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Showing posts with label US war machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US war machine. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2013

Dennis Kucinich interview: drones, GMOs, and more (video)

From the following video I discover from former congressman Dennis Kucinich that he was redistricted out of the US Congress by Democrats in the Ohio state legislature--his fellow party members! Guess a politician asking 'too many' questions and expecting truthful answers becomes inconvenient after all these years...

Holding Bush accountable, our Orwellian State, and other pertinent topics are included in this 12-minute video interview; for more videos on a variety of subjects, you may wish to visit Forbidden Knowledge TV forthwith.

Because Dennis Kucinich was born October 8, 1946 at 5:53 pm in Cleveland, Ohio, his Sun-Moon personality blend is Sun Libra-Moon Pisces, an Air-Water concoction of mistiness that loves delving into mysteries--plus, his natal Mercury is in early Scorpio. View his natal chart here where you'll also find bio details.

Sun Libra-Moon Pisces denotes a sensitive soul who is adaptable, social, and romantic. His perceptive intellect may be partially responsible for getting him redistricted off the national political stage especially since social equality is very important to a personality with this blend. With the mind of a detective, Mr. Kucinich has an uncanny ability to see past surfaces, and he is, as we've observed, a natural worker on behalf of others.

Here's the 'Image for Integration' for the Libra-Pisces combo as given by the Harveys in their excellent book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign (Sun = conscious mind, Moon = the unconscious):

"The curtain comes down, the actor takes off his mask and, in privacy, looks into his mirror to find himself as a child of six with his imaginary friend."

Hmmm...he does seem to retain a certain childlike innocence about him which is fine with me since we are directed by Scripture to "see directly as a child" for best results!

Curiously enough, this Sun-Moon blend is shared natally by (satanist-occultist) Aleister Crowley, actresses Carole Lombard and Lillie Langtry, playwright Eugene O'Neill, and former Canadian PM Pierre Trudeau.

Mar 28, 2013

'The Red Tape Diaries: Veterans' Benefits' (Jon Stewart video)

Last evening on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart was brilliant while being hilarious concerning the shabby treatment the US government provides for our returning war veterans. in case you missed it, here's an excerpt--please overlook the lack of my embed success:

It seems to me that it's the same millionaires and billionaires and/or their colleagues and kin who profited and profit by the US invasion and occupation of the Middle East, passed the cost of war to US taxpayers, and now hide their profits and other profits offshore in order to avoid paying US taxes which would help support the United States of America. And of course, it's primarily America's Rich People's Party, the Republicans, who protect the status quo of the war profiteers' little win-win set-up.

The insidious yet blatant lies told by Bush, Cheney, and the others to take us to war negate the US taxpayers' financial burden for the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld wars. Now if only we could find a way to allow the select few old men who start wars learn to pay for them.

And yes, JG, US progressed Mars turning retrograde in 2006 relates directly to returning war veterans, the increased arming of America, lagging gun control proposals, financial thievery, and our impaired (thanks mostly to Bush and Cheney) ability to take action and/or fight when such action is actually called for because the Bush-Cheney wars have made us weaker and more vulnerable and despised as a nation--precisely what global government types want.

Clues are the Sabian Symbols for US Mars turned Rx by progression, '18Lib' and '19Lib':

'18 Libra' = CONSEQUENCE: "Two Men Placed Under Arrest" (a word picture which seems so far to describe Julian Assange and Sgt. Bradley Manning quite well rather than the war criminals who invented shoddy reasons for taking American troops into the oil-rich Middle East and who brazenly continue to lie about it all to this day. The negative connotation of this degree = "total inappropriateness of impulse and act" (M. E. Jones) with both 'impulse' and 'act' being within the province of astrological Mars, god of war.

'19Lib' = DIVERGENCE: "A Gang of Robbers in Hiding" which may include Cheney's 1% Gang. (You know that the invasion of Iraq included a ransacking of antiquities from the Baghdad Museum, right?) Negative ramification of '19Lib': 'abnormal mistrust of everything worth while.'

As Jon Stewart has said, "Corporations are people, but they're not Americans."

May 26, 2012

Welcome Home, all US Soldiers!

Thoughts about Memorial Day May 28, 2012

by Jude Cowell

At NPR, Scott Simon's Remembering a Hero on Memorial Day gives a gentle and touching tribute to Vietnam soldier Leslie Sabo, who gave his all for his country 42 years ago--my generation. Click for the text, plus, the audio of Mr. Simon's report will be online around 12:00 pm et today and it's worth a listen if you missed it this morning.

The History and Astrology of Memorial Day is interesting coming as it did after the 'Civil' War when General John Logan, National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, offically proclaimed it on May 5, 1868. The first observance was held on May 30, 1868, and of course, you recognize the Sabian Symbol for '1Sag':

"A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire"...REMINISCENCE:

Positive expression: accomplishment through the cultivation of and preservation of enduring ties with others;

Negative/(Unconsicous/Shadow Side--jc): superficial idleness and unhealthy veneration for the past.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, M. E. Jones.)

Taking a look at planetary positions at noon on May 5, 1868, we see two significant conjunctions relating to our topic, the first at the Oxen Degree: Sun 15Tau26 conjunct Pluto 15:34, planet of death and regeneration. Astrological Sun signifies leaders and leadership but also the recognition and honor that Memorial Day brings. As a team, Sun/Pluto = rulers, those who strive for or crave power (such as empire-builders and conquerors), fighters, martyrs, and separation by force majeure such as war and violence. (Ebertin.)

The second conjunction has a wider orb: warrior planet Mars, strong in his own sign of Aries (18:12, with '19Ari' the Exaltation of the Sun degree) and compassionate if deceptive Neptune 15Ari54 joins Mars and brings to mind America's continually problematic Mars/Neptune square from 1776 indicating such things as deceptive actions, misguided and/or misdirected energy, and the fog (Neptune) of war (Mars.) Yet the planetary duo's potential for inspired action is what Leslie Sabo and other heros exhibit on behalf of their fellow soldiers and for their country even though they are 'lied into war' for dubious (money making) reasons by old white men, aka, war profiteers.

(Please understand that I cast no blame upon our valiant soldiers, but that's how I see the wars that Americans have been duped into fighting through the decades for all were begun by ruses and both or all sides are always financially backed by the same banking interests--simultaneously. I'm of the If Only No Soldiers Showed Up to Fight generation, remember--put the old global bankers in a ring and let them duke it out!)

Plus, Ebertin gives other implications for the Mars/Neptune combo such as "suffering harm or exploitation," "a desire to harm others," and "narrow-mindedness," all of which are activated during times of war.

Well, I've blogged myself into quite a grump when all I intended to do in this post was to remember and heartily thank all our veterans for their service this Memorial Day 2012. I think it was seeing those Sun/Pluto and Mars/Neptune conjunctions in the 1868 chart that riled me up. And after so many--too many--years of war, few will click to read this post anyway, I suspect. But if you did, please pardon my dissenting nature as a native Georgian and a Child of the Revolution! After all, a national Memorial Day wasn't agreed upon by the Southern states until after World War I for we steel magnolias can be something of a feisty bunch way down yonder in the South!


For further reading you may wish to try Civil War April 12, 1861 Midpoint Pictures and Hidden Hands. The first shot was fired at 4:30 am LMT with the *Moon at 15Tau36! And powerful, wealthy, subversive string-puller Pluto (the Hidden Hand) was at 8Tau34, the very degree of the Robber Barons' New Moon that times the generation's natal horoscope which may be viewed here where it was posted just last evening.

*Sun/Pluto = Moon: brutal suppression of the feelings (Ebertin): attempts to project power and persuasion (Tyl); determination to effect basic changes to the flow of life's events (Munkasey.)

Mar 8, 2012

March 2012: Plutocrats Beat War Drums

Warmongers and Symbols of Eagles and Apes

by Jude Cowell

Greetings All! Yes, I'm still busy with relocation, office set-up, and with what is hoped to be final tech glitches addressed this evening.

Meanwhile, much goes on in the nation and in Washington DC politics with Israeli war drums as an unwelcome background noise. Does anyone reading this post think that war with Iran is a good idea? Most of the non-psychotic people I know agree that war is seldom if ever an answer and only creates more problems and an abundance of misery, some of which will be due to 'blowback'.

Personally I assume that those who plan, trump up justifications, and execute hellish wars have little if any concern with blowback for it tends to most deeply affect innocent women, children, and the elderly who are disenfranchised, maimed, killed, or made homeless by such heinous actions of warmongers who entertain win-win mindsets and a win-at-any-cost Machiavellian directive from on high.

Now if you've read this blog before, you probably know which planetary duo I primarily associate with disenfranchisement, oppression, racism, other -isms including Capitalism and Communism, and primal violence: Pluto/Chiron. The duo met in Great Conjunction on December 30, 1999 upon America's natal Ascendant (our nation itself) @ 11 Sagittarius 23. Rounding up we have '12Sag':

"A Flag Turned into an Eagle that Crows"...


positive expression: successful self-establishment through genuine self-expression;

negative (unconscious/shadow side--jc): idle prejudices and unsubstantiated claims. (Marc Edmund Jones.)

'Unsubstantiated claims' seems to be the order of the day for the US and for Israel--not that I trust Iranian politicians to be truthful about their nuclear intentions, of course. Still, when global plutocrats are determined to force a worldwide New World Order agenda, we see what is done to those whose dare stand in the way of their long-planned global domination plan--some say, 'The Great Plan', a devilishly totalitarian twist meant to ruinously divert the lives of decent folks everywhere.

Perhaps Adriano Carelli's The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac can shed more light upon the Pluto/Chiron conjunction which ushered in the much-touted 'New Millennium' though I shall type for you the degree prior--'11Sag' since it closely applies to today's topic and because Carelli recommends use of the exact degree rather than the rounding-up method. Actually, both apply since earlier degrees give unconscious information on the subject at hand, as does the Illumination Point (opposite degree.) Not all of Carelli's degrees (360) provide a word picture (symbol) though all have explanations--this one is quite descriptive, and I quote :

"11Sag": "An Ape Riding a Wolf"...

This degree will favor a military and a political career. It confers all the virtues of a noble and fearless heart and all the vices of a sly, dissembling and unscrupulous mind. The native is glib enough to defend the noblest cause, resorting to the underhand tricks employed to bolster up a forged and exploded cause. Strong favorable aspects would strike off the craftiness, whereas concurrence of evil features may taint the nobility of the cause.

The native will win many friends and make many enemies; and in his life, after seeing him through many perils, may have a sudden end."

Makes me wonder who's the ape and who's the wolf in the current war-threat scenario!

Since creating Stars Over Washington in October 2005, blogging on dire topics has been something of a tension release for me as well as a way to express my own dissent when my government fails to take a higher road. And since we've now fallen into yet another ditch along the way (and I'm a 'Daughter of the Revolution'...'30Cancer'), I again find myself writing about the misguided idea of waging war--in tandem with Israel or alone--against Iran which would bring oppression against the good people of Iran whom I have always admired. (Not their government officials, but The People who desire to live in peace, just as the majority of Americans do.) The old Flower Power Generation idea of putting politicians, military generals, and the Ones Behind the Scenes Who Stir Up War (ex: global bankers who profit obscenely) into a Giant Ring and let them duke it out seems completely appropriate to the current situation for a peacenik like myself.

Such a Herculean battle would, for once, provide powerful Pluto/Chiron types what they deserve rather than visiting horror upon the innocent as natural resources and national treasures are looted and territory is added to the earthly--and thus temporary--dominion of the warmongers who betray and oppress humanity.


America's 'Sibly' natal horoscope used: July 4, 1776 5:10 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA.

Dec 16, 2011

'Your Moment of Zen': End of Iraq War flag ceremony (Jon Stewart video)

So many mixed feelings sweep over me as I watch the flag ceremony. You know? Never wanted either war, Afghanistan or Iraq, knew they'd be Vietnam-esque and they are of the quagmire variety of collective experiences...brutal and soul-shattering.

And so our national soul is soiled once again and the stains are deep. 'Old men start wars for young men to fight' is as true a maxim today as it was whenever someone first strung the words together and said, Hmmph!

Happily, it is with this post that I again have a chance to say,

Welcome Home, US Soldiers! I'm very glad you've come ashore and I wish you all safe passages to calmer waters! Bless you and your families, Jude

Now that things are shifting like the desert sands of Iraq, it is my personal opinion that George Bush, Dick Cheney, and other crony war profiteers of a globalist persuasion owe the American people a very large amount of money for starting two wars and to somewhat make amends for their vast mismanagement of our public funds.

Accounts must be settled so the American people can learn and move on, don't you think? IDing our demons--forces within our shadow government, actually--is necessary in order to vanquish them! One ancient myth associated with this plutonian kind of topic is the Head of Hydra which guarded the cave to Pluto's Underworld.

Which reminds me of how Earth is due to align with Galactic Center in 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years, so it is said. Now that's gotta be worth waiting for, right?

Except that astronomers say, Nyet! Instead, Earth will cross the Galactic Equator in 2012 which is a bi-annual event happening in a cosmos nearest you, and there's nothing particularly remarkable about it, if all goes well as before. And before.

Now here's Jon Stewart presenting 'Your Moment of Zen'--a moment that most Americans have been praying for for over eight years thanks to government-usurping war criminals and their embezzling colleagues and pawns:

Please rate this video below, if you wish!

Nov 23, 2011

Bradley Manning court date: Sun Sag/Moon Virgo

At last, whistleblower Bradley Manning, who dared taunt the US war machine, has been given a court date of December 16 (2011) when the Sun is in Sagittarius, Moon in critical Virgo for the 24-hour period.

This Fire-Earth combination of energies may be described as a 'bull dozer' and indicates tremendous drive toward a desired direction. Old J. P. Morgan was born with a Fire-Earth combo (Aries-Virgo.) The combo tends to have a strong, rational bias with enormous certitude about beliefs. Seems this may describe both sides of the issue--the Manning-WikiLeaks side v the US military/government, so invested in their seeming infallibility. Does might make right? Not to me it doesn't!

Yet the Sun Sag-Moon Virgo blend in particular can shift between certitude and deep doubt. Its sense of drama may shrink if placed under the spotlight for too long, and nervous tension becomes a problem. Aims are focused on the greater good, not just on behalf of the individual, and presenting the Big Picture is a talent with Sag's macro-view and Virgo's attention to detail. This reminds me of the leaked tape of the US helicopter showing troops' behavior that Private Manning leaked to WikiLeaks and which began this difficult odyssey for him.

With Sun Sag-Moon Virgo, there is a tendency to be shocked by disloyalty and again, this seems to me to describe both sides especially with the combo's dedication to ideals. Clear arguments will be made on December 16 and calm integrity will be demonstrated but narrow-mindedness, moralism, and obsession will also be shown on that day.

One of the blend's 'Images for Integration' is: The Ten Commandments but there is little space within the theater of war for following such good advice--Thou Shalt Not Kill being the stand-out admonition though Not Bearing False Witness must be on the court's menu, of course.

My own feeling is that Bradley Manning carved out a little space for morality when his actions revealed the true face of US imperialism and his trial will be a mad scramble to put the Pentagon's idealistic mask back in place for the American people--even though it's way too late. Pvt. Manning is in the raptor's embrace, God help him, for the raptor is blind to all but its own interests, and sacrificing One Lone Soldier is a no-brainer solution when global domination goals are at stake.

The Sun Sag-Moon Virgo combo is shared natally by philosopher and historian Thomas Carlyle and here's one of his famous quotes which I hope won't define Bradley Manning's court appearance on December 16:

"Nothing is more terrible than activity without insight."


Inspiration: Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles & Suzi Harvey.

Sep 17, 2011

Sign Deficit Super Committee Petition: No Safety Net Cuts!

This 'just in' to my inbox--if you care about our social safety net programs and know someone who depends on them, perhaps you'll add your John Hancock, too:

Dear Friend,

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are in danger. But the biggest threat isn't driven by economics, it's driven by politics.

Twelve members of Congress from the House and Senate have been newly empowered to force both chambers of Congress to vote on a deficit reduction bill that can neither be amended nor filibustered.

Unfortunately many members of this new bipartisan, bicameral deficit super committee have Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security squarely in their sights.

In essence, they think it's better to let seniors fall into poverty, or deny needed health care to the poor and elderly, than to raise taxes on people who can comfortably afford to pay more.

I just signed a petition telling the members of the deficit super committee not to cut Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security benefits. I hope you do too.

You can take action at CREDO


Stop America's imperial wars and fund the needs of we-the-people! jc

Jul 22, 2011

Rep. Dennis Kucinich tells what War is used for

Once upon a time there was a popular song that asserted, "War! Huh!...What is it good for? Absolutely nuthin'! Say it again..." (insert blaring horns; I totally dislike blaring horns. And war.)

Nowadays people realize that war is 'good for' many things such as plundering other people's resources and establishing imperialist power bases on behalf of a 'new world order' of global domination, aka, a one world government. We now know that it's 'good for' a select few, but really really bad for anyone who gets in the elitist Vulcans' way and their 'vision' of The Great Plan of universal power.

Wonder how much oil and gas it would save the US to stop bombing other countries and bring our soldiers home from Middle Eastern sands?

Here's Rep. Dennis Kucinich telling of another 'use' for war, and he's right:

How War Is Used To Redistribute Wealth

By Dennis Kucinich

"War Takes Money From The American People & Gives It To War Profiteers!"

Jun 24, 2011

Kucinich: US actions in Libya "surreal" 6.24.11 (video)

Here's the video I mentioned earlier today of Rep. Dennis Kucinich speaking on the House floor this morning and calling the US misadventure in Libya "surreal," among other things.

Well, you know Mr. Kucinich is correct, don't you? And he doesn't mind calling a situation 'Orwellian' that really is Orwellian.

Wonder what happened to Mr. Kucinich's plan in 2008 to investigate those mysteriously executed and very lucrative "put options" which suggested insider trading involved in the attacks of 9/11?

House votes No to US military action in Libya 6.24.11

Have congress members found their backbones or are they worried about their fund-raising for the next election? Well, on C-SPAN I watched much of this morning's 'debate' on the House floor over action in Libya so this news nugget is of little surprise.

I hope the US drops this ill-timed, unaffordable, and immoral mission and that you too caught Dennis Kucinich's impassioned speeches this morning - his remarks are definitely worth finding if you can, and I shall search for a video of him for posting here asap:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: House Rejects Measure To Continue U.S Role In Libya

The House has voted down a measure giving President Obama the authority to continue the U.S. military action against Libya. More at NPR.

More on this and other topics is being broadcast as I type by the excellent Thom Hartmann. And the transiting South Node (SN) is nearing US natal Mars (military; god of war) closer and closer as you read these words - and we have a US Mars Return coming soon...

May 27, 2011

US Take-Over Libya Plan Made Years Ago (video)

Well, I remember that Wesley Clarke divulged hints of the neocon plan to take over Libya, a plan made years ago. And I'm glad to find a video of his remarks thanks to a Newsletter Alert received from the excellent Information Clearing House, one of our premiere independent news sources which can use our encouragement.

Mar 31, 2011

Shock Doctrine Politicians = America Going Nowhere

An Austere GOP Hearts the Ruining of America

by Jude Cowell

If you're anything like me, you're having some difficulty keeping current your Shock Doctrine Politicians scorecard, so you may benefit from a list with their names, birth data, and a few of their astrological details. And of course, the shock in 'Shock Doctrine' implicates the planet of disruption, upheaval, lightening, and chaos: Uranus.

The doctrine is doctrinaire Saturn now in an obsessive-compulsive (sound like any one-pointed GOPers you know?) aspect with revolutionary Uranus, an asepct known as a quindecile (165 degrees.) This is the 'disrupt governing systems, break rules through defiance of law and order, and feel driven to break old, outdated concepts through innovation' combo. (The Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)

Excerpt from above linked article: Members of Congress are doing damage to the country with their pursuit of deficit reduction in the middle of the worst downturn in 70 years. This push for deficit reduction does harm to the economy and costs more jobs than 1,000 Bridges to Nowhere.

And USA Reality Check has the Twitter feed of Wisconsin's AFL-CIO, plus, economist Paul Krugman's recent article American Thought Police.

Then we have The 8 Worst Governors in America and the crazy-making, future-destroying way they're doing things with their self-imagined mandate. Making President Obama look bad has to be one of their basic motives so we may be lead to assume that if the GOP grabs the White House in 2012, the Republican (corporate) largesse will begin flowing like golden doubloons and the American people will soon have more jobs and paychecks than we can handle (puh! The Republicans are acting coldhearted toward our families and it's 'worth it' to them as long as Barack Obama "fails".)

Ah, George Orwell, the Prophet!

His birth during a Balsamic phase of the Moon (just prior to a New Moon and thus during the mystical darkness when things go bump in the night) supports what the GOP and its handmaiden the Tea Party are busy fulfilling before our very eyes: Orwell's vision of the world's social and political future of totalitarian control and austere, extreme deprivation for the masses with population decrease the expected and planned result.

But you know that some pigs are just more equal!


You may be interested in reading the online version of the Orwell Diaries especially if you're a gardener or simply curious. Or how about Keith Balmers' article Libya and the Unstoppable War Machine?

Mar 25, 2011

Keith Olbermann: Qs for the President on Libya

Reading other people's mail is usually wrong but not in this case:

Libya, Obama, and the Five-Second Rule Special Comment
By Keith Olbermann

Mr. President. We are not clear why we are fighting, who exactly we are fighting with, who the 'rebels' are that we're fighting for, what a No-Fly Zone accomplishes with a dictator who has ground troops, how long we are to be there, to whom we are to "hand-off" and... # (Click for text or video.)

And perhaps it's true that al Qaeda is in Libya...was Qaddafi's threat against his people merely al-Qaeda-backed theater to lure the US fly into the ointment? If so, did the White House know al Qaeda is nesting there? If not, why not?

Consider the following:

Libya Rebels: Gaddafi Could be Right About al-Qaeda - Two documents suggest northeast Libya, centre of rebellion, is an al-Qaeda hotspot

By Alexander Cockburn

The war on Libya now being waged by the US, Britain and France must surely rank as one of the stupidest martial enterprises, smaller in scale to be sure, since Napoleon took it into his head to invade Russia in 1812.

Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks leaks again Aug 25, 2010

Wikileaks Posts Classified CIA Memo

By Al Jazeera

The whistleblower organisation Wikileaks has released a classified CIA document asking what would happen if foreign countries began to view the US as "an exporter of terrorism." #

What would happen if they began to view the US that way?

My most private opinion is that foreign countries - particularly those the Pentagon is bombing like the devil - obviously know a terror exporter when they see and/or experience one.

Who wouldn't?


Note: the CIA memo mentioned above is not the leak which I heard was promised for leaking today. Watery Neptune sits upon US natal Moon (the people) so I'm ready for Neptune's classifed leaks any day now.

Jan 8, 2010

Obama and the War Criminals - PuppetGov video

Obama and the War Criminals from PuppetGov on Vimeo.

Well, I wasn't familiar with PuppetGov until this morning and am not certain that all of these clips are chronologically placed or placed in a particular order to support their point. Yet I recommend it for your viewing displeasure (just be sure no children are about when you view for there are a few images you won't want them to see. Some are apparently staged, some look real.)

Why do I post this here? America must identify her demons, face them, and hold them accountable, President Obama, and this video montage outs recent and current actors on the US imperialist stage. Even the things they do in secret are done in Our Name, m'peops, or at least that's what they'd have us believe. Personally I believe they have their own reasons for perpetrating war crimes and it isn't as if they listen to the people about very much else, do they?

Don't invade Iraq. Don't escalate war, Senator Obama, and we'll support you all the way to the Oval Office. Don't torture. Don't bomb innocent women and children. Don't transfer public wealth to private banks. Don't act in secret against our best interests. Don't sell out America to foreign or 'special' interests. Quit the fraudulent 'Ds vs Rs' dividing tactics against us. Stop letting Bilderbergers and their ilk decide who will be president and clean up our election process before you hypocritically pontificate on the elections of other countries.

Give up your satanic idolatries and trances, your secret society memberships which you esteem above service to our nation, and stop basing the US economy on your war profiteering. Cease zealously imposing Christianity - or what you fatuously call 'Christianity' - on people of other faiths who have the same right to choose their faith as you do. Stand up for the people of Palestine even when it irks the Zionists of the Israeli government. Work for and establish peace instead of simply mouthing it as you bomb.

Honor and follow the US Constitution. Take care of Americans with their own tax monies, and stop playing the world's police force.

And give up your hubristic idea that mortal man alone can decide when this world should end. That task belongs to Someone Else, no matter what your self-serving gurus tell you.

Yes, it's an exhausting list of what a majority of the American people have desired but have been denied for decades. Will we-the-people ever learn?

In closing I want to add some astro-notes on the natal Sun Cancer/Moon Aquarius blend upon which our nation was founded and which holds true after all these years.

This Water-Air combo of energies gives we-the-people a humanitarian outlook (see? right there you can tell our national helm has been usurped by those who bomb and torture, then lie about it!) with a tendency to 'mother' the world. Mother the world! We tend to take on other people's burdens too often and meddle way too much.

What a disconnect between the American people and our self-styled, so-called 'leaders'! Yet our emotional hurts and hang-ups fester in the cellar while we avoid dealing with them by living too much in our heads.

We are a private yet gregarious people, able to communicate ideas with much conviction; we-the-people (generally speaking) have a natural Respect for the Rights of All People. Yes, we do! Do you, US government?

(Perhaps if Big Bro weren't so busy collecting useless data on our every phone call, email, and blog post, they would have been able to 'connect the dots' on the 'underwear bomber' and his intentions - info overload, as the Obama administration has admitted. That's if the young man's plot was actually 'missed' rather than allowed to go forward in order to institute more security impositions on the flying public and create yet another mystery funnel for our tax dollars. More restrictions and control timed by our nation's Saturn Return as taskmaster Saturn continues his repeated crossings of US natal Mc - 00Lib53 - in the 'Sibly' chart.)

Yes, Sun Can/Moon AQ has a strong interest in broad social issues while possessing great business instincts, too. And perhaps the blend's 'Images for Integration' will enlighten:

'The world as family...A science museum inside a restored medieval castle...Carl Orff's Carmina Burana...A mother and child skip down the street, arm in arm, to attend the Vision for World Peace charity fete at the park.'

Now I do believe that the American people have always held a 'vision for world peace' but given ongoing and recent actions of the US government (including past administrations) I am now impelled to hope and pray that current leaders will run very fast to catch up with us...for they demonstrate daily that they are woefully and tragically behind.


Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

Oct 16, 2009

Noam Chomsky: "If the Nuremberg laws were applied..."

Three quotes from Noam Chomsky:

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged."

Surely no rational or realistic person will discount the possibility that [during wartime] the United States might suddenly resort to nuclear weapons. Those who retain the instinct for survival, not to speak of minimal concern for their fellow man, will seek ways to act before rather than after the event." (At War with Asia,1970, p. 52)

"Our crimes, for which we are responsible: as taxpayers, for failing to provide massive reparations, for granting refuge and immunity to the perpetrators, and for allowing the terrible facts to be sunk deep in the memory hole. All of this is of great significance, as it has been in the past."


Here's a SO'W post linking to one of Mr. Chomsky's articles from Oct 2008 on how captialism is anti-democratic, and how when the Bretton Woods Treaty was set up after the war, neoliberals - the same ilk of folk who brought us the 2008 financial collapse - hated it.

Oct 2, 2008

A Truly New World Order

The New American Century: Cut Short By 92 Years

By Mike Whitney

There's trouble ahead. The multi-polar world is about to collide head-on with the "faith-based" unipolar world and millions are bound to suffer. But there is no doubt about the final outcome.

The geopolitical plates are shifting inexorably away from Washington. America's ability to wage war will steadily erode as capital and resources dry up. Its only a matter of time before the war machine sputters to a halt and the troops return home. When the killing stops, a truly new world order will begin.

~Read more: