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Jun 23, 2018

I Will Not Comply - Max Igan episode 337

June 22, 2018: I Will Not Comply, Max Igan episode 337 in his Surviving The Matrix series via American Voice Radio:

Visit Max at The Crowhouse and/or support his independent work via Patreon.

If the above video should go missing here's its YouTube link. If that fails, I Will Not Comply can probably be located on The Crowhouse website along with a variety of other presentations by Max Igan.

Cohen, Trump, Pecker, and The National Enquirer

June 22, 2018: Multiple Topics Covered in Ari Melber's The Beat Segment

In case you missed it: check out the segment Avenatti: Trump's Problem Is Cohen Was an Evidence 'Hoarder' from Ari Melber's June 22, 2018 broadcast of The Beat in which The National Enquirer and Donald Trump's control of it figured into his 2016 campaign and his obsession with the health of Hillary Clinton. Or I should say, with Trump's obsession with promoting false assertions and gossip concerning Clinton's health.

As you know, Mr. Trump, a friend of the gossip rag's publisher David Pecker, provided 'Hillary' stories or read/approved them before they were published--quite a cozy arrangement for a political candidate. In fact, only two newspapers endorsed Trump and his run for the presidency--The National Enquirer and a KKK publication that promotes--what else?--white supremacy. And as Vox Media senior producer Liz Plank points out, in a way The Enquirer is 'fake news' because (its) stories were "fed by Trump or by Michael Cohen." So we might say that these co-conspirators were in cahoots in order to shove Trump into the White House. Now I get it!

Oh and here's some related news from a couple of days ago: Publisher David Pecker Subpoenaed in Michael Cohen Criminal Probe. Now his testimony should be interesting--although Mr. Pecker won't want to incriminate himself, one supposes. Yet if all this 'probing' is meant to show Trump as a 'kingpin' mobster fella and fake president, I suspect that many of us already knew it, no probing necessary.

Now another interesting topic in Ari's segment linked above is how Trump's former 'fixer' Michael Cohen has hooked up in some way with one of Trump's celebrity opponents, Tom Arnold, whose interviews are always weird and confusing due to his manner of speaking (similar to Trump's absurd style intended to confuse). Arnold is an interesting character astrologically and even his birth data is in question with two versions available for the curious. Both charts show him with a Sun Pisces-Moon Aquarius personality blend and nervous Mercury in very early Aries. Born on March 6, 1959 in Ottumwa, Iowa, a major difference is that one chart shows Jupiter @1Sag44 rising while the other has quirky Uranus @13Leo03 Rx rising. Jupiter is, of course, the actor or entertainer, while Uranus is...well, there's no telling with Mr. Erratic.

So once again, the square aspect between Donald Trump's natal Mercury (news) and Neptune (fake) shows its prominence in his psyche along with the descriptive analysis of Trump's Mercury degree (8 Cancer) by *Adriano Carelli. Here's an excerpt of a previously published quote along with a link to Carelli's full assessment of the degree of Donald Trump's natal Mercury, planet of various forms of communication including gossip and innuendo:

"...he is too cowardly to face people directly, and delights in publishing spicy gossip about them. He usually likes to entrench himself behind the responsibility of others and to hide the hand that flings the stone. A gazetteer more than a journalist, he might have success with the chronique scandaleux and, if the horoscope helps, he may lead a paper with success; otherwise he will stoop to publishing infamous defamation and anonymous letters." Read more...

Well, I have to say that if a tabloid such as The National Enquirer can't be described as a mere 'gazette', I don't know what can!

A Related Post: On Donald Trump as Clumsy Liar in which Mark Twain makes a cameo!

*8 Cancer from, 'The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac' by Adriano Carelli.

Jun 22, 2018

Tweet from Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic)

As Donald Trump shows his true colors more and more clearly, comparisons between Trump, Hitler and the Nazis continue to occur (including here on Stars Over Washington). Some folks use trolling, 'whataboutism', and other methods to defend Trump's actions and rhetoric in vain attempts to deflect criticism from his dictatorial sorriness. And many are quick to triumphantly cite Godwin's Law on Trump's behalf in every online discussion with non-trumpsters.

Well, in case you haven't seen it, here's a tweet from Mike Godwin himself although you may have to copy/paste to follow his link:

Mike Godwin (@sfmnemonic) Tweeted: By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.

Jun 21, 2018

Summer 2018 Eclipses are repeats of 1928

2018 Summer Solar Eclipses: Time Links to the Eclipses of 1928

Of Time Links and Cosmic Blinks by Jude Cowell

Since the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of Donald Trump (born June 14, 1946) in the 2 Old North Saros Series occurred on May 30, 1946 @9Gemini (conjunct US natal Uranus--descriptive of Mr. Chaos), 2 Old North has repeated in the years 1964, 1982, and on July 1, 2000 @10Cancer among the US natal planets in Cancer (Venus, Jupiter, Sun). An eclipse in this series will manifest again on July 12, 2018 @20Can41, a critical or sensitive degree in the Zodiac. However, this post partially concerns an earlier manifestation of a 2 Old North eclipse--the one that perfected on May 19, 1928 @28Taurus among the stars of The Pleiades a constellation which also happen to contain the natal Midheaven of Mr. Trump (25Taurus) conjunct the nasty star of rage, fury, and violence Algol of Medusa's Head fame.

Now as we've discussed previously, 2 Old North themes are difficult and include 'separation, the ending of unions' (or alliances, one imagines), and 'unfortunate news regarding personal relationships although quick action can bring positive results' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). So Donald Trump has that goin' for him from late June into July and beyond.

But then, it so happens that another cosmic blink manifests on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 as The Tower Eclipse with its theme of 'collapse of lifestyles or plans' and the necessary 'rebuilding' which must follow once the 'dust settles' (Brady). This is the 2 New North series repeating from its manifestation of June 17, 1928 @26Gemini--the initial--the very first eclipse in the 2 New North series. On the level of current physical events, we already know that The Tower Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterms and we may expect (if 'wild card' eclipses ever bring expectable results!) that any or all election losers will feel its collapse theme in similar fashion to drawing Tarot card #16.

And is it cosmic synchronicity that in 1928 Ireland's William Butler Yeats's The Tower collection of poems was published?!

Some Things We Know We Know

Now since we know that history rhymes (rather than precisely repeating) we may wish to consider historical events of 1928 especially given what's been going on in the US this year with the kidnapping and caging of children at the border by the Trump regime, a self-created fiasco that threatens to continue into 2019 and probably beyond for Trump slightly changed his tune and now intends to imprison and criminalize entire families. Yes, the arrival of waves of refugees is a crisis for any country, I agree, but Trump's ways are not my ways--and his are not traditionally those of our nation toward asylum seekers and small children. His harsh actions demonstrate the ways of a man without a conscience and having not a speck of empathy toward humanity.

Furthermore, Trump and his handmaidens are said to have no plan to ever reunite the children they separated from their grieving parents since April and, in fact, are attempting to blame anyone but themselves for their cruel decisions and craven actions. My first thoughts upon hearing of this nightmare is that it shows what lengths a man like Trump will sink to in order to score political points and grasp the money to build 'the wall' he demands--and I can't help but wonder if the kidnapped children will be auctioned off at some point to the highest bidder. Well, obviously, this idea shows how little yours truly thinks of Trump and his ilk who pretend to be better than they actually are.

Other things we know include the fact that eclipses influence history by working through individuals whose natal charts are activated by said eclipse, and the repetition of one's Prenatal Eclipse can certainly suggest a person who becomes a participant in historical events of the day especially if other conditions are ripe--such as a man playing the role of the so-called 'leader of the free world' which does not include migrant children and their parents in lock-down whether they are asylum seekers in the US or not. Such is Donald Trump with his 2 Old North PE repeating on July 12th though its influence can begin any day now--and it brings the influence of one of the dark vs light Gemini Twins along--Castor with its themes and potentials for mental illness, crippling of limbs, sudden fame or loss, and/or murder (Horary Astrology Plain and Simple, A. Louis). An eclipse perfecting upon a fixed star is a strong indicator of events manifesting in the wider world.

As for history 2018, those who are curious may wish to follow a link to a brief World History Timeline 1928--1929 for clues or comparisons of events which may rhyme once again during Summer 2018 and into 2019. Or perhaps echo is the better word for as a certain child thief psycho of earlier decades asserted, “The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp’s steel.” And they called it the Hitler Youth Movement.

Jun 20, 2018

Trump's Prenatal Solar Eclipse repeats July 12, 2018

Solar Eclipse @20Cancer41 July 12, 2018 10:47:47 pm edt Washington DC in the 2 Old North Saros Series. This is a repeat of Donald Trump's 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) which perfected @8Gem48 on May 30, 1946 prior to his birth on June 14, 1946 in Queens, New York. Note that his PE conjoined US natal Uranus @8Gemini55 (July 4, 1776) and that Uranus is the planet of separation, revolt, and chaos.

Themes of 2 Old North include potentials for 'taking action concerning personal relationships; unfortunate news regarding friendships or relationships; separations; endings of unions; glum conditions but fast action can bring positive results (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology).

Basic chart details are penned upon the image (exs: Mars out-of-bounds, Hour of Jupiter; Jupiter and Neptune chart-rulers trine one another--see lower left), and marked in green are Trump's natal planets and angles. Pluto @20Capricorn opposes the eclipse with both at critical-crisis degrees (20Can-Cap) across the 5/11 axis; the Sabian Symbol of the eclipse degree rounded up '21Cancer' = "A Prima Donna Singing' and notated, lower right, is "A Prima Donna Singing" since Trump's name is Don, of course, and today everyone continues to wonder if Trump will 'sit down' with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and 'sing' about his involvement with Vladimir Putin and Russian oligarch funding of his 2016 campaign. And answer Mueller's questions on obstruction.

This eclipse chart is infused with Jupiter-Neptune, the speculation/grand schemes pair and, as you see, Trump's natal Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio is in 7th house of Partnerships (in Washington DC; but in his 2nd house natally) and the midpoint of the Plutocracy pair of Jupiter and Pluto graces the Midheaven denoting those in power positions with great ambition to succeed. At apex of the Jupiter-Uranus midpoint is Mars Rx OOBs, well-hidden in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing and conjoined by the transiting South Node, a Saturnian point of separation. Mars-SN has a military ring to it (Trump's Mars and Pluto in Leo, plus his natal ASC, are in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service), and describes loners who act upon their own decisions without regard to the opinions of others--and may be out-of-step with societal norms. Plus, transit Mars opposing Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02) indicates a period of hostile forces lined up against him and a lack of control on his part to affect outcomes--a karmic condition is indicated (reaping what's been sown).

Eroding Neptune in shady Pisces rising in the 1st house of this chart suggests conditions continuing such as scandals, deceits, cover-ups, leaks, disappointment, and loss, even thievery. Large water events such as flooding are also possibilities, along with plenty of tears--especially for those under Trump's watchful raptor's eye, aka, most anyone who isn't wealthy or famous. That his Prenatal Solar Eclipse now repeats as it does every 18.6 years spotlights the themes of his 2 Old North Saros Series, as noted above, and we'll soon see how significant, if at all, they become regarding events in his life. Of course, Trump's cruel policy of separating children from their parents at the border has already followed the eclipse's 'separation' theme--and this done for the political purpose of snagging the billions of dollars he demands in order to allegedly build a border wall. Yet I still wonder if he thinks he can keep a bunch of the money for himself!

Well, there are many other chart factors of note in this eclipse chart but it will soon be July so I'll close this post now and publish it this evening. Complaining about Trump and his anti-government handmaidens like eugenics-booster Stephen Miller does take a toll yet hopefully later in July my surgery sagas will be over and we can discuss more interesting topics than the fearfully misguided, anti-social administration run by autocratic Republicans and the orange-haired mascot they hope to hide behind in November.

Jun 18, 2018

How to Respond to Lies Republicans Tell on Immigration - Thom Hartmann

June 15, 2018: a timely segment from Thom Hartmann:


An astrological reminder discussed here multiple times is that Donald Trump was born with one of the most negative midpoint pictures ever--Mars-Saturn = Pluto: cruelty, brutality, rage or fury of destruction, intervening of a higher power, bodily injury or harm, (murder, death of many people) (Ebertin). I want to add to this picture one of Trump's current expressions of his draconian midpoint picture--'separating screaming children from their parents at the border'. One day he will reap what he sows.

Excerpt from a related post, "...separation is also a feature of the Sun-Saturn duo and of any opposition" - see Late June 2018: Sun-Saturn opposition and a Full Moon in Capricorn, sign of the father. What will be revealed by the light of the June Full Moon?

Jun 15, 2018

Late June 2018: Sun-Saturn opposition and a Full Moon

On June 27, 2018, Saturn and the Sun oppose one another across the Cancer-Capricorn axis thus fulfilling the promise (or threat!) of their previous conjunction which perfected near if not on Winter Solstice 2017. For transit Saturn had entered his own sign of Capricorn on December 19, 2017 and enjoyed a cozy tete-a-tete with the Cardinal Ingress Sun on December 21, 2017. A variety of political, legal, and business-related events occurred in that month--who am I kidding, in that year, thanks to Trump--and their effects naturally have lasted into 2018 and beyond, plus, these cosmic energies are imprinted upon the Trump 'administration' for its duration along with the eclipses and their themes which have preceded and occurred during his inauguration and his time in the Oval Office.

So with the June 27th Sun-Saturn opposition we may expect a sense of fulfillment, culmination, or at least an awareness such as any Full Moon brings, therefore, the events during late 2017 will turn up in the news cycle again for some level of resolution or completion. Yet separation is also a feature of the Sun-Saturn duo and of any opposition.

As for past issues that may turn up for airing there are three events of December 2017 that I easily remember: Alabama's Senate election being won by Democrat Doug Jones (and not Roy Moore!), Trump's pal Michael Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the F.B.I. and agreeing to cooperate with the Trump-Russia investigation, and Trump's initial pronouncement that, not Tel Aviv, but Jerusalem is the rightful capital of Israel and that the US embassy would be subsequently relocated there. It was just in time to fulfill the 70-year Biblical prophecy.

See December 6, 2017's Why Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem Is Controversial.

However, with this post let's limit (Saturn!) our consideration to the June 28th Full Moon (see below) and the Sun-Saturn pair of planetary energies which brings in America's natal Sun-Saturn square of July 4, 1776 for any mention of the pair here on Stars Over Washington most always come with a fresh reminder of that dynamic aspect between the 1776 Sun (leadership) and our national exalted-in-Libra Saturn (lawmakers, lawyers, government officials, the judicial system, mid-level managers, authorities, seniors, and such). The square describes our nation's early struggles for authenticity and the reality of becoming a nation, struggles which eventually gave way to maturity, stability, and a tradition of measured decisions and dependability that many may agree have now been forfeited.

For it doesn't help our cause that the travails of Mr. Trump continue to involve Saturnian issues of authority, authenticity, loyalty, leadership, laws, honesty, steadiness, realism, and truth while transit Saturn demands accountability from him for his past (Saturn) actions. We find threads of this current struggle in the consideration of how transit Saturn in early Capricorn is in process of making a series of oppositions to Trump's natal Mercury (8Can51) while simultaneously squaring his natal Neptune (6Libra) which places the 'reality' TV star's fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune square under scrutiny of Saturn's truth-demanding rays while placing karmic obstacles (square) against his Neptunian dreams and impractical or unorthodox ideas. For Trump it's all about appearances and PR yet this can never satisfy realistic Saturn who demands substance, honesty, and measurable results.

Actually, the next exact aspect from karmic Saturn to his unstable Mercury-Neptune square perfects on the very June 27, 2018 of which we now speak when tr Saturn squares Trump's natal Neptune--and then again on November 11, 2018. Completing 2018, a final opposition from Saturn to Trump's natal Mercury perfects on December 10, 2018 marking a period when his anger and frustration are likely to rise to an even higher pitch due to limitations and restrictions, all thanks to sober, no-nonsense Saturn, planet of The Establishment. The Letter of the Law comes to mind along with the fact (Saturn) that in America no man is above the law. Or at least, we say so quite regularly.


Now over and above Mr. Trump, by way of the June 27, 2018 Sun-Saturn opposition we actually have a two-fer transit affecting or activating America's natal Jupiter (5Can56--'6Cancer' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" an apt description of the Trump 'administration'). Transit Sun conjoining US natal Jupiter brings a brief period of dramatic or flamboyant events (old news with camera hog Trump, I know) when long distance travel, foreigners, and associated issues are emphasized, finances, expansion, and/or development come into sharper focus, and the judicial system is prominent--already the case, yes, but add the weightier opposition from tr Saturn, planet of karma, and a culmination or fulfillment stage, as noted, is perfecting so that what has been sown will be reaped. Plus, with Saturn opposing US natal Jupiter a period arrives when past failures and neglect of responsibility are featured (and perhaps are brought before the court--or will long-neglected bridges fall?), plus, it's a time when rules, regulations, and/or laws may haunt (or convict) those who flaunt them. Ongoing are challenges from authorities who question integrity, honesty, and/or leadership while success-at-any-cost methods tend to result in loss more than gain.

Of course, all these cosmic influences can be affected or moderated by other planetary transits and progressions--and on the physical plane by those who blackmail others in order to keep the demands of legal Saturn abated, delayed, or denied. Yes, Washington DC tends to run on blackmail and there are many who would speak out against the current crop of criminals if they could but they are held in check by threats and intimidation if not outright bribery and pay-offs.

June 28, 2018 Full Moon @6Cap28 12:52:54 am edt

This Full Moon is the culmination stage of the June 13, 2018 New Moon @22Gemini44--conjunct the natal Sun of Donald Trump--and conjunct America's natal Mars (note the militaristic events surrounding the recent Trump-Kim 'Summit' in Singapore, a 'new phase' in US-NK relations). Since Trump was born on June 14 (1946) this lunation was basically a New Moon in his Solar Return 2018 chart, a birthday gift from The Cosmos. A new cycle of activity in his solar year is indicated by such a fortunate condition which we previously discussed via Trump's Solar Return 2018 with His June 26th New Moon (horoscopes shown). It seems that cosmic synchronicity abounds these days for Donald Trump and therefore, for the American people. His fate is our own, more's the pity, though some continue to insist that this is a good thing. We'll see.

Well, that's my post on the upcoming Sun-Saturn opposition, US leadership, and the June 28, 2018 Full Moon, such as it is. My ongoing recuperation from eye surgery makes it difficult to spend much time in front of a computer screen so I'll close for now with the hope that this post has given either of you a little food for thought as we ponder the fate of our compromised, sold-out nation. jc

For more information concerning beautiful Saturn, don't miss astronomer Brian Ventrudo's helpful Guide To Seeing Saturn in 2018 for the ringed beauty will be 'above the Teapot' in late June!

Related: DC Horoscopes: All Four Cardinal Ingresses of 2018.

Jun 13, 2018

Dual Natal Charts: Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

The natal horoscope of Ivanka Trump is rated X for 'date without time', same for her husband Jared Kushner. Both were born in 1981, a year of two major conjunctions--Jupiter-Saturn (3x: 4--10 Libra) and Jupiter-Pluto (once @24Lib53)--he on January 10, 1981 in Livingston, New Jersey, she on October 30, 1981 in New York, New York.

Below is a dual image of their natal horoscopes set for 'noon' with few of my usual scribbled astro-notes--primarily penned on are the three dates of Kushner's current Mars Return/s. However, if born at 12:00 am est or just after, his Mars is at 8AQ04 and the following Return dates change by one to three days. If born at or just prior to midnight, his Mars falls at 8AQ51 and his Mars Return dates differ by one to four days. Obviously, the Mars Return months remain the same and you will note that the transiting South Node, the tail of the dragon, has recently swiped Mr. Kushner's natal Mars in Aquarius no matter its precise degree suggesting his recent preference for isolation from public view and the lack of popularity for his actions.

A few notes on the couple's respective Sun-Moon personality blends are listed under the image along with Kushner's Mars Return dates to his 'noon' position of natal Mars (8AQ28):

Jared Kushner Mars Return/s 8AQ28: 1. June 15, 2018; 2. July 7, 2018; 3. October 6, 2018. Transit Jupiter has been making a series of squares to his natal Mars denoting a period when common sense and moderation are needed for best results, and jumping to conclusions and the tendency to overestimate himself are best avoided. Significant is the fact that his Mars conjoins his natal South Node so every two years his Mars Return repeats that Saturnian connection which indicates a natural loner who won't consider the opinions of others when making decisions, and one whose actions and desires are often out of tune with those of society and are against cultural trends (Sakoian). The timing also signifies a recent Nodal Return (10Leo/AQ) for Mr. Kushner, and interestingly, Vladimir Putin was also born with a Mars-South Node conjunction (see link, below).

A Few Astro-Notes on Jared's and Ivanka's Personality Blends

The Earth-Water Sun Cap-Moon Pisces blend of Jared Kushner is that of a romantic skeptic who is dependable yet private. Kushner may worry that he will be overwhelmed by his problems and he tends to second-guess himself. An introvert, he feels things deeply and suppresses his feelings which are kept to himself--and he tends to carry the burdens of others and is willing to bend truth.

Image for Integration: "A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate success."

Ivanka Trump: Water-Fire Sun Scorpio-Moon Sag identifies Trump's daughter as an uncompromising, self-dramatizing, committed and passionate woman who "will hold back a trump or two when it comes to feelings" if she thinks it wiser. Sharing a sympatico Sag Moon with her father, Ivanka can be a stern judge, a paranoid introvert, and/or a spontaneous, outspoken extrovert who hates to be constrained. Her analytical mind makes her effective within group dynamics, plus, she's a natural psychologist and educator with a zeal for truth. A loyal if demanding friend, she does what she says she will do yet can have something of a Scorpionic 'sting' in her tail.

Image for Integration: "Picasso's Guernica."

Personality blends and Images: Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Related Posts include: The Natal Planets of Putin and Trump and In the Realms of Jupiter: Jared Kushner whose natal Jupiter in airy Libra conjoins his Saturn; however, note that Ivanka Trump was also born with Jupiter in Libra as was Donald Trump whose Jupiter conjoins Neptune and Chiron while Ivanka was born under a Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which obviously represents her wealth-worshiping father who mounts large-scale projects, applies for massive bank loans and other funding from abroad, and qualifies as a plutocrat.

Jun 12, 2018

Astro-Notes on Canada and PM Justin Trudeau

Planet Mercury: Meetings, Summits, Agreements, Negotiations, Thinking, Sight, Communiques, Speech, Memes, Commerce, Trade...

by Jude Cowell

June 12, 2018: now that Mr. Trump's unorthodox favoritism toward China, Russia, and North Korea has become clearer and his staged tariff tussle with our neighboring ally Canada is on everyone's mind, here are two sets of data for founding horoscopes of Canada, plus, additional info; all details are taken from Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Newfoundland was discovered June 24, 1497, the island was formally annexed in 1583 and was a British colony until March 31, 1949 when it became the 10th province of the Dominion of Canada. Other dates and historical details are given but suffice it to say that two founding horoscopes are shown:

#050 Canada-Dominion July 1, 1867 00:00 LMT Ottawa: ASC 16Ari54 Neptune 15Ari00; MC 8Cap04/IC 8Can04 conjunct 4th house Sun 8Can51 (both precisely conjunct the natal Mercury 8:51 of Donald Trump!) as is Canada's natal Uranus 8Can36. Note that Trump is also a Sun-Uranus entity. Campion quotes, "The New York Times of 2 July reported that 1 July 'has given birth to a new infant, the Dominion of Canada.'"

Quebec: first permanent European settlement north of Virginia (exact hour unknown)

#51 Canada-Quebec July 3, 1608 NS 'noon' Quebec, QU (settlement founded by Champlain); ASC 8Lib55 (square Trump's natal Mercury, conjunct his natal Neptune so there's Trump's fantasy-prone, indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square on display); MC 11Can00 conjunct Sun 11Can46 and Mercury 7Can46 (conjunct Trump natal Mercury 8:51); Quebec "was taken by the British on 13 September 1759." The two Mercuries conjunct in Moon-ruled Cancer spotlight PM Trudeau's remarks after Trump left the G7 Summit and Trump's grumpy reply in which both Mercuries expressed protectionism (Cancer) on behalf of each man's country (Cancer, sign of patriotism), and of course, one of the multiple roles of astrological Mercury is 'the trader' and one of the traits of Cancer is shrewd business ac'umen. Duplicity is also a function of Mercury and one of the signs it rules, Gemini.

G7 'Darling' Trudeau Hurt Trump's Feelings

As for the natal horoscope of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he was born on December 25, 1971 at 9:27 pm est Ottawa, Ontario (RR: A). Have a peek at his chart and the successful Kite pattern therein if you wish (Saturn at MC is the tail) and you'll see that his wounding of Mr. Trump's tender pride was quite easy--for Trudeau's natal Jupiter @21Sag opposes Trump's natal Sun @22Gemini. This also means that Trudeau's n Jupiter conjoins Trump's emotionally tender Moon-South Node conjunction which may have given Trump pleasant vibes at first (21Sag), followed by Trudeau's patriotic diss at the end (22Gem).

So basically, Donald Trump always has to be 'the star of the show'--the most famous person in the room--wherever he goes and apparently was hurt by Trudeau's warmer reception at the Summit. Plus, you probably noticed how Trump blew in late for breakfast like the prima donna he is. Or maybe gender equality simply wasn't Donald's cup of diet soda so he wanted to express disdain or disagreement with the topic of the breakfast.

Now another factor involved with the newly turbulent US-Canada tariff tussle (trade war?) may be Trudeau's natal Uranus @17Libra57 conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter (17:27) which is strong in his chart and psyche for it is, as you know, stationing and soon turned Direct once little baby Donnie screamed his first scream. This planetary combination suggests foreign travel in order to attend the G7 Summit and the shock (Uranus) to finances (Jupiter) Trump felt (or said he felt) which suddenly sent him off toward what he thought would be 'greener pastures' (Jupiter-Uranus) of doing Putin's bidding by meeting with Kim Jong Un and setting the stage for the 'freeing' of the Korean Peninsula from US troops stationed there since the Korean War, and thus giving a green light to China, one of Trump's handlers and commercial partners--seen by Trump's natal Moon @22Sag = "A Chinese Laundry." And then there continue to be ethical concerns over daughter Ivanka's trademarks recently green lighted in China. Mmm hmm. Once such shady activities were called conflicts of interest. Now they're called Trump in the White House.

Yet we must always remember that the Political Theater we're constantly treated to is only a facade or mirage intended for public consumption which is one reason Political Astrology can be fascinating because it looks behind the velvet curtain to what lurks in the wings.

Jun 9, 2018

Trump's July 12, 2018 Solar Eclipse = critical times

On July 12, 2018, a Solar Eclipse perfects in Donald Trump's personal 2 Old North Saros Series, this time @20Cancer41 (in 1946, @9Gemini) conjunct one of the dark-light twin stars, Castor. Here is a dual image of the July 12, 2018 2 Old North Solar Eclipse--one horoscope set for Trump's birth location of Queens, NY (lower right), the other chart set for the White House in Washington DC. Some differences will be noted especially with Angles and cusps though no planets change houses from one location to the other. Those who are curious about the differences in Sabian Symbols may choose to look them up and I will add Carelli's Degrees, below, to describe the critical-degreed eclipse @20Cancer (Carelli doesn't round up) and the planet opposing the eclipse, Pluto @20Cap00.

Most of my notes are squished on to the charts but one must read both to glean all the notes which are shared between the images--not enough space to do otherwise. Surprisingly, the Hour of the eclipse in DC is Jupiter but in Queens it's time for Mars types of activity (probably with psychological indications). This I have seldom if ever seen between such close locality charts since the timing of the eclipse (here, 10:47:47 pm edt) is the same in both places. Anyway, the notes hopefully are legible if you can enlarge the image as you wish. Note that fixed stars work through eclipses and their potentials are stimulated by them (Ovason) which in the case of this particular solar eclipse, the influences of Castor, and as noted below, its twin Pollux, are spotlighted by the July 12, 2018 'cosmic blink'. This solar-lunar event also emphasizes the dark-light qualities and polarity of the twin stars and suggests issues involving awareness, relationships, and culmination, or endings.

Themes of the Solar Eclipse

2 Old North themes denote potentials for separations and unfortunate news although taking fast action may somewhat improve matters (Brady). More info may be found via the eclipse's conjunction with starry Castor, a creative star but also one with difficult potentials such as sudden fame or loss, murder, crippling of limbs, mental illness (A. Louis); a tendency toward storytelling that blends evil with good (Castor plus Pollux = dark vs light, as noted); violence (Robson); and/or, mischief (Rigor). For Castor Ebertin and Hoffmann spotlight the star's changeable Mercurial nature mixed with Jupiter's expansive influence.

As for Pollux ('the wicked boy') sources seem to agree on its Martian qualities and reputed tendencies toward brutality, cruelty, violence, and tyranny--if negatively linked in the chart. I mention Pollux here because Trump's natal Saturn ('the old devil') @23Cancer conjoins Pollux, a combination which may possibly denote tragic endings unless the energies are responsibly handled. Also to Pollux we must add potentials for: the danger of disgrace, the occult, murder, cruelty, rape, and/or danger from women, large animals, and poisons (A. Louis).

Eclipses: What Are They Good For?

As you see, Trump's 2 Old North Solar Eclipse @20Cancer is opposed and challenged by powerful manipulator and saboteur Pluto @20Capricorn--and as you know, Pluto in Capricorn signifies The Dictator (Ebertin). The critical midpoint picture formed by Sun-Moon-Pluto is penned on the chart, upper right, and highlighted in red. The 5/11 axis of Self-Will is in the spotlight (in both locations) and also suggests Trump's offspring, family ties, and karmic relationships. A Solar Eclipse in Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of tribalism and patriotism, implies that emotional extremes will block karmic progress (R. Lineman). This is penned on the left side of chart and highlighted in red. Also note that the self-protective nature of crabby, subjective Cancer indicates a man (Trump) in hiding or scuttling away from issues, and I wonder if opposing Pluto will block his deep need for worldly power and wealth--or empower it. Either way, events and conditions have reached a critical point of development while past actions are haunting Mr. Trump with their usual 'reap what's been sown' demands.

In addition, the White House chart reveals a YOD pattern of crisis/turning point implications between Saturn-ASC = North Node: unpleasant family circumstances; add the Mars-South Node conjunction of the loner on the separative end of the Nodal axis and we have: obstinacy; self-will; separation, and/or bereavement (Ebertin). Of course, this YOD pattern may or may not become activated at all, or its potentials may be delayed with restrictive Saturn involved.

Plus, law-abiding Saturn Rx--strong in its own sign of governmental, legal, and business-oriented Capricorn--isn't boding well in the 10th house of Career and Public Reputation during this period. And as we've previously discussed, 'The Tower' Solar Eclipse of 'collapsing lifestyles and plans' approaches on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North series. This karmic lunation (with an unaspected Pluto) could trigger major developments for tower-builder Trump and its effects could be felt as soon as two weeks prior to August 11th, around the time of the July 27, 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius which conjoins US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation, karma, talents--or, dependence upon what worked in the past but which no longer solves the issue. In a word, neurosis.

Well, I could blab on concerning such topics but obviously from current events we know that Mr. Trump isn't having as good a time in the White House as he'd lazily expected--although his collapsing of America seems to be on schedule. Yet the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign and that of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen must keep them both up at night but let's not go there in this post. After all, we should know more details soon since eclipses occurring in any series frequently bring pending issues to a boil, disrupt events or conditions, indicate a new direction, bring shocks, and/or uncover secrets while revealing or triggering scandals. Plus, Neptune rising in first house, as you see, denotes more scandals, along with potentials for tears shed, drowning or leaks, and collective issues out of control and on the rise for eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' which are often termed, cosmic blinks. And now in closing here are...

Carelli's Degrees: the Critical-Crisis Degrees of 20Cancer and 20Capricorn (Sun-Moon-Pluto)

The following quotes are excerpted for the sake of brevity and are partial yet no meaning has been seriously affected:

Eclipse "20Cancer" = "A watchdog slumbering at the entrance of an old palace"..."Masters is what dogs have" (a popular Italian proverb); "a life of idleness...when kicked he will whine like a coward and will think nothing of kissing the hands that enslave him...nothing weighs so heavily upon his shoulders than personal responsibility...a lustful and lazy being...A thorough craven, he will boast of his master's valiant deeds...he will brag of his master's wealth...A bastard (or a degenerate) scion of a very old lineage, he would rather die that forget it...As long as mankind stays what it is, policemen, customs officers, sextons, career soldiers, jail wardens, harlots, all are necessary evils. The frontier needs watchdogs, justice needs bloodhounds, and the male needs the female."

Pluto "20Capricorn" = "A monkey and a mirror"..."A very versatile but altogether unoriginal mind; mimetic faculties may come to light as a merely perfunctory assimilation of foreign doctrines...pantomime and burlesque...Adaptation comes {} to such a character and, unfortunately, to such a conscience as a matter of course...yet (he) remains an insufferable crank...Physical vanity will be bottomless...and (he) may turn into something of a fop or a Beau Brummel, as the case may be."

With his overly pampered and sprayed 1980s hairstyle, spray tan of orange-ish hue, and the freakishly long red tie?

Trump-Putin Alliance Threatens Current World Order

June 9, 2018: Trump-Putin and Current Events

by Jude Cowell

Image: 19 North Solar Eclipse Sept 1, 2016: Realism Opposed By Fantasy and Deceit

Below is an excerpt from a previous post which concerns Donald Trump and the lingering 19 North Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Virgo with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing, veiling, and confusing. This is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (PE) of both the 2016 Election and Inauguration 2017 and involves the basic themes we've been plagued by ever since: 'realism; coming down to earth; becoming aware of an old situation and seeing it for what it is rather than what (we) thought it was; a constructive time for tackling the truth' (Brady's Predictive Astrology):

Excerpt: "19N's degree (9Virgo) squares US natal Uranus 8Gem55 and opposes US natal Ceres and our Pluto-Chiron midpoint (8Pisces.) Will the themes of the eclipse block or merely be triggered? Uranus is always unpredictable yet we may expect that here it denotes an uncaring attitude toward humanity! 'Indifferent to the needs of society' seems a perfect description of recent anti-government upstarts and anarchists in Congress most if not all of whom are Republicans. Curiously, the 19N is also the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the Republican Party (July 6, 1854) which may increase their chances of election, this common-good populist blogger is sad to say.

Unfortunately, if rascally Utopian anarchists and social engineers hold sway in our 2016 Election results, their lack of community spirit will prevent karmic progress for our nation and we will continue to regress on many levels of the evolutionary scale. As you know, their brother's keeper they are Not and we shall all be forced to reap what they sow while Ayn Rand dances a jig in her grave." #

Excerpt from my original post April 12, 2014

Note that the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 also squared the 2 Old North Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree of Donald Trump (9Gemini) which repeats @21Cancer on July 12, 2018 with 'glum' themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). In 'real time' transit Neptune @9/10Pisces opposed the 2016 Eclipse (9Virgo) while squaring Trump's PE (9Gemini) - so that warring Antares @9Sag completes a difficult Cosmic Grand Cross. A Mutable Grand Cross (or Square) reveals unstable conditions of indecision, anxiety, and mentally running in circles. Bil Tierney says its conditions are like "a windmill in a windstorm" which is one way of describing the 'presidency' of Donald Trump. Nervous strain and exhaustion are the predictable results and those who lack conviction and/or fail to uphold higher principles are spotlighted and challenged. The saving grace is that many people may become more discriminating and aware during this time.

Now why does the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 'linger' with us? Because its descriptive themes continue to influence both the 2016 'Election' of Donald Trump, his tenure in the White House, and his January 20, 2017 'Inauguration' as engineered by Vladimir Putin and other foreign and domestic operatives so that those events and conditions 'linger' and bedevil America in the form of congenital liar Donald Trump, who prefers and supports dictator Putin instead of America's traditional allies.

Plus, transiting gaseous giant Neptune floating through its own sign of shady, secretive Pisces continues on its own to bring lies, deceit, betrayal, propaganda, paranoia, fear, contagion, water damages, loss, disappointment, and fraud to the American people as oceanic Neptune washes over the globe. 2016 Neptune opposing the 19 North eclipse (9 Pisces vs 9 Virgo across the victim-savior axis) continues to bode ill for it has obfuscated and muddled the forces of truth and realism embedded within the 19 North eclipse so that we continue to suffer under the influence of Trump's "fake news" propaganda and the support of his lies and deceit from the Republican Party, members of which must be mightily compromised by foreign governments with information hanging over their heads--and large amounts of money lining their pockets. Trump knows all of this which is why he could insult and destroy the campaigns of other 2016 candidates and why he can continue to oppose the Republicans in Congress and fail to uphold the traditional party platform. We could even say that Putin 'has Trump's back'.

Meeting in Canada: Canada's Trudeau Says Nyet to Russia's Return

So now with this weekend's G7 Summit in Canada which is said to be more of a G6 +1 due to the threat of America being kicked out (as was Russia for 'annexing' the Crimea!) since Trump played his usual isolationist role of 'odd man out' in Canada and the other nations say they can vote without the US, there seems to be an obvious campaign to establish a 'new world order' of strong-armed dictators (which is being reported or suggested now by journalists and pundits--any of whom may be part of The Agenda). So in spite of what Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says now, this means that a global overthrow is happening right before our eyes and the entire world is about to change in a big way. Will it be authoritarian and draconian 'just like Putin would do'? At this unstable point, it would seem so.

As Above, So Below

For astrologers who use the generational planets, the shift of disruptive, separative reformer Uranus into Venus-ruled Taurus is a descriptive part of this political and societal picture. (See Uranus into Taurus which includes Trump's natal chart with the Uranus into Taurus chart of May 15, 2018 surrounding it--and shows the New Moon @24Taurus which perfected upon Trump's natal Midheaven and thus activated malevolent star, Algol.) The New Moon in mid-May marked a new cycle of activity in Trump's career and public reputation on the world stage (MC) with evil Medusa overseeing.

For as you've heard, Trump Wants Russia Back in the G7 (just like Putin would do!) which would make it G8 again after President Obama championed the effort to jettison Russia from the group for its strong-armed tactics. Will the Trump-Putin team may get their way? Well, curiously the 2 South Solar Eclipse of early January 2019 reveals an interesting theme in light of this desire of Putin and his puppet Trump--'joining unusual groups and gaining a great deal from the involvement' (paraphrasing Brady)!

Related Posts include: The New World Order proceeds (1993 NWO horoscope shown--transit Pluto has repeatedly hit and transformed the 1993 Uranus-Neptune conjunction degree/s multiple times = 'the big picture demands a certain course of action, little option to do otherwise'--Tyl--which is exactly what we're seeing 'followed' by Trump-Putin, China, and others now), and Washington Monument: Center of Political Power? which contains various links of interest for the curious.

Another Recommended Post with the 2018 Midterms soon upon us: The Sygyzy (Full) Moon of the 2018 Midterms (DC horoscope shown); note that Full Moons can activate conditions and events and uncover secrets much as lunar eclipses can do and New Moons sometimes behave disruptively in similar fashion to solar eclipses which bring unexpected changes of direction.

Jun 8, 2018

What Happened to The World? - Max Igan ep 336

For Those Who Dare: Max Igan presents episode 336 of his Surviving The Matrix series: What Happened to the World?

Have a great weekend, everyone! Jude