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Feb 17, 2017

Mar 4, 2017: Venus Stations Rx in Aries--leaves Shadow in May

By NASA or Ricardo Nunes [Copyrighted free use or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

March 4, 2017 at 4:08:51 am est (Washington DC) is when transit Venus stands still @13Ari08 and, from our vantage point on planet Earth, seems to begin backward motion. Stationary planets "contain *suspended power" so let's consider what this means for the planet of diplomacy (and war, as ruler of Libra), values and evaluation, perspectives, persuasion, gain, relationships, trans- and other gender issues, and the attraction principle. The Arts, Beauty, and Romance will not be part of our political considerations today but the Venusian desire for change will.

When Lady Venus retrogrades, a process of review begins until she reaches and surpasses her 'shadow degree' which is her Rx Station degree--here, 13Ari08. During this period, her objectives may or may not run counter to tradition and societal proprieties and although current superficial social values may be rejected (Rx) by this Venus (and/or her partners?), she is in a passive state of reconsideration for now. Again, social and political protests particularly by women, will reoccur although their motivations may not 'reach' or agree with the general populace and so may fail to receive approval from everyone (though it's difficult to see how womens' rights and issues could be unapproved by the Collective at this late date!) Protesters' tactics and predictable sabotage ploys by paternalistic forces play a part in this approval-disapproval process as Venus Rx re-evaluates tactics in March into May including financial conditions, plus, there may be a weakening of partnerships or alliances, political and otherwise.

Venus Out of Shadow

Venus reaches shadow degree on May 18, 2017 @12:55:40 pm edt in a Washington DC chart with 00Vir37 on the Ascendant; therefore, Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant (29Leo55), transit North Node (28Leo44 Rx; public contact), and royal star Regulus @00Virgo (success if revenge is avoided) also rise. Transit Venus @13Ari08 is opposed by transit Jupiter @13Lib55 Rx and moneybags Jupiter is again the lead planet in a Locomotive pattern of executive power and success. But are we also seeing Jupiter the General and/or Jupiter the Religious Leader rising? More on the opposition, below.

Now in socio-political realms, Venus represents Culture, the economy and Economics, wealth, diplomacy (as noted above), society and societal trends, values (as noted), biology, the plant kingdom (now being further plundered by corporate interests), metals, and peace (now said to be brought by war). The planet's detached state indicates less moderation from other planets (actors) so that her sign and other astrological conditions are emphasized, in this case, Aries archetypes such as warriors, pioneers, adventurers, rebels, activists, business leaders, technicians, surgeons (abortion issues, repeal of Roe v Wade?) athletes, zealots, ambitious people, arsonists and the fires they set, and generally, energy, motivation, and aggression. The US justice system including the Supreme Court are in the news with America's natal Saturn (14Lib48) (courts, lawmakers) ruled by Venus.

And you may remember that it was Venus in late Sagittarius that announced "an outsider" and "rival" of the administration (then, a Democrat in the White House) who was destined to win the White House in 2016? (My pre-election political speculations are unedited in the post.)

Now we know that a Mars-ruled Venus in Aries can demonstrate a determined desire for change. What changes come depend on many more factors than Venus and Mars in Aries, including transit Pluto, saboteur and artist of transformation, now hanging out on and around the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' degree of 18 Capricorn with its negative expression of 'smug or strong-armed paternalism'. And you know the midpoint picture now created by creepy planet of the criminal Underworld, Pluto:

Uranus-Neptune = Pluto: the big picture demands a certain course of action, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl) which to me sounds like 'an offer that can't be refused' by our sold-out, intimidated, bribed, or ideological politicians who inexplicably act against society's best interests while representing corporate interests instead of the needs of the constituents they allegedly are in Washington to represent. That Mr. Trump has been read into this 'big picture' agenda and acts in favor of it are obvious for he wouldn't be placed in the White House if he weren't. His campaign promises otherwise ring hollow as any propaganda yours truly has ever heard or read about from our nation's manipulated past.

2017's Venus-Jupiter Opposition

Occurring across the Aries-Libra Self-Other axis, a Venus-Jupiter opposition is no time to mix business with pleasure though Mr. Trump seems to be incapable of understanding the difference and has no desire to avoid such political conflicts of interest or the ethics violations the mix suggests. So let us assume for the purposes of this post that the following factors apply to him in particular if to no one else (although of course they may).

Cultural potentials within the Collective include: pomposity, arrogance, pretentious social climbing, posturing, ostentatious behavior, self-serving justice, values are difficult to defend, perspectives on reality suffer, a sense of proportion goes lacking, and gaudiness fails to impress. Loudly promoted events fall short of the hype, joint ventures may suffer defeat, there's a lack of cooperation, unfulfilled promises cause difficulties, and excesses inconveniently revealed are best forgotten (the culprit hopes!)

Political potentials include: many new and perhaps ill-considered laws, the number of foreign capital investments increase, religious interference in our justice system expands, and foreign raids on the Treasury. Positively there may be expansion in economic forecasts though inflationary factors and/or fraud and corruption continue to lurk underneath which makes a stable basis for our economy uncertain.

Summary: on March 4th, Venus retrogrades in unaspected condition but will receive an aspect from Jupiter as she leaves her shadow on May 18, 2017, and thus gains a better or clearer perspective. That the perspective is from an executive powerhouse Jupiter (the broadcaster and promoter) in Venus-ruled Libra (with all that their opposition implies) presents more of a negative condition than is good for the common good or for the US economy. But maybe circumstances are just dandy fine for the power elite and their financial enablers.


*stationary planets "contain suspended power": Retrograde Planets, Erin Sullivan; '18Cap': The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones; Venus and Mars in Aries: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Venus in Politics: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.

Feb 16, 2017

Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return

Astro-Notes on the Natal Saturn of Donald Trump with Related Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

As you know, Saturn, planet of authority, responsibility, control, conservatism, authoritarianism, and karma, maintains an orbital period of approximately 29 years. Therefore, a 'Saturn Return' cycle occurs for all living individuals around that schedule based on the birth position of the planet. This also applies to Mr. Donald "Authoritarian" Trump, whose natal Saturn (June 14, 1946) @23Cancer48 is in his 11th house of Alliances, Groups, Wishes, and Hopes. His having older friends or those with authority and/or experience is typical of an 11th house Saturn though Saturn in Cancer is in the sign of its detriment and thus may not express as effectively as he would like.

Saturn: Is Trump's Rise to Power Somehow Involved?

Mr. Trump's natal Venus @25Can44 conjoins natal Saturn (1S56) suggesting that he really does value loyalty, a sense of justice and fair play (aided by his 2nd house stationary direct Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra--"it's not fair!"), but can also denote discontent, disappointment, and separation in relationships. Astrological Saturn also represents distrust, eccentricity (aided by his oriental planet, radical Uranus in Gemini). Loss of confidence in self or others, and a suspicious and skeptical nature may also be described by a Venus-Saturn conjunction in emotional, tribal Cancer along with his internal issues of self-confidence and self-esteem which seems quite shaky considering all the wild boasting he feels he must constantly do (to convince himself?)

So given Saturn's 29-year cycle, a Saturn Return horoscope is 'good for' nearly three decades and with transit Saturn now in Sagittarius, it's been since 2004 and 2005 that Mr. Trump's Saturn returned to its natal position of 1946. Actually, his last and current Saturn Return is a three-fer and became exact on: September 4, 2004, January 14, 2005, and May 24, 2005 which suggests that perhaps the lessons of Saturn (maturity, patience, perseverance, responsibility, etc) needed to be hammered into that noggin of his more than once. Be that as it may, We the People are now dealing with such issues expressing (or not) within the White House administration of Donald J. Trump, authoritarian-in-chief, and man-child with a super sensitive ego.

On a more positive note, his natal Saturn is direct, not retrograde, so Dad must have been there for him in important ways. Perhaps Mom provided more of his emotional issues since his Moon conjoins the separative South Node of the Moon in Sagittarius (some weakening of the mother-son bond?) and his Mutable Full Moon (Sun Gem-Moon Sag) denotes some type of opposition, dissension, or a stand-off between parents which may have resulted in a splitting of Trump's internal male-female principles (animus-anima). Certainly he has demonstrated rather odd issues with women many times over and makes it known that he values beauty most highly (to the point of goddess worship?) and there is his Saturn (father), in detriment in Moon-ruled Cancer--and natal Moon inconjuncts Saturn (2A36) which hints of his underlying feelings of inferiority and an unconscious susceptibility to flattery (which I believe Mr. Putin and others easily exploit).

So perhaps it's obvious that older (wiser?), more mature, experienced, established people aided this fellow in taking on the responsibility of running the country (to the extent that a 'president' ever does anymore) and yet to post here on all three Saturn Return horoscopes would soon turn this meager post into a book--for some of us, a book of Saturnian sorrows. So let's merely consider the three Solar Eclipse Saros Series in which each of the dates of Mr. Trump's three returns fell into for a general guide to the background influences and themes concerning his planet of the authority he now exercises. Note that at his advanced age, this may be his last Saturn Return unless he lives to be almost 90 years old--but I wouldn't bet against it!

1. Saturn Return September 4, 2004: influenced by the Solar Eclipse of April 19, 2004 @29Ari49, a critical 29th degree, in the 6 North Saros Series; themes concern one's relationship to authority and father figures, and a need to take control; commitments are presented.

2. Saturn Return January 14, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of October 14, 2004 @21Lib05 (on and near where transit Jupiter now visits) in the 6 South series with themes of being forceful and taking power, manic energy, great force within relationships, sudden events, and exerting a huge effort in a group activity.

3. Saturn Return May 24, 2005: influenced by the eclipse of April 8, 2005 @19Ari05 in the 7 North Saros Series with themes of a long hidden and deep passion or lust that suddenly surfaces and takes people by surprise. Note that all three eclipses are in the Aries-Libra war-diplomacy and relationship polarity.

Sounds 'rise to power/take control' enough for me. And of course there is much more that could be written or said about such a Saturnian topic and I have faith that you, dear reader, can say it, if you wish. But for the sake of brevity, let's only add two factors: that 2004 and 2005 fell under the sway of neocon president George Bush (and the Vulcan warmongers are baaack under Trump) who, with his father, helped implement a 'new world order' as did Hitler; and: the third eclipse in the 7 North series is the very same Prenatal Eclipse series of Hitler's Reichstag Fire (horoscope shown of the false flag op that led to his 'rise to power') which reveals a cosmic time link between the eclipse themes influencing 1933, 2005, and a certain vain man's 'rise to power' in 2016/2017 with his 'patriotism' and 'nationalism' slogans blazing (natal Mercury in Cancer) and the bigoted alt-right movement by his side.

The Klan is in the White House. How stupid are we?

Coming Soon to a Cosmos Near You: the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse @8Pis12 (chart set for DC).

Related: The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump.

Themes of eclipses from Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Feb 15, 2017

February 2017 Karma: White House natal Saturn Eclipsed

The White House natal horoscope that I typically use is set for the day second President John Adams moved in (November 1, 1800). This was a day of a Full Moon @8Tau55 which perfected at 8:35:31 am LMT and times a horoscope with Saturn, planet of authority, authenticity, accountability, reliability, maturity, and conservatism, at a position of 22Leo59. So as you see, the natal Saturn of the White House has been eclipsed this month by a revealing Lunar Eclipse @22Leo28 as the early weeks and scandals of the Trump White House careen on. In this karmic eclipse season there are more secrets and leaks to come, no doubt, for what has been sown will be reaped.

Plus, the eclipsing is made more sad because the demands of Saturn in Leo are for loyalty, trust, realism, and reliability but these have been betrayed, it seems, by Mike Flynn, now a disgraced casualty of 'Flynngate'. Refusing to learn the lessons of Saturn is a very bad idea in any circumstance yet unaddressed so far by the White House is the fact that Mr. Trump is disappointing the American people in the very same areas that should be uppermost in a president's character which for Trump is distorted by his problematic Mercury-Neptune square of indiscretion and loose lips.

John and Abigail

Soon after he moved in, President Adams wrote wife Abigail a letter in which he opined his wish that, “none but honest and wise men [shall] ever rule under this roof.” Ruh-roh! Do you think that Mr. Adams sleeps soundly at his eternal rest under a worst-foot-forward Trump administration? (Some say that 22 Leo is the "worst foot forward' or "being one's own worst enemy" degree and in my past consulting work I have noticed this bearing out. And many times, so-called political 'gaffes' can fall into the foot-in-mouth category.

So considering how active, leaky, disappointing, and eroding transit Neptune in its own secretive sign of Pisces is proving to be, it seems to me significant that the White House began with the Sun (POTUS, as we call the archetypal role now) @8Sco55 and approaching nebulous scandal-bringer Neptune (16Sco40), planet of fraud, corruption, falsehoods, propaganda, masks, disguises, the media, the masses, flooding--and leaks of all kinds. Somewhere I've read that leaks from the White House (Executive Branch) began under the administration of third President Thomas Jefferson, but no matter when the problem began, it is now on steroids from within and without the Trump White House.

Now as you know, the February 10, 2017 Lunar Eclipse pairs with the February 26th Solar Eclipse in the 19 South Saros Series which, in a flurry of cosmic synchronicity, happens to be the Prenatal Eclipse (@24Libra45) Series of the White House (Nov 1, 1800)! This personalizes and emphasizes the eclipsed Saturn condition. In addition, the eclipse degree is now approached by transit Jupiter, planet of increase and expansion, though the Great Benefic sometimes provides 'too much of a good thing' and/or a slippery slope to calamity. Transit Jupiter will reach 24Lib45 in mid-September 2017 and has been performing a three-fer Jupiter Return for Mr. Trump who was born on June 14, 1946 with a Stationary Direct Jupiter @17Lib27 (in his 2nd hou$e within a Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio, a bubbly description of his inflationary financial style). Lunar and Solar eclipse charts are linked for viewing, below.

My basic point today is that the chaos, dishonesty, scandals, and conflicts of interest (transit Jupiter-Uranus opposition = political conflicts--Ebertin) of Donald Trump playing the presidential role is setting us up for Global Government and soon we shall hear how our and the world's problems are simply too big to be handled and solved by a little ole' nation state like us. Whether Trump is incompetent or is playing his role as such doesn't matter yet as I've typed before, I want him to do well as president because it means that America does well (same as I said for Mr. Obama). But so far, Mr. Trump has been masterful at damaging our nation's international reputation and 'doing well' seems more and more like only a Neptunian dream...

Here is a very much recommended video report which reveals part of what the Trumpian chaos is for: WikiLeaks: The US strategy to create a new global legal and economic system: TPP, TTIP, TISA. As it turns out, the new 'trade deal', the TISA, is even worse than the much maligned TPP--a corporate power grab which was set up and expected to fail. And shill-in-chief Trump signed an executive order that 'removed' the US from the TPP as if on cue.

Astro-Note: November 1, 1800 Full Moon: Sun Scorpio-Moon Taurus, a muddy (the trail to the White House was very muddy that day) Water-Earth blend that suggests an all-or-nothing approach, possessiveness, and a tendency to be blind toward the motives of others. And given the dubious and possibly criminal nature of its current denizens, you may find that one of the blend's Images for Integration is again descriptive of the modern-day White House: "Pluto takes Persephone into the Underworld." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

No, the well-wishing John Adams would not be impressed with the Trumpians at all.


If you wish, view the horoscopes of the Lunar Eclipse and the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse in murky, karma-laden Pisces with notes included. As usual, the charts are set for Washington, DC which in Mundane Astrology represents the entirety of the United States of America.

Feb 14, 2017

Jeremy Scahill on Trump Team: A Cabal of Religious Extremists, Privatization Advocates, and Racists - interview

Published online in January 2017, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviews Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, concerning the Trump team, Erik "Blackwater" Prince, and his sibling Betsey DeVos, newly installed privatization advocate, as head of the US Department of Education.

This is an excerpt from Mr. Scahill's eye opening interview so avoid watching if you prefer to remain in La La Land while the Christians vs Muslims conflagration is being further ignited from behind what is now a 'Trump curtain' hanging inside an antics-prone, thin-veneered Trump White House full of zealots:

Jeremy Scahill's article: Notorious Mercenary Erik Prince Is Advising Trump from the Shadows.

Feb 13, 2017: also from The Intercept: Foreign Spies Must Be Bored by How Easy Trump Makes Their Jobs.

And here is a post published here in 2010 (sans edits) on Erik Prince's Sun-Moon personality blend...'weather vane on a church spire' included.

Feb 13, 2017

The World According to Trump - a Max Igan broadcast

Despotic Trumpism continues to garner outrage and resistance in the US and across the globe--and Mr. Trump has yet to pass his one-month milestone pontificating from the White House. Here's a broadcast from activist and world citizen Max Igan whose Surviving the Matrix series may often be found here on SO'W:


Want to take action with your fellow Americans and make the voice of We the People heard? Try Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda.

Feb 12, 2017

The Reichstag Fire Horoscope and Donald Trump

On February 11, 2017 I posted a video segment of Thom Hartmann discussing the Reichstag Fire that was used to boost Hitler's rise to power, plus, the unsettling correlations of the 1933 event and the un-mandated installment of Mr. Donald John Trump in the White House (with his sidekick, dodgy Steve Bannon, Aryan promoter extraordinaire).

The Reichstag Fire of February 27, 1933 is detailed on the Eye Witness to History website if you're curious about what was done and said that night by those on the scene (who were secretly responsible for setting it). As you see, the date of the event reveals that its Solar Return 2017 occurs a few days from this typing--and a day or less (depending on your time zone) after the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse, a karma-laden affair. Such cosmic time links are worth remembering if Trump and colleagues find a more applicable 'Reichstag Fire' (or, another 9/11) than they have so far.

For you see, spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway's imaginary Bowling Green massacre never happened so the administration had to nix that as their Muslim-bashing smokescreen for who-knows-what reforms they intend to perpetrate, if allowed. Calling out their cow pucky must be done as loudly as possible and of course ridicule and mockery are always useful against fools who take themselves so very seriously while they wreck people's lives and sabotage governments.

Brief bio and natal horoscope of Adolf Hitler.

Related is a previous post displaying the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse of February 24, 1933, a mere three days prior to the Fire started via arson which Hitler blamed on his opponents, the Communists, and then used the fire as 'justification' for the events and forced changes that came after. Curiously, the 1933 eclipse was in secretive, karmic Pisces (5:29) as is the upcoming Solar Eclipse on February 26th (8Pis12). Karma, the universal principle of reaping what was sown, is on the cosmic menu these days but with this much Pisces and the sign's own Neptune active as it floats through its favorite sign, humanity seems to be at loose ends when it comes to figuring out how to handle hidden karma, some of which has yet to be revealed. Perhaps this is where the old hindsight is twenty-twenty can come in--after the fact and once it's too late--and after another false flag op has flown. With incendiaries in the White House, what are our chances?

And so I post the following chart for those who may wish to keep tabs on transits to it and its progressions for I don't always have time to do so myself. The chart is set for February 27, 1933 9:45 pm using the coordinates of the Reichstag Building, Berlin, Germany; it's an Hour of an unaspected Saturn in Aquarius and a will that's out of control:

Please enlarge chart to read my notes and you may agree that the parts written on the right that are highlighted in bright yellow just may apply to Mr. Trump, his minions, and backers (foreign as they may be). The activation of the Reichstag Fire chart which describes Hitler's false flag operation with its Sun @8Pis52 is a possibility though not necessarily on the date of the upcoming Solar Eclipse (February 26th) but potentials will be strongest within about 6 months afterward. No, Sun positions are not considered karmic or fated, if memory serves. But then we have the The Great American Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 @29Leo which will be visible across our nation from Oregon to South Carolina (where succession began).

Just the fact that Mr. Trump slogans at us with the word 'great' ad nauseum is enough to bother, if not worry me, how about you? A coincidence? Well, at 29 Leo the eclipse does hit Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant and is close to his rising Mars @27Leo, as well. Hmm. Therefore, its solar influence may be on a personal and/or ego level for Mr. Trump. Proud Leo, you know. Natural leader.

Additionally, the 1933 event's Solar Return for 2017 basically is the Solar Eclipse and look what we have in the White House--people with huge egos like our tweeter-in-chief and Mr. Bannon who are desperate for an excuse to enforce (more) unconstitutional laws and orders upon our nation, to weed out the undesirables (their opinion), 'greatly' enlarge the US military, cut benefits for people who actually need them, ruin what little health insurance we have, and bring on another world war as if Global Government is what the world needs more of. As you know, a 'new world order' was the goal of Adolf, too. Here's a previously posted video Germania: Hitler's Vision of World Government that you might want to check out. Astro-Notes concerning his Death Horoscope are included.

Herr Hitler and His Minions, Plus the Reichstag Fire

And if you're curious, here is a bi-wheel of Hitler's natal horoscope with the Reichstag Fire chart around it; actually, the Fire's planets conjoining his natal midpoint pictures tell an interesting tale, if you care to look:

As you see, the violent Marseillaise Trio of Neptune, Mars, and Jupiter is active as during the French Revolution, and there are indications of the occult, secret societies, and crusaders contained in various factors such as: Pluto conjunct Pollux, Jupiter/Chiron = Pluto, idealistic Jupiter-Neptune = mystics and visionaries and the wrong diagnosis which is what the Nazis gave for the arsonists who were themselves. Hidden karmic factors are shown by the security axis of Cancer-Capricorn intercepted in the philosophical 3/9 polarity, and priestly Chiron @23Tau57 exactly conjoins Hitler's natal 8th cusp, the house of The Occult and of Death. The fire was "under control" by 12:30 am and the Trio were at Midheaven (The Goal Point) so we see: Jupiter-Neptune = MC: visionaries, fortune-hunters, speculators, wastrels, spendthrifts, and squanderers (Ebertin).

Let's close with a view of the intriguing natal horoscope of the Third Reich dated January 30, 1933 11:15 am CET Berlin, Germany. Data source is the historical record and Nick Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #128. You'll see virtually the same position for Chiron which is rising and Rx in the chart (The Quest; the Great Guru (Nolle); wounding, blind spot, mysticism, mentoring) and is part of a KITE pattern with power grabber Pluto conjunct IC as the nose and Venus @19Cap as the Kite's tail. And Chiron rising? Going a very long way in an attempt to force a mentor's value judgments on others (Nolle) which aligns with Venusian concerns and pagan worship.

How curious that Mars-rising mogul Trump sees himself in a similar fashion--as something of a 'Great Guru' (aka, a materialistic Jupiterian) who's all about money and gold and loves to say, "You're fired!" Now surely that wouldn't be Reichstag Fired, would it?

Feb 11, 2017

Eerie Parallels Between Hitler's Rise to Power and Trump's Administration? video

February 2017: no, I don't want to post this Hitler-esque segment from a recent Thom Hartmann Show but considering the climate and events occurring since Donald Trump entered the fray, I won't apologize for posting it either. Besides, you'd expect the American people to easily recognize the currently gathering threat of totalitarianism and authoritarianism under a narcissistic despot without the name of the infamous German dictator having to be mentioned at all:

Transit Pluto through Capricorn = the dictator (Reinhold Ebertin). Walls built to keep people out simultaneously imprison.

Feb 10, 2017

Feb 2017: Jupiter-Saturn, a Lunar Eclipse, a Comet, Arcturus, and Trump

Is a Trump Administration Worth All the Trouble?

by Jude Cowell

Since last week it has been difficult to miss the troubles of Mr. Trump's executive-ordered 'Muslim ban' squelched by the Judiciary branch of the US government for after all, 'conflict' is the litigious Mr. Mars-Rising's middle name. And yet an attempt to expand executive power isn't unusual behavior from a president, especially a brand new one, but treading over the US Constitution with muddy boots is asking to be slapped down and the Judiciary branch is typically the sheriff to do so. At least it ought to be that way in these heady days of the New Millennium, second decade as it is, because the tension between Jupiter and Saturn create the yin-yang balance of the Universe which keeps the planets in their courses.

So it's only natural that Trump vs the Judiciary is on everyone's minds along with our government's traditional checks'n'balances which can be described astrologically by expansive Jupiter in balance with restrictive Saturn--these days proceeding through the tropical Zodiac while engaged in a beneficial sextile (60 degrees) with each other, off and on. Transit Jupiter, now at 23Libra, has led a Locomotive pattern of increase and success even while retrograde and with 23Libra spotlighting two fixed stars, Spica (the spike) and Arcturus (a different approach), we find the office of the president (Spica = the Washington Monument) and the White House (Arcturus in L'Enfant's plan of Washington DC) having a tough time that includes the US Congress (Regulus, brought to Earth within the Federal Triangle). Three buildings located at America's founding intended to echo three major stars--and three branches of government meant to keep an eye on one another!

To spy the green comet look between sparkling Arcturus and Planet Saturn!.

And of course, if you know anything about the natal horoscope and planets of Donald J. Trump, you know his fighting Mars in proud Leo rises with royal star Regulus (success if revenge is avoided). However, Mr. Trump has demonstrated a pattern of embracing and delighting in taking revenge. "SEE YOU IN COURT!" he tweeted, shouting in all caps after his ban was disallowed by a three-judge panel. Meanwhile, Hillary tweeted '3-0' to rub Trump's nose in his failure and yours truly replied to Hillary, 'a sweet tweet but it riles the baby'. Can you blame me? Okay, go ahead!

Besides have legal implications of the planetary pair, when society is under the influence of a Jupiter-Saturn sextile, overreach or over-extension are the primary causes of failure and it is by patience and careful planning that success may be attained. Recently even White House staffers have admitted that perhaps they should have consulted the departments that would be affected by a travel ban before springing it upon unwary officials and travelers (some who were traveling here for medical reasons). A steady development of plans while recognizing the limitations involved is the conservative approach which can actually lead to achievement while avoiding self-sabotage. Perhaps the label 'conservative' is the wrong description of the reactionary radicals, alt-right and otherwise, now roaming White House halls of power.

And so with the transit of Saturn, karmic planet of lessons, tasks, limitation, accountability, and delay, @23Sagittarius (Sag ruled by Jupiter), we see the societal pair of Jupiter and Saturn (checks-n-balances) in sextile aspect from Libra to Sag. Plus, Mr. Trump is in the midst of a three-fer Jupiter Return so expanded power has been on top of his to-do list for some time, that we know. And having a prominent Jupiter (17:27 stationary direct) in his natal chart and psyche (and exalted in Libra), we've heard Mr. Trump express the typical complaint of this placement more than once: "it's not fair!' which for him seems to apply to anyone who disagrees with his ideas or plans or who stands in his self-righteous, grandiose way. (He did, after all, 'do it his way', a good theme for his most elevated planet, radical independent Uranus in changeable Gemini, communicative sign of the trader, deal-maker--and double dealer.)

Yet perhaps in this meager attempt to understand the Oval Office occupant's current troubles of limitation and delay (aided by his lack of proper preparation), it is more to the point that transit Saturn has been within orb of conjoining Mr. Trump's natal Moon-South Node conjunction (21--24Sag) while simultaneously opposing his natal Sun (ego) in Gemini, something discussed multiple times here on Stars Over Washington and if the limiting effects of this Saturnian transit were not seen before the last few days, they surely can be now. Relationship problems (his natal Full Moon in Gem-Sag hit by transit Saturn = separation, endings, Melania-we-hardly-knew-ya, and health issues (or perhaps healthcare repeal/replace with the ACA/Obamacare which promises to become Trumpcare) have been demanded by old man Saturn, the Timekeeper of the Universe. Even transit Saturn opposing natal Uranus, planet of freedom, independence, and rebellion, has brought restrictions into his life while also supplying more serious responsibilities that limit his ability to go where he wants, when and how he wants.

So with the unpredictable harbinger effects of the approaching green comet set aside, there remains tonight's Lunar Eclipse @22Leo27 (the 'worst foot forward' degree) perfecting approximately three degrees from Mr. Trump's natal Mars while the eclipse Sun @22Aquarius spotlights the "Big Bear" of Russia in the Sabian Symbols. It may be up to five days before the eclipse shows its true intentions. Under the rays of tonight's eclipse (and followed by the February 26th Solar Eclipse in murky Pisces where transit Neptune has been eroding reality), inconvenient secrets, more info leaks, and news about scandals past and present may certainly manifest but for whose benefit? As always, only the Cosmos knows and that's for us to find out.


Related Posts: Transits to Inauguration 2017 Planets Bring Frustration; The Whimsical Sun (POTUS) of Inauguration 2017; The Unaspected and Out-of-Bounds Planets of Donald Trump; Inauguration 2017 Midpoint Pictures and Sun-Moon Blend; the rock'em sock'em Natal Chart of Donald Trump; and be on guard for Spring Equinox 2017 in March for not only does it time an explosive Mars-Uranus conjunction @21Aries (conjunct US natal Chiron), but warrior Mars joins anarchist Uranus in opposition to expansive Jupiter in Libra (Mr. Trump) so take all the safety precautions that you can and don't be surprised if someone new of a fighting nature enters the White House.

Feb 5, 2017

GOP Leaders Hiding From Angry Constituents to Avoid Obamacare Questions - clip

UPDATE Dec 1, 2023: Trump's 2024 "campaign" (to stay out of prison) has suffered an unforced error from the blabbing mouth of the orange marauder who has now brought back into the public discourse his old "repeal and replace" promise against Obamacare (aka, the ACA), a health inurance program that now covers millions of Americans. Word is, some Republicans up for re-election in 2024 are 'boxed in' by Trump's rhetorical promises. What a dud he is!

Original post begins here:

Well, our in-breach-of-the-public-trust politicians were directed to arouse the American people into revolting on behalf of the GOP's outrageous sorriness and complete lack of decency. But now they're running scared from We the Masses!

But then there's This Just In: during his pre-Superbowl interview with Bill O'Reilly shown today, Mr. Trump said a roll out of the Republican replacement plan for Obamacare may take into next year. Hmm. Maybe someone whispered the necessity of a small walk-back into Trump's good ear just before the interview began. See UPDATE above!

2017 Neptune hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

2017 Neptune Veils Yet Reflects the Solar Eclipse Influences of the American Revolution

by Jude Cowell

Those familiar with the Year 1775 in US history know that it was a tremendously eventful 12 months in the American Colony during which our major struggle for Independence was sparked and set aflame. Let's take a look at the horoscope of the March 1, 1775 Solar Eclipse @11Pisces11 set for Lexington, Massachusetts where the "shot heard 'round the world" was fired less than two months later on April 19, 1775 and triggered the beginning of the American Revolution.

The March 1, 1775 eclipse in the 11 South Saros Series is the Prenatal Eclipse of the American Revolution and its horoscope, planets, and eclipse themes may reveal a few insights into, and motivations behind, our fight for independence from Britain which ultimately (after many struggles and hardships) brought to fruition the Uranian-Neptunian ideals of The Enlightenment - Utopian ideals which were held by America's Founding Fathers, many if not all of whom were members of secret societies. Does this Neptune transit return with revolutionary ideals in tow?

And if we fast forward to 2016 and 2017, we find transit Neptune conjoining and reflecting the PE of the American Revolution (11Pis11). These hits occurred twice in 2016 and were exact on April 17, 2016 and August 12, 2016. Significantly, the third and final transit of Neptune to the 1775 Solar Eclipse degree occurs on February 16, 2017 and I think you'll find that the themes of 11 South apply closely to the Electoral College selection of Mr. Trump to play the POTUS role, and to the events and behavior of the newly minted Trump presidency with its lack of a mandate from a majority of We the People--hence the millions of people worldwide now protesting in the streets against Trump and his policies. They are re[resented by Neptune, too!

11S themes are noted below the horoscope; please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbled study notes, some of which will be discussed, below:

Image: 11 South Solar Eclipse March 1, 1775 5:01:13 pm LMT Lexington, Massachusetts; the Hour belongs to warrior planet Mars, the Mutable Earth/Water/Angular chart shows a Seesaw shape of polarities and conflicts, and a KITE pattern with rebellious anarchist Uranus at Midheaven (The Goal and WHY? Point--see bottom, left) includes Venus exalted @24Pisces and Mercury @27Pisces as the focal planets (emphasis on Venus) of the KITE pattern--and Neptune, the higher octave planet of Venus, as its tail. A Mars-North Node conjunction (military and police contact) rises in the horoscope, as you see, with NN @3Vir47 stationary so the chart is now having a Nodal Return which suggests new alliances, particularly of the Jupiterian kind ($$; politics; religious leaders; Jupiter the General--Mr. Trump's newly chosen Cabinet and staff) but with an aggressive Martian flavor of violence, war, military action, and quarrels--lots of quarrels stirred up by the Mars-Rising Mr. Trump, the litigious.

11 South Themes: sudden reforms are needed as old ideas and methods will fail so that new systems are required to deal with events; thoughts of new ways to handle issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

To approach the topic sans Astrology, try Paul Mendoza's article posted on February 22, 2016, 2017: The Third American Revolution? written during Campaign 2016.

And, for comparison's sake, here is a dual image of the 11 South eclipse of 1775, plus, its last manifestation @30Cancer (Sabian Symbol: "Daughter of the American Revolution" on July 21, 2009, Barack Obama's first year in the Oval Office and the Great Conjunction/s of Jupiter and Neptune, the speculator-wastrel-inflationary pair of planets that hit US natal Moon (We the People) and caused that dreamy feeling over Barack along with 'little sense of reality', 'becoming involved in speculation', and the sense of rootlessness engendered by the mortgage and home foreclosure crisis embedded within the 29th anaretic degree of Cancer, sign of home, family, security, and those responsible scuttling sideways to avoid confrontation. Note that we're talking of Politics and the negative expression of "30Cancer" is: "the ultimate betrayal of self-hood by a false assumption of superiority" and its Illumination Point opposite ("30Cap") is: "rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others" (Jones):

11 South 1775 eclipse is lower left and 11 South 2009 eclipse is upper right; note that the zealots-on-a-mission pair of Jupiter-Chiron in the 12th house of Karma and Politics (2009 chart) at "25AQ" has a curious Sabian Symbol: "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" (my italics). Also note that 11 South manifested in the years 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, 1973, 1991 (events: GHWB's Desert Storm invasion, his public touting of a 'new world order', and the assassination of writer Danny Casolaro), (2009), and next in 2027 @10Leo. 11 South's initial eclipse at Cardinal World Point 00Can48 occurred on June 14 (Trump's birthday, NS), 1360 (OS), the year of the Treaty of Calais between England and France which did not end their Hundred Years' War). And so a Cancerian lens is used through which to view all subsequent 11 South Solar Eclipses, no matter their sign, and 11 South themes contain the potential to trigger worldwide events.

Floating Back to Nebulous if Inspirational Neptune (photo, above)

Now as you know, astrological Neptune resonates with the Arts, veils, masks, disguises, leaks, deception, lies, fraud, weakness, confusion, corruption, disappointment, and the undermining of current conditions, but also suggests the urge to merge, erosion, distrust, delusion (including self-deception), liquids such as water, oil, gas, plus, toxins, infections, and drugs such as alcohol, cannabis, and prescription pills. Yet Neptune's resume also includes such entities as: the Divine Source, the mainstream media, the masses (unwashed or otherwise), the so-called "useless eaters", spiritualists, idealists and ideologues, the Collective and its Unconscious, and propaganda.

To Neptune add realistic Saturn, planet of authenticity, and we have Kellyanne Conway's "alternative facts", invisible/secret government, and sick, depressed, and/or weak people. In other words, Saturn-Neptune keys the now-tattered social safety net programs of FDR's New Deal, the ones Trump and the Republicans (and their financier enablers) are determined to disrupt and destroy--with the help of corporate Democrats--so that control and the money involved in these social programs are handed over to reckless, greedy Wall Street speculators and warmongers. Plus, some creative depopulation occurs by default, leaving more resources for the 'elite' ones who remain. You know how some 'unintended consequences' are actually (Saturn) secretly (Neptune) intended all along.

In addition, the zealous anarchists (Uranus in Aries; Jupiter conjunct Chiron) want our Education Department monies, too, and for this purpose they are forcing an unqualified anti-public-school Betsey DeVos into office to undermine our school system and steal from public education funds (and from our children! You just know that Mr. Jefferson must be turning over in his grave--over the theft and over 'fake news', too).

So obviously, Neptune in its own sign of murky Pisces can 'help' with the *destruction of our social and political institutions and we hear more and more in the Neptunian news media that America is again having a revolution thanks to the alt-right white supremacists who have coup'ed the White House--and the resistance from the pubic. And the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Vir21 with its 'good time for tackling the truth; seeing a thing for what it really is' vibes being opposed by transit Neptune in Pisces had its 'realism demands' confused and muddled by deceptive Neptune in opposition to the eclipse themes that were and continue to be sorely needed in this country. A 'good time for tackling the truth' is about to give way to the February 26, 2017 Solar Eclipse themes but has had spotty success so far and Mr. Trump's fake news continues to be promoted ad nausem.

And so in closing, we see that the February 16, 2017 Neptune transit to the 1775 American Revolution Solar Eclipse falls between the upcoming Lunar and Solar Eclipses of February 10th and February 26th and thus creates a trio of significant cosmic manifestations that suggest political reforms in the manner of "A Butterfly with the Right Wing More Perfectly Formed" with its negative connotation of "unhappy and rebellious conceit." But how about the positive manifestation of "25AQ", so near the US natal Moon?

Positive expression: "A genius for turning deficiency into a real asset."

Sounds huge to me! As long as We the People get busy turning the many deficiencies of the Trump regime into real assets to be used against his and Steve Bannon's bigoted alt-right agenda so that the movement becomes our revolution, not his!


*destruction? Other chart factors apply, of course, very much including plutocrat Pluto, now in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business, for the saboteur is in process of destroying institutions, systems, traditions, and taboos. And this, as the wealthy dragon creeps along toward fulfillment of America's first-ever Pluto Return in 2022 (27Cap33 Rx, opposite US natal Mercury Rx in Cancer, our sneaky surveillance and spying pair; progressed US Pluto has been at the crisis-anaretic degree of 29 Capricorn for some time--conjunct the 00AQ Inaugural Sun (POTUS) and opposing the 2009 11 South Solar Eclipse!) Yet occurring even sooner than 2022 is a Pluto Return to its position (25Cap57) in the 'American Revolution's PE' horoscope, a period beginning once transit Pluto reaches 20Cap55 in March 2018.

Related: After the Revolution: the Oriental Planet of Donald Trump. That would be unpredictable Uranus, planet of anarchy, sudden disruption, eccentric behavior--and is America's revolution significator.

Feb 4, 2017

Trump Sets Up Next Great Recession - video report

Feb 3, 2017: you'll remember that Mr. Trump and other of his minions threatened the ruination of the Dodd-Frank legislation and its protections for the American people and the US economy during his campaign and since, and today he's been chipping away at, and will ultimately destroy, its provisions. That seems reckless and irrational because, since having Dodd-Frank in place, the US economy has chugged along under an Obama administration the last eight years while the dandies on Wall Street have been doing just dandy fine. The DOW even broke through the 20,000-point barrier recently and still Mr. Trump is determined to use a sledge hammer where some patching up would do:

Video report courtesy of The Young Turks Network.

But you know those reactionary Republicans--they're attempting the same overkill with Obamacare (the ACA) when it only needs some major patching up in order to be improved--without causing too much strife for those who need its coverage. To this particular Child of the Revolution it seems that the Trumpians are trying their best to send an enraged We the People into the streets with pitchforks raised so the thugs can try out their nifty military style police and other brutal forces against us (not recommended).

There will be more on similar topics soon when my post on the American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse is published here so please stay tuned, if you so desire. And yes, its themes are curiously synchronous with current events, more's the pity.

America. We're going to miss her when she's gone.

Feb 3, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Invents Fake Terror Attack To Justify Travel Ban - clip

Either Mrs. Conway's bogus claim about a Bowling Green terror attack is a diversionary tactic going into the weekend to cover more damage Trump and the Republicans intend to perpetrate, or the lady has been reading and believing some of that there fake news:

For more reports simply step into The Ring of Fire.