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Showing posts with label Rs vs Ds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rs vs Ds. Show all posts

Sep 8, 2011

President's Address to Congress 9.8.11 ends w Moon/Jupiter

Here's a link to the video of President Obama's Address to a Joint Session of Congress earlier this evening (9.8.11) which I blogged in real time for you here with some gentle Chiron in Pisces info tossed into the water.

Please pardon the link instead of providing you with the video itself, but after trying several news sites, youtube, etc, I'm giving up my attempt to embed the code--it's offered on a site or two but won't go live for me here. Maybe later it won't be as cantankerous but who has time for balking when there's so much to do?

One thing not mentioned in my post linked above is that at the precise end of the president's Address, the Moon/Jupiter midpoint arose and thus perfected a picture.

At 7:41 pm edt, Washington DC, Moon was in the sign of America's natal Moon (*27AQ10) but @ 8AQ, so right away we know that we-the-people have a Lunar Return soon--actually, this Saturday morning (@ 9:54:22 am edt) with the emotionally (Moon) expansive (Jupiter--but The Banker/General/Guru/GOP planet is Rx in **intolerant Taurus so he's keeping his powder dry as the Jupiterian Republicans did when they nixed the tradition of giving a rebuttal to the President's Address Thursday Sept 8, 2011.

Don't know about you but I didn't exactly miss their goatish rebuttal especially after Wednesday night's Republican 'Debate' of The Stubborn Jackasses.

Galileo much?

Thing is, I've noticed quite a few Moon/Jupiter contacts such as conjunctions in the natal charts of politicians whose mothers apparently led them to believe in themselves--that they could be or have anything they want. And yes, sometimes decent folk are attracted to what was once called the 'public service' aspect of Politics but usually it's the misguided ones without moral compasses who gravitate toward Politics, 'that organized system of hatreds', where their (presumed) preciousness is babied and whose main job is to shill and represent for their financial backers. And stay in power, of course. And propangandize the masses.

What that makes the majority of them, I'll leave for you to fill in since southern ladies don't often use such language.

But then we have a few more direct, progressive types like, say...Senator Bernie Sanders whose birthday is September 8--Happy Birthday, Bernie!

Some potentials for the Moon/Jupiter midpoint in Politics and Business include: a legal system that acts as a barrier to commercial or agricultural production, ineffective lawyers, and, sad to say, floods. (Munkasey.)

Moon/Jupiter = Ascendant: inconsistent ideas about the roles others play in your life; fortunate contacts; cheer and confidence.

As always, any, all, or none may apply.


*have I ever mentioned to you that the Sabian Symbol for US natal Moon (the American people)--'28AQ'--"A Tree Felled and Sawed" reminds me of the con v lib/R v D ruse that politicians of both parties (factions, really) use to divide ('sawed') we-the-people ('tree'), and the dismantling of our systems of government and civil society which we see in national and local politics now--is the felling.

Unless we bop the stastards. And we're all that can.

**intolerance, prejudice, greed, and stubbornness are the shadow side of the sign of the Bull, Taurus, the field where Jupiter Rx currently cavorts. But I'm speaking mundanely here, as always, so no critique of anyone born under the sign or having planets posited within its 30 degrees is intended!

Besides, you're not a politician, are you? jc

Sep 2, 2011

Rick Perry's Confederate Constitution 1861, and Global Astrology peers ahead

Doth Candidate Perry Cite the Confederate Constitution of 1861? 9.2.11

by Jude Cowell

To refresh our jaded memories, here's the text of the Preamble of the Constitution of the Confederate States, adopted March 11, 1861.


We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America.

To read the rest of the historical document try the Avalon Project since, if our nations succumbs to a Rick Perry presidency, we may be cast back to the 19th century with all its social ills and backwardness as if that could possibly be a good trade for the social ills and conditions of our forcibly austere time.

Jupiter-Saturn, Financial Cycles, and Societal Ills

Now their relationship should act in a 'checks'n'balances' manner in order to protect our Democracy and the sovereignty and treasury of a US government that is invested with ruling power solely by the consent of the governed. Yet these days, a troubling, undermining behavior is shown when the GOP demands contraction of the US economy when there's a Democrat in the White House but spends like drunken sailors on imperial war and Corporate Welfare when they are the freaks at the helm.

Yet of course we know that central and transnational bankers including agents of The Fed control US Politics with politicians acting as the political arm of a global crime syndicate which is symbolized by Jupiter's tendency to incorporate and grow--precisely how America was founded, by Corporation (East India Company, plus, US natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx which manipulates from afar since US natal Pluto lurks out-of-bounds from the gestalt of the rest of our national horoscope, no matter which time you use to set up a US natal chart.)

As you've perhaps heard, there are mumblings going round that big bankers of the
1860s era backed both sides of the 'Civil' War (as was their custom in other conflicts) and were determined to hold onto to the South and its agricultural and other resources in order to stop the South from becoming independent trade partners with the Caribbean region, points further south, and Europe. And naturally, given the usury creatures we're discussing, there were large loans that might not be paid back if the South had been allowed to secede, which is one level of action going on in the background of the 1860s and affecting the lead-up to war and describes the motivations of some of the actors and banking agents of those days.

Capitol Hill Washington DC circa 2011

Mundanely, it seems to me that our Capitol Hill Jupiterians (the Grand Old Party) are again using tactics of Saturnian control and austerity when social ills are on the precipice of being addressed and eased (the tension--rulers v people so let's be on guard for yet another war to be waged on borrowed dough whose interest payments will further financially enslave the American people.) Meanwhile Ds (Saturn) want to expand spending and investment (Jupiter) because government (Capricorn/Saturn) must spend when the private sector won't. So we're to believe that the Democratic Party's Jupiter function simply longs to be expressed to aid a struggling populace--but the poor things are frustrated by the Republican Party's inhibiting saturnity.

Checkmate! And we-the-people lose since those who need money for basics and other expenses are the ones who they attempt to prevent from accessing the global money tree when everyone knows that US consumer spending is what can re-float our financial boat. Obviously, there are political, financial, and other factions that don't want the US economy to rebound and have left US workers behind in an Arizona Dust Storm.

Now you may disagree with me on these things, but really, I can't see how you can given the timber of financial and political events which have transpired during the first eleven years of the New Millennium as Washington's jackassian politics spread across the land, snatching away the weak and unwary like hungry wolves at the gate.

Come to think of it, I've harangued here more than once against radical Utopians ('Uranus in Aries = Utopians'--Ebertin) entering and soon re-entering America's 4th house of Homeland, Domestic Scene, Real Estate, and Endings ('The Drain') as Big Bankers and Mortgage Interest Usurers--both here and abroad--take possession of millions of homes and properties in the US, residential and commercial. Hmm...a pattern?

Aug 11, 2011

The Anti-Democratic "Super Congress" and "The Family"

Good news about the bad-news "Super Congress" which Washington politicians are attempting to pass off as a "Super Committee" to 'deal' with US debt problems by locating trillions of dollars in budget 'cuts'...

My friend Alex D'Atria has sent along an article concerning the topic which I highly recommend to you. Plus, her piece begins with an image of President Barack Obama's natal horoscope if you wish to snag yourself a peek at its Leonine glory.

This weekend I plan to publish an article on the November 25, 2011 Solar Eclipse (2Sag37) and you see by its date that it will closely relate to the deadline of *November 23, 2011 when the "Super Congress" is to make its recommendations which, if I understand the endeavor correctly, will go directly into the signing pipeline with no debate--aka, oversight--by a US Congress which has handed off its constitutional duties to 12 partisans, most of whom may be members or associates of Doug Coe's shadowy, quasi-religious, worldly-power-grabbing organization, The Family, aka, The Fellowship.

Their motto? "Jesus plus nothing"!!

Read or listen to Fresh Air's feature on this super-secret group of 'Jesus' freaks here. ('Jesus' freaks is my own description. Jesus in my Bible totally refused the worldly power that Satan offered Him while He was incarnated as a man on earth and I know that some people call 'God' an entity which is actually 'Satan' or 'Lucifer'.)

The Coming of November 2011

With the automatic 'trigger' set to fire against the dissolving American middle and working classes, this is an enterprise set up to fail, m'peops, but the failure will be primarily on the side of the American people, the sovereignty of our nation, and the health of our environment--and who knows what else the "Super Congress" will gut. A constitutional crisis is in the making as well.

Yes, secretive operatives have inherited a "Great Plan" for America which has been a long time in the making though I suspect its original intent has been somewhat diverted or hijacked by modern totalitarians of the last few decades who are motivated by a sinister lust for power and control--I say this even though our nation was founded as a corporation, yet after all, not all corporations are evil.

As for November, we must first navigate the US Saturn Return (#3 of 3 this time around) on August 28, 2011, plus, the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks. And all leading us by the nose ring into Year 2012 when the collapse has been timed by idealistic Utopians (rebel Uranus now in Aries--Ebertin) and the fabled rebuilding upon ruins begins in earnest...


*It is generally agreed by way of empirical observation through the centuries that Solar Eclipse influences may begin earlier or later than the actual date upon which they manifest--some say up to two weeks in either direction, I would say possibly up to a month. This may also apply to Lunar Eclipses though they usually will relate on a more unconscious or inner level. South Node Solar Eclipses may as well through the SN's unconscious/the past/lunar connection and a Saturnian (SN) or restrictive vibe may be present. And of course, Saturn is a karmic planet indicating a
reaping of what was sown in the past which America must now surely do.

Plus, degrees of Total eclipses may stay sensitive for years or (who can say?)--forever such as with Nostradamus's predictive Mother of All Eclipses (August 11, 1999) with its rigid Fixed Grand Cross of planets which heralded the New Millennium of terror and alarm that politicians can't shut up about for selfish purposes of their own.

Jun 30, 2011

Jon Stewart on the US Debt Ceiling Crisis (video)

Wednesday June 29, 2011: Thank goodness! Someone without an election campaign to finance, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart, deals with the tiresomely political stalemate and one-upsmanship between Ds and Rs concerning the US economy and the August 2nd debt ceiling deadline.

Here in Athens, Georgia I suspect it's proving difficult for some of my aquaintances to take much of it very seriously since in Washington DC the issues are being treated as an opportunity to hold a 3-ring circus and score points against a Democratic White House. And did you hear that Treasure Secretary Timothy Geithner may be stepping down (or absconding) later in the year?

Actually, Secretary Geithner is denying it.

Personally I can't help but feel that if the GOP delights in making Capitol Hill look so completely idiotic and childish to the rest of the world because 'lawmakers' can't leave the golf course and come together long enough do their jobs and raise the debt ceiling without all the ideological crap piled in, then the Rs' campaign to 'make Obama fail' at the expense of all but the topmost tier of Americans is merely par for their cynical, zealous, corporate-worshipping course.

And if they don't shape up soon, may gophers and ferrets purloin every one of their balls.

Jun 2, 2011

Massey Energy name change fools few as Romney enters race in N. H.

That was quite a performance yesterday to mark Massey Energy's name change to Alpha Resources though those who have experience with the safety-challenged company don't seem to be fooled by the obvious public relations ploy. But Massey shareholders decreed!

Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated event, Mitt Romney (former management consultant advising corporations on how to 'reinvent themselves') will announce today (12:30 pm edt) that he is indeed a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

Yet so far, rebranding himself on the health care reform issue (his program as governor being the model for Obama's reform bill) hasn't gained much traction with the public but we'll see how Romney manages the presto change-o as the 2012 campaign drags on. Especially since his past corporate work experience includes changing bad names into 'good' (aka, new) in order to hide true and already demonstrated characters.

Here's a SO'W post concerning Mr. Romney's activities during the 2008 presidential campaign when he attempted to reinvent the Democratic Party as the party of Big Brother! It seemed to me then that the shoe fit the other (Republican) foot a little more comfortably, though in 2011 it's admittedly become awfully hard to tell the difference. With our Rs v Ds, it's become a sad case of pot calling kettle black.

Perhaps that's partially because Washington's Big Brother oligarchs are all just power elite rulers of a feather when propagandistic push comes to real world water boarding.

Mitt Romney March 12, 1947 9:51 am est Detroit, Michigan

Still, one understands Mitt Romney's public relations talent which is natural: he was born with a very close Moon conjunct Jupiter aspect in Scorpio, sign of big business and corporations. Natal Sun 22 Pisces conjoins Cupido (The Family; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and squares Uranus which makes him an unpredictable, arrogant fellow with a big ego.

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not be in a good phase for being elected US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check it before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Actually, his emotions are actually quite expansive (Moon/Jupiter) and a temper may be shown behind closed doors (Scorpio.) Well, who doesn't, right?

Wealth indicator, the Sun/Jupiter trine, helps with public relations as well for optimism always 'sells' in America yet the aspect indicates a certain apathy with a desire for only moderate demands to be made upon his time and freedom. Can a White House schedule provide him this? Some say it worked well for the multi-vacationing George Bush!

A wide conjunction of Mercury Rx (oration; speeches; thought procresses) with activist Mars 6Pis14 gives some oomph in the political opinion department yet the conjunction occurs in obfuscating, deceptive, creative if self-deluded, Pisces. An interest in social service (Virgo/Pisces) is indicated.

Is Romney's Progressed Moon Phase a Presidential Factor?

So if the background influence of one's Secondary Progressed Moon phase is any indication of 'time of life' - and what's it's time for (and I believe it is), Mitt Romney will not have evolved into a good phase for election as US president in 2012. Based on his natal data above (and I failed to list where the 9:51 am birth time came from but I assume the chart would not be saved in my files if it weren't sourced - check its veracity before you use it), Mitt 'Empty Suit' Romney isn't really empty so much as distanced although he understands, yet may not personally relate to, social conditions in society.

Progressing his natal horoscope, we find that Mr. Romney's Sun/Moon phase is now third quarter, the crisis in consciousness phase which began on November 29, 2008 at 21AQ44. Now I don't remember when he dropped out of the 2008 campaign but it isn't surprising that he realized the imperative of doing so prior to the November election as the third quarter mark closed in upon his expansive aims.

Now just as it really counts toward his presidential aspirations, Romney's Balsamic phase begins on September 22, 2012 at 10Ari24 though the Sabian Symbol for '11Ari' is of note:

"The President of the Country"! IDEALIZATION.

Positive expression: the self-sacrifice required of anybody who would become the creative representative of eternal value (the presidency); negative/unconscious/shadow side: an often well-meaning but usually destructive assertiveness of vain pretense.

(Those are my italics with an addition of 'unconscious/shadow side'; from Marc Edmund Jones' The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Will his natal Sun/Jupiter trine allow this amount of self-sacrifice?

Plus, the thing about the Balsamic phase in a Secondary chart is that it indicates a time of endings, partings, and separations though it can also have a 'taking over responsibilities for someone who's just left' vibe, along with a certain prophetic flavor. Leaving home for Washingotn may be a possibility, too. Also, shady deals may be made during this Dark of the Moon phase (perfect for a White House-White Lodge tenure, I know.)

But generally, it is not a phase of new beginnings unless someone else flakes out first.

Hmmm...wonder if Mitt Romney could be more easily selected as US president next time around?

Because his Secondary New Moon occurs at 28Tau42 on February 23, 2016 which is better timing for starting such large enterprises as the helming of our American Corporation of greedy, power-mad Oligarchs.

Heads-Up: C-SPAN will carry Live Mitt Romney's nom bid announcement today at 12:30 pm edt from New Hampshire.

Oh, and Gretchen Morgenson (co-author of Reckless Endangerment) is guest today with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! which should be an informative interview concerning Goldman-Sachs and Wall Street crimes.

If you miss the broadcast, check the website to watch the video.


Dates for the candidate's Lunar Phases may differ slightly if another birth hour is used. jc

Apr 16, 2011

Bretton Woods dreams meet dark economic clouds as Pluto plods on

The Bretton Woods economic conference just ended sees a dark outlook for America and the global economy and these top leaders should know since I believe they've been in on the engineering of Financial Collapse all along in order to establish the kind of economic system they want.

Their goal of global financial and governmental collapse is proceeding nicely for the Chaos Creators and has become quite evident even to those who prefer not to pay attention to what movers and shakers are up to in secret places and ivory towers. All institutions are now infiltrated with agents who are actually duped into believing they will be part of the Luciferian hierarchy of favored subjects when all is in place and the world is ruled from Jerusalem or elsewhere...basically, they desire an earthly kingdom as if that will stave off God's ultimate judgment and the End of Days. It will not.

(And here's some news for the world's chaos-creating minions: Satan would just as soon destroy as look at you for he has no loyalties. His aim is to take as many souls down with him as he goes for he knows his days are numbered - his efforts will be ramped up and technological tricks using light and sound will become more fantastic than ever. In 2011, we feel the political and economic forces' hurry-up-NOW energies and attitudes being demonstrated in Washington DC and elsewhere as the Cosmic Clock runs down. My best advice is for everyone to make their spiritual base secure for the challenges ahead - and participate in democracy!)

Perhaps you read a recent Guest Blogger post presented by New World Order 2012 concerning such topics as 2012, the Illuminati, and the NWO with more articles and info promised.

Well, this morning Georgia awoke to damage from another massive storm system overnight with perhaps more to come. 'Sunshine after a storm' hasn't happened yet but the air is cool, the wind blows lightly, and the trees and foliage still standing look green as can be. Thunderstorms are not on par with nuclear meltdown, of course, but not to fret because in Georgia we have our own nuclear plants to worry about for potential future disasters.

So! On this green morning I type at you from my rain-drenched cave about horrific topics and financial woes that are being engineered by some of the same scoundrels mentioned in the first article linked above.

That regulations and wisdom from the Bretton Woods Treaty are under fire from those who want to build a totally different system, or order of things, cannot be ignored any longer, and I apologize for passing along today their dark-clouds propaganda.

Yet the extent of the damage they have and will cause may be mitigated by how closely we pay attention to what they're up to so that its true nature may be revealed, and the decisive actions taken to push back against the NWO tide. My hope is that entire populations will band together for the good of civilization itself - and say a resounding NO! to the devilish forces now throttling the global throat.

In the US, the success of the ruling elite in keeping us divided against one other and alienated from our own best interests must be faced down as the 2012 presidential campaign heats up. Yes, this will be a monumental task and a major test of maturity, especially with partisan politics purposefully stirred up as they are. In America we are known for our trend-loving immaturity and Geminian energies of never wanting to hear or face the bad news of others' dire intentions - this is a tendency our national psyche must move beyond if America is to survive.

Plus, the old debate of Democrat Party v Republic Party in America is a mere iceberg's tip compared to what's at stake and all that is being done by operatives underneath the surface of our daily lives. The ancient battle of Swords v Torches goes on yet only represents dreadful factions jockeying for position at the helm of a satanic hierarchy intended to dominate the world. (See 112th Congress = Swords vs Torches.)

For it is the next US president (s)elected in 2012 who will preside over our evolving global future as he or she builds upon a string of past presidents' efforts on behalf of an over-arching (over-reaching!) agenda to set up a worldly kingdom which will then lead the unwary into misery, not improvement. Few, if any, church hierarchies have answers (other than to succumb to the NWO, the sell-outs!) and most have participated in the ruse against decent people who want to live their lives, raise their families, and treat others with respect and dignity while working for adequate incomes with which to manage these noble things.

Astrology Spins a Plutonian Tale

Pluto's current traverse of Capricorn, sign of law, government, and business, is taking its toll on us with restrictive Saturn's background influence as ruler of Capricorn. In a mere 11 years from now, we will experience our first Pluto Return in American history on:

1. February 20, 2022; Pluto in 8th house of the Return chart along with a Venus/Mars conjunction @ 20Cap (a crisis degree); plutocracy's Pluto/Chiron midpoint = communism/socialism/invisible government's Saturn/Neptune midpoint; the return falls within the 5 New South Solar Eclipse Series: benefits and peak experiences; eclipse @ 12Sag22 conjoins US natal ASC of the US Sibly chart...something's brewing and will be in view; in the US Sibly natal chart, Pluto is Rx @ 27Cap33 and in 2nd house of Earnings and Self-Worth.

In modern times, 5 New South occurred in the years 1913, 1931, 1949, 1967, 1985, and 2003.

2. July 11, 2011; Pluto Rx in return's 1st H and re-creating its former sextile with transiting Neptune in late Pisces, and opposing Sun 20Cap (a crisis degree); activist Mars 5Tau is in 5th H and unaspected, or working on his own; this return falls within the 6 North Solar Eclipse Series which involves issues of relationships to father/authority figures, the need to take responsibility and control, and acceptance of commitments due to the unreliability of others; eclipse @ 10Tau29.

6N manifested in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004.

3. December 28, 2022; Pluto in return's 1st H with a Mercury/Venus conjunction in Capricorn; Jupiter returns to Aries Point, a World Point of Manifestation; this return falls within the 6 South Solar Eclipse Series which conjoins the return chart's MC (The Goal; Aspirations) with issues of a manic nature such as being forceful and taking power, great strength in relationships, sudden events, and huge efforts exerted in group endeavors; eclipse @ 2Sco01.

6S occurred in the years 1914, 1932, 1950, 1968, 1986, and 2004, same years as 6N. (Years correspond to WWI, WWII and the rise of Fascism, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Challenger explosion-US bombs Tripoli-and Iran-Contra details come out, and the Bush-Cheney wars in the Middle East now escalated by Barack Obama.)

Since our nation has never experienced a Pluto Return before, no one can predict precisely what it will mean yet the historical events of those years listed give hints of similar issues which will again be on the world's menu as the 5 New South, 6 North, and 6 South eclipses repeat during the watershed year 2022 of America's Pluto Return.

But first we must navigate 2011, 2012, and 2013.


Solar Eclipse details are gleaned from Brady's Predictive Astrology and you may wish to check out Amazon's Bernadette Brady Page..

Blog Note: my plan to publish this week on Summer Solstice 2011 has had to be moved into next week due to power outages and household responsibilities; it's quite an involved picture with many astro-details needing inclusion in order to gain for ourselves the larger view which the lens of Astrology readily supplies. jc

Apr 8, 2011

11:04 pm Obama on TV: Shutdown Avoided 4.8.11

Did I just hear a Breaking News announcement from President Obama that a government shutdown has just been avoided less than one hour before it would happen? A temporary spending bill has passed, says his nibs, yet with Mercury Rx and Pluto turning Rx at 4:51:03 am - in a few hours - who can know such a hapless and wispy bill's ultimate fate?

No time to put up the chart of his announcement (it's late) but my Solar Fire software is showing 00Sag47 rising at 11:04 pm edt in Washington DC. And my local CBS channel was featuring military families who wouldn't get paid during a shutdown - and then the President's special announcement broke in with the mercurial good news.

Interesting because the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag' = "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" which may have awakened Dems and Repubs to how both parties would be perceived by the general public if they proceeded with their shutdown script. How can they ask our valiant soldiers (many families of which live paycheck to paycheck) to keep fighting on behalf of Imperial America if they're not being paid?

As you may have heard in the news earlier today, lack of pay makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their warring efforts if they have to worry about their loved ones - and bills - at home.

But you know already know one of my favorite quotes which is allegedly from FDR:

"In politics nothing happens by accident. If it happens you can bet it was planned that way."

Yet here's someone who disputes that FDR actually said those words. Still, after living in DC twice in my life (many moons ago) and soaking up the cynical atmosphere of our premiere city so full of blackmail, cynical politics, and intrigue, I shall stand by the sense of the utterance if not its purported utterer's attribution.

You may wish to check this blog's sidebar for a quote that is from FDR to Colonel House...two grand poobahs with their noggins together. It's quite a doozy.


Previous post on a similar topic from 2007: Homelessness Rising where I unhappily had to predict soup lines across America.

And how about a blog with insightful Astrology articles: Starstruck Astrology - enjoy!

Feb 6, 2011

O'Reilly to Obama: "people hate you" (video)

Here's the 'Super Bowl interview' from today, February 6, 2011, between Bill O'Reilly and President Barack Obama in which O'Reilly repeatedly mentions that "people hate you."

Are we that vicious? Well, speaking for myself, I'm not particularly enamoured of Mr. O'Reilly now that I think about it.

Still it saddens me that so many of my fellow Americans allow political propaganda invented by certain win-at-any-cost factions, intent on full control of the White House, to sway what should be their finer feelings toward their fellow man.

Not that it's common sense to trust a politician of any stripe!

Dec 9, 2010

The Daily Show: Rs v Ds = dueling tax cuts (video)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

In case either of you missed this handy explanation of the tax cuts duel taking place on Capitol Hill, things will be much clearer to you after watching this video!

Sep 30, 2010

March on Washington 10.2.10 w/ Sagittarius rising

Rally Update Saturday Oct 2, 2010; original post begins here:

One Nation Working Together plans a March on Washington on Saturday, October 2, 2010 to Demand the Changes We Voted For.

Beginning at 12:00 noon edt at the Lincoln Memorial (quite a busy location of late), the disgruntled event continues until 4:00 pm. You'll find there are local events to participant in if you wish to click the link above. People who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 are feeling that their confidence may have been misplaced and their generosity bestowed where it didn't belong.

During the 2008 campaign, I blogged ad nauseum that Mr. Obama's natal Mars upon US natal Neptune (the 'rock star' connection) would keep the American public from seeing him as he really was, from discerning his true motivations because the action, energy, and desires of his natal Mars are veiled by our national Neptune. This worked great for putting one over and getting elected but the honeymoon period ended months ago as more US jobs and homes are being lost with transit Neptune and wounding Chiron still sitting upon US natal Moon (the people) and bringing us loss, fraud, deception, confusion, gas leaks, rig blowouts, and flooding.

The time for platitudes, slogans, and cliches has ended.

With 7Sag26 rising (and bringing up US natal ASC 12Sag) at noon Oct 2, 2010 at the Lincoln Memorial (38N53:22 77W03:02), Jupiter 26Pis55 Rx is chart-ruler but makes no applying aspects (except to Ic 23Pis42.) Of course, tr Uranus 28Pis10 Rx is in tow and opposes the March on Washington's Mercury 28Vir18, planet of speeches, oration, and reporters. This makes Jupiter's sign and house placement (4th) prominent yet any improvements which may acrue from the March will be delayed (chart-ruler retrograde.)

Jupiter's ongoing team-up with progressive Uranus is at the base of October 2's March with the duo's 'new ideas' and 'lucky breaks' flavor. Yet we've been suffering from an abundance of fraudulent schemes and deceptions from the Jupiter opposing US natal Neptune transit - in tandem with tr Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius.

There are 'plants' in the crowd (Eros, the piercing, conjunct Venus 12Sco38 and Mars 12Sco01) with agents masquerading as marchers - beware. Sun 9Lib21 (the leader) conjoins Fixed Star Vindemiatrix (loss of partner - loss of the public?), fresh from a meet-up with restrictive (Democrat) Saturn 7Lib57. The Sun applies to a sesqui-square with the Neptune/Chiron conj, an aspect of dynamic activity, but which represents two entwined squares (blockages; obstacles.) Quite a disjointed relationship between leader (BHO) and we-the-people (Neptune = US natal Moon with Oct 2's Moon 28Can37 inconjunct both = adjustments are needed, and pronto! This chart's 3rd quarter Sun/Moon phase = crisis in consciousness. Oct 2's Moon at noon also opposes US natal Pluto, planet of power and control; together they have a propaganda and publicity vibe.)

At noon, the Midheaven in DC 23Vir42 places US natal Neptune (and thus, Mr. Obama's natal Mars) at the top of the chart, the Aspiration-Goal Point. Neptune also signifies the masses and Virgo is the sign of work. We may extrapolate a descriptive midpoint picture: Mars/Neptune = Mc: discontent; feeling inferior; a lack of energy; hopelessness (faded Hope!); failures; a state of weakness or illness.

That Mr. Obama could gain the Oval Office with the help of Wall Street, play his role in the mummery that was Financial Collapse 2008 and the subsequent bank bailouts to wealthy culprits and robbers, then leave Main Street in the lurch has brought the president a March on Washington to protest what seems like his half-hearted efforts on the people's behalf. Or at best, the president's efforts may help matters in the long-term when it's short-term problems that leave the kids' tummies unfed and the bills unpaid.

What I find difficult to believe is that the intelligent Mr. Obama couldn't have seen our disaffection coming from the beginning since he knew the power elite script ahead of time! Is he himself left in the lurch now - in the middle - by those who pull the strings? Was a Democrat installed in the White House as a salve to the people's Bush-ruffled feathers while the over-arching agenda of the one-world-government types awaits fuller implementation by the next president, a Republican? Are US presidents only bull-horning cheerleaders - mouthpieces - who tout the power-behind-the-throne's platform of chaos meant to lead to totalitarianism?

(Next thing we know, the old ploy of monarchs starting a war to divert their unhappy subjects may play out once again before our eyes: that's the tactic Bush-Cheney used after their disputed installation into the White House by SCOTUS! The terms "illegitimate presidency" and "usurpers" were on many people's lips in 2001 - until the attacks of 9/11 and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq squelched them.)

As you know, Pluto 2Cap53 (about to conjoin tr North Node on Nov 9, 2010 with the Moon 3Cap36 @ 3:13 pm est, DC) has been focal planet of some difficult midpoint pictures of late even though the Cardinal T-Squares and Cross have separated. Now I won't type those pictures again but do want to mention a particular T-Square in play for October 2, 2010...the Mercury/Uranus pair indicates 'riots or rebellions which occur because info about goals are not well explained or defined' (Munkasey)...

Mercury/Uranus = Pluto: attracting sudden reverses or complications in life; a hasty realization of plans; over-strained or over-stimulated nerves; tremendous power for work, action, leadership; getting the biggest job done in a commanding way. (Ebertin; Tyl.)

And I don't mean to imply that a simple matter of 'miscommunication' is President Obama's problem here - I lean toward a belief that if he did divulge the truth of the larger global plan and the true condition of things, Washington would have mega- thousands of people marching upon it...enough to shut down The Swamp and start all over again. Plus, he has to follow the NWO's false-reality script or his presidency is aborted, and the pitchforks come out en masse. But that's me. Feel free to disagree.

So at noon on Saturday, there are two midpoints rising as the event gets underway; one is Venus/Pluto = 'extremes of wealth hidden in secret places' and 'attracting elements of organized crime'...

Venus/Pluto = ASC: meeting with those who delight in hearing about ghastly facts; creating a false sense of glamour; a fascinating personality wielding a great influence on others.

And the Mars/Pluto pair = 'a police state with rigid controls; chaos; suppression; clandestine operations'...

Mars/Pluto = ASC: showing the hero's image; aggression; a fighter who dares the impossible; daring and audacity; a coercive, intimidating demeanor; concentrating on whatever means of control you have in order to achieve your ends.

If riots or violence break out, I pre-call it as fomentation by provocative agents!

October 2, 2010's March on Washington begins during a Mercury Hour, good for mercurial concerns such as speeches, agreements, changes, and marching. It is scheduled to end at 4:00 pm edt during a Mars Hour so energy will be high (but under surveillance with Mars in secretive Scorpio, sign of spies; there may be lady spies, too, with Venus in Scorpio.) A Mercury Hour to a Mars Hour tally well with the March's slogans: "Demand the Changes We Voted For" and "One Nation Working Together."

Yes, 'One Nation Working Together' is just what Washington politicians fear! That's what the 'Ds vs Rs' and 'libs vs cons' claptrap are meant to prevent, so kudos to the marchers!

Yet we know that political slogans no longer suffice within the growing gap between rich and poor in America, so let's hope that Congress also gets the message along with President Obama: that their stalling tactics and political power games are old hat, a tiresome cliche that we-the-people, the most powerful force in the nation, are not going to wear anymore.

Oct 31, 2009

Horoscopes of the Ds' and Rs' Progressions 10.31.09

Here is a dual wheel of both parties' Secondary Progressions set for today, Oct 31, 2009, at noon edt in Washington, DC.

Please click image to enlarge because I may leave out a detail or two in this text and there are several notated which a need for brevity prevents me from mentioning; a few US natal planets are around the outside of the chart.

Important midpoint pictures have been written on the charts as equations and will be discussed below.

Both parties - and I sound as if I think there's much difference in them other than their styles of fulfilling ego needs to be Number One in Charge - have Sec Sun in Sagittarius, sign of The Seeker: Dems with Sec Sun 26Sag02 conj Sec MC (the Goal), and Rs with (Cadent) Sec Sun 16Sag54 conjunct Sec Venus 15Sag54, a conj of self-satisfaction which is able to morph into whatever the current situation or present company expects in order to be better appreciated.

A few asteroids have been included here which relate to mysticism and the supernatural because the planets indicate it: one indication is the Ds' Sec Venus/Chiron opposition - magickal satanist Aleister Crowley has this aspect natally.

Rs have Sec Sun nearing Sec Pan, associated with the ancient mystical sign of Capricorn (mer-goat), and the Goat of Mendes which is associated with the layout of Washington, DC and DC's Freemasonic Temple of the Scottish Rite. You may think mysticism doesn't apply to modern day politics - you would be incorrect. Two examples before our eyes: the White House is actually a White Lodge, and just look at the architectural style of the Capitol Building and the crypt under the rotunda!

So let's first discuss the Sec chart of the Numero Uno Democrats (Hour of Jupiter), now placed at the helm by the powers-behind-the-throne which are primarily represented by Saturn/Neptune (secret or invisible government), and by Pluto, a manipulator described by Reinhold Ebertin in his 'The Combination of Stellar Influences' as:

Principle: Force majeure or providence, invisible forces or powers.

(As you know, the 'Eye of Providence' (aka the Eye of Horus) is the capstone on the pyramid of power on US money and elsewhere.)

Sociological Correspondences for Pluto: persons who exercise a magical influence over the masses such as propagandists, actors, public speakers, and politicians.

Psychological Correspondences: the will or wish to exercise power; ruthless frankness; the urge to influence the masses; undertanding the masses; propagandistic objectives; ruthless coercion; inclination to incite; a fanatical zeal to state one's own doctrinal principles; to agitate.

In the Ds' Sec chart we see that Venus, planet of values, relationships, and smaller amounts of money equals two midpoints: Saturn/Neptune and Moon/Mercury so we have these pictures which may or may not apply. See what you think:

Sat/Nep = Venus: feebleness; lack of initiative; longing for attention; lacking popularity; appreciated more by senior people.

Moon/Mercury = Venus: a sense of beauty; art appreciation. (Nice, but not very political. I include it because it expands the Venusian influence and may involve appreciation of the ancient mysteries' symbolism and logos; Moon/Mercury together = perception; thinking influenced by feeling; an active mind; good judgment.)

Ds' Sun/Moon midpoint 18Cap45 in 11th house of Groups, Association, Hopes and Wishes is at the POLITICAL POWER degree (18Cap) of the NWO-flavored Uranus/Neptune conjs of 1993. This may indicate Ds' connections to UK leadership and goals - see the Sabian Symbol for '18Cap' - "The Union Jack..."

With Dems now acting as the ones in charge, Sun at MC makes sense, yet Fixed Star Acumen is there at MC, too: keywords: enduring attacks which weaken. We're certainly seeing that with the health care stand-off and other attacks from opponents upon the party's actions and principles - and the president.

If we round off Sec Mercury's position we also have '18Cap' conj the Sec 11th cusp as Mercury has recently been 'taken' into the more visible 10th house of Public Status and Career. Sec Sun/Moon phase is now at Crescent stage of crisis-handling (45 degr 25.)

ASC 21Pis13, ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by Neptune, two planets whose combination indicates speculation and grandiose schemes; 1st house Sec Midas 29Pis51 conj Aries Point. Sec Neptune 1Sco25 conjs the UN's natal Sun which is also the natal Sun of the NWO (birthday Oct 24 in both cases. Is Sec Neptune veiling these links?)

Sec Mercury and Sec Pluto are out-of-bounds from the earthly plane so who knows what they're actually up to in private. They're working on their own from the other planetary energies of the chart and probably working together. (Mercury/Pluto = propaganda; wielding influence; sharp criticism; cunning; crafty subtlety.)

At MC is the mystical, supernatural Neptune/Pluto midpoint so we have:

Nep/Plu = MC: mystical peculiarities; profit through the occult or the spiritual; high and purified soul life.

Nep/Pluto = Sun: impressionability; sensitivity; creative enterprise; possible 'drain on the system' through over-indulgence; rationalization reigns over realism. (I emphasize 'drain on the system' since we know they do it regularly and because it relates to the Solar Eclipse season we're in: July 21, 2009's 'systems fail; new ideas and methods needed to deal with events' - Brady's 'Predictive Astrology.')

Nep/Pluto also relates to resources such as oil, gas, and anything underground, and to the Robber Baron class.

Also at MC are two fortunate, successful money-related midpoints:

Venus/Jupiter = MC: wonderment at feelings os success; gladness.

Ven/Jup = Sun: being popular, well-appreciated, and successful; life advancement; good will.

Mars/Jupiter = MC: love of enterprise; ability to make fortunate arrangements; the excitement of being 'on top'; opportunities for success.

Mars/Jup = Sun: organizational talent; leadership; success. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Authoritative Saturn 25Ari25 Rx is in 1st house which is better for ruling than the Rs' Sec Saturn in 12th house @ 12Gem01 Rx - both are emphasized by their Rx condition which indicates some weakness, or perhaps a Father Complex; Rs' Saturn is setting - conj Desc in the US natal chart (Sibly), another indication of the GOP's 2nd position in Washington. And as you see, the Rs' Sec Sun opposed Sec Saturn in the last 4 or 5 years which played into the 2nd term of Bush being more problematic for them than his 1st term due to Saturn's restrictive, tamping down qualities - and heralded their subsequent losses at the ballot box as their 'shine' (Sun) dimmed (Saturn.)

But back to the Ds:

The Dems' Sec Jupiter is happy in Scorpio (and in 8th h) where Jupiter fulfills his biggest large-scale enterprises. A Scorpionic Jupiter has occult interests, too, and 8th house is the house of The Occult. In Scorpio, Jupiter likes to acquire secret info about the affairs of others - well, who doesn't in Washington, right? I've said before here that if it weren't for blackmail as a tactic, the federal government would have to shut down.

Another thing about a Scorpionic Jupiter is a tendency to be uncompromising about principles and religious or philosophical beliefs which makes for powerful, bitter enemies. (Ronald Reagan has a Scorpionic Jupiter in his natal chart.)

The Harveys give the sometimes impractical, out-of-touch, crusading Sun Sag/Moon AQ blend's 'Image for Integration' as: 'On a tour of primitive lands, a university professor goes through a tribal initiation and becomes a blood brother of the chief.' More mysticism a-hoof?

Now what about the Rs' Sec Progressions?

ASC 1Can53 with tr Pluto at Desc; Hour of an out-of-bounds (OOBs) Mars; chart-ruler Moon 8Leo36, approaching the R Party's natal Mercury; the Moon seeks support, approval, recognition and applause in Leo; Sun/Venus conj in Cadent 6th house where they're not as strong as the GOP could want; mystical Pan near the Sun as noted above.

At MC (The Goal) sits nebulous, mystical, yet often deception, self-deluded Neptune, the hiding-in-plain-sight combo, and I suspect the majority of Americans who prefer the R Party think they're seeing spirituality and religion with this Neptune at the most visible point of the chart rather than the goat-footed mysticism it implies; 'deceptions or illusions about religion' are possible.

Ebertin gives Neptune/MC as: putting on an act; the supernatural; insecurity; uncertainty (how to shove themselves 'back on top'?); a devotion to far-reaching objectives that are hard to bring to realization; peculiar ideas; investigating the unconscious or the supernatural.

Sociological Correspondences of Neptune/MC: people with utopian ideas; crooks and swindlers; 'men of big talk, no action'; weaklings.

(Wonder if our rank and file conservatives see the oppressive midpoint of class warfare, racism, corporatism, fascism, gender bias, and other such heavy-handed delights: Pluto/Chiron = MC...?) 'Crooks an swindlers' indeed; are these 'far-reaching objectives' of the NWO agenda?

Plus, 'uptopian ideas' is highlighted above because I believe this relates to the founding of America spurred by the esoteric ideas of Sir Francis Bacon with Atlantis as the 'new world' - meant to be the old world's cash-cow and vehicle for world domination. And though it seems we got a little uppity along the way, Utopians are still pulling strings from behind the curtain, imo. This is undergirded by transiting Saturn/Uranus' current opposition as: 'old vs new.'

Now Ebertin gives the combo of Saturn/Pluto energies as: hard labor; cruelty. And we know it relates to violence and possibly to mass murder (such as during their opposition on 9/11/01 across the US natal ASC/DESC axis of the 'Sibly' chart.)

The Nodal axis of Destiny (including 'destiny of the masses') in the Rs' Sec chart has Saturn/Pluto conj NN...

Sat/Plu = NN: misery of the masses; common suffering shared with others.

This mdpt picture in the GOP's Sec chart does nothing to dispel my constant memory that it was 8 years of GOP rule under Bush-Cheney that broke and raided the US treasury and has led directly to the 2008 financial crisis (engineered on purpose as I believe it was), and to the suffering which war and loss entail. The 9/11 attacks are part of the 'bankrupt' timeline as its ripples fan out today.

So thanks, neocons of the Republican Party, she types with scorn a-dripping over the keyboard.

However! Ebertin also gives Saturn/Pluto as 'adepts; magicians' which brings again mystical correspondences into the deal along with the occult talents of whoever is guiding these varmints and heisters in their strategies. He also gives the controlling Sat/Plu combo as 'silent activity' and 'martyrdom.'

Yes, sometimes the Rs are up, sometimes it's the Ds, but the real cuprits remain in control.

Sociological Correspondences of Sat/Pluto: deeply searching scientists; reactionaries; violent people.

Ah yes, reactionaries. Saturn/Pluto people tend toward purely egoistic aims and use force to get what they want. My belief is that this relates to the attacks of 9/11 and the neocons' and zionists' desire for 'a new Pearl Harbor' meant to take the US into endless war while bankrupting the American people. And as you know, the plan is working famously for them - many of us are ruined while they're wealthier than ever and can easily relocate from America to the next happenin' place, even if it's a space station above our heads.

And since we're speaking of mysticism: in Capricorn, sign of politics, business, and law, we see magician alchemist Hermes conjunct Chiron, his teacher! Why, Aleister Crowley must be sitting up in his grave at the thought.

So let's close with the 'Images for Integration' for the grandiose, opinionated and bossy Sec Sun Sag/Moon Leo combo of the Republican Party:

'At an emotionally moving ceremony, the shaman of the gypsies is given an honorary university degree in herbal folklore and ancient geography.'

Did you notice that the Images of both parties involve the word 'university' - and that both relate to mysticism bwo blood initiation and shamanism?


Natal Charts used to calculate the Progressions:

Democratic Party May 13, 1792 12:00 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA; Republican Party July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT, Jackson, MI.

Oct 28, 2009

On Lieberman and his public option threat

My Gather friend, Prima Donna, has posted an excellent article on Joe Lieberman and the public option which is replete with links for those who wish to read more on the issues of health reform legislation and on Joe's turncoat ways.

Joe says he'll filibuster with the GOP to force a retraction of the public option - and, I suppose, to collapse the entire reform bill!

ThinkProgress gave permission for use for her article which includes a graph you may be interested in seeing so I thought I'd pass along Prima Donna's work to you.

Lierberman's stance on the public option reminds me of Jon Stewart's funny a few years ago (perhaps when Lieberman was taped in Congress whispering into George Bush's ear): "I knew it was You, Lieberman." Well, I hope it isn't 'him' this time because Americans need a public option which, if fraud isn't baked right in to the bill, will save money not spend more of it.

Last evening I was watching C-SPAN's House of Representatives live coverage and was amazed at Republicans on the floor complaining about Dems' recent closed door meetings and how proud they are of what comes out of them concerning health insurance reform. Since both parties tend to do this when in power, the Republicans on display last evening certainly have very very short memories - and think we do.

Or are they just posturing and pretending in order to drive us all mad?

Update 10.28.09 8:30 pm edt: Robert Scheer has written an article on Leiberman twisting the knife.