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Nov 6, 2017

Jupiter in Virgo and The Ethics of Robert Mueller

In the Realms of Jupiter

Here is how a recent post concerning the natal Jupiter of Donald Trump began with an explanation of Jupiterian personalities such as Mr.Trump whose Libran Jupiter is quick to call out, "it's not fair!":

"We no longer live in religious times, but the human need for the numinous, for something greater, more perfect and more powerful than ourselves has not disappeared. It has, however, taken a perverse turn. Instead of aspiring to the Infinite, we make gods out of mortals. We create 'super-stars' of athletes and artisans. We inflate, glamorize and worship actors, sports people, and musicians. We exalt them in other words. This phenomenon of elevating the ordinary to the extraordinary is a quality of Jupiter and Sagittarius (not so much Pisces). It emerges at the behavorial level in two basic ways:

1. The mantle of hero or king seems to fall most easily on those strong in Jupiter or Sagittarius.

2. Equally, the Sagittarian-Jupiter type can have a more than average tendency to idolize and hero worship. - Paul Wright.

As you know, Robert Mueller enjoys a longstanding reputation for integrity and independence. Therefore, let's consider the moral and ethical implications of astrological Jupiter (a boundary-crossing freedom lover) and its sign in his natal chart. Mr. Mueller's natal Jupiter @2Virgo38 sextiles his natal Saturn (@5Can59--conjunct US natal Jupiter). With no accurate birth time for former FBI director Mueller I'm looking at a noon horoscope for August 7, 1944 NYC.

The Totem Animal of Pallas (aka, Minerva): The Wise Old Owl

But first here's an assessment by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes who analyzed Mr. Mueller's ethics via his natal Pallas (@27Cancer--in Cancer = a protector of home and family) which conjoins natal North Node, a point of public contact, publicity, and future direction:

"Libertarian - Pallas conjunct NN, ruler of Pallas Moon trine NN;

Authoritarian - nothing. This suggests very strong ethics which isn't a surprise considering his actions and how he's handling the attempts to discredit him by the right." Thanks Kevin!

This supports Mueller's placement of Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo which denotes a man with an expanded ability to discriminate and an innate understanding of the appropriate use of such discrimination. Attention to minute detail and organizational ability are talents and in a practical Earth sign, Jupiter tends to take on responsibilities and possess a large quantity of physical energy. Steadiness, reliability and pragmatism are in evidence. Why a Virgoan Jupiter alone grants its holder ethical and moral values!

And when Jupiter sextiles Saturn (the two societal planets relating to balance, and in government, to 'checks and balances') we find a man for whom self-improvement and accomplishment are lifelong pursuits. This sextile suggests a modest and conservative fellow who prefers traditional philosophies and who solves problems with a pragmatic approach.

Slow and steady development (as political pundits have credited him with during the Russia-Gate investigation) is his modus operandi with Jupiter in Virgo yet he seeks recognition and at times may fail to recognize his own limitations. Therefore, proper guidelines must be followed because over extension often leads to failure and, in addition, budgets must be carefully managed by this magnetic, intense loner (Sun conjunct Pluto in royal Leo).

For more astro-notes on Special Counsel Robert Mueller you may wish to see The Prenatal Eclipse of Robert Mueller or a brief post on the current transits to his natal planets (natal horoscope shown sans birth time).

Recommended reading: Stephen Arroyo's Exploring Jupiter: Progress, Prosperity, and Potential (now available on Kindle!)

Above image: Owl of Minerva, a botanical drawing set in a mystical glen by yours truly.

Nov 4, 2017

'The Tower' Eclipse of August 2018 w Pluto Unaspected

For the curious, here is a marked-up image of 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @18Leo41; chart set for Washington DC:

Perfection occurs at 5:57:39 am edt during a Moon Hour (fluctuations, changes, instability) with Mercury Rx @14Leo41 rising as oriental planet (rising last before the Sun) which suggests an emphasis or focus on details such as dotting Is and crossing Ts.

Quite a bit of information is smooshed upon the chart and may be readable if the image is enlarged. Included is the theme of this eclipse in the 2 New North Saros Series: 'collapse of an existing structure; confusions reigns; long-term rebuilding after the dust settles; far-reaching effects; new directions' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady). The initial 2NN eclipse manifested on June 17, 1928 @26Gem21 with Jupiter @2Tau42 so this chart's Uranus @2Tau33 Rx performs a belated transit to 1928 Jupiter (in the eclipse's lead up to the Great Depression) indicating support for the eclipse theme of 'new directions' along with expansion in such areas as political and/or religious affiliations, freedom and independence issues, and intellectual growth.

As for the rising Solar Eclipse itself, obviously it keys the King of Alarm (or, Terror) Solar Eclipse by degree for that particular August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse manifested in the 1 North Saros Series as The Mother of All Eclipses--just as did The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo (conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant). Typically, a process is described here for 1 North naturally leads to 1 South, and so we see 2 New North in all its formidable cosmic splendor and not-so-subtly pointing toward the August 1999 Solar Eclipse (of the Book of Revelation and Nostradamus fame) with its Fixed Grand Cross in the mid-degrees of the Fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius: 'Points' of the Oxen, Lion, Eagle, and Angel--described as the angels letting go the winds of war. And imho, they certainly did.

So what to expect from the August 2018 Solar Eclipse? Well, chart-ruler Sun makes no applying Ptolemaic aspects to give us hints of what's to come--unless we wish to count as a major aspect a quincunx to powerful Pluto in the Military-Police-Civil Service sector, the 6th house, suggesting those who take on responsibilities that they end up resenting. Obsessed with gaining the approval of others, a Sun-Pluto inconjunct hints at tense conflicts with others (The Generals/6th house?) and a preoccupation with power and position. Wonder who this describes?

And while we're on the topic of Pluto and obscure aspects not readily seen, there's a 'hidden square' (255/56 degrees) between creepy wealth-hoarder Pluto and values-oriented Venus, also a planet of perspective, alliance, and diplomacy. This background influence suggests the patronizing of others and conflicts in relationships (probably over currency evaluation and/or finances in general) and it's a curious one since Pluto is officially 'unaspected' in the chart, a condition which denotes isolationists, those 'overshadowed by shadows', and off-on spurts of overwhelming, compulsive desire (for total control, it seems, with Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn). Always a loner, unaspected Pluto is so self-contained that astrological Pluto's important regenerative qualities are prevented or withheld from aiding the other planets (actors; forces) in the chart making objective analysis impossible and the spiraling plutonic darkness ever darker.

Also note that the military-and-weapons-infused Mars-North Node pair point toward MC and disruptive Uranus denoting interrupted meetings, upsets in a community or an organization, or possibly cooperative teamwork. Another midpoint picture stands out and is penned on the chart, lower right: Mars-Uranus = Neptune which hints at potentials for cunning, deceit, mean behavior, rage, and/or accidents and injuries (Ebertin; Munkasey). And of course, the Mars-Uranus duo when combined is a weapons-guns-sharp-instrument significator as well.

That these factors and the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse relate to such forces in the US as the 'Deep State', America's hidden or invisible government (a natal Neptune-Saturn signature at our nation's founding), and the Plutocracy that has overtaken our Republic, I have no doubt. For the oppression, racism, and other mankind-stomping programs, plans, and -isms of the Pluto-Chiron pair continue to bedevil us with renewed vigor since the Pluto-Chiron cycle began in November 1999--conjunct US natal Ascendant @12Sagittarius:

"A Flag That Turns into an Eagle That Crows," a degree and symbol that have brought our country much in the way of its negative (unconscious/shadow side) expression of idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. Oh, and that's Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) rising between Mercury and North Node indicating potentials for 'suspicions about leakages through spies; provocative data; removing' (deleting) 'massive amounts of data through groups of closely working companions' (ex: the White House); 'taking drastic measures to present ideas'. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.)

Yet the Sabian Symbols for the 2NN Solar Eclipse and the related Illumination Points should be considered as well so here are the M.E. Jones analyses of the karmic confrontation degree and the actual degree of the August 2018 Solar Eclipse (the position in the Zodiac where the 'cosmic blink' occurs--again!) along with each degree's Illumination Point which is opposite and unconscious:

'18Leo' = "A Teacher of Chemistry"...keyword: INSTRUCTION; positive expression: exceptional self-confidence and a delight in subjecting all experience to the test of immediate application; negative/unconscious/shadow side expression: unintelligent dependence on supposition or rules of the book.

Illumination Point '18AQ" = "A Man Unmasked"...keyword: ANALYSIS; positive: a considered self-dedication to greater or more wonderful reasons for being; negative: self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude.

'19Leo' = "A Houseboat Party"...keyword: CONGENIALITY; positive: a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs; negative: thoughtless self-indulgence and contempt for the general welfare.

Illumination Point '19AQ' = "A Forest Fire Quenched"...keyword: CONCERN; positive: special skill in bringing personal interests to some larger point of effectiveness; negative: a fear of experience and a subtle delight in calamity.

Well, such as it is, there's my preliminary analysis of the 2 New North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 and its potential influence upon our nation's capital and people. Of course, many other chart factors will affect conditions then and presently unknown events will occur so perhaps we shall discuss such cosmic topics more fully as the hour of solar-lunar perfection draws near and this particular 'wild card of the Universe' manifests in royal Leo, sign of ego, pride, vainglory, and leadership.


For more information see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney. #ads (that I do not profit from, btw. Plus, all ads were removed from SO'W months ago. jc

Nov 3, 2017

On Kent State 1970 and Donald Trump

Perhaps it was only a matter of time before the horrid Kent State Massacre and Nixon's criminal abuse of power came up in conversations across America concerning Mr. Trump's perceived and apparent misbehavior and his ham-fisted presidency. Some of his behavior, at least, seems premeditated yet with a heavy sauce of chicanery ladled on and lying on a bed of steamy racketeering.

Note that as transit Uranus in late Aries currently approaches the Midheaven of the Kent State Massacre Horoscope (linked, above) we find Mr. Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) rising in the chart. Significant?

Born in Queens NY on June 14, 1946, the well-placed Mr. Trump was about to turn 24 yo on May 4, 1970 so he was of college age, one assumes. Or, out of school and already floatin' get-rich-quick schemes, one imagines. Anyhow, the future mogul must have had some kind of emotional reaction to the outrageous event (even if only make-believe for public consumption) but who can say with a man who expresses so completely the Mercury-Neptune-square energies he was born with. Other planetary aspects might have offset the negative (falsifying) energies of the square with its 'distorted perceptions about others', indiscretion, and deceit (both to and from). Transcendence is possible for human beings of course but ultimately he would have to decide for himself and would really want to change his selfish ways.

Until Mr. Trump shows a willingness and an ability to change, the American people and the world are stuck with his Uranus @17Gemini+ in 10th house of Public Status, Recognition, and Career--leading the rest of his planets in a peculiarly chaotic march through our lives. Those determined to collapse America are well on the way to their goal--or want us to believe they are and can't be stopped (kinda like a Void-Of-Course Moon phase when something nefarious is being carried out). Quirky is as quirky does.

Now many folk say that change for Donald Trump is impossible or, at best, doubtful. And yet I'm placing a topical Poll near the top of the SO'W sidebar in a jiff to see what you think. Please take a moment to respond!

Note: the post linked above shows the "Point! Fire!" Horoscope set for Kent Ohio 12:24 pm on May 4, 1970. Included is a video concerning the event which will be disturbing for some viewers. Please use with caution. jc

Trump Current Lunar Phase and SP New Moon 2019.

The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump (electrifying magnetic Uranus).

Nov 1, 2017

Transits to the Natal Planets of Robert Mueller

Brief Astro-Notes on Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III

Born August 7, 1944 in Manhattan, NYC, New York, a basic biography of Robert Mueller is available at Wikipedia if you're curious. And if you check it out, get ready to read a long list of medals awarded him for his bravery during the Vietnam War!

Image: a speculative natal horoscope for Special Counsel Robert Mueller timed by Moon to Aries Point (AP):

Obviously Mr Mueller was born with Sun in Leo, a proud sign that encompasses lawyers as well as thespians, teachers, and 'natural leaders'. His natal Moon on that date ranges from 21Pis29 (secretive, compassionate Pisces) to 6Ari18 (Mars-ruled Aries, sign of the pioneer, fighter, and activist) for we do not know his birth time. Naturally, the Cardinal World Point of 00Aries00, the Aries Point, is within natal Luna's range and denotes public recognition, fame, fortune, publicity, and/or activity on the World Stage--thus, the speculative horoscope you see here.

Now on SO'W we have already discussed Robert Mueller's Prenatal Solar Eclipse so let's now consider a few major upcoming transits to Mr. Muller's natal planets:

Currently, transit Neptune in Pisces opposes natal Mercury (12Virgo) bringing misunderstandings, confusion, and a potential for error and deceit (or, can indicate his work with people of deceit). It's a period of difficulty for making sense of facts and figures, fanaticism and paranoia may be evident, goals are elusive, and people may disappear (Paul Manafort a flight risk?)

November 2017 also brings a square from transit Jupiter to natal Pluto, a 'goals thwarted' transit that has been afflicting the natal Pluto (10Leo02) of Donald Trump as well. However, Mueller's Jupiter-square-Pluto transit is only one 'hit' on November 18th while Trump's has continued.

In December 2017, transit Jupiter squares Mueller's natal Sun in mid-Leo denoting a phase of 'going over the top' when chasing goals due in part to ego expansion; this is the first of three squares with December 21st the first target date.

January 2018 brings Mr. Mueller a Saturn-square-natal-Neptune (2Lib15) transit of confusion, lethargy, and possible depression; this is a 'once only' transit when withdrawal from the battle field is possible--will his 'Russia Gate' investigation be wrapped up by or around then? Transit North Node (public contact; future direction) conjoins natal Sun on or about January 18, 2018--a public announcement of some kind?

February 12, 2018 brings transit Saturn opposing natal Saturn (5Cancer--conjunct US natal Jupiter), a time when there may be regret over past actions and a demand to correct their consequences; any rewards result in more responsibility, and one reaps what's been sown (karma).

Then, beginning in June 2018, there are 5 'hits' that extend into 2020 from transit Neptune in Pisces (edit: opposing!) natal Mars (16Virgo--Mars conjunct natal Chiron, denoting the 'sacred warrior' archetype of the more bullheaded among us.) This is a difficult transit of unreasonable or misguided ideals and actions and he may be vulnerable to issues of mistrust, deception, and/or scandal. Legal and business transactions are not favored and relationships with males may suffer; energy depletion is a potential. Another possibility is loss of job, position, or status as an authority (April 2019 edit: Mr. Mueller submitted his report to AG Barr March 22, 2019). If Mr. Mueller can hang on to his reputation during this time period he'll be doing well under this difficult transit. The Neptune-opposing-natal-Mars dates (based on a speculative natal chart so the dates may be off by a day or so--this is a general guide) are:

1. June 13, 2018; 2. June 24, 2018; 3. March 15, 2019; 4. October 12, 2019; 5. January 10, 2020.

Please note that this particular transit list is only partial and does not include the more positive contacts from transiting planets to natal planets.

Oct 31, 2017

Paul Manafort hearts Cypress for shady banking

The Tax Havens at the Heart of the Manafort Indictment include the Saychelles, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Cypress. Below is the foundation data for the Turkish Republic of Cypress. Anyone think the shady money-grubber, Donald Trump, hasn't used the same banks to launder money?

'As you know, 'tax havens' are used to evade paying taxes. If only Trump's income tax returns could spill the beans! Wonder if Russian hackers have seen them yet?

The Turkish Republic of Cypress was announced at 6:55 am GMT on November 15, 1983 by Radio Bayrack and was made immediately after ratification of the independence declaration by the Turkish Cypriot Legislative Assembly (The World Book of Horoscopes, Campion); chart set for the capital city of Nicosia. In addition, an earlier horoscope may be set up for Cypress: 00:00 hours on August 16, 1960 when full independence was granted from British rule which had begun July 16, 1878.

Ascendant 23Sag49 (where Saturn has visited of late); MC 11Lib53; as you see, the 'lucky break' fortune-hunting pair, Jupiter and Uranus, are in the secretive 12th house of Large Institutions, karma, and Politics:

Sun 22Sco20 11th house

Moon 21Pis03 3rd house

Mercury 1Sag25 11th house

Venus 6Vir08 9th house

Mars 28Vir08 9th house

Jupiter 15Sag25 12th house of hidden activities and strong in its own sign

Saturn 9Sco02 10th house (11th cusp = 9Sco46; soon to receive Jupiter's visit: burdens are partially lifted)

Uranus 8Sag20 12th house

Neptune 27Sag39 1st house and rising; with karmic Saturn coming to call it's 'dream come true' or 'grim face of reality' time

Pluto 00Sco22 10th house (Scorpio, where moneybags Jupiter recently entered by transit; Jupiter to natal Pluto is a time when resources are evaluated and/or distributed.

And we should note that the Sun Scorpio-Moon Pisces double Water combination of Cypress is a Dracula vs Good Samaritan blend that prefers to 'go with the flow'. For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Map image, above: Nicosia 1878

Related: Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull.

Oct 29, 2017

The GOP Pro Life? More Like Anti Life

Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes writes:

The GOP, Pro Life? More Like Anti Life

by Kevin Estes

Over the last few days, some old Obama era laws have been repealed or are in the process of being repealed, such as removing the regulations on birth control, enabling employers to not cover birth control for religious reasons, and proposing to repeal the Clean Power Act, which would result in an increase of pollution, which would result in a decline in the quality of life for everyone. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also announced the reversal of protections of transgender citizens from discrimination in the workplace, making them once again prone to harassment, which results in a lower quality of life. And the whole year, especially the summer, was known for continuous efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, which would have resulted in millions losing coverage, reducing their quality of life. Get a pattern here? The Republican party is known as the "pro life" party, because of their opposition to abortion, but does that really make them pro life, when the vast majority of their policies negatively effect the quality of life of the American citizens?

In a word, no.

Any political party that supports taking away people's health care with the replacements allowing insurers to deny coverage for pre existing conditions, that supports cutting programs the neediest citizens depend on in order to support tax cuts for the wealthy, as well as wars where innocent people die, that supports eliminating environmental restrictions, resulting in a lower quality of air to breathe, supports the discrimination of the LGBT community, supports easier access to semi automatic weapons (I do not support taking away of guns in general, as a disarmed population leads to tyranny), and supports restricting access to birth control, which prevents the abortions they're against from taking place, is not truly pro life. You cannot be pro life and support policies like this, that will have a negative effect on the quality of life of the American citizens. Not to be divisive, but anybody who votes Republican and/or supports Trump is supporting these policies.

And the thing is, most people who vote Republican are Christian. If you're a Republican and reading this, do you really think Jesus would be in favor of anti life policies, like those of the Republican party ever since Reagan's presidency? Would Jesus support cutting people's food stamps or taking away people's health care in order to fund wars and tax cuts for the wealthy, when the wealth gap has never been more extreme and is only getting wider? Would Jesus support restricted access to birth control, even though it prevents abortions, which are more risky? Would Jesus support everybody having low quality air to breathe?

From what I've read in the Bible, very doubtful. Yet Christians, by voting Republican, are supporting policies that are so against the very nature of the Christ they worship every Sunday. Jesus said nothing about gay marriage or abortion, yet said that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich masn to enter the Kingdom of God, chased the bankers out of the temple, and said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God". Does any of that fit the GOP's political platform?

The Aquarian Age

In astrology, it is well known that we're in the transition period between the Piecean Age and the Aquarian Age. Christianity is a product of the Piscean Age, as shown by one of its symbols being a fish. The shadow side of Pisces represents illusions, and the Piscean Age has been full of illusions, mainly how our current financial system is supposedly good for us when the rich are getting richer at the expense of everyone else, and how we supposedly have a voice when the elite oligarchs control our elected officials. The conservative Christian mindset, that they are actually following Jesus' teachings, can also be considered an illusion. In this transitional period, new ideas are gaining momentum, such as single payer health care and Universal Basic Income, which would have been considered crazy 15 years ago, and the combination of the truth coming out (Aquarius rules truth), as well as these new energies, has the elite scared of losing their power, and thus the politicians they control are in the process of increasing the suppression, to slow down the inevitable change. This is why both the GOP and the Democratic party have been more extreme than ever the last few years, to divide us.

What should we do to really be pro life? Simple. Treat others how you'd want to be treated. Jesus also said "Love your neighbor as thyself. There is no commandment greater than these", and it is no secret that we've gone far away from that. Going back to doing that is the only way to be pro life, as well as overcome the oppressors, as they want us to be divided and at each other's throats, so we can't unite as one.

Thanks for sharing your views, Kevin! jc

The above article originally appeared October 6, 2017 on Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog. For more of his millennial viewpoint informed by astrological considerations simply type 'Kevin Estes' into the SO'W Search box you'll find in the sidebar.

Oct 30, 2017: Will Mueller Indict Manafort?

On Friday October 28, 2017, news broke (or was leaked) that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would make public an indictment on Monday October 30th.

Meanwhile much teeth grinding is afoot in articles such as's speculation about the name/s on top of the indictment: Here's Who Could Receive Mueller's Indictment.

Of course, the easier thing for news hounds like you and me to do is simply to kick back and wait a few hours until tomorrow and see what happens, whether the name is Manafort or not, others' names, or not. This, I am quite prepared to do on this lazy overcast Sunday in Georgia. How about you?

Astrology-related posts include:

Trump Campaign Chief's Strong Ties to Putin Revealed - clip (w Astrology) (contains astro-notes concerning Paul Manafort);

Astro-Notes: Trump Jr's Meeting with a Kremlin Lawyer;

Paul Manafort: the Ram and the Bull;

The Prenatal Eclipse of Special Counsel Robert Mueller;

And check out astrologer Karen Christino's post on the natal chart of Donald Trump Jr (his 'noon' horoscope is shown).

Looking Beyond 2017 Shadows: Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season and Jan 1, 2018: Cancer Full Moon (DC Horoscope shown).

Oct 27, 2017

Oct 26, 2017

Jan 21 2017 Congressional Record: Trump's 1st Full Day in His New Role

Curious..."not normal"..."the outsider" thieved the day...change of course...soft vs hard power...exploitation...opportunities in chaos...

Congressional Record - 2017-01-23

Natal Horoscopes: Assange with Bannon!

Image: bi-wheel of the Natal Horoscopes of Julian Assange (July 3, 1971 3:00 pm AEST Townsville, Australia; RR: A and Steve Bannon November 27, 1953 '12:00 pm' (hour unknown) Norfolk, Virginia USA:

Since I wasn't planning to write anything today I'll simply post natal charts as a bi-wheel of Wikileaks' Julian Assange (birth time known, "From him") and alt-righter Steve Bannon of Trump and Breitbart fame to note the connections and links between their natal planets because, as you've heard...

Julian Assange confirms Wikileaks was approached by data firm working with Trump campaign last November but says their "approach" was rejected and Hillary Clinton's 33,000 emails were not released by Mr. Assange as previously threatened/promised. Notice that Mr. Bannon's name is left out of the headline of this report published by the Chicago Tribune yet he's been reported as being the VP of 'data firm' Cambridge Analytica at the time.

Of course, Mr. Bannon's Moon position ('noon') and Angles are not for certain with no birth time known so use with caution if at all. However, we do know that: born November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia, Bannon's natal Moon ranged from 22Leo03 (the worst foot forward degree, or, 'own worst enemy') to 4Vir10, the degree and minute of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon in December 2008. As you see, this SP Full Moon timed the outer limit that the US could reach into the world (Crash 2008) and we all should have learned that lesson of cautious Saturnian limitation then. Because going beyond natural limits leads to reap-what's-been-sown karma, as universal natural law dictates.

Actually, I believe a majority of We The People did learn the lesson--that we as a nation were overextended on many levels but like kittens in string, we were shocked by the level of corruption in government, banking, and other areas of civilization that were starkly revealed by the end of 2008 and cast a degrading and harsh light upon American society as a Collective. But the Jupiter-Neptune duo isn't concerned with observing natural limits, in fact, just the opposite--and including political conflicts, according to Reinhold Ebertin.

Please enlarge the image for a few basic notes are penned on the charts; Assange is a Jupiter-Neptune-conjunction escapist and wizard while Bannon is more of a Jupiter-Neptune-trine occultist conman and magician. Either way they tend toward speculation, illusion, and promotion of bubbles and schemes just as Mr. Trump likes to do via his own Jupiter-Neptune conjunction which, quest-like, has wounding-wounded Chiron smack dab in the center, and the trio posited in his natal 2nd house of Money and Values.

And perhaps it will be enlightening if not curiously revealing when the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse manifests on February 15, 2018 and conjoins US natal Moon which was target planet of the Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Neptune. The planetary pair perfected three times all through 2009--conjunct US natal Moon, thereby forcing a seductive, dreamy, bubbly unreality into the weaker crevices of our society and providing cover for much of the Obama administration's activities, 'rock star' as they may have seemed.

A related post: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

Also note that we are under the influence of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, The Great American Eclipse, with its theme of: "information is distorted and possibly false" (Brady) which also implicates today's well publicized released of the JFK Files. In Astrology, eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' and do tend to uncover hidden things.

Please note that I have no idea why the lines of this post are not following the usual tidy alignment. Blogger? Hello?