansion since we're mainly considering a spiteful Congress--to stall (move backwards) or be delayed until Jupiter's Direct Station the second week of April 2015 @12Leo35 and forward movement beyond 22Leo37 which won't occur until a couple of days after July 4, 2015. Of course, any cosmic events as of January 2015 will be intimately reflective of the 2015 Congress. The Direct Station will again conjoin Mr. Obama's natal Sun denoting a time when projects begun about 12 years ago must either ramp up or cease completely--which has timed his expansion of US troops into the Middle East, sad to say. Yet perhaps you agree that he's only following orders from a higher authority as all presidents do since....well, that's up for grabs but one point in time when a major shift occurred may have been with Andrew Johnson after the ritual of America's first assassination. Once that event changed our course, US debt to foreign bankers really began to corrupt the entire ideal of this nation.

Next is Venus, an integral part of the founding of this nation for one has only to look at Washington DC statues lauding the goddess, plus, the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor, to see this no matter the name. Venus will enter Capricorn, the sign of government, law, and business, on December 10, 2014 and this, of course, is 00Cap00, a World Point of manifestation, prominence, recognition, and fame. Capricorn is also the careful investor which is interesting since funding for running the US government is scheduled to expire on December 11, 2014 unless Congress acts with accountability, not grandstanding for political points. Yet as you know, another government shut down is in the air though establishment Republican leaders have denied it but Jim Demint of the Heritage Action group of anarchists knows more about the plan, I suspect, for he was behind last's year's costly 16-day fiasco.

(Apparently the "heritage" they tout is from pre-Civil War days in the secessionist/white supremacist mold and though I'm a southerner, theirs is a shady, forcible, even satanic way to behave imho, and a crummy way to run the US government based on paternalistic strong-arm tactics. They do not grandstand or obstruct progress in Washington DC for me!)

Next is the spoiling-for-a-fight Uranus-Pluto square, exact on December 15, 2014, the 6th of 7 exact squares at critical degrees of 12Ari-12Cap. Their square perfects at 12:14 am with its Mars-Saturn vibes due to sign rulership, a stop-go, frustrating influence of hardship inspiring more protests, conflicts, and generational clashes on the streets and on Capitol Hill, plus, more strong-armed police actions against the people. These social concerns issue from their Great Conjunction/s in mid-Virgo in the mid-1960s, the Civil Rights era when progress was made toward equality.

The last (7th) exact of the Uranus-Pluto squares occurs on March 17, 2015 after which perhaps things will cool down a little toward the end of 2015. Yet I'm quite certain grumpy, anti-social Republicans--still violently against New Deal and Great Society programs--and the new Congress with its 'charming' hog-castrating flavor will keep things riled up as much as possible for as long as they can. Considering their past behavior against the president, aren't you? Only political concerns over Election 2016 might keep the GOP under any control whatsoever if it will.

Next day, on December 16, speedy Mercury, planet of orators, communicators, reporters, young people, students, traders, transport carriers, magicians and tricksters enters Capricorn at 10:53 pm and we see the Winter Solstice 2014 stellium lining up in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (horoscope shown, below.)

Hannukah begins on December 17 and ends on December 24, 2014.

TV Note: the last episode of The Colbert Report is scheduled for December 18, 2014, a cosmic event to many of us.

December 20 brings a new cycle between Venus and Pluto as they conjoin @12Cap46 (critical degree) in the 8th house of Corporatism, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Legacies, Transformation, the Occult--but mostly with vibes of financial disruption (square Uranus) possibly due to natural disasters). Denoted are events involving organized crime and a worsening of the ongoing breakdown of the social fabric (which plutocratic elements within the US government have been working toward for decades--ex: billionaires' ownership of politicians and judges, anti-New Dealers, etc.) Other potential areas of concern with Venus-Pluto include waste processing and disposal, both of nuclear and other toxic by-products, transformation of America's beautiful landscapes and natural resources--water comes to mind--such as with fracking and other destructive mining practices.

Naturally for timing peaks of the Venus-Pluto cycle we look to their waxing and waning squares (credit debasement?) and their opposition (tax, insurance, joint finance problems, plus, underworld involvements such as money laundering, counterfeiting, prostitution and sex trading, and so on).

A Venus-Pluto conjunction also suggests extreme amounts of wealth hidden in secret places which may or may not be outed in the news for this is the pair's 'New Moon', a time when things tend to be done in the shadows and may only come to light around the time of their opposition in May 2015. We may expect with quirky Uranus squaring their conjunction that certain actors will exhibit a studied indifference to any destruction caused to society by their corruption--but how else do they ever face themselves in the mirror each morning, right?

This brings us to a very busy day cosmically: December 21, 2014, the Winter Solstice of 2014 which is imprinted with a New Moon of new beginnings @00Cap06 (8:35 pm, Dec 22.) Yet prior, at 6:03 pm is the actual perfection of Sun entering Capricorn, the Solstice itself. And even before that is a prominent shift of energy performed by disruptive Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, a signature of anarchists and blind zealots (Ebertin.) Considering current and recent events, it seems safe to include Zionists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and secessionists in with this Martian bunch of political regressives--part of the anti-government movement against Washington DC.

Now it's time to check out the horoscope of Winter Solstice 2014 set for December 21, 2014 at 6:03:20 pm est, Washington DC, with a bow to royal star Fomalhaut, the Watcher of the South and guardian of earth's Winter Solstices:

It's a Balsamic phase between Sun and Moon (a dark few days of secret activities) and an Hour of Mars @13AQ11 (apex of the oppressive Pluto-Chiron midpoint of plutocrats, racists, and primal violence perpetrators); warrior Mars is in 8th house of Joint Finances keeping company with US natal Moon @27AQ33 (We the People); Mercury and Venus are out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and working on their own--both in 6th house; explosive Mars-Uranus are friendly in Mutual Reception (each other's signs) as the difficult pair Saturn and Pluto continue to be--here, from 5th house of Risk-Taking with a critical 29th degree Saturn, and Pluto @12Cap49, a critical degree affecting here 6th house matters such as Health, Work, Service (Military, Police, Civil), and our Daily Rounds.

Both mystical Neptune (Islam's 'totem planet' as Uranus is ours) and wounding-wounded Chiron, the guru and mentor, are in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Philosophy, and Higher Education and with Saturn anxiously on the verge of entering Sagittarius we may expect religion and austere ideologies to continue at the top of every malcontent's militant agenda, here and abroad.

Solstice 2014 Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius--often a happy placement--in Political Astrology may denote immigration issues and can have an 'attacks which weaken' vibe due to the Moon conjoining star Acumen. Plus, that's America's natal Ascendant on the 6th cusp which personalizes indicators relating to our government and its war machine sucking up all our money and resources not the least of which are our family members. And with critical degrees on the MC-IC axis (29Vir-Pis, the victim-savior polarity) we perhaps shouldn't expect our nation to fare well in the Public Status department during the next 6 months for between the Death Star Pentagon gorilla-ing around the planet and the US Congress willfully turning itself into a laughing stock, We the People are numbed, genetically modified, and too disengaged to actually do anything about the crooks in charge at this particular time.

Now the Solstice 2014 planets form a Bucket pattern with Jupiter Rx @22Leo20 as the handle and thus uniting the fuller and emptier hemispheres of the chart--carrying the chart. Coercive measures are being used and Jupiter Rx is delaying investment and other financial concerns as noted previously especially since 2nd house signifies the National Treasury in Political (Mundane) Astrology. A new direction is being forcibly installed within our government and having Leo-AQ on the 2/8 cusps increases the chances for breaks and breakdowns between the three branches of government (Sun-Saturn-Uranus).

And is that an elephant in the Solstice room you see before you? Only if you include the Nodal axis and the ASC of the chart (17Can08) as points in a Cardinal Cross involving planets Venus and Uranus which as a pair denote extravagance, eccentricity, and erratic behavior which will probably affect the US economy. Of course, North Node (the head of the dragon) always points to a future direction and as noted above, this NN conjoins US natal Saturn which is opposed by transiting Uranus (soon to conjoin tr SN), the old v new order condition already mentioned--but also significators of Israel and Palestine and their ancient disagreement at the base of all conflict. The Ascendant, a chart angle, is a point of manifestation of the Venus-Uranus-Saturn energies giving the Cross--or at least the T-Squares that are formed--a place to act out. Or up, if we're talking anarchy in the US Congress--such as another government shutdown at the expense of taxpayers once again.

(If any grandstanding Republican serves us 'green eggs and ham' again it may be hog castrator Joni Ernst's dream but none for me, thanks. I'll fast instead.)

To conclude my current remarks concerning the Winter Solstice 2014 horoscope:

The factor that should have been discussed at the beginning--Moon as chart-ruler and its applying Ptolemaic aspects which hint at how things will proceed from Winter Solstice 2014--we find only two such: Moon conjunct Sun (1A24) and Moon conjunct Mercury (9A01), the Speedy One, which conjoins difficult star Facies, one of the 'victim stars'.

Obviously the December 22nd New Moon @00Cap06 is spotlighted by Winter Solstice 2014 and as such, makes this particular Solstice prominent in many ways--and perhaps fortunate for some. At the least, new creative projects are planned and seeds now germinate, a condition which may reference on one level the dark agenda of sourpuss Republicans and their financial backers who just can't stand a Democrat in the White House especially when he dares to be half-black. Or is it his white-half they so despise? Either way, their shady plans to undermine proceed apace.

(Never mind that Mr. Obama was purposefully chosen by Those Who Select Presidents to--in my view--gum up the works of the US government and to get done what has been done since 2009--and to not get done what the power elite didn't want done. The ultimate goal is, as I've blogged here way too often, to dismantle our government system of 1776, take control, and replace it with one from a devilish plutocrat's dream--Lucifer's servant. You may wish to check out General Albert Pike's writings about WWIII if you haven't. Not only is he the only Confederate General with a statue in Washington DC--still!--but his body is entombed down the block from the White House at the Scottish Rite Masonic Temple. Mummified, you ask? Don't know. Don't want to know. Ugh and weird.)

Last in the chart: with Moon to Mercury we naturally think of such potentials as communication between leaders and the masses, propaganda campaigns (yes, we're constantly drenched in them already), speeches tailored to what the people need to hear, leaders who analyze the attitudes and moods of the public, family concerns, excitement over popular causes, restless workers, and agricultural statistics which come to light.

And the Solstice Sun? No application (isolated leader, but not weaker, stronger) unless we count the December 6th New Moon, a lunation we must discuss in a later post.

Because if you, dear reader, have managed to read this far (skipping or otherwise), I'm impressed and do hope my populist Political Astrology view of Winter Solstice 2014 won't ruin the celebratory season for you!

For it isn't as if planets and stars are forcing politicians to act like self-serving idiots with a higher oath to uphold than the one they took to the US Constitution and to the offices they hold. Therefore, we may freely blame any of the jacka*ses for deciding their own hee-haw behavior and choosing to follow orders and act in such a sorry fashion by putting the Greater Good last on their list of important considerations.

Kwanzaa observance begins December 26 and ends New Years Day 2015.

2015: a Grand Cross again: Moon, Sun and Pluto, Uranus, and the Nodes

As for January 2015's swearing in of the new Republican-led Congress, an imprint is found in the horoscope of the Full Moon of January 4, 2015 @14Can30 (the result of the previous New Moon) conjunct Sirius which conjoins US natal Sun (the leader, usually, POTUS.) Fixed Star Canopus ('the plumb line' waiting to weigh each of us in The Scales) is nearby as well and has several ancient myths associated with it as does Sirius ('the mundane becoming sacred' and more.) With the DC chart of the Full Moon which perfects at 11:53:14 pm est, we find the Full Moon in 10th house and Alhena ('to have a mission') conjunct MC (9Can54) which also places America's natal Venus and Jupiter (and Sun) at the Goal Point of the Full Moon chart.

Opposite in 4th house, the Sun @14Cap30 has met powerful saboteur Pluto @13Cap18 and they, plus the Cancer placements, tie in with zealous radical Uranus @12Ari39 (setting) and the rising North Node @14Lib40 Rx--which conjoins US natal Saturn (14:48) denoting a 'new order replacing the old'--the Republican majority in House and Senate? Or a more sweeping change to the US government? The planets form a massive, dynamic Cardinal Grand Cross made more conflicted and generational by the ongoing Cardinal Square of Uranus-Pluto which again perfects at critical degrees on December 15, 2014 (#6 of 7 exact squares, the last on March 17, 2015 but past critical degrees.)

Additionally, plodding manipulator Pluto continues his siege opposite US natal Sun in Cancer denoting the titanic power struggles 'with important consequences' (Tyl) against Mr. Obama and the US presidency itself. We might think of the Koch Brothers but Pluto represents more than that--foreign financial backers, governments abroad, and global bankers and other corporatists are implicated as well as occultists of the dark persuasion.

Now the January 4th Full Moon horoscope is weighted on the Angular side suggesting that actions are being initiated though not necessarily of a positive nature and a majority of planets are in the hidden hemisphere of the chart suggesting private events. Constricting authoritarian Saturn in 2nd house of the National Treasury adds his delay and disapproval blockages and tactics to the stalemates created by Republican maneuvers intended to stymie President Obama's initiatives on immigration, budgetary matters, nominations, and...fill-in-the-blank.

Then around January 20, 2015, look for disruptive rebel Uranus to conjoin the transiting South Node (the tail of the dragon and a separative point of neurosis yet possibly of inherited talents) denoting societal conditions disrupted by violence, war, or other large concerns such as electrical disruptions or natural disasters. Their exact conjunction still involves America's natal Saturn which squares US natal Sun (the president, not a comforting picture as the New Year begins.

Perhaps President Obama will reach a new stage of development, however, around the New Moon of January 20, 2015 for the lunation @00AQ09 conjoins the presidential Sun in all our Inauguration horoscopes. This New Moon times closely with the usual date of the president's address to a Joint Session of Congress, the SOTU, and since Republicans are making noises about ignoring a long congressional tradition by not inviting POTUS to deliver SOTU 2015 in the chamber of Congress, I suspect his alternate direction may be to address the American people via TV from the White House.

'Funny' how GOPers think they're dissing him when it's actually rude congress members of the anti-government persuasion who don't deserve the honor of being courteously addressed by the President of the United States.

Related news: Republican senators say they'll block President Obama's choice to head Social Security. As I was saying...

Oct 1, 2014

Constantine the Great's Conversion and "the New Rome" - video

Since Washington DC has been referred to as "the new Rome" and Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Turkey dubbing Constantinople as "the new Rome" it's always been interesting to me to delve into Constantine the Great's conversion to Christianity which contemporaries and historians since have not always accepted as genuine. This, of course, involves the Vision of the Lighted Cross he had on October 27, 312 just before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge where he defeated Maxentius, then entered Rome in triumph on October 29, 312. Rome's Arch of Constantine continues to commemorate his victory.

But as the following excerpted 4-min-32-sec video points out, Roman Emperor Constantine may have been seeking forgiveness for murdering his son and having his wife suffocated in a hot steam bath, two acts which might bother the conscience of almost any dictator of the global expansionist variety--and pagan priests had refused to pardon him for his crimes:

Come to think of it, I'm not certain the sin of murder bothers the consciences of our modern crop of imperial expansionists who would have to have consciences first. You've seen them: they read their Global Government scripts like dead-eyed robots.

Related: The Empire Never Ended.

Sep 1, 2014

Washington DC: September 8, 2014 Full Harvest Moon in Pisces

Return of the Locomotive Pattern of Success: Lead Planet Jupiter (The General)

by Jude Cowell

With America now back on track toward sending more troops into Iraq, a December 18, 2011 post Iraq War ends w US Saturn uppermost 12.18.11 seems in retrospect to hint at a long relationship (Saturn) between the US government (natal Saturn) and the 2003 misadventure of the Bush administration's One Percent Doctrine, aka, the Cheney Doctrine of counter-terrorism.

Now since this is a Political Astrology blog, I trust that you have clicked or tapped yourself into the right place for expecting misadventure descriptions and unintended consequences explored under the rays of the September 8, 2014 Full Moon @16Pis19. If not you are urged to sashay over to a more personal Full Moon assessment at Ruby Slipper Astrology: Full Moon in Pisces: Wash Away the Inadequacy.

For as someone once said, Politics is "an organized system of hatreds..." (H. B. Adams) and I believe it should not be allowed to taint anyone's mood too harshly though goodness knows politicians and propagandists try their best every chance they get.

The New Moon of August 25, 2014 @2Vir18 is the beginning of the cycle from whence the September 2014 Harvest Full Moon comes--always two weeks later and always a culmination or fulfillment of the seeds planted at the previous New Moon. Follow the link for an image of the New Moon horoscope set for DC with a few chart details added.

So from Virgo to Pisces we go toward Autumn Equinox of September 22, 2014 (I'm preparing the post for it now to be published asap.) Set for DC, this Full Moon horoscope shows Taurus rising (10:22) which nominates Venus as chart-ruler and as usual, we look at the applying aspects of Venus to glean how things may proceed over the next two weeks from this lunation until the next New Moon of September 24 when the axis of emphasis changes from Virgo-Pisces (victim/savior) to Aries-Libra (relationships/self v others.) Yet we know that any Full Moon involves relationships along with full awareness and a potential for endings or even concerns about public matters.

Honestly, there are so many victims (and saviors) in the world today it's sometimes difficult to focus on just one or one group, isn't it? Additionally, in Washington DC the Full Harvest Moon falls in the 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes & Wishes so perhaps President Obama will have news concerning 'coalition of the willing' alliances he is said to prefer as the Pentagon marches off to the Middle East (not that we fully left) to continue its "war on terror" though to my mind, war IS terror.

Yes, ISIS/ISIL/IS--the Islamic State of assassins now terrorizing Iraq and Syria is being used in an attempt to terrorize the American public into fighting more war--may be a legitimate threat to the US but if so, it was the radicalization of the Middle East caused by our past betrayals plus Bush-Cheney bombs and now Mr. Obama's bombs that brought or may bring 'blowback' to our shores...for there's something about bombs killing all one's relatives that inspires a man or woman toward taking revenge--and an endless cycle of hatred and violence prevails. Forcing global government upon people who don't want it predictably creates chaos, don't you think?

Now the applying aspects of chart-ruler Venus (in 5th house of Risk-Taking) are as follows: Venus opposes Neptune (1A45) which indicates a period of vicious gossip, possible sexually transmitted diseases, and empty diplomacy. Self-serving gestures are prominent and religious fervor is faked.

Venus last trines powerful Pluto (6A53; Pluto in 9th house of Foreign Lands @11Cap02 Rx) denoting a time when the reading of body language is easy and those who seem self-contained with an aura of self-possession seem the most attractive. And though there are no guarantees there is a chance now to turn past failure into success which is an opportunity the Obama administration, the Democratic Party, and other players must take quick advantage of if they know what's cookin'.

If only the good of the American people were of any consideration!

Okay, the last chart factors I'll mention are the wide opposition between Mercury and Uranus across the 6/12 axis (which includes military and police services) squaring 9th house Pluto. This dynamic T-Square pattern may tend to attract complications or reversals, denotes potentials for vulgarities or slurs being added to speech, may point to a hasty realization of plans, and/or to 'getting the biggest job done in a commanding way' (Tyl.) Like a war or something really big.

Plus, now traversing structural, status quo Capricorn, wealthy, plutocratic Pluto is the apex planet of this Cardinal T-Square and we recognize those with a one-tracked, obsessive drive toward objectives which may include a demand for complete metamorphosis of systems and institutions and those who don't mind using extreme force to have their own way so that an old order can be swept away for the new. Abuse of power lies well within Pluto's realm as he overwhelms any opposition or challenge to his (imagined?) authority.

Now I wonder who this creepy Pluto group of psychopaths could be? The Fed, the Pentagon, international bankers, oligarchs, criminals, dictators, the Pope, secret societies, foreign or domestic assassins? Just as in life, Astrology works on many levels simultaneously so my guess is that Pluto represents all of the above and more besides--as in, a global conspiracy working toward waging WWIII.

Yet are there any benefits in the Full Moon chart to soothe the difficult energies and conditions now manifesting in the world? Perhaps, for an Earth Grand Trine is formed if we count a point of outlet for the energies at the Ascendant. The two planets involved are Sun trine Pluto, the actor I just maligned so terribly. Their protective, materialistic trine is separating (5S16) which denotes a past meeting (the Sept 4/5 NATO Summit in Wales?) between Sun (leader of a nation--in Wales it's 28 nations) and crabby, isolated, powerful Pluto, an aspect of concentrated will and deep insight into the most efficient use of energy and resources. As you know, a separating aspect also indicates unconscious or secretive influences.

Well, since we're talking Politics, NATO discussions of global security threats, and the Sun-Pluto duo, we may expect that changes in policy direction are in the air along with governing authority that is used to control dissent along with a generous helping of immorality. And it seems to me that in America the now-spotlighted accumulation of excessive amounts of armed strength by organized government and the negative influence of the organized criminal syndicate are of more immediate concern to our nation than what NATO members are reported to be discussing while meeting this week in beautiful Wales.


As given in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, here are the natal details for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) created by treaty and 'brought into force' when signed by President Harry Truman; NATO 'came into being' on August 24, 1949 at 11:42 am in Washington DC after the treaty was ratified by France. ASC 2Sco57; MC 8Leo37 (the 2003 Iraq War's Jupiter Rx position); 10th house Sun 1Vir07 and Moon 7Vir52 conjunct Saturn 8Vir28. The September 8, 2014 Full Moon falls in the 5th house of the horoscope while the Full Moon MC (The Goal) @23Cap40 conjoins NATO's natal Jupiter @23Cap20 Rx...Jupiter the General.

Edit Sept 7, 2014: one event I neglected to mention which will be affected by the September 8th Full Harvest Moon (also a 'Supermoon' as termed by expert astrologer #RichardNolle because of its closeness to Earth and seemingly larger size) is that Congress reconvenes on Tuesday September 9, 2014 from summer break. Whether any useful, practical, or sane business will be accomplished during the two weeks (until the next New Moon!) they're 'in session' remains to be seen and howled at, if past performances are any indication. Whatever 'harvest' they gather will more likely be for special interest barns especially if they see benefits for them in the November Midterm Elections.

Cynicism from a dissenting American? Yes, and they invite it by breaking the public trust, showing themselves corrupt to the core, and regularly circumventing the wishes and needs of the American people. And yet it isn't the American government I abhor--it's the infiltrators, usurpers, and global government agents now holding seats and pretending to 'serve' in offices they don't deserve who should be tossed out of Masonic Washington DC. jc

Aug 8, 2014

August 2014: New Millennium Horoscope Triggered by Pluto

Pluto Now Active in New Millennium Horoscope

by Jude Cowell

With US military action increasing in Iraq against ISIS (formerly al-Qaeda) there are multiple horoscopes in which to look for planetary activity relating to Iraq and Iraq War planets. One such is the New Millennium (NM) horoscope where transit Pluto in Capricorn (11/12Cap) now retrogrades between New Millennium Sun and Mercury in 4th house, the Foundation of the Matter (4th house, when the NM chart is set for Washington DC as a symbol for America and on another level, for the global collective.

We may glean a few hints about the character of this time period by considering the *Sun-Mercury duo as it affects Politics and Business and the synthesis created when transformative manipulator Pluto creeps along and catalyzes the duo into a trio of planetary energies, thus forming a midpoint picture. Let's consider potential expressions for this now-active trio:

Millennium Sun-Mercury = tr Pluto: satellites transmit important information world-wide; important information concealed; theft, neglect, or loss of pertinent communication devices or of information (Munkasey); making far-reaching plans; an orator with suggestive power (Ebertin); a dramatic push to new perspectives (Tyl.)

That last potential seems to be occurring as I type with the US being 'drawn back' into Iraq, as many pundits are describing it. Got weapons manufacturing shares in your stock portfolio? Well, I suspect that many American politicians, past and present, have just that.

New Millennium Fourth House Matters

The IC (Immum Coeli), the lowest point in any horoscope symbolizing Midnight and often considered the cusp of the 4th house, is also known as The Drain and I think we may expect draining of various sorts to occur here and abroad for some time. (Watch for the word 'drain' in the news in coming weeks or months.) So instead of an Ending (another IC-related concept) of all US combat in Iraq we have now a continuation of military intervention "for humanitarian reasons", one of the US government's favorite propaganda slogans. Can any war be "humanitarian"? This may or may not be the case and as always, I prefer to wait for the consequences of Washington's actions rather than trusting promises (and time-worn slogans) touted by politicians and their enablers, bosses, and media supporters!

Now this seems to me like yet another bull-in-a-china-shop mistake of large proportions if you don't mind my saying so. If it winds up quickly that will be one thing but will there be more to come...on and on and on. Cheney had America invade Iraq with one consequence--it broke up what was a black market oil scam. Now control (one of Pluto's words) of Iraq's oil is being taken over by ISIS beheaders, all or in part at this juncture.

Astrological Pluto also stands for assassins (which can describe both ISIS soldiers and the USA, CIA, etc), death, destruction, abomination, and other depraved, morbid things. 'Great wealth hidden in secret places' is another calling card of Pluto of the Invisible Cape, and of course, spies and powerful puppet masters also appear on Pluto's resume.

Then there's the *Sun-Mercury duo which relates to such things as media coverage, a leader's ability to communicate, stating the intention of an enterprise clearly--or a lack of clarity and thus being unconvincing, ineffective press briefings, needs don't mesh with business concerns, many language barriers, defective thinking or reasoning (Washington is 'eat up' with that and makes innocent people suffer from it), and more. See Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.

Well, I'll hush for now and say that if you've recently been hiding under a large rock (and who could blame you?) you may wish to check out Why the US Is Bombing ISIS in Iraq. After all, we can't depend on the false reality distractions they provide us here in 'The Matrix' every minute of the day and night, now can we?

Jul 4, 2014

Laid by the Stars: the District of Columbia Boundary Stones

District of Columbia Boundary Stones Laid According to Six Stars

by Jude Cowell

From moseying around on my Kindle Fire today I discovered an excellent resource concerning the laying of the District of Columbia boundary stones on the land that President George Washington selected (former surveyor as he was.)

Now if this Southerner and former resident of Washington DC were a Yankee Doodle Dandy, I'd be touting a macaroni feather in my cap about now! Yet, alas, I am only a Georgia native who misses residing in the capital city for its history, grace, and beauty. But not for its Politics, as you may imagine, especially since they reach far and wide and seem these days to muck up pretty much everything, don't they?

The Residency Act of July 16, 1790 (amended March 3, 1791) gave President Washington the authority to select a site for the national capital on the Potomac River between Alexandria, VA and Williamsport, MD. He chose the southernmost location within those limits so that all of the 4th largest port of the country at that time, the present-day Old Town Alexandria, would be included.

The area was platted by professional surveyor Major Andrew Ellicott who began on February 12, 1791 (astrological details below). He hired Benjamin Banneker, an "...astronomer and mathematician from Maryland to make the astronomical observations and calculations necessary to establish the south corner of the Square at Jones Point" (Alexandria, VA.)

Astrologers easily recognize the usual vagueness of calling Banneker only an "astronomer and mathematician" although of course he was those as well as an almanac publisher. However, Freemasons and their traditional use of Sacred Geometry is obviously described here. Washington, a highly positioned Freemason, was well aware of astrological principles, too (George 'elected' the hour of Cornwallis' surrender) as did Jefferson, Franklin, and other Founders.

Below is an excerpt from the website which may delight most of the astrologers I know (six stars!) especially those of the Mundane Astrology persuasion. The website's link follows the excerpt if you wish more information which includes photos of the stone relics. Most of the 40 stones are still visible--the D.A.R. located and surrounded them with metal fences some years ago in a valiant effort to protect them. There's also a link to an early newspaper article describing the boundary stones' condition at that time and much more:

"Banneker fixed the position of the first stone by lying on his back to find the exact starting point for the survey...and plotting six stars as they crossed his spot at a particular time of night." From there, Ellicott's team embarked on a 40-mile journey, surveying ten-mile lines first to the northwest, then the northeast, next southeast, and finally southwest back to the starting point, clearing twenty feet of land on each side of the boundary.

The Alexandria Masonic Lodge placed a stone at the south corner on April 15, 1791, in ceremonies attended by Ellicott, federal district commissioners Daniel Carroll and David Stuart, and other dignitaries. Other stones, made of Aquia Creek sandstone, were placed at one-mile intervals along the boundaries, resulting in 40 stones total. On each stone, the side facing the District of Columbia displayed the inscription "Jurisdiction of the United States" and a mile number. The opposite side said either "Virginia" or "Maryland," as appropriate. The third and fourth sides displayed the year in which the stone was placed (1791 for the 14 Virginia stones and 1792 for the 26 Maryland stones) and the magnetic compass variance at that place. Stones along the northwest Maryland boundary also displayed the number of miles they fell from NW4, the first stone placed in Maryland. Stones placed at intervals of more than a mile included that extra distance measured in poles.

For further reading I'll hope on this historical topic you'll visit forthwith.

However, the Astrology of April 15, 1791 Jones' Point, Virginia must be addressed later in a fresh post. Meanwhile, you may be interested to note that the DC website of the D.A.R states that "The south cornerstone was ceremoniously laid at Jones' Point on April 15, 1791." Later on we'll look at a few astrological indicators for that date as a speculative natal chart for the District of Columbia. Since no mention of an hour has been found, the chart has been set up for 'noon' LMT though of course a morning hour may be closer to the true time of such a somber and important (Masonic) ceremony that lays the foundation of the Utopian capital of the New Nation in the New World: "E Pluribus Unum". Play around with the horoscope if you like and we'll hopefully discuss it soon.

Another discovery I made today is the Twitter handle of a brother-sister duo who 'walked the diamond' surrounding the District and I decided to Follow them...@walkthediamond. Why not fill your water bottle and join in?

May 12, 2014

Monday May 12 2014: Washington Monument re-opens

Since the East Coast earthquake/s around 3 years ago the Washington Monument was been closed for repairs of fissures and cracks until today when it re-opened to the public.

That George! Always with his hm hm hm on display!

Now here's a brief consideration in an April post about the stars overhead some of DC's Federal Triangle monuments--it's A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC.

Apr 11, 2014

Apr 14-15 2014 "Blood Moon" Lunar Eclipse first of four

With the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse of April 14-15, 2014 (depending on your location) being called a "Blood Moon" as inspired by Biblical prophecy, the website Earth and provides interesting information which may be of value to you. The April 14-15 Lunar Eclipse @25Libra will be visible from the Americas and is first of four Total Lunar Eclipses in a row, the next three manifesting on October 8, 2014 @ 15Aries (Tropical Zodiac), April 4, 2015 @14Libra, and September 28, 2015 @5Aries.

As you see, the Aries-Libra axis is emphasized (ruled by Mars-Venus) which includes relationships of all sorts, war and peace, and, as always with Lunar Eclipses where the Sun and Moon oppose one another, an awareness factor and a culmination/fulfillment factor are involved. Revelations of secrets tend to come with any eclipse, Lunar or Solar, and weather conditions or Earth changes such as tectonic shifts cannot be ruled out. Eclipses are often known as the 'wild cards of the Universe' for their quirky Uranian 'expect the unexpected' frequency. In a word, the influence and results from eclipses are unpredictable.

Curiously, of the four Total Lunar Eclipses of 2014 and 2015, only the eclipse of September 28, 2015 will be visible from Israel and then only the last few minutes of it. Visit Earth and Sky for more details.

Whether you choose to see any of these implications as Biblical in nature is up to you, of course, but I admit that the direction the world is going--selfishness, greed, envy, parent-against-children/children-against-parent, 'knowledge increases men run to and fro', fraud and abuse by clergy, earth and environmental catastrophes, and so on--is a definite cause of concern for this blogger on behalf of humankind. The false philosophy that man can 'perfect himself' is laughable were it not a tragic deception and the deception may be part of what motivates many of America's current crop of anti-government, *Utopian anarchists who believe that chaos and world war are some sort of 'answer'. As if God can be 'sped up' by mere mortals!

If you wish to view a previously published horoscope of the April 15, 2014 Lunar Eclipse set for Washington DC and containing the havoc-wreaking Cardinal Grand Cross, please click here.

Plus, if you haven't seen it yet a view of the April 29, 2014 Solar Eclipse horoscope may be in order as well.

*Utopians, zealots, and anarchists are unmasked by Reinhold Ebertin as actors on the world stage described by planet Uranus in Mars-ruled Aries, as it is now. The Cardinal Square between Uranus (progress; sudden events; the new) and Pluto in Capricorn (power elite; older generation; status quo types) shows an ongoing generational battle for control...ex: 'power games with important consequences' (Tyl)--basically the old order vs the new order with the rest of us stuck in the middle and being lied to by Washington and by any other global capital you'd care to name.

Apr 6, 2014

A Brief View of the Stars Over Washington DC

When Pierre L'Enfant laid out three major landmarks of the Federal City he reflected the triangular pattern of three stars in the heavens: Arcturus (the White House), royal Regulus in zodiacal Leo (the Capitol Building), and Spica (the Washington Monument.) In the Zodiac two of the stars are in Libra as astrologers use them now yet constellation Virgo is the prime influence upon the planners and architects--the Freemasons--of Washington DC.

Arcturus (alpha Bootes; Greek: the Bear Watcher; aka, Al Simak by Arabian astrologers--'the one on high') conferred its guardian function upon the Executive Branch of government with the White House situated so that its inhabitants could 'keep an eye' on Congress and vice versa. However, subsequent constructions within the Federal Triangle have interfered with such a function as L'Enfant (and Andrew Ellicott) intended.

Another diverting of L'Enfant's original plan for the 'Dream City' of George Washington is the Washington Monument which had to be re-located due to its weight when the cornerstone was laid at noon on July 4, 1848 when the Moon and North Node (aka, the Dragon's Head) were in Virgo. Previously the White House cornerstone was laid at noon on October 13, 1792--also with the Moon and Dragon's Head in Virgo. George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capitol Building on September 18, 1793 with Sun, Mercury, and Dragon's Head in Virgo.

All cornerstone layings were performed with Masonic ceremony including that for the Federal City itself (April 21, 1791 at 3:30 pm, also by Freemason George Washington.) The City's natal Jupiter of 1791 falls upon the 23rd degree of Virgo, the position of our national Neptune (July 4, 1776) which is actually a transit to America's natal horoscope indicating potentials for spiritual awareness, inspired expansion, and promotion yet with fanaticism and paranoia lurking underneath. Well, it seems that Jupiter-Neptune themes of fraud and grand promises are embedded into Washington DC--and therefore the nation and the US government--from their very founding.

An Egyptian Star and its Feminine Archetype, Isis

Another important star closely associated with America is SIRIUS which the Sun (leadership) conjoined in Cancer on July 4, 1776. When Sirius is linked into the gestalt of a horoscope it lustrously shines and brings wealth, success, and good fortune in government yet Sirius may also scorch for its energy is strong and hard to handle well--in fact, honesty is required for best results. Sad to say, our current crop of government-undermining entities and agents are proving themselves fanatically determined to scorch America's wings and besmirch our nation's centuries-long reputation as the One Nation Among Many and an idealistic model of the light of freedom, equality, and independence for the entire world.

As for America's extreme leaning away from democracy toward plutocracy now coming to fruition, we see it partially through the Virgo lens via The Virgin holding wheat sheafs or corn (the matrix of life.) These are nurturing symbols also associated with goddess Ceres, another feminine archetype with an Isis vibe. (Two examples are found on top of the Capitol Dome, and in New York harbor via the Enlightenment/Illuminati-infused Statue of Liberty made of copper, the metal of Venus.)

And when we look to America's natal Venus in nurturing yet business-loving Cancer and to our natal Ceres in Pisces, we find evidence of Corporatism (US Venus conjunct corporate Jupiter) and Plutocracy via our Pluto-Chiron midpoint of oppression and primal violence conjoining US natal Ceres (security; food supply.) Unfortunately, we've bowed to Science and allowed Corporate America complete control of our food supply and the farming industry and now it's easy to see one particular result--Monsanto's genetically modified, patented seeds which can't reproduce and must be re-purchased for each planting.

(Weather modification affecting climate and planting seasons that tend to create conditions of famine are beyond the scope of this post though you can certainly think of several other examples of corporate interference that cause and will cause much suffering and loss for the people when the power elite decide the time is 'right'.)

Yet in spite of it all and even though the entire project of expansion into the New World we call 'America' was funded by and as a corporation, it does not necessarily follow that We the People must be trampled underneath the hooves of wealthy plutocrats who intend to depopulate the globe so that there are more natural resources to nourish them!

So will you vote in November 2014 and show the world's greedy plutocrats that the American people are determined to keep our republic on the democratic side of history's ledger? I hope for the sake of our nation's future and the future of our children that you will.

If you have a yen for further reading on Fixed Stars try 'Brady's Book of Fixed Stars', 'Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation' by Ebertin-Hoffmann, and David Ovason's 'The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital' (#ad) which goes into much detail concerning constellation Virgo and the many Zodiacs sprinkled across my former city of residence, Washington DC.

Jan 15, 2014

March 6, 2014 Jupiter Direct Station and Gridlock in Washington

Washington Gridlock 2014 and the Stations of Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Well, quarrels and gridlock continue in our nation's capital as 2014 rolls along toward Spring. Astrological Jupiter, the *banking and financial planet of large proportions and (usually) generosity, remains in retrograde until its Direct Station of March 6, 2014 when it seems to pause at 10Cancer26, in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

As you remember, Jupiter's Rx Station occurred on November 7, 2013 @20Can30, a critical degree (in 11th house in the DC chart) with 24Leo09 rising. Curiously, the Jupiter Direct Station chart of March 6th shows 24AQ04 rising, the Jupiter Rx ASC's opposite degree and the Illumination Point. Plus, in the Direct chart, ASC 24AQ04 brings up US natal Moon (We the People)--but also asteroid Hopi (ambush or prejudice but also...hope which springs eternal.)

The IC (Foundation of the Matter) of the March 6th horoscope is conjoined by trickster Pan and gold-hoarding Midas along with Royal Star Aldebaran (potentials: courage; warmongering; military leadership; violence; sickness--A. Louis) which places Antares (potentials: war; legal problems; fires; quarrels; suspicion; violence; honors and riches but sudden loss--A. Louis) at MC, the Goal Point of the chart.

As predicted on this blog that sequester cuts would be nixed for the Pentagon's sake, does anyone believe the now-restored funds in the military budget won't result in America's continuation of waging war and beginning new ones (under the guise of 'intervention' and other such euphemisms) across the globe? Yes, our domestic needs are sacrificed for the sake of war abroad--it's the same old guns vs butter argument which the American people tend to lose.

Politically and financially, there is 'fateful deception' going on between the two horoscopes of Jupiter's Rx and Direct Stations (Sun-Neptune = Pluto) via the use of illusory, spiritual, or psychic forces to persuade. The November 7, 2013 Rx chart shows warrior Mars @13Vir17 rising as contentiousness over foreign and domestic matters has resulted in the ongoing gridlock in Washington, as we've seen on many occasions.

Of course, if you've read this blog a few times, you may know that I consider most of the frustrating Political Theater 'gridlock' and 'stalemates' in government to be part of a script written elsewhere for US politicians and media types to follow as they further ensnare the American people in global government implementation. To me, that means that the two political parties are little more than factions of the ruling class who have been promised large gains via their cooperation (if not controlled by blackmail or threats to family members.)

Cynical me? Oh yes. Washington's perfidies made me that way and yet I love my country. After all, it isn't what they say or promise the public, it's what ends up happening that matters most. And so often these days, a majority of us don't agree with our government's actions or how they spend our tax dollars. It seems the NWO freight train just keeps chugging down the fast track though supra-nationalists must get worried now and then that their plans aren't coming to fruition.

So! May we expect some improvement once Jupiter turns Direct on March 6th? Yes, forward plans may be put into action though improvement may not be felt until the Jolly One moves past his shadow degree of its Rx Station of November 7, 2013 which is 20Can30. (The transiting Moon is at 20Can+ as I type!)

This cosmic event occurs on June 1, 2014 at 1:13:40 pm EDT with the 'success' midpoint of Venus-Jupiter at MC, and Jupiter just fertilized by the Moon @26Can46. Moon-Jupiter contacts generally portend happiness and/or sucess, even if it's only temporary. However, tr Pluto @13Cap03 Rx (secret wealth; sabotage, etc) remains in opposition to US natal Sun (the leader; the president) suggesting that recent and current titanic power struggles and stalemates will continue to bedevil the president's programs pertaining to both foreign and domestic matters for and in the US, along with the tr Uranus-Pluto square (generational conflicts and blockages) as a major part of the rebelling, protesting, striking, rioting, and obstructing gridlock of Washington DC.


*Also pertinent to this post: often The Banker, Jupiter's roles may include The General, hence its connection to war, military expenditures, and conquests of territory, and it conglomerates into Corporations, hence its connection to corporate governance and finances. Plus, Jupiter can also play roles as Politician, Broadcaster, and Religious Leader. Jupiter's importance to our nation cannot be overestimated for if we use it, America's July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart with Sagittarius rising is ruled by expansive Jupiter. And if another natal chart timing is used for July 4, 1776 (such as the Scorpio rising chart), we have the Sun-Jupiter conjunction to account for our national Jupiterian characteristics and tendencies.

Jan 9, 2014

"The Power of an Idea"-- Max Igan video

"Rulers Are Just People": Maxwell Igan on The Power of an Idea:

As Astrology describes it, an idea (Uranus) needs a physical container (Saturn) in order to manifest upon the earthly plane. People born when the two planets are not in major (or at least, minor) aspect to one another have a difficult time bringing their ideas and plans into reality, the realm of Saturn. This is what I always think of when such a topic is discussed, as it is here, by Max Igan who provides us with good advice as always.

And in Political (Mundane) Astrology? The Saturn-Uranus midpoint relates to legislative and executive bodies, control of dissidents, sudden indifference to traditional *mores or laws, counterrevolutionary rule, and/or the balancing of conservatives (Saturn) and progressives (Uranus), among other things.

Obviously, that last relates to the ongoing stalemate in Washington DC between The Establishment that prefers the status quo and Uranian Utopians and other political radicals who don't necessarily have any respect for tradition, or for senior actors who may hold more mature attitudes.

In such a sense, we can probably consider America's Founding Fathers as previously denoted in horoscopes by rebellious Uranus (freedom and independence), but these days are represented in most realms by older, wiser Saturn!

Another way to say it is that their then-future has in the present become our past. How would you say it?


*I know I don't need to add this note for you, dear reader, but I've noticed a lamentable lack of correct pronunciation by our younger political pundits, newscasters, and interviewees on TV: in the context of morals and ethics, the word 'more' is pronounced mor ray', not 'more'! :) And while I'm at it, the word is spelled 'definitely', not 'definately'. Okay, I'll hush for now, jc

Recommended: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; also available in Kindle format.

Dec 4, 2013

Solar and Lunar Eclipses of April and October 2014

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014

by Jude Cowell

In order of occurrence, the following list of Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2014 contains brief details for each and includes the Sun-Moon blend Images for Integration which provide word pictures to describe the coordinated blending of Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious) energies for each period of time influenced by each eclipse. Naturally, Lunar periods overlap Solar periods which form the background of our astrological motifs for 2014:

1. April 15 Total Lunar Eclipse @25Lib15 (tax day!); Sun Ari-Moon Lib is a Fire-Air combo, a 'live wire' full of ideas enthusiastically expressed: "A conductor leads an orchestra with passionate conviction and a vibrant, pulsating organism of musical perfection is created to the ecstatic uplifting of the audience."

This Fire-Air blend is shared natally by Julian Lennon, Pearl Bailey, Wilbur Wright, and William Hazlitt who asserted that, "The love of liberty is the love of others; the love of power is the love of ourselves."

2. Apr 29 Annular Solar Eclipse @8Tau51:46 in the 16 South Saros Series: 16S contains themes of wasted energy and misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups; there may be sudden inspiration that is potentially unfulfilling so taking no real action is the better course.

Sun Tau-Moon Tau is a double Earth blend of practicality and material concerns; "A successful baker is surrounded by delighted children eating fresh bread rolls...A loving teacher resolves an angry dispute."

This earthy blend is shared natally by Irving Berlin, Carol Burnett, Florence Nightingale, Tyrone Power, and Karl Marx who sloganized the world with, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

3. Oct 8 Total Lunar Eclipse @15Ari05 which 'flips' the first Lunar Eclipse Sun-Moon blend to: Sun Lib-Moon Ari, another 'live wire' combo of energies, as above; its Libra Sun conjoins US natal Saturn (14Lib48), planet of government, law, and business so we may expect the eclipse to reveal secrets from the depths of those realms (as all eclipses are prone to do); "A little girl and a little boy barter whilst playing on a see-saw. She wants his toy gun; he wants her cream cake. They decide to share." Additionally, quirky disruptive Uranus is conjoined by the Moon at 5:52 am EDT, one hour prior to the perfecting of the Lunar Eclipse at 6:51 am EDT which makes the effects of the eclipse unpredictable to ascertain ahead of time though excitement is a major potential along with technological influences and vibes of change and/or sudden events.

This blend is shared natally by Enrico Fermi, Luciano Pavarotti, Giuseppe Verdi, and e.e. cummings, whose famous opinion of politicians finds constant favor on this blog thanks to US politicians in breach of the public trust, "A politician is an arse upon which everyone has sat except a man."

4. Oct 23 Partial Solar Eclipse @00Sco24 in the 17 New North Saros Series denotes themes of hectic, excited socializing and impulsive energy; issues emerge and motivate especially in regard to financial enterprises.

Sun Sco-Moon Sco is a double Water combo that overflows with feelings, imagination, and intensity; "A pile of manure slowly permeates the deeper soil as the November rains soak the still, dark garden...A millionaire businessman establishes a foundation for medical research."

This double Water blend is shared natally by Howard Baker, Georgia O'Keefe, and Bram Stoker whose character Dracula waxed a bit poetic with, "Ah, sir, you dwellers in the city cannot enter into the feelings of the hunter."

Well, there are the four eclipses of 2014. There's much more to cover so expect additional details to be posted here and at Jude's Threshold as 2014 rolls along but do note that, until the Solar Eclipse of April 29, 2014 occurs, we remain under the sway of the current Scorpio eclipse which manifested on November 3, 2013 @11Sco15 (horoscope shown set for DC).

If you haven't, why not check out the rectified natal horoscope of Dracula if you wish? Expert astrologer Noel Tyl did the chart rectification work (horoscope shown with my scribbled notes upon it) and you may find it curiously interesting.

Politically speaking, now that the Secondary Progressed conjunction of America's Moon and Saturn has perfected and is separating (exact on Nov 28, 2013), the ACA website seems to be running better (though I hear insurance companies continue to complain about receiving garbled info), will President Obama's low approval ratings begin to climb as mentioned in my post on the Moon-Saturn conjunction? We'll see!

Blog Note: Sun-Moon blend info mainly from Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles & Suzi Harvey; eclipse themes from Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Oct 31, 2013

10.31.13: Senator-elect Cory Booker sworn in w his Venus rising

At noon today, Senator-elect Cory Booker was sworn in and now joins the hallowed lions' den within the US Capitol Building. Assuming the ceremony and oath proceeded on schedule, we find that 2Cap26 is rising on the Ascendant at the Capitol Building (10.31.13) with Venus @25Sag21 rising in 12th house of Politics and Karma, and powerful Pluto @9Cap25 rising in the 1st house of Self.

This gives a 'fascinating, attractive personality' vibe to his tenure (Venus-Pluto = ASC) and makes Saturn the chart-ruler directing the event and his term. Saturn @13Sco32 is in 10th house of Public Status/Career and makes no major applying aspects though the societal pair of planets, Saturn and Jupiter, as in a lovely trine (6A54) from Jupiter's 7th house position 20Can26 (a critical degree).

With no application, Saturn's sign, degree, and house position become more prominent. Yet Saturn is not part of a rather massive YOD pattern with its base an 8th house Mars @9Vir32 sextiling Sun (8Sco23--conjunct President Obama's natal Neptune today and his alleged falsehoods in the news), North Node @7Sco45, and Mercury Rx @11Sco06--not great for taking Mercurial oaths. So will there be a flub? Or is Mercury Rx related to Booker's taking over for deceased Senator Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, as in, a second oath taken for the same senate seat? Well, this is a Balsamic phase of the Moon period so taking over for another who can't carry on is denoted already and a retrograde Mercury seems to be supporting this.

Now the apex of the YOD (special task, crisis, turning point) is planet Uranus Rx @9Ari27 in 3rd house of Communications. As apex planet in a YOD, Uranus behaves as a catalyst, an extraordinary person with acute intellectual capacity who disrupts by making sweeping changes.

And we all know that the US Congress needs all the sweeping (and dusting and cleaning) it can get, so Welcome, Senator Booker, to Capitol Hill Antics Theater! May your 'special task' be successfully performed on behalf of the American people. I hope you brought a large broom.

As for Senator Booker's natal chart (April 27, 1969, Washington DC, 'noon'), his first natal planet to rise today at noon is Venus @10Ari35 with the magic wand of Uranus catalyzing it which indicates new or unusual alliances being formed and interactions with others that are difficult to predict. The swearing-in Moon today @1Lib59 conjoins Mr. Booker's natal Uranus @00Lib33 Rx (which conjoins his natal South Node, and both conjoin America's natal Midheaven, and if his natal Moon in Virgo is on or near 9Vir+, transit Mars @9Vir32 conjoins it denoting a quicker pace to life and emotions that are close to the surface.

Aug 3, 2013

Saturn and Uranus rule Autumn Equinox 2013

September 22, 2013 = Autumn Equinox, aka, the Libra Ingress

by Jude Cowell

The autumn season begins in this hemisphere on September 22, 2013 at 4:44:09 pm edt with Sun 00Lib00:00 in the 8th house in the horoscope set for Washington DC. In Washington, issues of debt ceilings and government shutdowns are on the agenda and the calendar with September 30th being the end of America's fiscal year, as you know. In 1st house are nebulous Neptune of The Masses and The Media, still traveling near Chiron, the Wounded Healer, who expresses the astrological archetype of Christ. Spiritual opportunities inspired by this duo are still available for those who long to experience and benefit from them. And a 1st house Neptune, with its implications of large events beyond personal control, denote possibilities for loss from floods, storms, contagions, and other damages to ourselves and the environment.

At 4:44:09 pm edt, 8AQ00 rises, making Saturn the chart-ruler (and autumn season ruler), along with Aquarius' sub-ruler, Uranus, the Awakener, the Witness, and the Anarchist. Conservative Saturn @9Sco09 rules the 12th house of Politics and Karma but is posited in the 9th house of Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and Philosophy. Meanwhile, quirky Uranus @10Ari57 Rx is in 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability where some disruption may be expected in all or some of these areas--not that Uranus ever delivers precisely what is expected. Even monetary improvement cannot be ruled out especially since changeable Mercury rules the 8th house and is posited there @20Lib59, sign of balance.

And yet reluctantly I must mention that chart-rulers Saturn and Uranus are inconjunct (150 degr = adjustment) one another making tweaks necessary if the brilliant, innovative ideas of genius Uranus are to be successfully poured into Saturnian form where they are able to function on the physical plane.

Note: you undoubtedly remember that on Election Day 2008, Saturn and Uranus opposed one another and a big debate then was, is Obama a status quo conservative or a progressive? I think most people now agree that he's more a status quo guy with his natal Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn when it comes to Capitalism--and lo and behold, here's fem-challenged, market-deregulating Larry Summers near the front of the line for the Fedhead job! See Ezra Klein's Do You Trust Larry Summers or Janet Yellen to Police Wall Street? How about neither? Both are agents of foreign banking houses just like most of the compromised politicians in Washington DC! My suspicion is that a mystery board of directors in the City of London will be The Deciders on who America's next chairman of the Fed will be.

The Saturn-Uranus inconjunct (or, quincunx, if you prefer) indicates stress in relationships, tension between 'old vs new', and priorities that are difficult to establish. Plus, new methods brought forth may be resented before they are accepted. Yet attempting to hold on to old concepts will not work very well this autumn and a more positive reaction to change and innovation must prevail for no one--even Republicans--can stop progress entirely, even if the proposed reforms seem to threaten security. Yet somehow we must work toward changes and improvements that increase productivity, which will be one way to ascertain that beneficial progress will result from Autumn 2013's efforts.

The reforms and improvements I mention here remind me of the movement to lessen the wide-ranging collection of Americans' private communications data (Uranus = technology; freedom, Saturn = government; law; control) which, if the US surveillance state will comply with our wishes, can only lead to more productivity for the collectors when it comes to mining data of actual criminals and terrorists (assuming that stopping terrorist attacks is their real goal--though keeping tabs on political opponents must have occurred to them as a bonus, a la Nixon, yes? My years of residency in our nation's capital taught me several things--one, that DC politics as currently practiced does not function without blackmail.)

Well, there's much more info to be gleaned concerning the Autumn Equinox 2013 horoscope, so please stay tuned to SO'W if and as you may!

Presenting, the sovereign state, the City of London, aka, the "Crown":

Jul 29, 2013

The Virgo Sun and Leo Moon of Anthony Weiner

Anthony Weiner September 4, 1964: Sun Virgo, Moon Leo

by Jude Cowell

So far I have managed to avoid posting on NY mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner and his apparent cluelessness about his behavior that crosses lines in society. That his campaign manager stepped down on Saturday was predictable after Weiner's new revelations on sexting in which he engaged even after he left the US Congress.

Some have questioned Weiner's seeming inability to give up his mayoral bid in view of what many see as his moral laxity--as if politicians don't always have ego and abuse-of-power issues which are tolerated by the public, overlooked, or hidden from scrutiny. The untenable position that Mr. Weiner has placed his wife in is another good reason to question his judgment so let's take a quick peek at what drives Weiner's massive ego drive toward recognition, fame, and notoriety.

Born on September 4, 1964 in NYC (hour unknown so I'm looking at a 'noon' horoscope--just as another sex-challenged politician, Mayor Bob Filner born Sept 4, 1942)--we find that the Moon ('reigning need'--Tyl) remained in dramatic Leo for the 24-hour period of his birth date which gives Mr. Weiner a Sun Vir-Moon Leo *personality blend (Earth-Fire = scorched earth.)

This combination of energies indicates one who is an elitist with a superiority complex and an innate sense that he is, or should be, the 'star of the show'. TV pundits have mentioned his lack of actual effort when he served in Congress yet he displayed obvious opportunism taking center stage whenever he could. On this blog I even posted a video of his dramatic speech on the House floor a few years ago with its populist tone which was, it seems, all for show and attention-grabbing.

Now as you know, when we wish to check out the ego in a horoscope we look to natal Sun and aspects to it. In fact, the closest applying (major) aspect to natal Sun tells us about the essence of the person, and in the case of Anthony Weiner, that would be his Sun-Pluto conjunction (1A47 at noon). Plus, there's an applying sextile between the Virgo Sun and Neptune in sexy Scorpio (3A20.) His willfulness and lack of boundaries may also be seen in a separating (unconscious) conjunction with quirky Uranus @10Vir33 which also happens to conjoin natal Mercury (thinking, planning, communicating) placed @7Vir40 Rx.

The Virgo line-up (Mercury Rx, Uranus, Sun, Pluto) could be counterbalanced, moderated, or stabilized a little by natal Saturn @00Pis51 but stable Saturn in the Mutable (changeable) Water sign of Pisces is problematic and denotes many struggles against opponents, without and within. Closest in orb to opposition with Saturn is Mercury which identifies Mr. Weiner as a schemer and a critic who needs to respect the privacy of others! He may be unaware that others recognize his scheming ways and may take offence!

Sun Conjunct Pluto = the predator

So with Sun conjunct sexy, intense Pluto, we expect Mr. Weiner to be rockin' a powerful ego that has great difficulty acting in moderation. This is an extremist who lusts for power and control for which he doesn't mind using pressure to manipulate others and get his way. Weiner meets challenges directly and temper tantrums may ensue when he is thwarted in the achievement of his goals, plus, Sun-Pluto denotes that with his constant-pursuit mode, he angers other people more often than he realizes. Additionally, a romantic Venus-Mars conjunction in nurturing Cancer signifies a very strong desire nature which adds to a long list of personal desires which are difficult if not impossible to satisfy. A Venus-Mars conjunction also shows that in his eagerness for social contact, Mr. Weiner tends toward a lack of discrimination and is resented for his pushy behavior.

Possible Aspects to a Moon in Dramatic Leo

Having natal Moon in Sun-ruled Leo (sign of the natural, even royal, leader) increases the egoism with a deep need for applause, recognition, and approval. Also, there's a wide-orbed, ambitious yet depressive opposition between Moon and Saturn, and a square between Moon and Jupiter in lusty Taurus, an aspect denoting a tendency to jump to conclusions that may have to be withdrawn later (which causes distrust), a large streak of self-indulgence, and a fickleness which can lose him the support of others for he doesn't seem to care whether they support him or not. This attitude shows in his recent comments to the press about (not) dropping out of the mayoral race--and yet he will resort to bitterness if a public lack of support due to his indifference to their opinions loses him the mayoralty of New York.

And this indifference is added to what some New Yorkers may see as moral laxity and a disregard for boundaries that sharing his junk photos has made obvious to all but clueless, out-of-bounds Anthony.

So if he was born during an hour when the Moon-Jupiter square was in effect, we see great creativity yet one who won't make the necessary efforts to apply it. Taking the easiest route to satisfy desires is very attractive with this aspect and we're probably seeing such a tendency with his tweeting to the world of over-the-line photos of himself (the twig'n'berries of which he seems so proud) which can give any victim of his attentions that more-than-I-need-to-know feeling.

Sun sextiles nebulous Neptune and conjoins Uranus

Weiner's Sun-Neptune sextile provides a chameleon-like quality and adds to his sense of drama as he makes contact with the public, while the Sun's conjunction to electrical Uranus gives magnetism along with an unpredictable willfulness, abrasiveness, and what others consider to be eccentricity. With surprising Uranus the planet of freedom and independence, Mr. Weiner is actually shocked when others try to constrain or limit him! And this planetary duo indicates that his arrogance has developed from his earliest days--perhaps instilled by a very proud mother (Moon in Leo) who was quite dramatic herself.

Yes, little Anthony was difficult to control then and big Anthony is difficult to control now. But goodness knows, the political party bosses in Washington DC can barely control any of their members' behavior even when it's sorely needed by the American people and would promote the common good of the country.

Perhaps the fact that the US government's foreign manipulators don't seem to be controlling him either is a clear sign that the Anthony Weiner 'sex scandal' is little more than a distraction away from what We the People and the US Congress should really be focused upon. For anything that divides the American people conquers them.

Now this post is all I ever hope to say or type concerning this particular mayoral candidate whose behavior is described by the sign of natal Uranus--Virgo--and thus shows "foolish aspirations" and "teamwork made more difficult by misplaced criticism or tactless frankness".

(Uranus in Virgo: The Combinations of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin.) *For more info on Sun-Moon blends, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Jul 20, 2013

Washington DC's 'Corpse Flower' about to bloom (webcam link)

'Corpse Flower' Soon Adds Stink to Stinky Swamp of Washington Politics

by Jude Cowell

Any minute now it won't only be the odor of corrupt Politics wafting from my former city of residence, Washington DC. Maybe Astrology's 'how it begins is how it ends' adage applies perfectly to our fraud-laden capital built upon a swamp, the location chosen by surveyor and Freemason George Washington.

So here's a link to a Live webcam set up at the US Botanic Gardens so as not to miss the blossoming of the rare 'corpse flower'--will you be watching as it opens?

And here's National Geographic concerning the putrid corpse flower.

May 13, 2013

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08 May 25, 2013

May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse Conjoins Election 2012's Mercury Station Rx

by Jude Cowell

Other than the political besieging of President Obama currently en vogue with his Republican opponents concerning Benghazi, IRS targeting of the tax status of 'Tea Party' and 'Patriot' groups, and more, it remains to be seen how or if the May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse @4Sag08 will affect the second term of President Barack Obama. We know the GOP will wound the president's legacy as deeply as they can and are keeping in mind Election 2016 as they stir up as much mischief as possible with Hillary Clinton their target along with the president whose White House stint they've aimed to sabotage from the start.

The American people are inconsequential 'collateral damage' as the GOP allows mottoes such as 'success at any cost' and 'might makes right' to be admirable political strategies no matter who gets hurt (as do some Democrats, not to let them off the hook.)

Opposite the eclipsed Moon is, of course, the Sun @4Gem08 on May 25th which astrologically spotlights the president's natal Moon @3Gem21 (in his natal 4th house, a Psychological house that also relates to his living quarters and domestic scene.)

Here's a view of the Lunar Eclipse horoscope for May 25, 2013 12:24:55 am edt White House Washington DC--please click to enlarge the image for a few basic astro-notes scribbled thereon:

Hour of Saturn; ASC 3AQ17 (the position of Jupiter in 10th house of the Inauguration 2009 chart); Saturn is chart-ruler with Uranus as co- or sub-ruler (they were in opposition on Election Day 2008 and for January 20, 2009, as you remember: status quo v progress---I said for Mr. Obama, status quo would win out with his natal Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn, and as you know, his continuation and ramping up of Bush policies has been well-noted by the press.)

Chart-ruler Saturn in 9th house applies to a trine of opportunity with Neptune in 1st house (0A58), a time when traditional ideas and institutions may develop a spiritual flavor, and repayment and collection of debts is on the menu; huge social responsibilities are taken on or addressed, moral standards increase in importance, and solutions may be found.

Sub-ruler Uranus and powerful Pluto remain in square aspect (0S15) with their frustrating square becoming exact once again on May 20, 2013 @11Ari14/11Cap14 (7:00 pm edt.) Will new protests, uprisings, and/or rallies break out as generations clash? Well, nebulous Neptune, planet of the masses and of the media, squares the Lunar Eclipse of May 25th thus increasing the chances of confusion, deception, and/or mass movements within the environment. And naturally Neptune's rulership of the oceans, water in general, gas and oil, secret agents, and loss through any or all of them should kept in mind.

As you see, the awareness-producing Lunar Eclipse occurs in the 10th house of Public Status when the horoscope is set for the White House (or anywhere within the District of Columbia) with the Sun in the domestic 4th house (across the 4/10 Security axis.) The preceding Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 of May 9, 2013 falls in the 3rd house near the South Node of the Moon, a separative point showing where energy is drained from current circumstances. The Jupiterian North Node, a point of encounters and future direction, and austere, business-minded Saturn @6Sco17 Rx, are in 9th house of Foreign Lands, Travel, Higher Education, and Philosophy.

Contentious activist Mars @25Tau30 is closest planet to an Angle (IC 24Tau28) and has prevalence for this reason and is in 1st house of the Inauguration 2009 chart (ASC 14Tau03); also at IC lurks a very difficult Fixed Star, *Algol--look below for themes from various sources for this ruthless star. Mars rules the 10th house of Public Status (with Pluto bwo Scorpio) and the 3rd house of Communications.

Stealthy, wealthy plutocrat, Pluto @11Cap10 Rx, planet of transformation and death, creeps about in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions (such as vet hospitals), possibly with his surgery instruments in hand. Chart-co-ruler, quirky rebel Uranus @11Ari25, is posited in the 2nd house of our National Treasury and has a potential for sudden upset and disruption in financial matters. Currency evaluation or speculation may be indicated as well with 8th house ruler Mercury in 5th house conjunct Venus, planet of values, evaluations, and relationships.

In 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits (including Children) we find Venus and Mercury conjunct (19Gem05/13) along with banker, guru, professor, and General, Jupiter @22Gem43. Of course, Jupiter also relates to Politics and to whichever of our political parties wants to invest or spend money at any particular moment. Plus, this position of Jupiter is a transit to US natal Mars, a time when success in competition is possible if over-confidence and over-estimation can be avoided; male relationships are highlighted, plus, indulgence and luxurious travel may be indicated (Air Force One could become a factor or a news item at this time.)

Now as you know, both Lunar and Solar Eclipses tend to spotlight or uncover hidden things or secrets with the Lunar factor emphasizing an unconscious flavor to discoveries such as 'Freudian slips'--or, unfortunate leaks of information may occur. And with all that's brewing in our nation's capital these days, it remains to be seen what new secrets will be revealed as Summer 2013 nears.

Let's close with the two degree's symbols to describe the May 25th Lunar Eclipse using the rounding-up method (4:08 = 5.)

Sabian Symbols of Sun and Moon May 25, 2013--each **degree is the Illumination Point of the other:

Sun @5Gem: "A Radical Magazine" = 'TANGENCY--positive expression: personality in its highly effective capacity for putting its stamp on everything it touches; negative'/(unconscious/shadow side--jc): 'a perverse tendency to quarrel with everybody.'

Moon @5Sag: "An Old Owl Up in a Tree" = 'NORMALITY--pos: exceptional wisdom or effective self-restraint in each detail of personal accomplishment; neg: self-betraying intellectual and emotional smugness.'

Any thoughts on the May 2013 Lunar Eclipse? No? Then it feels as if I'm just typing into the wind!

*Caput Algol (Beta Perseaus; a double variable star--Medusa's Head in the Hand of Perseus; 26Tau) potentials include: violence, damage to neck and throat, decapitation, 'losing one's head', murder, horror, illness, criminality (A. Louis); harmful fires (D. Rosenberg); no important battles should begin when Algol's light is weak; disaster (Ebertin-Hoffmann); Algol with MC = mob violence, murder, tragic endings (N. DeVore.)

**4-5 Gem/Sag are considered 'nuclear degrees'--I just don't like to say so.

5Gem/5Sag from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.

Apr 17, 2013

Terrorism and Poison Letters to Washington Politicians

Poisons Flourish as Neptune Floats Through Murky Pisces

by Jude Cowell

Well, I've been wondering when Neptune traversing its own sign of Pisces would lead to mysterious poison events and threats and it looks like the time is now.

In another event, a letter including a suspicious substance has been preliminarily identified by authorities as ricin fouling up a letter sent to President Obama, and here we go again.

If we think there's a pattern to this story--a terrorist act is committed, then poisoned letters are sent to politicians--we're of course remembering 9/11/01 and subsequent anthrax events about which there were many questions never answered by the FBI. As TV programs began to show the video/s of the bombing at the Boston Marathon on Monday, I said to self, they'll replay this sight and sound over and over as with the attacks of 9/11 just in case there's one American who doesn't yet have it embedded within their consciousness and who isn't trembling at the thought of attending large gatherings. And so pundits have repeated themselves as their breathless speculations about the crime continue 24/7 with occasional tidbits of fact sprinkled in to keep us hooked.

It pains me to say this about my country, but if a law or laws are changed with these recent events used as justification, we may have a clue to who's really behind such anti-society events as their motivation is made clear and our freedoms are more restricted. {UPDATE 4/20/13: see Boston Lockdown: the New Normal?}

That said, my favorite remarks concerning Monday's difficult events in the wonderful city of Boston are made by Stephen Colbert during last evening's The Colbert Report:

Yes, the current Solar Eclipse season (which began in November 2012) continues to provide the collective with much Scorpionic energy including secrets revealed, leaks, betrayals, big business perfidy, and, sorry to say, death. For as you know, Scorpio's Mars-Pluto influences include brutality and tremendous force as well as weapons of war and the Pentagon.

Eclipses as 'Wild Cards' with Uranian 'Sudden Events' Portents

Next up is a Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013 which is also in Scorpio (5Sco45 at 3:57 pm EDT.) Yet hopefully events and influences in society will lighten somewhat in May and through the summer when the next Solar Eclipse occurs in the 15 South Saros Series on May 10th. But wait! Let me reserve judgment on its effects since its flavors seem to be somewhat mixed. According to Bernadette Brady in her excellent book, Predictive Astrology, the theme is:

The May 10, 2013 Solar Eclipse @20Taurus in 15S: 'a lingering situation suddenly clears with a release of tension and a sense of grief or loss that is more collective than personal.'

See what I mean? And of course, Taurus is the polar sign of Scorpio. The undertone is, of course, the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square which is also affecting members of Congress. Today's poor performance by the Senate is an example of the blockage and frustration of this titanic Cardinal square. Shame on a scaredy cat Congress indeed whose big donations to keep their cushy seats mean more to most of them than acting to protect our children.

And so my heart goes out to Boston, its inhabitants, and Monday's victims and their loved ones as I echo Stephen Colbert: Stay strong, America!


Sources are reporting that in Boston, police have arrested a suspect. Quick work, isn't it? Wonder if the perpetrator didn't realize he'd/she'd be caught on a gazillion cellphone videos? UPDATE: no suspect has been arrested. A media running about like headless chickens were in a word, incorrect. My apology. I did think it was a quick arrest--too quick, turns out. jc

Mar 17, 2013

Horoscope: May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Taurus

After Spring Equinox 2013 arrives, the Cosmos has a Scorpio Lunar Eclipse in store for us (secrets and leaks continue to be revealed?), and on May 9, 2013, a Solar Eclipse @19Tau31 manifests during a Moon Hour of changes and fluctuations. Here's a horoscope of the May Solar Eclipse set for the White House (as a representative of the United States of America):

Chart shown: May 9, 2013 8:28:23 pm EDT White House, Washington DC. Ascendant 24Sco23, MC 6Vir15 (conjunct President Obama's natal Pluto), and with unstable, gaseous Neptune @5Pis09 at IC, conjunct the president's 1st house natal Chiron (5Pis19 Rx), and opposing his natal Pluto which indicates erosion (Neptune) of power and control (Pluto)--unless his wealthy backers support him as president in spite of it. With transiting Pluto now opposing US natal Sun (the president), I'm not certain they will, are you? For huge power struggles ensue...

Please click to enlarge the image and perhaps read a few basic notes with the eclipse taking place in the Cadent (preparation) 6th house of Service (Military, Police, etc), Work, and Health in Washington. Venus @00Gem28 in 7th house of Partnerships conjoins the degree of the difficult Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012 which triggered Fixed Star Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation with its something to cry about and/or exile themes. Multiplicity and duplicity are characteristics of the dual sign Gemini, as you know, and an unaspected Jupiter @19Gem23 approaches US natal Mars @22Gem, planet of war, strife, and contention though it is often a fortunate transit for Jupiterian luck may favor Mars' physical endeavors.

Yes, the May 20, 2012 eclipse related and relates to the ongoing, reckless economic and budgetary stalemates now playing in our Capitol Hill Theater and which are damaging our nation's standing in the world along with Mr. Obama's presidency and the US economy with it. Odd really, since the Republican Party has always given much lip service to how 'strong' our nation must be perceived abroad. Yet sometimes since 2009, it feels as if the GOP is inviting attacks by staging their intransigent, provocative behavior. And the secessionist vibe? "A house divided cannot stand." But apparently that's what some entities want so that a full coup may be established in Washington DC.

Well, with the May 9, 2013 Solar Eclipse in the 15 South Saros Series, we may expect financial dramas to continue for Taurus is a money sign, ruled by evaluating Venus, as shown so obviously by the sculpture of the Taurean Bull on Wall Street. (Yet I still get the creepy feeling that the secret-ritual Cult of Mithras is lurking within our financial and governmental shadows! Click and scroll down to see a bas-relief of 'Mithras as Atlas'!)

Astro-Note: in 1776, US natal Pluto began @27Cap33 Rx and has now progressed to 29Cap+; along the way Mr. Invisible Power crossed '28Cap', a degree which *Adriano Carelli gives as "Atlas Carrying the World on His Back" which brings up Sen. Paul Ryan's favorite obstructionist and survival-of-the-fittest idol Ayn Rand because of her book Atlas Shrugged in which wealthy, pouty corporatists take their financial marbles and beat a hasty retreat from their ungrateful victims. There are no coincidences and apparently US stock-dumping has been going on for while now.

Themes of the 15 South Saros Series for May 9, 2013--until November 2013:

Release of tension as a lingering situation will suddenly clear but with a sense of loss or grief that is more collective or group-related than personal (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Chart-rulers of the Scorpio Ascendant you see above are Mars and sub-ruler Pluto but all we can surmise from their applying Ptolemaic (major) aspects (since Mars applies only to conjunction with the SN = war, violence, or a stepping aside from them) is a spotlight on the Uranus-Pluto square (0A39) in Cardinal (initiating action) signs from the 2nd house of the National Treasury, Values, and Earning Ability to radical Uranus @10Ari44 in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Speculation, Creative Pursuits, and Children.

Thus, the Uranus-Pluto square of titanic generational clashes may gobble up the May 2013 Solar Eclipse cake, or at least the crumbs left over by an unaspected Jupiter which, as such, works in a one-pointed, intense manner--"all or nothing" is a good phrase for an unaspected planet, and here moneybags Jupiter in Gemini, sign of trade, commerce, transport, and communication, insists on providing growth and investment in our country although at the moment, he is not tied in with the energies (planets) of the May 9th eclipse horoscope. However, this Jupiter can be highly influential when he acts and this may denote what the president is able do toward investment without interference from the obstructive input of Congress. Or, perhaps the GOP will finally get wise to itself and cooperate for the good of our nation!

Now Uranus is the catalyst or apex planet of two midpoint pictures:

Mercury-Neptune = Uranus: going 'far out'; sudden new ideas.

Mars-Neptune = Uranus: reaching for 'pie in the sky'; energetically following the dream.

Plus, one picture is angular at Midheaven (The Goal Point) where it may manifest, and its combined energies also affect President Obama's natal Pluto in Virgo:

Jupiter-ASC = MC: successful positioning; being in the right place at the right time.

Jupiter-ASC = natal Pluto: strong image; influential; leadership.

The Sun and Moon are involved in pictures, too:

Sun-Mars = Mercury: alertness; ready for action; fast talk; busy travel.

Moon-Mars = Mercury worrisome preoccupations; irritability; nervousness.

Other midpoint pictures appear as well and include the 'lucky break' pair, Jupiter-Uranus:

Jupiter-Uranus = Mars: changing fortunes; drive and determination toward success.

And since Mars @14Tau29 conjoins US Inaugural Ascendant (the Office of the Presidency) on January 20th at noon, Capitol Building, we have:

Jupiter-Uranus = Inaugural ASC: knowing the best will happen; optimism and self-confidence; success; fortunate twists in the way things transpire.

Well, I like that last one as long as the American people are included in the Jupiterian festivities. So maybe I'd better stop typing on that fortunate note!

Other topics in the news include threats from North Korea; here's a previous post: Astro-Notes on North Korea's Natal Chart.

*Adriano Carelli, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac.

Today's midpoint pictures from Noel Tyl, Solar Arcs; as always, any, all, or none may apply.