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Nov 8, 2020

Joe Biden's Inauguration Day 2021 Lunar Return

Biden Inauguration Day 2021: Who Goes There?

by Jude Cowell

The DC Horoscope, below, of Joe Biden's Lunar Return which perfects on January 20, 2021 (and operative until mid-February) is of concern to yours truly for a variety of reasons. One reason is that President-Elect Biden's natal Moon degree @00Tau59 (00/1Taurus are degrees of violence which he faced with the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter), plus, there's the nearness to his Moon of the transiting Mars-Uranus Conjunction which perfects a bit earlier at 3:38 pm ET @6Tau44. There are other chart factors of significance of course, both positive and negative, however, I doubt that it's a good idea to mention very much about the portents of such a subject here with certain of his opponents considering themselves to be enemies. Perhaps even 'sworn enemies'. You know who they are.

Therefore, I'll simply publish a few details concerning the Lunar Return horoscope and a dual chart image along with Mr. Biden's natal chart (lower left) for anyone who may wish to consider the Return, plus, I'll mention that on this significant day, Joe Biden's Return Moon rises with asteroid Circe with its potential for 'where we rescue or where we seek rescue'. Maybe both!

Meanwhile, the Sun, Saturn, and Jupiter squares listed on the image are actually transiting squares to his natal Moon suggesting various internal blockages, plus, the possibilities of encountering arrogant people, critics and nitpickers, disfunctioning schedules and/or systems, and having to deal with other people's extravagance (wonder whose!). Will the White House computer keyboards be intact? Or worse?

Well, we know that President-Elect Biden and his team are certainly facing a daunting job if there ever was one, sabotaged conditions or not.

Then adding to the significance of any or all of his lifetime of Lunar Returns, you see listed on his natal chart, lower right, that his natal Moon leads an ambitious Locomotive shape of his planets. Natal Moon in Taurus (constant and steadfast, warm emotions) is ruled by valuable Venus - his @28Sco33, with transiting Nemesis on Inauguration Day 2021 @29Scorpio46 conjunct his natal Venus (see Return 5th house), Nemesis at a 29th critical degree. Scandals are ceain to be stirred up by then or at least until his next Lunar Return in February. Or we could say that this particular Lunar Return 'sets the clock' on Mr. Biden's entire presidency since it's his first of 2021.

So below the image, you'll find potentials of two midpoint pictures which conjunct his Moon Return's Midheaven, the Goal Point. They sound quite descriptive to me but see what you think, dear reader:

DC Horoscope: January 20, 2021 3:55:36 pm ET Capitol Building Washington DC; Hour of Jupiter; Asc 15Can34 (conjunct natal Asc of the Pentagon/1942--protection?); chart-ruler Moon @00Tau59 has just entered the public 10th house (Placidus System); see the center of the Return chart for a couple of midpoint pictures involving the turbulent Moon-Mars-Uranus trio.

At Goal Point: Midheaven = Mercury-Mars: 'addressing life's problems more directly and completely; ready for action; courage' and Midheaven = Mercury-Uranus: 'mature insight into the needs of others; increased recognition' (Ebertin; Munkasey).

Nov 7, 2020

November 7, 2020: Scorpio Joe Biden Elected!

November 7, 2020: Finally, after the November 3rd election, this morning Democrat and former VP Joe Biden has been announced by the AP and other outlets as President-Elect.

As you know, the Fixed sign of Scorpio is deep thinking, great at detecting, and is sometimes brooding. Of note is that President-Elect Biden was born with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Scorpio. His Mars is unaspected which denotes one who can be quite uncompromising which will be a significant trait when dealing with Republican Senate Leader Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell. Plus, Mr. Biden's Taurus Moon can be stubborn, too.

So! Today's Moon sign is Fixed Leo, solar-ruled and on the dramatic side. A Leo Moon suggests the happiness, the joy, that a majority of Americans (and other folks abroad!) are feeling today. There's also the hope that the Trump regime's era is over although Herr Spanky will hang on to public attention as long as he can - in the courts, on Twitter, in news reports, on our TVs. Maybe he'll turn up with his own show, who knows. Yet no matter what he does, today's Fixed energies indicate that current circumstances will remain in force, as is, and will alter on January 20, 2021 at noon est when Trump's 'reign' officially ends!

But enough about Trump for he will, at some point, become old news. Huzzah! Let's move on to --

Today's Cosmic Weather: Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo

A forceful, intense Sun-Mars-Pluto combination of influences, this blend suggests those for whom personal and economic success, plus, a sense of self-esteem, are very important. A level of magnetism and charisma may be noticed (Moon in Leo until Monday November 9th at 8:30 am est) as well as an intense determination toward a cause or mission. Whenever ruthlessness is required, Scorpio natives are ready. Even better will be approval and applause for and from that Leo Moon: Dancing in the streets can be one happy expression!

And so speaking today for Stars Over Washington, I'm sending Congratulations (and Condolences!) to the victorious Biden-Harris team, their families, soon-to-be Cabinet members, lawyers, and staffers. Much is expected from them despite Republican opponents and others who would continue to interfere with common sense social programs and needed repairs to the damage Trump and his enablers have perpetrated. I choose to believe that the Biden-Harris team will do their best which will be a vast improvement over the saboteurs, thieves, gangsters, and racists America has suffered under for the last few years.

Of interest is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are to deliver statements tonight, plus, a transition website has been set up but I've yet to check it out.

Now to close, here's an Image for Integration for the Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo blend which you may agree applies to current events and conditions:

"A Samaritan mirrors sunshine into the depth of a dark pit bringing hope to those who live there" (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey).

Nov 6, 2020

Republican Party: Uranus Returns 2020-2021

Will There Still Be a Republican Party?

by Jude Cowell

As you know, the Republican Party recently experienced its Neptune Return/s (5x) while its name morphed into "Conspiracy Party" and other such Neptunian labels (by pundits and others, not just by yours truly). Many people questioned the Party's viability under the Trump regime and we may well continue to wonder into 2021.

Meanwhile, with this post it's equal time for the Party's Uranus in Taurus, I say, so below is a dual image of the third of three Uranus Returns of the Republican Party, plus, the founding horoscope of the Party (lower left) that I used to create the April 22, 2021 Return chart. (Yes, there are multiple horoscopes for the Party's inception, most in 1854 but one set for 1853 - and those are only the ones I have in my files, there could be others! Confusion about the Party's true identity, how very Neptunian of them!)

Now for a human being, the Uranus Return around age 84 tends to be a time when the past no longer matters as much if at all to the native (and may have been mostly forgotten!), plus, much separation has occurred as one may have outlived family members and friends. So if these potentials can apply to a group of people or an entity, perhaps this 'new' condition is proving to be the case for the GOP these days. Trump has liked inserting the idea that we've "turned a corner" when it comes to the pandemic, hasn't he?

And so with Uranus we must also consider that with the Uranus Cycle of approximately 84 years, the Party experienced an earlier Uranus Return - another 'three-fer' - which perfected 3x on: May 10, 1937, December 14, 1937, and February 20, 1938 during the FDR presidency. If you can, check out those 1930s horoscopes which are chocked full of interesting features. For one example, the February 20, 1938 Return chart (#3 0f 3, not shown here) occurred during a Saturn-Uranus square which suggests the 'new order replaces old' concerns of those difficult years, supported by Nazi zealots, and in America by FDR's New Deal programs that saved the American people's bacon (and would continue to do so if the greedy GOP would leave them alone; you may disagree but there it is).

Meanwhile, the April 22, 2021 Return chart shown below reveals a Jupiter-Uranus square denoting that goals and group projects will require independent actions that must then be coordinated for best results. Sudden turns in destiny are possible under a Jupiter-Uranus influence as well as various sorts of breakthroughs. Discontent with political conditions are also suggested by the square. Yet I must wonder, considering the effect on the Party by Trump over the last four or five years: will the square indicate a break-up?

As for the basic indications of Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus, a money and growth sign, potentials are suggested for: people who seek out-of-the-ordinary sources of money or income; those who use individual methods of finance; speculation; risking all in one go; and/or premature action that leads to failure (Ebertin). Any or all may apply to the Republican Party's basic nature and suggest to me, if not to you, that some of their financial sources could be illegitimate, or at the very least, unorthodox. Whatever they are, they are probably well hidden from prying eyes.

So based on all the 1853-1854 founding dates and horoscopes of the Republican Party, Uranus was in Taurus in each one so the above indications of Uranus in Taurus apply, plus, any that you, dear reader, care to think of. And that's not even counting the revolutionary, reactive, disruptive, separative qualities of erratic Uranus the rebellious anarchist with *Utopian ideas that go against civilization!

Please note that my study notes are penned on the charts for anyone who may wish to read.

*Utopian ideas such as 'man is in no need of laws' or government which we see with current day scofflaws.

Nov 4, 2020

Horoscopes: November and December 2020 Eclipses

2020 into 2021: Nervous Times and Cosmic Blinks

by Jude Cowell (Coh'-wull)

Simply for the sake of comparison, below is a dual image of the two upcoming eclipses that will round out year 2020 and escort society into 2021 with their disruptive, revealing Uranian 'wild card' and 'cosmic blink' qualities: Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 (lower left) of November 30, 2020 and the Total 4 South December 14, 2020 Solar Eclipse @23Sag08 (the day the Electoral College is scheduled to vote). The eclipses occur across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis which is ruled by Mercury and Jupiter, and both manifest in Mutable (changeable) signs.

However, the Lunar Eclipse brings in Fixed Signs of Taurus-Scorpio and Leo-Aquarius suggesting rigidity within financial and business interests (Taurus-Scorpio) in partnerships (Asc-Desc) with the self-will stubbornness of Leo-AQ affecting career and security matters across the 4/10 axis. Yet perhaps a bit of Aquarian humanitarianism will sneak in to our Domestic Scene (Ic/4th house). And since the November Lunar Eclipse @8Gem38 conjuncts US natal Uranus (8Gem55), yet another unusual twist of fate could appear on America's calendar during this particular eclipse season which just as easily denotes a positive twist so that no additional nervousness will be warranted ahead of time. Pre-worrying never assures good outcomes anyway!

And so the December Solar Eclipse falls within the difficult 4 South Saros Series and perfects near the South Node of the fluctuating Moon so energy tends to drain away from conditions and karma from the past is involved with 10th house matters (Washington DC). Mercury @20Sag05, planet of young people, writing, reporters, messages (ex: tweets), negotiations, commerce, theft, and/or elections, is nearest the eclipse and conjunct the Saturnian South Node indicating ideas and solutions ahead or behind their times, or those that could be plagiarized.

Also, you see that in the 1st-7th houses, the Virgo-Pisces axis (also Mercury-Jupiter ruled) is intercepted suggesting fated issues that must be dealt with in the victim-savior realms (ex: Trump's caged children? hunger and eviction due to the lack of a stimulus package from Congress?). Well, victim-savior issues we know - we've been feeling and experiencing them for quite some time now (for illness, see below).

Influences of the December 14th Solar Eclipse can begin for up to at least two weeks prior to December 14th, perhaps earlier in November. Both eclipses have been discussed on SO'W previously: here and here (horoscopes with details are shown separately and are earlier versions from the dual charts you see here):

Study notes are penned on the charts; please enlarge the image to read.

And here are potential astro-correspondences for the Mercury-Jupiter pair:

Thesis: Communications about plans for growth or expansion; business, legal, religious, and/or philosophical discussions.

Antithesis: A budget strained by too much expansion or inflation; legal decisions that affect commerce or transportation; religious leaders with desires to assume political power; religion censures scholarship.

Persuasion through public relations, speeches, and/or writing, plus, statements that misrepresent, or are arrogant or mouthy are also potentials with the Mercury-Jupiter pair.

Biological Correspondences: Inability to absorb sugars in the blood (diabetes); excessive fat in the blood; weakened lung or oxygen exchange; sciatica; nervous disorders.

(Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey.) #ad

A Note to Nervous Readers: As usual this post concerns national matters and is not directly applicable to personal issues. If concerned by anything written here, please consult your astrologer or your natal horoscope to see where the eclipses fall in your chart and proceed from there. A similar caution also appears in the SO'W sidebar to your right depending on your device. Jude

Nov 2, 2020

US Moon-Pluto Cycle: zealous fanatics fighting evil!

A Cosmic Clock of Karma: Crisis-Ridden America's Moon-Pluto Cycle

by Jude Cowell

In Summer 1776, our Declaration of Independence was the prominent event when America's Moon-Pluto Cycle began with their real-time Conjunction @27Cap35:44 on July 2, 1776 (3:55:44 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). This planetary pairing describes intense events of the day such as battling for control of the country against a dictatorial British monarch, the king's intolerable restrictions and laws, and the imposition of occupying troops leading to brutal acts. Intense responses of men and women who came to be called Patriots ensued, also under Moon-Pluto influences in the governmental, legal, and business sign of Saturn-ruled Capricorn which, along with other difficult influences, rendered depressive Moon-Pluto-Saturn vibes of loss and grief to the American Revolutionary era and often the need to 'regroup forces and plan anew' (Tyl).

Now last I heard, that cosmic clock still ticks so we might expect related conditions and events to exist in our era most noticeably when activated into expression by the various aspects within the Moon-Pluto Cycle, with conjunctions, squares, quincunxes, and oppositions to 27Cap35 suggesting periods of manifestation in the physical world. Plus, as you know, Secondary Progressions (particularly of the SP Moon) are a good timing method for gaining evolutionary information for whatever date we choose and today I choose the event-filled month of October 2020 based on America's Secondary Progressed ('SP') Conjunction of Moon-Pluto @29Cap20, a critical-crisis 29th degree. Sabian Symbol for '30Capricorn' = "A Secret Business Conference": "OPPORTUNITY" (Jones); EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar). Its Illumination Point (opposite degree/unconscious) is: '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution": INHERITANCE (Jones); GLORIFICATION OF THE PAST (Rudhyar).

Potential expressions of the intense Moon-Pluto pairing are listed, below, and here you can view or re-view a DC Horoscope of America's SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction which perfected on October 15, 2020. Note that the SP chart I've used issues from America's July 4, 1776 horoscope set for 5:09 pm LMT with Aries Point conjunct IC, its foundation point. Of course, progressing other US charts would give slightly different timings but I'll leave that up to you, dear reader.

For real-world context, here's a handy Timeline of Trump Events for October 2020, many if not all of which show Moon-Pluto (Saturn) influences. And, speaking of our SP Moon-Pluto Conjunction, you'll remember that Trump backed out of the second debate with Joe Biden - scheduled for October 15th! I'll go ahead and say that Moon-Pluto-Saturn concerns were heavily involved with the virus-infected Trump's turn-tail behavior along with his typically short-sighted political considerations of the moment. And curiously enough, the very moment of the SP Conjunction on October 15th (see horocope linked, above), transits shows karmic Saturn @25Cap+ leading the Capricorn Trio and approaching the Moon-Pluto duo (29Cap20) which echoes the Moon-Pluto-Saturn trio of influences (off and on starting in 1776) and denotes emotional and mental suffering, and grave inhibitions. So perhaps even hotheaded Trump recognized a need to 'regroup forces and plan anew'. After his disastrous performance in the first debate, he was afraid of defeat so he chose retreat.

So here are some of the positive and negative cosmic influences of the Moon-Pluto pair (with Saturnian undertones chocked full of karma) that relate to our Revolutionary era and to current conditions and events.

Potentials of the Moon-Pluto Cycle in Politics, Business, Biology (in no particular order):

Feeling that evil must be fought no matter how drastically living conditions must be altered in order to do so; fanatical zeal; a craving for power and control; a highly creative pairing with a tranformative or regenerative quality; powerful women; intense emotional feelings and/or outbursts (ex: rage); clinging to destructive relationships or conditions, or, a tendency to let the past die; drastic mood variations; expressing sterile sentiments; obsessions that lead to a misuse of resources (exs: a border wall; expensive golfing trips); popular promises such as ending war or waste; public opinions on war, crime, and/or internal secrecy; panic, ungrounded or free-floating fears, hysteria; people from broken homes; babies born out of wedlock; rituals of purification; offended vanity or conceit; rash actions; risky behavior; jealousy; anger; making or enforcing drastic changes or reforms; overbearing conduct with women; reversals; alterations in the domestic sphere; doubts about how to control criminal or terrorist activities; life-after-death interests; hoarding trash; touchy emotions about how others evaluate degraded practices; compassion for victims of immoral practices or criminal elements. (Munkasey; Tyl; R. Ebertin; JC.)

Biologically the duo relates to the metabolism, blood disease, toxemia, fluid retention, and cancer.

Feel free to add more Moon-Pluto potentials in a comment if you're so inclined!

Above Image: NASA's portrait of planet Pluto.

Oct 29, 2020

DC Horoscope: Hayes Inauguration 1877, plus 2021

Inauguration 2021 and The Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes

by Jude Cowell

By now you're familiar with the controversial, contentious Election of 1876 so let's not belabor its points except to observe that the 2020 Election is proving to be full of controversy and contentiousness as well. Why, it's almost as if history is doing that rhyming thing it very often does. Similar conditions, past and present, suggest that there may be cosmic time links between the two elections: November 7, 1876 and November 3, 2020, plus, between Inauguration 1877 (private oath of office taken in the White House Red Room on March 3, 1877, public oath taken Monday March 5, 1877) and Inauguration 2021 (January 20th).

So as you see, below is a rather messy hand-drawn Horoscope with the 1877 Inauguration, center, in pink, and Inauguration 2021 planets penned around the outside (highlighted in green).

Photo: Inauguration 1877; Matthew Brady, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

DC Horoscope: Rutherford B. Hayes' Inauguration March 5, 1877 Capitol Building with 2021 Inauguration placements, outside:

As for cosmic time links between 1877 and 2021 there are several that I won't bore you with, dear reader. Besides, you see the major link near the bottom of the chart in 4th house: the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 1877 in the 4 South Saros Series - and thing is, a 4 South eclipse repeats on December 14, 2020 @23Sag08, the day Electoral College 2020 is scheduled to cast their votes for Biden or for Trump. Then for history rhyming in 2020/2021 and echoing from way back in 1876/1877, we should consider that the contentious 1876 Election (with Sun Scorpio-Moon Leo), well-known for its turbulence, was finally resolved by congressional committee in favor of Republican Mr. Hayes - a committee was formed because of strong accusations against the Electoral College electors - of fraud.

Hints that the US Congress may get involved with the 2020 Election - well, I know you've heard of the possibility and how this might play out and if so, that's one echo from the Hayes era right there.

Plus, social turbulence we already have and few people expect a quick result on Election Night 2020 although who can say at this point? Numbers 'too big to rig' at voting booths across the land could speed up outcomes and yet we know, or perhaps only sense, that election shenanigans, even fraud, may have occurred, and that, with our country's future on the line. Voter suppression tactics by the GOP have been a contentious discussion topic for years, gerrymandering is, or should be, a scandal, interference by foreign actors is nothing new, slowing down mail delivery, and a variety of other tricks must be navigated just to cast our votes. Plus, a deadly virus to make voting risky for life and limb.

Now as you know, the 1877 Oath/s of Office had to be taken under tight security which suggests threats of violence against Mr. Hayes. And with the explosive, violent Mars-Uranus Conjunction of January 20, 2021, yet another potential cosmic time link with 1877 could be argued.

Still, I shall hope for an undisturbed Inauguration 2021 based on clear election results, if not right away, then perhaps by the time voting planet Mercury (turning Direct on November 3rd at 12:49 pm ET) reaches its shadow degree on November 19th and moves speedily forward through the rest of fairness-loving Libra into Scorpio, the sign of regeneration.

See chart, bottom right, for 4 South themes that have a sense of fatedness attached.

View the natal horoscope of Rutherford B. Hayes and here's the Text of his 1877 Inaugural Address in which Hayes offered what has become his most well known quote, "He serves his party best who serves his country best." Tragically for the American people, this is a slogan the Republican Party no longer heeds in 2020.

Oct 28, 2020

Astro-Notes on the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2021

America 2021: Treading a Fork'd Path under Four Eclipses

by Jude Cowell

October 28, 2020: We're mere days away from the November 3rd Presidential Election with everything hanging in the balance and the American people poised at a crossroads as we face a New Year, 2021. And since eclipses 'run in the background' of society (and affect history as it turns out!), a list of 2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses with a few details might come in handy at some point.

Actually, Year 2021 begins with a Lunar Eclipse @5Sag25 which perfects on May 26th and significantly, is the cosmic 'bookend' of the previous Total Solar Eclipse of December 14, 2020 @23Sag08 in the rather difficult 4 South Saros Series (potentials for: frustration, strong emotions over money and/or relationships; a sudden desire to end relationships). With an eclipse in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius we can expect our ongoing searches for truth and our ethical and morals concerns to continue well into 2021. Perhaps you agree that gone-astray America has much repair work to do and a large amount of reality to face especially considering the misplaced idealism that has been ineffectively guiding of our nation off a cliff. That is, repair work if we wish to follow a better path toward karmic progress. Of course, deceptive Neptune floating through its own shady sign of Pisces hasn't aided many of us on the side of clarity, has it? Instead, contagion, disease, fear, paranoia, loss, confusion, disappointment, fraud, theft, and corruption have ruled a majority of our days.

Well, I say more of Neptune's talent for creative inspiration is due!

So the next eclipse of 2021 will be an annual Solar Eclipse (not as strong as a Total of course--unless it contacts something in your chart!) on June 10th @19Gem47 in the 5 North Saros Series (visions; prophetic dreams; good insights, inspiration, and ideas). The duration of this eclipse is 3:51 so its effects may endure for nearly 4 months or years, if you can believe it. Well, it isn't as if we don't need good ideas. And inspired solutions. But hopefully, 2021's prophetic dreams and visions are not a reference to this gnarly issue, something few people are ready for, if so.

As for the June 2021 Solar Eclipse, Mercury-ruled Gemini is the polar opposite of Sagittarius, between them a common-sense Mercury-Jupiter signature. And with quick-thinking Gemini, reasoning ability and logic will be most important if we are to have any chance of making karmic progress in 2021. To me this suggests a Biden administration of professionals who know how to govern although you are welcome to disagree. And yes, we should acknowledge that 19-20 Gemini conjuncts Trump's Gemini trio (Uranus-NN-Sun) so if he's still on the scene (and he will be, a hulk lurking somewhere) he will use his inherent capriciousness, duplicity, and superficiality to interfere with America's karmic progress (whether he's in the White House or not) bwo regressive, reactionary policies and conspiratorial propaganda.

However, for Trump this eclipse may imply a Geminian news network or a show of some kind for the old geezer in lieu of fours more years in the White House. (His natal Sun-Moon opposition will be eclipsed, after all.) Plus, I'm fairly certain that his loquacious Mercury in emotional Cancer would adore such an opportunity to whine in a new format where he can continue to 'show off' his own version of truth via the natal Mercury-Neptune square that misinforms his sneaky mind and inspires him to invent malicious schemes. A network or show if lock-up is avoided, that is.

Next up is a partial Lunar Eclipse @27Tau14 on November 19th. This falls within the Pleiades Constellation, not my favorite area of the heavens for it contains nasty, violent Algol, in the Head of the Medusa, a star known for 'piled up corpses' in China. Trump's natal Midheaven (his life's goal: piled up corpses) is nearby the Taurus Eclipse which occurs in opposition to Biden's natal Sun and Venus in late Scorpio, plus, Biden's natal Mercury-ASC midpoint which suggests lots of meetings, discussions, and perhaps a search for a person who compliments his abilities in some way (eclipse in Biden's natal 7th house). For Trump the Taurus Eclipse manifests in his 10th house of Career so for best results he should concern himself with matters that involve his integrity (?) and how he serves the public. Not that service to others is one of his personal qualities, I'm just reading the eclipse placement here so obviously, to me if not to you, this relates to certain lacks in his character and his focus on materialism (Taurus, the builder). This could conceivably be a reference to financial legal matters for Trump particularly if he's out of office in January 2021 - and especially if Democrats keep the House and flip the Senate (admittedly a dream of mine--you caught me). For as you know, both Solar and Lunar Eclipses are similar to quirky planet Uranus and are 'wild cards of the Universe' that tend to uncover secrets and inconvenient facts.

Now, dear reader, my new printer-scanner should be arriving in Raleigh no later than November 3rd and if set-up proceeds as planned, a DC Horoscope of the significant, Total December 4, 2021 Solar Eclipse @12Sag22 in the 5 South Saros Series will soon be published here on Stars Over Washington for your consideration. As you may imagine, there's much to say about its portents, but for now, I'll add that 5 South themes involve potentials for good news, peak experiences of joy (!), and long-lasting benefits! (Sagittarian eclipse implications are mentioned, above with 2020's 4 South.)

For Joe Biden the December 2021 12Sag Eclipse falls within his natal 1st house which personalizes it for him, and for Trump it occurs in his natal 4th house of Domestic Scene, one of the psychological houses where his natal Sag Moon-South Node conjunction resides, a cosmic marker for emotional estrangement, bottomless emotional needs, and difficult relationships.

Well, it's to be Sag-to-Sag eclipses, so perhaps during 2021, karmic progress will be made after all! So make of this as you will, dear reader, and dare to leave an on-topic comment as you wish. Or, wait to comment on the 12Sag horoscope!

Note: no comments from You 'Anonymous' and 'Unknown', don't bother because No useless trolling will be published from you ever again. jc

A Related Post: January 2021 Lunations and the Testing of America.

Eclipse notes: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady. Which may be considered an #ad by Google, I really don't know. jc

Image: A Fork'd Path; pencil on paper; Jude Cowell

Oct 26, 2020

October 26, 2020: Senate to Vote under Moon-Neptune

An Alt-Right Court: Moon-Neptune Delusions about Popular Support for Policies

by Jude Cowell

October 26, 2020: This morning as I've watched the US Senate "debate" the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court (aka, SCOTUS), tonight's vote at an undisclosed hour deserves some measure of scrutiny especially since Judge Barrett's views on important issues have been left tucked away from public view.

Now everyone knows that a Pisces Moon is one of secrecy, vulnerability, supersensitive emotions, impressionability, irritability, and love of seclusion. Judge Barrett's religious views have her under sway of her husband, as you know, so I must wonder if hubby will have a bumper seat underneath the SCOTUS bench. Yes, Barrett is technically qualified to serve, but it's her ideology that concerns and although her recusal from certain cases has been suggested and may resonate with tonight's Pisces Moon, recusals would negate the aims of Trump and the jackbooted GOP.

Now if afflicted, irrational dominance by the unconscious mind is often an issue with a Pisces Moon (suggestible and easily led if firmer planetary factors don't mitigate and break any hypnotic spells) and I don't know about you, dear reader, but I consider tonight's Moon-Neptune Conjunction to be such an affliction which was also shown by the extreme, even subversive, tenor during the recent Barrett senate hearing. And the area of the Zodiac under which tonight's illusive conjunction takes place (10:00 pm edt: Neptune 18Pis27 Rx/MC (The Goal) 17Pis55/Moon 14Pis35 conjunct Achernar, star of crisis) is familiar in recent years as the area where the natal Neptune of the Republican Party (1854) resides (and has had a Neptune Return full of conspiracies, deception, paranoia and, as it turns out, a debilitating pandemic).

Now in Politics and Business, the Moon-Neptune = MC picture suggests notoriety concerning explanations of future options, and/or giving personal guarantees that cannot be fulfilled (paraphrasing Munkasey).

In addition, Moon-Neptune can indicate heeding the opinion and emotional climate of constituents vs an inability to utilize information about the public mood when setting a course of action. Naturally, scandals tend to follow in the wake of the Moon-Neptune pairing of energies which I think relates in part to the ongoing sabotage of America's justice system and other legal institutions, as we've seen, and which will be further undermined by a Barrett confirmation and tenure. And although one might expect sympathy and receptivity from the Moon-Neptune influence (certainly from the Democratic side), the possibility exists of a Justice Barrett acting under strange and peculiar influences instead. Spirituality is implied here, but spirituality can be misguided and Scriptual truths are often taken out of context and twisted for some deceptive end. Evangelical Christians are not the only perpetrators of such spirtual degradation! We should also note that most of the SCOTUS justices are of the Roman Catholic persuasion and with Barrett's seating the lack of balance increases.

Significant as well is Barrett's natal Venus @14Pis45 so another midpoint picture is formed tonight of Moon-Neptune = natal Venus potentials such as: 'odd or perverse inclinations; peculiar and strange tendencies in the expression of love; over-enthusiastic adoration' (Ebertin), and/or 'enjoyment of mystical contacts' (Munkasey). Plus, as noted above, in mid-Pisces Achernar, the star of crisis, 'crisis at the end of the river', and 'risk of rapid endings' is activated tonight as it was by Venus at Barrett's birth.

Adding to Moon-Neptune is another major influence in play tonight which relates directly to Judge Barrett's natal planets (a 'noon' chart is shown for January 28, 1972 New Orleans, LA).

Of course, I refer to the current Mars retrograde period which is providing Amy Coney Barrett with an extended Mars Return 2020 - her natal Mars at or near 21Ari31 and opposing natal Uranus Rx in Libra (@18:18 - conjunct Trump's natal Jupiter identifying their religious and political affiliation). Basically, transit Mars in activist Aries is triggering or activating her natal Mars-Uranus opposition into expression. Her three-fer Mars Return 2020 perfects on or near August 8, October 12, and December 16 - 'on or near' due to the lack of an accurate birth time for her. (View her 'noon' natal chart, linked, above.)

So let's close with indications for a natal Mars-Uranus opposition especially since it looks as if the American people will be stuck with hers for decades to come. Mars-oppo-Uranus suggests someone who is drawn to reactionary political movements and/or the criminal elements in society. (Hitching her professional star to the corrupt Trump jalopy must have been her dream come true!) Yes, it's revolution for Amy who doesn't mind seeking status in destructive ways. Concerns (or scandals) over corporate resources and joint finances are possible but so far a veil has been cast over them, last I heard. However, this may not remain the case for veils are notoriously thin. And with this particular opposition, adverse actions taken against her are unpredictable and can have disastrous results. In fact, this is an unfavorable period for Barrett to partake in new activities and projects with the potential for quarrels and resentment at a high level. But a Republican steamroller driven by a bruised Mitch 'grim reaper' McConnell is rushing to save Amy's dream by crushing opposition to her urgently sought SCOTUS confirmation.

Meanwhile, her natal Mars-Uranus tendencies of stubbornness, ill temper, explosive outbursts, and recklessness simmer behind a curtain of calmness with current challenges to her objective to gain the freedom and status of being a lifelong SCOTUS Justice with the power to influence court decisions which can shove American social policies toward the alt-right. And this, no matter how unpopular with the majority of Americans such paternalistic, authoritarian, draconian, theocratic policies are. Mars-Uranus also indicates potentials for the perpetration of violence, thievery, using collective power for self-aggrandizement, and indulging a deep need for ruling over and remaking others. For as we know, once seated on The Bench, all progressive policies and laws within US society will be in Barrett's line of fire - unelected by the populace as she'll be. This is traditionally so and for her, directly so because her SCOTUS confirmation is being rushed in case Trump is hounded from office after November 3rd. The ole timey phrase bum-rushed comes to mind but since Barrett is completely dependent on the efficacy of the GOP steamroller for her successful seating, it's debatable just who the 'bums' actually are. Well, we can guess that she would be bummed out if their effort on her behalf should collapse of its own misbegotten weight.

As it seems, her natal Mars-Uranus opposition also suggests that Amy Coney Barrett's aspirations have driven her into unstable situations denoting a time in her life when drastic alterations are possible so it's understandable to assume that promotion to the SCOTUS bench will fill this cosmic indication for her. And with her inherent tendency toward conflict, plus, the sentimental religiosity of tonight's Moon-Neptune influence on her natal venus, sober pause is necessary for anyone wishing for a deeper consideration of how Barrett's theocractic ideology and anti-democratic activism will alter America for Mars-oppo-Uranus is determined to sweep away the status quo with no thought or consideration of what could sufficiently replace it.

Now of course there are other cosmic factors in play tonight so (as always) you are cordially invited to add your on-topic comments and insights with this post if and as you dare, plus, a Share would be much appreciated, too! Jude