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Feb 12, 2011

Ron Paul: US to blame for chaos in Egypt (video)

If you've ever read this blog before you may be aware that this dissenting American's distrust of the US government runs deep as it does for many people. Yet I did think that news of the US (and UK) instigation of the popular revolts in Egypt (Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, etc) would take at least a few days to come to light after yesterday's ouster of Mubarak.

But theories are surfacing already as International Forecaster's Bob Chapman very ably explains. Beware: the article contains his Bernanke/QE2 insights, and an interview with Rep. Ron Paul on such topics is included as well.

Mr. Chapman also mentions that Hosni Mubarak is still in charge, a potential I feared even as I celebrated yesterday with the good people of Egypt!

As you know, in this world, all is not always as it seems.

For those atop the pyramid of power have secretive ways of insuring win-win situations for themselves which they insist necessitate more and more loss-loss for the rest of us...just as old win-at-any-coster and political theorist *Machiavelli recommended!

*Post includes Nicolo Machiavelli's birth data and natal chart details.

Feb 11, 2011

End the Fed campaign: Bernanke isn't crying (video)

Today a previous post of mine concerning Fedhead Ben Bernanke received a comment with a heads-up to an End the Fed campaign - that all of us write End the Fed across the pyramid with its all-seeing eye on the capstone - upon all our US bills (assuming you have a few.)

And draft Rep. Ron Paul (whose Audit the Fed efforts seem to be gaining support these days) for a presidential run in 2012.

My curiosity was spurred to follow the link provided in the comment and I discovered this video which made me chuckle so here it is for you, if you wish a view and a listen to its tune!

Joy in Egypt as Mubarak Steps Down! Feb 11, 2011

Today President Hosni Mubarak has been vanquished by his people!!!

It's evening in Cairo and with protesters gathered at his palace after last evening's disappointing address, Hosni Mubarak has handed power to the Egyptian army and asked them to be in charge of the country's affairs.

This blogger celebrates the liberation of the Egyptian people (well done!) even though I know my global-elite-backed government may be shaking in its jackboots at the news (never mind what topcats in Washington say - their masters can't be happy) and Zionist Israeli government officials must be mightily worried about this amazing pardigm shift of power in the Middle East.

Egypt's populist overthrow is a major blow to the New World Order!

UPDATE 2/11/11 3:52 pm est: LINK TV is reporting that Swiss authorities have frozen the assets of the ousted Mubarak, a wise move (much of his hidden funds probably came from 30 years of US taxpayer money); also you may be interested in a fresh post: Mubarak Steps Down Under Rays of the Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse.

Original post resumes here:

Well, just as I prepared to post the natal horoscope of Hosni Mubarak with the transits of his pathetic address last evening placed around the chart (see below), the astounding news broke during this morning's broadcast of Democracy Now!. In my elation I shall place the chart here anyway and hope you may click to enlarge the image and read a few notes for yourself.

Hosni Mubarak, former president of Egypt

The horoscope is set for his birthdate May 4, 1928 Cairo (Kafr-el Muselha cannot be found on maps or in my software) at the moment of a Full Moon with Sun 14Tau05 conjunct Mercury (a picture of extreme stubbornness right there) and Moon 14Sco05, a combination of terrific stubbornness, ruthlessness, and fixed prejudices. I use the Full Moon of his day of birth because there was one at 10:11:41 pm EET.

Transit Saturn 17Lib01 Rx conjoins his natal Full Moon's Midheaven (Career; Public Standing; the WHY? Point) showing restriction in these matters for those who have dealt unwisely with responsibilities in the past (30 years of oppressing and robbing his people) - Saturn brings accountability to this ruling tyrant.

The iffy situation for the US may be seen in part by tr Saturn conjoining US Secondary Progressed Mars which has been retrograde since 2006. Tr NN 1Cap19 is rising in this speculative natal horoscope along with Mubarak's Pre-Natal Solar Eclipse Series, 1 South @ 1Cap21: 'enthusiastic expression of ideas; flooded with options' (Brady) - but the only 'option' the people wanted him to take was to Go Away!

It is reported that Mubarak has left Cairo now for a resort (to rest up, poor thing)and must be fuming beyond belief. My hope and prayer is that the Egyptian people will be fairly and well treated by whoever steps in to fill the vacuum of power - and that their accounts will be balanced by a return of the millions, possibly billions, hidden away in Mubarak's secret accounts and which will necessitate putting him on trial.

Is there a spa for former dictators at The Hague?

Image: planetary portrait of a tyrant. (Correction to outer notations in 10th house: Mubarak Address of 2.10.11's ASC should be '28Lib39'; mea culpa! jc)

Feb 10, 2011

A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America

"It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am."

George Washington (Master Freemason initiated in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, VA in 1752)

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson

"Allow me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who writes the laws."

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banker extraordinaire and war-bankroller)

"Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible."

Adam Weishaupt (aka, "Spartacus"; founder of the Illuminati May 1, 1776)

"You are a den of vipers! I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning."

President Andrew Jackson on the US central bank

"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

Woodrow Wilson (speaking of his collusion in the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America in 1913)

Financial Collapse 2008 sealed and revealed the satanic deal - and the plot continues apace under President Barack Obama - you expected something different?

Jude Cowell

Rachel Maddow on Reagan's 'Riganomics' (video)

Here in northeast Georgia we're digging out of about one inch of one the fluffiest snowfalls I've seen in years (scintillatingly beautiful!) and this video of Rachel Maddow reporting on the trickle down-supply side Riganomics of Ronald Reagan and its ultimate effects may fill the bill for those who still wonder what happened to America's middle class.

Reagan's TV speech shown here in "July 1981" links directly to the Reaganomics Solar Eclipse of July 31, 1981 @ 8 Leo in the 1 North Series that we spoke of a few days ago which is the same Series as the Nostradamus-predicted August 11, 1999 'King of Terror' (or 'King of Alarm') Eclipse ('information is distorted and possibly false' - Brady.)

You know, I've always thought it was telling how in his presidential nomination campaign against Reagan, Bush Sr called trickle down theory "voo doo economics" though as Reagan's VP, Bush joined in all the self-enriching fun which their policies provided with no visible qualms at all...our national debt tripled under Reagan.

(Well, the Sabian Symbol for our nation's natal Jupiter degree of '6 Cancer' is "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"!)

And Jupiterian comedian Rich Little at the time quipped that Reagan's economic theory with his increase in military spending, reduction of taxes on the rich, and pie-in-the-sky promise to balance the budget simultaneously would require keeping "two sets of books."

With the excessive growth of a shadow banking system and the results from "Riganomics" not being what was glowingly promised - then or now - we've seen that two sets of books may not be enough for such major slights of hand and our income inequality gap has only widened dramatically. Critics of Reaganomics were and are correct.

So hopefully you saw common-sense-promoter Rep. Dennis Kucinich on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning in their 8:30 to 9:00 am time slot taking calls about our economy, etc. The video isn't on the website yet (last I checked) but here's a link to Washington Journal in case you want to listen to Rep. Kucinich's remarks when the program becomes available for viewing. Or perhaps you'll catch a rerun on your TV.

And here's something posted in 2008 at the height of the Bank Bailout mummery which was unsuccessfully railed against by Kucinich, Paul, Sanders, and Kaptur.

And now it's time for snow removal efforts and a motor into the city, y'all!


This heads-up video link was kindly sent in by Alex @ GOP Astrology.

NYSE may be sold to foreigners: Venus/Pluto? Jupiter/SN?

As you've heard, it was announced today (with evaluating, negotiating Venus conjunct wealthy Pluto 6Cap39 on February 9, 2011 in the evening est) that the NYSE may be purchased by a German group marking the first time in its long history that the US stock exchange will be held in foreign hands.

The natal chart of the *New York Stock Exchange certainly must show this by an important transit or two (though I don't know how long negotiations have been afoot), right? Well, I'm typing this after midnight on Feb 10 (always a bad idea for me to blog after midnight) so I'll stop typing long enough to snag an astro- peek...pardon me for a moment...

Okay, I checked current transits to the natal and secondary progressed charts of the New York Stock Exchange and there aren't as many planetary triggers occurring now as I expected. And yet...

Feb 9, 2011's Jupiter (money; investments; corporations; conglomerates; gurus, adventurers, Republicans) @ 3Ari37 conjoins NYSE's natal South Node, a separative point relating to past behaviors and talents which are still depended upon; natal SN falls in NYSE's n 10th house of Career, Public Status, and the Larger World.

With SN having a Saturnian influence, Jupiter/SN is similar in its influence to a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction and indicates severe limitations in opportunities and creates obstacles in plans for expansion in financial and business ventures. Larger social forces (transit Pluto in Capricorn opposing US natal Venus and Jupiter in Cancer?) affect future plans, conflicts of interest arise, and there may be problems encountered in business transactions involving foreign lands (uh oh.)

Another transit is Sun 22AQ approaching NYSE's natal Pluto 23AQ31 in n 8th H of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Transformation, etc...NYSE's progressed Pluto @ 21AQ44 is being highlighted by the Sun now, then natal Pluto will be lit up...perhaps describing the time frame of the actual confirmation of the sale "as soon as next week." Sun to Pluto transits spotlight the use of power and indicate that someone is getting his way.

And when tr Mars (now @ 20AQ) reaches Pluto, a karmic or fated endeavor or task is on the menu, plus, others may feel vengeful and hostile (one thinks of a 'hostile take-over' but I assume this one is amiable and motivated by money and/or by far-reaching plans.)

The ongoing tr Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is occurring in NYSE's natal 10th house which shows technological and financial opportunities on the world stage, and of course, tr SN has completed its 18.6-year visit to America's natal planets in Cancer, two of which have financial connotations: Venus, Jupiter, and Sun.

Then we note NYSE's natal Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in 4th house, the speculator/grand plans pair of planetary energies. Transit Saturn 17Lib02 Rx has been near the duo and will pass 'through' them soon so when restrictive Saturn cleaves them we'll see:

Natal Jupiter/Neptune = tr Saturn: lack of confidence; pessimism; feeling abandoned by one's luck.

This transit may not bode well for how the transaction will proceed. Or will buyer's remorse kick in? After all, natal Saturn 26Ari22 will be receiving its opposition from tr Saturn soon which means that if there are things to regret about the past (Saturn) one regrets them a bunch.

In fact, failures of the past plus what isn't working in the present both cause regrets and conditions of loss. Yet once the Saturn-opposite-Saturn period is over and Saturnian lessons are learned (assuming that they are and accountability is faced), things may be profitably accomplished and endeavors will then progress.

Now see? Just when American workers thought they had been abandoned by their luck (as orchestrated by powerful banksters and their colleagues in cahoots), we find that the ritzy NYSE has had its troubles, too.

But hold on to your piggybanks! Aren't Wall Streeters rolling in bigger-than-ever profits these days from corporations laying off 'costly' US workers and nabbing huge profits overseas? And what about all the hacking of NASDAQ? Sheesh. Sounds like an astro-peek for a sunny day.

Meanwhile, it's almost 2:00 am and more snow is in the forecast for Georgia tomorrow! So I wish you a Good Night.


*Natal chart used: NYSE May 17, 1792 7:52 am LMT NYC

Feb 8, 2011

Venus to Pluto 2.9.11: hidden wealth in secret places

In a recent astro-post on President Obama's February 7th speech to the US Chamber of Commerce, I mentioned that the chart-ruler of the speech horoscope, Venus, made only one applying aspect in the chart, a conjunction with powerful, secretive Pluto in Capricorn, sign of government, politics, law, and business. A chart-ruler's applying aspects in Horary Astrology describes how things will proceed - here, from the "neighborly" event.

This Venusian-Plutonian encounter occurs on Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @6Cap38 and it may be instructive to consider the political and business ramifications of a Venus-Pluto pairing. The two can be passionately exciting in love relationships, yes, but also have financial connotations which relate to the president's presentation of ideas for sparking the US economy as he spoke to a room full of wealthy bankers and business leaders.

We might also keep in mind last week's report on the many places that Hosni and Gamal Mubarak have their wealth squirreled away with perhaps additional revelations to come as the Venus-Pluto hook-up uncovers more secrets (including hot love affairs, but that's not the purview of this blog unless politicians are involved. And even then, not so much.)

Even plutonian revealer-in-chief Julian Assange's Swedish situation (rape charges) may be affected in some way by this conjunction along with WikiLeaks revelations concerning diplomatic relations and/or banking misdeeds. And in the US, some of our threadbare state budgets are beginning to show signs of embezzlement or mis-usage of funds through the years...peep-eye!

Plus, the Chamber of Commerce members Mr. Obama addressed and cajoled on February 7th are said to be multi-millionaires and billionaires sitting on corporate mega-profits which they have so far refused to 'share' with American workers in the form of new jobs.

So using Michael Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets because it lists potentials in Politics and Business along with other indications, the Venus-Pluto combination of energies include:

Thesis: extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places; genetic alterations; those who wish to transform the natural beauty of a country; model waste processing or disposal systems.

Antithesis: volcanic activity deep within the earth which cause great destruction of agricultural or financial centers; attracting elements of organized crime (finances, drugs, sex trade; hidden partnerships; jealousy; rape charges); a breakdown within the social fabric of a society.

With authoritative Capricorn being an Earth sign, we may expect the above possibilities to apply very closely to the things that relate to material goods, mining activities, structures, systems, and, as stated, Politics and Business in finances, valuations, and relationship issues. And as stated in my previous post, Venus-Pluto can be linked to bankruptcy, too. The excruciating housing foreclosure mess may be implicated (real estate; banking.)

The Sabian Symbol for the Venus-Pluto conjunction @ '7Cap' may be revealing as well:

"A Veiled Prophet of Power"...SUPREMACY:

positive expression: unerring insight into the motives of men and a consequent gift for organizing their efforts along any given line of accomplishment;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: inability to distinguish true values from false.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Additionally, the symbol for '7Cap' in Adriano Carelli's book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac points us back to Egypt's Mubarak family who may have had a part in the ongoing looting of his country's ancient treasures: The Sphinx.

Well, this conjunction occurs ever year at varying degrees of the Zodiac (depending on where slower moving Pluto lies in wait for Venus) but this year I'm relating it primarily to the president's appeals and concessions to the Chamber of Commerce - though financial secrets and sexual misconduct cannot be ruled out.

Robert Parry's Consortium News and the Trajectory of America

The Shadow of Reaganism and Its Trajectory for America

by Jude Cowell

It isn't often I publish a post to shout-out a new feed just added to the Stars Over Washington sidebar yet today is an important exception.

Journalist Robert Parry's articles on Ronald Reagan, particularly Ronald Reagan's 30-Year Time Bombs, are a must-reads for anyone wanting a clear-eyed assessment of the Reagan era without the false reality of the rosy glow the GOP continually applies to Reagan's public image which, they hope, gives them political cover for their current win-at-any-cost activities.

With February 6, 2011 being the 100th anniversary of Reagan's birth, I have posted several entries concerning the Reagan administration of late so when my friend Alex D'Atria sent along a link to Mr. Parry's work, I was stunned to read what in my memory more closely resembles the reality of Reagan policies which have not - no matter how often promoted - brought positive outcomes for our nation.

Yes, the Great Communicator communicated all right and it was through the propaganda tactic of "perception management" that our society began to lose its already weakened grip on reality in the power elite's hopeful preparation for a one-world-government.

No, the preparation didn't begin under Ronald Reagan but since progress is gained by taking small steps, the New World Order totalitarian types used a compliant and often naive leader whose Alzheimer's began, as has now been confirmed by his son, Ron, while the Gipper was nodding off in the White House.

Therefore, Nancy Reagan must have known at the time but had to keep mum in spite of her obvious concern about her husband's deteriorating health. Yet there were others in the Reagan administration who were willing to 'take up the slack' of the duties of the highest, most powerful office in the land.

As Mr. Parry writes, "In the early 1980s, Reagan also credentialed a young generation of neocon intellectuals, who pioneered a concept called “perception management,” the shaping of how Americans saw, understood and were frightened by threats from abroad."

From Iran Contra to Afghanistan to 9/11, Parry's article looks backward and forward at the damage done by Reagan policies and I'm certain you've noticed this year, if not last, the many references in the press to a "30-year" time frame as if the 1980s have magically led to many of the dire conditions we struggle under in 2011 - with little or no mention of just who was in the Oval Office during the promotion of such things as deregulation (financial collapse 2008), the so-called clash of civilizations (Cold War; 9/11), and other Reagan administration implementations which have, as President Obama pointed out, "changed the trajectory of America."

That's quite an understatement of subtle propaganda! With the implication being that Reagan's rhetorical lifting up of our spirits in the 1980s put our nation on a positive course while everyone knows that the trajectory has been downward for all but the power elite and their minions. Even Reagan's 'shining city on a hill' are code words for the Utopian dream of the NWO crowd of corporatists and plutocrats - and to the Freemasonry-elected establishment of the District of Columbia. (See Francis Bacon, Uranus-Neptune, and Pluto.)

These days it seems astounding to me that the Republican Party and other neocon/Zionist-based organizations continue to be so successful in rewriting history, often by the light of a nostalgic, burnished Gipper Glow. So if you even suspect for one minute that Reagan's "Morning in America" has resulted in a New Millennium 'Mourning in America', and if you believe that truth still matters, you may wish to check out Robert Parry's assessment of Reaganism and the Reagan Years of the 1980s...and what his policies have sown and reaped for our nation and the world.

The Reagans Used Astrology So Why Shouldn't We?

A note before we start: politicians, their handlers, and/or secret society operatives know and use Astrology for timing their political and financial activities. As old J.P. Morgan famously informed us, "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do."

With the New Millennium, historically a time of major societal shifts, America's trajectory was astrologically heralded by the August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse (horoscope shown set for DC) so famously predicted by seer-astrologer Nostradamus. This is the eclipse they call The Mother of All Eclipses. An alternate name is 'King of Terror Eclipse' (or 'King of Alarm') which some believe relates to finances as well as to violence. Given the rippling effects of the attacks of 9/11/01 on many levels of societal ills, I'd say the financial connection is a given with one clue the WTC attacks' Sabian Symbol for 9/11's Moon @ '28 Gemini' = Bankruptcy.

The August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse @ 18Leo21 contained the rigid energy of a Fixed Grand Cross between the Lionine Sun and Moon, Mars (Scorpio), Saturn (Taurus), Uranus (Aquarus), and North Node (AQ) which relates to Scriptural prophecy (see article w/ chart, linked above.) The separative South Node of the Moon conjoins tech-savvy Uranus in the horoscope indicating changing technological and social conditions which disrupt people's lives, wars and revolutions, and the probable financial losses such conditions bring to society.

(Bush-Cheney and the neocons began the Iraq War with Jupiter the General retrograde, a signature of a 'bottomless pit' in the Jupiterian money department and of inconclusive 'victory'.)

With Uranus/SN falling in the 6th house of Work, Health, and Service (including military and police) in the 1999 chart, we think of the era's 'free trade' deals pushed by the Clinton administration affecting US employment conditions as outsourcing of American jobs was greatly ramped up. Afflictions to the Uranus/SN pairing only made our problems deeper with Sun/Moon opposing, Mars and Saturn squaring. And of course, a Solar Eclipse is a super New Moon, a major beginning of a new cycle of activity.

Mars/Saturn = Uranus: application of brute force; intervention of a Higher Power; a test of nervous strength; sudden accident; separation or a case of death. (Ebertin.)

Now as you know, some eclipses are so powerful that the degrees they fall upon are permanently sensitized and thus it is so for 18Leo21 (18 or 19 Leo.) On 9/11/01, transiting Venus triggered the King of Terror Eclipse of 1999. Venus Rx @ 2Vir09 arises in the 1999 horoscope along with a Royal Star of Persia, Regulus (which has this year precessed from 29 Leo+ to 00Vir00 - conjunct the ASC of the 1999 eclipse horoscope. Keywords: success if revenge is avoided. It was not. A bullhorn over the rubble of the WTC in September 2011 made certain of that as our national patriotism was used to emotionally manipulate us into war in the Middle East. Wounding Chiron in the chart conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Midheaven in Scorpio.

Historically, when rulers' subjects were dissatisfied and threatening to get out of hand, the king declared war due to an 'outside threat' (ex: the SCOTUS-installed, illegitimate regime of Bush-Cheney 2001 vs Osama bin Laden, former CIA operative.) This ploy works every time and keeps the serfs busy and united under incumbent rulers no matter how corrupt they are.

So! Why do I ramble on today about a past solar eclipse?

Because the eclipse Saros Cycle repeats every 18.6 years and the 1999 eclipse (1 North Series) occurred during the very early days of the Reagan presidency, on July 31, 1981 @ '8Leo' (conjunct the natal Mercuries of the Republican Party, George W. Bush, and John McCain.) Elsewhere I have called this the Reaganomics Eclipse with its YOD planetary pattern of crisis, turning point, special task indications, what Erin Sullivan has called the Finger of God configuration.

1N initially manifested on January 4, 1639 @ 13Cap48, a time link by degree with the present solar eclipse season from the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 13Cap38, both of which oppose US natal Sun (the leader) and our Jupiter (finances) in Cancer.

And since this blogger's natal Sun 13Cap28 is now eclipsed by the January 2011 solar lunation, perhaps that's part of why I feel compelled today to bring up the topic of the 1N eclipses of 1639, 1981, and 1999, 30 years of societal retrogression in the US, and the tiresomely over-valued presidency of globalist-for-his-time, Ronald Reagan.


On the topic of President Obama's natal horoscope, you may also be interested in Obama's natal Chiron, The Bridge since the first of his five Chiron Return passes occurs in May 2011.

Feb 7, 2011

A Liberal caller makes Rush sputter over Reagan (audio)

So seldom does conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh find his oft-touted "Ronaldo Magnus" script successfully interrupted by facts that I simply had to add this audio of his show from February 4, 2011 so that I may easily access it at any time for a replay. A self-described liberal, Mike Stark, calls in and leaves El Rusho on the verge of speechlessness with a simple question though Limbaugh manages to recover his poise albeit feebly (and...fade out.)

This clip was sassily snagged from a post at Crooks and Liars which makes some interesting points of its own about the presidency of Ronald Reagan but you can find Stark's original post with the same audio and a transcript of his call at Stark Reports.

Rush's confused sputtering is complimentary!

So today I'm sending happy kudos to the excellent Mike Stark because, after all, I always *knew it was You, Reagan. And then on Feb 2nd I helpfully posted here a Gipper Worship Alert for the unwary.

Yes, conservatives go on idolizing what really was only an imperfect man who put his pants on one leg at a time while they work so very very hard to fit him into their current political standards of what a conservative ought to be, circa 2011.


*Post contains an image of the horoscope-with-details of President Reagan's signing of the deregulatory Garn-St. Germain Act of 1982, a link to the celebratory speech he made that day (which I consider his "jackpot speech"), and other pertinent links and info. And if you're still expecting a trickle down jackpot...sucka!

Obama to Chamber of Commerce w Sun to natal ASC

President Obama Comes A-Courtin' February 7, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Today President Obama sprints across the street from the White House to the temple of the Chamber of Commerce to encourage them to open the gates of jobs creation.

Scheduled to speak at 11:30 am est (Hour of the Sun), the Sun 18AQ33 conjoins Mr. Obama's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself), a time for improving one's self image. The solar emphasis is on the president today and on the goals he wishes to achieve - perfect for speaking to an influential group which has previously opposed his every move yet the recent trade agreement with South Korea is a notable exception to what has been touted as a 2-year stand-off between the president and the Chamber (I don't really buy that, but you may.)

Moon 8Ari46 is in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes/Wishes along with moneybags Jupiter 3Ari06 and rebellious Uranus, still hanging back in murky Pisces (28:18) but moving direct and ready to rumble at Aries Point soon (AP = US natal Ic.)

Moon/Uranus = Jupiter: becoming more aware of the political skills needed to market your ideas.

But will President Obama be successful in persuading the Chamber to loosen the corporate hiring strings on behalf of American workers?

At 11:30 am, ASC 26Tau44 gives an interesting Sabian Symbol: '27Tau' = "An Old Indian Woman Selling Beads" which always reminds me of selling Manhattan! Well, he is selling something and hopefully it isn't only himself with the 2012 campaign just ahead.

Since our topic is a speech, Mercury's position and symbol are even more to the point: Mercury 5AQ55 conjunct 11:30 am's Midheaven 5:33 (Goals; Aspirations)...'6AQ' = "A Performer of a Mystery Play." Mercury conjoins US natal South Node (SN), a point of separation which indicates that Mr. Obama's ideas and plans (Mercury) are either ahead or behind the times - and naturally Mercury in Aquarius has progressive ideas, so with the planet of commerce, trade, negotiations, and oration conjunct SN, we may expect Obama's ideas for improvement in the US economy to be original and to escape the pitfalls of popular opinion.

In the long run, the president's ideas will prove to be correct yet a downside of Mercury/SN is an inability to gain support for them; one must proceed alone because the new ideas go unheeded.

Chart-ruler Venus 3Cap06 opposes US natal Venus, a time when people are encountered who are unsympathetic to one's proposals and opinions. Diplomacy and relationships meet with conflicts yet the Chamber has publicly expressed that it now wants to "reaffirm the American business community's absolute commitment to working with (the president)" as Tweeted this morning by West Wing Report.

And evaluating Venus makes only one applying aspect in the speech chart, her conjunction to wealthy Pluto (2A40 - two days, weeks, months) which indicates material give-and-take, a connection with bankruptcy, and shows an inability to accept social injustices without doing something about them.

Well, today's Sun has moved beyond conjunction with testy Mars 17AQ52 ('18AQ" = "A Man Unmasked") and has nebulous, deceptive Neptune 29AQ02 to deal over the next few days (the masses; mass media.) This will put US natal Moon (the people) between them for this midpoint picture:

Tr Sun/Neptune = n Moon: feelings depend upon external influences; receptivity to the dreams and visions of others.

Well, I'm receptive to the dream of jobs creation in America, aren't you? But as for more Neptunian propaganda, I'm fed up to here.

Then at 12:30 pm today, President Obama is scheduled to lunch with former Fedhead Paul Volcker, Obama's outgoing economic adviser. Then Mr. Obama reports to VP Biden at 2:30 pm.

Let's consider the two enlightening *Images for Integration for today's Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend:

"A court jester mocks the social injustices of the realm...Robin Hood and his band of merry men outwith the evil King John once again."

This analytical Air-Earth combo describes a maverick and truth-seeker with a social conscience; it is forward-looking, prophetic, and possesses radical views which may be too much for the staid Chamber of Commerce.

So perhaps I should include Mercury's (and 11:30 am Mc's) previous symbol for '5AQ' = "A Council of Ancestors"...ANTECEDENCE....

positive expression: power through absolute self-integrity (my italics - let's hope the Chamber has some);

negative/unconscious/shadow side: sterile conservatism. (Jones.)

Therefore, I shall close with a quote from one who shares natally the Sun AQ-Moon Taurus blend, Anton Chekov:

"Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given."

With the president's speech today, I see conflict between adding to what's been given to a council of wealthy bankers and business leaders, and their fear that "Robin Hood" intends to "rob" the rich to give to the poor - even though America's ever-growing income equality is one of our nation's greatest injustices.

C-SPAN is providing live coverage of the president's speech to the Chamber of Commerce in a few minutes so I'll shut down, hush up, and listen. But will the Chamber?

(Update: BHO begins speaking at 11:29 am est; chart remains basically the same.)


*Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey

Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey

Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii