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Dec 20, 2022

Once the Weimar Republic succumbed to a Psychopath

In Germany's Weimar Republic Horoscope of November 9, 1918, the government that Hitl*r took over as chancellor on January 30, 1933, a dynamic T-Square appears thanks to a Saturn-Uranus opposition squaring Mercury (making great demands on nervous energy - R. Ebertin). Of course, we know that in general, the Saturn-Uranus duo stands for restriction vs freedom, past vs future, old vs new, and/or politically, historically, and socially (and more the point of this post): old order vs new order.

Much tension is involved, and the potential is for bending to turn into breaking with this planetary combination which, in the 1918 horoscope falls across the self-willed Leo-Aquarius polarity of Fixed, rigid energies.

For the curious, here's a 3-minute Rick Steves video The Story of Fascism: Hitl*r's Rise to Power (my aster*sk).

Horoscope: 118th Congress January 3, 2023: two possible opening hours, Washington DC:

Similar to the Midterms 2022 Elections, the take-over of the German government in January 1933 was legally accomplished - with strong-arm implications behind the curtain if things didn't go Herr Adolf's way (a Tr*mp tactic as well). But as we know in retrospect, they did go the Austrian's way, and Adolf was able to cause the entire world to suffer. Now the world will suffer again if Adolf-loving forces and actors are allowed to coup the US government more fully than they've done already when they managed to finagle control of the US House of Representatives beginning January 3, 2023 (see above image).

Predictably, congressional Republicans wlll perform their Political Theater as a three-ring circus, a clown show full of off-kilter antics meant to disguise their own crimes and complicity, promoting malicious lies, and committing acts of revenge with their eventual objective to collapse the US Congress and government, to "own the libs," and, aided by corrupt, theocracy-loving Supreme Court justices under Vatican rule, to establish totalitarian rule. As for American law and tradition, this mostly 'conservative' Supreme Court is now tragically in need of even the most basic of ethics rules.

Meanwhile, perhaps we can agree that the destructive maga coup/storming of the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 was Tr*mp's echo of the Reichstag Fire for it all but mimicked the burning of Germany's parliamentary Reischstag building. Notably, Hitl*r's false flag event in February 1933 came just days after the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse.

Significant to the future of America is that a Solar Eclipse in the 7 North Series will manifest in our era as well - on April 20, 2023 @30Aries, which qualifies as a belated birthday eclipse for a long-gone Herr Hitl*r, but also must serve as a forewarned-is-forearmed signal from the Universe for all pro-democracy folks.

Talk about a cosmic time link of sinister proportions: this will be it.

DC Horoscope of a Criminal Referral Vote

Here's a view of my messily marked version of yesterday's Criminal Referral Vote (9-0) against former Oval Office resident, Donald Trump, the free-loading arch-villain-in-chief:

Dec 18, 2022

Re: Those Negative Nabobs of Neptune

by Jude Cowell

Since transit Neptune in shady Pisces remains within orb of opposing US 1776 Neptune in fact-based Virgo (22Vir25; clash of ideologies; plus, racial and other persecutions), I felt compelled to look back at the 1854 Republican Party's Neptune Return of December 29, 2018 (14Pis01; last return in a series due to the Gaseous Giant's retrograde periods), and marvelled at how much information can be found in the conspiratorial party's Neptune Return Horoscope, information that continues to apply today, and which will affect the very significant Election Day 2024 (basically, a Mars Return for Vatican II, a Neptunian endeavor in more ways than one).

So by the end of 2018 into 2019 (depending on which founding data you use for the R-party to calculate return charts) a one-hundred-sixty-four-year cycle completed and a new cycle of Neptunian enterprise and underhanded schemes began for the win-at-any-cost organization of saboteurs demanding control of the US government as they work under the imprint of fascism and nazism - against democracy and the US Constitution. Besides: we learned from frowny face Mussolini years ago that statism + corporatism = fascism, so basically, America is practically, if not formally, there.

And all getting a hoof-hold under Trumpism which has enabled the R-party to throw off any previous facade of courtesy or decency and reveal its true nature of violence, greed, misogyny, and malevolent bigotry. And they operate under the delusion that violent white "supremacy" is a step up on the evolutionary ladder of humanity (!) when it's actually the lowest of the low: primal violence and barbaric animalism. Can it be any more obvious that the destructive spirit roams the Earth?

So I'm guessing that the R-party's first-ever Neptune Return spotlights several of Neptune's realms and tricks such as masks and disguises so that the GOP's frilly underpants now show to an alarming degree. Euw.

Meanwhile, on December 19, 2018 we discussed here The Long Shadow of Neptune in Pisces which, as noted, has yet to come to a close, however lingering and drawn out its 'cease and desist' period may prove to be. But naturally, we can't expect that gas lighting Neptune's undermining effects of fraud and sabotage will end with a snap - but with more of a wimper and fade. Even so, if yours truly is around by then, I look forward to transit Neptune in Mars-ruled Aries, a period also containing confusion, but which may harbor greater concern for the social welfare of society, something long missing from the Republican Party's arsenal of austerity, objectivism, intolerance, and totalitarianism.

As we now see, all Republicans have to offer is what no one wants!

So we should note that transit Neptune first enters Aries at the very end of March 2025, then slips back into contagious, mystical Pisces in October until re-entering Aries in late January 2026.

Then will it possible with the urge-to-merge planet in action-oriented Aries that the common good could receive a boost from Neptune's compassionate side? We must hope so for the sake of all humanity.

A Related Post: DC Horoscope: 118th Congress Opens January 3, 2023 with 'The Conspiracy Party' in charge of the people's House and performing a master class in clownishness and non-governing from their sorry-bummed menu of mis-rule and showing their obssession over Hunter Biden with which they hope to gas light the American public into worrying about 'Hunter's laptop' more than the criminality of the GOP.

Above: NASA photo of planet Neptune.

Dec 13, 2022

Saturn and the 12N Eclipse of Marjorie Taylor Greene

Saturn in Cancer: Hypersensitive, Discontented - and with Family Aggravations

by Jude Cowell

As you've heard, Marjorie Taylor Greene boasted over the weekend at a Young Republicans event in NYC that, had she and Steve Bannon "led" the January 6, 2021 insurrection, they would have "won" (with guns ablazing as if there weren't guns - and deaths - involved already). My suspicion is that she must've meant that fascists like her and Steve could've pulled off the heist. CNN's Don Lemon has spoken of the brazen boast of violent uprising by Marjorie Taylor Greene in case you missed it.

And while it's true that Mizz Greene has appeared on SO'W once in October in a Mehdi Hassan video segment How the GOP Lost Its Mind, her boast of overthrowing the US government by 'armed riot' has made QAnon darling Mizz Greene's dream of grabbing power and control in the US House of Representatives (the 118th Congress) more obvious to the point that another post concerning my fellow Georgian, however reluctantly considered, must occur.

This is that post.

Marjorie Taylor Greene born May 27, 1974 Milledgeville, Georgia; Sun Gemini, Moon Leo or possibly in Virgo (her deep need for attention and leadership suggests a Leo Moon); birth hour unknown so 'noon' is used in the bi-wheel, below, her natal chart surrounds her 12 North Eclipse Horoscope:

As you see in the bi-wheel, Greene's natal planet of authority, authenticity, and realism, Saturn @4Can03, opposes her 12 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') @2Cap40 indicating one who refuses to face up to their karmic obligations and blames their problems on other people (anyone but themselves - like Tr*mp, also born with a watery Saturn in Cancer with its Moon-Saturn signature). For karmic progress, the individual must face up to reality and correct problems in a responsible manner (R. Lineman). Let's not hold our breaths.

Because instead, Mizz Greene craves more power and authority once the 118th Congress gavels in on January 3, 2023 and, sorry to tell you, but the themes of her Prenatal Solar Eclipse in the 12 North Saros Series support more than hinder her power grabbing efforts. Significantly for her zealous activities, Greene was born on a day when the disruptive chaos-creator planet of anarchy, Uranus, arose with starry Spica ('the spike') with its potential for brilliance and a cosmic connection to the Washington Monument, and thus, to the presidency! Could this ultimate power position be Marge's eventual goal? Her ego is certainly large enough.

Yet the thing is, such politicians are anti-democracy so apparently their hook-up with the global fascist-nazi movement now working to sabotage America into collapse and establish a fascist-style dictatorship is close to Mizz Marge's aim. Such saboteurs gnaw away at American Democracy from the inside, as we'll see when the House gavels in the 118th Congress, and continues making a mockery of the US government.

So here's an unmarked, printable Horoscope of her 12 North PE which manifested prior to the birth of little baby Marge; the chart is set for Milledgeville, Georgia on December 24, 1973 at 10:07:02 am EST, and its themes are listed, below, and notably, the initial 12 North Eclipse @28Tau38 (of May 19, 1613) conjuncts the IC, the Foundation and Root of the 1973 12 North manifestation which gives extra strength to its themes; additionally, there's a YOD of crisis and opportunity if one counts the Midheaven (28Sco45 - conjunct President Biden's natal Sun-Venus) with a Mars-Saturn sextile (with its talent for organization) at its base, and with the Mars-Saturn midpoint as 'the death axis' (R. Ebertin); so the YOD has violent implications which are beyond the scope of this post - other than the above noted 'armed riot' remarks of Mizz Greene:

12 North Themes: 'Opportunities to accept greater respnsibilities come suddenly; new commitments appear due to another person's inability to carry on; events are difficult but outcomes in terms of harmony or self-esteem are positive' (paraphrasing B. Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad). The last 12N occurred in January 2010 @25Capricorn, the next 12N occurs on January 26, 2028 @6Aquarius conjunct the US South Node of 1776.

And of course, 12N's "inability to carry on" reminds one of Kevin McCarthy and his deperate attempt to become Speaker of the House, yet said to be lacking the necessary votes, as reported so far. And considering the 'supportive' themes of her PE, I suspect you see what I mean about Mizz Greene.

Dec 6, 2022

Brian Kemp: floating for the Presidency

Brian Kemp (R-GA): Scorpio and an Eclipse in Cancer

by Jude Cowell

On the Wikipedia page of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, we find that he was born on November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (my hometown: sorry!), but the main reason Mr. Kemp is mentioned today on SO'W is because he's chomping at the bit to rise even higher from state to national politics. Well, so far he's exercised effective cheating chops in and around elections which only recommends him to the Republican Party of win-at-any-cost comrades for whom truth is only relative, if it shows up at all.

And although I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources back in Georgia, suffice to say that Mr. Kemp has long been known in the state for acting below board in business dealings and shiftily in politics. For one example, see how in 2019 Kemp quietly settled a lawsuit over a bad business loan. Now some folks might agree with me that "bad" often substitutes for the word corrupt. And most everyone has heard before now of how Kemp cheated his way into the governor's office by counting the votes himself as Georgia's Secretary of State against Democrat Stacey Abrams (December 9, 1973) whose freely available natal chart is rated AA for accuracy. Besides, can you image Secretary of State Brian Kemp honorably counting votes in favor of Stacey Abrams when he could use his official position to "win" the governorship he now enjoys?

Anyway, having found no example of a natal chart for Brian Kemp to link you to, dear reader, here is an unmarked 'noon' horoscope set for November 2, 1963 in Athens, Georgia (in case it should come in handy one day):

To add to the Kemp picture, here are a few notes concerning his Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') which does not depend upon having an accurate birth hour, only a person's date of birth:

Little Brian Kemp (who I should confess is my 17th cousin via my Strickland line) was born into the 1 North Saros Series via a Total Solar Eclipse which manifested on July 20, 1963 @27Can24:09 with themes of:

"Unexpected events involving friends or groups place a great deal of pressure on personal relationships; issues loom large as the eclipse affects the chart; make no hasty decisions for information is distorted or possibly false; attached is an essence of tiredness or health problems" (Brady's Predictive Astrology #ad).

Since 1963, 1 North Eclipses have occurred in the years 1981 (as 'The Reaganomics Eclipse'), 1999 (as the New Millennium's 'Nostradamus Eclipse' of alarm), and in August 2017 as 'The Great American Eclipse' which, you'll remember, raced across and split America from Oregon to South Carolina, and by degree, landed directly upon Tr*mp's natal Mars-Ascendant-Regulus trio. (Who can forget how Dunald removed his safety glasses and looked directly up at the eclipse? Doh! Rather squinty looking now, isn't he?)

So we might suspect that 1 North eclipses time difficulties and turmoil on planet Earth as the 'wild card' they clearly are. Well, good news: the next 1 North eclipse won't occur until September 2, 2035 @9Virgo so at least we have that goin' for us.

Then when one's PE lands in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, we can assume that there are connections to psychic ability, to karmic family ties, and to emotional extremes that can cause blockages to karmic development, and result in a lack of personal growth. A tendency to hide in an emotional shell (like a crab on the beach) as a child might do in an attempt to avoid dealing directly with issues may be noticed, or its opposite: being too involved emotionally to see clearly the issues brought by the eclipse. To me this resonates with 1 North Eclipse themes, noted above, such as avoiding decision-making while under pressure, and which possibly involve family members. Or perhaps not dealing with issues at all.

Now besides Brian Kemp, names of other Republicans are being "floated" for the party's 2024 presidential nomination. Two of them have been discussed here previously, one of which is Ron DeSantis, and another (hope you're sitting down!) is John Bolton whose natal planets were compared in a post with those of Herr Tr*mp way back in 2018 when their love was young.

Scandals and Smears: On the Moon of Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden 2009; acaben, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Hunter Biden February 4, 1970 Wilmington, Delaware

by Jude Cowell

With December holidays quickly approaching and an abundance of political issues heating up daily news cycles, no time has been spent by yours truly writimg about the natal horoscope of Hunter Biden. The constant drip drip by Republicans to make a huge deal over the laptop of President Biden's son (which has amounted to nothing, last I heard), plus, other potential Republican dirty tricks intended to make President Biden "cry" on camera have yet to turn up on my draft list of SO'W posts-in-waiting so here's a link to the 'noon' natal horoscope of second son Hunter Biden, its accuracy rated only X (time unknown). We could say that his 'noon' natal chart reveals 'what we know so far'.

Then as regular readers may know, this Capricorn gets fussy if it seems necessary to write about an individual's natal chart when there's no birth time known, so there's another reason I've held back from posting about Hunter Biden and the GOP's dirty tricks being employed against him meant to harm his father, current president and a potential 2024 candidate. Why, Hunter's natal Moon has not one but two possible signs to add to his 15AQ Sun: either Capricorn or Aquarius which makes a consideration of his personality blend more complex.

For context: the BBC's Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son.

Capricorn Moon or Aquarius Moon?

So which lunar sign might it be for Hunter Biden, born on February 4, 1970? Due to the early loss of his mother and baby sister, I lean toward a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon but let's consider a brief overview of the two lunar signs which reveal clues about a person's reigning emotional need:

Capricorn Moon potentials include a repressed emotional life, a sober, practical, and business-like outlook on life, patience, endurance, a sense of duty, and awareness of responsibility. Considering the tragedy in his childhood, resorting to negative escapism such as drug use would be an obvious go-to for most people dealing with such a deeply depressive loss, and perhaps with the aftershock effect of feeling responsible for what they're not responsible for, along with suffering from feelings of helplessness and deep melancholy.

Perhaps we can agree that heavy emotional baggage suits a Capricorn Moon.

Aquarius Moon potentials are somewhat lighter and provide good powers of observation, deep concern for other people's troubles, an understanding and sympathethic nature, readiness to help others, the ability to change, a love of independence, and an abundance of hopes and wishes. (My italics.)

Two other facts about Hunter Biden's natal Moon: it's out-of-bounds of the earthly plane as no other of his planets are which increases the potential for estrangement from or loss of his mother, and on his day of birth the Moon left Capricorn and entered Aquarius at 11:20 pm which gives him better odds of being born under the rays of a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon.

For more Moon Sign details see The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.)

Top 10 Democrats Who Should Run in 2024 Presidential Election - clip

Here's a recent segment from Thom Hartmann:

As for Astrology, related posts concerning Election 2024 include:The 2024 Presidential Election Eclipse in the 8 South Saros Series which occurs after the 8 North April 8, 2024 Great American Eclipse (#3 of 3). And as you know, all eclipses can be disruptive and toss unexpected monkey wrenches into proceedings like the cosmic wild cards they are.