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Dec 15, 2012

12.14.12: Violence in Connecticut

12.14.12: Violent Mars Not Out-of-Bounds (But Exalted in Capricorn)

by Jude Cowell

Being a mom myself, it's too soon for me to put on an astrologer's cap and take more than a brief glance at yesterday's astrological placements for the Newtown, CT school shootings--and seeing them does not put me in a typing mood today though one can't miss that the shooter was born in 1992 during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune around 18 Capricorn, a degree that transit Mars has very recently passed:

Potentials for Uranus-Neptune = Mars: lack of stamina; states of lameness or paralysis; a nervous feeling of foreboding (Ebertin; Tyl.) Negative expression of'18Cap': smug or strong-armed paternalism (Jones.)

Obviously there are several heavy portents in the chart set for 9:40 am est, however, so if you wish an expert astrologer's analysis, I recommend John Townley's Newtown Slaughter: Dire Aspects for a fuller report than I can muster.

John includes the birth data of the shooter, Adam Lanza (April 22, 1992 Kingston, NH) and uses 00:00:00 pm edt in lieu of a verified birth hour, along with Lanza's current progressions and yesterday's transits which triggered his natal planets.

It saddens me to say that, besides the current influence of the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (sign of transformation and death), the end-of-2012 YOD pattern of crisis and turning points which pressurizes retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, sign of young people, is already in the news in very negative ways--and we have yet to reach next week's much-touted, often-dreaded December 21, 2012.

And so, my heartfelt condolences go to all who are directly affected by yesterday's violence in Connecticutt, and to those in other parts of the world who are also dealing with deep personal grief caused by the violence and cruelty of others.

Dec 14, 2012

Jupiter in Gemini and Stalling in Washington DC

Jupiter Still Rx, Fiscal Responsibility Stalls, & Republicans Con

by Jude Cowell

Here's a handy timeline of debt celings and other fiscalities including 2011's Stalemate Theater on Capitol Hill.

Unfortunately for the American people and the US economy, tickets for matinee performances remain available and may be valid into 2013.

Now as you know, moneybags Jupiter, a planet that at times in Mundane Astrology is acted out by the Republican Party, other times by the *Democratic Party, won't turn Direct and willingly dispense his goodies "leaning forward" until January 30, 2013 @6Gem19. Then there's the imperative of the Jolly One's leaving his own shadow, the degree at which he performed a retrograde station during the first week of October 2012 @16Gem22.

Transiting Jupiter will reach shadow degree in late April 2013 though I hope we won't have to wait that long until fiscal cliff issues, debt ceiling stalemates, and other budgetary woes (created by self-interested, corrupted-by-big-money politicians and banksters) are resolved. Plus, will global markets be patient with a purposefully disfunctional US Congress? (By which I mean there are those who are determined to undermine the US government and have been doing a da*ned good job of it for decades.) All this drama in spite of the fact that, like many voters, I think the re-election of President Obama in November ought to make fiscal decisions more clear and with less Republican obstructionism!

Jupiter in Gemini: Have We Teetered on This Cliff Before?

In a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, the usually benefic Jupiter has traversed the Zodiac on a similar fiscal/debt-problems trail in the past with difficult economic consequences as 'he' performed a retrograde station @16Gem24 in early October 1929--and the direct station @6Gem21 occurred on January 31, 1930! Anyone who says that history doesn't repeat has a short memory, don't they?

As in our day, 1929 was a year of social unrest, upheavals, protests, strikes, fanaticism, and starvation for the unheeled, a condition we experience now with a transiting Uranus-Pluto square though Pluto was then in Cancer (now in Capricorn and opposing US natal planets in Cancer) and with radical Uranus zealous in Mars-ruled Aries, as now. (Ebertin says Uranus in Aries = Utopians and the concept of an Ideal Utopia remains at the base of our current problems (see link, below.) Utopians are simply much farther along the path to implementing a totalitarian global government and a 'new economic order' than in 1929/30--and the current GOP gaggle of brash bullies are radical, not conservative.

Then of course, you know that October 29, 1929 brought the Wall Street Crash (link, below) which ushered in the Great Depression and if we think much of Jupiter's similar actions of 1929/30 and 2012/13--along with fanatical Uranus-Pluto square influences--we may become suspicious that the worst economic catastrophes are yet to be revealed.

Is there a less harsh light in which to compare and contrast planetary conditions of 1929/30 and 2012/13? Actually there may be because back then Saturn was strong in its own sign of Capricorn (President Obama's natal Saturn placement) and opposed wealthy string-puller Pluto (Mr. Hades of the Underworld.) As you know, the two were in opposition during the 9/11/01 attacks when cruelty, hardship, and brutality prevailed.

These days, Saturn and Pluto are in a more pleasant sextile (60 degr) yet its influence is not perfectly amiable for we are talking about two karmic planets that can bring loss when they're ready! A Saturn-Pluto sextile (here, from Scorpio to Capricorn) denotes a need to persevere without becoming obsessed or too single-minded, quite an impossibility for ideologue politicians, obsession being their stock in trade. Plus, we must give props to the beginning of the current Saturn-Pluto cycle, their Great Conjunction on November 8, 1982 @27Lib36--during the Reagan era of greed and avarice (see Reagan link, below.)

Another facet of a **Saturn-Pluto sextile, are control issues relating to finances and decision-making which describe the current Obama-Boehner stand-off occurring on the precipice of a manufactured 'fiscal cliff'; some measure of hiding from the public and from one another is also described by the sextile. The hiding is usually done to avoid being taken advantage of though as a populist and common-gooder, I have to say that the American people know way too much about plutonian politicians doing that to us already.

On the level of political loss, fear, also a province of both planets, makes even the taking of prudent actions or risks difficult but let's hope that the beneficial opportunity indicated by the sextile results in the president and house majority leader coming to a partial if not full resolution over these dire economic matters before, or perhaps after, the end of 2012.

Now if only they could find and cooperatively use the services of a mediator they both could trust to negotiate the deal! Wonder if Bo the White House Pooch has a spot open on his December calendar?


A must-read, if you haven't, concerning alternating 'R v D Jupiterianism' is Thom Hartmann's excellent article, Two Santa Clauses or How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years.

**You may wish to consult Alan Epstein's book Understanding Aspects: The Sextile for more information.

Related reading: 12.12.12 Robert Reich's Why Is Washington Obsessing About the Deficit and Not Jobs and Wages? (see? Saturn-Pluto = obsessing); Black Tuesday Oct 29, 1929 (horoscope shown); Rosicrucian Utopia; 'Fiscal Cliff' and the December 28, 2012 Full Moon; horoscope shown of Reagan Signs the Garn-St-Germain Act and says they "hit the jackpot!"

Dec 13, 2012

Geminid Meteor Shower peaks Dec 13-14, 2012

It's December and Geminid meteor time, skywatchers!

Space Weather News for Dec 13, 2012

GEMINID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from "rock comet" 3200 Phaethon, source of the annual Geminid meteor shower. Around the world, observers are counting as many as 60 shooting stars per hour, a number which could increase sharply as the shower peaks on the night of Dec 13-14. Wherever you live, the best time to look is during the dark hours between local midnight and sunrise.

Visit SpaceWeather News for sky maps, photos, and updates.

Dec 12, 2012

'Eye of the Phoenix--Secrets of the Dollar Bill' (film); plus, 1935 Eclipses

1935, FDR as Freemason, The All-Seeing Eye of Total Awareness, Secrets and Occultism in the US Government

by Jude Cowell

Eye of the Phoenix--Secrets of the Dollar Bill

is a video presentation which has been embedded on SO'W before, but I'm rather cussedly posting it again for your consideration.

Few Americans think about US history involving such characters as astrologer Manly P. Hall and Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich. Yet even if you don't believe that 'occult activities' surrounded the administration of Freemason Franklin D. Roosevelt (among others), the video, which covers up to 1935, contains curiosities which may be viewed as amusing 'entertainment', if you wish:

Edit Oct 2022: Once there was another film (3 hours!) embedded in this post because it purported to reveal all sorts of secrets about the founding of America, the dollar bill, Nicholas Roerich, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Francis Bacon, America's Great Seal, and other people and topics with occult (hidden) themes--I embedded it because our nation continues to be affected by the Utopian, Luciferian ideals of past generations through present operatives and agents whose works we observe in Washington DC. Unfortunately the video has been removed but if you search YouTube for such topics you might find it!


Solar Eclipses of 1935

The year 1935 is when the pyramid and capstone with the All-Seeing Eye (of surveillance! also called the Eye of Horus, Providence, Phoenix, etc) was placed upon the dollar bill by the FDR administration. It's one of those rare years when 5 Solar Eclipses manifested (along with 2 Lunar Eclipses, listed below.) Let's take a look at the themes of the 5 Solar Eclipses just to get a sense of the background influences and flavors of 1935:

1. Jan 5, 9 Old North @14Cap: my source, Brady's Predictive Astrology, gives no theme for this Saros Series but we may surmise that Capricornian issues of government, law, and business were ahoof with tones of seriousness, conscientiousness, authority, and a need to "correct wrongful karmic situations and to guide others along the spiritual path." (Rose Lineman);

That 'the path' may be of a Luciferian nature is the question especially since Cap is the sign of The Goat (of Mendes) and is considered a mystical, occult sign containing a labyrinth. Of course, the symbol of the Goat of Mendes is also said to represent wisdom and other more positive things than satanism--yet I know you remember that Dubya was reading My Pet Goat in the classroom when he was informed that the attacks of 9/11/01 had been accomplished;

2. Feb 3, 9 New North @14AQ: sudden physical exertions, accidents, violence. (Last occurred March 19, 2007);

3. June 30, 9 Old South @8Can: falls between US natal Sun and Jupiter--again, no theme listed but in the sign of the sidewinding crab, Cancerian issues are denoted along with the president (Sun, 14Can) and ideology and money supply (our Jupiter at the "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests" degree of 6Can); we may expect potentials to include: security, shrewd business maneuvers, emotional extremes, receptivity and imagination, selfishness (also a typical trait of Capricorn), genealogy, family matters, and fated or karmic ties; Series ended in 1971 @29Can oppposite US natal Pluto in Cap;

4. July 30, New South @6Leo: great yet possibly constructive energy supplied by a Mars-Pluto influence, idealism, and the uniting of loved ones; (last manifested on Sept 11, 2007 @18Vir);

5. Dec 25, 10 North @3Cap: frustrating news, inhibiting events, focus on communications, young people, paperwork; tiring and draining; last manifested on Feb 7, 2008, the year of the Great Bush Depression; next occurs in 2026 @29AQ, near US natal Moon.)

Lunar Eclipses of 1935: Jan 19 @29Cancer and July 26 @23Capricorn, further emphasizing the security and authority axis of Cancer-Capricorn and its ambitious if depressive Moon-Saturn influences. This degree is where karmic Saturn and Pluto meet on January 12, 2020.

Blog Note: here's a link to a previous post on Bush Sr's hospital stay with health-undermining transits to his natal chart (transits of 2012, not this year's hospitalization).

Dec 10, 2012

New Moon 21Sag45 on Dec 13, 2012 @3:41 am EST

December 2012: Seeds in the Soil, Fire on The Hill?

by Jude Cowell

Around here a New Moon @21Sag45 which perfects on Wednesday December 13, 2012 at 3:41 am est spotlights new beginnings and a seeding of something that will culminate or fulfill its promise at the Full Moon of December 28, 2012--just around the time that the over-dramatizing politicians of Washington DC should be getting their 'fiscal cliff' act together. Plus, with the overly extended Bush tax cuts from 2001 set to expire at 12:00 am est on January 1, 2013, the clock, as they like to say, is tick-tocking while stock markets crouch in wait.

For as you must have heard, IMF chief Christine LaGarde has cautioned Washington politicians over the 'fiscal cliff' anxiety which global markets will react to negatively if our barely functioning functionaries continue their inaction and/or put overly austere measures in place.

So if our representatives in Washington get this wrong, we'll know precisely who on Capitol Hill wants the American people and the US economy to fall back into a recession.

Then may I suggest ahead of their perfidy that if Tea Party members of Congress must be tossed over a cliff in order to get anything fiscally constructive done before the end of 2012 and beyond, I'll gladly volunteer to help with the pooshing if you will, Dear Reader! And let's include a decided ixnay on the Republicans' threatened debt ceiling stalemate, too--especially since we've seen that particular politicized matinee performance in 2011 and it really stank up the place.

No, all their financial and other dramas don't make me feel that my government is broken. But it does make me feel that those Reconstructionists who treasonously interfere with the people's business and have no intention of actually governing because they have only partisan and/or utopian ideological goals in mind are not working for the common good of our nation and should leave town before the sheriff rides in.

Now if only a sheriff were coming!

Yet There Must Be a Happier Space...

Meanwhile, over at Celestial Space you'll find Depali Desai's analysis of this fabulous New Moon in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, fiery sign of The Seeker. Depali's lunar overview is perfect for those wishing to integrate the Jupiterian New Moon influence into their own lives by considering where 21Sag45 falls in the natal chart for that house (and its opposite) denotes an area of life now ripe for new beginnings!

"In Debt We Trust" (a Schechter documentary)

Our Serfdom of Debt and Oppression

by Jude Cowell

Well, Mr. Danny Schechter has done it again. He's created an elucidating documentary In Debt We Trust (1 1/2 hours long) which begins in church and reminds me of Bush43 immediately after the attacks of 9/11/01 superficially advising the American people that our best response was to, "Go shopping."

No, consumerism is not a religion but it is a form of Pluto-Chiron oppression--the oppression of -isms--and anyone who has reached the limit on a credit card or two knows just how oppressive it can be.

An Exploited Synchronicity?

Curiously, on July 4, 1776, the plutocratic and transiting Pluto-Chiron midpoint @8Pis50 conjoined US natal Ceres, an asteroid denoting basic things everyone needs to feel secure and nurtured such as food, mother's milk, and apparently in our day, an expensive haul of goodies from The Mall. Or at least, that is what the credit card and other industries have consistently preyed upon in the American psyche!

For more videos on a variety of topics, visit Forbidden Knowledge TV.

Hurrah! Now that consumerism expert Elizabeth Warren has been elected to the US Senate, dark forces are gathered against her, forces very upset with the minimal legal protections We the People now have, thanks to her leadership, which open up to the light of full disclosure some of the credit card industry's exploitive practices. And I sincerely hope that there are other benign forces who are protectively 'watching her back'!

Keep It Sheathed Until the Time Is Right

Actually, I'm glad to read that Mrs. Warren is taking a moderate course and not rushing in to that Masonic temple on Capitol Hill, sword in hand! Elizabeth Warren, establishment critic, showing restraint as she prepares for clubby Senate.

As the wise saying goes, Moderation in All Things.

Plus, here's a website with curious information relating to Washington DC, my former city of residence. Scroll down a ways for text concerning the Masonic layout of the Capital City and a photo from September 19, *1993 of Senator Strom Thurmond spreading cement to mark the 200th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the US Capitol Building.

Then tell me you don't think there's more than meets the eye going on now with the current 'fiscal cliff'--national debt impasse between the White House and the US Congress! Just who really owns the notes on America's national debt anyway?


*As you know, 1993 was a watershed year in which the planets of The Enlightenment, Uranus and Neptune, met three times in Great Conjunction. Their third meeting is what I tend to use as a New World Order birth chart (October 24, 1993) with '18 Capricorn' the significant degree of their conjunction: '18Cap' = 'POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism'. (MEJ.) Of course, that's a stone's throw away from the tenets of Plutocracy's paternalistic pair, Pluto-Chiron. These days, it's hard to miss seeing--or experiencing--such strong-arming to grasp and hold on to political power on the rise across the globe, is it not?

Dec 8, 2012

Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

The Horoscope and Hidden Dynamic of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

With its change in political authority in mind, for ages I've meant to publish to Stars Over Washington the natal horoscope of the American Revolution (aka, "the shot heard round the world") when a group of patriots at Lexington, Massachusetts stood up to His Majesty's occupying soldiers who represented the British Crown, and our Fight for Independence from monarchy and oppression officially began.

Having fought British monarchists back once again (on November 6, 2012 in the shape of Mitt Romney, royal plutocrat!) and with the 112th Congress barely breathing and their maufactured 'fiscal cliff' negotiations at an alleged standstill, it seems bloggily fitting that today is the day.

Shown here is the horoscope of the American Revolution, aka, the Battle of Lexington; Hour of Venus (23Tau52 in 1st house), chart-ruler Mars (ASC 21Ari49) squares Jupiter, Venus, and Uranus, a planetary trio which falls across the 2nd cusp of Earning Ability and Values.

As you see, 10th H Pluto @26Cap41, planet of power, manipulation, and control, is in the same degree (26) as battling Mars (the shooter) with Mars @26Leo13. Their inconjunct (150 degr) is nearly partile (exact) and applying (0A27.) A persecuting Mars-Pluto inconjunction (or, quincunx) describes a courageous challenger (Mars) who's grown weary of being someone else's 'workhorse' and Mars' bad temper results in explosive conditions which are made more burdensome by financial stress.

Plus, the square between testy, had-enough Mars and rebellious Uranus adds fuel to the flames of revolution and denotes fear of material loss, rash actions, and anxiety.

One obvious time link to our own era is shown by the position of Uranus @00Gem32 in a money house (2nd) because the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse @00Gem21 'hit' this Uranus of the Revolution while conjoining the current position of Fixed Star Alcyone (key phrase: something to cry about.)

So when I watch radical politicians of the duplicitously-named "Tea Party" and others behind the scenes tying our Congress in knots to prevent the business of the people being accomplished and to undermine our nation, it gives me something to cry about every day...for my country, and for You and your loved ones, Dear Reader. And as with the American Revolution of 1775, the entire world's future hinges upon what happens here.

Yes, there are many members of certain organizations who act--or fail to act--as they do now because they believe that they want the total downfall of America. But I suspect the promised rewards for their treason will be few and far between for the majority of them--and they won't like her replacement nearly as much as they imagine they will.

Now if you're curious about the hidden (occult) dynamic of the American Revolution, I include the following information from Nicholas Hagger's book, The Secret History of the West:

"The early dynamic of the American Revolution can be stated as follows:

Heretical occult vision: Scottish Jacobite Templarism (via Gosnold)

Heretical occult interpreter: (Sir Francis) Bacon

Occult revolutionary originator: (Adam) Weishaupt (founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, May 1, 1776--see link below)

Thoughtful intellectual interpreter: (Benjamin) Franklin

Semi-political intellectual interpreter: (Thomas) Jefferson"

Related Reading: The American Revolutionary War; Francis Bacon, Uranus-Neptune, and Pluto; Illuminati Horoscope (has link to Pentagon's chart); and A Few Illuminating Quotes on Plutocracy in America.

Dec 7, 2012

3 Reasons to Lose Dept of Homeland Security (video)

Here's a link to the first post published here concerning the formation of the Department of Homeland Security ('HoSec') showing its correctly timed natal horoscope (sans my usual scribbled notes--I wasn't scribbling on charts in 2005.)

You'll see that transiting Saturn in Scorpio (restriction, constriction, loss, realism, etc; Scorpio = spies like us) is activating HoSec's natal 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Big Business, Transformation, and Death. So perhaps this is a good time to have a conversaton about 'losing' or at least scaling back this massive, Orwellian, inefficient money pit.

Dec 6, 2012

Is John Boehner's boozing legendary around Washington?

Political Corruption and the Bartender Blues

by Jude Cowell

A Judy's World article Why Boehner Needs to Go details some things said by Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe Wednesday (12/5) about the Speaker's reputation for drunkeness around town, remarks which I heard with my own ears.

Even from this distance in Georgia (and not being a resident of D.C. for many moons now), I've heard of Speaker Boehner's love of The Juice 'ere this but it seems his current 'fiscal cliff' stalemate performances on Capitol Hill are giving his Neptunian dependency on negative escapism a boost into the spotlight. One may perhaps wonder, Is he up to the task?

Well, maybe you've already checked out Mr. Boehner's natal horoscope with its Moon-Neptune contact, a possible conjunction indicating drinking if not alcohol dependency which often has a self-pitying, crying-in-beer vibe especially when things aren't going his way. (I once had an uncle with this conjunction and the resulting problem of emotional weakness so I know all too well--but who doesn't?)

So if you should hear that President Obama has Speaker Boehner 'over a barrel' it sadly may refer to more than the expiration of the Bush tax cuts at midnight on New Year's Eve 2012.

Syria's 1970 'Assad Coup' Horoscope w 12.6.12 transits

Below you see the horoscope of the coup that led Hafez al-Assad to power in Syria, known as the 1970 Syrian Corrective Revolution. Here is the Wiki page of Syria's current president Bashar as-Assad, son of Hafez, and potential purveyor of chemical weapons.

Now there are other natal horoscopes for Syria (exs: 1941 and 1944) but this chart is set for Damascus on November 13, 1970 at 6:08:15 am EET, a symbolic sunrise hour for astrological purposes since Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes gives the hour of the coup as "dawn"--probably a little while after the solar chart you see here. This solar chart is also appropriate because Hafez al-Assad (1930--2000) is known of setting up a 'cult of personality', a charge that can easily be levelled against the United States of America with George Washington honored as our archetypal leader.

Image: Assad Coup of Syria November 13, 1970 'at dawn' Damascus

The 1970 Assad Regime was 'eclipsed' by the November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56! ('Joy through commitment'--Brady.) Not certain about the 'joy' for President Assad but I'm certain the Syrian people who dissent from his violent actions are feeling unjoyful at the moment.

December 6, 2012: Today's transiting planets are penned around the outside of the chart and as you see, tr Saturn approaches natal Venus Rx @15Sco50 (the Eagle Point) and dissolving, obfuscating Neptune @00Pis32 is and has been in contact with natal NN at natal IC (Endings; The Drain); n NN is at a critical-crisis 29th degree as is MC and natal Pluto @29Vir01 in 10th house, a fateful or karmic combination.

And of course, Neptune rules gases and other toxins such as chemical weapons which are now said to be part of President Assad's plans to use against his own people. Or that's what we're being told in the West to make our government's intervention more palatable. (See the Wallace and Orwell quotes below.)

Neptune to NN has a potential for breaking down relationships and for a 'sense of being out of the group' (or, 'bound together through spiritual sharing'--Tyl) plus, with the 4th house connection to Homeland, Domestic Scene, and Security Issues, Neptune entering Syria's 4th H creates a disturbing and possible tragic picture.

In the natal horoscope of Assad's military coup, the Hour is Venusian (values, valuables, and relationships) and the 1st house Mercury-Neptune conjunction is very close at '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"...("superficial idleness"--Jones) is descriptive as is the Ascending degree's Sabian Symbol, '21Sco'..."A Soldier Derelict in His Duty"..."DEVIATION...complete faithlessness to the common welfare"--Jones.

The 1970 Assad Coup of the Syrian government occurred during the 8 South Saros Series of Solar Eclipses which has a 'loss, separation, partings, physical injury' vibe (B. Brady) and 8S last manifested on September 22, 2006 @29Vir--conjunct the Assad Coup Pluto 29Vir01. In America the public has been set up for an eventual take-over of Syria in the last few years, and the warring drumbeat continues as Year 2012 ends.

So as always, my primary concerns are for the good people of Syria who are in the sightline of the raptor's gaze as global government is forced upon the peoples of the world.

As you see in 11th H, there is a natal Mars-Uranus conjunction indicating tendencies toward violent uprisings, use of security forces to control strife, radical military movements (ex: Assad's coup), and explosions. Nuclear and/or chemical weapons concerns also apply to this rebellious duo of attacks and hostility especially with the obvious link between unpredictable Uranus and uranium.

Well, there is much more to say about this chart and current affairs shown by the affects upon it by transiting planets but my blogging time is done for today. At least the natal chart of the Assad Coup is now posted for those who may wish to consult it. Leave on-topic comments if you wish and we'll discuss.

"The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power."

- Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States, Secretary of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Commerce 1988 - 1965

"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."

- George Orwell