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Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Jul 15, 2015

President Obama Commuting the Sentences of 46 prisoners - video

Only 46, but here is President Obama taking a step in the right direction for our privatized prison society:

#WarOnDrugs #PrisonPlanet #PrisonSociety of #America

Jul 4, 2015

What Does the Constitution Say? - Organic Laws of the USA - video

Now here's a very interesting interview to publish here on Independence Day 2015 concerning America's founding, its government, and laws:

#FederalGovernment #USConstitution #DeclarationofIndependence #StatesRights #UShistory #OrganicLaws

Jul 3, 2015

July 4, 2015: America's 1776 Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius repeats!

Although there is 'no credible terrorist threat', for the US Independence Day 2015 weekend, headlines are appearing everywhere such as America on high alert this July 4th holiday due to Isis-inspired terror threats suggested particularly during the period of Ramadan which began June 18, 2015 and ends July 17th (some sources say June 17th).

On July 1st the cosmos provided the world with a lovely Venus-Jupiter conjunction @22Leo which descriptively had an asteroid lurking behind the happy duo in the form of Isis (22Leo). The Venus-Jupiter encounter became exact at 3:51 am edt on July 1, 2015, an interesting event since transiting Jupiter passes his shadow degree (where he turned Rx December 8, 2014) on late July 6 to early July 7, 2015 which denotes forward motion in Jupiterian areas of investment, growth, expansion, exploration, and development with Politics, Business, Education, Religion, and other realms of Jupiter will be affected and possibly benefited.

In the US, a Jupiterian plethora of 2016 candidates have been lining up in varied array as America prepares for our nation's 239th birthday which actually arrives this year on July 5th at 11:57:18 am edt when the Sun reaches natal degree (13Can19) and the Moon (We the People) floats past her natal sign (July 4, 1776) of freedom-loving Aquarius and enters Pisces (00:56).

But on the day we traditionally celebrate, July 4th, our national Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius is again in effect and extends into the next day with a US Moon Return occurring at 5:39 am edt on July 5th (@27AQ09 Washington DC, based on the horoscope of July 4, 1776 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA: Independence declared).

Considering our July 2015 Lunar and Solar Returns, both manifesting on July 5th, we see natal Moon (the public) opposed by the Venus-Jupiter conjunction (including asteroid Isis) but separating, and static coming from the direction of Saturn square to our Moon (1A43). The position of Saturn @28Sco53 is interesting since it now has a sobering effect upon We the People's Inauguration 2009 Moon (29Sco45) with '30Sco' being the degree of "A Halloween Jester" in Sabian Symbols. Also of note is that during the current retrograde period of transiting Saturn, the natal Midheaven of President Obama is being crossed and re-crossed and times his recent achievements during what's been called the Best Week Ever of his presidency (see video below). And though Saturn can bring loss due to past errors, unreliability, or neglect of duties, the old man of authority can also gift long-term efforts with long-lasting rewards as in the case of President Obama as Saturn (natural ruler of the 10th house) expresses at natal MC, the Career and Public Standing point of any horoscope.

The dampening effect of inhibiting Saturn squaring the public's Moon while it conjoins the Inauguration 2009 Moon (a double whammy) describes our ongoing difficulties in the US economy but also the terror threats that are restricting or limiting our July 4th celebrations. Note that Saturn is the planet ruling Capricorn, sign of government, law, and business--Isis and its recruits in the US may not have to do anything against us on US soil for we have the US government to harsh our celebratory buzz with terror alerts! Of course, Saturnian authorities must warn us to be cautious or we'd been extremely accusatory if they should have but didn't.

Meanwhile, natal Sun (leadership) in the Solar Return 2015 chart remains opposed by manipulative Pluto (14Cap17 Rx) indicating ongoing titanic challenges to US power and control though the disruptive Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square energy has somewhat waned with Uranus, the zealous fanatic when in Mars-ruled Aries, @20Ari19 and no longer squaring US natal Sun, a period when leadership and control are tested and are difficult to maintain due to unpredictable conditions and events.

As for natal Sun and transiting Saturn, a complex sesquisquare (135 degrees) is in effect denoting the complexity of conditions the president is dealing with this Independence Day 2015 (a square within a square! rock and a hard place?) and since a Solar Return horoscope lasts for one year, these complex issues and obstacles are in effect until July 2016. However, the nearness to the Sun of Mars, planet of police and military troops, aids leadership in the enforcement of control and protection with the July 1, 2015 Full Moon @9Cap55 having powerful Pluto nearby. Cautiously we feel the Full Moon's Mars-Pluto opposition alerting the public (Moon) to dangers and hostile forces within the environment as Isis attempts to inspire young Americans and other discontents to act--especially during Ramadan 2015.

In closing, let's consider America's natal and Independence Day Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius blend, an ethereal and insightful Water-Air combo that supplies America with potentials for humanitarianism, concern for the public welfare, sociability, and a generous spirit. Our fondness and talent for poetry, music, and literature are evident as well along with a romanticized view of the past--which we liberally indulge during every July 4th celebration!

The 'Images for Integration' for Sun Can-Moon AQ include "A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park...The world as family."

(Unfortunately for the American people and the world population, these charming, hopeful humanitarian pictures have been darkened through the years by the threat of Global Government though you are welcome to disagree that a usurpation has occurred).

Our actual Sun Can-Moon Pisces Solar Return blend of July 5th, a double Water concoction of sentiment and nostalgia, denotes the caginess of Cancer mixed with the secretive tendencies of Pisces. This blend gives insight, compassion, and a sense of whimsy to the proceedings along with shrewdness, adaptability, diplomacy, suspicion of other peoples' motives, and a fear of being hurt or fooled.

The blend's "Images for Integration" include "A lone sailboat offshore at sunset...Ol' man river, he keeps rollin' along" (and other Rogers and Hammerstein musicals) which naturally brings up an image of the Mississippi River in particular.

And so, my fellow Americans, please stay safe and have fun this Fourth of July holiday and with this post, this American sends out fervent hopes and wishes for safety to all the world!


Barack Obama natal data as seen on a Birth Certificate online: August 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii.

For more Sun-Moon blend info see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey. You'll be glad you did.

Mar 24, 2015

Cursed by Coal: Mining the Navajo Nation - video

#NavahoNation #ViceNews #Coal #CoalMining #EnvironmentalDamage to #America

Mar 10, 2015

TPP Sale Echoes Broken NAFTA Promises

#TPP #NAFTA #globalism

TPP, another not-so-well disguised tactic to undermine America's soveignty on "the march" toward global government.

Mar 8, 2015

"William Cooper: the Saturn Agenda" (and Cornwallis v Washington)

Well, this explains a lot about the true nature of the British-American relationship as related by General Cornwallis to George Washington 'back in the day', as they say:


Cornwallis "surrendered", did he? At an hour elected by General Washington? Perhaps our first official president refused the title of 'king' for reasons other than historically stated and promoted so gloriously to the American public! As 'king of America' he would have been something of a a rival to the British monarchy, wouldn't he? Washington had a biological heritage of English nobility after all (see link, below.)

As blogged many times here and elsewhere, the modern-day conjunction of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune in 1993 (overseen by Bill Clinton) is at the core of much of their 'vision' of America's role in history with the conjunction's Sabian Symbol (18 Capricorn) revealing a tale of "POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers" as The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship. Alas, this power can be easily misused under the pretext of preserving "law and order". Justice and compassion must balance social power, and especially the power of privileged groups. Where this symbol appears, the need for protection may be in evidence--or it may be a warning against using power for selfish advantage."

(An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhar.)

Now as a Capricorn I have nothing personally against law and order when fairly and decently meted out but how many times through the years have you heard an American politician say (or hide behind as an excuse for shadiness) "the rule of law"? The phrase sounds so very....Brit-laced, doesn't it? Magna Carta notwithstanding.

Here is a previously published horoscope of the Surrender of Cornwallis and the British Army to General Washington and the Continental Army, a tableau of convenience for both sides; as noted above, the hour of 11:00 am LMT is said to have been elected by General Washington, Master Freemason--and note that this shows Inauguration 2009 to have been a Lunar Return to this "surrender" Moon position at '30 Scorpio'..."A Halloween Jester":

As you see, the heroic Sun (and the separative South Node) and veiling Neptune (then officially undiscovered) surround the MC, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart and of the event. Sun-Neptune energies combined relate to hidden identities and secret purposes. US natal Saturn conjoins MC so apparently some if not all Continental Congress members were in on the charade. America's 'cult of personality' first established by the Washington presidency is well recognized with subsequent commanders-in-chief being idolized--or denigrated for selfish advantage by opposing political parties--since the nation's founding. Personally, as an American and Child of the Revolution, I find all the deceit tiring and burdensome and the pedestal-crumbling a pathetic diversionary tactic to disguise the reality of our national character and our stark condition of total dependency upon the quixotic whims of the 'mother country'.

But that's probably just me. Or astrologically it may be wealthy, powerful manipulator Pluto of the Invisible Cape being out-of-bounds in 1776 and even then pulling strings from abroad--like a pope, a monarch, a saboteur, and head of a secret society would do.

For information concerning the ancient heritage of George Washington, try this.

#Saturn #GeorgeWashington #GeneralCornwallis #UShistory #SecretAgenda #ManifestDestiny #Britain #America #SabianSymbols #DaneRudhyar #CityOfLondon

Dec 30, 2014

The American Character Seen Through the American Revolution

"Character Is What You Are When You Are in the Dark" (a quote from the film, *Buckaroo Bonzai)

Set for 5:00 am LMT on April 19, 1775 in Lexington, Massachusetts, a view of the natal horoscope of the American Revolution shows a rising Sun at a critical-crisis 29th degree of Mars-ruled Aries and an 8th house Moon @13Sag50. Interesting that this degree and sign of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius rises in the 'Sibly' version of America's natal horoscope for July 4, 1776 5:10 LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (or any hour around that time on that date such as the Dane Rudhyar version; Independence Day celebrations did occur on that date and both Jefferson and Adams apparently wished July 4th to be used--you know the tale of how both men took their last breaths on that date in 1826).

Of course, the Founding Fathers are long gone but astoundingly America so far remains so is there anything to be gleaned concerning the American personality and character which began with revolution, fighting, and separation from our Mother Country by reviewing our national Sun-Moon blend in the horoscope of the American Revolution? After all, the US 5:10 pm natal chart does show our IC (Foundation, but also Ending) at Aries Point, the primary of the four Cardinal Points of world prominence--and suitably Mars-ruled for revolution and sadly for the wars the US government can't seem to stop itself from waging against all common sense.

Aries is known for starting big and seldom completing what it begins and we must notice the mysterious endings of wars we engage in...desultory sometimes which hints at our confused, deceptive, misguided Mars-Neptune square.

Okay, I'll hush on Martian topics and consider now America's natal Sun Aries-Moon Sagittarius blend of energies with Sun the male/conscious principles and Moon the female/unconscious principles that in Mundane Astrology represents the masses, the three words: We the People.

Aries-Sag is a passionate double Fire combination full of volatility, creativity, and drama--a 'pure Fire' temperament. A biographer of Winston Churchill, a double Fire type, described a problem of double Fire blend as he described Churchill, "The seven league boot tempo of his imagination hastens him on to the sunny uplands of the future, but he is apt to forget that the slow steps of humanity must travel every inch of the weary road that leads there."

Ever heard America and Americans criticized as 'arrogant' or 'brash'? Well, there we are! Thing is, the above description of our double Fire blend reminds me as well of our frequent wars and conflicts with enemies, some of whom Washington had to search for and create so that our national Mars and Uranus in duplicitous Gemini, sign of the Twins, would have opponents to fight. And of course, US natal Uranus (8Gem55) has been active when America goes to war on a cyclic basis particularly during periods when Uranus--discovered in 1781 between the American and French Revolutions--returns to its US natal position. As you know, sudden, upsetting events like bolts of lightening that tend to cause separations and social upheaval art the sort of results independence-loving Uranus prefers.

Is our nation and our national character still of this fiery mindset? Well, double Fire is compelled to engage in an 'enthusiastic fight toward glory' so perhaps you'll agree that this is certainly the propaganda we've all been fed with our pablum since the Revolution but especially in the last several decades. As for still being fired up, many people say the American people are way too apathetic (lazy) to take needed actions because we won't risk our (alleged) security for freedom.

This is partially described by America's double Fire blend for when reality catches up with our ideals, we tend toward a 'compensating pessimism' in order to deal with 'coming down to earth' whether it's financial and budgetary decisions and lacks, or being otherwise restricted in how we wish to expand. This trait supports our childish 'let's ignore the bad stuff and it will go away' tendency.

Our entrepreneurial Sun Aries-Moon Sag in particular is a visionary, impatient, talkative, exuberant, outspoken, ideology-bound, and confident explorer (Manifest Destiny, you say?) We love to have fun but are prone to exaggeration. Highly-strung, we convince ourselves of an intense moral certainty as we arrogantly instruct other nations on how to conduct themselves yet we consider our nation to be above the laws that we expect others to follow--torture and invasion of sovereign nations (pre-emptive war--supposedly against American principles) come quickly and tragically to mind.

As things now stand, it seems the US Constitution is merely a suggestion and not meant to be an actual guide of our national conduct, as modeled in recent years by the US government, and in Washington DC our traditional constitutional principles have been dispensed with as soon as was possible--by hook or crook by a villainous faction of operatives and infiltrators.

Putting aside our nation's usual 'grandiose philosophizing' and insensitivity to the feelings of others, perhaps the word picture of the fiery Sun Aries-Moon Sag blend's Image for Integration will add a further detail that some Americans may resonate with in our deeply-held idealistic way:

"A child shoots an arrow toward the enchanted castle in the distance as he follows the road less travelled."

Well, I don't know about you, dear reader, but the image opens up several cans of ideological worms for this **Child of the Revolution--for one thing, the blend is also found in the natal horoscope of Thomas Jefferson!


*For popular quotes from Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension try this blog and I promise to never ever call you 'monkey boy'. :) What about politicians? No promises! jc

**30 Cancer' = "A Child of the Revolution" in Sabian Symbols and is linked to this dissenting American's natal Mars and to a few of my ancestors' military service and the losses such participation always entails. jc

Aug 13, 2014

Oppressive Uranus-Pluto updates itself as US Mars Rx tear-gases the American People

Aware of the US Police State? Mid-1960s and the New Millennium

by Jude Cowell

Issues of Love v Fear abound as the sixth exact Uranus-Pluto Cardinal Square nears on December 15, 2014 (plus, the 7th and last conjunction occurs on March 17, 2015), a square which cyclically issues from the Uranus-Pluto conjunction/s of the mid-1960s (@17Virgo, a critical degree) with all the social upheavals the world experienced, we find ourselves in a hot mess across the globe. With protests, unprovoked shootings of teens in the US, sadistic tear gas and pepper spray use, military tanks showing up in neighborhoods for no good reason, 'shoot-first' police officers in camouflage gear or soldier's armor, drone strikes, and more, we find America's warring Mars now retrograde by progression (since Summer 2006) making its inverted, crabbed, frustrated energies known on a wide scale on many levels of society as the violence of astrological Mars seeks expression on the physical plane both here and abroad.

Plus, Mars in Libra, as our national progressed Mars is, presents an often difficult picture of frustration all by itself!

Now as you know, the same astrological condition of Mars occurred in Germany's progressions decades ago and a similar period of 80 years now faces the American people (2006 + 80 = year 2086 = relief?) That our military can be successful abroad (whatever "successful" means within the realms of war and draconian policing) is doubtful or spotty and if History Repeats in similar fashion, we have real-world lessons to endure in America during the New Millennium which echo Germany under psychopath Hitler, the arsonist (Mars!)

Ex: Berlin's Reichstag Building (Germany's Parliament) burning down to make way for Adolf is roughly equivalent to the WTC destruction of 9/11/01 to make way for the US Patriot Act, creation of the massive Department of Homeland Security, financial heists culminating in 2008, the increase and deepening of the Surveillance State, and other controls we find upon us in 2014 and beyond.

Yet all government 'laws' are simply words written on paper--or on a computer screen and will go pouf! as soon as enough of We the People consciously stop believing in the inventions of "the powers that think they be" as Max Igan describes the plutocrats and oligarchs now making their move toward totalitarian control of the entire planet.

But Not so fast, Pilgrim!, we may rightfully say. You create chaos in order to ramp up 'consent of the governed' concerning your manufactured crises. Wonder if any of the know-it-all 'power elite' class, isolated from society as they are, know or care how transparent their motives--another Mars concept--actually are to the rest of us?

Jul 2, 2014

Independence Day 2014: Happy 238th Birthday, America!

July 2014: America Turns Gray Around the Muzzle

by Jude Cowell

The horoscope of America's Solar Return 2014 actually favors that of Summer Solstice 2014 with Jupiter in Cancer rising but the Moon (We the People; the public mood) is no longer in Scorpio conjunct depressive, austere Saturn. Instead our national birthday Luna is in 4th house (chart set for Washington DC) and is positioned @12Lib23--nearing US natal Saturn (14:48), then conjoins Solar Return 2014 Mars @20Lib10, also in 4th house of Domestic Scene, Security, and Real Estate.

Moon-Mars has an angry signature or at least one of activism and protests and we certainly are experiencing these things already. In Mundane Astrology the sign of the Moon describes the mood of the public and in this case, it's Airy, detached Libra. We do not want more war yet the position of warrior SR 2014 Mars (god of war) spotlights the current Mars Return to America's Secondary Progressed (SP) Mars Rx and this indicates the current redeployment--Rx--of US troops (special forces, advisers, whatever you wish to call them) to Iraq, the theater of war that we so recently backed out of (Mars Rx.)

However, Libra is a war sign as well and is opposite Aries, the Mars-ruled sign of aggression, contention, and attacks.

Way beyond the scope of this post there is much to say about the situation in Iraq (and many pundits and perpetrators are now saying all over US airwaves) but let's now focus on America's 238th birthday which actually perfects (Sun to 13Can19 in our natal 'Sibly chart') on July 5, 2014 at 6:01:17 am edt.

Sun Cancer, Moon Libra is a square relationship between leader/s (Sun) and The People (Moon) which underscores the fact that the American people don't wish to be lied into any more foreign intrigues or invasions. Also on our not-not list are drone strikes which are against most people's ideas of how to treat our fellow beings but as you know, this hasn't stopped Global Government promoters from using America as its military arm of aggression and draconian actions. Even another financial meltdown is said to be in the works which wouldn't surprise this blogger at all--beware the auto loan bubble now inflating, dear reader!

So with this Water-Air blend of energies we find ourselves for the next 12 months dealing with issues rather ethereal and misty so it will require tremendous determination to address real world issues for we'll prefer the pleasant over the tough. Feelings and thoughts may blend together so that we can't separate one from the other and this adds to our indecisive behavior. Meanwhile, detached viewpoints may in reality be infused with bias, even prejudice. Procrastination often prevails under Water-Air influences and mistrust of others tends to abound.

Strange as it seems, there is a lack of strategy within leadership with this combo which will possibly be improved by the feminine talent of being aware of diffuse elements simultaneously--this will come in handy if anyone listens to the females in The Group (a novel by Mary McCarthy who shares the Sun Can-Moon Lib combo in her natal chart.)

Underlying influences of Sun Can-Moon Lib are, of course, the 'Moon-Venus' duo which points to issues of immigration, migrants, refugees, native populations, agricultural production (or its lack), manufacturing concerns, and preservation of cultures and their heritage (such as a caliphate set up in Iraq and Syria which erases the quirky boundaries of Iraq that Great Britain erected years ago against all common sense?)

Plus, as you remember, Sun Can-Moon Lib is the natal blend of George W. Bush who has so far stayed out of the limelight on current Iraq issues--afraid he'll be confronted and challenged in public concerning his quixotic, stupid mistakes, I imagine.

Well, graying America is careening along and turns 238 years old in a few days. Turn the years into degrees of the Zodiac and you get 28 Scorpio which conjoins President Obama's natal Midheaven, the point of Goals and Aspirations. To close, here is Dane Rudhyar on this degree:

"The King of the Fairies Approaches His Domain"...'Keynote: The capacity in man to recognize and to pay homage to an integrating Principle at the core of all existence'..."An inner ALLEGIANCE begins to polarize the consciousness." (An Astrological Mandala.)

Of polarization America has gracious plenty!


Blog Note to my wonderful regular readers: now in preparation mode for some surgery next week so after this weekend all my blogs will go dark for a week or so. Back soon, much to my critics' displeasure! jc

Apr 2, 2014

"Operation Paperclip": Nazi Scientists to America--PBS clip

Nazis in America: After World War II--and Now?

by Jude Cowell

For years it's been known how after WWII, the US government secretly invited Nazi scientists to come and work in America as we fought against the Soviets in the Cold War--thus saving their murderous tushies from judgment at the Nuremberg Trials .

The following 5 min-57-sec PBS clip is from an interview with the author of the new book, *Operation Paperclip, Annie Jacobsen, speaking on the topic:

Well, I shall have to procure her book to discover how the author treats Hitler supporter Prescott Bush, the often-exalted NASA scientists (Nazis), and the morphing of Hitler's eugenicists into modern day 'geneticists' now bringing us 'progress' in the forms of nuclear bombs, clones, trans-humanism, genetically modified foods, and other Frankensteinian projects of frightening proportions.

Astrologically this is supported by America's Saturn-Neptune (secret or invisible government) tendencies especially if we use our 'Sibly natal horoscope' set for July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA, or another natal chart for that date with materialistic Saturn and idealistic Neptune at, near, or straddling the Midheaven of the chart, the Goals and Aspirations Point.

fyi: *Operation Paperclip is available in Kindle edition for $12.99. Amazon's Look Inside feature for the book is available as well.

Jan 22, 2014

A Solar Eclipse, Uranus-Neptune, and Our 'Hidden Square'

The Current 'Illumination' Solar Eclipse with Uranus-Neptune content: Trine vs Hidden Square

by Jude Cowell

Since the influences of the November 3, 2013 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio remain in effect until at least April 2014 along with its Uranus-Neptune trine 'solutions and bright ideas' content, it occurs to me that perhaps more positive solutions may be found and implemented if each of us--We the People--would face a difficult aspect deep within our national psyche so that more activism would spring forth from within the masses!

Forget for a moment the alleged 'good intentions' of politicians. If you agree that we must awaken and become more active on own behalves instead of waiting for someone else to do it, please consider the following information from a previous Page I published on my Jude's Threshold blog concerning the 'hidden square' in America's natal horoscope between the Enlightenment duo, Uranus and Neptune--and their Awakening power:

Horoscope: America July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, any hour

A “hidden square” is an aspect of 256 degrees, and indeed, if you use the Vedic Astrology system, you know that it considers aspects by Sign…Gemini is square Virgo…therefore planets in these signs are square one another.

Here I shall quote the excellent Robert Pelletier from his “Planets in Aspect”…you may find it sounds exactly like the United States of America and her We the People.

Uranus SQ Neptune:

“This is a group consciousness that is in constant rebellion, but isn’t quite sure of the reason. Although you feel the oppression of ignorance, you will have to do a lot of hard work to make clear exactly what you’re going to do about it. If you are guilty of rejecting your social obligations, you may refuse to demonstrate your opposition to the corrosive effects of political subversion.

Or you may decide that your professional status and personal security are too much to risk for the sake of that faceless crowd of humanity from which you’ve become detached.

If you do decide to participate, it may be through an intermediary because, you say, “I don’t want to become personally involved since I have so much to lose if I’m discovered.”

This is an understandable position, but it is also indefensible. You would be the first to cry out in anger if your own personal freedom were being taken away. In the past, millions refused to ‘rock the boat’ for fear their own security would be jeopardized. How many of them gained the security of a roof over their heads–in prisons, detention camps, and the like?

If freedom is truly important to you, then you must have the courage to fight for it.

Lacking the courage of Uranus, you have consented to live in bondage at the hands of leaders who lust for power and who consider you expendable. On the other hand, you can challenge those who abuse their leadership positions and demand that they be held accountable to everyone for their deeds.

You have the ability to arouse others and stimulate them to action when mere words will not suffice. If you cannot personally supervise the action against oppressive conditions, you can at least support those who will.

Your future objectives are always weakened by a tendency to take a laissez-faire attitude toward the political motivation of existing government officials. You cannot afford to relax to this danger.

This combination occurred between 1952–1956; anyone born during that period of time will have this combination.”

Since societal conditions are more dire by the day while We the People make a huge mistake by sacrificing our freedom for security (which is elusive if it exists at all under a total awareness/total control regime), I hope Mr. Pelletier will pardon my use of his text for I certainly recommend his book very highly to you if you don’t use it already.

I was especially struck by the political references in his interpretation of this aspect and although he’s interpreting a square (90 degrees), you’d have to be politically and astrologically tone deaf not to hear within it America’s current ‘freedom vs security’, ‘isolation/laissez-faire’ issues, and the hold-them-accountable crisis with which we now grapple. The recent transiting midpoint picture of Saturn-Neptune = Pluto tells the tale as described in previous posts and we hear it coming from many quarters: denial of guilt from responsible parties.

Well…some of us grapple, dissent, and complain. But if you can't or won't--as Robert's text says: at least support those who will.

Further reading: Jan 15 and Jan 30, 2014 New and Full Moons.

And here's a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipse of 2014 beginning with the Lunar Eclipse of April 15th.

Jan 15, 2014

March 6, 2014 Jupiter Direct Station and Gridlock in Washington

Washington Gridlock 2014 and the Stations of Jupiter

by Jude Cowell

Well, quarrels and gridlock continue in our nation's capital as 2014 rolls along toward Spring. Astrological Jupiter, the *banking and financial planet of large proportions and (usually) generosity, remains in retrograde until its Direct Station of March 6, 2014 when it seems to pause at 10Cancer26, in the 5th house of Gambling and Risk-Taking when the horoscope is set for Washington DC.

As you remember, Jupiter's Rx Station occurred on November 7, 2013 @20Can30, a critical degree (in 11th house in the DC chart) with 24Leo09 rising. Curiously, the Jupiter Direct Station chart of March 6th shows 24AQ04 rising, the Jupiter Rx ASC's opposite degree and the Illumination Point. Plus, in the Direct chart, ASC 24AQ04 brings up US natal Moon (We the People)--but also asteroid Hopi (ambush or prejudice but also...hope which springs eternal.)

The IC (Foundation of the Matter) of the March 6th horoscope is conjoined by trickster Pan and gold-hoarding Midas along with Royal Star Aldebaran (potentials: courage; warmongering; military leadership; violence; sickness--A. Louis) which places Antares (potentials: war; legal problems; fires; quarrels; suspicion; violence; honors and riches but sudden loss--A. Louis) at MC, the Goal Point of the chart.

As predicted on this blog that sequester cuts would be nixed for the Pentagon's sake, does anyone believe the now-restored funds in the military budget won't result in America's continuation of waging war and beginning new ones (under the guise of 'intervention' and other such euphemisms) across the globe? Yes, our domestic needs are sacrificed for the sake of war abroad--it's the same old guns vs butter argument which the American people tend to lose.

Politically and financially, there is 'fateful deception' going on between the two horoscopes of Jupiter's Rx and Direct Stations (Sun-Neptune = Pluto) via the use of illusory, spiritual, or psychic forces to persuade. The November 7, 2013 Rx chart shows warrior Mars @13Vir17 rising as contentiousness over foreign and domestic matters has resulted in the ongoing gridlock in Washington, as we've seen on many occasions.

Of course, if you've read this blog a few times, you may know that I consider most of the frustrating Political Theater 'gridlock' and 'stalemates' in government to be part of a script written elsewhere for US politicians and media types to follow as they further ensnare the American people in global government implementation. To me, that means that the two political parties are little more than factions of the ruling class who have been promised large gains via their cooperation (if not controlled by blackmail or threats to family members.)

Cynical me? Oh yes. Washington's perfidies made me that way and yet I love my country. After all, it isn't what they say or promise the public, it's what ends up happening that matters most. And so often these days, a majority of us don't agree with our government's actions or how they spend our tax dollars. It seems the NWO freight train just keeps chugging down the fast track though supra-nationalists must get worried now and then that their plans aren't coming to fruition.

So! May we expect some improvement once Jupiter turns Direct on March 6th? Yes, forward plans may be put into action though improvement may not be felt until the Jolly One moves past his shadow degree of its Rx Station of November 7, 2013 which is 20Can30. (The transiting Moon is at 20Can+ as I type!)

This cosmic event occurs on June 1, 2014 at 1:13:40 pm EDT with the 'success' midpoint of Venus-Jupiter at MC, and Jupiter just fertilized by the Moon @26Can46. Moon-Jupiter contacts generally portend happiness and/or sucess, even if it's only temporary. However, tr Pluto @13Cap03 Rx (secret wealth; sabotage, etc) remains in opposition to US natal Sun (the leader; the president) suggesting that recent and current titanic power struggles and stalemates will continue to bedevil the president's programs pertaining to both foreign and domestic matters for and in the US, along with the tr Uranus-Pluto square (generational conflicts and blockages) as a major part of the rebelling, protesting, striking, rioting, and obstructing gridlock of Washington DC.


*Also pertinent to this post: often The Banker, Jupiter's roles may include The General, hence its connection to war, military expenditures, and conquests of territory, and it conglomerates into Corporations, hence its connection to corporate governance and finances. Plus, Jupiter can also play roles as Politician, Broadcaster, and Religious Leader. Jupiter's importance to our nation cannot be overestimated for if we use it, America's July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT chart with Sagittarius rising is ruled by expansive Jupiter. And if another natal chart timing is used for July 4, 1776 (such as the Scorpio rising chart), we have the Sun-Jupiter conjunction to account for our national Jupiterian characteristics and tendencies.

Jan 12, 2014

"Have You Been Programmed?" Max Igan (video)

Are We the Awakened Facing Our National Monsters in Order to Vanquish Them?

Many negative things may be said against the US government's arrogance and global police state behavior and in the following Surviving the Matrix presentation, Max Igan says some of them:

More and more Americans must admit it's true--the US "thrives on wars" and how often has someone admitted that the US government goes looking for enemies to challenge even where none exist?

Mars the Warrior Archetype

Our national Mars in Gemini has a chip on its shoulder, it seems, for the placement gives our government the traits of quarrelsomeness, restlessness, mobility (Gemini ruled by traveling Mercury), and a ready-for-action mindset that apparently doesn't know when to stop meddling in the business of other nations. Oh! And we like to plunder their natural resources, too, even though it's corporate internationalists who gain by far the most wealth from using the US military as its enforcement arm.

So thanks, Mr. Igan, for continuing to say things that need to be said if We the People are ever to wake up to what's really the matter with America.

Dec 27, 2013

Is the Bill of Rights dissolving before our very eyes?

Well, dear reader, perhaps you received a coffee or tea mug as a gift this week but if so, did it look anything like these?


The US Bill of Rights was introduced as legislative articles to the First US Congress by author James Madison (March 5, 1751 11:59 pm LMT Port Conway, VA; Sun 26Pis16, Moon 23Sco09, ASC 7Sag46 with Pluto rising @6Sag43 Rx--check out his chart/details here).

They were adopted by the House of Representatives on August 21, 1789, formally proposed by a joint resolution of Congress on September 25, 1789, and ratified by 3/4 of the states on December 15, 1791, as detailed here.

Their purpose? To assure certain "...personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and to the public." As you can see, the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the US Constitution, turned 222 years old on December 15, 2013, just passed.

So if you watch the brief video embedded above, you'll be watching a physical representation of their purpose dissolving before your very eyes.

Welcome to 2014, America. Are you certain you want to keep quiet while this travesty against the Bill of Rights continues to happen?

Nov 13, 2013

11.28.13: US Progressed Moon-Saturn conjoin for a "House Raising"

On Nov 28, 2013, US Progressed Moon Meets Progressed Saturn @3Sco10

by Jude Cowell

The Secondary Progressed horoscope that issues from America's natal horoscope (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) shows an important conjunction becoming exact on November 28, 2013. Here's America's SP horoscope with transits for that moment and date (3:10 pm EST), set for Washington DC:

Secondary Progressions: Hour of Mercury (20AQ27 Rx in 6th house of Daily Rounds, Work, Service, and Health); SP Pluto @29Cap16, a critical or crisis degree, remains out-of-bounds of the earthly plane and has moved into SP 5th h--SP South Node @26Cap15 is closer than ever to Pluto indicating the US War Machine as the military arm of Pluto's forceful agenda; chart-ruler Sun @9Pis06 is in SP 7th h denoting a 'giving away' of control to others (Sun = leader) and transit Chiron currently conjoins this Sun showing the wounds now being inflicted upon President Obama, many of which involve the failed debut of the ACA website (Neptune = webs, networks, falsehoods, failures, losses); SP Jupiter Rx @15Can24 continues its conjunction to the Pentagon's natal Ascendant showing the bottomless money pit that Washington politicians through the decades have allowed our military misadventures to become.

(America's SP Jupiter Return occurred in September 2013 when transiting Jupiter 'caught up with' SP Jupiter in mid-Cancer); our natal Jupiter Return occurred on July 22, 2013 and a 12-year report may be ordered in this blog's sidebar.)

As you see (click image to enlarge), transit North Node (NN,a Jupiterian point of encounters and alliances) is moving nearer the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction which will separate at the end of December 2013 so we may expect the usual rush of excited energy for New Year 2014, at least until vinegary Washington politicians sour things the way they apparently prefer them. Single digits! Did you hear that Congress' approval rating has now dropped to 9%? Wonder what's the matter with the 9%? As some say, that's counting their family members and friends!

(Blog Note: as I began to type this post a look at my Solar Fire software was warranted and I discovered that Mercury's current position a few minutes before 11:00 am EST is: 3Sco10. Hmm.) '3Sco' = "A House-Raising" in the Sabian Symbols and what this could mean for Congress and the American public who holds their sorry antics in low regard is your guess and mine. Of course, real estate and property values may also be denoted.

Now if you look to the 2nd house of the National Treasury and Values, you see the transiting Ascendant (the WHAT? Point) on November 28, 2013 at 3:10 pm (another '3:10'!) is @18Lib25 and so brings up US SP Mars @18Lib22 and retrograde since Summer 2006. '19 Lib' is the "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" degree with its negative expression: 'abnormal mistrust of everything worthwhile" (Jones.) But robbers? The world has gracious plenty of those for every occasion.

In 4th house, the transiting Saturn-Pluto midpoint of loss, cruelty, and hard work, now conjoins US natal Ascendant which indicates cold feelings, melancholy, working with powerful or influential people, and/or, silent power (Ebertin; Munkasey.) This echoes the Saturn-Pluto opposition which conjoined the US natal ASC-DESC axis for the 9/11/01c coup. ASC-DESC = Self and Others, and Saturn-Pluto's activity in our natal chart also supports the depressive aspect of the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction.


Does our November 28th Moon-Saturn conjunction in Scorpio, sign of Regeneration, Surgery, and such, give us an astro-picture of the public's (Moon) depression over and delays (Saturn) in the health insurance sign-up process? In a previous post I mentioned that transit Mercury (websites, technology, signing up, contracts, negotiations, news, etc) will leave his retrograde shadow, the degrees he retraced during Rx phase, at the end of November 2013 which tallies with what the White House hopes will be the date by which the Obamacare website will be operating on or near its best performance level. And all of it encounters our SP Moon-Saturn conjunction!

Yet could the SP Moon-Saturn conjunction may be timing improvements more accurately? If so, their separation by at least one degree at the end of December 2013 may denote a brightening of the American public's prospects in the realm of healthcare and health insurance.

So what is a Progressed Moon-Saturn conjunction telling us about ourselves and our society for Saturn, along with Jupiter, are the societal planets?

SP Moon to Saturn indicates a period of dealing with basic survival for many Americans as we seek safety for ourselves and our families--perhaps another reference to the benefits of Obamacare, if those who need it can get its coverage. During this "don't rock the boat" conjunction, productive work wards off anxiety and depression and each person must do what they have the power and opportunity to do--then, let go. Plus, Pottenger and Dobbyns have called a Moon-to-Saturn conjunction in Progressions a "cosmic report card" concerning "how we are handling the rules of the game."

Well! Since the collective must necessarily include members of our 9%-approved Congress, I suspect their report card shows a big fat F minus next to the president's F, don't you? Perhaps demonstrations and protests are on the public's menu--but let's not give up on America, just on those who undermine our nation!

Another factor I must include is tr Mars' visit to US natal Neptune and SP Neptune (unwise decisions and actions, disguised culpability, hidden motives), as you can tell by Mars' position @24Vir59 where Mr. Quarrels has just entered the SP 2nd house with its cusp @23Vir19. And there in 2nd house awaits our SP Mars @18Lib22 Rx so there are multiple references to Mars-Neptune issues and concerns that have America's natal and problematic Mars-Neptune square 'running in the background'. The square's 'misdirected energy/misguided actions' inclinations just keep on tripping us up via the self-undoing of the political establishment's overly enthusiastic plans for conquest, domination, and fraud.

Additionally, President Obama is not left out of the situation since his natal Mars in Virgo conjoins US natal Neptune, a synchronicity between 1776 and 1961 that helped create the 'rock star' vibes of 2008 which made him popular, and which veils or obscures the public's clear view of his actions and motivations (she's blogged a zillion times before!) Yet with the president's approval rating now below 40%, it seems that the Inauguration 2013 horoscope wasn't kidding about a drop in his popularity with its 1st house Moon (the public; popularity) near the 1st house South Node of the Moon, a Saturnian point of separation and disfavor.

So we can't discount the possibility that the November 28th SP Moon-Saturn conjunction is descriptive of the low point in President Obama's approval ratings so if his popularity climbs in December--which one assumes it may once the ACA website is workable and more people have discovered better insurance and the amounts of their subsidies--we may assume that the SP conjunction correctly timed the president's ratings bottom and marks the start of a gradual improvement in public opinion.

Well, as you see, there are many more factors worth noting from both the November 28, 2013 SP chart and the planetary transits on what is our annual Thanksgiving Day, but my blogging time isn't as expansive as it once was, so I'll hush for now and publish what I have so far. As always, your comments and/or analyses are warmly invited!


Correction to the SP horoscope: near the top of the chart, I have wrongly labeled Mercury's SP position as '23Ari41' though it's noted above that SP Mercury is @20AQ27 Rx in 6th house. '23Ari41' is actually the position of SP Venus! And on another note: astrologers such as Nicholas DeVore call '3 Scorpio' the 'Fall of the Moon' degree which, if so, may only make matters more difficult for the length of time the Moon-Saturn conj is in effect through 2013. Obviously, its opposite degree, '3Tau' is the 'Exaltation of the Moon' degree and is considered to be fortunate; also, it is the degree of Chiron in its Discovery chart of November 1977 (3Tau08 Rx). jc

Sep 4, 2013

Uranus-Pluto, Mercury-Mars, and America

You may have noticed that I keep a link to The Mountain Astrologer Magazine's blog written by Mary Plumb near the top of this blog's sidebar yet today a particularly insightful article there makes a shout-out with a direct link necessary.

In the realm of Mundane Astrology, there are many practitioners and authors of merit but you may go far afield to find a more useful view of how America's natal chart/s are now affected by transiting planets such as the Cardinal Uranus-Pluto Square, and in addition, a consideration of the cosmic activity affecting the natal planets of President Obama now offer a peek into how things will play out for our nation, and thus, for the world.

And since that basic topic has been a primary focus of this 8-year-old blog (a bit gray around the muzzle as it may be), I recommend to you The Uranus-Pluto Squares: Crisis in Action by Gary P. Caton (horoscopes shown) for a masterly overview of cosmic portents which reflect difficulties and obstacles for humanity, yes, but which offer opportunities to revisit old issues from the past (ex: the 1960s, when the current Uranus-Pluto cycle began) and hopefully to resolve them with better, more humane results.

Jul 19, 2013

July 22, 2013 Aquarius Full Moon impacts US presidency

July 22, 2013 Full Moon @00AQ05 Conjoins US Inaugural Sun

by Jude Cowell

Now if you mosey over to Celestial Space you'll find Dipali Desai's details and insights concerning Monday's Full Moon @00AQ05 which conjoins the degree of the US Inaugural Sun (the president) and which denotes a fulfillment or culmination (Full Moon), or at least, an awareness of something relating to the White House and/or its presidential endeavors and relationships.

Will more inconvenient secrets be revealed under the rays of Monday's Full Moon which also conjoins President Obama's natal Jupiter Rx? Well, in addition, transiting Mercury Rx, planet of reporters, young people, messages, orations, trade, commerce, travel, and plans, now sits atop US natal Sun as you read this!

Yes, for a Political Astrology blog, the above is a very general assessment of the July 22nd solar-lunar synchronicity of the Full Moon in the humanitarian sign of Aquarius (the water-bearer), I know, but honestly--who knows precisely what plans are afoot, on the drawing board, or being implemented as I type? For after all, there are a lot of secret spaces underneath the fortified White House building where all manner of hidden-from-the-public activities take place. And it is a white lodge as well.

If you're feeling a might on the occult side today, you may wish to investigate The Sirius Mystery and Freemasonry's Great White Lodge. The Dog Star, Sirius, is intimately connected to the natal chart and founding of America and in recent years the star has precessed in the Zodiac to conjoin US natal Sun @14Cancer. Sirius worship in ancient Egypt is well-known, too, as are the pyramid with its all-seeing eye in the floating capstone in American iconography of the Great Seal and the dollar bill. Plus, there's also Freemasonry's Blue Lodge, if you wish to explore.

One thing we may wish to do now is to review the Sabian Symbol (rounded up) which represents the US Inaugural Sun (the elected president): '1AQ" = "An Old Adobe Mission" (Jones; Rudhyar adds, --"in California".)

DURABILITY (Jones); THE CONCRETIZATION OF AN IDEAL (Rudhyar); Jones gives this symbol's positive expression as: effective breadth of vision and a respect-compelling depth of character; negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): lack of ambition and blind adherence to superficialities.

Perhaps by the degree's 'lack of ambition' you can tell why it's always seemed to me that the karmic degree and symbol just prior to 1AQ may be more descriptive of American presidents as they alone allegedly 'helm' the US government:

'30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference"--OPPORTUNITY (Jones); "A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs"--EXECUTIVE POWER (Rudhyar.)

Jones' positive expression for '30Cap': a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life; negative (unconscious/shadow side): rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

And of course, the Illumination Point (opposite degree) of 30Cap is 30Cancer: "A Daughter of the American Revolution" which is the degree and symbol opposite this reluctant astrologer's natal Mars! Maybe that's one reason why these Washington DC varmints intrigue me so--that, and the idea that to dissent is as American as it gets!


Since the days of George Washington, the US presidency has been a Sun cult of personality and exalted pretensions, so you may wish to review Tomas Campanella's City of the Sun with its 'Old Adobe Mission' implications while keeping in mind that 'shining city on a hill', Washington DC, and the old-Europe establishment of a New Atlantis, aka, America. Plus, the fact that US Inaugurations were until 1937 (FDR) held in early March with the Inaugural Sun around 13 Pisces--where transiting and wounding Chiron now traverses.

So what other astro-shenanigans have I been up to? Posting on my WordPress blog about a rectified natal horoscope for Dracula!

And remember that Monday July 22, 2013 also times America's Jupiter Return 2013 and a full Report on it is available for ordering near the top of this blog's sidebar in PDF format, suitable for printing, horoscope provided. Thanks a bunch! Jude, the Reluctant

Jul 17, 2013

July 17, 2013: asteroid America in Capricorn today

Asteroid America, Obama's Plutonian Power, and the US Senate

by Jude Cowell

Today, July 17, 2013, the US Senate convened at 9:30 am edt, an Hour of Saturn, with 6Vir40 rising and thus bringing up the natal Pluto of President Obama. The ongoing Water Grand Trine between the two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, with Neptune of The Masses has been contacting the president's 7th house Pluto, planet of power, manipulation, surveillance, and the unconscious.

Sextiles from Jupiter and Saturn have provided him with valuable opportunities for understanding how skills may be utilized and solutions found, yet with Neptune @4Pis57 Rx (today) opposing Mr. Obama's natal Pluto, a condition is in play via dissolving Neptune in which unseen forces or entities erode natal Pluto's power and control. Subtle or possibly deceit-filled manipulations are afoot!

Today these planetary conditions arose at 9:30 am edt in Washington DC with President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21) at Midheaven! Moon = reigning need (Tyl) and MC = The Goal so we may expect that something the president desperately wants is at the top of the Senate agenda for July 17, 2013, and/or perhaps the president's powerful partnerships (natal Pluto in natal 7th house) will somehow receive attention on Capitol Hill, secretly or otherwise.

Convening during a Saturn Hour is perfect for our 'most deliberative body' and is also conducive to the hard work Saturn demands. Recent compromises in the Senate on nominee blocks, filibuster reform, and an immigration bill are promising but not too promising that the US Senate may be in process of getting its deliberative mojo back. Yet with Mercury Rx until July 20 and conjunct US natal Sun, activist Mars @2Can42 and out-of-bounds (off on his own and up to who-knows-what), and today's unaspected Sun (isolation--note that the president has kept a low profile since returning from Africa), a wait-and-see attitude is better than getting or hopes up too soon.

What's Up with Asteroid America?

Discovered during WWI on August 7, 1915 in Simeis, Crimea, USSR by G. Neujmin, asteroid America (#916) obviously signifies our nation in Mundane Astrology work though its archetype actually represents the entire Western Hemisphere. Named for explorer-cartotographer Amerigo Vespucci, its glyph is a pyramid with an eye inside which is said to have been taken from America's Great Seal image of same (Eye of Providence--or, eye of Horus in a floating capstone) by the excellent Al Morrison.

A search for America in the Serennu ephemeris shows that today, America is @18Cap36 Rx, a degree which spotlights 1993's three conjunctions of Illuminati-Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune ('18Cap' = "POLITICAL POWER"). And there's a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio coming up in early November 2013 which contains influences of this insightful planetary duo and it will be discussed here and elsewhere in the coming weeks.

So where was asteroid America on July 4, 1776? At 27Lib26--trine US natal Moon in late Aquarius, and square US natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33, which imho, denotes We the People's opportunity for a new nation, a sovereign America, and powerful Pluto's control and manipulation of the US government via blocking tactics (square) from abroad (1776 Pluto out-of-bounds from the rest of America's natal planets---in a word, London.)

Now if only I could figure out why our nation is called 'America' and not 'Amerigo'!

Jun 22, 2013

"Censorship and Government Criminality" (Max Igan video)

Has America come down to this? I think most Americans know that our nation has been purposefully brought to this and that most if not all of the myths of History are only that--myths meant to sway the public toward one direction or another, as and when it suits the interests of shadowy puppet masters and their operatives who are, in the end, no more than psychopaths.

Included you'll find remarks concerning NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden:

Note: no, as a Christian I don't agree with Mr. Igan on many of his remarks concerning religion and am not a fan of Gnosticism at all. And yes, I realized decades ago that Religion is used cynically by the power elite as a 'drug' to soothe the masses. Still I glean much useful information and good advice from Max Igan's presentations. I hope you do, too. jc

"The Machine is fiction." Max Igan.

May 27, 2013

US Venus Return June 2013: Saturn leads a locomotive pattern

US Venus returning to natal degree on June 5, 2013

by Jude Cowell

On June 3, 2013 at 11:10:39 am edt, White House, transiting Venus returns to her natal degree in America's 'Sibly' chart (July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA) of 3Cancer06. Having an approximate cycle of one year, Venus Return horoscopes tell how the year will proceed within the realms of Venus: relationship-partnerships-alliances, financial matters including monetary evaluation, diplomacy, art and music, social and cultural events.

As you know, Venus rules the principle of attraction (to and from) and in shrewd Cancer, America is attracted to Cancerian-Lunar concerns such as home and business, security needs, food supplies, parental and emotional concerns, creative endeavors, art, beauty, and finances (their supply or lack thereof--here, quirky disruptive Uranus @11Ari49 The Rebel is at a sensitive point in the 8th house of Corporations, Taxes, Debt, Credit, Death, Transformation, etc--near the 9th cusp.)

In any planetary return chart, the natal aspect or aspects of the planet under consideration is very important for interpreting the Return horoscope which in the case of Venus, 'looks ahead' about one year until Venus' next return to natal degree in 2014.

In America's natal 'Sibly' horoscope, Venus only applies to a conjunction with natal Jupiter @5Can56 ('6Can' = "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests"--they certainly do) yet in our Venus Return 2013 horoscope, Venus has already moved beyond investing Jupiter (25Gem18.) Both planets are posited in Venus Return ('VR') 11th house of Groups, Associations, Hopes, and Wishes. Also, Venus rules VR 3rd house of Communications and the 10th house of Career and Public Status.

A Venus-Jupiter conjunction indicates generosity, optimism, and financial good fortune but may lead to indolence, laziness, and too much ease when effort is what's called for. Additionally, Venus rules the separative SN conjunct MC, a time when career moves may be thwarted, bad timing interferes, and old habits are out of sync with current trends--thus, recognition is slow in coming, if at all. Yet with the Nodal axis spotlighting the IC conj NN and 4th house of Domestic Scene, we may expect a few improvements to express there including in Real Estate.

Later in 2013, the 2013 Venus Return chart may tell us something of the financial stalemates in Washington DC which are virtually promised by the GOP-Tea Party with their anti-anything-Obama manner of sore-losership and weird ideology of Weishauptian dimensions, an ideology which includes a centuries-old plan for global governance and domination.

Our June 3, 2013 Venus Return Ascendant is @23Leo46 and thus the chart is ruled by the Sun @15Gem06 which makes no applying aspects to other planets at all. However, the Venus Return Sun does inconjunct NN showing a leader (Sun) and the public (NN) needing some type of adjustment between them in relation to Venusian issues. And since US natal Venus conjoins Fixed Star Mirzam (to have one's say--and VR Mercury @7Can55 conjoins out-spoken Mirzam, we may hear announcements concerning financial and/or diplomatic-pacts-alliances with the day of our VR 2013 showing a peak of such activities and events.

Yet naturally Venus and other planets transiting this return chart's planets and angles, plus, the perfection of return aspects, describe peaks of activity as well.

Now if we use the rounding-up method for America's natal Venus degree (3Can06) we find that the word picture or symbol for '4Can' is: "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" and here is what Marc Edmund Jones says about this symbol:

"4Can" = JUSTIFICATION. Positive expression: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends"; Negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc) :interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

US Venus is looking at You, Capitol Hill-ers of a jackass persuasion!

Then there's the chart's locomotive pattern with Saturn Rx @5Sco39 in 3rd house. Power, genius, persistence, and prophecy are some of the gifts in a horoscope containing a locomotive pattern of planets. Karmic planet Saturn when in Scorpio has a 'survival of the fittest' vibe which points directly to Ayn Rand objectivists and the Social Darwinism that certain politicians wish to impose upon everyone but their exalted selves.

And with Taurus the Bull at MC (The Goal; MC 17Tau17)), we may expect the sign's shadow side of greed, bigotry, intolerance, and racism to continue arguing with the Venusian cat in the House on Capitol Hill when all the cat wants is a warm and cozy spot in the sunshine with perhaps a slice of apple pie as comfort food.

What may aid us is that locomotive Saturn emphasizes the protective Water Grand Trine between Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Neptune so that social and civic concerns are addressed if not entirely solved or improved. See my recent post on Summer Solstice 2013 for more details on the transiting Water Grand Trine with its Saturn-Neptune trine (120 degr) which favors those who work on secret projects such as military strategies and other government enterprises involving skillful analysis; social welfare is also spotlighted by Saturn-Neptune and progress can be made with their trine of opportunity--if no one interferes unduly.

Also at MC is the South Node (SN) of the Moon--and the Moon (We the People) is nearby as well, though on the 9th house side of Midheaven. Lady Luna @11Tau49 is in a fated septile aspect (51 degr) with Return Venus denoting possibly chaotic conditions, and VR Mars @3Gem41 in 10th house conjoins President Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21), a period when feelings lie close to the surface, anger may be expressed, and the pace of life picks up even more.

Well, these are a few considerations of America's next-up Venus Return which leads the list of America's 2013 planetary returns--here they are in order of occurrence; all natal positions are based on our nation's 'Sibly' horoscope of July 4, 1776:

1. June 5: Venus 3Can06

2. June 30: Mars Return 21Gem22

3. July 5: Solar Return 13Can19

4. July 22: Jupiter Return 5Can56

5. August 4: Mercury Return 24Can11 (August 4 is President Obama's birthday.)

Wishing for America and for you & yours many happy returns in 2013!