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Showing posts with label NYSE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYSE. Show all posts

Oct 10, 2008

On the Money: quotes of 1929 - 2008

"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation." -Pres Bush, Jan 4 after meeting with the President's Working Group on Financial Markets.

"There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue." -Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, Sept, 1929

"I hope you're confident about our economy. I am." - Pres Bush, Jan 30, 2008 at the Robinson Helicopter Co. in Torrance, CA

"While the crash only took place six months ago, I am convinced we have now passed the worst and with continued unity of effort we shall rapidly recover. There is one certainty of the future of a people of the resources, intelligence, and character of the people of the United States - that is, prosperity." -President Hoover, May 1, 1930

"Losing a job is painful, and I know Americans are concerned about our economy; so am I. It's clear our economy has slowed, but the good news is, we anticipated this and took decisive action to bolster the economy, by passing a growth package that will put money into the hands of American workers and businesses." -Pres Bush, March 7, 2008 on news that the economy lost 63,000 payroll jobs in February.

"The singular feature of the great crash of '29 was that the worst continued to worsen." -J.K. Galbraith.

"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." -Thomas Jefferson

Quotes Round-up from Information Clearing House.

Sep 30, 2008

Hating Unfettered Capitalism

The isms of the Pluto-Chiron pair are all around us, capitalism and fascism being perhaps the most noticeable since the suddenly recognized financial crisis emerged from the depths of George
Bush's fertile brain and Wall Street's back pocket already well-lined.

Once again: Pluto-Chiron conjunction Dec 30, 1999 '12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows" with their parallel (similar to a strong conj and used as a timing device) coming mid-August 2004. It's instructive to think about what our governmental "representatives" were up to during those times to the extent that we may ferret out their dark corners of activity, planning, and organization.

As you know, '12Sag' is the USA's natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart - Pluto-Chiron, the plutocracy pair, came to call, or you could say 'became' America.

Then in December 2007 was the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, another plutocratic pairing on a very active day for the Fed as 'it' announced a lowering of interest rates and successfully undermined the dollar further.

BBC News reported this morning that approximately 9,000 American homes are being lost to foreclosure every day while Bush catapults the fear-mongering propaganda on TV with threats
and promises thinly veiled as warnings that jobs will be lost and money will dry up if his plea for Midas' gold isn't answered NOW. (Moon-Jupiter-conjunct folk like the emotionally immature Bush don't like to wait for their needs to be met.)

One assumes the American jobs 'lost' - that is, sold to the highest overseas bidder - hithertofore are of no consequence to our government (who made outsourcing possible) except as part of Bush's you-ain't-seen-nothing-yet threat.

Plus, Washington's use of 'systemic risk power' for bank takeovers is no better than Putin's nationalization program with Russian energy companies.

And although America has been flying high for decades her sights must necessarily be lowered by this manufactured financial crisis and its aftermath, and by our overreach militarily.

Astrologically I think that December '08 to February '09 will be an important window of time due to America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon on the Virgo-Pisces axis (victim-savior.) If you prefer the US Sibly chart it's exact on Dec 24; with the Scorpio rising chart, it perfects in February 2009.

Other possible birth charts for our nation give various dates of exactitude for our Secondary Full Moon, but we all know that we're peering through an extended crisis window of time.

~If you haven't seen the Progressions for the Sec Full Moon, go to my other blog, Jude's Threshold, and look on its Pages list in the sidebar for the December chart. (Since I'm still out of town, I have none of my notes - I'm grousing from memory here.) You'll find a link to my other blog on this blog's Links may have to scroll down esp if you're using Firefox.

Part of lowering our sights is addressing homelessness and upholding the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor. And as all three of my readers know, I'm nothing if not a pacifist - yet with four natal planets in Capricorn, a realist, too. That's why I was glad to find a certain article on TruthDig concerning the Catholic Worker and its founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.

Here's a quote from Day's granddaughter, Martha Hennessey, which addresses American society and the state it's in. You'll spot some isms as well:

"Our society is more brutal than it was. The heartlessness was introduced by Reagan. Clinton put it into place. The ruthlessness is backed up by technology. Americans have retreated into collective narcissism. They are disconnected from themselves and others. If we face economic collapse, there are many factors that could see the wrong response. There are more elements of fascism in place than there were in the 1930s. We not only lack community, we lack information."

The Catholic Worker was founded in 1932 during the misery of the Great Depression and sold on NY streets for 1 cent per copy - its current price. With its "unwavering pacifism" and "hatred for unfettered capitalism" it was a bright light for the common man and woman in its time.

And thanks to the insatiable greed and corruption of current Washington and Wall Street fatcats, it may be one of the few honest and clear-eyed visions we can look to when it comes to transforming the heartless ruthlessness of our struggling American society - if 'real change' we 'can believe in' is what we truly want and can accept with humility.

Please read 'Fueling the Fire of Real Change' by Chris Hedges here:

Sep 22, 2008

Is this Cheney's mushroom cloud?

Mushroom Cloud over Wall Street "All Hail Caesar!" The days of the republic are over.

By Mike Whitney

The bill gives Paulson the ability to nationalize unlimited amount of private debt and force you and your children to pay for it.


Enslavement of the masses has always been a dream of Bush and Cheney, but you knew that, right?

Merkel says No to Paulson Bailout Plan

Over in Europe they're being treated to an America campaign to follow suit on Paulson's bailout plan for saddling US taxpayers with Wall Street's debts but "bareknuckled criticism" has so far been Europe's response.

German Chancellor Andrea Merkel has accused the US government of failure to regulate and I know of no one here or abroad who could possibly disagree on these deregulating bandits and crooks.

Short end of the stick hardly describes what our Goldman Sachs "Secretary of the Treasury" has in mind for the American people with his 'hurry up and screw yourselves' legislation which Congress had better not pass so quickly, if at all.

If this sounds like the Bush-Cheney build-up to war with its 'hurry up' quality, it's not our ears gone bad. It's Terror Promotion at its finest as spearheaded by Hank Paulson.

Sep 21, 2008

Low marks for Paulson's bail out plan

Everywhere I look today, Hank Paulson's power grab, er...I mean 'bail out plan' is getting low marks.

Even his performances this morning on Meet the Press, Face the Nation (how could he? oh but he did!), and This Week with George Stephanopoulos, haven't swayed the doubters or calmed the "bail out foreign investors?!!" crowd. Confidence is showing itself to be hard to come by as taxpayers are expected to rescue Wall Street gentry who made "bad choices."

Yep, that's what compassionate conservatives once loved to say to anyone down on their luck: all through life, you made choices. Now the biggest of bad choices are nestled on the secret ledgers locked in the hidden drawers of bank executives' desks.

Then there's columnist Paul Krugman who says no deal to the Fed's massive bail out of Wall Street culprits.

Little Did I Know

You know back on Aug 26, 2006, when I was looking at Paulson's natal chart and publishing it here, I wrote that given Mr. Paulson's genius, he could probably run the White House himself.

Seems now he's making a power play for the opportunity to run the country.

Experts in finance and government once told us ad nauseum that if government "got out of the way," life would be peachy and all boats would rise.

It should be quite a while before we listen to those crocks again.

~:~ a further note on Paulson's chart:

the current Solar Eclipse Series (10 South) which manifested on August 1 (9Leo32) conjuncts/triggers Hank Paulson's natal Pluto, planet of power, transformation, and coping ability. And 9Leo+ is also conj the natal Mercuries of George Bush and the Republican Party.

Keyphrases for 10 South:

breaking out of a very negative situation where no hope can be seen for more options; a worry will suddenly clear - the cosmos shows the solution which must be taken up without too much delay. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Annnnd...this is the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of candidate John McCain.

Sep 15, 2008

Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981 still ripples

Considering the strife on Wall Street today, I was wondering if you'd ever read this post on the Reaganomics Eclipse of 1981?

(Chart included.)

You know, it would be amusing if it weren't so tragic: McCain likes to think of himself as Ronald Reagan! When he's not riding horsies with Teddy Roosevelt, that is.

Sad Monday,Lehman Bros, and the jitteries

Please note that the feed for The August Review has been added to SO'W's sidebar.

You may wish to read editor Patrick Wood's article on today's Lehman Bros Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and what's up next, then check out his other attempts at warning people of what Wall Street, the Fed, world bankers and the Trilateral Commission have been up to for years now.

But today there are few people who can continue to ignore the 'jittery' results of their 'expertise.'

And NPR is now reporting (5:02 am edt) that Merill Lynch is being bought by Bank of America...with job cuts to follow. Natch.

All this and Hurricane Ike's devastation, too. Entire neighborhoods are without power and water.

It's a sad sad Monday in America.

Sep 12, 2008

NYSE, Eclipses, and Danny Casolaro

Have you ever read the tale of the founding of the NYSE as told by astrologer Ed Kohout?

Under the buttonwood tree on the morning of May 17, 1792, the stock exchange began with Pluto at 23AQ31...where dissolving Neptune is drifting now.

Neptune to Pluto is a period of time when power (Pluto) is dissolved and undermined (Neptune) but not necessarily by anarchy - it can be done by treachery or poison. The current ruler or system of power and control is removed or perhaps, in today's lexicon, outsourced or...downsized and given Neptune's link to webs and nets, I'd say computer hacking and other tech shenanigans may be involved along with Neptune's deceptive and fraudulent qualities.

Yes, progeny of the super-powerful PROMIS tracking software could be part of what's going on with Wall Street's ups and downs these days; plus, a Solar Eclipse in the same 11 South Series as the Eclipse of *July 11, 1991 (at '19Can' - a degree that keeps turning up in several of the charts I study relating to violence) will occur again on July 22, 2009, this time at '29Can' which is considered a critical or crisis degree.

The 11 South Series is concerned with:

the need to make sudden reforms; old methods and ideas fail and new systems are required to deal with the events that come up; as a result, new ways of handling issues are needed and any blocks may be tragically or violently removed. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

*It was during the 11 South Eclipse Series that the murder of writer and journalist Danny Casolaro took place - he was in the final stages of readying a book for publication outing what he and others called the Octopus, a worldwide organization of thugs for which PROMIS software has proven very useful over the years.

In its original form, the software had been stolen from the Inslaw Corporation, modified (with a 'backdoor' for surveillance), expanded, and sold for big bucks to many countries including Canada and Israel - and, some say, to Osama bin Laden (who was never intended to be "caught" by Bush-Cheney, btw.)

The weekend that Casolaro was murdered, there was a New Moon (a lady - Moon - meets a man - Sun...?) at 17Leo00. Casolaro had had meetings at his motel in Martinsburg, WV, and was last seen walking back to the motel from a convenience store where he'd gone to get a cup of coffee around the time of the New Moon on the dark night of Aug 9, 1991.

As you see, this New Moon in Leo was a month after the Solar Eclipse of July 11, and Casolaro had his notes for the book with him plus other information which he had gone to Martinsburg to receive. As you would expect, none of his notes were found after his mysterious death (he supposedly slit his own wrists while lounging in a tub of water.)

The July 11 Eclipse degree, '19Can' is conjunct Fixed Star Castor, to write or create - and is conjunct Danny Casolaro's natal Mercury, the writer; the messenger; the reporter.

The weekend of his death, transiting Sigma, the scribe, was conjunct activist Mars 15Vir54, and tr South Node 18Can47 was triggering the July Eclipse degree.

If you use the Googly Web you can find info on this strange case but I want to give you the midpoint pictures for the New Moon of Aug 9, 1991...Danny Casolaro was trying to warn the world about what was up and I believe we've been seeing the world crime syndicate having its way these last several years in countries all over the globe, so the least I can do is give you the planetary pictures. The first one concerns Pluto, the saboteur or assassin...

Mars/NN = Pluto 17Sc36: others must 'get on the train' or get left behind; a violent or forced separation in a partnership; joint achievements.

Saturn/MC 6Cap28 = NN: people in mourning; a major stroke of fate may affect all development.

Neptune/Mc = Uranus 10Cap28 Rx (Uranus out-of-bounds): self-righteousness; intense impatience; a desire to bring ideas to realization at all costs; confusion; sudden inner experiences. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

~All, none, or some combination of factors may apply.~

One more thing - the wound, Chiron, was in early Leo in July, 1991. Chiron in Leo is **easily overwhelmed by Uranus, which is the only OOBs planet in the chart and in process of approaching its Great Conjunction with Neptune at '18Cap' which is the NWO degree...smug and strong-armed paternalism...'SUPERVISION' in the Marc Edmund Jones version of the Sabian Symbols, but in the Dane Rudhyar version?

POLITICAL POWER - which is quite well-consolidated now.


** Chiron in Leo info from Barbara Hand Clow's book on Chiron.

Sep 11, 2008

Black Tuesday Oct 29, 1929: the chart

'Black Tuesday' Oct 29, 1929 marks the massive stock market crash and this is the horoscope for Sun-to-Midheaven on that day.

Appropriately enough, the Sabian Symbol for the Sun/Midheaven degree, '6 Scorpio' is: "A Gold Rush."

We can be certain - just as in 2007/08, that the folks with 'real money' did not and are not losing their shirts, and to my way of thinking, are behind the shell games they play with other people's lives and fortunes.

That other forces are in league with - and opposing - them complicates the picture but suffice it to say, it's not you, me, the baker, or candlestick maker who are at fault. It's the 'experts.'

Some interesting midpoint pictures are repeating now in 2008 and I've marked them on the chart (click to enlarge):

Chiron and North Node (the public; the path or destiny) are conjunct then as of late (but in AQ) and the midpoint of Jupiter/Uranus is upon them.

Who are the Jupiter/Uranus crowd? Fortune-hunters; adventurers; inventors; organizers (Ebertin.)

Another interesting correlation between the meltdown of 1929 and today is that moneybags Jupiter (15Gem26 and Rx here) has two midpoints of power and wealth upon him - Pluto/NN and Pluto/Chiron.

Pluto/NN represents large masses of people and their common destiny; large business concerns; mass meetings; and exercising influence upon the public. I would add, powerful connections and associations.

Transit Jupiter will 'catch up' with Pluto/NN in Dec 2008, so we have then as now...

Pluto/NN = Jupiter: the desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people; the attainment of great gains through others; forcing oneself into a power position; self-promotion; attaining success through others (November elections esp the presidential election?)

And you know the Pluto/Chiron midpoint signifies plutocracy, oppression; corporatism; fascism, racism, primal violence, etc.

Time grows short and I must mosey...hope to complete this post later on...

Aug 13, 2008

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse over DC 8.16.08

Here's a freshly notated image of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC, August 16, 2008, perfecting at 5:16:24 pm EDT.

This Moon Eclipse is a buddy of August 1's Solar Eclipse (the 'Olympics Eclipse') and both are related to the economy through linkage to the NYSE...the August 1 Eclipse is in the same Series that the NYSE was 'born' into...see both Eclipses discussed here as possible market paranoia bubbles on the front burner.

But here the Lunar Eclipse chart is set for the White House with attention toward Politics - Bush and Putin, and the current conflagration in Georgia and South Ossetia.

You see that the Jupiter/Pluto (plutocracy; men of power and wealth; striving for power) is rising so we have a midpoint picture...there are no patterns formed in this chart (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc):

Jup/Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer and special achiever; prudence; far-sightedness; personal advancement; the desire for power. ('Prudence' is a Bush Sr word.)

Also angular at Mc (The Goal) we see...

Sun/Asc = Mc: seeking mental or intellectual contacts; attainment of esteem and respect; personal recognition esp through the profession.

That strong-arming is afoot in the Caucasus is obvious and you don't need Eclipse charts to tell you that. And since I've lost the ability to listen to the words of 'world leaders' at merely surface value, it seems to be more posturing and political theater, dahlink, with an emphasis on consolidating the old Russia (or Soviet State) as Putin continues nabbing ocontrol of natural resources - gas, oil and grain while undermining American power (what power the neocons led by Bush-Cheney haven't dispensed with already - plus, Neptune...oil, gas, at a 'Russian' degree, '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws.")

That Bush is in disagreement with Putin's actions is no given in my book, but we shall see how things play out - the whole sad mess is being perpetrated while Bush is still in office which is no coincidence. McCain would be gung-ho for more war but would Obama?

Mercury 11Vir18 is quite active being the apex of two midpoints - and is conjunct Bush Sr's natal Asc...Mercury is his natal chart-ruler...Mr. New World Order himself.

Sun/Mars = Mercury: ready for action; the desire to bring plans to realization; the thinking fighter or the leader in a struggle or fight; alertness; fast talk, fast travel.

Venus/Saturn = Mercury: searcing for the ideal; thinking about ways to feel fulfilled, to improve relationships, to feel wanted; sober thinking; visualizations of stark reality; narrow-mindedness; separations in relationships.

The Jupiter/Uranus midpoint has been on the collective path (North Node) for several weeks now...

Jup/Uranus = NN: showing oneself cheerful in the presence of others; a fortunate new aquaintanceship; striving together with others for a common purpose. (The Beijing Olympic Games fits this bill! And did you see Bush and Putin chuckling together as the Russian aggression answered Georgia's aggression toward South Ossetia?)

You see critical/crisis degrees on the Mc/Ic axis, 29Ari/Libra which relates to the many crisis situations on the table at the White House and on the world stage.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbols might elucidate the evolutionary landscape. Since the axis degrees are 29:46, I'll give both 29Ari/Lib and 30Ari/Lib using Lynda Hill's more modern analysis where she includes 'Cautions' along with Keywords...

~Mc = The Goal; Ic = The Drain or Foundation of the matter~

Mc '29Libra': Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort to Reach for Knowledge Transferable from Generation to Generation...

keywords: handing down possessions or knowledge; knowledge being changed, modified, or updated; teaching by example; the wisdom of the ancestors; research into history; striving for answers; reference books, encyclopedias, and the spoken word; the gift of knowledge.

caution: believing that one knows all; information, knowledge, or riches inherited by only the select few; fundamentalism; reliance on tradition; doing what's always been done, regardless of the reason.

Mc '30Lib': Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head...

keywords: looking at the signs; wisdom that transcends book knowledge; philosophy; having a knowledgeable demeanor; making wise decisions regardless of hard-line opinion; the head, skull, or cranium; predicting the future; wit and style; seeing others' potential; receding hairlines.

caution: over-analysis and reliance on intellect; being a know-it-all; having a bossy attitude; thinking that doesn't clarify issues but muddies them; taking things far too seriously; people with 'highbrow' attitudes; feeling weighed down by intellectual concerns.

Ic '29Aries': The Music of the Spheres...

keywords: voices bringing messages; attunement to the messages in Astrology; harmonies, chrods, keys, octaves, tones; the beauty of the planets; the measurement of time; circadian rhythms; days of the week, dancing to the wind, humming of bees; sending love; Numerology; sound healing; the Atomic Clock.

caution: inflating rational ideas; delusions or enlightenment?; rejecting the obvious intuition in favor of more intellectual answers; getting lost in abstractions; loving the sound of your own voice; not listening to obvious messages.


Ic '30Aries': A Duck Pond and Its Young Brood...

keywords: nurturing, contentment; realizing limitations; reliability; psychoanalysis; finding friends or family that enrich life; family patterns and analysis; feeling safe in one's environs; being the mother duck; foster and adoptive families; communes and communities; facing the music that you've composed.

caution: denying one's own needs for sake of the 'brood'; narrow-minded attitudes; feeling stuck; not wanting to leave the nest; not inviting others in; borders erected to keep others out; distrusting those who are 'alien'; smugness or exclusivity; being lost in the crowd or not wanting to stand out. ~

Occurring during an Hour of Mars, we may be certain that this Lunar Eclipse will be stirring things up as all Eclipses are want to do, and which testosterone-driven Mars does best. And warrior Mars is nearing a crisis 29th degree himself - let's consider '28Vir' first...

'28Vir': A Bald-headed Man in Uniform Has Seized Power...

keywords: male hormones running rampant; dominating others' mental space; Samson's hair; strutting one's stuff; taking positions of power; 'wearing the pants in the family'; directing and organizing many people; the government; the military; letting others express their opinions or have a say; decisions based on logic; taking action or command.

caution: pushing too hard or fast; putting on a show because one is in uniform; power-tripping; being cruel or domineering; opportunism, corruption, misuse of power; taking charge because one can; domestic violence; strict rules for living; not listening to others.

~notice under 28Vir's keywords, mention of the family - Cupido 15Leo23 is conjunct 8th cusp of High Finance; Cupido is used by this astrologer as a significator for The Family, the Zionist Christian organization behind many of the world's war woes - you'll recognize them by their annual congressional "National Prayer Breakfasts"...Cupido also stands for the world crime syndicate, fascism, and corporatism, and shares the duty with plutocratic Pluto/Chiron two bodies which conjoined to help usher in the New Millennium (Dec 30, 1999) upon the US (Sibly) Asc...'12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." And it has.)~

Mars '29Vir': A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...

keywords: learning from ancient mysteries; study and its rewards; reading between the lines; finding clues from the past and applying them to the present; being privileged to look into something special; The Bible, the Torah, and the Koran; alchemy; manuscripts; secret papers; classified documents; scribes.

Hmmm...Mars is busy these days, isn't he?

And with chart-ruler Saturn 9Vir39 sitting upon the natal Mars of George Bush, his focus and determination are being tested - Saturn is applying to a helpful trine with Jupiter rising, yet Rx, and Saturn rules Jupiter here and is opposite US natal Sun (not good for US monetary funds which Bush has tapped into several times too often.)

That Putin is remaining in control of Russia beyond the normal 8 years may be a pattern for Bush to follow in the US - in other words, I'll see Bush is out of American politics when I believe it.

Unaspected Uranus 21Pis42 and Rx is on-the-loose and working on its rebellious own - and also in 2nd house of Resources and Money, causing more financial upsets.

Neptune and Moon rise on August 16 with Fixed Star Mirfak in the constellation Perseus (young male energy; challenge-oriented) and, of course, we've just had the Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12 & 13.

With asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) being at 00Cap and between the Asc degree and powerful Pluto, the chances for retaliation of some sort are increased along with Mars still within orb of opposition with radical Uranus. Pluto/Asc = power over one's environment; willpower; ambition; dictatorship; the desire to being others under one's rule. (Ebertin.)

One could say a 'bumpy ride' is indicated by this Eclipse - financially, politically, and militarily - and one would be in aggreement with this, your reluctant astrologer.


~see the August 2008 Eclipses discussed in relation to George Bush's natal chart here if you wish.~

midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin.

Apr 12, 2008

your money is no good here

Any events or series of events issue from myriad causes combined--a tenet which has stood me in good stead as I've studied and learned to appreciate bringing loose ends together into various astrological tapestries of cause and effect.

Which is why no one man, entity, or organization may be blamed for the world's current financial meltdown which has been on the backburner since the attacks of 9/11--and I have written here and elsewhere that 9/11's ripples are behind much of the current market woes.

"Go shopping" indeed--and let the "experts" take care of things. Now we see how they've taken "care."

And so I present James Cumes' article to you if you're up for it. These financial woes are what fraud and greed can accomplish in the world if there are enough participants with their eyes on the main chance--while the real wheeler-dealers are making bets on how things will turn out for their pawns.

They've got theirs--what do YOU have?

The Black Death of Financial Collapse

By James Cumes

The financial and economic crisis now upon us is by far the most menacing of the past century--even more so than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It is not just a "subprime" crisis; it is systemic--affecting the entire financial system.

Read article from Information Clearing House.

Mar 24, 2008

the Fed's Moon Return: March 24 2008

The Federal Reserve Bank became law Dec 23, 1913 so I use this date (sunrise and/or Sun to Midheaven) as natal chart/s for this entity.

Today, March 24, 2008, the Fed is having its Lunar (Moon) Return whether you use the sunrise or Sun/Mc chart. The first has Moon 8Sco19 ("Dental work"), the second chart has Moon 11Sco03 ("An embassy ball") and there are good reasons for using either chart.

With the sunrise position of the Moon 8Sco19, the Lunar Return occurred today at 2:37 pm edt (Manhattan, NYC); the Moon returns to 11Sco03 this evening at 8:03 pm edt.

Here you see an image of the sunrise Natal chart, Dec 23, 1913, with some of the Moon Return planets written on the outside and highlighted in green.

The first thing we notice is that transiting Pluto, the dragon guarding the treasure, is conj natal Sun (and thus, the ASC in the sunrise chart.)

Sun/Pluto = ASC: crisis of self-preservation; power games with important consequences; striving for power and control.

With Pluto being opposite natal Pluto, this is a period of one great power locked in a no-compromise struggle with another great power. In my estimation, that would be East vs West, one of the reasons I don't believe that what's going on in world markets is only from subprime housing loans, although that's certainly part of it...perhaps it's the vehicle.

In fact, it puts me in mind of PROMIS software and its modern progeny which has been used against Eastern accounts in recent years. Yet if you 'follow the money' it's busy wafting its way to the East, isn't it?

Well, the Fed has a Jupiter ($) Return coming soon in the first week of December, and if you click to enlarge the image, you'll see that the Fed's natal Mars/Saturn midpoint--a difficult point of hardship, ups'n'downs, and stalemate in any chart--is conj DESC so it's under double stress now with natal Pluto there AND transiting Pluto triggering the natal potential as well. Eek!

Mars/Saturn = Pluto: the need to take control; forcing an issue; strong anger; the fury of destruction.

Seems the above Sun/Pluto indications tell the tale and destruction is the name of the game. Of course, baiting the US--and Bush's oil friends in particular--with the attacks of 9/11 was a good way to undermine US resources militarily, financially, and morally...and it seems to be working.

Yet the culpability of the US government and others is not to be dismissed, of course, esp if NWO plans are as advertised and a war between Moslems and Jews is in the offing by their (NWO) design so that the one world government may be ushered in.


In the Fed's Moon Return chart tr Uranus conjuncts natal North Node (18-19 Pis), a time when unusual contacts and associations are made. The Uranus/NN duo = "radical political groups" so there's that flavor too.

And with Uranus squaring n Venus (money; values; relationships) there's an unstable atmosphere when joint ventures develop unanticipated problems and others block diplomatic maneuvers. Unorthodox alliances may be formed when uranus squares n Venus.

You'll notice that the 18Vir degree of the Sept 11, 2007 Solar Eclipse is conj the Fed's natal South Node, indicating a triggering of old issues from the past (follow the link for more Eclipse details affecting the Fed's SN.)

This Eclipse Series (9 New South) began July 19, 1917 at 26Can+....opposite US n Pluto.

And then there's the soon-to-come Solar Eclipse in the 10 South Series, Aug 1, 2008, which is the Pre-Natal Series of the New York Stock Exchange (May 17, 1792.)

Read some notes here on the NYSE and its Solar Eclipse 2008
with details (ex: this is also John McCain's Prenatal Eclipse Series) and the chart is here.

Well, I must mosey so I'll close with Dane Rudhyar's interpretation of the Fed's n Moon degree, "9Sco"...

"Dental work"...INVENTIVENESS...keynote: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.

Rudhyar goes on to explain that this Symbol shows us how society and civilization has to invent means to skillfully repair the damage (of tooth decay)--and I assume that the Fed is busy as a bee printing more money as I type!

Mar 22, 2008

Bear Stearns waving all its paws

Well, the markets in the US took a break Friday in honor of Easter so it will be interesting to see what transpires Monday on Wall Street, that enclave of Jupiter-Neptune types (speculators; wastrels.)

Meanwhile, I got around to writing a bit concerning Bear Stearns and Neptune's dissolution, if you'd care to take a peek.

With the current visit of moneybags Jupiter to the NWO degree (Uranus conj Neptune, 1993) of 18Cap, it's all of a piece, my peops, and there's quite a complicated mystery play being performed on the world stage with innocents (the common man) in the middle of a gigantic chess game whose stakes are world domination.

NYSE's Friday break was hardly spiritually based but certainly a convenient breather for someone, one assumes.

Thanks go to Patrick Wood, editor of The August Review for keeping his expert eye on the culprits involved and for continuing to expose their secret motives.

Well, we ARE still in the season of the Unmasking Eclipse of Feb 6 aren't we?

Jan 22, 2008

Interview with Patrick Wood: Crash of 2008?

America's feet of clay and ripples from 9/11: This email alert was late in arriving so it refers to Monday, yesterday--but the radio interview with Patrick Wood of The August Review is today EST or tonight PST:

Contact Information
Patrick M. Wood

(208) 712-0170
The August Review
P.O. Box 1309
Rathdrum, ID 8385

If you haven't already heard, the various stock exchanges around the world experienced a huge meltdown today (Monday). By comparison, if the Dow Jones average had been open today, it could have been down over 1,000 points, comparable to the 9/11 crash.

Luckily, banks and the U.S. market was closed today because of Martin Luther King holiday. But--tomorrow will be a different story! Will it be another "Black Tuesday?"

I will be a guest on The Roth Show tonight from 7:00-10:00PM PDT to examine the crash and the reasons for it. Those of you who attended my online financial forecast several weeks ago already had a head start on your own preparations.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to tune in to The Roth Show tonight at 7:00PM PDT!

The Roth Show: The Crash of '08? with Patrick Wood

Please, call in during the show with your questions and comments: 877-999-7684

And, urgently invite everyone you know to listen in with you!


Patrick Wood, Editor
The August Review

copyright © 2007 The August Review The August Review | P.O. Box 1309 | Rathdrum | ID | 83858

note: you may also be interested in Patrick Wood's new project: LeftRightUnite!...I've signed up, have you?

Nov 28, 2007

with garbage as collateral

Charles Schumer, Countrywide, and garbage for collateral?

The world's fanciest financiers have been up to no good and trying to keep things hidden from view. Collapse is the game, domination and enslavement the goals.

Seems odd to me that a certain few people who just Had To Have a world economy (and considering all the billions and trillions they've piled up inside
their lairs and nestled within secret offshore accounts)--seems odd that they can't do any better than common corruption, ponzi schemes, and crookery.

But beggaring 99% of the world's population is very hard werk and must be quite time consuming. Guess that's how they sleep at night--they're just big ole pooped puppies gnawing on all their hoarded Milkbones and plotting their next overthrow of government while wondering which massacre of the defenceless to back next for the greatest 'return' for their overflowing coffers.

Follow the above article link to LeftRightUnite! and join, if you like. And let me know if you do because I'll be happy as a puppy with two tails to see you there!

Just BYOM (Bring Your Own Milkbone, if you still have one.)

Nov 1, 2007

NYSE plunge, Bernanke, and Eclipses

Stocks are plunging on oil, credit worries while the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint (cruelty; hard work; loss) is still within orb of Fed head Ben Bernanke's natal Mars/Neptune conjunction.

Saturn/Pluto = Mars: assault; ruthlessness; violence; fighting battles to keep things going; a gun with a cork in its barrel; enormous undercurrents of frustration. (midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin.)

Saturn/Pluto = Neptune: being doubted; not being seen for who one really is; unstable life situation because of the inexplicable, because of fear. (PROMIS software scares me, too.)

Another thing that's fearful is that our now-in-effect Solar Eclipse--the one on Sept 11, 2007--falls into Bernanke's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, personalizing it for him within its 18.6 year cycle.

And of course having a natal Mars-Neptune conj indicates one who has conflicts between the impulse to act (Mars) and the willingness to accept responsibility for actions taken (Neptune's undermining effect.)

Yes, there's a lot of that going around Washington, isn't there? Bernanke can't clearly see the burden of guilt and there's a tendency to ignore reality! Bubbles everywhere. Except for one thing--'the elite' know full well what they're doing to America. Others don't always cooperate as they wish, but the rich have "options" the rest of us don't have, so to them it's all good.

Here are some previous Fed-Bernanke-NYSE posts:

Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed in which US presidential candidates, cat's paws, and the octopus are well explained by a voice from the past.

NYSE's 2008 Eclipse

Bernanke's first Fed head shout-out

And be sure to visit, if you haven't, Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review where the good fight for America's sake is being fought.

With Bernanke's natal Sun/Jupiter ($) opposition, the Fed head is prone to taking risks and is afraid of competition--he tends to takes great chances when he should be more careful. There's self-deception with Sun oppo Jupiter and others sense it...

...not that the Bush administration couldn't use such a tool.

The undermining of America rolls along and the failure of the US dollar is part of the game, m'peops! "Performer of a mystery play" ("6AQ") is the US natal South Node--aka the 'Medina degree' (Neptune's position when Mohammed entered Medina--the beginning of Islam. Old connections came to call on 9/11/01.)

So read as much as you can about PROMIS software, backdoors, and the selling of the PROMIS software to bin Laden.

In fact, From the Wilderness is a good resource for that sort of info.

It isn't pretty (and connects the Bush-Clinton juggernaut as previously mentioned with the underworld, BCCI, the worldwide terroist network, etc) but we must face reality if any improvements are to be expected and if We-the-American-People have any hope of taking back our government from the radical fascists who now plague and control it.

Their dismantling of the Constitution was/is a must meant to neutralize the people's power--with terror-fighting the excuse, and fear as propaganda's ploy.

And please please forget the R vs D crap (pardon my French)--the divide-and-conquer ploy of selfish war-profiteers who have lied us into war once again and brought the world such misery and woe.

So--is PROMIS' ability to manipulate financial markets in play within today's volatility? How could it not be? I believe that the Y2K smokescreen was part of the game as well.

1999: ahhh, I remember it well:

You don't want an oilman in the White House, said I...but others had different ideas.

Aug 17, 2007

NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008

An hour before the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange this morning, Fed chairman Ben Bernanke made his well-timed move to lower the discount interest rate that banks use when loaning each other monies and he extended the lending time from the traditional overnight to 30 days.

The DOW moved up by closing bell to 13,079 but was down 1.2% for the week.

Owning a 1972 copy of Sybil Leek's The Astrological Guide to Financial Success, I give here her 2 cents' worth on the illusion of credit and the daftness (my word) of living beyond one's means.

The unstable illusions begin with nebulous Neptune's entry into Scorpio, sign of Big Business, which occurred approximately March 1956 until 1970 while making some reconnaisance back into Libra (appr Oct '56--June '57.)

Here is Ms. Leek in her own words from 1972:

If any planet has an affinity toward inflation it is Neptune, and those who associate it with dreamlike qualities may wake up to find they have had nightmares.

Neptune in Scorpio is concerned with the mass of people being encouraged to live beyond their means. (Neptune) is a most insidious planet, tempting and then mocking those who fall for its whimsical ways. I regard it as a symbol of a false economic situation which has rapidly become a way of life for many Americans since it began to transit the dark, turgid starfield of Scorpio.

Inflation (has had) its heyday during the transitting of Neptune in Scorpio since 1956. This plus heavy governmental deficits point to the possibility of a serious financial panic between now and 1973 unless some ingenious brains begin to plan toward establishing a balance between wages and buying power (she must be rolling over in her grave during Bush's unending, drunken-sailor term in office.) #

Guess this means that the ingenious brain of Bernanke and his compadres are planning to establish a balance yet today it proved to be between banks and their use of their customers' money. We'll see if it amounts to anything of value to anyone but the elite private bankers of the world--or just another example of who-do-that-voo-doo? you do.

So I searched the natal and progressed charts with transits today of the NYSE (May 17, 1792; 7:52 am LMT; NYC) and the most 'action' I found was:

*Solar Arc Directions (SA)...Mars to natal Moon 18Ari39 in 10th house: strong drive to fulfill needs, to "let it fly"; disruption; hyperactivity.

SA Jupiter to natal Mercury 23Tau50: legal issues; travel; intellect.

SA Neptune to n Sun (actually in effect for almost one year now): hypersensitivity; deception; illegality; inspiration; possible spiritual rationalizations.

SA Mc to n Jupiter/Neptune (in conj natally, 4th house): a visionary; a fortune hunter; a speculator, philanthropist, spendthrift, or a squanderer; harm or damage through thoughtlessness.

SA Pluto to n Ic/Mc: professional developments are life-significant; dramatic changes of perspective are practically assured; separations; a life-milestone.

The midpoint of natal Mars (18Vir43--which the Sept 11, 2007 Eclipse will trigger) and natal NN = SA Pluto...

Mars/NN = Pluto: others must "get on the train" or be left behind; the performance of joint record achievements; an enforced separation in a partnership or union. This picture will be exact in about 2--3 years.

Then there's the loss, cruelty, and hardship of natal Saturn/Pluto midpoint which is being stimulated by transiting, disruptive, tech-savvy Uranus.

Sat/Pluto = Uranus: ability to make sudden decisions in the most difficult circumstances; sudden acts of violence; an attack regardless of potential losses; brutal efforts to start a new order.

Is the market's recent volatility and subsequent liquidity infusions--plus today's bank reacharound--part of the globalist NWO plans? Or are their financial systems being hacked to death by tech-savvy robbers? How about some of all of the above?

(UPDATE 2.2.08: think France!)

On August 1, 2008 the Solar Eclipse Series in which the NYSE was 'born' manifests once again at 9Leo32...we find that degree in at least three places, the natal charts of: George W. Bush, Alberto Gonzales, and the Republican Party.

Here are some interpretations of the degrees of 8, 9, and 10 Leo from Adriano Carelli.

NYSE's Prenatal Eclipse (PE) is in the 10South (10S) Series which Brady's Predictive Astrology gives as: breaking out of a very negative situation in which no options or hope can be seen; a worry that has been plaguing may suddenly clear and the solution must be taken up without too much delay.

Rose Lineman's Your Prenatal Eclipse says that a Leo
Solar Eclipse indicates a need for vigorous resolve in tackling problems--halfway measures will not succeed. Vainglory, pomposity, and other negative Leonine traits are stumbling blocks to correction of karmic issues.

I might add that the Prodigal Son which is associated with the sign Leo may have some connection with the issues in this Series which will be surfacing in 2008. This Eclipse will fall in NYSE's natal 2nd house of money, values, and earning of the 'money houses'...and last occurred on July 22, 1990.

The Initial Eclipse of any Series is telling...this one: March 10, 1179 (Old Style) at 26Pis01. Some flavors from that Eclipse are angry quarrelling; a demanding nature; outbursts; quick mood changes; valid instincts; and/or: any alternative seems inappropriate; thoughts don't know where to go; separating from the issues.

Sounds like a mixed bag, doesn't it? Such is life.

So with NYSE's natal Pluto 23AQ31 having been recently opposed by tr Saturn (control and restriction) there's been an air of embattlement in which past control is threatened by future--or current--takeovers...authority challenges power.

Hmmm...perhaps I should take a closer look at Rupert Murdoch's natal chart.

Okay, here is my chance to close with a favorite quote from financier and robber baron extraordinaire, J.P. Morgan:

Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do.

Oh yeah? Then they've seen the crap coming for a long long time.

*Solar Arc Directory, Noel Tyl; other midpoint pictures, Ebertin.

Apr 24, 2007

Little hedge funds all in a row

You may want to read the latest entry from Mr.A.Cat at Lim's Limericks concerning the 'excess liquidity' in which the world now floats...or you may wish to read U.S. economy poised for nose dive...but I'd recommend the limerick, if I were you (glub glub.)

Jan 20, 2006

1933 Calling: Hello?

This post is inspired by today's NYSE drop--the largest in 3 years, and the headline of Dec 27, 2005: "Stocks Stumble", and by the rickety Japanese markets of late: On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank System, the Controller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the US Treasury, for numerous criminal acts, including, among others: Conspiracy, Fraud, Unlawful Conversion, and Treason. Noting that the Federal Reserve Banks are "private monopolies", he asserted that they were rich and predatory moneylenders who prey upon US citizens for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers, foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers. He called them, "financial pirates", and worse. Just prior to this filing of charges, FDR signed--at MIDNIGHT of his Inauguration Day, March 5, 1933--a proclamation to divorce US currency from the gold standard, thereby mooting an old debate in America, and seemingly helping the country. On April 5, 1933, FDR ordered the confiscation of gold coins, gold certificates, and gold bullion, Executive Order 6102. (You say there's gold in Fort Knox, do ya?) Officially, the US was taken off the gold standard, April 19, 1933. And on June 7, 1934, Congress passed the Corporate Bankruptcy Act allowing corporate reorganisation with the support of 2/3 of their creditors. Yuh. BTW--McFadden died in somewhat murky circumstances, and after other attempts had been made on his life. Last I heard, McFadden's case against the Fed is still pending. jc Jan 20 2006 8:40 pm est