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Nov 13, 2011

Horoscopes: the Solar--Lunar Eclipses of Nov-Dec 2011

'Wild Cards' of the Universe: November/December 2011 Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

In answer to a regular reader's request, here are images of the November Solar and December Lunar Eclipses of 2011 on the same page. You may wish to click underneath each image to read my original posts containing chart details; click charts to enlarge and hopefully you may read a few additional notes that may not be mentioned in post texts.

First, the November Solar Eclipse with its "peculiar turn of events" vibe:

Chart details: Nov 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 with America's problematic Mars/Neptune square (Gemini to Virgo--both ruled by Mercury--with US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer: confused or misdirected motivations; inspired actions; deception; men using drugs; massive military) on full display as the eclipse perfects. This chart shows US natal Neptune rising, Mars, planet of war-conflict-protests, at Midheaven (The Goal; Public Status.)

Neptune (loss; deception; fraud) in Virgo, sign of Work, Employment, Service (incl police and military, immigrant agricultural workers, etc) shows unemployment issues on the eclipse horizon to be dealt with (or not, if you're GOP and don't mind crashing America to force an ideological point.)

This places our returning troops and vets (who need jobs and medical care!!) on the world stage (MC.) A bill to hire vets was 'supported' by Republicans last week so we'll see what difference such legislation makes for those who risked their lives on behalf of our nation. It also denotes the Occupy Movement (Mars!), demonstrations, and strikes remaining in the news though my hope is that sit-ins will make a big comeback.

The safer our protests and marches, the stronger the Occupy message will be (and the happier American moms like me will be!)

US Natal Mars Weakened and Self-Deceived by Neptune's Wand

Natal Mars at MC, the most visible point in any chart, indicates that how the US government treats or mistreats our returning troops (and how dot gov has already treated veterans including loss or the burning of body parts) will be a topic on the World Stage into *2012 along with Occupiers and how US cities' mayors, and other government and police officials treat them.

Dual Gemini Tells the News December 2011

Then humankind completes 2011 with a revealing Lunar Eclipse in communicative Gemini, ruled by speedy Mercury, planet of young people, early schooling, pupils, oration, writers-journalists-talking heads, bloggers, travelers, those who serve, the senses, thinking processes, plans, transport, trade, commerce, and other mercurial matters. Here's the Lunar Eclipse horoscope:

Astro-details for this horoscope are here in a column spotlighting an 8th house Mars in Virgo squaring the December Lunar Eclipse, as you see.

Mars Annoys The Collective

A neglected tidbit in the post I will add here: Mars square the Nodal Axis (The Public; Publicity; Future Direction; a Joining Point of Encounter) shows conditions where the action and impulses of Mars (generally, males between ages 25-35, give or take a year or two) are at-odds with current social values. Standards are in conflict (may highlight 'conflict of interest' issues) with society; aggression (Mars) may be inappropriately expressed in the wrong place or at the wrong time.

When Mars squares NN from Virgo, sign of purification and discrimination, the dynamic martian energy can irritate, annoy, and frustrate others for Mars can't or won't act in harmony with the environment, or with colleagues. This aspect may indicate environmental issues as well especially with the Nodal axis connection to the sensitive Moon (here, we the people) which can soak up whatever is in the environment like a sea sponge and may link to contagions of some sort.

Plus, the Lunar Eclipse conjoins US natal Mars (see my scribbles outside the chart.)

Next up in cosmic events and SO'W columns to describe them (As Above, So Below!) is the Winter Solstice 2011 Horoscope which I've begun preparing and intend to publish before many more days flit by...


More reading: USA's First Overthrow: Hawaii where a suit-wearing President Obama has flown for the weekend, to attend APEC Summit 2011 and where yet another US-job-killing trade agreement is listed at the top of our Globalist President's agenda.

You know I like how Max Igan talks about Trust Law and how The People of a nation are the law. Politicians and government officials--the public's employees--simply use police and military forces to uphold manmade statutes and regulations--which are not law.

We The People Are The Law.


*After the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse, a 14 South Saros Series eclipse will manifest on May 20, 2012 @ a difficult spot: 00Gem21, conjunct fixed star Alcyone, one of the Weeping Sisters.

Will they weep because a similar dynamic occurs in 2012 as during the year of the last manifestation of the 14S in 1994, the year of the Republican take-over of Congress and the 'perceived' popularity of Newt Gingrich?


Well, whoever is up in the political polls then, we know that major reforms will continue across America and the rest of the world. And may they be for the benefit of The People.

Nov 12, 2011

Jon Stewart 'hearts' Rick Perry brain freeze! (video) as a Listening Parrot Forgets to Talk

Jon Stewart!

Rick Not-Ready-For-Primetime Perry doin' a Texas 2-Step 'cos 3 just won't come to this 'Parrot Listening Then Talking' fella.

What I mean by citing the Sabian Symbol (word picture for a degree of the Zodiac) below is that Perry's diverting, substandard 'debate' performance confirms to me a suspicion that Gov. Perry's stated objectives are primarily only talking points fed to him by political strategists--points that he must memorize, write on his hand or on paper, or read from a teleprompter--whatever he's counseled and instructed to say by his handlers.

Wonder if anyone has checked the deja-vu Texas governor's back under his suit jacket a la the debatin' George W. Bush? Was it Karl Rove feeding Dubya his answers? Will we ever definitively know?

All My Exes...

Meanwhile, it's 2011 and Rove's parrot bungled his lines in what passes for a political debate in the US.

Now you don't really believe a buffoon such as Perry can be calling any high level shots, do you? He's a shill who pulls the plug on inmates and signs away Texas's assets to the highest bidders. As governor, Perry executes human beings who may or may not be guilty of their alleged crimes. Even with forward strides in DNA identification, in Texas and much of America, who can tell?

Well, if Rick Perry has lost any sleep over his duties and forgetting his lines as a result, may I recommend melatonin for more REM phase sleep. Cutting down on caffeine consumption might help, too.

But there's another thing.

America's political class by and large is in great need. It is in need of being scoured out of all crooks and betrayers of American sovereignty. This includes all those who tout the US government as Not Functioning, or who go on and on about how government is 'too big', too overbearing, etc (thanks, Bush-Cheney regime--you're the Terror Twins who took down the Twin Towers--Gemini = trade, commerce, and other words, civilization), or how government is 'failing', etc etc, need to be pushed out the door.

In fact, I'd be in favor of a brief amnesty for political crooks if it would encourage the little rats and weasels to scurry for their lairs.

(I knew it was YOU, Bacon.)

Well, as far as Campaign 2012 goes, I hope Jeb won't show up to bat for the Rs who are even worse than the Ds. Some political party name-changin' ought to go on up in here, m'peops.


Political parties should call themselves what they actually stand for, factions, warts, and all. And be expected to live up to their names. If not, we know that secret purposes are on top of their to-do lists, not finding viable solutions on behalf of the America people. So far, Perry seems to be the only one of them who can't list up to three things they'd change yet they are what needs changing if they don't believe in America anymore!

For you know it's way too late in the day for mask-wearing to continue to be allowed by The People. 'Public servants' and officials who take Oaths to serve, protect, and defend this country and its citizens but who also take what they consider to be higher oaths are no longer wanted in service to The People. They have abused the public trust and as such are in breach of contract with the American people.

This circumstance has gone on for decades so it's not as if they haven't proven themselves to be brigands, gangsters, and thieves long before now.

For more progressive ideas visit Thom and text of Thom's broadcasts are available.

Rick Perry Memory Gaffe Described by Nov 10 Full Moon's Sun Symbol

As you know, in Political Astrology, a branch of Mundane Astrology, the Sun represents the leader or the president which Mr. Perry kinda dreams of being, he says, and the Sabian Symbol (word picture) of the Sun's degree during November 10, 2011's Full Moon @ '19Tau' (Sun '19Sco') is a telling tableau that I believe relates to candidate Perry and his painful brain freeze segment during the recent Republican debate (11.11.11.)

'19 Scorpio' = "A Parrot Listening and Then Talking" = CONVENTIONALITY.

Positive expression: exceptional skill in bringing the whole tenor of transient circumstances to the service of a personal aspiration ("Oops!" rp and jc);

negative (unconscious/shadow side): idle mimicry and self-gratifying pretense.

(Quoting The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now if I had to guess (and most commentators and political pundits seem to agree), his most recent gaffe seems to be Farewell to Perry 2012 (see The Perilous Perry Pattern.) This is a view based on the symbol's meaning in relation to Perry's obvious lack of personal connection to his 'own' list of the US gov departments he'd abolish like a White House monarch with the Magic Wand of Imagined Mandate--to be brandished over our lives without any forethought for consequences or blowback. It's the austere right-wing way.

And so the Sun's degree and symbol at the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon (Sun/Moon phase of fulfillment-culmination-awareness) naturally opposes the Moon's degree making the solar degree the Illumination Point where deeper awareness of unconscious material may be found.

Jon Stewart certainly found comedy treasure in the moment!

(Of course, all degrees have Illumination Points opposite them which is a good way to delve into that blueprint of your unconscious, your natal horoscope--perhaps finding first causes--by 'flipping' all the zodiacal positions in the natal chart and reading the Sabian Symbol (or other system of symbols) for each planet's and cusp's Illumination Point degree. Exs: '1Ari' = '1Lib', '10Leo' = '10AQ" are IPoints. Voila! Your shadow self peeks out with a mercurial wink.)

The Full Moon/degree synchronicity here indicates that the Perry campaign impetus has gone as far (out) as it can go, at least for now. Mars in Leo may have favored Perry but now the more serious, studious sign of Virgo with impetus planet Mars, does not. His quick comeback and handling of his mess-up was pretty good but will not be enough unless all other candidates blaze up and flare out.

My point is, Gov. Perry's hollow performance, with ideological details near-memorized yet void of any true conviction--is linked to the mimicking parrot archetype and reminds me of a friend's parrot years ago, a bird that sometimes messed up on his rehearsed sayings, sometimes on purpose, as it turned out. He was good at pithiness though.

Scary Perry?

Becoming dizzy with the circus lights/look-at-me-world aspects of a situation does not work on TV for anyone who wants to gain or retain a reputation for cool poise and composure. Cool he is not, and Perry seems to me to be the sort of person who tends to laugh inappropriately, such as those who snicker during funerals. And with the GOP now presiding over what they hope will be America's memorial service (R.I.P.), perhaps giddy laughter and murmured justifications such as, Oops at the prospect of lousy leadership are about all the American people care to muster at the moment.

In between our LOLs, that is--at this masterful display of what does work on TV. So view Jon Stewart enjoying his comedic opportunities while feeding his family on The Daily Show above, if you haven't already! Laughter really is one of the best medicines for our ills and the more we ridicule the powerful, the better we'll feel and the less puffed up they will be.

But let's keep the tar simmering on the national hob and our feathery ducks plucked in case we get a chance to use them.

Crazy As It Seems

So who can GOP voters turn to now? Well, they say that popularity polls are on the upswing for Newt!


Our purposefully inefficient, quarreling Congress has inspired a credt rating agency in China to issue (during a TV interview--not good) the US government a debit downgrade warning.

Now you'd think the opinion of Washington's main creditor would carry some weight and get Capitol Hill's nattering noggins bent together and turning out economic consensus amongst them in spite of their tiresome ideological differences.

To do otherwise, and suffer the indignity and financial results of a downgrade compliments of the Chinese government, shows who wants America to fail and collapse which is by its very nature treasonous endeavor committed by zealots with bigger fish to fry than upholding US sovereignty.

Nov 10, 2011

Nixon Watergate text now public w '18 1/2 mins' still veiled

Update 11.12.11: if Richard Nixon is of interest you may wish to read Robert Parry's article Nixon's Darkest Secret. Original post begins here:

Visit the Nixon Library website for links to today's release of the text of Nixon's Grand Jury testimony on the Watergate break-in and cover-up including the "by accident" erasure of 18 1/2 minutes of White House tape by Nixon's secretary Rose Mary Woods.

Nixon testified that when he found out it was 18 1/2 minutes gone 'missing' instead of only 4 minutes (4 minutes' worth of erasure was apparently deemed okay by his nibs) he "--practically blew my stack."

Is that like being almost practically pregnant? Then it's impossible. My guess is that Dick "practically blew his stack" when he found out what the 18 1/2 minutes contained and how damaging it would be--worth the sass of erasing it--then he erupted with volcanic anger (as control freaks tend to do) until the conversations were erased as per his shouted instructions, or upon orders he received from his illuminized bosses. Or was he worried about what they would say and do if the full tapes were heard? Perhaps global syndicate bosses are implicated for their control of his administration!

But then I lived in DC during Nixon's tenure so I'm probably quite biased against Tricky Dick--but I'm also biased against the forces that may have set Nixon up and knocked him off his presidential perch of power. Oh well, who knows? Henry Kissinger knows who they are and why Nixon had to go. He was too unstable and paranoid for them to direct, probably.

Here's the complicit Washington Post's article on Nixon's farewell announcement on the eve of his resignation from office. His 10th house Saturn was not amused by his years of dissing Saturn's demands for honesty and accountability in life--and horrifically, the traditional potential of a 10th-house Saturn's 'fall from grace' ensued.

America's natal horoscope (Sibly version, July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) also has a 10th house Saturn with a particular mission which relates to its exaltation is Libra, sign of the Scales of Balance and 'Blind' Justice. There is our basic and fatal flaw--our infiltrated legal system and corruption of Trial By Jury (habeas corpus.)

Funny, but I've busy blogging and had no idea that Nixon's testimony would finally be released today--under the rays of our current Solar Eclipse from July 1, 2011 @ 9Can12 (horoscope shown) with Mercury, ruler of testimony, texts, news, and re-leases (Mercury's Rx Station occurs on Nov 24, 2011) of info--and with an eclipse--uncovering secrets and secreted documents such as these.

As previously noted, 9Can12 falls snugly between US natal Jupiter (6Can) and Sun (14Can) with Sun representing The President (leader) in Mundane Astrology (for American horoscopes.)

And everyone knows that the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer is extremely self-protective like a shell on a Crab! It is also one of the signs most associated with America's natal chart (July 4, 1776), the others being Capricorn (Pluto Rx), Gemini (Uranus and Mars), Virgo (Neptune), and Libra (Saturn exalted there.)

But the newly revealed Nixon isn't very forthcoming as to what was said during those particular 18 1/2 minutes so don't get too excited unless perhaps you have a chance to look at a horoscope of one of the pivotal days, June 20, 1972, and make conjectures based on the Astrology of it. Other dates, or periods of time, are mentioned on the site so why not get out your trusty Richard Nixon natal chart if you're interested in the details of his transits and progressions during a tremendously stressful period in his life--and, by extension, in the life of our nation through the office of the president and his flawed leadership of spying and cover-ups.

Here's my astro-flavored post published in 2009 to mark the 33rd anniversary of Nixon's resignation. A link to the resignation letter he wrote to Kissinger is handily included.

So today's belated revelation of Nixon's Watergate testimony may also fall a bit *early yet still underneath the brightened purview of an upcoming Solar Eclipse since its date nears rapidly: November 25, 2011 @ 2Sag37 which affects the 'Super Committee' (aka, 'Super Congress') report due on November 23, 2011...or else Draco the Dragon has his nasty way with us--aka, the global central bankers like the Houses of Rothschild, Rockefeller, and Morgan. (See quote and article link at post's end.)

Plus, we have the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, sign of young people such as are marching in the Occupy Wall Street movement with its march to Washington DC set to arrive in The District on November 23, 2011--in time for the 'Super Committee' recommendations of austerity.

Mars of Protest, Mars of Action

For the Lunar Eclipse of December 10, 2011, Mars in Virgo (military and police forces w Virgo's natural 6th house connotation, plus, Mars = males; also, protesters and marchers) squares the December Lunar Eclipse and my fretful expectation is that more confrontations are on the OWS v Riot Police menu.

And unless winter arrangements are made soon to extend or truncate the movement in order to protect demonstrators until warmer, safer weather breaks in favor of outside campers, it's difficult to see how victorious frozen fingers and toes can be. Perhaps a solution may be found.

Yes, the Obama White House announced today that it's ordering a new environmental impact report on the aquifer-threatening XL Pipeline construction across America from Canada to the Gulf, a tempest rife with crony capitalism alliances no matter the cost to We The People. Yet you know that Mr. Obama may only be kicking a very politically explosive can down the road past the 2012 election, don't you?

Obama's apparent capitulation on the forcing through of the XL Pipeline may hide a secret handshake on a devilish deal that intends to get its high-handed, oily way in the end because these reptile-brainers, so determined to boss everyone around, are nothing if not persistent and crazed.

Especially when financial vultures are sniffing huge profits in the air.

Democracy works when rulers fear The People!


*Eclipses may flavor or describe events two weeks or more prior to their actual manifestation. The July 11, 2011 Solar Eclipse was the initial eclipse in a brand new Saros Series and as such, predicting its influence has been exciting since eclipses often operate in their traditional role as "wild cards of the Universe" for they contain a definite Uranian vibe of 'expect the unexpected'. jc

Further reading and progressive broadcast videos may be found at the website of the Thom Hartmann Show.


My personal opinion:

People in government who can do nothing in office but undermine the functions of government don't deserve to be in government and shall be removed.

--Jude Cowell, author Stars Over Washington


The genesis of the current and phasal global financial meltdown 2011/2012...

Amsel (Amschel) Bauer Mayer Rothschild, 1838:

"Let me issue and control a Nation's money and I care not who makes its laws".

Letter written by the Rothschilds of London to their New York agents to introduce their banking method into America:

"The few who can understand the system will be either so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while, on the other hand, that great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without complaint and, perhaps, without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests."

"No opposition" to speak of--until 2011, you jackassian patriarch.

That last line from Old Amschel is what we hear in 2011 echoing in the "voting against their own best interests" charge leveled at Middle and Working Classes when--like political zombies and easily swayed dumbleheads--they vote Republican.

Which always turns out to be a real kick in the average guy's and gal's piggybank.

You'll discover more in-depth reading concerning manipulative Banking Houses at, if you dare.

After all, you should always Know your enemy!

Nov 9, 2011

Herman Cain's Sun Sagittarius--Moon Aries blend

Having just published an image with details of the natal horoscope of candidate Herman Cain, I thought you might wish to view and read.

Born on December 13, 1945 in Memphis, TN, Mr. Cain's double-Fire Sun Sag-Moon Aries personality blend may be of interest as well for Fire-Fire individuals are volatile, creative, and dramatic as we've seen with this communicator. Keenly held beliefs and visions are very real to him on an inner level yet his inner reality can make him insensitive to the feelings of others...and to the facts.

(And, it would seem, to ladies' refusals of his advances! Click and read my WordPress post for more on such tendencies. Not everyone was satisfied with his denials in his press conference yesterday. But I'm going by his natal aspects and other planetary factors.)

Sun Sag-Moon Aries gives a restless go-getter nature that loves to further its own interests above all. A big talker with a far-seeing imagination, we see here a strong determination to succeed and an almost childlike faith in himself which has carried him far on life's path--but does that path lead to the White House?

This fiery blend denotes a natural egoist who doesn't like to admit unflattering facts about himself, and he thrives on challenges. But intimate relationships are not Mr. Cain's strong suit though he is a romantic (uh-oh!) He doesn't like to listen where other people's needs are concerned which can be a problem in the White House as well as in partnerships.

His lack of listening capacity turns up in other chart factors as well as you'll see if you check out my fuller analysis at my tapestry blog, Jude's Threshold.

Still, leadership talent abounds though dark moods may be revealed when things don't go his way. Mr. Cain doesn't care for details which may be seen with the presentation of his '9-9-9' tax 'plan'. A neurotic need to be affirmed as 'the best' is apparent yet one assumes a massive ego is a given for most if not all candidates who run for US president (and Congress.)

The Sun Sag-Moon Aries blend is shared natally with Robert Goulet, James Thurber, and Mark Twain who wrote that, "There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth."

How applicable this may be to fringe candidate Herman Cain I shall let you decide...


Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Nov 8, 2011

Taurus Full Moon w Pluto opposing US Jupiter 11.10.11

Looking at the horoscope of the November 10, 2011 Full Moon @ 18Tau05, the current transit of powerful, subversive Pluto in Capricorn opposing US natal Jupiter 5Can56 is spotlighted with tr Pluto at Midheaven in Washington DC.

Perfecting at 3:16:02 pm est, this Full Moon--with Sun 18Sco05--conjoins the transiting 2/8 axis when the horoscope is set for DC--the Shared Resources, Credit, Debt, Big Business, Transformation, Death polarity. Something comes to fruition/culmination during a Full Moon so we may hear financial news described by this astrological indicator with Tau/Sco being the natural signs of the 2/8 axis.

Rising at 3:16:02 pm est in DC is 11Ari04 ('11Ari' = "The President of the Country" yet rounding up, it's '12Ari' = "A Triangularly Shaped Flight of Wild Geese" which may bring up the potential for a wild goose chase or it may be simply a reference to the Autumn season. However, its "Keynote: An idealistic reliance upon a mental image of universal order" plops us right back into the tiresome realm of 'new world order' topics. Arghh!)

With Aries rising, chart-ruler Mars (war; military; soldiers; police; energy-action-motivation) is at a critical-crisis 29th degree (*29Leo50, conjunct Fixed Star Regulus 00Vir00: success if revenge is avoided) on the 6th cusp; 6th house matters include military, police, and fire services, along with Work, Service, and Health. Perhaps more facts will be revealed (Full Moon) in the Air Force body parts scandal--see Air Force Morgue Admits Losing Troops' Body Parts which ought to shame them, you would think. This reminds you of US soldiers' mis-burials that were revealed last year at Arlington National Cemetery, doesn't it?

Well, the Sabian Symbol I find most intriguing in the Nov 10, 2011 Full Moon chart, is the Full Moon's degree--'19Tau' = "A New Continent Rising Out of the Ocean" which is traditionally used to represent America herself for obvious reasons (E pluribus unum--out of many, one.)

Yes, our nation was once the new kid on the continental block, wasn't it?

Let's see what Dane Rudhyar has to say about '19 Taurus'...his italics:

"Keynote: The surge of new potentiality after a crisis.

When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contamination, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?

(...) The "technique" is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor."

Hmmm...if the rational ego is no longer a "controlling factor" does this mean that austere neocons are due to lose at least some of their high-handed control over state governments?

That'd be good. For one wants to be very cautious when tempted to place man's ability to reason above the awesomeness of a Creator Who provided us with our reasoning ability in the first place!

So one more time on this blog, it's Pluto opposite US natal Jupiter: power plays and unfavorable conditions mark financial and professional status; someone stands in the way of success and progress (Mr. Hades--the plutonian central bankers of the world as they're doing in Europe with Greece and Italy) though what has truly been achieved will not be destroyed ('credit' built on air doesn't count); measures taken to improve finances will be defeated; political aspirations should be kept on-hold for now as major power struggles continue.

Pluto at MC may be of interest to our political topic as well for there is a desire to remake one's public status or society itself by way of Pluto's regenerating and coping capabilities, and either fame or notoriety will result. Scientific or occult interests--including Astrology, magic, physics or atomic physics--may be on the Full Moon menu and in the news.


*Mars @ '30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter"..."Keynote: The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men."

So...more news about WikiLeaks or Julian Assange's legal troubles? NSA spying on Americans' emails/phone calls or more about the legalities of GPS tracking devices? Hacking by Anonymous and/or others? White House memos blowin' in the wind? Disputes aired over intellectual property rights? We'll soon see!

Then, in three shakes of a lamb's tail, it will be time for the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse @ 2Sag37 (which directly affects the 'Super Committee recommendations due Nov 23), then the next Full Moon occurs, a Lunar Eclipse @ 18Gem11 which eclipses by conjunction our US natal Mars, and is squared by a Virgoan Mars from the 8th hou$e in the horoscope set for my former residence of Washington DC.


Cited: An Astrological Mandala by one of my favorite astrologers, Dane Rudhyar.

Chiron in Pisces: the Allegiance of Barack Obama

Of course I voted for him--there was no other choice possible!

by Jude Cowell

But is it true that President Barack Obama's Allegiance Is Not to America and God But to the New World Order and Satan?

Besides noting the warring events and assassinations which a majority of the American people have not sanctioned or asked for, we may wish to establish a 'goat-hand-signal watch' as the above linked article does with several links to beastly photos (Obama, Mrs. Obama, the Pope, Dubya, and others) which may then cause a revision of our opinions of US 'leaders' to include the possibility that psychopaths run things in the US and across the globe, and they are serving, not the interests of The People (as we know they are not), but Satan's interests in establishing a totalitarian 'new world order' to promote and extend Lucifer's dominion of the world.

(Aka, 'one-world-government' or 'NWO'. The terms 'Satan' and 'Lucifer' are here used interchangeably though their adherents may see differences between them. Since both intend major harm to mankind, I'm using the same brush for each.)

Capricorn the Labyrinth and Chiron in Pisces

Without going into too much astrological detail, we know that *50-year old President Obama was born with a 1st house Chiron in mystical Pisces, the placement of astral interference, mentorship, and a crisis over connecting with the God force(Clow.)

Thing is, mankind has free will and can choose to serve the god of death instead of the Living God. So I ask you: do drones raining death on innocent children around the world sound like a commander-in-chief worshiping a God of Life--or a god of death?

Chiron rules intense mystical experiences and spiritual ecstasy and never more so than when posited in Jupiter/Neptune-ruled Pisces, sign of the Two Fishes--one swimming upward to the heights, one swimming downward into the gutter. Chiron in Pisces hears the Flute of Pan, a different tune than most people march or dance to.

The Pan-esque lyrics in his head are supported in Mr. Obama's natal chart by his Saturn Rx in Capricorn, strong in its own sign of The Goat (goat-hand-symbols included.) As you know, the entire sign of Capricorn is a labyrinth whose ancient symbol is the Mer-Goat.

(Rx Saturn indicates the absent or weak father.)

Plus, Mr. Obama's natal Chiron is opposed by powerful Pluto in Virgo, a placement that makes living a trivial life impossible and increases interest in and talent for mystical, if Underworldly, realms. And of course, the Pluto/Chiron pair signifies Plutocracy, oppression, disenfranchisement, environmentalism, racism, socialism-communism-capitalism, etc.

Constellation Capricornus

Aratus called this constellation the Horned Goat (the hand symbol our leaders are fond of sending out to Satan's minions.) In Syria, Persia, and Arabia, it was known as the goat-footed Pan, and as early as 1,000 B.C.E., the goat had taken on a fish tail.

(As you know, asteroid Pan has been traveling in tandem with asteroid MIDAS, the gold-hoarder, for some time now and both conjoin US natal Uranus 8Gem55; Pan = panic, panorama, pandemic, Pan-American, etc.)

The sea-goat or goat-fish was known in ancient Babylonia as the god Ea, protector of his people (oh the irony)--He of Vast Intellect and Lord of the Sacred Eye. In fact, he was an Osiris-like god who cared, educated, and civilized his people.

(Personally, I don't find the threat of death-dealing drones to be very civilizing, do you?)

Ea became ruler of the earth after castrating his father Apsu, and he ruled from the waters from which the great rivers flow. Later his brother Bel sent a great deluge (the precession of a sign through the equinoxes) to wipe out the population and "start a new world order" (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) The myth goes that it was Ea who saved our bacon by urging mankind to build an ark and you know the rest of the story with God's rainbow at the end.

The ancient Ea myth goes on to relate him to fish (for obvious reasons) but also to a snake which turned up in the Garden of Eden to tempt mankind into eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

(And evil has been fighting over this corrupted world ever since.)

So the myth goes, wherever Ea roamed upon the earth, he took the form of a goat, and was called by some (the gullible!) the "Father of Light" which is precisely what satanists and luciferians of our day say of their goatish idol, The Beast. All the way back to 15,000 B.C.E., Ea's celebrations were carried on by participants wearing goatskins, a habit that would elicit howls of laughter in today's Washington. But tossing out a goat hand symbol? Not so funny.

Now we all know that early Jews considered the goat to be sacred and placed their sins upon a scapegoat each year and sent it out into the desert to die for them--an archetypal ritual of The Messiah dying for our sins. By Christian times, the goat, the snake, and the Horned One represented the essence of evil so having our national leaders signifying their allegiance with a goat hand symbol may not surprise those of us who think the government of the United States has gone the way of The Goat--down into the darkest of gutters.

The stars of Capricorn are quite faint but there is one that is used in Astrology charts, Deneb Algedi (or, Giedi, the horn of the goat, Delta Capricornus), and its themes are lawgiver, life and death, sorrow and happiness, beneficence and destructiveness. (Brady.)

Unfortunately for the entire world, Barack Obama seems to be playing on the side of the death and destruction team as the current leader in establishing a new world order. Remember the attacks of 9/11/01 when Osama bin Laden called America "The Great Satan"?

Well, Satan always accuses himself of doing evil just to confuse us over who's representing him on earth!


Further reading: the Nov 14-16, 2011 meeting in Baltimore, MD of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops will focus on their financial, liturgical, and organizational bellybuttons but not on current and increasing societal ills.

Above image: Niobe's Plea (Please Don't Bomb My Baby), copyright by Jude Cowell. Niobe's archetype is the grieving mother which makes me wonder how Michelle Obama would feel if a predator drone were beaming in on her daughters instead of someone else's? Actually, as a mother myself, I believe I know just how she would feel.

Barack Obama: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii; Sun Leo/Moon Gemini indicates a 'cool-headed charmer' with a tendency to rationalize (most anything, one assumes--like drones over babies and XL Pipelines over a major water aquifer.)

Sun Leo/Moon Gem's Images for Integration of conscious mind (Sun) with the unconscious (Moon): "On a bright summer's day a butterfly turns into a radiant being...Children singing 'Happy Birthday to You' at a celebrity birthday party." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.)

*Age 50 is the time frame for Chiron's Return to natal position--for Mr. Obama, it's 5Pis19--Rx, which deepens Chiron's catabolic action within the psyche.

As listed previously, here are the five-fer conjunctions for President Obama of his Chiron Return which began in May 2011 and ends in December 2012:

1. May 20, 2011
2. June 27, 2011 Rx
3. February 26, 2012
4. October 19, 2012 Rx
5. December 10, 2012

As you see, #4 and #5 snugly sandwich around the 2012 Elections. And as the president goes, so goes the nation.


Today's post at Jude's Threshold? Teddy Roosevelt on America's Invisible Government.

Nov 5, 2011

Secret video of an Illuminati ritual of fire

If you go to YouTube and watch the following video you'll see that 'no description' has been provided to explain the action though the voice gives some info. This recording was taken, it appears, from across a California lake where Illuminati folk of a Bohemian Grove persuasion are performing what I suspect is their freakish Cremation of Care' ritual.

Talk about living in a bubble! Wonder if any of my Georgia reps have attended the bawdy festivities? Guess I should ask them.

Apparently these jokers consider themselves to be 'set free' at Midsummer (European traditional celebration @ Summer Solstice, or between June 21-24 depending on the country.)

Hmmph. Free to ruin the world? Satan-Lucifer's reign is of this Earth, agreed, but his dominion is only temporary. And devils don't deal with things of value unless they're stealing them to add to hidden treasure troves--the temporary earthly realm is all such jackasses have goin' for 'em (their choice.)

So if you dare, check out this weird video of sniveling sneaks in action, lifting their voices to their favorite entity. The participants being filmed seem to be really into it, as we Flower Power genners once liked to say, and they may consider themselves to be grand thespians (Jupiter-Neptune energies) of the stage, from the looks of it.

(Without a description of this presentation, the voice of the infiltrating documentarian--or plural--are there two of them?--favors the vocal pipes of broadcaster Alex Jones, as best I can tell.)

What raunchy little pagan goats we spy here! Their pre-Christian sentiments and visions of "forced Utopia for all" are deeply deluded and are part of a long-standing blueprint passed down through generations of the power elite who sell their souls for earthly power and prestige. Here they lurk now...

More Bohemians? Here's a link to SO'W's last post prior to this one which concerns the annual Bohemian Grove beastliness under the redwoods of California--from the bonfires of mid-July 2011 (includes video.)

Nov 4, 2011

Celente: Wall St is Washington, Washington is Wall St (OWS video)

Nov 4, 2011: here's economist Gerald Celente breaking down the financial and political facts of our current lousy circumstances and listing the Obama Economic Team's criminals and Goldman-Sachs agents past and present whom I suspect may actually be Rothschild agents in disguise--operatives and infiltrators of Illuminati proportions:

Let's continue supporting Occupy Wall Street!

For they're marching for you and me. And I know you won't let yourself be fooled by embedded agents provocateurs touted by mainstream media, those who are sent in by police departments and/or others to foment violence in an attempt to give the Occupy movement a bad name and dilute its political strength.

In other words, theirs is a blatant campaign to divert democracy and keep the status quo intact for their bosses and their bosses' bosses.

You may not agree, but my suspicion is that most often (yet not exclusively), local police forces, military troops, private contractors (mercenaries), and others are used as an enforcement arm for higher ups within The Establishment.

That's part of the recent 'upgrade' of the US to a national police state described well by US progressed Mars being in retrograde condition (Rx) since 2006. We see here with OWS and crackdowns on protesters our national Mars (military; war; conflict; police; activism; protests; pepper spray) being used against we-the-people as the Rx turns our martian energies inward. This relates as well to US troops returning home, assuming that they actually do--some say by New Years Day 2012, as the president promised.

And it greatly saddens me to say about my country, but the muscles (pepper spray, tear gas, batons, etc) appear to go all the way up to the White House and, of course, to Congress and the Supreme Court. For three infiltrated branches of government have we which is why nothing ever really improves after every January 20th at noon on Capitol Hill. It's all in the script and the script is Illuminati-written and produced...unless we turn the channel.

Of course, I'm of the Nixon Shoots Kent State Students Dead generation so maybe I've simply seen this very bad, "unAmerican" film before. (Scroll down the sidebar a bit for a link to the Kent State Massacre horoscope.)

Well, what do you think? The echo in here today is almost deafening--seems even my old friend 'Anonymous' has gone fishing! Of course, it is late on Friday afternoon so this mom wants very much to say...

Please Be Safe This Weekend, all courageous Occupiers! And Thank You. jc

Natal Horoscope: Grover Norquist (w video)

“Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub, ” said Grover Norquist.

Spoken like a true Utopian Globalist! The following analysis is one astrologer's view of...

The Natal Horoscope of Grover Norquist, Political Strategist

by Jude Cowell

Mother Jones has an article on the eerie influence of Grover Norquist which prompted me to have a peek at his (noon) natal horoscope.

And here's a very interesting profile of him which includes his links to Jack Abramoff and Iraqi oil, among other things. And Speaker John Boehner just called Norquist "Some random person" when asked about closing tax loopholes for the oil industry.

Born on October 19, 1956 in Sharon, PA, Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform (founded 1985) and co-founder of the Islamic Free Market Institute, has Sun in Libra, and Moon in Aries if born before 7:07 pm est on that date.

If born after 7:07 pm, his personality takes on a Sun Libra/Moon Taurus hue but odds are, Norquist is a Sun Libra/Moon Aries blend, born near the Full Moon either way.

Here are the earliest and latest positions of the Sun and Moon on the date of his birth:

Earliest: Sun 25Lib47; Moon 19Ari31--Latest: Sun 26Lib47; Moon 2Tau41.

Since his birth time is unknown, the following analysis is based on a noon chart which shows 00Cap17 rising with 24Lib27 at Midheaven (w stars Arcturus and Spica); Hour of Mars. Midpoint pictures included in this post are in effect no matter his birth time.

Please click image to enlarge chart; some US natal planets are penned in (pink), today's transits (Nov 4, 2011) are highlighted in blue around the chart; tr Pluto is triggering two natal midpoints which are notated, lower left and lower right.

With nebulous Neptune @ 00Sco00, anti-tax warrior Norquist has an out-of-sign Sun/Neptune conjunction which is similar to having lots of Pisces energy in a chart (fishy!) especially in the realms of ego and life goals (Sun.) Naturally, Neptune has a masking effect upon the Sun's vitality and helps describe the behind-the-scenes nature of Mr. Norquist's political career and activities.

You may find of interest another article The Banishment of Grover Norquist which addresses just such Sun/Neptune issues. (Banishment is a Neptunian word along with veiling, masking, hiding, and such. Fraudulent, false, and idealistic would be others, along with his "drown it in a bathtub" quote!)

Yes, he's quite the watery, elusive varmint!

Sun conj Neptune gives him a 'veiled outlook on life' which allows Norquist to avoid unpleasant challenges as he easily as he ignores personal responsibilities. A personal reality is created in his mind--or by his mind--which bears little resemblance to facts as others understand them. Living in a self-created bubble is often another way to describe Sun-Neptune folk, so working in Politics, can spin be far behind?

And isn't a 'personal reality bubble' one of the tactics Republicans (and other politicians) use all the time when 'answering' questions as if on a totally different plane--or instead, they answer questions they wish had been asked? Perhaps Mr. Norquist's method through use of talking points is in evidence here for he's been at it for years starting with Nixon's 1968 campaign.

Supporting his Sun/Neptune traits is natal Mars in Pisces (13;43; ruled by Jupiter and Neptune) conjoining Fixed Star Achernar ('crisis at the end of the river; risk of rapid endings'.) Mars in Pisces is challenged to act directly and be clear in his motivations; unconscious resentments are harbored and repressed anger can lead to neuroses. Direct confrontations are avoided, as with Sun/Neptune, and secret means are used against opponents. Others may not trust him as he'd wish.

Any negative aspects in a chart intensifies problems when Mars is in watery Pisces--here, Mars is sesquisquare Sun and Neptune and is opposed by Venus 15Vir40. A Venus/Mars opposition is problematic as well and tends to create relationship troubles particularly in the realm of sexual expression. All oppositions carry Self v Others vibes (Ari/Lib axis) and indicates that Mr. Norquist's feelings are extremely sensitive and easily hurt--plus, conflicts arise over joint finances.

There's also a wide opposition between Mars and Jupiter 21Vir32 (conjunct Fixed Star Denebola, keywords: 'to go against society; out of the mainstream'--which has a Neptunian otherworldly/escapist tone to it.) However, a politics-inspired Mars/Jupiter opposition tends to seek out challenges, take risks, and may resent people who are deemed to be somehow superior. Grandstand plays come naturally!

Another politically interesting factor in Mr. Norquist's natal chart is a Saturn/Pluto square--the 'sore loser' aspect. This energy also describes the Republican Party seen in high relief with their obstructionism against President Obama. This cuss'ed square is part of Dick Cheney's Neptunian personality as well--if you will.

A Saturn/Pluto square person tends to be defensive toward social responsibilities which are viewed as obstacles to their self-interested goals. (And if you're a neocon warmonger, you want all the funds you can get to start wars you can hugely profit from while ignoring the basic needs of the American people. And promote expansion of the one-world-government Utopian Globalists are so determined to force upon us. Sad to say, it's pretty much already here.)

Another political factor is Norquist's Uranus/Chiron opposition which identifies him as what I tend to call a Chiron-Uranus type in government. Falling across the Leo (Uranus)--Aquarius (Chiron) axis of Self Will, this opposition denotes that he may be quite a cantankerous cuss, but with an outer demeanor that's Neptunian and squishy. His behavior (shown by the sign of Uranus) is proudly Leo, sign of the natural ruler.

A helpful Saturn/Uranus trine is great for it gives him a container (Saturnian form) in which to pour his Uranian ideals with ease and the talent to mobilize all his resources, knowledge, and experience. Good intuition allows him to take calculated risks and the trine provides him with leadership ability.

Mercury, planet of thinking processes, oration style, communication, and planning tactics, is @ 10Lib52 and conjoins his Syzygy Moon (last lunation prior to birth) which in this case was a New Moon, so Sun/Moon = Mercury: using education and reasoning to progress through life; searching for opportunities to apply knowledge; an association with young people.

An Air trine between Mercury to Chiron in Aquarius makes him a 'wise old soul' with occultist abilities and healing talent (Clow.) This trine and the opposition to Uranus are the two major aspects made to natal Chiron.

Now with Moon opposing Sun, whether in Aries or Taurus, natal Pluto 29Leo59 (conjunct Royal Star of Persia, Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided'--otherwise, all that's gained will be taken away one day) is the Thales planet in the chart for it trines Moon and sextiles Sun, thus aiding the opposition between the luminaries.

Having occultist talents, Mr. Norquist has managed to use Thales Pluto to his advantage in the stand-off between Sun (conscious) and Moon (unconscious), and, of course, saboteur Pluto has a great interest in the intrigues and power plays of Politics.

And with Moon opposed by Neptune, well, then escapist tendencies are increased, and sensitivity is deepened; illusions are created about the self and others which can cause much confusion and estrangements in relationships, and this can make working alone preferable. America would profit if only he could remember that The Ideal is an illusion that does not exist in this old world! But I suppose his Saturn/Uranus trine keeps hoping and thinks it knows best for all of us.

As far as his authority planet, Saturn, goes, you see a Saturn/North Node conjunction, the source of much of his control. This is an indicator of conservatism with observance of protocol important for approaching those in power. This timing ability has helped him to further his personal advancement but at the expense of enslavement to the lowest common denominator of accepted standards (Sakoian.) Saturnian control/authority is 'on his path' (NN.)

NN 29Sco17 (a critical-crisis 29th degree) has an interesting Sabian Symbol especially considering Mr. Norquist's past association with Ronald Reagan: '30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester". Reminds me of the Carter-Reagan October Surprise (Iranian hostages were released mere minutes after Reagan was inaugurated---was Grover involved in the charade and its arms deals?)

(Astro-note: 29Sco45 is the Inauguration 2009's Moon--we the people--degree which shows that the American people were already in dire financial circumstances the moment that Barack Obama took office--Scorpio = big business; betrayals.)

Now here are Grover's natal midpoint pictures which do not depend on knowing his exact time of birth; as always, any, all, or none may apply:

Jupiter/Uranus = Pluto: strong awareness of objectives; an unusual striving for knowledge; far-seeing creative activity; a sudden change in financial conditions; extreme efforts to produce novel changes in life; a major reworking of designs/ideas to ensure their correct acceptance; devices with world-transforming potential.

Jupiter/Saturn = Sun: dreaming of a potential for actuality; demonstrating leadership; gaining experience; boasting; self-pride; liver disturbances cause moodiness; the bachelor.

Sun/Uranus = Venus: peculiar encouragements in financial pursuits; unique ways of expressing love.

Jupiter/Neptune = Mercury: misleading/misdirecting others' attention; talking a lot; putting on an act; raised hopes; skills with deceptive practices; self-study of magic or mysticism. (Jupiter-Neptune is the grand schemes-speculation-inflationary pair of planets; Mercury is thinking and plans--a perfect combo for a Utopian Globalist planning chaos for the world to be ruled by 'reason'--their own, not ours.)

Jupiter/NN = Sun: ease of contact with important people of power and influence; joining and benefiting from powerful, distinguished societies (he attended Harvard.)

In the noon chart, Jupiter/NN sits at MC (The Goal; Aspirations; Public Standing) which adds a 'career/pursuit of common interests' vibe to the picture as 'important people of power and influence' aid his career aspirations.

Norquist's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (PE) = 12 South

Grover Norquist was born into the 12 South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which manifested on June 8, 1956 @ 18Gem01, the zodiacal degree of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse (the next-up eclipse for us all.)

12S = successful outcomes to long term worries; a draining issue will suddenly clear with a good outcome (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)
(A SN eclipse indicates a loss of energy in affected matters.)

By degree (18Gemo1/11), the December 10th Lunar Eclipse may signify secrets or scandals being revealed concerning Mr. Norquist and may relate to this year into 2012, and/or to a time frame when the 12S last manifested on July 11, 2010 @ '19Can' (which marked the blown-up or blown-out BP well's finally being 'capped' in the Gulf of Mexico--but it's leaking, you know.)

Why, you may remember that back in the day, Grover Norquist was a registered lobbyist for BP! (scroll to end of page.)

(Note: 12S is the PE of America based on July 4, 1776 as our nation's official founding--then at 00Pis33, where transit Chiron Rx is now.)

Now you may wish to view the horoscope of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which is squared by Mars in Virgo. As such, a 'Grand Cross' is formed for the eclipse marks a Mars-opposite-natal-Mars transit for Mr. Norquist describing a time when other people's actions and purposes are diametrically opposed to one's own, and any aggression shown is met by an equal or greater amount of determination so he'll want to lay low behind the scenes even more than usual--if the revealing energies of the December 10, 2011 Lunar Eclipse allow such escapism!

To close, here's Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) on the 1st of November making a statement about obstructionist Republicans who follow Grover Norquist like puppets. Perhaps it's his hypnotic, mystical Sun/Neptune with a Saturn/Pluto square keeping the Rs in goose-step!


If you need refreshing after such an abundance of Grover, why not check in with Independent Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders?

Thom Hartmann is doing a great progressive broadcast today (Fridays at noon are 'Brunch with Bernie' Sanders) and Thom reports on 20 unemployed Occupiers' sit-in at Mitch McConnell's office yesterday to demand a meeting with the Republican senator--so they could tell him how badly Americans are suffering--but McConnell lead a filibuster on the floor all day so he could avoid them! Hope he was royally wumped out from doing so much 'work'.)

Tomorrow, November 5, 2011 is Bank Transfer Day if you haven't yet switched your accounts from the Big Banks. I switched two or three years ago and have been very happy with a credit union bank ever since.

And please remember to Move To Amend the Citizens United travesty of justice--sign the petition because Corporations Are Not People!


All midpoint pictures: Ebertin; Munkasey

Nov 3, 2011

As Food Stamp needs rise, GOP demands cuts to program

Cuts to the US Food Stamp program are dear to the GOP's (what passes for a) heart these days and they act proud and brazen that the poorer folk of America are in Republican cross hairs for simply existing--how dare they!

15% of U.S. Uses Food Stamps: Food Stamps And The End Of The American Empire

By Gregor MacDonald

Today, national figures for the SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program)were released and, once again, hit a new record. #

And if the Republican Party and its handmaidens in the Democratic Party have their overbearing way, the US Food Stamp program will be drastically cut with de-population the result. Aka, death from starvation in America, as Charles 'survival of the fittest' Darwin dances in his tomb.

So will you vote GOP in 2012?

You may not think now that you or a loved one needs Food Stamps but don't be too certain of the future with more Republican policies of austerity and 'trickle-down' economics creating increased numbers of poorer Americans with each passing day.

And it seems that the GOP has no problem sending more and more American children to bed hungry. Ever tried it? It's difficult if not impossible to go to sleep when you're hungry, not to mention what such lack of nutrients does to childhood brain development.

Astrology reveals heavy-handed control of our food supply

Governmental control of Food Stamps--and the power that it gives them--can be described by the midpoint/asteroid picture we discussed a few days ago concerning the natal horoscope of America, July 4, 1776:

At 8Pis50, US natal Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy, oligarchy, oppression, disenfranchisement, primal violence, racism, communism, capitalism, fascism, Jacobism, and other -isms of control) conjoins US natal Ceres @ 8Pis41 Rx, an asteroid whose archetype includes grains, harvests, milk, nurturing, food security and supplies. Ceres links to the worship of Venus who turns up on our public buildings in various guises, most obviously as the Statue of Liberty, made of copper, the metal of Venus.

An Abundance of Heartlessness?

In Greek mythology, Ceres corresponds to Demeter, both fertile goddesses of The Harvest but in America circa 2011, some believe that The Harvest is meant only for the 1%--let the 99% scrounge for themselves for shareholders must have the largest dividends possible.

As Adlai E. Stevenson famously said, "A hungry man is not a free man."

Sounds loftily humanitarian until you take it as an instruction for how to enslave the masses as is being done now.

More on Ceres:

Neptune Cafe's Michael O'Reilly has written a paragraph on Ceres in Pisces, Ceres in the other signs, and much more. (My natal Ceres is in Leo, btw! Where's yours?)


Do you remain doubtful that secret operatives are at work destroying America?

In 1785, President George Washington wrote a letter to the Rev. G.W. Snyder: “Reverend, Sir, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati—the principles of Jacobinism—had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.”

Therefore, before he died, President Washington was very aware that Adam Weishaupt's radical brand of Freemasonry, the Illuminati, had begun its poisoning the institutions of America. And that was in the 1780s!

Washington's quote is included in a previous post which may be of interest to you: A few illuminating quotes on Plutocracy in America.

And speaking of Jacobism, did you know that as the 1964 RNC approached, the media termed Barry Goldwater supporters "Cactus Jacobins" due to the GOP's demand for 'ideological purity'--what the GOP still demands even as it says it doesn't!

Also see Feeding America's Hunger Study America 2010