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Dec 8, 2020

Inauguration 2025 Horoscope: Cowboys and Tyranny

"Anarchists Form a Committee to Overthrow the Tyranny of Committees" (The Harveys).

December 8, 2020: Here you see the DC Horoscope of Inauguration 2025 published with a sprinkling of hope that there may actually be one. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes if you wish; brief chart details are added below:

Horoscope: January 20, 2025 12:00 pm est Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Venus (@17Pis38 conjunct Saturn in 11th house of Groups and Associations: discontent?); Final Dispositor Neptune in Pisces conjunct 12th cusp; North Node @29Pis08 conjunct star of misfortune, Scheat, in 12th house of Karma; 12th house Chiron conjunct determined Sisyphus opposes the 6th house Moon @18Lib31 (conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter). Sun in the public 10th house (of course) with powerful manipulator Pluto @1AQ41 suggesting a Pluto-to-Sun transit has occurred which can motivate those in power to make a new start with ego as the primary motivation. Obviously, the US Pluto Return has completed previously (3x in 2022) and some evidence of authoritarianism is a potential with its handmaiden tyranny doing its part when necessary. For now I'll reserve my thoughts on the significance of only the Sun (POTUS) and Pluto (hidden manipulator) alone together in the political 10th house of this chart.

And since an Oath of Office is involved, check out 9th house Mercury @18Cap15, the position of the 'NWO' planets Uranus and Neptune when they met three times in 1993. Potentials are penned on the chart. Also note that Mercury opposes testy Mars Rx (at IC) @24Can23 conjunct the Syzygy Moon, the previous Full Moon (@23Can59, January 13, 2025), plus, Mars by transit conjuncts US natal Mercury in the Siby chart suggesting a fast pace of life and lots of verbal combat. (Hopefully anarchist Mars doesn't represent Mars-rising Trump still hanging around!) And you know the Sabian Symbol for '25 Cancer': "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power," plus, US natal Pluto sits atop the Midheaven, aka, the Goal Point.

So we have issues of power, surveillance ('AI' - see Mercury), hidden control, and an iffy National Treasury with banker-general-politician-reverend-actor-broadcaster planet Jupiter Rx conjunct 2nd cusp (12:39) along with asteroid Midas @12:39. As you see, Jupiter here rules the corporate 8th house of debt, credit, and Shared Resources, plus 12th house via its Pisces cusp. Evaluating Venus, another money planet, is in shady Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, co-ruled by nebulous Neptune, so speculation, grand schemes, and currency issues are, as usual, involved. Additionally, this inauguration occurs during a Jupiter-Saturn square denoting a period of moral and/or ethical conflicts prominent within the public discourse.

Now the Solar Eclipse themes running in the backround of society are difficult issues of loss, separation, and possible injury (penned on the chart, 6th house, between South Node and the Moon, with the Libra/Aries polarity karmically intercepted across the 6-12).

Update August 4, 2021: I neglected to add to this post that "Cowboys" is a reference to the Splay shape of the planets in the eclipse horoscope, above, and its (rugged) individualism, within which should be included the 'up-by-boot-straps' self-reliance of America's 'cowboy ethic' that Reagan promoted and actor John Wayne demonstrated on film along with the other 'cowboy' movie and tv stars promoting superficial symbols of the concept. # UPDATE June 2, 2022: it has been pointed out that the above Inauguration Horoscope shows not a Splay shape (as my Solar Fire v9 software says) but a more concentrated BUCKET shape with the 6th house Moon as Handle, the point of focus; disturbingly, the Moon @18Libra conjuncts the natal Jupiter of Herr Tr*mp which reflects what could be an anti-democracy event - happy for him, his duped voters, and corporate enablers, tragic for the future of a free America.

Meanwhile, the cosmic weather on January 20, 2025 may be partially described by the double Air (mental) combination of Sun AQ-Moon Libra, a sociable and idealistic blend of energies. Tolerance and dignity are suggested along with social awareness yet to be effective, leadership must get involved with the practical considerations of others - of The People. If effectiveness is what is wanted, that is. Concerns will include issues of individualism and independent thought which are supported by the Splay shape of planets indicating those who promote the rugged 'cowboy ethic'. This blend is shared natally by Burt Reynolds, Edouard Manet, and author Boris Pasternak who helpfully asserted,

"As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth."

You know - similar to The Pope, one of Pluto's many astrological identities.

Dec 7, 2020

Even if Trump sits out 2024 there's a 'Nazi Rise to Power' Eclipse in 2022

Every time I've heard Trump fly his trial balloon (or threat!) about running for president again in 2024, I think of two upcoming Solar Eclipses in particular with themes that relate to just such a bad idea. And as many pundits have said, a variety of difficulties lie ahead with or without a Trump in Politics.

First, the Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse of August 31, 1932 in the 6 South Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, then it's the Fascism Rising Eclipse of February 24, 1933 in the 7 North Saros Series in which a Total Eclipse repeats on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50, a critical 29th degree.

Now as parts of societal and historical cycles, both eclipses are worrisome for those of us who prefer democracy and the uplifting of the common good for as many people as possible! In the 1930s, America had FDR to see us through and implement social improvements. But how stymied will the White House be in 2022 and 2023 by power-lusting Republican authoritarians sporting theocratic credentials and cheered on by their wealthy backers?

So with this post I'm suggesting that 6 South and 7 North themes and degrees are worth keeping in mind in context with our present and upcoming conditions, issues, and personalities. And if you need to, dear reader, follow the links above and if you weren't already, maybe you'll consider yourself forewarned if not forearmed!

As always your Shares are encouraging and are much appreciated! But again, note that No Comments will be published if left by 'Anonymous' or 'Unknown', nor will comments containing ads or promotional links because SO'W is Not your freebie advertising space. No exceptions. jc

Dec 4, 2020

Either Radical Change Or Democracy Ends! (w/Richard Wolff); plus US Pluto

From December 3, 2020: Thom Hartmann interviews economics professor Dr. Richard Wolff:


Astrologically, two signifiers come quickly to mind: Pluto-Chiron, Plutocracy's plutocratic, exploitative combo representing Capitalism fanatics and predatory vulture capitalists, and Uranus-NN (North Node) denoting radical politics, or, as Reinhold Ebertin phrases it in his The Combination of Stellar Influences, "a political association advocating reforms." (#ad)

And of course wealthy, stealthy Pluto itself plays along as America's first-ever Pluto Return/s approach with its de-structuring effects already being experienced.

Please note that, as always, the views expressed within this content are not necessarily shared by yours truly although in this case, they mainly are. On SO'W, content is, and has always been, shared in a spirit of allowing you, dear reader, to consider and decide for yourself! Jude

For the curious, here's something I wrote in a 2011 post concerning America's 2022 Pluto Return/s, and includes the 2022 Solar Eclipses with themes (by Brady) that will run in the background of society; the following details on our Pluto Return/s to 27Cap33:57 are based on a 5:09 pm LMT 'Sibley' American Horoscope (a chart I'm not as enthused about these days thanks to the excellent work of astrologer Gary Lorentzen who champions America's Powell Chart):

"Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, business, and investment is taking its toll on us with restrictive, karmic Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn.

1. February 20, 2022: Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @20Cap (a critical degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/capitalism, etc, in early Pisces and 2 degrees from invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2022: Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces; Sun @20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars @5Taurus is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of 'relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others'; eclipse @10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022: Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation, for the first time since 2010; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being 'forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors'; eclipse @2Scor01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004 (same years as 6N).

(Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion, US bombs Tripoli, Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

For as 'they' like to say, history rhymes though it may not repeat."

And speaking of eclipses affecting America, Can a Past Eclipse Spotlight Current Conditions?.

Dec 1, 2020

December 14, 2020: a Solar Eclipse then a VOC Moon

Photograph of The White House: aka, The Prize Trump Can't Give Up!

As you know, on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will go void-of-course but even before that, we have another significant day with a VOC Moon: December 14, 2020, the day of a 4 South Solar Eclipse and, unless their schedule changes, the day the Electoral College members will cast their votes for president. Now admittedly, I'm one of the ones who suspect that Trump has a trick up his sleeve as a last-ditch effort to shift the November 2020 Election outcome to his favor. Because if he possibly can, he'll drag things out even longer than he already has - on into January 2021 like the craven, compromised saboteur he is, with no care for our nation and no concern for the American people.

And of course the possibility of yet another Trump Government Shut Down looms before us as well for funds to run the government will 'run out' on December 11th - with a Sun-Mars trine at 1:01 am, and a Moon-Uranus opposition at 8:43 am est.

Meanwhile, if you view the bi-wheel of horoscopes linked above, you'll see December 14's 4 South Eclipse @23Sag08 'eclipsing' Trump's Inauguration 2017's 8th house Saturn, planet of authority. A significant cosmic event? I truly hope so.

As for the December 14th VOC Moon (if needed, follow the first link above for a few notes concerning potentials of a VOC Moon), the moment the eclipse ends (11:17 am est), the Moon goes VOC until Luna enters Saturn-ruled Capricorn at 10:35 pm est. (This lunar condition could mean that no one can interfere with the electoral proceedings, much as Trump and his operatives want to - or that results could turn out in a way no one expects.)

So! Moon or no Moon, I intend to send out encouraging vibes to the electors to get their voting business over with before 11:17 am - and to not turn faithless on the American people who are clearly wa-a-a-y over con man Donald Trump: wastrel extraordinaire, serial bankrupt, fraudster with mob ties, and fulltime liar and cheat.

Nov 30, 2020

Inauguration Day 2021 and the Void-Of-Course Moon

Yes, it's true what you've heard or have noticed yourself: on Inauguration Day 2021 the Moon will be void-of-course from 3:29 am to 1:56 pm est when Luna will float into Taurus. As a representative of the public and the public mood on that day, the Moon leaves Mars-ruled Aries and enters the more stable, even placid, sign of Venus-ruled Taurus, about two hours after the swearing-in. Plus, for then-President Biden this day will contain a Moon or Lunar Return for him perfecting at 3:55:36 pm. Still, awaiting him are obstacles and delays aplenty for his Moon and for the American people - soon to be represented by Biden's Moon! - as the true extent of Trump's sabotage of US government systems (Saturn) and resources (Jupiter) are encountered by the Biden administration (Moon squares inaugural Saturn 3AQ57, then squares inaugural Jupiter 7AQ28).

So what can a void-of-course Moon portend on this asupicious Oath-taking day? Will the Presidential Oath need to be taken a second time? Will the testy Mars-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 (exact at 3:38 pm est) disrupt and hinder as Luna approaches? Does 'starting a new job' under a VOC Moon suggest failure or does it merely indicate the difficulties we already expect Mr. Biden to face?

My personal hope is that the VOC Moon's more positive potential for 'whatever is underway will proceed without anyone's being able to interfere' will rule the Oath-taking ceremony and the day itself. However, you may wish to check out Judith Ryan's website where you'll find a whole list of VOC Moon possibilities for your consideration, both pro and con.

And with sore loser Trump's tiresome legal battles which may still be brewing on January 20, 2021, perhaps the day's VOC Moon's caution to 'avoid starting court proceedings' may figure in prominently rather than its 'don't start a new job'!

Above image: 'Trail to the Moon', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Biden's Fractured Foot reflected by the Lunar Eclipse?

As you've heard, President-Elect Joe Biden fractured his foot on Saturday while playing with his dog Major and will likely need a "a walking boot for several weeks".

Astrologically, we may expect multiple cosmic influences to be in effect when an event manifests in the physical world but one factor that 'stands out' (sorry!) in this case is the nearness of his accident on November 28th to the November 30, 2020 Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards' and therefore can disrupt and/or reveal events early, late, or never. And if you're familiar with the natal chart of Joseph R. Biden then you know that this Gemini Lunar Eclipse 'eclipsed' his natal 7th house Saturn, ruler of bones, retrograde @9Gem57.

Of course, Saturn also rules such things as karma, stoppages, loss, the demands of responsibility, issues of accountability, authority, management, separation, and other realms but let's avoid considering that such accidents sometimes can be a plea for a break or an easing of Saturnian burdens! That's if the Biden campaign's explanation of 'slipping while walking his dog' holds up for the duration. And perhaps it's time for a bone density scan! Otherwise, it's too murky to imagine what sinister forces could be threatening from behind the scenes especially considering the mobster atmosphere now prevalent in the US. Yet if there are actors with sinister intent, I'd have to guess that the Fed, the National Treasury, currency valuation, and/or other financial matters could well be involved (because eclipse Sun 8Sag38 conjuncts The Fed's New Moon of 1910 during their secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia). But that's only a wild guess.

And since Pisces is the sign of the feet, it appears significant that transit Neptune conjunct Biden's natal IC (4th house cusp of the Domestic Scene - slipping = Neptune; at home: 4th house) has expressed in the physical world in a visible way. And yet the possibility of Neptune's tendency toward veils, illusion, and deception cannot be completely ruled out at this early date.

Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse Sun opposes Joe Biden's natal Saturn, not the easiest transit for a natal Saturn to manage for it suggests that the more responsibilities he takes on these days, the more there will be to take on. Plus, higher authorities could expect former VP Biden to execute plans that he isn't prepared for, or he may have balked at certain commands. (Please note that I type as one who no longer believes that the US presidency makes "the most powerful man in the world", if indeed it ever did; disagree as you wish!) This transit is not a period of time when the President-Elect can count on luck to see him through but its ill effects should hopefully be short-lived. Except for the visual reminder for the public of his walking cast - for several weeks (or months).

Any of this as it may or may not be, I wish President-Elect Biden a very speedy recovery!

Nov 29, 2020

November 28, 2020 Neptune Turns Direct @18Pis09:45

A Portrait of Planet Neptune; NASA; orbital period approximately 164 years

Yet Another Fuss about Neptune in Pisces

by Jude Cowell

Approximately one-hundred-fifty-nine days ago, transit Neptune in its own sign of Pisces, seemed to turn retrograde ('Rx') @20Pis57:36 from the vantage point of Earth. This titanic planetary shift occurred on June 23, 2020 at 12:31:41 am edt, while gaseous Neptune floated within the fog of a spreading viral pandemic now 'upgrading' itself to higher and higher numbers while mutating with sinister intent. As you know, both Neptune and Pisces relate to infections, contagions, and epidemics ('the urge to merge'), so there's little more to say about Neptune's influence these days unless one wants to ponder the massive amounts of fraud and corruption now infecting and undermining our nation - plus, damaging the rest of the world besides. Of course, astrological Neptune also represents such things as disappointment, disillusion, and loss and you may agree that there's been no shortage of these during Neptune's seemingly interminable stay in shady Pisces. Let's have a word about that.

Now as you'll remember, transit Neptune first dipped a toe into oceanic Pisces in early April 2011 but seem to shyly back again into late Aquarius in early August 2011, then turned Direct @28AQ08 around November 9, 2011. For me, the word lumbering comes to mind!

And so last evening (11/28/20), transit Neptune turned Direct @18Pis09:45 at 7:36:29 pm est, a couple of degrees short of its 'shadow degree' where it last turned Rx @20Pis57:36. A slow mover, yes, so when may we expect shadowy Neptune to reach and move just beyond 'her' own shadow this go-round in 2020 or perhaps in 2021? Will pandemic conditions lighten once Neptune's long shadow wisps away? And can some measure of improvement be expected in our fraudster/mobster conditions and their resulting theft and embezzlement activities as realistic Saturn's demands for honesty and integrity are more directly met?

Actually, Neptune will finally reach shadow degree on March 19/20, 2021, a day or so prior to Spring Equinox 2021, then slowly start lumbering forward. For me this inspires a hope (another Neptunian word) that beneficial solutions will be found and various fogs and confusions of one sort or another will soon begin to dissipate under the warm Aries sunshine of Spring.

Sound good?

A previous yet oh-so-related post: The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces.

Nov 27, 2020

DC Horoscope: New Moon Prior to Election 2024

November 27, 2020: Although it's too soon to write a bunch about the following New Moon Prior Horoscope, predictive of Election 2024, I'm posting the chart here for your consideration if or when you can get around to it. Chart-ruler and co-ruler with Scorpio rising? Beware the Mars-Pluto opposition at critical 29th degrees! Conflict ahead:

Image: November 1, 2024 8:46:54 am edt Washington DC; ASC 22Sco45; MC 4Vir06; New Moon @9Sco35 in 12th house of Large Institutions (ex: US Congress); PE (Prenatal Eclipse) @10Lib03, 11th house, in the 8 South Saros Series (loss; a sad completion; overstrain; possible injury - B. Brady); last 8S: September 2006 @29Virgo. Only applying aspect of chart-ruler Mars is an opposition to Scorpio's co-ruler Pluto - their Sabian Symbols: "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (Mars) vs "Directors of a Large Firm Meet in Secret Conference." (Pluto). It's 'win at any cost' with a New Moon that could very well influence events much as a disruptive, 'wild card' Solar Eclipse can do.

Note: Election Day 2024 is scheduled for November 5th.

UPDATE March 22, 2022:

'New Moon Prior to Elections' most often reveal information about the popular vote and, as we see here, when the Ascendant sign's ruler is higher in the chart, it more often occurs that the challenger is the victor. So if we take Mars as ruler of Scorpio, Mars is higher. Meanwhile, malevolent Mars is also opposed by Scorpio's co-ruler, Pluto at IC. Their opposition reveals the violence which may attend activities before, during, and after Election Day 2024 - and, now in 2022, is already being used by armed Tr*mpers menacing voters in certain states previous to Midterms 2022. Strong-armed Nazi-style tactics, or fascist-style, if you prefer a Mussolini tinge.

Then there's radical Uranus conjunct enraged star Algol (at Herr Tr*mp's natal Midheaven) at Descendant with its 'piled up corpses' caution and this to me seems more in favor of an authoritarian, reactionary GOP candidate though you may disagree. If you can find positive factors for democracy in this New Moon chart, please leave an on-topic name-tagged comment with this post! jc

Nov 26, 2020

Trump Nodal Return 2020 IDs secret meeting with Special Forces

No Alarm, Merely a Forewarning that's Hopefully Unnecessary

by Jude Cowell

Most everyone is anxious about Inauguration Day 2021. Well, as it turns out, on the very day of his Nodal Return, October 29, 2020, Trump met behind the scenes with US Special Forces at Fort Bragg, NC, the men who killed Islamic leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi a year or so ago. During their meeting that was conducted "outside the view of the press corp traveling with him," Trump presented the troops with a Presidential Unit Citation, an honor formerly known as a Distinguished Unit Citation. For conspiracy theorists the fancy word play (as if to put Trump's personal stamp on the award and "claim" the troops as his own whether all of them like it or not), plus, Trump's (North Node conjunct North Node in duplicitous Gemini) secret meeting with Special Forces, seems to be part of a potential Inauguration Day 2021 Mars-Uranus Conjunction plan for anarchy since we know that Trump will do anything to hold onto to power and thus avoid (or postpone!) his fate.

Yes, it goes against the grain yet I'm reluctantly suggesting here the possibility of a Trump scheme to use military intervention by what some might call 'rogue' units to be put in service to a cult leader instead of honoring their oaths to the US Constitution. Trump's ongoing legal challenges to his election loss could be serving as a distraction campaign for such military muscling up behind the scenes. For when a politician says, 'look here', we must be sure to look elsewhere.

Astrologically, such interventionist energies peak on January 20, 2021 (noon chart shown) when the Mar-Uranus Conjunction @6Tau44 perfects at 3:38 pm est - quite near Joe Biden's natal Moon (@00Tau59, in n 5th house). And as you know, earlier at noon that day, the combustible, activist pair rises over Capitol Hill in 12th house: behind the scenes; Politics; US Congress. Yet hopefully, all these considerations are too fantastical for practical implementation and too non-traditional to be feasible. After all, President-Elect Biden has the option to use US military troops for various purposes, too.

Meanwhile, here's something I wrote on Trump's above linked Nodal Return Horoscope of October 29th which apparently relates to this difficult topic. It involves the fact that transiting Neptune (fraudster, speculator, grand schemer, liar, erosion, the media) in secretive, shady Pisces, has been squaring Trump's Nodal Axis which creates potentials for: subversives who undermine traditional religious and social standards and principles (ex: the peaceful transition of power that We The People must rely on); sabotage of social institutions, and/or terrorists with villainous purposes (Munkasey).

So in closing, here again is a view of the Inauguration 2021 Horoscope with the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope added:

A Closely Related Post:Trump regime identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017.