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Oct 1, 2021

Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope: Jupiter "at the bends"

October 1, 2021: As you can see in the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope, below, Pisces rises and Jupiter in Aquarius rises and rules the chart and the winter season. However, Jupiter @28AQ36 makes no applying aspects to other planets but is square the Nodal Axis and thus is at the bends - with South Node, a sacrifice or an offering is implied. Plus, Jupiter square the Nodal Axis suggests people whose social, religious, and ethical attitudes and aims are out of harmony with the society in which they live. Of course, expansive Jupiter contains multitudes so malcontents and zealots are not the only folk this Jupiter may represent. So if I were you, I'd include corporatists in one bunch or another along with military types, religious leaders, broadcasters, politicians, and, in Aquarius, humanitarians and philanthropists. Hopefully, a Jupiterian word, some form of protection will be afforded with Jupiter rising.

Winter Solstice December 21, 2021 10:59:08 am EST Washington, DC

With the Solstice Sun @00Cap00:00 falling within the 10th house of Career and Public Status, America's national reputation is on full display - and subject to scandal. Contained in the 9th house of Higher Education, Philosophy, and Foreign Lands, is activist Mars @5Sag47 conjunct the separative South Node of the Moon, an indicator of loners who tend to act independently (and possibly violently) but may also represent those who question the military values of our country (9th house = abroad) and, as has been the case for decades, of overblown defense spending (at the expense of the public's needs). So it looks as if the GOP won't be giving up their political advantage over the Biden administration through their criticism of the Afghanistan withdrawal or of other military and security policies into 2022. Sore losers can be that way.

Now as you see rising in 1st house are oceanic Neptune @20Pis31 suggesting large or mass events, probably involving water and/or storms or other weather-related events. That wounded healer Chiron rises as well is not lost on me yet I've no idea what this may entail unless healing is part of the compassionate Neptunian picture. Hopefully, any goodwill expressed will be genuine rather than superficial.

A 5th House Moon in Cancer

Highlighted on the chart is a YOD pattern with apex Moon @27Can01 (opposing US natal Pluto) in the 5th house of Risk-Taking, Creativity, and Children. This pattern sometimes indicates crisis conditions (which we know we have) and can also be a health indicator. Naturally our thoughts go to Covid infections and to innoculations which are said to be coming for younger children possibly by the end of the year. Either way, children, women, and families are spotlighted by the 5th house Moon in her own sign of Cancer. That the Moon opposes US natal Pluto (or is opposed by it) hints at extreme feelings, possible domestic difficulties, and the pairing makes objectivity and taking a positive attitude crucial for best results. Also we must guard against giving in to faulty assimilation of impressions that lead to self-defeat! (B. Tierney).

Meanwhile, YODs may also denote turning points, special tasks (with correct timing a key issue - the Moon is an excellent timer), and/or karmic opportunities for progress. Whatever is suggested here, the Moon at apex of a YOD pattern puts Lunar folk in the spotlight for taking positive, well-timed actions despite any emotional traumas of the past which cloud their perception of current reality.

Cosmic Blinks of Disruption: Solar and Lunar Eclipses

Ruling 2nd hou$e via Aries and 9th house via Scorpio, this 9th house Mars activates the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021 @5Sag and the conditions and circumstances of that time period. Perhaps you remember that the May 26th Lunar Eclipse gave clues as to society's emotional reactions to the difficult 4 South Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020, the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote. Well, you know very well what issues are involved from the 2020 Election, no need to type them here.

But time moves on and Winter Solstice 2021 falls within the 5 New South Eclipse Series which manifests on December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with benefits promised. (The 12Sag Eclipse is in 9th house of this chart conjunct Midheaven although it isn't penned upon the chart - and the Midheaven is unaspected by any planet so the beneficial themes of the eclipse may be the objectives of the winter season!) Heads up to those who use a US Horoscope with Sagittarius rising around 11/12Sag because this personalizes the December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse to the US and implicates Jupiter as even more significant in this Solstice 2021 chart since the Great Benefic rises - and rises at 28AQ36 conjunct the people's Moon in the 'Sag rising' horoscope of 1776. This transit is meant to be a happy time of life unless other planetary factors interfere with or mitigate the positivity of a Jupiter-to-Moon transit. Considering the Winter Solstice 2021 Horoscope I'd say that our prognosis is mixed which means that political, financial, and other social tussles and negotiations continue through the winter season but with some benefits attached as Year 2021 ends and 2022 begins.

However, you may be pleased to note that only one mention of Tr*mp is marked on the chart - his natal Jupiter (@18Lib27 in his natal 2nd hou$e and Stationary) conjunct the Winter Solstice 2021 8th cu$p. And of course you know the Sabian Symbol for "19 Libra" = "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding." Very appropriate for the career grifter.

Now admittedly, there are many more chart factors of note (Mercury in Capricorn, the common-sensical yet possibly fraudulent "Mercury-Jupiter" on the Angles, the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square of old order vs new order, Saturn working in isolation, testy Mars leading a steamy Locomotive revealing him to be a ruthless, high-powered executive driven toward success, etc) but, mea culpa, I cannot possibly mention them all in this text. Therefore, penned on the chart for those who wish to read them are my study notes.

Yet before this post ends, mention must be made of the intense 11th house Venus-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn, sign of government, law, business, and investment. Here is a paraphrasing of the Hegelian Thesis-Antithesis model from Michael Munkasey's book, Midpoint: Unleasing the Power of the Planets (#ad) by which we may find that the Venus-Pluto duo pretty much sums up the majority of what I've typed, above. And of course you know I must mention that "Thesis" = conditions set up on purpose so that solutions("Antithesis") 'must' be implemented just as ivory tower social tinkerers intended to do in the first place - with the aid of certain politicians, media figures, and other compromised actors who have been bought off and don't mind betraying America on behalf of a vicious global authoritarian movement, as we now see:

Thesis: Extremes of wealth hidden in secret places; model or beautiful waste processing or disposal systems; genetic alterations; transforming the natural beauty of a country.

Antithesis: Attracting elements of organized crime; breakdown within the social fabric of society; volcanic activity which destroys financial or agricultural centers.

As always, feel free to leave a name-tagged, on-topic comment if you wish and you know that your Shares are always much appreciated. Because if the readership of SO'W fails to grow, then what am I doing this for? jc

Sep 30, 2021

On the Trail of powerful Pluto creeping into Aquarius

Primal Pluto at the Base of It All

by Jude Cowell

NASA image: Distant planet Pluto (soon to enter Tropical Aquarius)

Thursday September 30, 2021: As transit Pluto continues its stealthy slog through the last degrees of Capricorn reaching America's 1776 Pluto position (27Cap33) in 2022 - for the first time ever - few folk will lament the planet of power-grasping subversion bidding farewell to the governmental sign ruled by austere Saturn with the 'dictator' vibes (according to Reinhold Ebertin) of Pluto in Capricorn.

Meanwhile, in December 2020 here on Stars Over Washington, we considered what will be a momentous occasion when Pluto Enters Aquarius, the midpoint pictures that form, and powerful Pluto's affects on the December 2020 Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, the planetary pair which ushered society into Year 2021 and which landed upon US Inaugural Sun.

Now as you know, the pair of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) relates in government to such matters as:

Checks and balances; changes in governmental religious, or social orders; repression based on morality instituted by law or religion; the serious side of law and justice; too many restrictions on the operation of justice; a judicial system at its breaking point; leniency and harshness vie for balance within the overall social and economic systems; and/or pessimism about the ability of the police to control lawbreakers' (Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey #ad).

Now no one needs venerable Astrology to inform them of these multiple issues society now deals with - to the extent that they're being dealt with at all as the politicians of Washington DC squabble amongst themselves and perform for the cameras in lieu of actually serving the public by solving the problems our country faces. For most of us would agree that there's not one single item on the above list that is not being expressed in America (and elsewhere) these days and it's only the last quarter of 2021!

Once in Aquarius, we may expect Pluto to activate in society 'a strong communal sense; the urge to reform' (positively we hope!), but with the possibility that plans will be iffy due to 'overexaggeration' (R. Ebertin). Add to this the potential that astrological Pluto may on certain levels express positively through its regenerative and transformative functions - in Aquarius, the sign of humanitarianism. The world could use some of that!

So my thought with this post is that perhaps reading the midpoint pictures in the post linked, above, might aid our preparation as the 2022 Midterms and Election 2024 draw near - just to see and consider a few of the potentials we face as a people. Maybe, I don't know. But I do know that it's always better to be forewarned about a coming period of difficulty especially since we have eclipses waiting in the wings from those two simply hideous Solar Eclipse families and coming soon (in 2022 and 2023) for they were active in the 1930s when Herr Adolf grasped power and commandeered Germany into a nightmare of epic proportions. As they say, history rhymes and eclipse cycles track quite closely with historical cycles and events and often disrupt earthly affairs in a similar manner of electrical Uranus, planet of shocks and sudden events.

So I'm guessing that if you're reading SO'W you are already aware of the spirit of destruction moving across the globe and intending to take over the governments of the world. It's a global authoritarian movement, yes, but Americans fought and won against naz*s in the 1940s and as unpopular as the idea may be in 2021 and beyond, the time has come to fight them again in every way possible for the sake of Democracy and for future generations.

So let's close this fussy post with a question that political pundits and others are now so fond of asking, Are you in?


On a lighter note, my personal hope is that the 5 New South Solar Eclipse perfecting in December 2021 will bring welcome benefits on into 2022!

Sep 29, 2021

Overthrowing US more successful for Rutherford Hayes

by Jude Cowell

September 29, 2021: Below is Thom Hartmann in a segment from his broadcast posted to YouTube yesterday (9.28.21) in which he discusses the Federalist Society's John Eastman memo (link to text, below) which laid out the Federalist-backed plan for crazed Tru*mp to seize the presidency and remain in power ad nauseum come January 20, 2021.

Thom notes similarities between the 2020 Election and the controversial election of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes who was aided in seizing the power of the presidency by 'win at any cost' enablers. If curious, you'll find a link below to a previous posting of the Hayes Inauguration Horoscope in which a cosmic time link turns up between then and now!

Because as you'll see, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Hayes Inauguration fell into the 4 South Saros Series and a 4 South eclipse repeated on December 14, 2020 - the very day of the Electoral College Vote Count which, as it turned out on January 6 (7), 2021, was won by Joe Biden, a life-threatening outcome of disaster for you-know-who.

See Total 4 South Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020.

And that particular 2020 Electoral College Vote Count, as you know, led to the very vote counting and certification event in Congress that Tr*mp's 1/6 mob attack ("Stop the Steal") was intended to delay for a few hours so that, as Kraken Powell asserts, Justice Samuel Alito could allegedly intervene and, in time, insert his anti-American judgment to make Tr*mp president for life with the help of VP Pence, of course. But Mike Pence balked, as you know, when advised that his ceremonial VP-ship didn't possess the power for such power-grabbing tomfoolery.

And, similar to 1877, we should mention that the December 14, 2020 4 South Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 and would have been its PE, no matter who was inaugurated. The 4 South eclipse themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' with 'a desire to suddenly end relationships' (B. Brady) would have influenced events in one way or another. For example, it was Tr*mp's relationship with the White House that ended - and ours with him. But he's rather like the rubbish boyfriend who just keeps calling, isn't he? No, the mobster hasn't give up and his neo-n*zi comrades, foreign enablers, and the anti-American corporatists who fund the global authoritarian movement are regrouping their forces for their next planned onslaught against America. For as you know, the years 2022, 2023, and 2024 are naturally the key time frames for their next power-seizing attempts prior to Inauguration 2025 (horoscope shown - assuming there is an inauguration).

So while we have time, let's check out Memo Proves Trump Planned (to) Overthrow America in which Thom asks, Why doesn't everyone know about the Eastman memo?

Well, thanks to CNN we can read the memo here.

Plus, if you wish, view my hand-drawn horoscope of the Hayes Inauguration of 1877. And as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. For I grow weary publishing monologues, y'know! jc

Sep 28, 2021

In 2022: A Frothy New Cycle of Goals Explained Away

Of Midterms, Gaslighting, and Glittering Fairy Dust

by Jude Cowell

Above: a NASA image of the lovely, dreamy Neptune now in Pisces

Tuesday September 28, 2021: As you know, on April 12, 2022 the frothy Jupiter-Neptune cycle of speculation, bubbles, waste, and/or idealism and inspiration begins over again @23Pis59 as it does about every 13 years. If you wish you can view the conjunction's DC Horoscope here or here.

You'll remember that their last Great Conjunction was a three-fer in Air all through 2009 under the presidency of Barack Obama with their energies landing upon US natal Moon (for those who use a July 4, 1776 US Horoscope with Moon in Aquarius). As usual for the last few decades - and perhaps this very week in Congress we see again how Republicans spend like wastrels, gift the wealthy class with tax breaks, and leave Democrats to clean up the financial mess. Then in 2009, the GOP proceeded to criticize the limited methods available to President Obama (and VP Biden!) for repairing the hollowed out US economy as best they could. And then with the US economy patched up, the orange grifter took over the White House and you know how costly his four years have turned out to be as he increased fraud, corruption, and theft on every level.

So looking back, this inflationary planetary pair of gas and promises represented the year 2009 in America quite well with potentials for: "little sense of reality; desire to dream (some voters considered Mr. Obama dreamy!); becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness' (R. Ebertin) - and that, coming soon after the Bush-Cheney Financial and Housing Crash of 2007/2008 which occurred under the previous Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of 1997 @27Cap09 - conjunct US natal Pluto Rx! (Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto: 'unreasonable plans; far-reaching speculation; a great loss' (RE). From Noel Tyl add: 'major adjustment of life circumstances (ex: eviction); self-projection out of hand' (ex: the expansive neocon PNAC war profiteers - or, just 'good old' American imperialism and the Pentagon's Global Cop-ism) (Solar Arcs, Tyl; #ad). Neptunian graft, bribes, payoffs, blackmail, corruption, fraud, and theft.

So Will the 2022 Campaign Turn Up the Gaslighting? And Who'll Pay the Bills?

Disturbingly, 'a belief that goals and obligations can be explained away once you tire of them' can also be part of a Jupiter-Neptune scenario (M. Munkasey) along with 'frequent misjudgments about the reality of surrounding circumstances' leading to 'tremendous disillusionment' (A. Oken). Yes, misinformation, a polite word for propaganda (including the Big Lie) can do that to a population. One favored GOP tactic: wedge issues - and note that unfortunately the American public may be facing such disillusion again in 2022, especially - in my opinion - if chaos-creating Republicans have anything to do with it. Besides damaging personal finances and the National Treasury, it's the GOP's spiteful "own the libs," you know. Never mind what their malicious scheme does to the rest of us, to our country, the economy, and to the social fabric of society. Politics used to grasp wealth and power are the things.

Meanwhile, as noted today in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group (join us!), the 'First Session' SCOTUS Horoscope shows a 24 Pisces Ascendant so the frothily gaseous duo's tendencies toward 'sharing great hopes' and 'speculation' will on some level affect the US Supreme Court and/or its Justices with inflated, bloated, or scandalous vibes - or, on the positive side a grand spirit will express. Of course, political conflicts also attach to the Jupiter-Neptune pairing and suggests the many complications expected during our vulnerable 2022 Midterms which will (apparently) be held on the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse at the "Swords vs Torches" degree. So besides 2022 being a 'Jupiter-Neptune' year (this conjunction operative until March 24, 2035 @21Ari21), the 'Midterms Moon Eclipse' certainly casts a 'wild card' cosmic spotlight, perhaps a disruptive one, upon the 2022 Elections, election results, and on the US Congress, yes? Because As Above, So Below!

Jupiter Happily Expands Shadowy Neptune's Magical Wand of Fairy Dust

Meanwhile, mention ought to be made of the cosmic fact that the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in mystical Pisces is part of the tiresomely ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo @22Vir25 with its racial persecution vibes and pathological tendencies across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so let's throw caution to the wind and consider potentials for 'Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune':

'Seeing events with a religious or holiness perspective; promoting strange or unclear theories; efforts to show others there's a spiritual side to life, and a life beyond physical or earthly reality' (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad.)

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but to me this hints at an even greater increase of religious involvement in Politics as 2022 approaches, something overly bizarre that we've seen more and more in the last few years with odd notions that neglect or supercede for some the Founders' grand ideal of the separation of church and state. Therefore, with political planet Jupiter playing a codified-religion role and spiritual Neptune inflating, undermining, veiling, or infecting whatever it touches with its sparkly wand (often wielded by a complicit mass media and right-wing pundits and blowhards), my fret is that this increase will continue to be a signpost along the diverted path of theocracy America now treads with such influences partially and purposefully hidden as they currently may or may not be for much longer.

So when you cast your votes in November 2022, please be extra careful who you vote for - unless an unrecognizable America forcing authoritarian religion down your throat is your misbegotten goal.


Speaking of Neptunian fairy dust, here's my pencil portrait of 'Flower Fairy in Rain':

And here's one of my botanical pencil portraits of a tropical fish ensnared within the little fellow's dreamiest surroundings - he's a 'Victorian scalyfin'!

You're welcomed to view more botanical fish portraits in my online gallery Dreamyfish Art.

Sep 26, 2021

12 North Eclipse, US South Node, Pluto, and Demeter

From the ancient and well-known traits of goddess Demeter, an abundance of interesting associations can be gleaned, and since the annular 12 North Solar Eclipse of January 26, 2028 will be attended in transit by asteroid/archetype Demeter (plus, asteroid Hera, the 'legal wife' keeping accounts), Demeter's role as "the legislator" is important among them. Other associations include sacred law, the harvest, agriculture, and fertility so naturally food supplies such as grains are suggested along with potential shortages.

Plus, the 12 North Eclipse of early 2028 is also significant because it manifests upon US natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation (and neurosis) We The People have inherited from way back in July 1776. To me this implies past reliance upon an ancient cult, a reliance that America's Founders may have used especially since motifs of Demeter (aka, Ceres) are sprinkled across the city of Washington DC, wheat sheafs and all, and of course, all goddess figures (even the Virgin Mary) are really Mesopotamian goddess Inanna in disguise, aren't they?

Inanna's associations include sex, war, justice, and political power. A personal fret of mine is that one of Demeter's symbols is the torch which has come to symbolize white power neo-nazis in our day, and before that, 'the torch' implicates Illuminati subversions and sabotage (ex: eternal flames over certain victims' gravesites). In addition, there's the Uranus-Neptune duo that influenced the 1700s and inspired the establishment of America - our Founding Fathers at work again using Enlightenment principles. In the eclipse chart you see, below, Uranus-Neptune = Aries Point, the primary Cardinal Point of World Events. Now the Aries Point (00Ari00:00) is not marked on the chart but it rises just before Neptune (4Ari21 conjunct Minerva) in 12th house. You'll find various midpoints and asteroids penned here and there.

12 North Solar Eclipse Jan 26, 2028 10:12:11 am EST Washington DC:

Please enlarge the image to read my notes if you wish - you'll find more info I'm sure!

Meanwhile, mention should be made of the three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune all through 1993 at or around "18 Capricorn" (POLITICAL POWER: "A British Warship," etc) which was activated by transiting Pluto off and on in 2017, you-know-who's first year mucking up and diverting the US government onto a darker path. Again I'll type the word picture out for you - 1993 Uranus-Neptune = tr Pluto: 'The big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl). Sounds like one of those sinister offers that can't be refused, like a mobster would make - to threaten politicians and others in order to force them to do his bidding and support his anti-American agenda or he'll sick his thugs on them or on their family members. Well, it would explain a lot of what goes on these days, imho. So in that vein, see Jupiter, below.

What is penned on the chart are the Themes of 12 North Solar Eclipses (near the top, center) including the last manifestation of a 12 North Eclipse which occurred on January 15, 2010 @25Capricorn conjunct President Obama's natal Saturn Rx.

Now in closing, let's look at the planetary star of the show, or at least the supporting actor alongside Pluto conjunct the Eclipse: Jupiter Rx @27Vir11 in the 6th house of Military and Civil Services, plus, Health, Employment, and our Daily Rounds. When we round up the degree we have "28Virgo" = A Bald-Headed Man Who Has Seized Power." And since Jupiter acts as the Handle of a Sling pattern, what can be expected? Well, a Sling pattern behaves much like a Bundle (the pattern of dictator Mussolini) with the Handle planet (or planets) outside the Bundle's 120-degree range and indicating a Jupiterian figure (or figures) obsessed with a "mission" that must be fulfilled (like an offer that can't be refused - maybe a previous one that reared its destructive head in 2017?)

Additionally, we know that Jupiter in Mercury-ruled Virgo (the goddess: Demeter again; also the analyst and critic) suggests an organizer filled with excessive ambition but one who is perhaps rather thoughtless with details and known for his (or her!) superficial criticism. Positively, A Virgoan Jupiter denotes teaching ability and folks with moral and ethical values so let's hope for the positive as 2028 approaches and that America's dependence upon our national South Node from 1776 and the Enlightenment principles our country was founded upon will be honored despite the subversive saboteurs who bedevil and undermine such principles.

After all, this horoscope also shows that the 12 North Eclipse in 2028 manifests at the time of a Nodal Half-Return for the US, a period when weaker relationships and alliances tend to break off and only our stronger more supportive unions survive and hopefully become more dependable. Add to this the indications that a solar eclipse in Aquarius suggests karmic opportunities can be realized by viewing the past (SN), not as a burden we must bear, but as a guide to future development! Humanitarian groups with ethical standards will play their parts for we have a chance to change the course America is on if we so desire by finding innovative solutions and by using a careful and measured approach.

Sep 24, 2021

June and September 2021 Mercury Direct and Rx in Air

September 24, 2021: With Mercury having turned Direct on June 22, 2021 @16Gem07:37 (5:59:52 pm edt), then stationing to turn Rx (retrograde) on September 27, 2021 @25Lib28:25 (1:10 am edt), we have the planet of communications, thinking, planning, discussions, messages and memes, teaching and studying, trade and commerce, magic, changing conditions, and all other Mercurial things performing tricks in the mental Air signs of Mercury-ruled Gemini and Venus-ruled Libra. Why, it's even possible that mind-changing may occur and lies may be told!

Additionally significant is the fact that Monday September 27th is the day that the US House of Representatives re-turns from summer vacation with many issues, plans, negotiations, and proposals to re-consider and, if any legislation should occur while Mercury is Rx, to re-read the fine print very closely paying rapt attention to all details. Looking ahead, we should note that Mercury turns Direct again on October 10, 2021 @10Libr08 and must (seemingly from Earth's vantage point) re-trace its previous territory until reaching and surpassing its shadow degree (25Lib28:25) in early November after which Mercurial matters can better progress and proceed.

So! Perhaps the Sabian Symbol of Mercury's stationing degree of "26Libra" (25+ rounded up) will add details to the 'House Returns' picture, and we'll also check out the opposite degree and symbol (26Aries) for it's the Illumination Point that provides additional unconscious or shadow-side information, for the curious. Naturally, 'the eagle' is a favored symbol for America (and for ancient Rome, and for other entities mentions of which are beyond the scope of this post.) Plus, a dove traditionally represents the District of Columbia and, of course, peace.

"26Libra": "An Eagle and a Large White Dove Turning One Into the Other" - "Keyword: ADEPTNESS; positive expression: unusually effective self-discipline; negative expression: unhappy vacillation between ultimate ideals and momentary desires."

Illumination Point "26Aries": "A Man Possessed of More Gifts Than He Can Hold" - "Keyword: EQUIPMENT; positive expression: an uncompromising independence and an inexhaustible drive toward self-discovery; negative expression: an obsession by ideas of no importance." (My italics.)

So that's symbolic info from Marc Edmund Jones in his The Sabian Symbols in Astrology. Now let's also consult Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala (#ad) for his Keynote analyses:

"26Libra": "The interaction of the spiritual Will and of the Love principle when critical needs arise"; which potency, Rudhyar explains, "finds it difficult at first to adjust to its new world of perception and possibilities of action." And --

"26Aries": "Obsession by potentiality" which, "represents a new, higher approach to the use of polarized forces," and, he adds, "there are many levels of adept-ship" which to me, adds more than a hint of occultism to the Masonic Temple we call the US Capitol Building and its worker bees - whether all of them realize it or not.

And so, for those of us who wish to retain America as a democratic Republic, a "new higher approach" to our nation's current problems caused by the subversive infiltration by bad faith actors would be most welcomed by We The People while skipping over the "ideas of no importance."

Say, remember this from early 2008: Planet Mercury the Messenger gets a fly-by from Mercury?

Related: Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope.

Above image: the US Capitol Building {official portrait; public domain}; photo taken pre-January 6th attack by manic Trump zealots.

Sep 22, 2021

2021--2022 Biden Agenda Blocked by Saturnian forces

Saturn in Aquarius: Austerity, Ambitious Plans, and Selfish Politicians

by Jude Cowell

September 22, 2021

On April 12, 2021 we discussed how Karmic Planets Block President Biden's Plans into 2022 and perhaps most readers recognize how this turns out to be the case now that Biden's first term is well underway and non-governing Republicans are doing their 'thing' including threatening a government shutdown (again) over the debt ceiling (and because the GOP can cause a global financial meltdown if they're a-wantin' to). Follow the link for a list of primary planetary culprits now affecting Joe Biden's natal planets. Naturally, positive transits are also in effect for the president but the negative ones seem to be holding sway at the moment.

Yet it isn't only Mitch McConnell and his Republican comrades blocking the Biden agenda (financial and otherwise), it's certain members of President Biden's own Democratic Party via what some pundits call a "party split".

Note: there's another previous SO'W post from December 2020 that relates to this topic: Horoscopes: Power Couple Biden and McConnell showing the natal charts of both men although McConnell's chart has no accurate birth hour so noon is used. Even so, you'll see Mitch's Mercury-Venus conjunction (11AQ48--5AQ39) both Rx, opposing his Pluto-Chiron conjunction - both Rx and Pluto conjunct melancholy Orpheus of this self-styled "grim reaper". Plus, as you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo is a favorite of plutocrats the world over and both men are children of their pairing of exploitation, racism, various other isms, and primal violence. A major difference is that President Biden uses these powerful energies more positively for society while others born under Pluto-Chiron influences (of approximately 80 years ago in proud, vain Leo) prefer using its darker side to satisfy their selfish interests and to gain dominance over others (exs: "owning the libs" and the 'success at any cost' attitude.) McConnell's Mercury-Venus = transit Saturn: 'thouroughness; a serious attitude' (R. Ebertin); Mercury-Venus in Politics: 'a business sector at odds with society; speeches emphasizing economic facts; debates on added costs; news about the status of wealth' (M. Munkasey).

(Plus, we might note that another Pluto-Chiron Conjunction @11Sag+ occurred around the time of the much-touted 'New Millennium' and the plutocratic pair has an opportunity to receive benefits from the 5 South Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22.)

Why So Bossy and Austere?

So! The reason I'm fussing about all this tonight is that tiresomely, transit Saturn Rx in early Aquarius has been stomping on Inauguration 2021's Jupiter (@7AQ22, 10th house) so that conditions of economic restriction, limitation, and blockage clearly are part of the ongoing bedevilment against the Biden White House and agenda as prosperity is slowed (and will be the world over if the GOP don't raise the debt ceiling so that Ameria can pay bills already incurred - including those racked up by Republicans).

Now as you know, transit Saturn turned retrograde on May 23, 2021 @13AQ31:01 and has been opposing the natal Plutos in Leo of many of us - or soon will (for myself in February 2022). This transit has already occurred for McConnell but is in progress now for Joe Biden. Transit Saturn conjunct Inauguration 2021 Jupiter only adds to Mr. Biden's and our limitations and the serious baggage such karma brings.

Saturn to Inauguration 2021 Jupiter exact 3 times in 2021: February 18, September 16 (just passed!), and finally: November 4, 2021. (Using Inauguration 2021 Biden Oath Taken at 11:47 am est.)

However, karmic Saturn turns Direct on October 10, 2021 @6AQ52:43 (conjunct US natal South Node, a Saturnian point - just to make things more karmic and separative in America! Then perhaps on one level, Saturn-SN symbolizes the GOP and the authority-craving party's separative sentiments against the federal government, its mockery of US laws (and subpoenas), and its general lack of cooperation with traditional values and ethics. Of course, South Node suggests past behavior no longer useful, and regressive Republican ideas issue from the 1850s and 1950s which is part of why they act neurotically and expect to shove America backward to settle for social and political conditions of the past.)

And looking ahead at devilish Saturn's path, the old man won't reach and surpass his Shadow Degree (13AQ31) until mid-January 2022 so limitations and some forms of restriction should lighten up by then if they haven't previously.

On the other side of the political equation, this release from his Shadow phase could inspire some Saturnian folk to add even harher austerity measures to their dystopian authoritarian agenda intended for the rest of us. Not for them, of course, but for the masses of people they choose to prey upon and exploit.

Now here's a republish of the December 2021 Solar Eclipse (inner) surrounded by the natal horoscope of President Joseph R. Biden (outer):

And here's President Biden's Mars Return 2021 Horoscope of November 17th.

Can Dems Get a Handle on Crime? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a segment from Thom Hartmann posted September 21, 2021. Thom says that Republicans are already "licking their chops" over crime rates going way up this year after rates were down last year when everyone was safely snugged inside. And with the all-important Midterms 2022 on the calendar, Republicans won't be letting higher crime rates go (with many states having Democratic governors) considering the spiteful vow of the GOP to 'make President Biden fail':


Fretsomely for the future of our country, our Midterm Elections are scheduled for November 8, 2022, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus when inconvenient secrets may be revealed, disruption could be on the menu of bad faith actors, and results could turn out unpredictably and/or inconclusively.

So did you say, all bets are off?

Sep 21, 2021

Lunar Eclipse: Modern Humanity's Reaction to its Total Solar Eclipse in Taurus

by Jude Cowell

September 21, 2021:

Below is a view of the DC Horoscope showing the Lunar Eclipse of May 11, 1892 @21Sco39 which provides us with clues concerning Modern Humanity's instinctive reactions to the karmic conditions associated with our Total Prenatal Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 (7Tau05) which manifested four days prior to the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto (7Gem41). Their conjunction times the Horoscope for Modern Humanity and suggests potentials for criminal networks (organized crime), fraud, mysticism, occultism, the supernatural, illusions, manias, obsessions, drug use, presentiments, spiritual confusion, and/or loss:

Finding clues to our emotional reactions to the solar eclipse may be accomplished bwo of multiple methods such as: an eclipse's sign/s (Taurus-Scorpio here), Sabian and other Symbols, fixed stars and the planetary and angular links to them if any, sensitive degrees, midpoint pictures, the Sun-Moon blend of energies, and asteroids along with the usual chart and planetary factors of your choice.

To get you started sleuthing, there are some basic factors:

1. Themes of the April 26, 1892 Total Solar Eclipse which fell in the 2 Old North Saros Series - and is also the Prenatal Eclipse series ('PE') of Donald Trump (note that a 2 Old North last repeated on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer, then came 'The Tower' Eclipse on August 11th @19Leo - now we're attempting to "Build Back Better" - delayed by tiresome Republican obstructionism).

2. the sign of the eclipsed Moon: Scorpio and the Taurus Sun, a 2nd/8th house polarity containing Venus-Mars-Pluto influences with firm connections to finances, corporatism, values, occult practices, and death. And as usual, all eclipses are Uranian in nature and tend to uncover hidden things and change the course of earthly affairs bwo of disruption and sudden events with Total eclipses having the strongest influence. They function as 'cosmic blinks' from above, often act as Universal wild cards, and are associated with historical cycles.

1. 2 Old North themes: 'a difficult family of eclipses that can bring unfortunate news involving friendships and/or relationships; separations and endings of unions; things look glum at first but results can be positive as people quickly grasp what has to be done; fast action can lead to good outcomes' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). So all is not lost, dear reader!

2. *Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio a pragmatic Earth-Water blend that can be extremely stubborn, confident, protective, and sensual. This is an independent combination of energies - very shrewd, demanding, and creative. Its obsessive convictions and magnetism make strong impressions upon people and events, yet somehow possessiveness must find a way to coordinate with an independent streak. Meanwhile, subjective, biased responses are typical and a lust for power will certainly be noticed. Plus, the usual Scorpio advice applies here: control yourself more and others less - but this is good advice which many power-craving politicians love to ignore.

As for the passionate Scorpio Moon, its fighting spirit is influenced by deep emotions, betrayal is often an issue, ambition and tenaciousness are evident, and life is often viewed as a struggle for existence. In the sign of Luna's fall, Scorpio Moon suggests an over-estimation of self (overconfidence), a tendency to hold grudges and take revenge, along with jealousy, envy, tactlessness, and brooding. (We might note that Scorpio is the sign of the 2017 Inauguration Moon.)

Many More Astro-Clues Lurk Within the Horoscope But Basically --

Modern Humanity is responding to its Prenatal Solar Eclipse themes (listed, above) through the negative traits of an emotional Scorpio Moon blended with a Taurean Sun placed in the 7th house of Partnerships and indicating a power potential best expressed through relationships. Negatively, Taurus can be stubborn, possessive, and intolerant, as you know, but can also express positively though growth, development, stability, and purposeful determination toward goals. As an Earth sign, Taurus is practical with a materialistic streak and a key phrase of, "I have." A Venusian appreciation for beauty, comfort, and security keeps Taureans busy on the path to success while understanding their inner motives is considered an unecessary waste of time! A favorite Taurean phrase may be, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" which to me suggests Taurus' well-known lazy streak.

The Nodal Axis

Now other clues are found through the North Node of future direction and destiny (in 7th house spotlighted by the Sun) @16Tau59. Its rounded-up degree of "17Taurus" has a Sabian Symbol apt for our times: "A Symbolical Battle Between 'Swords' vs 'Torches'" which suggests, among other things, the ongoing conflict between the violent white power movement and those who prefer civilized democracy rather than neo-nazism. Necessity and desire are in conflict here which represents unequal, unbalanced societies being undermined by the difficult haves vs have-nots dynamic. And in modern Western cultures circa 2021 it's worse in America.

Then if we consult Adriano Carelli for his symbolic interpretation of the May 11, 1892 Lunar Eclipse's North Node degree (he never rounds up) we have a rather interesting word picture for "16Taurus":

"A man riding an ass." Carelli explains,

"Stubborn rather than steady, slow and often sluggish in everything; groundlessly cocksure, incapable of abstract thinking, {this degree} will not carry {its} headstrong efforts to any successful end. {} not liked by many, and will have to go through life nearly alone. Whatever amount of luck Fate has in store {}, it will run low in {the} former half. Bad luck will set in later, owing to {} foolish self-assurance. Neither exile nor forceful segregation can be ruled out. {Although} marriage may be lucky."

Well, can you find resonances within the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend? I believe so. And perhaps its details sound like someone we all know. Plus, we must note that the North Node points directly toward a significant political and cosmic event in the US: the Lunar Eclipse manifesting on the very day of America's 2022 Midterm Elections which creates a cosmic time link spanning 129 years!

Now let's close this post with the South Node's Carelli degree and symbol as the Illumination Point of unconscious revelation, something that Modern Humanity depends upon whether anyone realizes it or not - even though the idea of it seems to have been left far behind in Modern Humanity's distant and misty past while falsehood, greed, and brutality have taken over many minds as they pursue (temporary!) earthly power:

"16Scorpio": "A Knight of the Holy Grail":

{} a spirit of Christian charity and mercy served by an enlightened mind and a chivalrous and enthusiastic heart. A knight errant may not tell a lie; formidable as the foes may be, a righteous one cannot be conquered in an ordeal, a merciful one cannot but be human and kind, a Christian hero cannot but be lovable."

For as everyone knows in these 'modern' times, an honest man is hard to find.

*For more details consult Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli, and Eclipses by Rose Lineman (#ad).