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Jan 5, 2011

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of Jan 4, 2011; 112th Congress opens 1.5.11

Today many new members of Congress are being sworn in, and on Tuesday January 4, 2011, Jupiter and Uranus performed their final Great Conjunction until April 24, 2024.

Three times they've tangoed beginning on June 8, 2010 @ 00Ari18 (the Aries Point of World Manifestation), on September 19, 2010 @ 28Pis43, and now @ 27Pis02 which occurred yesterday at about 7:00 am est on Capitol Hill - with both powerful, wealthy Pluto 5Cap27 and asteroid Pallas 5Cap55 (strategy; wisdom; protector of the city state) rising.

'27 Pisces' is the Exaltation degree of Venus, now @ 27 Scorpio, so the Jupiter/Uranus pair are being trined by Venus (valuations, evaluations, relationships, art, attraction principle; small amounts of money) and we may wish to consider a midpoint picture formed by the three...any, all, or none may apply:

Jup/Uran = Venus: your charm when forcing the new upon others; satisfaction gained from creating the new to improve life overall; inconstancy in attachments; happy feelings; narcissism.

Mercury 21Sag+ (planet of oaths) squares Jup/Uran: a series of fortunate breaks; planning on success; confidence; people with many ideas; a fortunate turn in one's occupation; thoughts about the need for change and how to affect it. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

As you know, the Jupiter/Uranus duo is quite special for its optimism, lucky chances, breakthroughs, and blissful realizations. So let's add Reinhold Ebertin's additional info on their combined energies from his book, The Combination of Stellar Influences:

"It is often difficult to assess the nature of Jupiter-Uranus constellations. They indicate, in most cases, inner tensions or strains which are then suddenly released. At one time, the author named this configuration the 'Thank the Lord' position, because people having such a configuration have repeatedly exclaimed the words 'Thank the Lord' after the release of the tension or strain from which they were suffering."

Moving to a source that concerns Politics and Business (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets) we find that Jupiter/Uranus energies tell a different tale in those realms:

Thesis: application of legal methods against breakdowns in order; strikes or revolutions; growth following periods of reform; modernization opportunities through new labor-saving inventions.

Antithesis: reform originating in religious principles; government where no expansion due to modern principles is allowed; civil war or unrest due to a legal or religious system which stifles justice for common people.

112th Congress: Washington's New Cycle of Activity

As Congress opens at this very moment (noon), we may wonder if looking back toward legislation already passed is what America needs most when everyone knows that congressional focus should be on jobs jobs jobs creation!

Yet if we must look back, let's take a peek at Rudhyar's explanation of '27Pis' which somewhat suggests the bliss from above:

"The Harvest Moon Illumines a Clear Autumnal Sky"...Keynote: The light of fulfillment that blesses work well done. Keyword: CONSUMMATION. But in this consummation--this 'karmic' moment--the seed of the new cyclic manifestation is already latent."

Connecting the dots politically with the November 2, 2010 Midterms - the reason for today's big swearing-in on Capitol Hill, the Astronomy of the Super Harvest Moon of September 22, 2010 is interesting along with the Astrology of Autumn Equinox 2010 with the Moon @ 27Pis11 - almost at her Super Harvest Full Moon status and nearing Jupiter 28Pis10 Rx and Uranus 28:33 Rx in 10th house of Career in Washington DC. (Click to view chart image.)

And Jupiter/Uranus = Moon? Sensitivity toward the need to transform your life through a change of religion, moral principles, philosophy; inconsistency in dealing with the forces of change and revolution which occur daily; opportunity for major change; looking ahead to success.

Gladio Operation, pension funds assault, & dead birds falling (video)

Jude here posting from near Athens, Georgia on this the first day the 112th Congress opens. The following presentation from Alex Jones TV is in two videos and includes discussion of the thousands of redwing blackbirds that fell dead from the sky at 11:30 pm on New Years Eve - in Arkansas (not Louisiana as stated below.)

Alex will cover the latest on several key issues including birds dropping from the sky over Louisiana, the economy, an assault on pension funds, the latest in the war on terror, and more. Investigative journalist, author, and syndicated columnist Wayne Madsen joins the show to talk about Operation Gladio.

For further reading and viewing visit where you can deprogram yourself.

Jan 4, 2011

Sitting Bull and JP Morgan on America

Well, here's a voice from the past that hits our plutocracy squarely on its head:

"Hear me people: We now have to deal with another race---small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possessions is a disease with them. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."

- Chief Sitting Bull

Source: Information Clearing House.

Speaking of austerity cuts for the poor: Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan $1,132,861,364,615.

Plus, as old J. P. Morgan (the Financial Astrology buff) once said, "Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy."

Eclipse photos Jan 4, 2011

This year, the most unusual gift I received for my birthday is this morning's Solar Eclipse!

Space Weather News for Jan 4, 2011

FANTASTIC SOLAR ECLIPSE: When the sun rose over Europe this morning, a piece of it was missing. The Moon had covered as much as 86% of the solar disk, producing a partial solar eclipse and a fantastic crescent-shaped sunrise. The most amazing apparition, however, may have occurred in the Sultanate of Oman, where for a split second the Moon and the International Space Station partially eclipsed the sun at the same time.

Visit SpaceWeather News for must-see photos.

Government Scams of the American Dream (video)

Here's a 30-minute video to rub some of the ways in which the American people have been scammed by the US government: the American Dream relates to our national Neptune in Virgo, sign of Work, Health, and Service which includes military, police, and other civic services such as our government bureaucrats.

As you know, the US natal Neptune is squared (blocked) by natal Mars (action, energy, motivation, the military, young males, quarrels, etc) so our nation eternally operates under difficult Mars/Neptune rays which include:

turmoil when asserting ourselves, fluctuations between action and complete apathy, an inability to face reality, sexual frustrations from repression, blaming others when things don't go as planned in order to deflect criticism and avoid accountability, defense against imagined abuses, self-persecution, lowering of standards which attracts unsavory characters, and a tendency toward feelings of bitterness when disappointed by others.

The chance for misdirected actions/motivations is greatly multiplied by our Mars/Neptune square along with natal Mars being posited in duplicitous Gemini and the fraud, deception, and confusion that Neptune so often brings to any table.

Of course, the Founders didn't see it that way since Neptune wasn't discovered until 1846, 40 years after 1776; it was the discovery of freedom-loving, disruptive, revolutionary rebel Uranus (1781) that marked their era and which continues to signify America, the New World.

Yet for the US, Neptune's inspiration and insight are possible, of course, but it requires that positive motivations (Mars) be completely aboveboard for this to be the case - which doesn't include lying the American people into illegal wars.


USA chart used: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT (Sibly version) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

GOP takes over House, replaces gavel w hatchet

Tomorrow the Republicans 'take over' the House with dreams of undermining all of President Obama's legislative successes and thus his presidency and legacy. Their agenda includes gutting or repealing the Health Care Reform bill (what I call the Health Insurance Reform bill) so if you've missed it, here's a link to the January 3, 2011 letter sent to Majority Leader John Boehner from Senate Democrats angling to protect their bill, their president, and by extension, the American people.

(By its wide release, one assumes the public is meant to be swayed by the letter's points - since it's doubtful the GOP will be. Political theater, dahlink.)

Yes, the Dems make good points in the letter (don't throw the baby out with the bath water, etc) yet it may be too measured and too logical for hotheaded win-at-any-cost Republicans to accept since they're super-focused on imagining the way ahead to the White House in 2012/13. Early on Limbaugh set the tone from January 2009 with his Obama Fail Campaign.

Their current repeal stance represents to me the GOP's stubborn blindness to the general welfare so again I must ask those who voted Republican in November 2010: what in the world were you thinking? The GOP have their hatchets sharpened and at the ready - and they're coming after the American people's already-tattered social fabric - the "entitlements" they so love to denigrate - when we know that it's war spending and politicians' salaries and benefits that should be cut first while simultaneously going after fraud, waste, and abuse in and of the system.

1993 vs 2011

The GOP hatchet is poised at Mr. Obama's back as it was at Clinton's in 1993 when neocon Bill Krystal's memo to the Republicans directed them to use an attack on health care reform as the 'gist' of their strategy - to regain the White House.

Funny thing about GOP strategy in 1993 and now in 2011: two of the same Solar Eclipses were in effect both years. Krystal's memo dated December 2, 1993 fell into the 14 North Series: 'a most peculiar series that heralds an acute time of confusion in relationships, unexpected happenings in financial matters, possible illness, despair, a draining of energy, and a peculiar turn of events; no important decisions should be made concerning incoming events because of too much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Delusion in Washington? Unclear decisions? It's deja-vu all over again because 14N manifests on November 25, 2011 @ '2Sag' so get ready for similar issues, deceptions, and cloudy decisions as the GOP repeats its strategy to 'block health care reform' against a Democratic president. Now my remarks here don't count in the health insurance industry's involvement behind the scenes of Washington's political theater - those rats are busily playing in the woodpile and can hardly lose no matter how things turn out for the Democratic Party.

The other Solar Eclipse of 1993 and 2011 is the 13 South Series which repeats this summer and which may indicate 'constitutional crisis, striving for groups endeavors (either positively or negatively), and expansive energy which has a sinister flavor to it'. (Brady.)

So here's a little Astrology on the topic written in July 2009, a post which contains a link to Krystal's memo (which may have to be downloaded if you wish to read it. It's a little blurry on this end.)

And if you smell a rat, you'll soon find the grand-plans-and-schemes/spendthrift-wastrel-speculator pair of Jupiter/Neptune in the mix.


Special thanks go to Alex of Modern Astrology for sending along a link to the Dems' Jan 3, 2011 letter.

Jan 3, 2011

Quadrantid Meteors and a Solar Eclipse Jan 4, 2011

Space Weather News for Jan 3, 2011

QUADRANTID METEOR SHOWER: Sky watchers in the northen hemisphere should be alert for meteors before sunrise on Tuesday, Jan. 4th. Earth is about to pass through a narrow stream of debris from shattered comet 2003 EH1, the parent of the annual Quadrantid meteor shower. Forecasters say the encounter could produce a fast flurry of 100 meteors per hour during the early hours of Jan. 4th.

Details and observing tips may be found at

GOT CLOUDS? No problem. You can stay inside and listen to the Quadrantids. Tune into SpaceWeather Radio for live meteor echoes from the US Air Force Space Surveillance Radar in Texas.

PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE: After the meteor shower, observers in Europe, northern Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia can witness a partial eclipse of the sun. In western Europe, as much as 86% of the solar disk will be covered by the Moon at dawn, producing a fantastic crescent sunrise on Jan. 4th.

Check SpaceWeather News for details, animated maps and live webcasts.

Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse: Astronomy and Astrology has good astronomical information concerning the January 4, 2011 partial Solar Eclipse (13Cap39), if you're interested in its physical manifestation.

Astrology Adds Meaning

The Jan 4, 2011 eclipse falls in the 13 North Series: 'groups and associations; large ambitious group projects which require the breaking of a previous bond which leads to success; separation, then joint achievement', to paraphrase Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Here's a video (which you may view by clicking the EarthSky link above) of the February 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse in the 10N Series. Astrologically: 'communications, frustrating or inhibiting events come along via news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and tired.' (Brady.)

Almost sounds like a precursor to WikiLeaks revelations, doesn't it?

The Feb 7, 2008 eclipse above is the one I titled, The Unmasking Eclipse for its manifestation @ '18AQ', the degree of a man's true motives being revealed (from its Sabian Symbol)...again, rather WikiLeaks-esque.

The next Solar Eclipse that will be viewable from North America (and it's also a partial) will be on May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 in the 14 South Series: 'long periods of hard work, then success as an obsessive idea and methodologies are finally accepted (one-world-government? no! jc); a long-awaited breakthrough'.(Brady.) Or does 'long-waited breakthrough' have something to do with the much-ballyhooed 11:11 portal?

The May 2012 eclipse occurs upon Fixed Star Alcyone with the star's unfortunate keywords: 'something to cry about' and in her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal has titled it: Property Agreements with a possible treaty of some sort for the US, visiting ambassadors, and unsettled conditions.

In Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis adds for Alcyone: sorrow, unlucky, exile, suffering, and in her Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady adds: inner vision and insight but judgmental, the Fates and the judging of the dead to this star of Eta Taurus which is of the turbulent nature of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters who weep.)

Judgmental anger and ruthlessness when dealing with those who have not fulfilled necessary requirements are indicated for May 2012 though there is potential for real insight and understanding if harshness is avoided.


Astro-Political Note: the 112th Congress gavels in at noon on Wednesday January 5, 2011 with US natal Chiron, the sacred warrior archetype, rising.

Jan 2, 2011

WikiLeaks and Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return Jan 9, 2011

With the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act now signed by President Obama (while still vacationing in Hawaii), the 112th Congress scheduled to open January 5, 2011 at noon est, and myself just returned from a holiday family spree (if you can call the Atlanta area a 'spree' zone), Stars Over Washington's Julian Assange/treason poll is now closed.

Out of a total of 131 responders, 77% (101) voted, "No! He's doing the world a favor" to the question of whether Mr. Assange (who, though not an American citizen, has greatly embarrassed the US government) should be tried for treason.

1% (14) answered a moderate "Possibly, depending" while another 1% replied, "Absolutely!"

What might this unofficial poll attest to, if anything? Possibilities include:

That folks who read this sort of populist blog prefer that the US government follow its own laws (and not rewrite them for special occasions or in an attempt to save face), get over thinking it can lord it over anyone anywhere, and busy itself learning how to successfully keep official secrets closer to Big Brother's chest than heretofore.

Now if you, dear reader, are one of the 77% who voted No! to a treason prosecution yet don't agree with my personal assessment of the situation, please leave a comment here, if you wish to weigh in.

Oh, and I can think of at least one more very good reason - as taught by history - for the US government not to prosecute the message bearer who dares reveal the truth:

"First they came..." for him - then they came for you and me...


Now for the title of this post: the Mercury Return 25Sag25 to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart of December 21 which occurs on January 9, 2011 at 1:33:17 am est in Washington DC. This reflects a part of Mercury the Messenger's retrograde period which began on Dec 10, 2010 @ 5Cap+ with the speedy one's Direct Station on Dec 30, 2010 @ 19Sag35.

As far as conjunctions or oppositions to Julian Assange's natal chart (July 3, 1971 Townsville, AU 4:57 pm AEST), the Winter Solstice 2010's Mercury Return falls in his natal 2nd house opposite n Venus 25Gem25 (dualistic and sometimes duplicitous Gemini, sign of communications, and The Good News.) Yet the house position may be only speculative, based on whether his birth hour is accurate; it apparently has been snagged from his official birth records. (Kudos to whoever snagged it!)

Another possible link is to Assange's natal Moon/NN midpoint which will be conjoined by Mercury 25Sag25 on Jan 9, 2011, and in Politics and Business, the publicity-infused Moon/NN combo relates to: trade, ports of entry, roadways, canals, transit systems, etc. Also to: common people involved in the conduct of foreign trade, public opinion about foreign trade, agricultural failures, or blockages at ports of entry. (Munkasey.)

Here is the midpoint picture formed by tr Mercury to Assange's natal Moon/NN on or around Jan 9, 2011; any, all, or none may apply:

n Moon/NN = tr Mercury: adapting to events and communicating effectively; education opens opportunities; emotional group discussions; an association of convenience; contacts with females; immune system (as in 'cyber-security? jc); a critical attitude toward associations; building cooperation. (Munkasey; Ebertin; Tyl.)

2010's Winter Solstice chart itself must be considered for understanding any effect its Mercury Return may have collectively, such as what houses are ruled by Mercury (3rd h, and 12th h of Politics); aspects to Mercury are important as well.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2010's Mercury

Mercury applies in its Rx condition to a square with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Pisces. Merc SQs Jupiter (0A05, a very tight orb) while separating from its SQ with Uranus (1S22); the Messenger also moves away from conjunction with the Sun 00Cap00, both in 6th house of Work, Health, Service (Armed Forces) - the President has signed the 9/11 Health and Compensation bill, as noted above, and leaks have concerned the US military services and the US State Department of, diplomats. Mercury = the signing and the bill itself.

Merc SQ Jupiter shows discrepancies between beliefs and the truth with impulsivity in judgments which are based on insufficient information; accepting responsibility for one's actions is difficult; the phrase 'pathological liar' is a potential.

Merc SQ Uranus indicates an eccentric thinker whose opinions tend to be at odds with society's prevailing beliefs. Most people find this 'rebel with a cause' obnoxious or overly belligerent. Impatience may cause 'facts' or 'truths' to be manufactured.

(This may apply, of course, to WikiLeaks or to the US government - or both.)

Now you've probably noticed that Mercury 25Sag15 inconjuncts US natal Mercury, an aspect of great strain, for watery Cancer and fiery Sagittarius have little natural sympathy for one another. The inconjunct (or, quincunx; 150 degr) suggests the dynamics of Mars which brings in the god of war's typical aggression, aggravations, and threats and yet compromise is the only solution. (This aspects relates to Congress as well, but here I'm looking at Jan 9, 2011's Mercury Return mainly in relation to the Assange/WikiLeaks imbroglio.)

One aspect of note is the interesting inconjunct between Mercury in the Winter Solstice 2010 chart and the chart's Ascendant 24Can21 (the position of US natal Mercury Rx 24:12) with Mercury inconj ASC indicating evaluations and conclusions about others which are correct but make them feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Well, yes. We know.

Merc inconj ASC may also describe someone who is a "Jack of All Trades" with Mercury associated with trade and commerce, as noted above. A bit of a roustabout, perhaps? This Mercury is very much aware of the power of money, and may long nostalgically for simpler times.

Mercury Return to the Winter Solstice 2010 chart: Jan 9, 2011

In Jan 9's Mercury Return chart set for DC, there is a politically prominent trio: Mercury 25Sag25 in 2nd house of Values and Valuations, North Node 2Cap38, (3rd cusp = 2Cap41), and Pluto 5Cap38 in 3rd house of Communications. Pluto conjoins the degree of Mercury's Rx Station of Dec 10, 2010, a time when hidden meanings are revealed.

As you know, the Mercury/Pluto duo relates to propaganda, persuasion, deep thoughts, business secrets (ex: B of A), spies, surveillance and Intel agencies, communications satellites, and the drug trade; the two planets oppose one another across the Can/Cap axis in America's natal chart with Mercury Rx @ the "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" degree (the meaning of which then relates, of course, to powerfully wealthy, often invisible Pluto, the Spy, Saboteur, Assassin, and/or Underworld Criminal Network - and to the Bosses thereof.)

Mercury/Pluto = NN: contacts with those who help you obtain information or news(!); a desire for intellectual domination, or, to be a spokesman; contacts with powerful criminal elements; being recognized for one's persuasion or communication skills.

Now this particular phase of 'Mercury action' @ 25SAg25 actually began prior to the Winter Solstice of Dec 21, 2010: Nov 26, 2010, Dec 21, 2010 (Rx), and next on January 9, 2011. Given Mr. Assange's clear connection to mercurial functions, it may be interesting to note any further developments in the legal standing of the WikiLeaks' now-secluded founder who must try his best not to be extradited to face charges in the USA.

Dec 30, 2010

A New Year and the natal chart of Barack Obama

In this, my last post to you until after the New Year, I pass the astro-baton to expert astrologer Donna Cunningham and her article on New Year's intentions (rather than resolutions), hot zones in horoscopes, transits to these important degree areas, and the natal chart of President Obama (displayed.)

Now Donna's New Year offering is but one of the many instructive articles to be found on her SkyWriter blog so check it out and stay a while, if you can!

Signing off and hoping to see you in the New Year!



For more reading you may wish to visit Julie Demboski's Astrology, Modern Astrology, Jude's Threshold, and/or Woolly Mammoth Chronicles.

Gerald Celente: predictions for 2011

Economist Gerald Celente has made financial predictions for 2011.

Not an easy read but worth the trouble if you think facing demons is better than ignoring them and allowing them to fester in darkness.

The most basic planetary transit affecting the US now is Pluto's ongoing opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer: Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and eventually our Mercury Rx which shows, among other things, a titanic power struggle between our nation and the secret power elite who have engineered the financial crisis (and other crises) for their own New World Order/fascist purposes.

This morning I watched C-SPAN's feature on the first presidential debate on TV (Sep 26, 1960) between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy. The tape was shown and once again I was struck by JFK's opening statement in which he laid out what is now in its final stages: whether the world will move toward freedom or slavery.

I leave it to you to decide how we're doing as we look toward 2011.


Blog Note: only one day left to vote in SO'W's Julian Assange-treason poll, upper right; please take a moment to vote if you haven't. Thanks! jc

Heads-Up Update12.30.10 3:16 pm est: just received a link to some very interesting reading at Is Seeing Believing? which might interest anyone concerned about the future of America.

Dec 29, 2010

Pluto loves Drug Money Laundering on Wall Street

An article Wall Street is laundering drug money and getting away with it places emphasis on Wachovia, the bank this blogger deserted earlier this year and began doing business at a credit union bank.

Well! If that's the sort of thing Wachovia has been up to, what might WikiLeaks' threatened release of Bank of America's private documents hold in store?

The term 'money laundering' always reminds me of a certain Sabian Symbol for '22 Sagittarius' which opposes US natal Mars in Gemini. This makes '22Sag' an Illumination Point of unconscious material concerning our national Mars (energy; action; motivation; warmongering.) And transiting *Pluto, the dragon guarding all the treasure, danced upon and within orb of '22Sag' off and on during the Bush-Cheney years.

'22Sag' = "A Chinese Laundry" = SECLUSION...

positive expression: an unusual gift for maintaining poise and self-perspective in every unfamiliar or alien situation;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary acceptance of self-inferiority.

In his book The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones goes on to explain this degree as "complete self-refinement through the unsuspected or even generally unaccepted activities of a community,...a richness of living comes from a concentration on goals with remote reward, and from an association in spirit with souls of very high achievement."

Now Dr. Jones was not writing the above while thinking about the selling out of America by the US Congress (or of the Chinese poppy trade), yet spiritual associations with 'souls of very high achievement' can on a level describe the Temple of Greed worshiped on Wall Street (with gold-lover Mithras' Taurean Bull on proud display) while implicating Templar Knights and other such secret society actors who have used their control of the global banking industry to financially collapse this and other nations.

Theirs is an overarching agenda long planned and is now, before our eyes, being implemented at a faster and faster pace as the mutually agreed upon years 2011 and 2012 draw near. Mutually agreed upon because the cycle in the Mayan Calendar which ends on December 21, 2012 has already put the Great Awakening vs Great Catastrophe scenario and potential in every one's minds (and unconsciouses) and made it suitable and amenable for any and all financial and political exploitation.

If the laundering of drug money by one of America's largest banking corporate 'communities' isn't 'unsuspected or even generally unaccepted activities' then I guess I can't imagine what is. Personally I do not find Wachovia or Wall Street's activities acceptable in general or otherwise. Do you?


*When tr Pluto opposed US natal Mars it was a time of using revenge to get back at someone, misguided efforts if mismanaged (it was), power struggles, and physical abuse. And of course, Pluto is intimately associated with drugs especially of the opiate and intravenous varieties. Together, Mars/Pluto = the raw force, big guns, and nuclear devices of the Pentagon and other agencies who use and export weapons, terror, and violence.

In other words, the Bush-Cheney regime of Pluto-to-Mars activities which are now being continued and expanded under the presidency of globalist Barack Obama across the poppy fields of occupied Afghanistan and beyond.

Blog Note: only 2 days left in which to vote in SO'W's Julian Assange-WikiLeaks-treason poll, upper right. Please take a moment to weigh in, if you haven't; it's gathered a fairly large sample for such a tiny blog and results will be reported after the poll closes. Thanks! jc