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Apr 27, 2012

Max Igan's "Trance-Formation" (video)

Now here's the Max Igan presentation I've been waiting for: Trance-Formation (a function of astrological Pluto)...

"The crisis is within ourselves..."

On Paul "Nonsensical" Ryan

Representative Paul Ryan, whose draconian budget plan is primarily aimed at the older, younger, and weaker among us (easy targets!), has come up against formidable foes of the Catholic bishop persuasion who've disputed his claims of the plan's Catholic origin. As well they should.

Not-So-News Flash: Ayn Rand Was Not Her Brother's Keeper

Well, here's a tinge of Astrology concerning the personality blend and powerful quindecile (an obsessive-compulsive aspect of 165 degrees) of Rep. Ryan, the erstwhile Ayn-Rand-er, and a peek at the natal chart of Objectivist Ayn Rand herself, compliments of Astrodatabank.

Actually, a couple of weeks ago, I scampishly embedded on this blog the film made from her novel The Fountainhead--it's around here some place and as you know, Rand wrote the script for it. But I won't visit that horror upon you again now (please pardon me for the first embed!)

After all, for anyone who has a heart, the Ryan Budget Plan contains more than enough real-world horror to consider. And if you know someone with a student loan (as I do), the plan's implementation would bring losses and difficulties aplenty if America should follow Paul Ryan and his buds into that dark, austere place where 'survival of the fittest' leaves no room--or life--for anyone but the arrogant, self-annointed, megalomaniacal 'strong' who shall not (in spite of all their visions and intricate machinations) inherit the Earth.

And considering the current presidential campaign so far, it's doubtful they want to win the White House in November 2012, from the looks of it! Romney? Really?


Oh okay, here's a link to the video of the film The Fountainhead with Gary Cooper. It is, at the least, a curious relic of black and white cinema and it fairly creaks along awkwardly.

Besides, I think you'd be much happier reading Jonathan Winn's intriguing new novel Martuk...the Holy which will draw you in and not let go!

Apr 26, 2012

Economist forecasts Huge Crash (Thom Hartmann video)

Economist Richard Wollf's assessment of future economic woes on the Thom Hartmann's The Big Picture of April 25, 2012 ties in only too well with astrological portents for 2012 as mentioned in my last post--video is the entire program:

Well, you know what they say, Money can't buy you love! Or perhaps that should have been a snarky yet helpful memo for certain testosterone-laden US Secret Service agents who've ruined their own careers...

Apr 24, 2012

'Global Astrology' forecast: May-June-July 2012

Portents of May, June, and July Herald a Harsh Summer 2012

by Jude Cowell

Well, I couldn't avoid reading it any longer with the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse nearing fast so today I checked out Theodore White's forecast for May-June-July 2012 in his latest edition of Global Astrology--and the rest of 2012 sounds just as dangerous as I suspected from my own astrological studies, some published, some not.

As you know, I tend to focus on only the Political branch of Mundane Astrology which actually includes Meteorology and World Transits, Mr. White's areas of expertise. And most of you are aware that the more serious effects of the ongoing Cardinal square/s (blockages; obstacles; blind spots) between rebellious Uranus, planet of sudden shocks, lightening bolts, revolts, and disruption, and powerful transformer Pluto, planet of hidden wealth, assassins, spies, and secret control, begin 'for real' on June 24, 2012 with their square exact--and after the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse conjunct worrisome Fixed Star Alcyone 00Gem00 (something to cry about, as noted in previous posts), and the rare and awesome Venus Transit of June 5-6, 2012 with Venus in mid-Gemini in the Tropical Zodiac (at '20 Taurus' sidereally.)

Yes, things are about to go wonky, my friends, and Theodore White provides a comprehensive rundown of what to expect (the unexpected! for all eclipses are 'wild cards of the Universe' and as such have Uranian qualities to them--plus, our Mother Gaia now groans under our bad treatment of her.)

Astrological indications show our Summer 2012 calendar to contain a coming season of seismic activity, high winds, odd occurrences (some possibly from space or inexplicably mysterious), floods, hailstorms, tsunamis, volcanoes, and other natural and unnatural disasters of great significance especially for those directly affected, but really for everyone due to the economic interferences, confusion in the social and political affairs of humanity (leading up to November's Election 2012 with a Solar Eclispe on November 13 at '22Sco'), the harsh emotional tolls such difficulties can distribute among the people.

So if forewarned is forearmed, perhaps you'll take a look at the latest edition of Global Astrology which also covers financial implications and helpfully displays graphics of the May 20, 2012 eclipse path across planet Earth. The western and southwestern US are particular regions where things could go seismically shaky for cities like Lubbock, Texas, Los Angeles and San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, and points along and near the eclipse path.

Even the predictions of Nostradamus have a featured spot in the May-June-July 2012 edition of Global Astrology, as you'll see.

And as Theodore notes, the last time a Solar Eclipse raced visibly across central USA was in 1994, due to a Solar Eclipse at--wait for it--'20Tau', the sidereal degree of the June 5-6, 2012 Venus Transit--occurred. Is this only a cosmic coincidence? Actually, 1994 and 2012 are inter-related since both eclipses fall in the 14 South Saros Series which contains Mercury-Pluto content with a theme of 'an obsessive idea finally being accepted; long periods of hard work are finally rewarded with the promised success of Jupiter; a breakthrough' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Worth a Historical Study? Year 984

14South originated long ago on August 29, 984 (OS) at 10Vir59 (Mercury 25Leo47 opposing then-unknown US natal Moon, We the People; Venus 25Can28 conjunct US n Mercury Rx; Mars 5Can40 conjunct US n Jupiter 5:56; Jupiter 16Vir48, near US n Neptune and conjoined by Mars 16:50 in the Venus Transit 2012 horoscope; Saturn 14Sco46 opposing US Inaugural Ascendants since 1937--the Office of the President; Uranus Rx 1Cap02 conjunct 9/11's Mars and SN = violence; Neptune 20Vir10, near US n Neptune 22:25; Pluto 24Vir34 conjunct US n Neptune--political and economic power struggles; NN 22AQ39, near our n Moon 27:33.)

The Mars-Jupiter-Neptune links indicate potentials for unreliability, and/or plans without prospect (Ebertin); they are also known as the Marseillaise Trio from the era of the French Revolution, another violent indicator. (This trio may have been originally named so by astrologer Ed Meece but I'm not quite certain.)

The planetary time links listed above personalize for America all eclipses in the 14S Series (which ends in year 2228--the Seires, not the country--we may not make it that far if current operatives have their sorry anti-sovereign way. And that includes the subversive agents working on Capitol Hill and masquerading as our representatives in government.)

So what makes this puppy angriest (so far!) about the obsessive theme of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse (14S) is that it sounds too much like a 'new world economic order' finally being "accepted" due to an engineered collapse of global proportions (follow current EU happenings, for one--Germany seems willing to crash the place and make toast of the Union for the sake of Saturnian 'austerity measures'--in a word, for control.) And of course, the Mercury-Pluto duo has its spying activities to force upon the innocent, as we've recently experienced--drones across America?


Now as you know, the NWO natal horoscope (that I use) is timed by the last of 1993's three Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune, planets of The Enlightenment, at or near '18Cap' (POLITICAL POWER = smug or strong-armed paternalism--M. E. Jones) on October 24, 1993 with Sun at 1Sco19. That's 1993, not 1994, but it is during the same time frame and with the same political will of forcing ideas onto us all--the 'success at all costs' model--or, 'the Big Picture must be followed--very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl.)

Or is there?

Well, as Theodore White kindly advises us, "Do not panic...Pray for peace and calm"--and since I whole-heartedly agree with him, I'll certainly be doing just that with Summer 2012 drawing near. And I hope you will, too, as astounding and difficult things begin to occur on Planet Earth...and 'even the very elect may be deceived'. ~:~

For more artful and poetic considerations of Planet Earth, you may wish to check out the latest edition of Emerging Visions art-zine, Gifting Gaia!

First Criminal Charges Filed in 2010 BP Oil Spill


Government Files First Criminal Charges In BP Oil Spill

Former BP engineer Kurt Mix has been charged with obstruction of justice for deleting text messages after the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2010, NPR has learned.

More at

Eleven men died on the Deepwater Horizon and thousands of livelihoods were destroyed along with wildlife and the Gulf Coast environment. May the criminal charges filed today by the US government not be the last.

Apr 23, 2012

A Rare Transit of Venus June 5-6, 2012 (video)

The following video was nabbed from the Transit of Venus website where you'll find more information, plus, Transit of Venus apps concerning this rare cosmic event placed on our calendars by The Cosmos for June 5 or 6, 2012, depending on your viewing location:

You'll remember the last Venus Transit (aka, an Occultation of the Sun) which occurred during the G-8 Summit held June 8-10, 2004 when world leaders huddled together on Sea Island, Georgia in a stuptifying frenzy of self-importance and sheer chest-baring as they strolled upon the beach, primed for a goofy looking photo-op.

Here's one photo of the boys from 2004 though their shirts aren't open as in the one I guffawed over back in 2004--maybe that one got mysteriously scrubbed from the internet for it was really quite cheesy. Now it's old times come again as Vladimir Putin rejoins The Club (as if he ever left!)

Plus, the 2004 G-8 meeting was held a mere three days after the passing of Ronald Reagan from this mortal coil but we may suppose that The Gipper would have wanted his globalist co-conspirators to carry on with world domination plans. And just look how far they've advanced!

Note to Mittens Romney: Social Security Fund is flush

April 23, 2012: New Report on Health of Social Security Fund

Oh look! As Senator Bernie Sanders well knows and a new report reveals, our Social Security fund is strong!

So if 'Mittens' Romney is elected president by all the fraud the GOP can manufacture (and they are experts as evidenced by the November 2000 election and the stop-the-vote-count of December 2000 with SCOTUS justices playing their sidekicks--or acting as bosses depending on how you look at their *trotsky-ish collaboration), he should be put on notice to keep his crafty mittens off our SS trillions.


*You'll remember that the Sabian Symbol for George W. Bush's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself, that old privatizer and propaganda catapulter, as he styled himself) at '8Leo' is: "A Bolshevik Propagandist"...which emphasizes "the recurrent battles over social and political concepts." Yes, Dubya made "a permanent impact on history," all right...for which the world still pays.

('8Leo' from Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Reading Suggestions: GOP Astrology Neptune Cafe The Mountain Astrologer: random wonderful blogs by Mary Plumb (thanks for listing SO'W, Mary!)

Apr 21, 2012

Has America gone bad because of milquetoast preaching?

The American Revolution, Uranus, and the May 2012 Solar Eclipse

by Jude Cowell

The Shot Heard Round the World on April 19, 1775 marked the beginning of the American Revolution. Preachers played important parts in that time as Chuck Baldwin ably points out in his synopsis of events. But do they still?

Overhead on April 19, 1775, Uranus, planet of revolution, revolt, and sudden upsetting events was at 00Gemini33, the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone, mention of which has turned up in multiple posts here on SO'W of late. To add to the guns and violence of 1775, Mars (militia) and Uranus (rebels) were squaring one another, an explosive condition which visibly and loudly played out in Lexington on that day.

Also, Uranus rose on April 19, 1775 with Menkar from the constellation Cetus the Whale adding a 'victim of the unconscious' flavor of confusion to the proceedings--who fired first, the Americans or the British soldiers who'd come to arrest Samuel Adams and John Hancock?

A Mars/Jupiter square added impatience and carelessness to events of the day, and Pallas (not discovered in 1775, of course, so unconscious then, conscious now) conjoined Moon in freedom-loving Sagittarius which echoes US Moon in Aquarius (co-ruled by none other than Uranus) conjunct Pallas in our nation's July 4, 1776 horoscope. Mythologically, one of the faces of Pallas was as protector of the nation-state, as you know, and in Mundane Astrology, Moon = We the People. Our sovereign nation needs our protection once again in 2012, as it turns out, just as on April 19, 1775!

And curiously, 237 years later, 00Gem21 is the position of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse which creates a time link from 1775 to 2012 as described by their midpoint picture with these potentials:

Sun/Moon = Uranus: intensification of independence within relationships; the urge for freedom; sudden developments; possible break-up; application of ingenuity to complete goals or create new ways of revealing old ideas; unusual twists of fate; lack of adaptability; inner rebellion; shared upsets; sudden conflicts. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Can you hear The Shot Heard Round the World echoing through the centuries?

Apr 20, 2012

May 2012 Solar Eclipse among the Pleiades

May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse 00Gem21 Triggers Alcyone of the Pleiades

by Jude Cowell

Thanks to an alert from Forbidden Knowledge TV, I've discovered the video below which concerns a mysterious Star Disk found in Germany with representations of Moon, Sun, and Stars of a certain constellation containing Alcyone (something to cry about), known as one of the Seven Weeping Sisters:

In ancient Babylon, the heliacal rising of the Pleiades (with the rising Sun) signaled the beginning of a new year; the ancient Celts linked the constellation to The Fates and to mourning for friends who had passed into the Great Beyond. To the Egyptians, the stars were seven goddesses whom the dead had to encounter and be judged by; in our day, a tendency toward delivering harsh judgments may be noted when Alcyone is activated or triggered. (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Since the May 2012 Solar Eclipse hits Alcyone, we may hear of such judgments in the news from two weeks prior to two weeks after May 20, and until the next Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 @ '22 Scorpio' which conjoins US natal 12th cusp of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions in our national Sibly chart. (5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA.)

And in Horary Astrology Plain & Simple (Anthony Louis), Alcyone 00Gem00 is connected with sorrow, unluckiness, and a potential for exile.

Or, it could simply rain a lot this summer.

NSA whistleblower speaks out on Democracy Now!

Wha-a-a-a? Would the NSA Lie to American Citizens? by Jude Cowell

On Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman interviews NSA whistleblower William Binney who says that the NSA has already collected trillions of emails and other communications of US citizens. And that's not all he says. (Click for video and text.)

Now this is the sort of thing we discussed a couple of days ago as described by the Mars/Pluto combination of forceful, corrupt, deceptive energies and the situation echoes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition with its spying and surveiling tendencies--and shown by the All-Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid capstone pictured on the US Dollar Bill and elsewhere. Peep-eye, y'all!

One thing about it--this plutonian obsession of the US government for spying on all our communications, library records, credit card bills, medical records, etc, makes this particular US citizen feel more ravished and invaded than "protected" from "evil doers"--our constitutional Right to Privacy notwithstanding, it seems.

And I suppose they think they 'own' everyone's DNA now, too.