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Apr 16, 2018

Homeland Security to Start Tracking Journalists and Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent"

April 14, 2018: Farron Cousins reports for The Ring of Fire:

Support independent media by visiting the Ring of Fire patreon account!

Also see: Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent." That's blogs and reporters with a national following. Hmm. Not Stars Over Washington. But I would have thought the Pentagon's 'Total Awareness' mission (TIA) already had gathered such a database. Guess Trump'n'company are demanding more information on resisters and dissenters--and America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security is always up for such 'Big Brother' shadiness.

So in case you haven't seen one (and while you still can), here's a rather light-on-details post from 2005 which does, however, contain an image of the Horoscope of Homeland Security (November 25, 2002 1:44 pm Washington DC--debuted under the spell of a dramatic, volatile double Fire blend).

Apr 14, 2018

Horoscopes: Syria w Trump Strikes Syria April 13, 2018

April 13 into 14, 2018: the following post is one I'd hoped never to type. Tragically, it must be done tonight thanks to Trump and the Pentagon Generals and their continual urge to topple the East. This is a rushed effort for studying, scanning, saving, and posting horoscopes takes time and time is fleeting. So first, here's a bi-wheel of what's going on as Washington and friends show their true and warring colors.

My Latin days are far behind me but I do remember that in olden times the Roman army had sense enough not to wage war when Jupiter the General was retrograde as it is now. Tonight, according to news reports, at 9:00 pm EDT, Donald Trump announced that the US, UK, and France had launched missile strikes on chemical facilities in Syria. You know the pretext and are aware that earlier, UK PM Teresa May and others trumped up the case for their warring actions as a 'deterrent' against further chemical attacks by Syrian leader Bashir Assad who took over the government at dawn on November 13, 1970. In the bi-wheel charts shown below, Syria's 1970 'coup chart' has tonight's Trump announcement (timed for 9:00 pm EDT) which is set for the White House though perhaps Mr. Trump was speaking from elsewhere. In that case, the 9:00 pm chart may be considered symbolic.

If you wish, please enlarge for reading:

Now I realize other locations or time zones may apply more accurately as far as the attacks themselves but these charts are the best I have at the moment. And yes, they are marked up in my usual scribbly fashion but I'm in mourning over the crusader mentality of the West and have had presentiments already due to the 70-year Fig Tree Prophecy related to the State of Israel and its potential fulfillment in mid-May 2018...soon. Suffice to say, that 2018 Jupiter Rx in this conflagration opposes 1970 Moon and Saturn in Taurus so, besides Jupiter being weak via retrogression, failure is very much an option (Trump was given multiple options, I heard, by the generals--which is the theme of the current Solar Eclipse of February 2018 @27Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon, We The People)...1 South: "flooded with options and ideas" (Brady). Plus, as you see, the 1 North Solar Eclipse @29Leo visible across America in August 2017 hit Syria's Midheaven in this chart, and activated the cautions of royal Regulus (success if revenge is avoided)--and there's Donald trump's natal Ascendant in the middle of it all. (My suspicion is that attacking Syria is one of the things Trump agreed he would do if allowed to take over the Oval Office, but maybe that's only me.)

So with 2018 Jupiter opposing Syria's natal Saturn, bending or neglecting rules won't work and challenges to authority are not favored. Of course, Trump and General Mattis say that regime change is not the goal of these strikes. Well, I imagine they consider it a process for Syria has proven a hard nut to crack for the global corporatists who are animated by the satanic destructive force that's loose upon the Earth. We see this force within the brutal Saturn-Mars-Pluto trio of assault and violence along with the suffering, contamination, and poison (gas) used to justify the perpetration of more violence.

Yet transit Venus approaches Syria's natal Taurus Moon suggesting that Assad's popularity has increased or will increase in spite or because of the attacks from the West, and with natal Saturn receiving attention from Venus as well, we see that order and tradition are among the things valued by the people of Syria (yes, there are various groups across a large country so traditions vary as well). Then with transit Jupiter and Venus opposing one another across the intense Taurus-Scorpio axis as the strikes occur, we may expect this misadventure of Trump's to be disappointing with efforts falling flat or missing their mark. Excesses that everyone would prefer to forget may occur and promises of cooperation can soon evaporate unless other chart factors and conditions interpose with positive energies.

Yet how 'positive' can any war be? They're all racketeering along with the grasping of power and plundering of resources. Plus, Donald Trump wants the world to stop talking about Comey, Putin, Cohen, Manafort, and his own antics--and stop reading that bestselling book! (Tonight's announcement shows an Ascending degree of '11Scorpio' = "A Drowning Man Rescued"--hi there, Mr. Trump! Also note the midpoint picture penned on the right : Sun-Neptune = Mercury (Rx--same old, same old lies) = false logic and deceit (Munkasey adds 'ritual ceremony' which I say is sacrifice in war). Some say the chemical attack in Syria allegedly committed by Assad was a 'false flag op' to bilk Americans and others in the West into supporting--and fighting--a war in Syria with Iran in their sights as well. What do you think?

So! With Jupiter the General retrograde, war in Syria, along with the rest of the Middle East that America broke, continues to be a bottomless money pit just as it was when Dubya Bush, Cheney, and the Pentagon invaded Iraq in 2003 after Afghanistan in 2001. Flimsy pretexts are ginned up all around again! And of course, this is all part of a process, we know, for Syria is one of the 'dominoes' intended to fall--and religions are intended to fight each other to the death as planned by the zealots manipulating the world into catastrophic war. Fall, that is, if America doesn't fall first.

Apr 13, 2018

August 2018: Democratic Party's natal Saturn eclipsed

In 2014, I published a horoscope for the Democratic Party set for February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC. This founding data is apparently based on The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, according to an astute reader of SO'W who took strong exception to a version I had previously posted.

The reason I mention this today concerns the current turmoil in Washington DC and the problems said to be occurring within the Republican Party. Why? Because The Tower Solar Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @19Leo will 'eclipse' the natal 3rd house Saturn in the 1801 Democratic Party horoscope which may be viewed by following the link, above. Of course, astrological Saturn represents various things such as the status quo, The Establishment, reality, authority, seniority, accountability, the boss, lawmakers and lawyers, legal matters, business managers, government officials, limitations and rules, denials or delays, the past, and the potential for karmic losses based on past actions. At times in Political Astrology, Saturn also represents the Democratic Party, other times the Republican. The parties tend to switch roles between generous Jupiter and austere Saturn depending on who's being extravagant and who's complaining about it in order to score political points. Basically, America has 'ruling elite' vs We The People which you've undoubtedly noticed before now.

So I find it curious that a 'Blue Wave' of voters leaning against Republican candidates is said to be arriving at Midterm Elections 2018 and The Tower Solar Eclipse, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Midterms! with its 'collapse' motif, seems to hint at the possibility of a landslide for the Democrats in the House if not the Senate--unless the entire election system collapses. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to control the House yet considering past election cheating in the US (exs: hacking of ballot machines, voter suppression, gerrymandering of districts, dark money and propaganda paid for by meddling billionaires and oligarchs, compromised SCOTUS justices, media echo chambers, foreign interference which has not been addressed and therefore is championed) We the People cannot be certain that the results of the 2018 Midterms will be honestly tallied and announced. Besides, it's not who or how many vote, it's who counts the votes, isn't it? And with Uranian chaos-creator Trump behaving just like Putin would do, we know how the kingpin-in-chief stands on such GOP-favoring tactics which may actually expand due to Republican fears of a Blue Wave.

For these deceptive tactics, and by November perhaps for other reasons, an 'eclipse' of the Democratic Party's natal Saturn implies to me the possibility that a 'Blue Wave' will be diverted at least partially by the GOP and their financial backers and political operatives, both here and abroad. And of course influences brought by the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse can begin as early as late July so let's keep collapse themes--political, social, political party, White House, crime families, and/or financial--in mind as Summer 2018 proceeds toward November Midterms and slightly into 2019 for the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 manifests on January 6 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series of gaining a great deal from group involvement (Brady). This may relate to any and all winners on November 6th and times the first week in January when new congress members will be sworn into office on Capitol Hill. Considering all the Republican defections and resignations this year, there should be quite a number of oaths taken.

So in spite of political dirty tricks used and inconvenient secrets revealed, all Trump resisters must hope that, as promised, millennial voters will turn out en masse on November 6, 2018 and vote the varmints out! Disagree if you must (and knowing that Democrats are compromised corporatists, too, but slightly less objectionable toward the general population)...there it is.

This, from USA Today: Does House Speaker Paul Ryan's retirement signal a blue wave in the fall?

Now is it curious that astrological Neptune, planet of erosion, deception, and fraud, also rules the blue seas and the waves--and is now in process while floating through its own sign of Pisces of perfecting an ongoing five-fer Neptune Return to the watery planet's 1854 position (14Pisces) in the Republican Party natal chart?

Apparently for the GOP, 2018 may be a Blue Wave time indeed!

Related is a discussion in the Noel Tyl forum of the founding of the Republican Party with horoscope included. Closest natal planet to the degree of The Tower Eclipse (18Leo41) is the Republicans' 1854 Mars @26Leo--not close enough) which in 1946 was conjoined by the natal Mars (rising) of a red-faced little Donald Trump. His baby days are long over, but he's still red-faced and squalling.

Also note that at least one other version of a Democratic Party horoscope exists, one by astrologer William Stickevers set for May 21, 1814 12:00 pm LMT Baltimore, Maryland. Is this a Maryland State Party chart or is it national? On Facebook I've asked William for historical information and will await his reply, if any, since Google searches have been unsatisfactory so far.

above image: Neptune Ascends

Apr 12, 2018

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria - Crosses Trump

April 12, 2018: here's an excellent needs-to-be-heard segment with Jimmy Dore. If you've never checked out The Jimmy Dore Show--his comedy, news segments, and political commentary before then this segment is a great place to start. And if you're against America blundering into another war (collateral damage, plunder, crime, primal violence, soul sickness, death cults and other evils)--note that this time we're being force fed by John Bolton and others (including media heads like Andrea Mitchell, wife of Ayn-Rander Alan Greenspan, her boyfriend) are guiding a toolish Trump into setting off the powder keg--this time in Syria--as per their long-range plan--watch this!

Good news! The Jimmy Dore Show is now Steeming It!


Now on an astrological note (for timing purposes), a difficult Solar Eclipse will perfect on August 11, 2018 @18Leo41 in the 2 New North Saros Series with potential themes of towers and/or lifestyles collapsing, the necessary rebuilding once the dust has settled, and changes of direction (Brady). This causes me to think of 9/11 and false flag ops typically used by governments to emotionally scam a people into fighting and/or supporting a war even while the US Congress won't declare the 'conflict' as one. And actually, the West vs East conflagration is older than the hills and it's proven itself repeatedly to be at basis an endless round of revenge with machiavellian figures hiding behind dark curtains, clutching the reins--wealthy old men who somehow convince young men to fight proxy-style as crusaders and to fight to the death.

But really we felt forebodings, didn't we, when Donald Trump turned out to have royal Regulus rising with his warrior planet Mars in the last degrees of egotistical Leo, sign of the ruler. Yet only if the unforgivable can be forgiven can we prosper. How tragic to feel I must patiently wait for starry Regulus to fulfill its nature and grant its caution toward a man who takes revenge upon others (regularly and often--it's Mr. Trump's nature...Mars-Saturn = Pluto: the death of many people). For Regulus warns that if revenge is taken, all that has been previously achieved will be lost or suddenly taken away, a karmic situation where a man--or a government--must reap what's been sown.

Better the guilty varmint born with Regulus rising with a raging Mars than the innocent.

Midpoint picture of brutality: The Combination of Stellar Influences, R. Ebertin.

Apr 11, 2018

The Natal Chart of Stormy Daniels with Sappho Rising

April 11, 2018: once the New York FBI raided the home, office, and NY hotel room of Trump attorney/fixer, Michael Cohen on Monday (April 9, 2018), it seemed the time to post the natal horoscope of Trump 'amor' "Stormy Daniels" (nee Stephanie Clifford) so here's her horoscope with my typical messy notes, plus a few Trump natal planets and angles marked in red around her chart; as you see, sexy Sappho rises:

Added to the chart are two lunations--her Prenatal Solar Eclipse @7Pis29 in the 17 South Saros Series with themes of good news and success in relationship matters (Brady) and her Syzygy Moon @22Vir41 conjunct fixed star Denebola (out of the mainstream; to go against society) in 9th house and this is supported by natal Moon @4Sco56 as apex planet of her Neptune-NN midpoint (lack of community spirit; disappointment in relationships--Ebertin). Another picture, Uranus-Pluto = Moon gives her a sense of restlessness, plus, determined ambition, intuition, and emotional conviction (Tyl).

Trump, Daniels, and Cohen

One implication of the current Cohen-Trump turmoil over sex and hush money is seen via Trump's natal Jupiter conjunct Miss Clifford's natal 10th house Pluto (18Lis26 Rx), plus, natal Sun @26Pis05 conjoins asteroid Demeter (Greek goddess of nurturing which in Roman Mythology is Ceres) and asteroid of retaliation, Tisiphone. Note that in a Jupiter-Pluto hook-up, astrological Pluto, as always, holds the cards.

Three aspects to her chart-ruler Jupiter (at critical degree in 8th house of sex) are listed, lower left and she is in process of a three-fer Mercury Return with dates listed, lower right--Mercury's next exact hit occurs April 24, 2018, and as you know, Mercury rules negotiations, deals, and agreements including Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA).

Jupiter Exalts in Moon-ruled Cancer

The lady's last/current Jupiter Return (29Can07) perfected on July 12, 2014 with natal 8th house rising and transit Neptune @7Pis19 conjunct her PE, a Total eclipse which manifested on February 26, 1979. The last 17 South Eclipse occurred March 20, 2015 conjunct Scheat, a difficult star of extreme misfortune. This 17 South solar manifestation was the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse of 'sneaks, leaks, and veils' which heralded the prez-bid announcement of Donald Trump (with Stormy's hush money paid just before the 2016 Election). Also note that Stormy's essence is seen via the closest applying aspect to natal Sun and in her case, it's a Sun-Jupiter trine (3A01), an aspect of good luck and success which makes it easy for her to gain the cooperation of others.

And if we progress Miss Daniels' natal chart, we find that she symbolically entered a Balsamic Lunar Phase of endings, partings, and/or hidden activities on January 24, 2016 with SP Moon @17Pis24 conjunct SP South Node, a separative influence. Approaching for her is a new stage in life, an SP New Moon @5Tau42 which perfects on June 17, 2019. Mr. Trump, a Moon-SN kind of guy, was elected during a Balsamic phase and he remains in it until an SP New Moon @3Virgo perfects on September 16, 2019.

For now that's all I wish to type concerning Stormy Daniels' natal horoscope so please enlarge the image if you wish to read my scribbles. And also note that the lady's natal chart and a few biographical details are available at (RR: A) so get thee hence, if you so wish.

Stephanie Clifford natal data: March 17, 1979 1:10 am CST Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with the hour of birth tweeted by the lady herself.

Apr 10, 2018

Horoscope: FBI Raids Trump's Lawyer Michael Cohen

April 10, 2018: as you've undoubtedly heard by now, the NY FBI raided the Manhatttan office, home, and hotel room of Trump's personal lawyer Michael Cohen yesterday "just after 5:00 am" according to the New York Daily News. Confiscated are said to be emails (including communications between Cohen and Trump who 'doesn't email'), business records, documents, an iPad, a briefcase, and who-knows-what-else.

Here's last evening's Rachel Maddow report concerning the raid (21 mins). Also check out Fox News.

Below is a messily penned version of a horoscope set for Manhattan, NY April 9, 2018 at 5:07 am edt with deceptive Neptune in shady Pisces rising along with fixed star Achernar (crisis at the end of the river; risk of rapid endings). Note that Donald Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus is at IC (the Basis of the Matter) which publicly projects his Moon-SN conjunction at Midheaven (relationships and contacts), and of course MC is the WHY? or Goal Point of any chart. Transit Jupiter Rx in corporate Scorpio, sign of secrets, leads a BOWL shape of planets suggesting a 'scooping up' sort of situation while potentials of the Jupiter-Pluto midpoint at MC are penned on the right side of the chart. Note that transit Jupiter has been playing around Mr. Cohen's natal Neptune (19Scorpio) of late and investigating pretenses and deceptions--and will conjoin it precisely after moving Direct on July 10, 2018. The recent conjunction of harsh Mars and Saturn occurred near or perhaps conjunct Mr. Cohen's natal Moon in Capricorn though without a birth time for him his natal Moon could be in late Sagittarius (born August 25, 1966 Long Island, NY; noon Moon @2Cap17, latest Moon position could be 8Cap31--opposite Tramp natal Mercury @8Can51). The April 9 FBI raid's Chiron @29Pis33 conjoins Cohen's natal Saturn @28Pisces--and note that Scheat @29Pisces, a star with potentials for malevolence, extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, and/or imprisonment (A. Louis), conjoins Chiron-to-natal-Saturn near the Aries Point of Fame, Fortune, and Recognition.

Plus, the Venus-Pluto midpoint also rises with fraudster Neptune hinting that concealed financial assets, deception, immorality, and seduction are involved (ex: $130,000 Cohen paid to Stormy Daniels for her silence--and the NDA now asserted to be null and void because Trump--as 'David Dennison'-- failed to sign it...on purpose is my suspicion, perhaps for the sake of 'plausible deniability'). You'll undoubtedly find more worthy chart factors if you have a chance to take a look!

So please enlarge the image for easier reading if you wish to check out my notes concerning this ongoing situation:

This horoscope is messy because it's what I do. But also because this is a very messy situation full of complex conditions, hidden events and furtive motives which are due to be uncovered, perhaps around the time of the upcoming Solar and Lunar Eclipses (which include a repetition of Trump's own Prenatal Solar Eclipse on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer) so that and other disruptive cosmic conditions for Mr. Trump during the rest of 2018 and very much through 2019 do not look very promising at all for the embattled kingpin-in-chief in the realms of politics, finances, and relationships.

Related Posts include: The Natal Mercury of Donald Trump and 2018 Saturn to Trump natal Mercury-Neptune Square which describes law-abiding Saturn in process of stressing out Trump's Mercury-Neptune square of deception, fantasy, falsehoods, disguises, sneaky schemes, indiscretions, and misconceptions. Plus, entering Trump's name in the SO'W sidebar Search box will yield a plethora of related and other posts.

Apr 8, 2018

Pluto Generations: Libra-Scorpio-Sagittarius

Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius Generations

by Kevin Estes

This is the first set of an astrological analysis of all the world's generations. The charts are set for Washington, DC, as it is the capital of the United States, and the charts, in my analysis, describe these generations very accurately. I'm doing the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius generations first, as these three are the first "Aquarian Age" generations for they are the first three generations in the second half of the zodiac, which is about the collective rather than the individual.

Pluto in Libra Oct 5, 1971 2:14 am edt Washington DC:

Most notable placement is the Moon's ruler, Mars, on the descendant, in the 7th house, and conjunct the North Node. This explains the generation's strong focus on relationships and pleasing others, as Libra rules the 7th house, so they have an emotional need to find the "right one". This, along with the Moon in the 9th house, perfectly describes their deep desire for social justice, as well as striving for a more inclusive society, as both Libra and Sagittarius, which rules the 9th house, are associated with justice. This is shown in the Neptune in Sagittarius that around 95% of this generation shares. Describing quite the social generation, the Sun (which is also the chart ruler), Mercury, Venus, and Uranus are in the 3rd house, with Pluto also on the 3rd house cusp! I have met very few introverts in this generation, especially compared to the generations it's sandwiched between, and Uranus in the 3rd house, along with Pluto on its cusp, is why this generation was the first to embrace text messaging, as well as social media, as this generation was the young adults when cell phones became mainstream and Myspace started up.

They were instrumental in changing, and transforming, the communication methods of the world! All of these planets are in Libra as well, meaning that the Libra influence of people in this generation is far more than just Pluto, because the Sun of the generation itself being in Libra means that everyone in the generation is a Libra to some extent.

Pluto in Scorpio Nov 5, 1983 4:06:36 pm est Washington DC:

The main thing that stands out to me is the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto all in the 7th house, in Scorpio! This is why this generation has many similarities to Pluto in Libra, as this strong stellium in the 7th house also gives them a strong desire for social justice, and they also share 9th house influence with the Pluto Libras, as Neptune is on the 9th house cusp in the 9th house, which is why they share the desire for a fairer and more inclusive society that's different than the status quo. This generation also has its Sun in Scorpio, along with its Moon, so along with Pluto being in its own sign, everybody in this generation is a Scorpio Sun/Moon to some extent, which makes for a very intense generation (which the Aries rising also indicates).

The chart ruler, Mars is conjunct Venus, which is the co-ruler of the ascendant, in the 6th house, in Virgo, which rules the 6th house, making for a very ambitious generation and why older generations see them as materialistic, which the Neptune in Capricorn that around 90% of this generation shares also indicates. Also notable are Jupiter and Uranus in the 8th house, which explains this generation's interest in the occult, as well as fascination with tattoos, piercing, and stretched earlobes as a way of expressing themselves.

Pluto in Sagittarius Jan 17, 1995 4:15:15 am est Washington DC:

While the Sun of this generation isn't in its Pluto sign, unlike the previous two, what is very notable is that the generation has Sagittarius rising, with Jupiter and Venus on the ascendant. This describes how this generation comes off as a whole: Optimistic, positive, and tolerant, yet very accident-prone as a result of recklessness. While the generation's Sun is in Capricorn in the 2nd house (which Taurus rules), which should give them a very materialistic side, it is conjunct Uranus and Neptune, countering the earthiness that Sun in 2nd house Capricorn should give and giving everyone in this generation Aquarian and Piscean energies. Mercury is also in the 2nd house, but in Aquarius. All this Aquarian energy is fitting for a generation that didn't know a world before technology expanded, and is also indicated by the Neptune in Aquarius that around 70% of this generation has, as every Sagittarius Pluto born from 1995-1997 has Neptune in Capricorn, along with most of January 1998 and late August-late November of 1998.

The generation's Moon is in Leo, which gives them an emotional need to have fun, that is also intense, as their Moon is in the 8th house. The 8th house Moon is an indicator of this generation continuing the trend of getting tattoos and piercings that the Pluto in Scorpio and Uranus in Scorpio generations set (from my experience, this is happening), and this 8th house energy is prevalent in the intensity and focus of the Stoneman Douglas High School activists in their movement to get semi-automatic rifles off the street. Another notable thing is that the ruler of the 5th house, Mars, is in the 9th house, which is an indicator for their love to travel and expand their world views, for fun! Their Pluto is also in the 12th house, which Pisces rules, giving them more Piscean energy than just Sun and Uranus conjunct Neptune and Saturn in Pisces.

The ingress charts for the generations do show their characters and their roles as a whole, similar to how people's birth charts show their individual characters and roles. More proof that astrology is legit, and not to be taken lightly. ke

Thanks, Kevin, for your millennial view of our younger generations! jc

Above charts compliments of Solar Fire Gold v9; Tropical Zodiac; Placidus House System set for the first moment transit Pluto, now traversing Capricorn, most recently entered each sign.

Note: For those who wish to read this post in its original form with astrodienst charts calculated in the Regiomontanus House System, visit Kevin's Left Wing Astrology blog.

Apr 5, 2018

NYSE Buttonwood Chart 1792 and Trump vs Amazon

NYSE Created by a Wall Street Handshake; Trump Aims at Amazon and Bezos

by Jude Cowell

April 5, 2018: Thanks to the Buttonwood Agreement on the morning of May 17, 1792, 24 stock brokers and merchants formed what we now 'lovingly' call the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and what I tend to call the Wall Street Casino (you take your chances and the game is rigged). However, this was not the first American stock exchange for the Philadelphia Stock Exchange had formed two years prior.

The Handshake: By Gottscho-Schleisner, Inc. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

This week with Mercury retrograde until April 15, 2018, I've been culling through charts, notebooks, and scribbled notes in an attempt to create order out of my own personal chaos and have just discovered a decrepit little notebook that includes the founding data of the Buttonwood Agreement including the time: 7:52 am. This May 17, 1792 horoscope had been in my files for years until it and hundreds of other astrology charts were lost in a pc crash a few years ago. Since then I have been using a NYSE chart set for May 11, 1869, the after-war Re-oranization horoscope so I'm glad to add the 1792 horoscope back to my files. Unfortunately, I have no record of how the hour was ascertained (historical record perhaps?) but here's the chart for future reference:

NYSE 2018: Ups-n-Downs Volatility

Previous posts on such topics include: wealth-hoarder Pluto's upcoming shift as Astrologer Warns of Pluto Crossing October 31, 2018 and Natal YOD of the NYSE activated by Trading Halt which occurred on July 8, 2015 for 3 hours 32 minutes. Post details include a YOD crisis pattern which may, or may not as it turns out, point toward restrictive, law-abiding Saturn. If not, or if I explained chart factors badly, it's a mea culpa.

Jupiter-Neptune: Speculation, Bubbles, and Bursts

However, the Buttonwood natal chart of 1792 seen above does contain a crisis-turning-point-special-task YOD pattern of sorts involving Mercury-MC = Jupiter Rx with suggestions of recognition, publicity, success, good fortune, and an optimistic outlook, a phrase we've occasionally heard applied to the stock market through the years. And since moneybags Jupiter conjoins fraudulent dreamer Neptune in the 1792 chart (in Venus-ruled Libra) we may wish to include Neptune as apex of Mercury-MC as well with its varying tendencies toward fantastic notions, disappointments, a 'can't lose' position, lax or self-deceptive practices, and/or confused judgments (Ebertin-Munkasey-Tyl midpoint pictures combined).

Also note that 1792 Venus, ruler of evaluations, valuables, and small amounts of money, recently returned to her natal degree of 5Tau23 on April 4, 2018 beginning a new cycle of Venusian activities. In the Venus Return 2018 chart, Venus trines the current (now separating) Mars-Saturn conjunction which perfected @8Cap57 on April 2, 2018.

Trump Tanks Stock Market 2018 Messes with Amazon: Just Like Putin Would Do!

If only Russia's Vladimir Putin had an operative inside the US to do his bidding! Someone highly positioned inside the US government so that Nikita Khrushchev's prognostication in 1956 that Russia would one day "bury" America because history was on Russia's side could come true!

Plus, Putin may harbor more than a little sense of 'payback' due to his humiliation at the Disintegration of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991 when the hammer (Mars) and sickle (Saturn) flag over the Kremlin was lowered for the last time. Last time? Promise? Well, given Trump's idolatry of Putin and Donnie's preference for dictator-style governing, I'm not convinced the Soviet Union flag won't fly again, are you? Perhaps over the White House with Trump the Tool in charge--or dismissed? Thing is, revenge is sweet for some like Trump and Putin and in 1991 the US should not have chortled over the demise of the Soviet Union into 15 separate countries as being proof of a "triumph of democracy over totalitarianism" and "capitalism over socialism." It's always a bad idea to poke The Bear and we see totalitarian governments now rising all over the globe as Earth heats up. The same correlation has occurred in the past and history does tend to rhyme, on one side's particular side or the other.

Also it's doubtful that global leaders of the transnational variety intend for America to be leader of their next 'new world order' when it's fully implemented. Some say the leadership role will be China's or Russia's, or on an alternating basis but without the US whose 'new order' reign was always intended to last from 1776 to 2025 or so. Perhaps we need to ask high-level Freemasons about that little rumor--not that they would spill those particular beans before they're fully boiled. Anyway, the Big Picture is in process now (1993 Uranus-Neptune @18Cap = transit Pluto: the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise (Tyl); 18Capricorn = "The Union Jack Flies Over a British Warship": POLITICAL POWER...negative expression: smug or strong-armed paternalism' and police power to "maintain the social order" (Rudhyar). Or is that actually a hammer and sickle flag?

Okay, maybe Trump's current campaign against Amazon and Jeff Bezos doesn't rise to such a traitorous level but when added to other curiosities between Trump and Putin it satisfies yours truly as part of a Russian 'collapse America campaign' which seems to involve the themes of the The Tower Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 @19Leo which is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections (another meddling can of worms).

Is it curious that Jeff Bezos built Amazon Tower, a 524-foot structure which opened on December 14, 2015 in Seattle, WA where he founded Amazon on July 5, 1994? Is the Amazon Tower in Trump's grumbling cross hairs? We shall see, as they say. But after all, how dare the richest man in the world build a Tower as if he's a Donald Trump, right? Because vengeful Mars-rising Trump, master of retaliation, might grouse just this way over Mr. Bezos and his accomplishments which 'tower' over Trump's--until he took over the Oval Office from which he can take revenge.

As for Wall Street, I'll add one final note to this rambling post: that the 1792 NYSE horoscope when progressed shows that a Progressed (SP) Full Moon perfected @7Can25 (conjunct Trump's natal Mercury @8Cancer, planet of trades, commerce, thought processes, tricks, and tweets) on March 10, 2017 and conjoined its SP Saturn-North-Node midpoint which provides some interesting potentials including: foreign enterprises offer assistance; a country in inner turmoil (Munkasey), both of which sound correct to me, if not to you, dearest of readers!

Apr 4, 2018

MLK Assassinated during LBJ's Jupiter Return

April 4, 2018: upon the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Dr. King's death, here is a bi-wheel of two horoscopes. Center is a chart set for April 4, 1968 9:06 pm ET White House (timed via historical record) when President Johnson ('LBJ') addressed the nation on TV upon the evening of the Martin Luther King assassination. Outer is the natal horoscope of LBJ (August 27, 1908 6:20 am CST Johnson City, Texas) which shows his natal Jupiter @26Leo34 in process of a three-fer Jupiter Return and topping the Midheaven, the Goal Point, at the moment of his address to the nation. As you know, expansive Jupiter returns to natal degree approximately every 12 years and tends to bring rewards (see note in green, lower right).

Also added is the Carelli Degree for the Ascendant (the address itself): '16Scorpio' (Carelli does not round up) = "A knight of the Holy Grail" which suggests secret society involvement and those of a Venus worshiping persuasion. As you see on April 4, 1968, transit Venus in sacrificial Pisces was leading all the planets in a ruthless Locomotive pattern. LBJ's natal Uranus Rx @13Cap12 was his first planet to rise as he spoke tat night and was leader of his own Locomotive pattern--and opposed US natal Sun and goddess star Sirius (The Scorcher).

Both horoscopes--the 1968 address and LBJ's birth chart--occurred during Jupiter Hours and if you can read my notes penned on the charts you can see the dates of LBJ's Saturn Return 1967/1968 (another three-fer) and his Jupiter Return dates ranging from 1967 to 1968. Other chart notes are penned on as well and I hope you can read them. Violent measures and shocks (1968 Mars-Pluto = US natal Sun, the leader) are part of this picture but today I shall not expand upon such tragic themes committed against Dr. King, his family and associates, and against the American people other than to point you toward LBJ's 1968 address planets as transits to his natal horoscope.

Apr 3, 2018

Sinclair Broadcasting Group Propaganda Doomed to Fail

Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes, author of the Left Wing Astrology blog, takes a look at the Sinclair Broadcasting Group, its 'conservative' Trump propaganda campaign, and its future prospects for changing minds in America:

Sinclair Broadcasting Group Conservative Propaganda - Doomed To Fail

by Kevin Estes

Over the last few days, news of the Sinclair Broadcasting Group's plans to purchase localized media in order to spread conservative, pro-Trump propaganda has made the news. However, these plans are doomed to fail, and not just because of the Mueller investigation. Why?

People's political viewpoints are in their astrology charts.

This is why any attempt to dictate the way people think is doomed to fail. People's economic viewpoints are indicated in the natal chart in Venus and its ruler's aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (liberal), as well as the North Node, sign of Taurus, and the 2nd house (conservative). People's viewpoints in regards to social issues are indicated in the Moon and its ruler's aspects to Neptune, the South Node, the sign of Pisces, and the 12th house (liberal), as well as the North Node, sign of Cancer, and the 4th house (conservative). I have nearly 1,000 examples proving this in this blog and on my Pinterest account. While it is true that children can be influenced at a very young age, the Pluto in Capricorn generation will not be eligible to vote until 2026, two years into the Aquarian Age, and this regime will be taken down well before that, whether by impeachment, indictments, or election nullification, and maybe even all three of them. The other young generations, the Pluto in Libra, Pluto in Scorpio, and Pluto in Sagittarius, are all too old to be reprogrammed, and the attempted brainwashing of the Pluto in Capricorn generation can easily be countered by their parents, which are all three of these generations.

Yes, there is a strong possibility that the 2016 election can end up being nullified, with either Hillary getting the presidency or Obama coming back through 2020, because while the president can only serve a total of two terms, they can serve for a total of 10 years, which is why an interim president can be reelected twice if he serves less than two years before the next election. If Pence and the majority of Republicans in Congress are compromised by Putin, whether by being involved in the collusion or by simply accepting money from him, there is no other choice, as the threat to national security will still remain if Pence, Ryan, or McConnell become President, as they have been involved in the obstruction of justice.

This Mueller investigation is far beyond left vs. right (Mueller and Rosenstein are both Republicans, and so was McCabe, so any news source telling you otherwise, like Fox News, Breitbart, Infowars, and any Sinclair-owned station, is technically "fake news"), but about US vs. Russia. Freedom vs. Tyranny. Law vs. Crime. Basically the FBI is doing their job, putting their biases aside, and defending the Constitution. Serving the people. Something the Trump administration knows nothing about. And Rosenstein was installed in his position by Trump in the first place, so he easily could have put somebody other than Mueller in Comey's place, who would have stopped the investigation, but his principles won over loyalty in the end. That is why justice will eventually be served. After all, the Trump administration started during Mercury in shadow retrograde, while the tax plan, net neutrality repeal, and FOSTA/SESTA bills were all passed during Mercury retrograde, which means they'll all be undone in some way, so that gives more evidence that the election itself will likely be nullified, as Russia has infiltrated more countries than the US, most notably the UK and the Brexit situation.

While Sinclair's agenda is definitely scary, it is doomed to fail for many reasons that they can't control at all. And the GOP has so little momentum right now that the "blue wave" in the midterms is basically inevitable, which will put a halt to the plans of Putin, Sinclair, the Mercers, the Koch Brothers, and basically anyone associated with the Republican party.

My Pinterest account for Left and Right Wing examples in the birth chart.