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Aug 27, 2022

March on Rome - March on Washington?

One thing about scowling Benito Mussolini's October 28, 1922 March on Rome is that he grasped political power by becoming Prime Minister the next day, not by armed conflict but by the ruling class transferring political power into his fascist hands. The saga goes that King Victor Emmanuel III feared civil war and Fascists had become quite popular around the country, so on October 29, 1922, the King handed over the reins of the Italian government to Benito Mussolini and his National Fascist Party, thereby avoiding Fascist barbarianism. No doubt, the King was under threat, hence Mussolini's March on Rome.

So that was nearly 100 years ago, why bring it up now?

Because of my belief with which you're welcome to disagree: that during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress, at one point it was clear that the 'Mango Mussolini' knew that his minions were armed, wanted them to stay that way, and was determined to lead their march toward the Capitol Building, which would have been an echo, or historical reenactment, of Mussolini and his Fascists marching upon the capital city again, militia-styled 'blackshirts' and all. Seems to me that the scowling expressions the two despots so obviously share, and the stubborn stances they use in order to intimidate (see above photo, and Herr Trump's typical 'arms folded' across his barrel chest), are in no way coincidental. For Trump, the mimicry is purposeful.

Then a quick glance at the March on Rome's October 28, 1922 planets reveals a descriptive midpoint picture which remained operative on October 29, 1922 as well. See what you think:

Venus-Neptune = Saturn: "A morbid or pathological disposition" (R. Ebertin), and "fear of losing the dream" (N. Tyl). And somehow, considering Herr T's natal midpoint picture of 'deaths of many people, fury, mania of destruction, intervention of a higher power' (Mars-Saturn = Pluto), I suspect that the two scowlers - both blights upon their respective countries - might have gotten along just fine, and passed many wonderful "love letters" between them which would have fluffed up both their massive, malevolent egos.

Now here's an informative Thom Hartmann segment that US voters might wish to check out prior to casting their ballots in the 2022 Midterms, History of the GOP Slide into Fascism: From Eisenhower to DeSantis. Or perhaps check out Eisenhower Inauguration 1953: A Prayer for America.

Previously on SO'W: Mussolini's Fascist Party: An Eclipse Timeline, a post in which a cosmic time link to Tr*mp's June 2015 'escalator' bid for the US presidency may be found! Plus, Trump Mob Coup Attempt January 6, 2021 2:15 pm est. And also see Uranus-Pluto and the January 6, 2021 Mob Attack by Trumpian militia-styled neo-fascists (or, neo-nazis if you will: bullies either way); and last but not least: Horoscope of the Roman Empire: Birthday of a New World Order.

Aug 26, 2022

Tri-Wheel: America's Pluto Returns 2022

Our Cosmic Weather As Pluto Creeps Back Around

by Jude Cowell

First off, you may want to watch the Kepler Webinar presented by expert astrologer Gary Lorentzen concerning America's Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 if you've so far missed it. This US chart is set for 7:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA, the recorded time of the first majority vote for independence, a most significant moment in the founding of our nation.

Now previously on SO'W you may have run across posts concerning America's first-ever Pluto Return/s using one of our nation's several possible (and disputed!) July 4, 1776 horoscopes. But today I'm using the US Powell Horoscope with 1st house Pluto @27Cap37:05, a slightly different position than held by powerful Pluto in the July 4th charts.

Now a tri-wheel of all three Pluto Returns (set for Philadelphia since the Return planets and house cusps resonate more closely with the July 1, 1776 7:09 pm chart) but I'm posting a tri-wheel so that all three dates and times are displayed in case a curious reader wants to set up any or all of them. The Returns may also be relocated to Washington DC which makes very little difference with house cusps except for the December 30th charts which switch Ascendants from late Aries to early Taurus; no planets change house positions with either location:

Please enlarge or print the image for better viewing!

As you see, a few notes are penned on including the applicable Solar Eclipses. Return 1 fell under the auspices of the 5 New South Eclipse (in 2nd house, not highlighted in red) of December 4, 2021 @12Sag22 with its themes of 'benefits' and 'good news'. Return 2 in July came within the influence of the 6 North Solar Eclipse that perfected on April 20, 2022 @10Tau28 with themes of 'relationship to authority figures; accepting commitments' - in Taurus, this one has ruffled the actions of disruptive, chaotic Uranus in Taurus (the rebel and zealot) and through earthy Taurus involves finances, development, and environmental issues such as weather disasters.

Return 3 comes under the sway of the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00 conjunct Venus (vicious when scorned). Themes include 'being forceful, taking power, manic energy and strength especially in group endeavors; sudden events.' (Paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictgive Astrology #ad).

As noted on the tri-wheel (lower left corner), 6 South is the Saros Series of the 'Nazis Rise to Power' Eclipse of August 31, 1932 @8Virgo, and the 6 South repetition on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio makes it the solar eclipse influencing our 2022 Midterms - elections which are all about taking power, as 6 South eclipse themes support. Unfortunately, as in 1932, cheating, deception, baldfaced lies, and barbaric threats could manage to alter and disrupt what should be our election outcomes which is why only a massive Blue Tsunami turnout of women and Millennial voters will save our democracy on November 8, 2022. The barbarians cannot take the field, my friends!

Cosmic Weather: February, July, December 2022 into 2023 and Beyond

Now here are brief notes concerning the Sun-Moon blends for each US Pluto Return, some of which may sound familiar - for me, the third blend's Images stand out due to the anti-democratic barbarians, seditionists, and financiers currently bedeviling America, so hate-filled and desperate to ruin everything as they are, and ruthlessly determined to seize power:

1. Sun Pisces-Moon Scorpio (double Water: subjectivism; emotionalism): "The agony and the ecstasy"; strong in adversity; complex emotions; weakness for sensationalism; gaining power through manipulation; Images for Integration: "Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath; Longfellow's poem The Secret of the Sea."

2. Sun Cancer-Moon Scorpio (double Water again): secretive, perceptive, self-centered; unafraid of the dark; undaunted by the truth; moody and magnetic; Images for Integration: "Under a full Moon an exorcist performs a life-giving ritual; the possession fades away and a child's life is saved...Whilst preparing his genealogical tree, a young man discovers the lost grave of his great-great-grandmother."

3. Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries (Earth-Fire: volcanoes and bulldozers): "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do," - J.P. Morgan, Sr; Willful; magnetic; action-oriented; intensely ambitious; rebellious; larger-than-life goals; shrewd and successful but emotionally bankrupt; the zealous entrepreneur; overly materialistic; Images for Integration: "A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauding bandits at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project."

(Source: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad).

Aug 25, 2022

Mercury-Neptune and The Presidential Records Act

Selling Secrets and An Unfit President With Odd Ideas

by Jude Cowell

Due to The Presidential Records Act of 1978, legal ownership of official presidential and vice presidential records changed from private to public, and new standards of management were established for records created or received after January 20, 1981. Therefore, changes and standards have been enforced since the 1981 Inauguration of Ronald Reagan, his first.

Now as you know, the requirements of the 1978 law (updated in 2014) have apparently been followed by all presidents and vice presidents until the haphazard "administration" of Donald Trump, a loose-lipped opportunist who thinks, or pretends to think, that presidential records can belong to him! See Do presidents have the right to withhold privileged material from Archives? (MSN August 24.)

Naturally, astrologers can easily recognize such indiscriminate, fantasy-spinning, scheming behavior via Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square, and notably, astrologer Alan Oken has labeled this particular square aspect, The Sneaky Mind: Mercury (thought processes, communications, negotiations, planning) and Neptune (sneakiness, deception, spying, surveillance, mass media). Word is, that Trump watched the August 8th FBI search at Mar-a-Lago on CC TV from his location in NY or NJ, wherever the brazen blighter was on that day. If so, it's because his Mar-a-Lago resort is wired for surveillance. And why wouldn't it be?

Of course, there are other planetary aspects in faithless Trump's natal chart which can support such sneakiness (and evasiveness) if that's how he chooses to use the energies, but his Mercury-Neptune square leads the bunch, in my estimation, or perhaps I should say, forms the basis of his thought processes.

So, although unknown at the time, a previous SO'W post published in 2009, Reaganomics Eclipse 1981 a Turning Point for America concerned more than that era's decade of greed and financial slights-of-hand (cheered on by Reagan's natal Scorpio Jupiter's ruthless materialism - ex: he and his cronies hung the yoke of student loan debt around our necks) because, on what can be considered a positive level, passage of the 1978 Act was due to Watergate lawbreaking ("if the president does it, it isn't illegal," - R. Nixon - a fallacy that Trump likes to go by).

So now, through the subversive behavior of the orange scofflaw, we can discover more about what was going on under the hood of US Politics by a manipulative Herr Trump, a comrade who played the role of POTUS from January 20, 2017 until January 20, 2021 - and departed the White House thinking he was 'owed' more that he'd got. Obviously, monetizing secrets from down in Mar-a-Lago seemed a lucrative scheme although my suspicion is that he was already in that business while inhabiting the Oval Office (free rent!).

Then and Now: Cosmic Time Links via Eclipses and Evasive Neptune

Significantly, the 1981 Reaganomics Solar Eclipse fell into the 1 North Saros Series as did the King of Alarm Eclipse (of Nostradamus fame) of August 11, 1999 - and The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 during which Trump removed safety glasses and stared directly up multiple times at the Total eclipse ('sun god' he, with Apollo rising along with royal star Regulus). 1 North themes include: "unexpected events loom large; make no hasty decisions since information is distorted and possibly false; tiredness and health problems are attached" (paraphrasing B. Brady). But with Trump, we know that hasty decisions are already baked in.

Meanwhile, perhaps a glance at the above linked 1981 Eclipse Horoscope holds a clue or two such as the fact that transit Neptune at that time was retrograde @22Sag23 - conjunct the natal Moon-South Node Conjunction of Donald Trump. This transit suggests a period of eroding relationships when intrigue, mystery, confusion, delusion, and fantasy surrounded him with a feeling of rootlessness which perhaps inspired a leaning toward underhanded efforts such as (lucrative) traitorous activities which were engaged in as his connection to home and country became estranged or weakened. And as you know, for Herr Trump, loyalty is a one-way street, and this was a period of grand promises of expanded horizons - if he accepted a deal. Why, he even enjoyed an expansive Jupiter Return (17Lib27) exact on September 28, 1981, a transit that can bring an end to a 12-year cycle of beliefs.

So if you have a chance, dear reader, check out transits to his natal planets (June 14, 1946 10:54 am edt Queens, NY) for the 1978 to 1981 period for this was a cosmically transformational time for Trump and his ideological principles (to the extent that he held any). For instance: born during a Full Moon phase, and besides spreading its dissolving energies all over his natal 4th house Moon-South-Node, transit Neptune in 1981 was in process of opposing his 10th house Sun-NN conjunction in often-duplicitous Gemini so that unrealistic notions and uncertainty affected his self-image, undermined his objectives and overblown plans - and he could be easily seduced by false flattery such as the sort that foreign agents may have offered. (Of course, with flattery the ladies are implied as well but that's beyond the scope of this post.)

Plus, another factor viewable in the 1981 eclipse chart is the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in progress @5Libra+ for it hit Trump's natal 2nd house Neptune Rx (@5Libra50, part of his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of grand schemes, promotion, and speculation). This thereby formed a midpoint picture for him which includes two potentials that, for me and perhaps for you, triggered a basic part of vengeful Trump's seriously flawed personality so let's close today's fussiness with that - and tellingly in Venus-ruled Libra, lover of luxurious possessions and ease:

1981 Jupiter-Saturn = natal Neptune: "Begrudging the good fortune of others; losses" (R. Ebertin).

Oh, and there are two more potentials to appreciate, added to this picture by Noel Tyl:

"Bewilderment; not knowing which master to follow." My guess is that the orange blighter soon figured it out and for transactional Trump, his "loyalty" went to the highest bidder.

Aug 23, 2022

Aug-Sept 2022 New and Full Moons with Mars in Gemini

Late Summer Lunations 2022: Cosmic Spotlight on the Virgo-Pisces/Victim-Savior Axis - and Mars Acts Up

by Jude Cowell

DC Horoscopes: A seed-planting phase of new plans begins with the New Moon @4Vir03 August 27, 2022 (lower left) culminating with the Full Moon @17Pis41 September 10, 2022 (upper right) spotlighting relationships and bringing fuller awareness and perhaps a measure of fulfillment. So this times a season when practical, methodical, critical Virgo leads society toward receptive, impressionable, secretive Pisces, with the polarity's Mercury-Jupiter and Mercury-Neptune vibrations.

Are These Lunations 'Wild Cards of the Universe'?

Notable is that New Moons can affect earthly events much as Solar Eclipses, disrupting and revealing such as erratic planet Uranus tends to do, while Full Moons can mimic the effects of Lunar Eclipses on health (mind and body), drug reactions, family matters, relationship dynamics, and criminality such as the throttle-hold on US Politics by a global network of organized crime now working in league with white nationalism, a global neo-nazi/fascist movement, and funded by freakish, wealthy ideologues and theocrats, many with bizarre religious views (exs: Opus Dei; The Family, promoter of annual 'National Prayer Breakfasts'):

Please enlarge or print the image for easier viewing. A few Sabian Symbols are notated on the chart along with basic chart details.

Prominent indications in the lunation charts include finances (Jupiter Rx until November 23, 2022), women's issues (exs: abortion; sex-trafficking), political power and struggles for control (Pluto in Capricorn in the lead again in September as America's first-ever Pluto Return proceeds with its destructuring-transforming activities of systems and institutions), "rapidly disseminated news" (Mars @"5Gemini" = "A Radical Magazine--"), the Full Moon's "famous revivalist" symbol: perhaps an orator such as Tr*mp, and rebellion and resentment (T-Square: Venus-Saturn = Uranus in the New Moon chart) ongoing by domestic seditionists and saboteurs of democracy many of whom are encouraged and funded by foreign governments (ex: foreign asset Tr*mp with the August New Moon's Vertex - 'VX' - of fated encounters @21Sag30 conjunct his natal Moon-SN with its revelatory Sabian Symbol: "A Chinese Laundry," an obvious reference to his decades of illicit money-laundering on behalf of various countries and oligarchs).

We should also keep in mind that the Sabian Symbol for Tr*mp's 10th house Uranus @18Gemini = "Two Chinese Men Talking Chinese in a Western Crowd" - and disruptive Uranus leads the rest of his natal planets.

A Big Wad of Stinky Old Gum Stuck to America's Shoe

Besides a variety of positive and negative transits to Tr*mp's natal chart during this time frame, of interest here is the fact that the September 10th Full Moon highlights the second of three oppositions by transit Jupiter Rx @5Ari49 to Tr*mp's natal 2nd house Neptune which denotes current conditions surrounding the orange document-thief with vibes of deception, illusion, delusion, unrealistic expectations, and clouded judgment.

This period began for him (and thus for America) with the first opposition by transit Jupiter-to-his-Neptune on June 15, 2022; (September 10); then the third opposition to his Neptune peaks on January 30, 2023. And of course, all of his speculation-prone, 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio in Libra of grand schemes, bubbles, and fantastical expectations (with wounded Chiron in the middle, a blindspot!) will be affected by the Jupiter opposition as well - opposing his natal Jupiter, no one will be impressed with his overblown efforts, plus, finances may suffer or donations stop piling in; this transit's effects will hit his Jupiter once on March 24, 2023 when "greener pastures" may call his name (flight risk!).

Yet ten days prior, transit Jupiter opposes his Chiron which suggests a more intense period of radical activities such as anarchy and zealotry - and the opposition perfects only once, with concentrated energies on March 14, 2023. I say, Indict Already!

Restless Critic Mars @ Perigee: Bigger-Brighter-Closer!

Now the primary planet to watch during the late August to September 2022 period and into 2023 via the motivational planet's long sojourn in Mercury-ruled Gemini is energetic Mars, moving direct in both lunation charts, as you see, then turning retrograde ('Rx') @25Gem36:50 on October 30, 2022 (at 9:25:39 am edt). Plus, the above Virgo New Moon on August 27, 2022 is squared by testy Mars (see lower left corner: The Cosmic Itch!) and perfects upon the very day that the 2022 Mars Max period begins; the period extends until March 16, 2023 with Mars @25Gem32 ('26Gemini' = "Winter Frost in the Woods").

For details concerning Mars Max periods when heated conflicts, confrontations, fires, danger, anger, unrest, turmoil, upheaval, and potentials for violent acts can more easily occur or be stirred up, see expert astrologer Richard Nolle on the topic.

Unfortunately, More Tr*mp Is Involved

Those familiar with the natal chart of Donald Tr*mp see that transit Mars in Gemini, during the turbulent Max period of perigee, will steam through the orange blighter's 10th house of Career and hit his chaos-creating Uranus (17Gem58 - his oriental "guiding planet") with its typical explosive, incendiary, overboard possibilities of the Mars-Uranus pairing - unstable and volatile especially in Mutable signs such as Gemini. Plus, Tr*mp's natal North Node and Sun in 10th house will also be hit by Mars in Gemini suggesting a period of energy, activism, and his usual duplicitous rhetoric issuing from the Geminian voices in his head.

So, my friends, forewarned is forearmed! Yet these are only some of the cosmic influences in late August into September 2022 which society must navigate prior to Autumn Equinox 2022 which begins on September 22nd when the Sun enters Libra, sign of the Scales of Justice - and transit Mars @17Gem04 directly ruffles the natal Uranus of Herr you-know-who.

Related Posts include: Trump Regime Identified by Mars-Uranus since 2017; and, America's initial Mars-Uranus Cycle @7Gem51 - soon to be hit by transit Mars during the 2022 Mars Max period.

Aug 21, 2022

America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle

Saturn-Pluto: Fanaticism and Turmoil Against Rigid Structures

by Jude Cowell

To my surprise, the horoscope of America's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle which began November 21, 1750 sports '23Cap47' rising, a sensitized degree which brings up the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 - along with the natal and karmic Vertex ('VX') of one Donald Trump (22Cap51). Perhaps you agree that our current conditions feel like a double Saturn-Pluto emphasis now bedeviling society, led by an orange-hued figurehead who simply refuses to go away. Recognizing evil when we see it is one part of this cosmic picture, and the practice of Politics, corruptly done, provides decent folk with multiple opportunities to recognize evil each and every day.

Yet for about 1/3 of the US population, the orange blighter is a real pied piper, only fit for fussy fascist-minded fanatics - with fanaticism, violence, and victimhood showing in the horoscope, below.

One example is the Moon in fussy Virgo conjunct victim star Zosma); listed upper right is the fact that 1750 Luna conjuncts September 2016's 19 North Eclipse of "realism" and "tackling the truth," a promising eclipse which had the misfortune to be opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces, a planet of deception, fraud, and the gaslighting that was used to muddy all waters, erode facts, and disguise pathological liar Trump the grifter as being suitable to inhabit the Oval Office. Sad to say, he was, and is, not:

For better viewing, please enlarge the image, print the chart, or set one up for yourself!

Now in the 1750 horoscope, there are other cosmic links to Tr*mp's natal planets for those who care to look, and there are a few chart factors which simply must be listed here. For instance, as noted above, the Moon @8Vir49 reflects the Prenatal Solar Eclipse (19 North) which brought along both the 2016 Election (selection, with Russia's help) and the 2017 Inauguration of the orange blighter whose current plight is our plight, more's the pity. Of interest may be a view of the dual horoscopes of the 1993 Clinton Inauguration and the cuss'ed 2017 Inauguration with its Scorpio Moon of betrayal. (You know, like seditionists and traitors do.)

Curiously, the 1993 Inaugural Moon conjuncts the 1993 Saturn-Pluto midpoint suggesting potentials for 'strong control over people's habits' (Munkasey) and/or 'a tragic destiny for women' (Ebertin). Naturally, the antiquated opinions of Justice Samuel Alito and his reactionary comrades come easily to mind although from 1993, it took the backward misogynists 29 years to overturn Roe v Wade. Yet happily, the Court's bizarre opinion has brought out women voters by the droves! (Did you hear that in Florida, DeSantis' list of banned books now includes The Handmaid's Tale? A brazen attempt to hide his true dystopian agenda for women all barefoot and pregnant, it appears.)

In addition, the Syzygy Moon prior to the 1750 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction falls @21Tau21 (4th house) conjunct a certain asteroid Phaethon, a figure who tends to take on more than he's ready for in similar fashion to the Icarus myth. Wouldn't it would be fabulous in 2022 and beyond if GOP neo-fascists and nazi-wanna-bes turn out to be doing just that - taking on too much so that failure results? However, we should add that the Sabian Symbol for the 1750 Ascendant ("24Cap") is quite descriptive in a handmaiden sort of way: "A Woman Entering a Convent" and yet it hints at "a deep-stirring challenge" (Jones). So it's to the polls, ladies!

Then around the IC of the horoscope (@17Tau16) you see both a solar and lunar eclipse listed. One is the current solar eclipse season we're now in since April 2022, the 6 North (@10Tau28: 'relationship to authority figures; the need to take control'), which spotlights the Uranus-Neptune midpoint of 1750 (@10Tau43, 3rd house) with the planetary pair's 'One World Government' vibes (aka, 'New World Order'). Plus, there's a very Uranian Lunar Eclipse in Taurus occurring on the day of our 2022 Midterms at the Base or Foundation of this Saturn-Pluto Cycle chart - with the Eclipse conjunct radical zealot Uranus, intent on stirring things up. Meanwhile, the axis of the 2022 Midterms Lunar Eclipse hits the Venus of 1750 (@16Sco12) conjunct the 1750 Midheaven (The Goal Point) which suggests materialism, valuations, and perhaps extravagance on a negative level, but fair play and cooperation if energies are positively directed for then karmic progress can be made.

However, this cosmic time link connects the hard work of Saturn-Pluto, even its violent reactions, to Election Day 2022 via Venus and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse which will certainly lead to inconvenient secrets uncovered or leaked, plus, the potential for disruption on a scale we've seldom if ever known.

Now there's one more chart factor worth a mention in this text: the Saturn-Pluto Cycle's Prenatal Eclipse ('PE') @11Can33 (6th house) in the 4 South Saros Series with themes of 'strong emotions over relationships and/or money; a desire to suddenly end relationships' (paraphrasing B. Brady). Disturbingly enough, 4 South is the same Series that manifested on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 (ruffling Tr*mp's natal Gem-Sag Sun-NN/Moon-SN opposition), the day of the 2020 Electoral College Vote for Joe Biden and which times the beginning of the turmoil and turbulence that sore loser Trump and his 'Big Lie' continue to cause our nation as he struggles to shrug off paying for his many crimes while pining for a return to the protection of the Oval Office from whence more larceny and sabotage can be perpetrated by this thuggish creature. If we allow it!

So let us end with the Sabian Symbol for our country's initial Saturn-Pluto Cycle's degree of "4 Sagittarius": "A Little Child Learning to Walk" (which America would go on to become via Revolution and the Declaration of Independence):

"Keyword: INDIVIDUALITY: positive expression: exceptional facility for entering experience on its own immediate terms while yet preserving the full genius of self-hood; negative expression" (unconscious/shadow side - jc): "inability to take any real initiative" (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones #ad).

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but as an American I can't imagine the initial cycle of our nation's Saturn-Pluto duo, hard-driving and determined as it is, as lacking "any real initiative" at all so let's claim the positive expression for America, shall we?

Looking Ahead: The Cardinal World Points of 2022 into 2023 (Equinoxes, Solstices, etc).

Aug 20, 2022

Freedom Poised Upon the Fourth Hinge Point of History

Dear America: Keep Democracy Avoid Barbaric Fascism!

by Jude Cowell

In a recent Hartmann Report, progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann writes about The Turning Points of History, or Hinge Points, and how we are now at The Fourth Great Turning of the 80-year cycle when once again democracy must be defended against sabotage by authoritarian oligarchs and the pillaging dictators who act as their figureheads: greedy barbarians, all.

America: Home of Democracy and the Light of Freedom

Here's the list of Great Turnings through US history but rather than bore you with my own interpretations of them (all are anti-democracy), I'll simply recommend a reading of Thom's above linked article.

The First Great Turning: the American Revolution;

The Second Great Turning: the Civil War;

The Third Great Turning: the Republican Great Depression (shown: the 1929 'Black Tuesday' Horoscope) and World War II; also see Putin: Ukraine 2022 vs Hitler: Poland 1939;

The Fourth Great Turning: a seditious Donald Trump ascends to (or coups - jc) the US Presidency with the aid of Russia and possibly other oligarchies, soon pulling the US out of "free world" programs such as the UN Human Rights Council, UNESCO, the Paris Accords, the Iranian nuclear deal, etc. - basically his attempts to end the World Order established after World War II - and proceeding to chip away at NATO on behalf of Vladimir Putin who, as we now see in Ukraine, seeks to expand Russian territory no matter the cost - and NATO is an obstacle.

So here we are: with fascist racists and their neo-nazi cousins challenging democracy, a free world, and our Republic once again.

Now in closing, here's a previously posted bi-wheel of the NATO horoscope (inner) with the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio surrounding it and hitting NATO's Ascendant with the eclipse's 6 South themes of "manic energy; being forceful and taking power; great strength in relationships; sudden events" (paraphrasing B. Brady). And of course, you know that for America, this manifestation of a 6 South Eclipse brings along our 2022 Midterms with all the cheating and ballot rigging this implies - and, if democracy wins the day - a Blue Tsunami voter turn-out to beat back the barbarians at America's gate once again!

Aug 17, 2022

America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle

Horoscope: Sept 14, 1775 2:28:45 am LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Mercury-Neptune Conjunct @22Vir25:21

Mercury Thinks, Plans, Schemes as Titanic Neptune on a Bad Day Spreads Lies, Fear, Paranoia, and Sabotage

by Jude Cowell

On SO'W, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune turns up quite often in a variety of configurations, not the least of which are the First Shot of the Civil War (Mercury-Neptune = Ascendant: 'being exploited' - N. Tyl), and the natal Mercury-Neptune square of orator Donald Tr*mp, an aspect that Alan Oken labeled, The Sneaky Mind.

Now personally, as a descendant of CSA soldiers, I can't consider it a coincidence that Uranian Tr*mp the chaos agent of sabotage and espionage uses this deceptive, fantasy-prone square to promote his Big Lie along with all his other lies and schemes in order to lead the global criminal network of white supremacists, fasc*sts, and naz*s into fomenting an alleged second 'Civil War' in America.

Well, this orange-haired foreign asset and his comrades have managed to pit 1/3 of the country against the rest, haven't they? And naturally, the American Revolution, which began in 1775, is also being used by Trumpian insurrectionists, thugs, and their wealthy corporate backers for malevolent propaganda purposes to fool Republican voters and grasp power and control. In their hot little minds, a government take-over is in progress but we can stop them as we did in 1933 with President Joe Biden in FDR's role.

See Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon (the War's 1861 and Progressed Full Moon horoscopes are shown). And US Events of 1775.

So here's an excerpt from a previous post, linked, below:

The Combination of Mercury-Neptune

"Sociological Correspondence: Actors, deceitful people, liars."

Footnote: "Under Sociological Correspondence of Mercury/Neptune one should add "so-called saints," i.e., people who are found under this combination sometimes appear in every way perfect, they appear to have no faults until one day it is discovered they are almost the reverse of what they appeared to be. This is sometimes the case with actors who have to wear a mask which is not in accord with their personality, or in the case of diplomats who play a part in the course of their work and say something different from what they think. In these cases this describes the work they do" (R. Ebertin). Excerpted from Trump's Mercury-Neptune.

So let's go ahead and close this post featuring the highly imaginative duo of Mercury and Neptune and Tr*mp's brazen use of its energies with a link to a previous post concerning Leaders Who Rule on a Whim for we've certainly seen what such an unfit, loose cannon, disloyal president can lead America into and what our democratic Republic can very well do without: any form of fasc*sm, naz*sm, or any other -ism that enemies of our nation have in their scheming, grasping minds.