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Showing posts with label WikiLeaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WikiLeaks. Show all posts

Dec 19, 2010

The secret background of Julian Assange?

Someone seems to have ferreted out and leaked details on the secret background of WikiLeaks' leaker-in-chief, former hacker, Julian Assange.

I have no idea if the account is true or if any of it has merit so take it as you find it.

Dec 18, 2010

A Lunar Eclipse @ Winter Solstice 2010: 1st since 1703!

As you know, there's a crisis-degreed Lunar Eclipse on December 21, 2010 @ 29Gem21 occurring a few hours from Winter Solstice 2010 (Sun 00Cap00) and it will be the first Lunar Eclipse at Winter Solstice since the year 1703!

On December 23, 1703, a Lunar Eclipse occurred @ World Point 00Can49 conjunct North Node, along with a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in Aries. Now history repeats similarly but with differences and there's an astrological similarity between Dec 21, 2010's Lunar Eclipse and the Lunar Eclipse of Dec 23, 1703, apart from their occurrences at Winter Solstice: both fall into the same Solar Eclipse Series, the 12 South - the Series we're in now!

Synchronicity lives! (You may wish to click above for historical events of 1703: does pamphleteer Daniel Defoe = leaker Julian Assange?)

To recap: 12S manifested on Dec 23, 1703 @ 15Sag56 and on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjoining Fixed Star, Castor (crippling of limbs, murder, mental illness, fame or loss, to write or create; A. Louis; B. Brady.)

Traditionally, DeVore's Encyclopedia gives '20 Cancer' as a degree of hindrance and limitation and is President Obama's current Progressed ASC degree when his progressed chart is set for Washington DC. (His progressions still show the fretsome midpoint picture: Saturn/NN = Neptune: emotional suffering through fraud, lies, deception, separation (Ebertin.)

Is that separation from his political-financial base? Private sources tell me that Mr. Obama in his extreme arrogance is reviled in DC and across the nation by former financial supporters whose wallets will remain decidedly closed to him for the 2012 campaign! And btw, they despise Michelle, too. Apparently, it's primarily the media talking her up. Plus, Inauguration 2009 Moon's void-of-course condition indicates a 'falling away' from his administration and policies, as previously noted.

So! A Lunar Eclipse at Winter's Solstice has come again as in 1703 and both fall into the 12S Series with its 'draining, long term worries at first seem worse, then clear with successful outcomes" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Hope 12S's improvement vibe applies to my previous remarks concerning the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse adversely affecting financial markets!

Of course, being in message-bringing Gemini at a 29th crisis degree (and with a new Solar Eclipse occurring on Jan 4, 2011 in the 13N Series), one thinks of the WikiLeaks embroilment as the whistle blower organization continues exposing the US government's frilly if torn underpants - and, what could bring both realms of crisis together at the Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse?

WikiLeaks' promised revelations concerning the shady dealings of Bank of America!

Dec 17, 2010

The latest newsletter from Visual Astrology is a stunner.

It contains Bernadette Brady's analysis of Julian Assange's natal chart in relation to fixed star parans (her specialty) which explains Mr. Assange's and WikiLeaks' tendencies to speak in 'a confronting manner, struggle with new or unusual ideas, take a contra argument, be verbally aggressive and a lover of mental challenges,' and to have 'a military mind' while being 'playful with truth and facts' with 'a different way of seeing the world' (different from the false reality the public is constantly force-fed by a complicit media.

Mr. Assange was born with several fixed stars in paran to his chart but difficult Capulus stands out with the tightest orb to natal Saturn 1Gem41: Capulus is a nebula in the Sword of Perseus, the Prince!

Brady's Book of Fixed Stars gives Capulus' keywords as 'male intense passion; rage' which can bring strong feelings and turbulence into the life (Rigor); Robson adds "blindness" to its influence which may be a tradition in archery since nebulae were allegedly used by the Roman army as tests for good eyesight.

Capulus is the male counterpart to difficult Algol (intense female passion; rage) and indicates focused and clear action; hastiness and rash anger should be guarded against for such actions will have far-reaching and possibly negative effects. A picture of ruthlessness appears when the action-oriented energy of Capulus is involved and destruction may be the result.

Linked to Assange's Saturn in Gemini, we see Capulus busily at work that involves mercurial communications with a decidedly Saturnian sense of restriction, delay, and something karmic afoot...Saturn's insistence on realism and truth has come to US governmental communications in a way that vexes the raptors of Washington, a town of secrets best not revealed if one wants to stay in office and keep a grasp on the globalist reins of power.

You know, America's fear-as-national-policy has gotten mighty old around here! In fact, it now sports graying whiskers just like old man Saturn, the senex, who is also our favorite stand-in at this particular season: as Santa Claus who brings rewards - but only for upright behavior!

During this time of our US Saturn Return (Dec 2010 into 2011), we might wistfully pine for our government to own up to its past actions which have not been upright. But even with the golden and karmic opportunity posed by WikiLeaks revelations, we instead get only messenger-shooting from a plutocracy insisting on endless war and US imperialism!

The rest of the newsletter concerns a timely consideration of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (in the Reagan era), the Mayan Calendar and the collective fear vs hope issues surrounding the year 2012, and the Star of Bethlehem, so I hope that if you haven't, you'll check out the Visual Astrology newsletter for December 2010!

For further reading and video-viewing on such societal topics as WikiLeaks, illegal wars, and the Orwellian-labeled 'War on Terror' you may wish to visit Democracy Now!.

Dec 16, 2010

Assange, Manning, California austerity, and bad Republicans

Breaking News Dec 16, 2010 11:10 am est: Looks like Julian Assange is about to be 'freed' on bail (with conditions) in London, according to Amy Goodman's broadcast on Democracy Now! The possibility is ongoing as I type. 11:19 am: looks like he's a fairly free bird with an ankle bracelet!

Meanwhile, in California, Alex D'Atria has taken a look at new Governor Jerry Brown's austerity budget including an article round-up on California's condition, and American Patriot ponders the enduring legacy of George W. Bush and the threat to our nation posed by the Republican Party.

Two articles follow, one by Salon's Glenn Greenwald, concerning leaker Bradley Manning and the draconian conditions under which he has been kept for seven months, plus, John Pilger writes on a deeper meaning to the WikiLeaks phenomenon:

The Inhumane Conditions of Bradley Manning's Detention

By Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning, the 22-year-old U.S. Army Private accused of leaking classified documents to WikiLeaks, has been detained at the U.S. Marine brig in Quantico, Virginia for five months -- and for two months before that in a military jail in Kuwait -- under conditions that constitute cruel and inhumane treatment and, by the standards of many nations, even torture.

John Pilger: Global Support for WikiLeaks is "Rebellion" Against U.S. Militarism, Secrecy

Democracy Now!

Pilger's latest film, The War You Don't See, includes interviews with Assange. Pilger says that WikiLeaks is revolutionizing journalism and galvanizing public opinion to stand up to global elites.


Well, I'm all for standing up to global elites and I think we now know (if there was ever any doubt) whose side they're on (hint: it isn't yours or mine.)

As to the Obama-GOP tax cut extension, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer and I hope at least a few Washington politicians have the grace to be ashamed.

Dec 15, 2010

Why Michael Moore posted bail for Julian Assange

Allow film maker Michael Moore to explain why he has put up $20,000 as part of the bail for WikiLeaks' Julian Assange.

And journalist John Pilger says that global support for WikiLeaks is a "rebellion" against US militarism and secrecy.


Dec 14, 2010

Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel, and WikiLeaks (video)

This eleven-minute video contains comparisons between some of the WikiLeaks cables and the propaganda they tout that Arabs want the US to attack Iran. Really?

This Just In: Assange granted bail but there may be long strings attached...

Dec 11, 2010

'WikiLeaks and the Fall of America' (Max Igan video) and our US Saturn Return

Is WikiLeaks' Julian Assange a CIA plant, a whistle blower with a conscience, or __other__?

What do you think the WikiLeaks embroilment and subsequent calls for Assange's assassination are really all about?

Max Igan the promised (threatened) release of internal docs from Bank (Robbers) of America is one very good reason why Assange has been pursued and remanded to a Victorian-era jail in London...detained on a dubious complaint without bail (bail hearing next week, I believe.) It's a he-said/she-said situation of mutual interest that the shes didn't want him to be prosecuted for. Trumped up, say ye? Or was his surrender an excuse for Mr. Assange to receive rescue?

After all, the Midheaven degree (The Goal) at his surrender to police last week in London has this Sabian Symbol upon it: "A Drowning Man Rescued"...hmmm....?

Crazy? Yes, but who will be next if we allow this gagging of free speech to stand? By degrees they harangue and seduce us. By degrees.

From the video image above of Blind Justice lifting high the (Libran) Scales of Justice to Igan's refrain of 'accountability' for global criminals, this audio/video presentation helps demonstrate the current cosmic atmosphere in the US: we're in the midst of a national Saturn Return which began in earnest this month and stretches well into 2011.

Yes, Saturn's return to its 1776 degree (14Lib48; with Saturn exalted in Libra) may time America's often-predicted 'fall from grace' (which a 10th house Saturn portends if one doesn't own up to Saturnian requirements for taking responsibility, acting in a mature and steady way, and accepting accountability for past actions when the piper presents his bill - have we?) so our nation's Saturn Return 2010/11 is a very important transit which cannot be ignored, no matter how cravenly the US government conspires to cover up further WikiLeaks revelations with the biggest 'State Secrets' shovel they can muster.

Yet you should be advised that Mr. Assange's possible status as a corporate and/or government and/or Vatican shill is under quite a bit of consideration behind the scenes of this blog, and perhaps I may get back to you on that before the worm turns or the jig wheezes out. Plus, we'll want to see if the Vatican comes in for more scrutiny as the weeks go by...or if it, like Israel and Zionism, are given a virtually free pass by WikiLeaks.

Meanwhile, I do hope you'll benefit from watching the above Maxwell Igan video for they always display rather psychedelic, cosmic visuals along with useful informational fare so if possible, take 14 minutes or so of your time to view Igan's presentation while pondering the WikiLeaks Saga - which the media is apparently using as quite a hypnotizing diversion, as Igan points out.

And you, dear reader, may remember that that's one of my mottoes: when politicians say, Look Here! always glance in the opposite direction where you might be able to discover what they want so desperately hope to keep hidden from your gaze!


SO'W sends admiring kudos to Senator Bernie Sanders for his recent 8-hour-plus filibuster against the tax-relief-for-the-rich legislation which also takes a swipe at Social Security! Where in Congress are the American middle class' other champions? Lining up to protest the president's devils' agreement, I hope.

Blog Notice: if you dare, check out the latest political poem now posted @ Lim's Limericks: Assange the Limerick. If you don't find it in very poor taste, then we must have similarly odd senses of humor! jc

Dec 10, 2010

12.10.10: Mercury Rx station and Julian Assange's Sun/Uranus square

Earthwalk Astrology's Robert Blaschke has written an insightful article on the current Mercury retrograde cycle which begins today @ 5Cap56 (*opposite US natal Jupiter), Mercury's important Inferior Conjunction Cycle (with the Sun), America's natal horoscope, Julian Assange's natal horoscope (using noon July 3, 1971, yet Assange's birth time has recently surfaced as 2:05, 2:06, or 2:08 pm giving him a Scorpio Ascendant), and the chart of WikiLeaks' release of diplomatic cables (Nov 28, 2010.) The article has much to recommend itself.

Mr. Blaschke points out that the Continental Congress created the Department of Foreign Affairs on January 10, 1781 with Mercury, planet of documents, @ '28Sag', the degree of Mercury's Inferior Conjunction with the Sun during the evening of Dec 19, 2010. The last time such a Sun/Mercury conjunction occurred @ '28Sag' was on Dec 21, 1931, the day that TIME Magazine placed the ugly snoot of Adolf Hitler on its cover and featured articles on the rise of Nazism in Europe.

On this blog, I have mentioned in Comments underneath posts concerning the natal chart of Julian Assange that his Sun/Uranus square is prominent; this aspect of blockage and frustration between ego (Sun) and behavior (Uranus) denotes one who is willful, self-dramatizing, and eccentric and is prone to unwise behavior. There is pride and a dislike for routine; plus, a desire for freedom (Uranus) at all costs may cause good advice to be ignored.

Unprincipled behavior cannot be ruled out where a Sun/Uranus square exists; this is the aspect of an 'upstart' and 'troublemaker' whose arrogance won't allow him to follow the rules (above the rules?), and he is at odds with anyone who challenges him. Politics and government service are areas of interest and a strong desire for power may be noted. There is, of course, great leadership ability: ardent followers need apply and must submit to his form of tyranny. This trait in particular may be part of the 'Cyber Nazism' label for WikiLeaks which Mr. Blaschke cites in his article.

Also you may wish to take note of the article's information concerning America's Secondary Progressed Sun/Uranus square (Pisces-Gemini) for it heralds an unpredictable 2-year period of upheaval and rebellion in the US - and resonates with Julian Assange's natal Sun/Uranus square, with WikiLeaks acting as a "thorn in the side of the US government and US corporations between now and the fall of 2012." (Blaschke.)

How well the chaos-creators deserve a thorn! For it's 'unprincipled behavior' on the part of the US government and corporations, too.

So when we progress the US 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) to this moment (12.10.10), we find Sec Sun 6Pis08 in Sec 7th house of Partners and Open Enemies, Sec Uranus 7Gem00 (where transiting asteroids MIDAS and Pan have been hanging about lately) in Sec 10th house of Public Status, and Sec ASC 29Leo13, which is, as Mr. Blaschke mentions, an anaretic degree. Our nation is about to move into a VIRGO Ascendant (Oct 2011) with Mercury ruling after a 38-year stint with Sec ASC in showy Leo (a phase which began in Feb 1973; Nixon's second, ill-fated inauguration Jan 20, 1973.)

Plus, US Sec Mercury is Rx (unfortunately for US media and journalism) @ 21AQ53 in Sec 6th house where it is conjoined by Mr. Assange's natal Mars 21AQ33 in his role as activist - or, 'hacktivist'.

A telling link previously mentioned in comments here, is that Assange's natal Mercury 24Can13 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ '25Can' = "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power", w/ US Pluto 27Cap33 Rx opposing; Mercury/Pluto = secrets, surveillance, spying, propaganda, persuasion of the masses, and control of state secrets and other info.

Let's close with a perfectly descriptive astro-tidbit concerning US Sec ASC's Sabian Symbol which relates in a very timely fashion by event to WikiLeaks' Nov 28th release of US diplomatic cables, aka, CableGate:

US Sec ASC '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"!


*Transit Mercury opposing natal (US) Jupiter is a time of scheduling conflicts in the realms of politics, religion, educational and cultural events; external forces may cancel these activities or make it almost impossible to carry them out (and it's a Mercury Rx station!) Jupiter's growth and expansion tendencies can lead to get-rich-quick schemes with an overpromising of opportunities, and disagreements with authorities are all around us...or are they inside us?

Dec 9, 2010

Jon Stewart on catching Julian Assange (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Julian Assange: To Catch a Somewhat Pasty Predator
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

The apprehension of Julian Assange and our anxious wondering what The State will do with or to him once they decide to make a move is on many people's minds these days and aren't we the lucky ones to have a different perspective on the situation from The Daily Show's Jon Stewart to explain things as the feather-ruffled authorities "catch a somewhat pasty predator"!

Personally it all reminds me of the famous equation that leads to what so tightly throttles the life and joy from the globe today:

Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.

Did WikiLeaks make 'secret deal' with Israel?

WikiLeaks' ongoing Cablegate revelations have proved to be smooth sailing for the Israeli government and there may have been a secret deal cut between Julian Assange and Israel resulting in 'gaps' in the released documents between July and September 2006: the 33-day war against Lebanon.

Plus, minutes of a 'war council' meeting at the American embassy, Beirut, on July 24, 2006 have been mysteriously overlooked as well and it's difficult to imagine that no diplomats groused, gossiped, or commented during those months.

Documents concerning Israeli aggression against Gaza also seem to be MIA from recent cable leaks and it seems to me at this point that Julian Assange, who is said by those who've worked with him to be obsessed with American hypocrisy, has made a devil's deal to overlook the hypocrisy of certain others. Hmm.

Perhaps a deal was considered necessary in order to keep WikiLeaks up, running, and on the front pages but it suggests muddy motivations and lends credence to reports that Assange may actually be a government shill for the US-Israeli alliance on its path to world domination.

If any of this is true, Assange's current lodgings in a London jail might prove to be more cushy than dire as has been portrayed in the media!


In other WikiLeaks news, you've probably heard that one of Mr. Assange's accusers in the sex scandal 'case' has left Sweden and apparently stopped cooperating with prosecutors.

Dec 8, 2010

Julian Assange and France born with Jupiter/Neptune = Saturn

Update 7:40 pm est: the birth time of Julian Assange has been discovered! Click for his natal Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio details.

Original post begins here:

Well, our chilly, damp weather has my allergies feeling 'under the weather' today, yet it seems of interest to me that the creation of France (national chart: Sep 21, 1792 NS 3:30 pm LMT NS Paris, FR) and the horoscope of the Second French Revolution (Aug 10, 1792 NS 4:51:13 am LMT Paris, FR) both occurred under the rays of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter/Neptune (speculators; wastrels; visionaries; religious figures) with Saturn 00Tau-3Tau opposing.

(As you know, '00-1Tau' may be called Hitler's trigger degree for he exhibited extreme violence when this degree of his natal Sun was transited-activated-triggered; aka, a degree of violence.)

The natal horoscope of Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) contains the same opposing planetary signature though in different signs: Jup/Nep = Saturn: consequences issuing from false hopes; plans that come to nothing; disappointments; losses; combining real with unreal in activities; breakdown of idealism; pessimism; self-delusion; curtailed occult practices. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Paraphrasing Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets (by Michael Munkasey) in the realms of Politics and Business, the combination of Jupiter/Neptune energies gives:

Thesis: expansion and growth policies; ideals mirrored in a religious context; churches that espouse a moral philosophy for all; expansion and elaboration of ideals/dreams; foolish or unfounded legal situations.

Antithesis: scandals over growth, values, or belief systems; hypocrisy grows as a form of internal policy; a legal system where ethics and morals are based on favors and payoffs; a degraded justice system.

Here I'm using Julian Assange's natal horoscope w/ date supplied by Interpol: July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU; speculative birth time: 4:57 pm AEST -10:00; Hour Venus; no OOBS; 1st quarter = crisis in action; ASC 00Cap23 = Moon/Mars; MC 20Vir58 = Sun/Neptune = Fixed Star Denebola: 'out of the mainstream'; 'to go against society'); Sun 10Can43, Moon 8Sco42; Mercury 24Can13 conjoins his n Psyche and US natal Mercury Rx, opposite US n Pluto 27Cap33 Rx. Mercury/Pluto = propaganda; the power of persuasion; secrets; harsh words; depth of understanding.

Assange's natal Jupiter 27Sco18 Rx (conjunct President Obama's natal MC!) and n Neptune 00Sag43 Rx ('1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire") are opposite his n Saturn 1Gem41 ('2Gem' = "Santa Claus Furtively Filling Stockings"; plus, '3Gem' = "The Garden of the Tuileries in Paris" thus linking his n Saturn to the French Republic and French Revolution...I sassily presume that 'Assange' is a French surname, oui?)

Tellingly, Dane Rudhyar gives the Keynote of '3Gem' as: "The formalization of collective ideals through the application of reason and order to newly discovered aspects of nature."

Well! The Enlightenment lives on! And there are zillions more things that could be typed here on such topics especially after studying Julian Assange's natal and progressed charts but it's time to take an antihistamine for my stuffy dose and chillax awhile. You know?

So I shall close with my main point which I discovered in E. Alan Meece's book Horoscope for the New Millennium concerning Jup/Nep opposite Saturn in France's 'Proclamation of the Republic' chart (data listed above, Aug 10, 1792) showing the violent Marseillaise Trio of Jupiter, Neptune, and Mars in late Libra), and the emergence of:

Jupiter/Neptune (religion) opposite Saturn (nation-state) = religion of the nation-state, with the revolutionary activities of Robespierre and colleagues 'replacing' religion with Reason, a signature of the Illuminati and others, as the nation-state took precedence over, and total control of, the individual. This horoscope describes 'seeds of future terrorism' and may be used for events and people involved in the terrorism and mock-terrorism of our day, false flags and all.

To me it seems worthy to consider the concept of the nation-state within our current global climate where nations and states both are under attack by plutonic forces seeking to dissolve them (and create chaos meant to lead us to a one-world-government), and the concept's relationship to WikiLeaks document dumps as they relate to invasions and occupations of sovereign nations and the plundering of their treasures by 'civilized' nations acting as arms of the global crime syndicate which now holds Julian Assange within its overbearing grasp.

For the US, the current legal dilemma for Mr. Assange falls under the astrological auspices of America's Saturn Return (2010-2011) and I believe that only America's natal Saturn being exalted in Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - if correctly and honestly expressed - can protect one man's right to breathe freely after he has uncovered a speck too much of the global crime syndicate's inner workings across the globe - and with more revelations promised.

And the US Espionage Act being used against him in the US? He'll probably argue he's a reporter with a right to Constitutional protection! He turned himself in to London police on Dec 7, 2010 9:30 am UT with Pluto 4Cap27, Mercury the Reporter 5Cap10, and Moon 5:35 rising (Moon = publicity); Mercury's Rx Station occurs at its 'surrender' degree on Friday 12.10.10. This particular global reporter is stuck in a London Victorian-era jail where Oscar Wilde sat once upon a time...convicted for his alleged sexual acts.

And so, my interested concern over legal fairness in Mr. Assange's case (and his shaky physical safety which is not being addressed here but could be in small part with: Jup/Nep = ideals/flight/enterprises restricted (Saturn) by government (Saturn) is that Jupiter/Neptune's negative connotations listed above include 'foolish or unfounded legal situations' and (sad to say), a 'degraded justice system'.

Yet thanks to Assange and WikiLeaks supporters known as hacktivists, Operation Payback is underway and who knows? Perhaps some honest legal minds and hearts will eventually prevail and beneficially affect the Australian whistle blower's ultimate fate.

For as Rep. Ron Paul says, “In a free society, we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, we are in big trouble.”

Amen. And as Jude Cowell says, "The US government has made a fancy show of embracing 'whistle blowers' when it comes to passing legislation to protect them, yet now the whistle blows against the US government causing another of the ruling oligarchy's masks of hypocrisy to melt away..."

They'll want to be more careful of that.


The speculative birth time for Julian Assange has been provided by reader 'Aries Dobbs' - thanks! For more info, you may wish to see this post and its comments. jc

Dec 5, 2010

Ron Paul: "What we need is more WikiLeaks" (of the Fed)

Perhaps you heard that the astute Rep. Ron Paul has weighed in on the value of WikiLeaks especially if its whistleblowing results in leaks of memos and other secret communiques from within the world banking syndicate.

I'd be all for those revelations, wouldn't you? Pass 'em around! Maybe some of Paul Wolfowitz's love letters are nestled in the packet for those of a more romantic nature than I.

Here's the video:

And if you may, please answer the WikiLeaks poll, upper right, thanks!

Dec 4, 2010

Do you support WikiLeaks? A call to action

Information Clearing House has sent this out the following alert so I'm posting it here for those fed up with the high levels of secrecy that allow the power elite to avoid accountability for their crimes and for those who wish to join the campaign toward real transparency in government - the kind that isn't just a slogan issued from the bowels of a Washington think tank:

This Website Supports The Work Of Wikileaks and Julian Assange: A Call to Action

I call on all of ICH readers to donate towards the cost involved in hosting and other expenses at Wikileaks. At a time when our government is employing all of the resources at its disposal to destroy this organization and its principals we can not remain silent. We must put our money where our mouth is.

Do we live in a free society or are you afraid of the US government?

Are You Brave Enough To Take A Stand and say: "The world needs Wikileaks."

Click here to make a donation.


Speaking of accountability, this is already proving to be quite a Saturn Return for America, isn't it? Issues of accountability, responsibility, and the sobering effects of war are put on Washington's arrogant table to be dealt with.

As you know, planetary returns (to natal position: US natal Saturn 14Lib38) of a planet that retrogrades may sometimes bring a three-fer (or with slow-moving Neptune and Pluto, a five-fer or more) so with Saturn, the first return occurs with attempts being made to push the plate of accountability aside (denial phase), then comes the Rx return when issues are faced (to whatever extent they are), and last, the resolution phase around the time of the last return.

US Saturn Return: 1. Dec 3, 2010; 2. March 22, 2011; 3. August 28, 2011.

News Item: it's 11:03 am est and NPR is reporting that PayPal has cut off Julian Assange's WikiLeaks account. Governmental Saturn's denial and loss functions seem to be working well as usual for those in positions of responsibility and a need to hide their past actions and lies.


And if you haven't, please answer the WikiLeaks poll, upper right...thanks! jc

Dec 3, 2010

New Moon 13Sag28 horoscope for Dec 5, 2010

Today is Friday December 3, 2010 and we've entered the 3-day Dark of the Moon phase, the Balsamic phase prior to a New Moon when things go thump in the night and, in blackmailing Washington DC, there's no telling who lurks about undercover, seeking to cause damage to opponents while promoting the globalist governing agenda.

Here's an image of the Dec 5, 2010 New Moon horoscope set for the White House as a stand-in for America herself (click chart to enlarge):

Chart shown: New Moon 13Sag28 December 5, 2010 White House; exact @ 12:35:39 pm est; Hour of a Mars out-of-bounds; Mars conjoins Fixed Star Acumen (enduring attacks which weaken); Fixed Star Achernar (crisis) rising 15Pis30; MC 22Sag00 conj Fixed Star Ras Alhague (to heal or create balance); Pisces is one the military signs.

The 9th house New Moon sextiles Saturn 14Lib58 (in 7th house of Partners/Open Enemies); both Sun and Moon thus form a YOD pattern with Saturn pointing to '13-15Tau', the position each US Inauguration of the Oath of Office's Ascendant = the president.

Sun/Saturn = ASC: difficulties; being misunderstood; possible health threat; separation.

Moon/Saturn = ASC: inhibited development; a reserved self-presentation; meeting with ill or depressed people; bereavement. (It's been announced this morning in the news that President Obama has made a surprise visit to our troops in Afghanistan, his second visit this year.)

Saturn conjoins US natal Saturn 14Lib48 so our national Saturn Return has arrived and will stretch and teach well into 2011; Saturn's necessary austerity after the banquet is in evidence.

Chart-ruler is Jupiter 23Pis59 rising in 1st house with Uranus 26Pis40 Rx; co-ruler Neptune 26AQ09 is posited in 12th house of Karma and Politics - and both still straddle US natal Moon (we-the-people) with dissolution (Neptune) and opportunities for spiritual progress (Chiron.) Jupiter makes only one applying aspect in the New Moon chart: its Great Conjunction with Uranus; co-ruler Neptune makes no applying aspect in this chart.

As you see, US natal Mars 21Gem23 is at IC, the HOW? Point or Foundation of any chart; critical/crisis degrees (29) are on the 2/8 axis (Money) and the 3/9 axis (Diplomacy; Education; Travel) and Venus 2Sco45 (valuations; relationships) stands out as ruler of the 8th house of Credit, Debt, Insurance, High Finance, Transformation, and Death) with its 29Lib33 cusp, so she's feeling frustrated with no outlet through the New Moon's Libra cusp yet that will soon change since the lady is now Direct and recrossing her earlier degrees prior to her Oct 8 Rx Station @ 13Sco40; in Scorpio, Venus is in detriment because Scorpio opposes Taurus, a sign ruled by comfort-loving Venus.

Yes, planet Venus will leave her own shadow once she clears 13Sco40 around Dec 21, 2010 in time for the difficult-for-finances-and-business Dec 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse which is also in a critical 29th degree (Gemini); this probably relates in part to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange, the 'message-bearer' and 'thief' signified by speedy Mercury, ruler of the Dec 21 Lunar Eclipse.

The New Moon's Mars at MC here is apex planet in a powerful midpoint picture: Pluto/MC = Mars: great striving for attainment of power: the urge to dominate others; forced into an uncongenial occupation (the military, because you can't find a job? Ah, their globalist plan bears fruition! jc); crisis in career; explosively argumentative.

Now the propaganda duo, Mercury and Pluto, are in a karmic relationship since both are @ 4Cap12/24 which is where Pluto and North Node conjoined on November 9 (Plu/NN = meetings with the powerful and the shared destiny of the masses; both Pluto and NN are considered karmic or fated, and when we consider the possible midpoint pictures between the three of them, they all show a desire for intellectual dominance over other people, and promotion of a cause.

And at '5Cap', Mercury/Pluto = "Indians Rowing a Canoe and Dancing a War Dance" ties in with other 'war' indicators in this New Moon chart such as US natal Mars at IC, and Pisces rising in crisis mode. Of course, the US government now describes the recent Cablegate release of diplomatic 'cables' by WikiLeaks as 'an attack on America' and I'm certain that Washignton feels that way yet such labels must be used now in a pre-attempt to justify how they'll be treating Julian Assange in the future - if they can get hold of him.

Away from the earthly plane, there are three out-of-bounds planets: Moon, Mercury, and Mars; the public, Julian Assange, young people, and messengers of all sorts are indicated, along with Mars as police, military, and/or males between the ages of 25 to 35, give or take a year or so; some out-of-sync or out-of-tune vibes may be felt as the other actors (planets) in the New Moon chart get on with business.

And a large part of that business, I suspect, has to do with this horosocope's ruler, Jupiter (when set fo DC), for Jupiter is the General, the Banker, and the Judge...and transiting Jupiter here opposes US natal Neptune 22Vir25, a major transit for our nation on the financial level (especially since America's natal chart-ruler is moneybags Jupiter.)

Transit Jupiter opposing natal Neptune is a time of delusion, confusion, and deception when reality is difficult to pin down; Jupiter's increasing function adds to Neptune's billowing, deceptive, fraudulent qualities and its urge to merge knows no bounds; fantastic schemes are too good to be true so beware of those who over-promise; guilt and self-pity are used as excuses for overindulgence (Neptune = alcohol and other drugs), and confidential matters continue to be exposed under the influence of this transit.

The Dec 5, 2010 New Moon 13Sag28 conjoins US natal ASC 12Sag13, so we have:

Sun/Moon = n ASC: openness to others; feeling secure; meetings; desire for new contacts.

(All midpoint pictures today are from Tyl and Ebertin; any, all, or none may apply.)

The Sabian Symbol for the Dec 5 New Moon rounded up is: '14Sag' = "The Pyramid and the Sphinx"...CERTIFICATION...pos: effective practicality through a gift for bringing real imagination to everyday living; neg/unconscious/shadow side: ridiculous efforts to fill the shoes of giants. (Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

The Sun 13Sag28 (the leader ) rises with Fixed Star Antares (obsessed with success), Mercury with Sualocin (the playful dolphin, the artful dodger...Assange?), Saturn with fortunate Arcturus (a different approach), and dreadfully powerful Pluto, the dragon, saboteur, spy, assassin, and global puppet master, rises with Altair, the Eagle(bold exploration), one of America's stars, as is Arcturus. (Altair conjoins our Inaugural Sun 00AQ+ on January 20 at noon, Capitol Building, each time we inaugurate a new White House mouthpiece for the global banking system - and we 'got our money's worth' this time, in a manner of speaking.)

And since Pluto relates to the blood, I always tend to assume that Pluto in a mundane horoscope signifies a facet of the bloodline-monarchists of the Merovingian persuasion who think they deserve to continue ruling a world whose days are numbered, no matter which system of global control they attempt to set up in earthly Jerusalem!

Dec 1, 2010

Julian Assange: article round-up w/ a Sun/Uranus square 12.01.10

With such a plethora of opinions spinning around concerning WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and the diplomatic cables leaked on Nov 30, here's a round-up of articles for you in no particular order but with many thanks for the excellent work of Information Clearing House:

Who, Precisely, Is Attacking the World?

By Paul Craig Roberts

Not a single "Iranian expert" was capable of pointing out that the tyrants who rule Egypt and Saudi Arabia fear Iran because the Iranian government represents the interests of Muslims, and the Saudi and Egyptian governments represent the interests of the Americans. (Includes remarks on NPR's less-than-honest handling of the US-Iran-Israeli situation revealed in the leaked cables.)

WikiLeaks vs. the Political Class: Why They Hate Julian Assange

By Justin Raimondo

A revolution is indeed possible. That's why the Establishment of both parties, and pundits on the neocon right and the Obama-ite left, are out to knife Assange and bring down WikiLeaks.

The cover-up: WikiLeaks Cable Reveals Secret Pledge to Protect US at Iraq Inquiry

By Robert Booth

Ministry of Defence told US that UK had 'put measures in place' to protect American interests during Chilcot inquiry.

The Folly of the Israeli AND Arab Approach to Iran: Is Wikileaks being manipulated by an intelligence service?

By Alan Hart

The Wikileaks revelation that some Persian Gulf Arab leaders wanted (and still want?) America to attack Iran is confirmation of what some of us thought we knew - that Arab leaders are not merely impotent but as dangerously deluded as their Israeli counterparts.

The Proper Response to WikiLeaks

By Karen Kwiatkowski

The great US stumbles over itself to be inoffensive, seeking simultaneously to be both submissive and warlike when speaking to Israelis. Pathetic little weasels, the lot of them. But their pathetic weaselness cannot be blamed on Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks: Pakistan quietly approved drone attacks, US special units

Cables obtained by WikiLeaks reveal that in private the Pakistani government was not unhappy about the strikes, and secretly allowed small groups of U.S. special operation units to operate on its soil.

Canada's Afghan ambassador being dragged into the WikiLeaks mess

Canada's ambassador in Kabul has put his job on the line in a secret memo that lays bare the extreme level of mistrust and antipathy that exists between the Afghanistan government and the NATO alliance.

And, last but not least, peace activist Cindy Sheehan weighs in:

Where To Go From Wikileaks? The Peace Movement Responds

By Cindy Sheehan

Secrecy, spying, and hostility have infected our entire government, turning the diplomatic corps into an arm of the CIA and the military. #

In case you missed it, you may wish to hear the audio (3 mins 40 secs) or read the text of today's NPR feature Prosecuting WikiLeaks: It's Not Going To Be Easy.

And here's NPR's Assange arrest warrant timeline.


At this early juncture, my 2 cents' worth about the diplomtic cable leaks is that many of the US government's tears over the current WikiLeaks outing seem crocodile-esque to me, partly because I thought that everyone knew or assumed that 'US diplomatic service' was a euphemism for a team of spies skulking about the world's embassies! But what do I know, right?

Plus, if you're interested in Mr. Assange's natal chart, try yesterday's post including the post's comments with a discussion of a few of his main planetary aspects such as a Mars/Jupiter square, a Sun/Uranus square, and a dissociate, retrograde Jupiter/Neptune may spy a 'holy crusader' within his complex horoscope. jc

World AIDs Awareness Day, Dec 2010 lunations, and Mercury's Rx Station

Today is December 1, 2010, World AIDs Awareness Day, and Auntie Moon has published a comprehensive post concerning that and other timely things such as Eat An Apple Day, Mercury Rx, and the New and Full Moons of December 2010.

Well, of course she would - she's Auntie Moon!

As you know, December 21 heralds a critical-degreed Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, the horoscope of which may be viewed on this blog...the Lord of the Lunar Eclipse is a retrograde Mercury (Rx station 5Cap56 Dec 10 @ 7:05 am est in DC.)

Mercury's Rx Station exactly opposes US natal Jupiter 5Can56, a time when political, cultural, and religious activities are not favored to succeed without many fits and starts: environmental forces effectively cancel such efforts, or make them almost impossible to carry out; it seems that every one's schedules are difficult to mesh or coordinate.

Yes, I know, this sounds like Capitol Hill all the time but it alerts us that the end of 2010 won't find the GOP wanting to hand President Obama any 'victories' so we'll see how contentious things become in Congress - records may be broken, filibusters may bore to tears; old issues are up for dealing but will they be worked out to any one's satisfaction?

Another factor in the collective when Mercury opposes natal Jupiter is to be wary of get-rich-quick schemes and people who over-promise what they can't quite deliver; growth and expansion are on a back burner now, but conflicts with authority are on a front burner and is a general influence on the public as well as the business-as-usual environment of Washington DC.

And of course, Mercury is the planet of messages and messengers, negotiations, traders, thieves, transportation, reporters and all communicators including orators (who may be extra fanatical, zealous, and overly critical these days: Mercury/Mars = Pluto 4Cap34, and about to recrossed by Mercury Rx. Both Merc/Mars and Merc/Pluto tend toward powerful communications with Pluto's added influence leaning toward propaganda and surveillance.

Now Mercury and testy Mars 1Cap54, re-plowing the path that tr Pluto has taken since entering Capricorn, are both out-of-bounds of the earthly plane on Dec 10, and since each are in Capricorn, we might assume that they are cooperating in some way since their energies are not tied in with the other actors (planets) in the Rx Station chart. As you know, we're not often aware of Mars OOBs - his actions and motivations - until he sets a fire or commits some other act of sedition or protest.

So yes, December 2010 should be a very eventful and interesting month and I'm wishing the very best for you and yours!


If you're interested in different perspectives on the recent WikiLeaks release of diplomatic cables and the story they tell of US manipulations into Spain's probe of Gitmo and attempted US strong-arming of the German government, try DemocracyNow!.

And yes, I'm studying the solar and noon natal chart/s of WikiLeaks' Julian Assange: very interesting!

Image above: Moon Trail (c) by Jude Cowell

Nov 30, 2010

Julian Assange birthdate surfaces on Interpol

Check out Lynn Hayes' post concerning WikiLeaks' primary info leaker Julian Assange.

Most helpfully for astrologers worldwide, Interpol has published Mr. Assange's birth date: July 3, 1971 Townsville, Australia.

This reluctant astrologer will have a peek at his solar (sunrise) and/or noon chart/s if you will! Or even if you won't. And please take a moment to answer the poll, upper right, concerning Mr. Assange.

Can't wait till the promised bank records are spilled open to view, can you? Plus, I wonder if anyone has ever asked his teachers back in Australia if he was ever known as a tattletale in school? ;p

UPDATE Dec 1, 2010: you may wish to read the comments below this post concerning the natal horoscope of Julian Assange and add your own thoughts as you wish!

Nov 26, 2010

Delay, WikiLeaks, Plame, and FOX 11.26.10

With Stars Over Washington still lounging about somewhere near Atlanta, GA on Thanksgiving holiday 2010 (well, there's only me, really) I've taken an hour to mosey round the Web and catch up on all the news I can smoosh into such a brief time.

Two of the four bits that stood out to me are the (long overdue) conviction of gangster Tom Delay for money laundering, and the upcoming release of a WikiLeaks cache revealing what global diplomats say about their governments and think of one another. How groovy! Sounds like a grand idea to me especially as an astrologer who likes to peek under the hood of politics at what political hoodlums and their brethren are secretly up to!

Might the new revelations from WikiLeaks cause havoc, interfere with so-called diplomacy, and undermine war? You betcha! Yet what causes more havoc than war - and perpetual, illegally waged at that?

Also the release of the Valerie Plame-Joe Wilson film starring Naomi Watts and Sean Penn may be elucidating as well for I did have a chance to watch Tavis Smiley interview them this week on his program. It's the Hollywoodesque-ing of Washington, yes, but good stuff.

Fourth is the crazy tale of how the FOX organization's fans and dupes took a satirical story in The Onion as gospel: it was a "75,000-word email" supposedly sent "to America" by Barack Obama detailing what some readers determined was evidence of the President's 'breakdown' which convinced them that he should be removed from office based on only the "email", that he should be sent to a shrink, etc. (If he keeps such an appointment, he should take all Washington warmongers and certain media moguls with him.)

The amazing degree of their rabid-fox gullibility defies description except to be breath-taking in its hilarity - a definite gotcha moment for any anti-Obamaist who apparently can't recognize The Onion's satire when they see it because the fakery plays conveniently into a typical FOX News propaganda script. Duh.

So, in honor of anyone and everyone who leaks the truth, tells it from the start, appreciates those who do, or uses satire to point it out, here is a quote brought to you compliments of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter where you'll find interesting articles galore on these and other newsworthy topics:

"Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is so far doing a public service. We should be grateful to him for attacking most unsparingly our most cherished opinions."

-Sir Leslie Stephen (1832-1904), literary essayist, author; Source: The Suppression of Poisonous Opinions, 1883

See you all on Sunday - opinions, hood-peekings, and all!

Jude, the Dissenter (whose only nag in the race is America)

Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks leaks again Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks Posts Classified CIA Memo

By Al Jazeera

The whistleblower organisation Wikileaks has released a classified CIA document asking what would happen if foreign countries began to view the US as "an exporter of terrorism." #

What would happen if they began to view the US that way?

My most private opinion is that foreign countries - particularly those the Pentagon is bombing like the devil - obviously know a terror exporter when they see and/or experience one.

Who wouldn't?


Note: the CIA memo mentioned above is not the leak which I heard was promised for leaking today. Watery Neptune sits upon US natal Moon (the people) so I'm ready for Neptune's classifed leaks any day now.

Aug 19, 2010

Protect WikiLeaks!

Why WikiLeaks Must Be Protected

By John Pilger

The WikiLeaks revelations shame the dominant section of journalism devoted merely to taking down what cynical and malign power tells it. This is state stenography, not journalism.


"State stenography" - yes!