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Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White House. Show all posts

Apr 27, 2011

White House Releases Obama's Birth Certificate!

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Copy Of Obama Birth Certificate Released

The White House has released a copy of the long form of President Obama's birth certificate from Hawaii. The president was expected to discuss his birth certificate in a statement later Wednesday.

More at NPR.

Apr 13, 2011

White House Visitors Logs Full of Gaps (video)

The promised transparency of the Obama White House seems...Swiss-cheese-like with a Cheney tinge when it comes to who met with the president on key issues at key times within the environs of the people's White House, and the "junior aide" ploy seems a ruse meant to confuse.

Can anyone be surprised?

Mar 4, 2011

2012? The prez-runniness of Newt Gingrich

Update 9:42 pm est: With Gingrich's IRS filing completed, you may now donate as you wish.

Original post begins here:

Will the erstwhile fellow toss his hat into the White House ring or won't he?

Apparently a certain political maverick of dinosaur proportions will run for president in 2012 but Newt Gingrich has a lot of past baggage to shift around and repack before he even begins trudging the campaign trail.

With neither marriage fidelity nor political ethics his strong suits, Mr. Gingrich must depend on typically stirring rhetoric and his record on Capitol Hill to boost any minute chance he might have of winning the Republican nomination in spite of his weak spots. Besides, would Karl Rove approve of a Gingrich presidency in 2013?

Well, here are a few brief notes I made on the natal placements of Newt Gingrich way back in 2007 prior to Campaign 2008 really heating up. See what you think and get back to me if possible.

Would you vote to catapult a Newt into the White House? Really?

Feb 22, 2011

John Wheeler death a "targeted hit" says widow

Here's a recent update on the mysterious December 2010 murder of former White House aide and bioweapons expert John P. Wheeler reporting his widow's opinion that her husband's murder was a professional "targeted hit".

And she and the Wheeler family have been treated like "criminals" during the police 'investigation'! Mr. Wheeler's body was apparently thought to be permanently hidden in a dumpster, but peep-eye!

In this entire sorry tale it sounds like the fix is in to me. What do you think?

Jan 6, 2011

More on John Wheeler murder, dead birds, and Phosgene

What Does It Mean? has information on the recent murder of John Wheeler with details on the Air Force base in Arkansas from which deadly Phosgene was being transported and used in devilish experiments in Arkansas where the first reports came about mysteriously dead red wing blackbirds.

Area residents have experienced hundreds of minor earthquakes possibly due to the US military's actions with Phosgene, and of course, many people think the dead birds falling from the sky (there and elsewhere, plus fish and crab kills, etc) are related to the US government's current use of this chemical agent which was found in Iraq under Bush-Cheney. Guess they had to put it somewhere and they chose beautiful Arkansas.

Now many people are noticing that the mainstream media in the US has very little to say about the assassination of John Wheeler and the implications against the Pentagon and the White House. Therefore, I will be keeping it in SO'W's posting queue as best as I can as details come out in alternative media, if nowhere else.

In fact, this morning I have come in contact with a fuller timeline of Wheeler's last days than I had yesterday and will be setting up new horoscopes of Mr. Wheeler's activities in order to use Solar Fire's animated chart feature to watch planets rise, set, culminate, and form aspects in case something of interest pops out. If they do, you will be updated.

But for now, you're invited to see my preliminary details on the Astrology of John P. Wheeler's Murder. It's mysterious, it's heinous, it has grave repercussions for the Pentagon, White House, and Congress, and it falls under the category of Forensic Astrology which I'd work with 90% of the time if I could.

Google Map of Mass Animal Deaths.

Sep 4, 2010

Scott Simon encapsulates Labor Day 2010

No Astrology this morning, just a link to one of the best Simon Says features I've heard NPR Weekend Edition's Scott Simon deliver in a long time. It gives an intimate picture of Labor Day 2010 in America - personal without being too personal - and the sorry unemployment rate that Americans and their families are dealing with.

They'd Trade Labor Day for Days of Labor briefly but succinctly encapsulates the experience of living without gainful employment, and if you missed it this morning, I recommend a listen to Mr. Simon's voice rather than reading his text.

Also from NPR comes explanation on why US unemployment numbers are now the highest of any nation's in the world. Quite a change since the year 2000 - pre-Bush-Cheney.

You know, I half expected a small mention that US corporations might be doing their part to undermine a Democratic president in the White House.

What a crazy idea! Right?

Well, we all have crazy ideas at some time or another. Like deciding to vote in November 2010 to put GOP big spenders in or back in office! How crazy is that?

Aug 21, 2010

Virgo New Moon for Rosh Hashannah Sep 8, 2010

Do you know there's more to Rosh Hashanah than being New Years Day in the Jewish calendar?

Beginning at sundown on September 8, 2010, this year's 48-hour festivities are marked by a New Moon 15Vir41 in 11th house of *Israel's 1948 natal chart (ASC 23Lib01 with chart-ruler Venus 4Can48 in 9th house and conjunct US n Venus and Jupiter; Israel's mavericky n Jupiter 27Sag39 Rx in 3rd house.) The New Moon trines natal Sun 23Tau40 (n 8th house) and is near Israel's natal Saturn/Neptune midpoint 13Vir30. It perfects in Jerusalem at 1:29:45 pm EEDT, and in Washington DC at 6:29:45 am EDT (1st house; ASC 12Vir06.)

(Note: the above ASC for Israel is a correction made 9.3.10; it doesn't affect the rest of this post. jc)

Both locations, indeed the entire world, have the Cardinal T-Square's midpoint pictures: Jupiter/Saturn - Pluto, and Saturn/Uranus = Pluto. The combination of Saturn and Uranus are associated with the Middle East - Israel and Palestine in particular.

Paraphrasing Michael Munkasey in his book on midpoints, Saturn/Uranus in Politics and Business:

counter-revolutionary rule; balancing conservatives with progressives; restrictions on personal contacts due to situations which are beyond an enterprise's jurisdiction (Gaza! jc); control of access to political dissidents; sudden indifference by people to traditional mores or laws.

And of course, transiting Saturn and Uranus are in their Full Moon phase these days being in and out of opposition to one another. This is the culmination of their Great Conjunction/s all through 1988 so the year's issues return to the table:

1. February 13 @ 29Sag55;
2. June 26 @ 28Sag47:
3. Oct 18 @ October 18 @ 27Sag49.

You'll remember that tr Pluto 'came through' those degrees during the Bush presidency and the world has experienced:

1988's Saturn/Uranus = tr Pluto: rebellion against one's lot in life; upheaval to protect assets; tremendous fear of loss; concealing changes to activities; termination of extreme practices that hinder progress; drastic changes to a previously liberal atmosphere; rigid inflexibility replaces adaptation; acts of violence and brutality; a desire to overcome difficult situations through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure; war. (Tyl; Munkasey; Ebertin.)

Setting the New Moon chart for Jerusalem, the New Moon of Sep 8, 2010 falls in 9th house of Foreign Travels which may perhaps relate to the visit of Palestinian and Israeli leaders to the White House during the first week of September 2010, a dark of the Moon period when shady things may occur out of sight. Perhaps the light of the Full Moon two weeks later will bring Israeli-Palestinian revelations or a 'truce' signing, if these ancient rivals remember how in their age-old round of vengeance and intolerance. (Israel's natal Chiron is in Scorpio which indicates a need to 'forgive the unforgivable' - what are the chances?)

Plus, with the New Moon's Mercury 6Vir51 retrograde, any agreement that may be signed during The Scribe's Rx period won't have much hope of amounting to anything lasting on the path to peace. Or at the least, fine print must be thoroughly examined and all the Ts and Is must be dotted. Details can trip anyone up during Mercury Rx periods.

Yet Mercury Rx may also relate to Israel, Palestine, and the US 'trying again' to establish an agreement. And Sept 8's New Moon Mercury conjoins President Obama's natal Pluto, a time when information, ideas, plans, and activities involve gaining more power, and valuable info is garnered or controlled; gathering finance and investment information is also on the president's agenda with this ongoing transit.

But peace in Palestine, too?

Well, as Gandhi said, "There is no path to peace. Peace is the path." (My emphasis.)

If only the global power elite neocons and Zionists who have Other Ideas for establishing a 'capital of the world' in Jerusalem would get over their tiresome obsessions and park their arrogant carcasses out of decent people's way.

You know, VP Joe Biden has stated on more than one occasion that he's a decided Zionist but you won't see the YouTube video I posted in 2009 by clicking. It has been 'removed' for 'violation of terms of use' - or by 'sensitive' government censors, imho. But click anyway, to read an insightful article, Demystifying Zionism.


*The State of Israel was created May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET Tel Aviv, Israel (historical record); Sun 23Tau40 in 8th h and Moon 4Leo21 in 10th h - a proud and regal combination; ASC 23Lib03 = Jupiter/Saturn: cycles of expansion or contraction; new ways of dealing with relationships; an inconstant or insecure attitude regarding other persons.

Natal MC 25Can02 conjoins US natal Mercury Rx so Israel's n IC conjoins US n Pluto; n MC = Venus/Saturn: reserve; jealousy; inhibited desires; irritability; dissatisfaction with others; feeling unimportant; never successful enough.

Mar 13, 2010

New Moon 25Pisc10 March 15, 2010

The New Moon 25Pisc10 on Monday, March 15, 2010 occurs @ 5:01:02 pm edt at the White House so I thought perhaps a few astro-beans might be freely spilled on the subject as a new cycle of activity begins.

In Washington DC, the New Moon will occur in the 8th house of High Finances, Credit, Insurance, Debt, Transformation, etc. The 8th house, of course, is part of the 2/8 Money/Valuations axis; 8th cusp 22Pisc33 may not indicate a lot of clarity in financial matters especially considering the 3rd (final) Great Conjunction in December 2009 of the speculator pair of planets, Jupiter and Neptune, ruler and co-uler of the Piscean New Moon.

The New Moon's ruler, Jupiter 13Pisc27 is in 8th house, with Neptune 27AQ13 (6th house) left behind to splay messily over America's natal Moon 27AQ10 (US Sibly chart, 5:10 pm LMT) - quite a perfect picture of job (6th h) loss (Neptune) and lies and confusion (Neptune) about health (6th h; Moon.) And Chiron, associated with unhealable wounds/knowing how to wound, is also in 6th house of the New Moon chart.

Since I've blogged previously on the Neptune-to-n-Moon transit I won't repeat it all here other than to say that our ongoing senses of rootlessness, homelessness, and being deceived continue their difficulties upon the folks who can manage them the least. (Thanks, Washington, corporations, lobbyists, and the Fed - for nuthin'.)

Mass media (Neptune) is busy pulling her veil over the eyes of the people (Moon), too, perhaps in relation to a specific matter or matters with this Neptunian transit now exact. Yes, I realize they always do, but the timing is important so watch out for a special story to appear on the public radar - perhaps one that's difficult to believe (because it's untrue or based on flimsy evidence.)

Of course, flimsy statistics are possible as well with 'numbers' being a constant tool for manipulating public opinion and the 'health' of the market. Yet, sensing we're being lied to and scammed, US consumer confidence may reach a new low soon with Neptune-to-Moon since inflationary Neptune brings slowly dissolving conditions of loss along with massive deceptions and frauds.

Plus, a mystery (Neptune) from our nation's past (Moon) may surface and surprise us either positively or negatively so we'll see if anything newly discovered turns up concerning our history or past events. Perhaps some media hype (Neptune) may be uncovered for what it really is - a crock of NWO promotion.

Yet, Mercury 26Pisc26 conjoins disruptive rebel Uranus 26:29 in 8th house and both are close enough to the New Moon to usurp its rulership. When Mercury/Uranus energies are fused we get possible communications breakthroughs, modernization of transportations networks or policies, business groups forming to initiate policies, and/or labor coalitions or unions at work. And if goals are not clearly defined we may see riots and rebellion based on false assumptions, reforms that cause upsets in transportation systems, and/or a use of propaganda during emergencies. (Munkasey.)

At the moment of the New Moon's perfection on Monday, the ASC degree in DC is 29Leo08 which brings up one of the Royal Stars of Persia, Regulus, in the tip of the Leo's tail. The keywords for Regulus: success if revenge is avoided, so the caution with Regulus is not to take revenge. The other Royal Stars have cautions, too, which, if heeded, result in the promised success.

Also rising is asteroid Sisyphus, keywords: to be determined to achieve or succeed. Sounds like someone at the White House is understandably antsy to get some legislation passed, yes? And at IC 23Sco57, the Foundation of the chart, lies asteroid Pallas 23Sco02 Rx. Pallas = strategy, wisdom, defense of the city state.

With Pallas Rx, it may be that strategic plans are in review, as well they should be considering the hard slog this administration has had since Inauguration 2009's Rx Mercury (plans, announcements, contracts, agreements, messages, re-taken oaths, etc - plans possibly aborted, hence the GOP call for 'back to the drawing board') and its void-of-course Moon which showed that things would not be working out as planned, if at all. VOC Moons may also describe conditions where plans or events currently in play will not be interfered with or diverted - nothing is of any help as to how things turn out for it's too late. (Ex: 9/11's Moon @ a degree of Bankruptcy '28Gemini.' Bankrupting the people is working well for the global power elites so far. And 'it's too late' describes the condition of the US financial system in 2001 that most economists weren't being honest about. Perhaps someone saw waging expensive wars as an answer to financial shakiness. It wouldn't be the first time.)

The New Moon's North Node (NN) 18Cap48 is pointing toward asteroid Cupido, keywords: corporations, The Family, crime syndicates (and Art!) and they're @ the *NWO degree '18Cap' = "The Union Jack"...SUPERVISION...

positive expression: the self's ever-widening spread of interest in its insatiable desire to leave some permanent imprint of itself on everything it touches (the mark of the NWO beast? Microchips for human beings, anyone?);

negative/unconscious/shadow side: smug or strong-armed paternalism. (MEJ.)

And NN in Cap implicates Saturn in 2nd house - with President Obama's natal Mars on 2nd cusp 22Vir33 along with US natal Neptune 22Vir25, the signature of Mr. Obama's 'rock star status'...but indicating that the public seldom if ever sees his actions (Mars) in a clear light due to Neptune's interference (media and other deceptive actors including Obama's team of spinners.)

Well, with tr Saturn 1Lib46 Rx in 2nd house of the New Moon chart, and considering the Old Man's continuing visit to the White House's natal Uranus 00Lib01 (at US natal MC in the Sibly chart) we may wish to consider how Saturn-to-n-Uranus may affect the White House under this restrictive transit. It's a time when circumstances conspire to interfere with freedom and independence in some way (probably in several ways given the big mess America's politicians and bankers have plunked her in); plus, it's a period when new approaches or ideas from the W-H are not viewed favorably, especially by those who prefer the status quo. Duh.

Now that can describe all the big sectors now balking at governmental reforms in their industries including financial, industrial, and medical. Yet carefully laid plans may succeed eventually so it's no reason or time for the forces of change and reform to give up the good fight even with discontented Americans being Neptunized by media and others with 'lose-your-health-insurance' and 'death panel' confusions meant to keep the President off-keel and his reform agenda stymied (until the Republicans can swagger back into the Oval Office and do more of their style of damage for Dem-style damage isn't the GOP's cuppa tea.)

MC ruler Venus 10Ari23 is in 8th house; Venus also rules 3rd house through Libra. In Mudane charts I tend to notice '11 Aries' no matter where it appears because its symbol is: "The President of the Country." Interestingly, the tr Mars/Neptune midpoint here is @ '14Tau' which is the Inauguration ASC degree, the office of the president...

Mars/Neptune = ASC: a strong mental focus on the subtle ways to use to compel or coerce others into adopting your ideas; focusing attention on the causes of confusion which surround tense situations encountered. (He did that last week on the stump. Wonder if he'll make recess appointments when the Rs are out of town for Congress' spring break? He'd be crazy not to.)

Warring Mars, so recently turned Direct on March 10, is approaching the W-H's natal Jupiter 3Leo51 so there will be a temptation to give others more credit than they deserve. Yet monetary matters can improve under this influence if other factors don't interfere too much (Saturn to Uranus?); the White House's role may expand in some way along with its physical efforts so Mars-to-n-Jupiter may encourage more troop deployments or the launching of new military campaigns (just what the world doesn't need.) Money may be what's expanded, however, so the bottomless pit of war will need more inflationary billions spent (Boeing fighters come to mind) and the President will be traveling abroad.

So let's close with the Sabian Symbol fo this New Moon which I must provide since it's absolutely perfect for the beginning of a new cycle of activity as timed by a New Moon: '26Pisc' = "A New Moon That Divides Its influences"...wonder if it means between health insurance and financial reforms?


And now here's a real treat: a New Moon interpretation from one of the ablest and most insightful astrologers around, Julie Demboski, who sees by the March 15, 2010 New Moon Outbursts of Beauty and Grace.

Lovely - and much nicer than grousing over hate-filled old Politics and corrupt political thespians...thanks, Julie!


*NWO degree '18Cap' refers to the 3rd and final Great Conjunction of Uranus and Neptune on Oct 24, 1993 @ '18Cap'. Here are the political thesis and antithesis of the Uranus/Neptune combination when activated, according to Michael Munkasey:

Changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future; revolutions or strikes focused on new ways of thinking; groups that form to exploit oil or chemical resources.

Sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs; subversion used as a new method of acquiring information; movements that diminish the power or authority of the nation's leadership or police systems. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Nov 30, 2009

Horoscope of the White House Nov 1, 1800

On Saturday, Nov 1, 1800, founding father John Adams became the first US president to take up residence in the White House and, writing to his wife Abigail the next day, he included this prayer:

"I pray Heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this House, and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof."

Yes, there's much to be said astrologically for using the Nov 1, 1800 date as the White House's natal chart as emphasized by a US president taking 'first possession' of the national Masonic-style building and proceeding to rule our nation from it for a while.

Here you see a map of the heavens for Nov 1, 1800 @ noon LMT, set for the White House, Washington, DC, with critical degrees upon the ASC/DESC axis: 20Cap07 rising which gives a 7th house Saturn (planet of control, authority, restrictions, delays, law, politics, business, and Time-keeping) as ruler of the chart (bwo mystical mer-goat, Capricorn.)

Since an authoritative personage, judge, and decision-maker is represented by Saturn, a Fixed T-Square with an apex Saturn looks to me to be 'running away with the chart' and thus is pivotal in a consideration of the White House as the center of our nation's civilian power. The noon Hour is Lunar and new presidents do like to emphasize the changes (Moon) they intend to make to the country which are always touted as improvements.

You see the modern ASC for all US Inaugurations since FDR's time conjunct the stable (if stubborn, greedy, possessive, and possibly intolerant) Taurean Ic, the Foundation of the Matter, but also The Drain, and the Ending Point.

Interestingly, Mars 19Tau04 is retrograde and has the midpoint of the powerful moneybags pair Jupiter/Pluto upon it; the Jup/Pluto combo also indicates powerful religious and political leaders, and special achievers who are experienced at mounting large-scale undertakings - such as world bankers and stock market titans.

We may also note our strong Supreme Court (Saturn) as one of the three branches of our government, with asteroid Astraea (law and justice, but also indicating 'starry' connections with Astrology, the study of the stars; other esoteric subjects may be applicable as well; Saturn is the ancient ruler of Astrology; modern ruler - or co-ruler, as I think of it - is Uranus which is quite active in this chart @ 00Lib01, a Cardinal Point, and Uranus is conjunct US natal Mc in the Sibly chart = Astrology as a career guide.)

Marked up with my usual scribbles, perhaps you might click the chart to enlarge for further details; some US natal positions are snugged around the outside of the chart; a few of President Obama's natal placements are noted there as well; the Fixed T-Square is highlighted in pink with its midpoint picture written upper right; W-H natal aspects are listed lower left and along the bottom of the chart image.

There are many things to say about this natal chart and I won't get to them all right away; my plan is to update this post as time permits, hopefully before year's end. Thing is, the 2009 Winter Solstice chart is impatiently awaiting attention and should be published prior to Dec 21 or not at all.

You'll find a Feb 15, 2007 post on the White House natal chart here if you'd care for a peek. It's set for the date of the laying of the White House cornerstone (Oct 13, 1792.) Not many details are included yet you can view the chart with its ASC 20Lib49 and Mc 23Can57. The 1792 Chiron 29Can51 is now being triggered by the July 21, 2009 Solar Eclipse @ 29Can27 at critical 29th degree.

Interestingly, when I opened my SolarFire program a few minutes before midnight Sunday evening (having just returned from a holiday trip over the weekend), I found that the White House's current Lunar Return 10Tau39 was about to occur @ 12:11 am est, Nov 30, 2009. This is notated at the top of the chart.

So let's discuss the Fixed T-Square in general first, then its apex (focal planet) Saturn. Notice that Nov 1, 1800 was a Saturday when Mr. Adams moved in, for Saturday is Saturn's Day, the original Day of Rest of the Fourth Commandment.

A Fixed T-Square (T-SQ) makes use of the rigid energy always present in the Fixed quality, thus rigid stalemates and stubborn personalities are typical with this planetary configuration. Demanding needs that are immune to outside influences tend to completely block the needs of others (and perhaps this describes somewhat the 'insularity' of the White House, as we've noticed with all our presidencies.)

Enormous power reserves and emotional stamina make a Fixed T-SQ able to endure setbacks and obstacles without losing its purposeful sense of direction; this pattern is driven to build something long-lasting, solid, and secure, and is intensely determined to succeed at all costs.

Ruthlessly goal-oriented, actions may have an unexpected and emotionally upsetting quality to them - here is a catalyst with poor adaptability toward outer changes; adjustments are made unwillingly in the area of the houses involved - in this case, across the 4/10 axis (Career/Public Status (10th h), and Home/Domestic Issues/ Security (4th h.) The Mercury/Mars outlet is through apex Saturn in 6th house of Work, Service, Health, and Military and Police Forces.

Therefore, both Mercury and Mars square Saturn making the developmental tension of the square aspect (90 degr) very important in the evolution of each president as their terms proceeded.

Battles of wills and and power plays abound especially when controlling Saturn or Pluto are involved (as Saturn is here; both planets add a karmic flavor to the configuration.) If mismanaged, the extreme pressure of the Fixed T-SQ may be released by way of violent actions and/or violent eruptions; this indicates irrational behaviors which threaten others, or self-destructive behaviors - or both.

Apex Saturn adds a serious approach to long-term goals; the wisdom of having patience, using proper planning, timing, and maturity must be understood, and ambition is an overwhelming motivation. Fearful of exposing any personal inadequacies (ex: can you think of any mistakes you made, George Bush?) the White House denizen is always on-guard and affects a reserved self-presentation. Attempts toward protecting one's vulnerability by controlling others is evident even while utilizing their practical resources and abilities for Saturn's attainment of goals; this is an abusive dynamic unless channeled onto a higher path.

Above average talent for formulating large-scale projects in business is displayed especially in business affairs (US president as CEO?); moves are shrewdly calculated within the need for ego-fortification; here is a commander with an Iron Fist.

So far I've found two US presidents with a Fixed T-SQ and apex Saturn in their natal charts: Teddy Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson; perhaps you know of others.

The midpoint picture formed by the T-SQ is:

Mercury/Mars = Saturn: knowing how to close a sale, knowing how to wound; efficiency and practicality; avoiding discussions about force and might; an old argument is debated; good powers of concentration; a tendency to say bad things or to bring harm to oneself through exaggerating; a desire to harm others; quarrels cause separations.

Now any midpoint pictures from the chart don't indicate that all presidents express all of these possibilities, and some may express parts without the whole. As usual with midpoint pictures, it's an any-all-or-none affair.

Two must-mentions before I close for now are the angular (Mc) midpoint picture formed by Sun/Neptune that by itself indicates mysticism, possibly a religious fervor, and a projection of image upon the White House (PR) which is often - or always - full of illusions and dare I say it: deceptions. Advertising of merchandise is fraught with deceptions, and US political campaigns are known for their time-tested marketing ploys ad nauseum.

Sun/Neptune = Mc: aesthetics take over presentations; learning how purposes can become better realized; maturing in the ability to visualize end goals; coping with reality through idealistic escapes; learning what the world is like; periods of mental or emotional stress.

Sun/Neptune by itself is what the White House projects upon the world stage (Mc) according to this version of the W-House natal chart; the combo includes potential spiritual rationalizations, hypersensitivity, remoteness, illegalities, deceptions, and/or befuddlement are on view for all to see as well.

Also of interest issuing from the White House's 10th house...

Sun/Mercury = Neptune: something undermining the perceived reality.

Yes! That's why Astrology is particularly useful when peeking under the hood of Washington politics.

to be cont'd...


Midpoint picture info is a mix of Ebertin, Tyl and Munkasey; Fixed T-SQ details are from Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Sep 18, 2009

New Moon chart 25Vir59 on 9.18.09

Horoscope of the New Moon @ 25Vir59, Sept 18, 2009, 2:44 pm edt, White House; New Moon conjunct Saturn 25Vir07, in 9th house; Hour of Venus @ 27Leo50 in 8th house; chart-ruler is karmic Saturn, direct and in control of Sun and Moon with nearby Mercury's aid in its own sign of Virgo - and a new cycle begins.

ASC 1Cap16>> Pluto 00Cap40 rising (@ the god of the Underworld's Direct Station degree/minute 00:40 on Sept 11, 2009), opposing asteroid, Atlantis 1Can06, a significator for America, and reminder of those reputed and mysterious ancient teachings that every one's so crazy about. Are the melting polar ice caps uncovering an Atlantean trove of precious manuscripts? Are they too soggy to read?

Midpoint pictures (from Noel Tyl) include:

Sun/Moon = Saturn: weakened system; addressing problems; Sun/Saturn = Moon: feeling inferior, hurt; personal needs under wraps; separation; Moon/Saturn = Sun: sobering times; feelings of enforced controls; separation in relationship.

Neptune/Pluto = NN: sharing other worldliness and curiosity; group study projects; Neptune/ASC = NN: hurt through others; deception; rumor.

As always, the pictures may operate in an any~all~none fashion.

Sabian Symbol for the New Moon '26Virgo' = "A Boy with a Censer Serves Near the Priest," the negative/unconscious/shadow side of which Marc Edmund Jones gives as:

'A resort to empty motions in order to avoid any appreciable self-expenditure.'

Mercury has retrograded back into Virgo, as you see here @ a crisis-riddled 29th degree, Mars is conjunct Fixed Star SIRIUS in 7th house (also associated with ancient Egyptian rites and beliefs), and there's a rather nasty quindecile aspect between heavyweights Mars and Pluto indicating ruthlessness, being driven toward power, domination, and possessiveness. This 165 degr aspect of obsession and compulsion dominates the New Moon and its chart, and I'm not very happy about it.

Yet time is short recently and going into next week for my blogging duties due to several Art activities; that's why I wanted to upload an image of the New Moon chart of Sept 18, 2009 - please click to enlarge if you wish to read a few more of my notes concerning this cuss'ed propaganda-infused horoscope with the midpoint of the international banking pair, Jupiter/Pluto, in 1st house and opposing America's natal Mercury...

Jupiter/Pluto = Mercury: promotion of a cause; persuasion (Tyl); the desire to influence many people; the gift of oration; a propaganda campaign (Ebertin.)

Be alert to the underlying meanings of what you hear in the next two weeks - I think it may be the start of a new cycle of subject or theme introduced, and/or different perspectives to enthrall the masses over the cliff.

Not that being alert to double meanings isn't always a great idea considering Washington's high-handed, fraudulent, self-serving oligarchs of propaganda.

And lay low Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as much as you can, for it's the dark of the Moon when sneaky things happen by slimy culprits who appreciate the veiling cover of darkness.

Myself, I'll be necessarily laying low from my blogs a while for I must return to Art projects now...

Jul 24, 2009

President Obama's Solar Return 2009: chart + details

President Barack Obama's Solar Return on August 4, 2009 will perform as something of a natal chart for him until his 2010 birthday since any Return chart is 'good for' the length of time the planet in question takes for its orbit - thus, a Solar Return = one year (even though it's the Earth orbiting the Sun. This is Astrology, not Astronomy, and yes, astrologers know the difference!)

The president's SR chart is set for the White House (although Mr. Obama could very well be out of town on his birthday) - since he's the current denizen of the Oval Office, it seemed a fair idea to set this world traveler's Solar Return chart for the White House as its primary representative.

If you click to enlarge, you'll see that President Obama's natal placements are highlighted around the outside of the chart in pink; a few US natal positions are notated as well. US natal Moon in Aquarius continues to be affected by Jupiter/Neptune and by Chiron, although I neglected to enter the Moon's position on this chart.

Solar Return 2009 for President Obama:

Hour: Sun; chart-ruler Jupiter, retrograde in 3rd house, indicating delays (Rx) in Jupiterian things such as money, ideals, and expansion, especially in the realm of 3rd house Communications issues. 3rd house is also The Neighborhood, so our nation is obviously affected by the president's Solar Return.

Hemispheric emphases are balanced: 5 in the North, South, East, and West: You/Me and Public/Private in balance. The chart is weighted on the Mutable/Earth side, an indicator of Virgoan concerns.

Chart-ruler Jupiter's ongoing conjunctions with Chiron and Neptune are the only aspects the jolly giant makes in the SR 2009, applying or separating. (Separating aspects are given equal weight in Return charts, as per Mary Shea and Erin Sullivan to me.) So the expansive, inflationary, speculative pair, Jupiter and Neptune, rules Mr. Obama's year along with Chiron, the wounded healer, who can't seem to pass a healthcare reform bill until further notice. Perhaps a Direct Chiron in a couple of months will help circumstances.

There are many spiritual dimensions to the Jup-Chir-Nep trio, of course, but this blog is more for Politics, that organized system of hatreds (as explained by Henry B. Adams, John's grandson.) And this is Washington we're talking about, so spiritual concerns are shunted aside in most cases.

The natal house brought to the SR Ascendant is of primary importance, and for Mr. Obama's 2009 SR, this would be his 10th house of Public Status and Career. SR Mercury/Neptune midpoint is on his natal Mc, so we have...

SR Mercury/Neptune = n Mc: far-reaching plans and ideas; sympathetic understanding of others; intuitive thinking; to go the wrong way; lies; self-deception; living among the clouds, or without practical orientation.

(I've noticed the above midpoint picture operative when lots of air travel 'among the clouds' is indicated. As usual with mdpt pics, it's an any, all, or none may apply proposition; pics from Tyl and Ebertin.)

The Sun is in a critical point in the 8th house, just before the 9th cusp.

The house of the SR Sun is very important as its affairs are a focus for the year - the will to achieve (Sun) is associated with people and issues governed by that house and is a year's worth of opportunity to gain mastery over the house's concerns. (I only hope it's all for the best interests of a sovereign America, don't you?)

Plus, the 8th is a succedent house so resources and personal values are in the spotlight; succedent houses represent conclusions, finalities, and opportunities for stabilization. However, with Sun conjunct 9th cusp, there is a Solar ego/will/purpose blend with the Cadent 9th house.

A Cadent house indicates phases of transition, fluctuation, and preparations for long-range achievements. (Hope this isn't a picture of more US taxpayer monies being sent across the seas to we know not where.)

A Cadent SR Sun hides steps being taken behind the scenes which may flower and become apparent near or at the next SR (August 2010.)

(I do not want Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security gutted, thanks. But if Capitol Hill politicians want to take large pay cuts, that'd work just fine. Paying their own medical insurance premiums would be a great improvement, too. Why should we continue to do it when our own insurance and med situations are so shaky?)

There are two aspects to the president's Sun here: an opportunity aspect, a sextile (60 degr) to Mars (applying, so exact a little after his SR - 3A46), and a separating sesqui-square (interlaced squares of dynamic inter activity) with reformer Uranus 26Pis10 Rx in 4th house of Real Estate, Domestic Scene, and Security Concerns.

Mr. Obama's heritage and roots (4th house) may be continue to be under fire as well through the actions of disruptive Uranus in mysterious other words, his birthplace is still under suspicion in the minds of some people, though I think their chances for traction on the issue have passed -- or have they?

One must think also of flu epidemics in the US by way of the Pisces connection to contagions with disruptive Uranus Rx in 4th house of Domestic Scene.

A very prominent factor is an angular Saturn 19Vir46 at Midheaven - not just at Mc, but on it, and thus the closest planet to a SR angle (excepting natal Moon conjunct Descendant as mentioned below under 'Mercury square natal Moon.')

Mid-September 2009 will be a peak of activity for the president when the Sun contacts this SR Mc and Saturn, and healthcare reform legislation should be at a peak of some sort: marked up, voted on, or even passed already. Voted down is a possibility, too, especially considering this Return's Mars/Saturn square, an aspect of blockages and obstacles. Mars/Saturn energy is very much 'stop and go' and can be very frustrating.

The Mc is the Goal/Aspiration Point of any chart, and Saturn = government; this indicates that control and authority are his main aims and with Saturn in Virgo, sign of Health, we know the agenda for healthcare reform (or insurance reform, if you prefer, for that seems to be the main focus with this legislation) will remain on Mr. Obama's menu for the duration of the upcoming year.

The good news is that Saturn is Direct; the bad news is that the Old Man is about to catch up with US natal Neptune 22Vr25, the 'grim reality' transit, but it can also indicate dreams (Neptune) made real (Saturn.) Healthcare reform at last?!

Sun to SR ASC 3Sag55 is a busy time, too, near the end of November; Sun to Pluto 1Cap01 may tell a major part of the tale with its 'formidable power' flavor on or about Dec 23, near Winter Solstice 2009.

Mercury to natal Pluto:

SR Mercury 3Vir01 will conjunct natal Pluto 6Vir59 on or about August 7 or 8, so the president's activities center around and relate directly to gaining power (Pluto, in Virgo, sign of Health. Perhaps the Republicans are correct: if they ruin Obama's healthcare intitiative, it will be his political "Waterloo"); finance, investments, work methods, and organizational talents are highlighted as well. Important travel is indicated as might be expected with any head of state, even a merely titular one.

The Solar Return Moon:

The Solar Return Moon always gives quite a few details about the year's daily momentum and this SR Moon is at a critical/crisis 29th degree: 29Cap14, conjunct the transiting North Node (NN) - which puts them both smack dab within Mr. Obama's natal Saturn 25Cap20 Rx and Jupiter 00AQ52 Rx conjunction.

He definitely will be dealing with crises, won't he? He signed on for it, in fact!

And 29Cap is the degree of the US Secondary Progressed Pluto, planet of nuclear bombs, sabotage, and extreme wealth...the 'secret hand' of government, as I tend to call it. Permanent transformations are stealthy Pluto's stock in trade.

SR Moon and the president's natal Jupiter key a midpoint: Uranus/ASC, a combination of energies which Ebertin gives as: 'a quick response to the influence of the environment; inventive ability; tech and industrial connections; scattering one's energies; haste or restlessness; excitable people; upsets; accidents; headaches; rearranging one's environment.'

Three pictures are formed and are written on the chart, but I'll type them more in full for you...

Uran/ASC = Moon: emotionalism spills into view; needing support, approval, and sympathy; quick mood changes; sudden experiences through the female sex.

Uran/ASC = NN: getting like-minded people on board; seeking change jointly with others; bringing about change along with others; an association dictated by common interests.

Uran/ASC = n Jupiter: successful cooperation and teamwork; quick contacts are easy; a fortunate rearrangement of the environment; working feverishly to earn recognition.

SR Moon in Capricorn accents responsibilities, status, and as we might expect with Capricorn, one's reputation is on the line. Setting a good example and exhibiting emotional control are musts; interactions with others are 'all business'; issues with elderly family members may occur during the year (in this SR's timing, 2nd house = end of 2009 and first 3 months of 2010 since the clock starts ticking on August 4) and as previously mentioned, this SR Moon is at a stand-out 29th degree.

If afflicted, SR Moon in Cap indicates emotional depression or a sense of failure: this Moon's only aspect in the Return chart is a sesqui-square with Mars. Will mother-in-law have a health crisis? Will the president be in danger or have an accident? Life is complex and occurs on many levels at once - thus, Astrology is the same and only tells us trends and influences, not usually the precise events.

A SR Moon with an adverse aspect doesn't bode well for popularity so we'll see if President Obama's poll numbers continue to slide. His SR 2009 seems to hint that they will though perhaps not too much. He has improved America's standing overseas, that's for certain.

SR Moon in 2nd house: emotions are tied in with financial security; incomes increase or decrease (wherever the astrological Moon is there are fluctuations); expenditures do increase; there may be new choices about how to spend money and energy. If afflicted (yes, by Mars, andby critical degr), there may be temporary (Moon) blocks put on spending or on incoming funds. But the 'block' from Mars is considered a minor affliction (136 degr) though it could have adverse health indications.

Opposite, in 8th house of Big Money, we see transiting South Node about to precisely contact the current Solar Eclipse degree, 29Can27, of July 21, 2009. This is the 'systems fail; new methods are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' Series (Brady's Predictive Astrology.) Yucky, but there it is.

We'll see how operative this difficult Eclipse is for the president and the country as his SR year goes on. If it isn't, I won't fuss, I'll say, whoopee! It falls, however, in Mr. Obama's SR 8th house, so we expect our financial system to be part of the circumstances as the Fed vies for more power, and other institutions jockey for better positions within the new hierarchy the power elite envision for our nation and the world.

North Node to natal Jupiter:

This creates an interesting pile-up in one of the money areas, the 2nd house, and NN to n Jupiter is a time of profitable liasons, meetings, and 'connections', but the fruitfulness of this contact can lead to moving too fast due to possibilities for easy expansion which may then cause future collapse. (Sorry! I'm not making this up, you know, it's in the chart, more's the pity.)

Well, you've noticed the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition lining up for another stand-off (Sept 11, 2009), here across SR 4/10 axis. Plus, this SR is one day after a Lunar Eclipse: August 5, 2009, 8:54:42 pm edt, White House, Moon 13AQ43, Sun 13AQ43 in 6th house of Health, Work, Service, and services such as military and police forces.

So basically the August 5 Lunar eclipse qualifies as a Full Moon in the president's 2009 SR chart, a good omen, actually, although slightly less fortunate than having a New Moon in a SR. A Full Moon (the Lunar Eclipse), normally indicates a culmination of activities relating to the house polarity, and may show discordant separations in relationships. As a Lunar Eclipse, hidden weaknesses may show up for the president.

And his SR Sun and Moon are 166 degrees apart (just before the Lunar Eclipse of the next evening) so there is some question of his being overly confident within relationships - Mr. Obama may find himself left at the political altar by someone he'd depended on and perhaps shouldn't have.

And since a Return chart is also a Transit chart, you see that Mercury is squaring Mr. Obama's natal Moon which is posited on the SR Descendant of Partnerships - fluctuations and changes (Moon.) Mercury is Midheaven ruler as well as Desc ruler so the partnership changes have something to do with Career and Public Status issues.

Mercury square natal Moon:

This is a time when one must grapple with conflicting opinions, annoying distractions, and too much or too little information. Projects may not get finished on time due to frustrations and interruptions, privately and in the public arena.

Travel delays and difficulties may occasion re-schedulings or cancellatons; important papers, documents, and other info are misplaced or lost. It isn't impossible to make progress when Mercury squares natal Moon, yet mechanical and other failures interfere with smooth sailing as plans must be changed at the last minute. (Instant Horoscope Reader, Julia Lupton Skalka.)

Of course, being aware of these indications always helps, doesn't it?

Well, that's the gist of what I'm noticing in President Obama's Solar Return 2009, so let me know what I left out, okay? ;p


Note: For some reason, SpellChecking stopped working halfway through this post, so please pardon any typos. They will be corrected later when Blogger's spelling ability returns. jc

May 6, 2009

Today's Sun Tau-Moon Lib at the White House 5.6.09

Update May 8, 2009: out of the May 6 White House meeting has come an Afghani-Pakistani agreement to share intelligence and set up a border patrol to fight the troublemakers.

Original post starts here:

Today Pres. Obama is hosting the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan in Washington and you'll find a few astrological remarks upon the situation at my new blog which you may wish to read, I don't know.

My post concerns a White House full of presidents at Two Hours You'll Never Get Back, but not to fret - my blab is quite brief. And yes, there is an astrological signature for the big meeting.

Sun and Moon are in an uncomfortable inconjunct (aka quincunx - 150 degrees) aspect (relationship) with one another today and the above-linked post will give you details on its indications.

May 6, 2009:

The Earth-Air Sun Taurus-Moon Libra blend describes a charming lover of harmony with a sociable, persuasive air. A practical (Tau) idealist (Lib), this is an incurable romantic who holds high the principles of justice and freedom.

A gentle wit aids with diplomacy yet there may be an over-reliance on popularity - one wants to be accepted and liked. Rational answers may be over-emphasized as being the solution to every kind of problem (but I wonder what other kind would do?)

Since security is a primary goal of this blend, the White House meeting is indicated and yet may include some serious Washington socializing with perhaps an array of *watercress sandwiches on the tea tray.

There are 3 'Images for Integration' for Sun Tau-Moon Lib...

'A loaf of fresh bread in an art exhibition...A computer produces a beautiful painting...Cream tea for two.' (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas and Suzi Harvey.)

This blend is shared natally by Golda Meir who said quite pertinently for today's goings-on at the White House:

"A leader who doesn't hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader."

Too bad Washington forgot this noble concept more than once much to our continued detriment.


*When I lived in DC years ago, my favorite treat in Hecht's dining room was watercress-mushroom sandwiches. And of course, this is when Constant Comment Tea became my favorite tea blend. Good times!

Jan 19, 2009

Inaugural Synastry: Obama + Oath of Office

As you see, the synastry grid between Barack Obama's natal planets, angles, and Nodal axis (in blue - across) and the planetary positions at noon, Jan 20, 2009 (in red - down)Washington, DC, have many aspects or contacts, between them.

Applying = A

Applying aspects have not yet become exact and thus indicate a meeting or other catalytic ingredient which may yet occur.

Separating = S

Aspects exact from the past yet still close enough in orb for SolarFire software to include them, have an 'S'...separating aspects are waning but may be still influencing the planet/point they contact. ('2S02' is 2 degrees, 2 minutes apart and widening.)

Transits are external forces, actors, events coming along, and here we see a great amount of happiness (Moon sextile natal Jupiter; Jupiter trine natal Moon, Sun trine natal Moon and conj natal Jupiter by 5 minutes!)

We-the-people and they-the-Obamas are as happy as puppies with multiple tails! Yes, it is a very happy and jolly occasion, agreed.

But let's look deeper with the deepest of planets, god of the underworld, invisible helmet and all.

Let's consider the YOD (Finger of God pattern: crisis or critical situation which must be dealt with; special task or purpose; turning point or crossroads) which Obama's natal sextile between Moon (Gemini) and Mercury (Leo) forms the base of, along with the focal or apex planet which completes the YOD - Pluto, clocking in at 1Cap57.

Midpoint picture ('any, all, or none' may apply):

Moon-Mercury = Pluto: a reorientation of one's thinking due to special circumstances or events coupled with destiny; tragic realizations; new perspectives; persuasion or being persuaded; the force of thought. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

But what about transformative Pluto as apex in a YOD configuration?

Cuing the lights and checking with Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, we find a karmic and dramatic situation in store, for Pluto is particularly linked to karmic reap-what's-sown situations having such a long orbit round the Sun as Mr. Pluto has.

Inaugural Pluto Represents Obama on One Level

The president-elect (for about 15 hours more) is a catalystic figure for being the first African-American to rise to the highest office in the land which automatically makes him a Plutonian.

(A Constitutional lawyer-professor is all right by me, as previously stated, it's the secret hand ~Pluto~ calling the shots that makes me fret for the continuity of my country and for the common good's sake.)

So that's another level of existence which Astrology may describe archetypally bwo spying Pluto...catalyst; secret controller/s; criminal underworld; Mafia and other fraternal organizations; the seamy underbelly of Washington or any other place with a seamy underbelly; political movers and shakers - 'mob bosses'; mining industry titans; energy titans; and the obscenely rich of the world who guard their wealth and spoils like fire-breathing dragons with serious halitosis.

Therefore, as I talk of apex Pluto, I speak of Obama and of others who are not Obama, whoever they may be. Police forces are connected with Pluto's control and coping abilities, natch.

The extremely high level of surveillance at tomorrow's Inaugural events is also a function of Pluto in restrictive Capricorn. Agencies will obviously be focused as well on Mrs. Obama (BHO's natal Moon) and the Obama children (BHO's natal Mercury.)

As you know, life at any moment occurs on many levels simultaneously - Astrology can do no less than describe them as accurately as possible.

So apex Pluto in a YOD pattern signifies an entity with penetrating perceptions, a keen observer, but who is perhaps withdrawn and out-of-tune with the superficial levels of life. Others may not understand, seclusion is sought...perhaps to an underground lair.

All inconjuncts require adjustment/s and with transit Pluto inconjuncting (150 degr) BHO's natal Moon and Mercury, adjustment really is the keyword - and yes, health and safety can be issues with inconjuncts (aka, quincunxes.)

So apex Pluto here indicates that deep attitude adjustments will be necessary in order to make full use of this critical energy pattern...and I believe a hidden choir is singing, m'peops.

But what does provocative Pluto want? Can he do more than hum the tune he's out-of-sync with? When the dragon's breath scorches you or his tail swipes your world away, it's clear he whistles a tune completely of his own design, not ours, and it's based on his extreme perspectives.

YODs contain the image of a turning point, and apex Pluto faces pressure to adopt a new direction. Yet something from Pluto's past must regenerate or die before the transition can be advantageously undertaken. (A secret ritualistic inauguration aids US presidents in achieving this exalted state. And sacrificing one's conscience may be necessary at some point - if it hasn't been already.)

After this turning point, things are not meant to return to their original intentions, for Pluto's transformations are permanent. There is here a new level of POWER and old vulnerabilities are purged; a high level of authority has been attained which may usher in a new order of things to come (my ughiest fear!)

If poorly managed, an apex Pluto in a YOD pattern indicates self-destructive urges (something more than secret cigarette breaks in the Lincoln Bedroom - or not), futile manipulations of others, and/or open defiance to undermine existing authority at any cost.

Will Pluto allow Barack Obama's policies and methods to prosper on behalf of we-the-people - or (as usual) for themselves at the people's expense?

There is another YOD formed with BHO's natal Venus as apex planet, but I'm a pooped-out puppy and will save that for another time.

This posting of the synastry grid between America's Presidential Inauguration 2009 and Barack Obama is now closed, but the grid is hereby available for future reference, if you or I should need it.

One Final Note

Stars Over Washington , a grumpy, dissenting blog devoted to America and to my favorite of cities, wishes to Welcome the Obama family to Washington, DC and to the White House.

And I sincerely hope that everyone enjoys tomorrow's historic events in the safest and kindliest of fashions!

Dec 11, 2008

Rahm Emanuel former investment banker

Now this could be an interesting article...not that men and women in power reach the heights without mega-millions...

How Rahm Emanuel Made Mega-Millions and Bought His Way to Power

By Ben Protess

New details emerge of Emanuel's days as an investment banker.

Aug 20, 2008

Autumn Equinox Sept 22, 2008

The process of posting on the Autumn Equinox 2008 chart has begun over at Jude's Threshold.

The image of the chart, set for the White House, Washington, DC (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 am edt) has an unsettling Sabian Symbol rising...

Dane Rudhyar gives "27Sco" as: "A Military Band Marches Noisily On Through City Streets"...Keynote: The aggressive glorification of cultural values. Keyword: POMP.

This could refer, of course, to aggressions overseas which Washington is dealing with (Russia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Kabul, Baghdad, Tehran, for George and Dick have an endless list - belligerence attracts belligerence), and/or martial actions in US streets, and/or to US military issues that continue to need attention such as the G.I. Bill, vets' healthcare, and more.

WordPress' column of Pages makes updating easier so that's where the chart is now with a smidgen of details, although if you click to enlarge the image, hopefully you can make out my notes which are perhaps too liberally sprinkled round the chart - my bad habit.

On a similar level, you'll notice feisty George Bush's natal Mars at Midheaven, the Goal/Aspiration Point of the chart, which places Bush's activities 'out there' for all the world to see...or perhaps his frustrations since his Mars is in Virgo.

The Page will be added to as time allows including the Sun/Moon square which is involved in a FIST of GOD pattern, oh joy, so hold on to your own Mars, trouble's on the way for the end of Bush's residency.

Yet knowing his nibs, it's hard to be surprised, isn't it?

Aug 13, 2008

Saturday's Lunar Eclipse over DC 8.16.08

Here's a freshly notated image of Saturday's Lunar Eclipse set for the White House, Washington DC, August 16, 2008, perfecting at 5:16:24 pm EDT.

This Moon Eclipse is a buddy of August 1's Solar Eclipse (the 'Olympics Eclipse') and both are related to the economy through linkage to the NYSE...the August 1 Eclipse is in the same Series that the NYSE was 'born' into...see both Eclipses discussed here as possible market paranoia bubbles on the front burner.

But here the Lunar Eclipse chart is set for the White House with attention toward Politics - Bush and Putin, and the current conflagration in Georgia and South Ossetia.

You see that the Jupiter/Pluto (plutocracy; men of power and wealth; striving for power) is rising so we have a midpoint picture...there are no patterns formed in this chart (T-squares, Grand Trines, etc):

Jup/Pluto = ASC: being known as an organizer and special achiever; prudence; far-sightedness; personal advancement; the desire for power. ('Prudence' is a Bush Sr word.)

Also angular at Mc (The Goal) we see...

Sun/Asc = Mc: seeking mental or intellectual contacts; attainment of esteem and respect; personal recognition esp through the profession.

That strong-arming is afoot in the Caucasus is obvious and you don't need Eclipse charts to tell you that. And since I've lost the ability to listen to the words of 'world leaders' at merely surface value, it seems to be more posturing and political theater, dahlink, with an emphasis on consolidating the old Russia (or Soviet State) as Putin continues nabbing ocontrol of natural resources - gas, oil and grain while undermining American power (what power the neocons led by Bush-Cheney haven't dispensed with already - plus, Neptune...oil, gas, at a 'Russian' degree, '23AQ"..."A Big Bear Sitting Down and Waving All Its Paws.")

That Bush is in disagreement with Putin's actions is no given in my book, but we shall see how things play out - the whole sad mess is being perpetrated while Bush is still in office which is no coincidence. McCain would be gung-ho for more war but would Obama?

Mercury 11Vir18 is quite active being the apex of two midpoints - and is conjunct Bush Sr's natal Asc...Mercury is his natal chart-ruler...Mr. New World Order himself.

Sun/Mars = Mercury: ready for action; the desire to bring plans to realization; the thinking fighter or the leader in a struggle or fight; alertness; fast talk, fast travel.

Venus/Saturn = Mercury: searcing for the ideal; thinking about ways to feel fulfilled, to improve relationships, to feel wanted; sober thinking; visualizations of stark reality; narrow-mindedness; separations in relationships.

The Jupiter/Uranus midpoint has been on the collective path (North Node) for several weeks now...

Jup/Uranus = NN: showing oneself cheerful in the presence of others; a fortunate new aquaintanceship; striving together with others for a common purpose. (The Beijing Olympic Games fits this bill! And did you see Bush and Putin chuckling together as the Russian aggression answered Georgia's aggression toward South Ossetia?)

You see critical/crisis degrees on the Mc/Ic axis, 29Ari/Libra which relates to the many crisis situations on the table at the White House and on the world stage.

Perhaps the Sabian Symbols might elucidate the evolutionary landscape. Since the axis degrees are 29:46, I'll give both 29Ari/Lib and 30Ari/Lib using Lynda Hill's more modern analysis where she includes 'Cautions' along with Keywords...

~Mc = The Goal; Ic = The Drain or Foundation of the matter~

Mc '29Libra': Mankind's Vast Enduring Effort to Reach for Knowledge Transferable from Generation to Generation...

keywords: handing down possessions or knowledge; knowledge being changed, modified, or updated; teaching by example; the wisdom of the ancestors; research into history; striving for answers; reference books, encyclopedias, and the spoken word; the gift of knowledge.

caution: believing that one knows all; information, knowledge, or riches inherited by only the select few; fundamentalism; reliance on tradition; doing what's always been done, regardless of the reason.

Mc '30Lib': Three Mounds of Knowledge on a Philosopher's Head...

keywords: looking at the signs; wisdom that transcends book knowledge; philosophy; having a knowledgeable demeanor; making wise decisions regardless of hard-line opinion; the head, skull, or cranium; predicting the future; wit and style; seeing others' potential; receding hairlines.

caution: over-analysis and reliance on intellect; being a know-it-all; having a bossy attitude; thinking that doesn't clarify issues but muddies them; taking things far too seriously; people with 'highbrow' attitudes; feeling weighed down by intellectual concerns.

Ic '29Aries': The Music of the Spheres...

keywords: voices bringing messages; attunement to the messages in Astrology; harmonies, chrods, keys, octaves, tones; the beauty of the planets; the measurement of time; circadian rhythms; days of the week, dancing to the wind, humming of bees; sending love; Numerology; sound healing; the Atomic Clock.

caution: inflating rational ideas; delusions or enlightenment?; rejecting the obvious intuition in favor of more intellectual answers; getting lost in abstractions; loving the sound of your own voice; not listening to obvious messages.


Ic '30Aries': A Duck Pond and Its Young Brood...

keywords: nurturing, contentment; realizing limitations; reliability; psychoanalysis; finding friends or family that enrich life; family patterns and analysis; feeling safe in one's environs; being the mother duck; foster and adoptive families; communes and communities; facing the music that you've composed.

caution: denying one's own needs for sake of the 'brood'; narrow-minded attitudes; feeling stuck; not wanting to leave the nest; not inviting others in; borders erected to keep others out; distrusting those who are 'alien'; smugness or exclusivity; being lost in the crowd or not wanting to stand out. ~

Occurring during an Hour of Mars, we may be certain that this Lunar Eclipse will be stirring things up as all Eclipses are want to do, and which testosterone-driven Mars does best. And warrior Mars is nearing a crisis 29th degree himself - let's consider '28Vir' first...

'28Vir': A Bald-headed Man in Uniform Has Seized Power...

keywords: male hormones running rampant; dominating others' mental space; Samson's hair; strutting one's stuff; taking positions of power; 'wearing the pants in the family'; directing and organizing many people; the government; the military; letting others express their opinions or have a say; decisions based on logic; taking action or command.

caution: pushing too hard or fast; putting on a show because one is in uniform; power-tripping; being cruel or domineering; opportunism, corruption, misuse of power; taking charge because one can; domestic violence; strict rules for living; not listening to others.

~notice under 28Vir's keywords, mention of the family - Cupido 15Leo23 is conjunct 8th cusp of High Finance; Cupido is used by this astrologer as a significator for The Family, the Zionist Christian organization behind many of the world's war woes - you'll recognize them by their annual congressional "National Prayer Breakfasts"...Cupido also stands for the world crime syndicate, fascism, and corporatism, and shares the duty with plutocratic Pluto/Chiron two bodies which conjoined to help usher in the New Millennium (Dec 30, 1999) upon the US (Sibly) Asc...'12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows." And it has.)~

Mars '29Vir': A Man Is Gaining Secret Knowledge From an Ancient Scroll He Is Reading...

keywords: learning from ancient mysteries; study and its rewards; reading between the lines; finding clues from the past and applying them to the present; being privileged to look into something special; The Bible, the Torah, and the Koran; alchemy; manuscripts; secret papers; classified documents; scribes.

Hmmm...Mars is busy these days, isn't he?

And with chart-ruler Saturn 9Vir39 sitting upon the natal Mars of George Bush, his focus and determination are being tested - Saturn is applying to a helpful trine with Jupiter rising, yet Rx, and Saturn rules Jupiter here and is opposite US natal Sun (not good for US monetary funds which Bush has tapped into several times too often.)

That Putin is remaining in control of Russia beyond the normal 8 years may be a pattern for Bush to follow in the US - in other words, I'll see Bush is out of American politics when I believe it.

Unaspected Uranus 21Pis42 and Rx is on-the-loose and working on its rebellious own - and also in 2nd house of Resources and Money, causing more financial upsets.

Neptune and Moon rise on August 16 with Fixed Star Mirfak in the constellation Perseus (young male energy; challenge-oriented) and, of course, we've just had the Perseid meteor shower peaking on August 12 & 13.

With asteroid Tisiphone (retaliation) being at 00Cap and between the Asc degree and powerful Pluto, the chances for retaliation of some sort are increased along with Mars still within orb of opposition with radical Uranus. Pluto/Asc = power over one's environment; willpower; ambition; dictatorship; the desire to being others under one's rule. (Ebertin.)

One could say a 'bumpy ride' is indicated by this Eclipse - financially, politically, and militarily - and one would be in aggreement with this, your reluctant astrologer.


~see the August 2008 Eclipses discussed in relation to George Bush's natal chart here if you wish.~

midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin.

Jun 17, 2008

Secrets Safe at White House

On Monday, US District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ruled that the Bush White House's "missing"-deleted emails (our nation's emails) are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.

Guess Bush likes some 'freedom' but not the kind that shows what he really is and what he's been doing behind our backs.

One thing that makes me crazy over this is that the Bush administration can read with impunity any email you or I ever sent or received!

Feb 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse in Virgo Feb 20, 2008

Bethinking myself to publish this Lunar Eclipse chart set for the White House, I now find the hour grows late.

Still I must point out a few basics for 10:30:27 pm est Wednesday comes all too soon and a looming Lunar Eclipse may reflect deep issues which have been simmering under the surface and now float to the top of everyone's consciousness.

Hillary and Bill seem to be involved with this Eclipse--her Secondary Progr'd Venus is now at *3AQ so you see transiting Venus, the Eclipse's chart-ruler and 8th house ruler, at IC which happens to be conj a personal name asteroid called "Bill." No, I'm not kiddin'.

Tr NN is sitting upon US natal Moon (the Public) and Chiron the Wounded is conj the most recent Solar Eclipse at the "A man Unmasked" degree. Chiron may wound but may also spiritualize---we'll have to see about that.

One midpoint picture concerning World Point 00Cap must be mentioned in case I don't get to finish this post upon the morrow...

Sun/ASC = Pluto: power play through personal persuasion; a turn of destiny; fated events; the desire to gain influence.

The chaos-creating Uranus/Chiron midpoint is conj the Sun 1Pis53, and asteroid Siva (destroyer or creator) is conj Ic and lady Venus who is inconjunct the Moon so adjustments must be made.

Mars, still out-of-bounds and working on his own to cause problems, is the tail of a Kite pattern if you don't mind including the ASc 28Lib57. Kites favor...kites, and I've marked this one in green. More on them later, if I get a chance.

Activist Mars has just crossed the 9th cusp which is conj Hillary Clinton's natal ASC (the 8:00 pm version of her chart) at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse.

~Tr Mercury is opposite Bush's natal Mercury so it's hard to believe that all has gone so peachily for him in Africa--at the least his ideas have met with resistance and travel plans may have had to be changed due to delays. But I've been blessedly without much news of him and have used his being off the continent as a much-needed relief from His Most Heavy Presence.~

You see the Moon heading for Saturn, whose traditional authority may be gained by the Moon but there's an equally good chance of gaining depression as well or instead.

Actually Moon-Saturn is often an indicator of fame due to one's insatiable need for attention and validation which were not forthcoming in childhood.

Then there's the unaspected Uranus in 5th house of risk-taking which probably has tech connotations, being Uranus and all.

And Sun and Neptune are snugging up closely against NN so we have a picture...

Sun/Neptune = NN: support of the needy; deception within relationships.

We may hear more rhetoric concerning the needy, and Washington is nothing if not deceptive in relationships. Why, even blackmail is not unheard of!

Sun/Neptune is also pointing to the US natal Moon (Sibly): high impressionability; moodiness; emergence of the unconscious; external influences affect moods or feelings.

Well, there's a lot more info in this chart but the sandman has been whispering my name for hours--it's 2:27 how did that happen?

*3AQ is Jupiter's 10th house position on Inauguration Day 2008...Lady President and Bill the consort?

Feb 9, 2008

9/11 probe: Bush hid behind Zelikow

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government Feb 8, 2008

LegitGov Breaking News

9/11 inquiry head 'tried to shield George Bush' Feb 5, 2008

The head of the commission that investigated the Sept 11 terrorist attacks had closer ties to the White House than he admitted and tried to limit the Bush regime's responsibility for the incident, a book claims. Philip Zelikow, the 9/11 Commission's executive director, allegedly attempted to intimidate staff to avoid findings that would be damaging to President [sic] George W Bush, who was running for re-[s]election, and Condoleezza Rice, his then National Security Adviser.

[See: 911 oddities] #

Well, of course he did. Otherwise the outcome of the 9/11 "Report" would've been completely different than the obfuscating whitewash that it was.

Jan 6, 2008

McGovern weighs in on Bush administration

"People who think of government as the institution to entrust with enough power to right all the world's wrongs seem to never consider that they must thereby give it enough power to do wrong to all the world's rights. In fact, they seem NEVER to consider what the founders always thought was obvious: that the 'good guys' will NOT always be in charge!" --Bert Rand

Read this newsletter online at

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered Since The U.S. Invaded Iraq: 1,163,944

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq: 3,910:

The War in Iraq Costs: $483,439,870,165

See the cost in your community:

Why I Believe Bush Must Go

Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse

By George McGovern

As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.

Read McGovern's article at Information Clearing House#

Glad Mr. McGovern is weighing in at last, but I doubt the neocons and plutocrats are listening. But I am, are you?

George McGovern, born July 19, 1922, 3:00 am CST, Avon, SD) has recently completed his Uranus Return which happens to those who reach the 84-year milestone. It's a time of possible spiritual awakening if the spiritual has been ignored before--a renewal if already part of the life--and, it seems, of truth-telling. And it's when childhood issues (and perhaps memories) no longer hold sway as they once did. In effect: a letting go.

At 13Pis14 Rx, Mr. McGovern's triple Uranus Return dates are: April 17, 2006; Aug 23, 2006 (Rx); and Feb 7, 2007...Uranus is in 10th house natally.

The ongoing Mars Rx we are experiencing is upon his natal ASC as I type: 27Gem22. And since there are indications in his natal chart of pulmonary concerns, having tr Mars crossing and recrossing his natal ASC (physical body) may be difficult for him.

His Sun/MC midpoint (The Goal = 13Tau35) is conj US Inaugural ASC (noon, DC, Jan 20)...his goal in life was to be inaugurated president.

Yet Sun/Mars = (restrictive) Saturn: defeat in a contest; difficulties or obstacles in the profession.

Well, yes. And Saturn there may indicate his own party blocking his goals--the dastardly Ds! Of course, planetary archetypes must exist inwardly before they express outwardly, so perhaps McGovern had reservations any sane person who thinks of taking the job should. Run FROM the White House would be the better advice.

Here are a few details on McGovern's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus personality blend:

practical idealism; shrewd perceptions; belief in the worth of every individual; capacity for listening to others' needs; dependable; tenacious; artistic; fussy.

Images for Integration:

A family photo album...A painter captures the taste and smell of a landscape...A flourishing family business. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Sun in Cancer, sign of the family. Tonight I tip my hat toward Mr. McGovern who knows even more political secrets than he's now--finally--letting on, and I hope he enlightens America by spilling Washington's beans.